About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


I Is in Engliſh conſidered both as a vowel and
conſonant. I vowel has a long ſound, as fine,
thine, which is uſually marked by an e final ;
and a ſhort found, as fin, thin. Prefixed to e it
makes a diphthong of the ſame ſound with the ſoft i,
or double e, ee ; thus field, yield, are
ſpoken as feeld, yeeld. Subjoined to a or e it
makes them long, as fail, neigh. The ſound of i before
another i, and at the end of a word, is always expreſſed
by y. J conſonant has invariably the ſame ſound
with that of g in giant ; as jade, jet.

I. pronoun perſonal. [ik, Gothick ; ic, Sax.]
I, gen. me ; plural we, gen. uſ.]
1. The pronoun of the firſt perſon, myſelf. Shakʃpeare.
2. I is more than once, in Shakʃpeare, written for ay, or yeſ.

To JABBER. v. n. [gabbaren, Dutch.] To
talk idly, without thinking ; to chatter, Swift.

JA'BBERER. ʃ. [from jabber.] One who
talks inarticulately or unintelligibly. Hudibras.

JA'CENT. a. [jacens, Latin.] Lying at
length. Wotton.

JACINTH. ʃ. [for hyacinth, as Jeruſalem for Hieruſalem.l
1. The ſame with hyacinth.
2. A gem of a deep reddiſh yellow, approaching to a flame colour, or the deepeſt
amber. Woodward.

JACK. ʃ. [Jaques, French.]
1. The diminutive of John, Shakʃpeare.c,
2. The name of inſtruments which ſupply the place of a boy, as an inſtrument to pull off boots. Watts.
3. An engine which turns the ſpit. Wilkins.
4. A young pike. Mortimer.
5. [jacque, French.] A coat of mail. Hayward.
6. A cup of waxed leather. Dryden.
7. A ſmall bowl thrown out for a mark to the bowleſs. Berkley.
8. A part of the muſical inſtrumant called
a virginal. Bacon.
9. The male of animals, Arbuthnoc,
10. A f'jpport to faw wood on, /I'tif,
3. P a ii, The

21. The colours or enſign of a rtiip.
T2. A cunning fellow. Cleaveland.

JACK Boott. ſ. Boots which ſerve as armour. Spenſer.

JACK by the Hedge. ſ. An herb. Mortimer.

JACK Pudding, f.
[jack and pudding.] A
zani ; a merry Andrew, Guardian.
Jack tvith a Lat.tem. An ignis fatuut.

JACKALE'NT. ʃ. A ſimple fiieepiſh fellow.Shakʃpeare.

JACKA'L. ʃ. [chacal, French.] A ſmall
animal ſuppoſed to ſtart prey for the lyon. Dryden.

JA'CKANAPES. ʃ. [jack and ^/>f.]
1. Monkey ; an ape.
2. A coxcomb ; an impertinent. Arbuth.

JACKDA'W. ʃ. A cock daw ; a bird taught
to imitate the human voice. Watts.

JACKET. ʃ. [jacjuet, French.]
1. A ſhort coat ; a cloſe waiftcoat. Spenſer.
2. To beat one's Jacket, is to beat the
man. L'Eſtrange.

JA COB'j Ladder. ſ. The ſame with Greek

JA COB'j Staff, f.
1. A pilgrim's flaſt.
2. Staff concealing a dagger.
3. A croſs ſtaffj a kind of aſtrolabe.

JA'COBINE. ʃ. A pigeon with a high tuft. Ainsworth.

JACTITA'TION. ʃ. [;V;7//o, Latin.] Toffine
; motion ; refllelTneſs. Harvey.

JACULA'TION. ʃ. [jaculatio.'^ The zSt
of throwing miffive weapons. Milton.

JADE. ʃ.
1. A horſe of no ſpirit ; a hired horſe ; a
worthleſs liag, Pope.
3. A forry woman. Swift.

JADE. ʃ. A ſpecies of the jaſper. Hill,

To JADE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To tire; to haraſs; to diſpirit ; to
weary, Shakʃpeare.
2. To overbear ; to cruſh ; to dtgrjde.Shakʃpeare.
3. To employ in vile offices. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ride ; to rule with tyranny.Shakʃpeare.

To JADE. v. n. To loſe ſpirit ; to ſink. South.

JA'DISH. a. [from jide.]
1. Vicious ; bad, as an horſe. Southern.
2. Unchaſte ; incontinent. L'Eſtrange.

To JAGG. v. a. [gagaiVy ſlits or holes,
Welſh.] To cut into indentures ; to cut
into teeth like thoſe of a faw. M'Watts.

JAGG. ʃ. [from the verb.] A protuberance
or denticulation. Ray.

JA'GGY. a. [from jagg.'[Uneven ; denticulated. Addiſon.

JA'GGEDNESS. ʃ. iltorn fagged,^ The
ſtate of being denticulated ; unevenneſt.P.,

JAIL. ʃ. [geal, French.] A gaol ; a priſon.
- Dryden.

JA'ILBIRD. ʃ. [jail and hird.] One who
has been in a jail,

JAILER. ʃ. [from ja/A] The keeper of a
priſon. Sidney.

JAKES. ʃ. A houſe of office. Swift.

JA'LAP. ʃ. [jalap, French ; jalapiuvi, low
Latin.] J^lap is a firm and ſclid root, of
a faintiſh Imell, and of an acrid and nauſeous
taſte. It had its name jabpium, or
jalapa, from Xilapa, a town in N'ew Spain.
It is an excellent purgat;ve where ferous
humours are to be evacuated. Hill.

JAM. ʃ. A conſerve of fruits boiled with
ſugar and water.

JAMB. ʃ. [jami^e, French.] Any ſupporter
on either ſide, as the ports of a door. Moxon.

JA'MBICK. ʃ. [/aw/'/f«f, Latin.] Verfes
compoſed of a ſhort and long fyliable alternattiy. Dryden.

To JANGLE. v. «. [jangler, French.]
To altercate ; to quarrel ; to bicker in
words. Raleigh.

To JA'NGLE. v. a. To make to found
untuneable. Prior.

JA NGLER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A wrangling,
chattering, noify fellow.

JA'NIZARY. ʃ. [ATurkiſhword.] O.ne
of the guards of the Turkiſh king.

JA'NNOCK. ʃ. Oat- bread.

JA'NTY. a. [gentil, French.] Showy ; fluttering. SpiEJator,

JA'NUARY. ʃ. [Januarius, Latin.] The
firſt: month of the year. Peacham.

JAPA'N. ʃ. [from Japan in Afia.] Work
varniſhed and raiſed in gold and colours. Swift.

To JAPA'N. ʃ. a. [from the noun.]
1. To varniſh, and embelliſh with gold
and raiſed figures. Swift.
2. To black ſhoes. A low phraſe. Gay.

JAPA'NNER. ʃ. [from japan.l
1. One flcilled in japan work.
2. A ſhoeblacker. Pope. .

To JAR. v. n,
1. To ſtrike together with a kind of ſhort
2. To ſtrike or found untuneably, Roj'conwion.
3. To claſh ; to interfere ; to act in oppoſition. Dryden.
4. To quarrel ; to diſpute. Spenſer.

JAR. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A kind of rattling vibration of found. Hooker.
2. C!aſh ; diſcord ; debate. Spenſer.
3. A ſtate in which a door unfaſtened may
ſtrike the poll, Swift.
4. [G.urro.

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4. IGiarro, Italian.] An earthen vefle!.
y^'RDES. ſ. [French.] Hard callous tumours
in horiirs, a little below the bending
of the ham on the outſide. Farrier'' s DiH,

JA'RGON. ʃ. [^jargon, French.] Unintelligible
talk ; eabble ; gibberiſh. Bram.

JARGONELLE. ʃ. Sce Pear, of which
it is a ſpecies.

JA'SHAWK. ſ.A young hawk, Ainſworth.

JA'SMINE. ʃ. [jajrran, French.] A flower. Thomfon.:.

JA'SMINE Perfian. ſ. A plant.

JA'SPER. ʃ. [j'iſpe, Fr. :aſpn, Latin.] A
hard ſtone of a bright beautiful green colour,
ſometimes clouded with white.


JATROLE'PTICK. a. [ijtroleftique, Fr.
ittljo; and dXiitfii.'^ That which cures by

To JA'VEL. or jaik. v. a. To bemire ; to foil over with dirt.

JA'VEL. ʃ. [perhaps from the verb.] A
wandering fellow.

JA'VELIN. ʃ. [javeline, French.] A ſpear
or half pike, which anciently was uſed
either by foot or horſe. Addiſon.

JA'UNDICE. ʃ. [jaun'p, jaune, yellow,
Fr.] A dirtemper from obſtructions of the
glands of the liver, which prevents the gall
being duly ſeparated by them from the
blood. ^!'^<y.

JAUNDICED. a. [from jaundice.] Infected
with the jaundice. Pefe.

To J.A.UNT. v. ;;. [janter, French.] To
wander here and there ; to btiftle about.
- It is now always uſed in contempt or levity,Shakʃpeare.

JAUNT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Ramble; ſlight; excurſion. Milton.

JA''UNTINESS. ʃ. [from jaunty.] Airyneſs
; flutter ; genteelneſs. Mdij'on.

JAW. ʃ. [joue, a cheek, French.]
1. The bone of the mouth in which the
teeth are fixed. JFchgn. Grnv.
2. The mouth. Rozve.

JAY. ʃ. A bird. Pope. .

JA'ZEL. ʃ. A precious ſtone of an azure or
blue colour.

ICE. ʃ. [ip, Saxon ; eyfe. Batch.]
1. Water or other liquor made ſolid by cold. Locke.
2. Concreted ſugar.
3. To break the Ice. To make the firll
opening to any attempt. Peacharr. Hudi,
To ice. u. a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover with ice ; to turn to ice.
2. To cover va'.h concieted ſugar,

I'CEHOUSE. ʃ. [ue and Zoa/t.] A houſe
in which ice is repoffted,

ICHNE'UMON. ʃ. [Ix'ivfAX-i.] A ſmall
animal that breaks the eggs of the croco--

ICHNEUMONFLY'. ʃ. A ſort of fly,

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ICHNO'GRAPHY. ʃ. [:p^vS> and j-j.^V.]
The groundplot. Moxon.

I'CHOR. ʃ. [i;)(;w5.] A thin watery humour
like lerum. i^nincy

I'CHOROUS. a. [from ichor.] Sariious
thin ; undigerted. Harvey.

ICHTHYO'LOGY. ʃ. [ix^^'^'?'^-] The
do(?>rine of the nature of flih. Brtnur.

ICHTHYOPHAGY. ʃ. [}x^0'. and <^zy^.]
Diet of flih.

I'CICLE. ʃ. [from ice.] A ſhoot of ics
hanging down. Woodward.

rCINESS. ʃ. [from Aj.] The ſtate of generating

I'CON. y. [lixao;.] A pictureor repreſent.
itio!!. HakewelK

ICONOCLAST. ʃ. [£atov:-iXa-^,-.] A break.
er of imacies.

ICONO'LOGY. ʃ. [ionohgie, French ; tixa/v
and ?v = yi.] The doclrine of picture or repreſentation.

IC TE'RICAL. ʃ. [iHerus, Latin.]
1. Afflifted with the jaundice. Flayer,
2. Good agiinſt the jaundice.

I'CY. a. [from ice.]
1. Full of ice ; covered with ice ; cold; frofly. Pope. .
2. Cijld ; free from paHisn. Shakʃpeare.
3. Frigid ; backward. Shakʃpeare.

I'D. Cuntrafled for / TOoa/f/.

IDE'A. ʃ. [;Jsa.] Mental imagination. Dryden.

IDE'AL. a. [from idea.] Mental ; inteFleiElual. Cheyne.

IDE'ALLY. ad. [from ideal] Intellectually
; mentally. Brown.

IDENTICAL. v. a. [identique, French.]

IDE'NTICK. ʃ. The ſame ; implying tha
fame thing. Til/otfan,

IDENTITY. ʃ. [identitas, ſchool Latin.]
Sameneſs ; not diverſity. Prior.

IDES. ʃ. [tdus, Lat.] Atterm anciently
uſed among the Romans. It is the I3ti»
day of each month, except in the months
of March, May, July and October, in
which it is the 15th day, becauſe in theſe
four months it was fix days before the
nones, and in the others four days. Shak.

IDIO'CRACY. ʃ. [ih'^ and xpacrj;.] Pec
liiarity of conſtitution.

IDIOCR.A'TICAL. a. l{ifi)midiocr'acy.]^Pcculiar
in conſtitution.

I'DIOCY. ʃ. [iJio^li^.] Want of underſtanding.

I'DIOM. ʃ. [iJiaj,ua.] A mode of ſpeaking
peculiar to a language Or dialed. Dryden.

IDIOMA'TICAL. ʃ. a. [froiri idiom.] Pe-

JDIOMATICK. y culiar to a tongue; phiafeological. Speltator.

IDIO'PATHY. ʃ. [Hi-^and :ra£^.] A
jprimary difesfe that neither depends on nor
proceeJi /rem another. Sl-ircy.

IDIOSY'NCRASY. ʃ. [\h^, a6,, and
Xjas-;;.] A peculiar temper or diſpofirion
not common to another. SQuincy.

I'DIOT. ʃ. [JS-iaJr^:.] A fool ; a natural ; a changeJing. Samhs.

I'DlOTIbM. ʃ. [lhrJli:rf^h.]
1. Peculian;y of exprediOFi. Hale.
2. Folly ; natural imbeciJlity of iniiid,

I'DLE. a. [yoe!, Saxon.]
1. Lazy ; averſe from labour, BuH.
2. Not biify ; at leilure. Shakʃpeare.
3. Urirdtive; nor employed, jAddiſon.
4. Uſeieſs ; vain; ineffectual, Dryden.
5. Worthleſs; barren
; not productive of
^ood. Shakʃpeare.
6. Triſhng; of no importance. Hooker.

To IDLE. 1-. V. To luſe time in lazineſs
and inafiivity, Pritr.'

IDLEHE'ADED. a. [idle and bead.] Fooliſh
; unreaſonable. Cjrciv.

I'DLENESS. ʃ. [from id!e.]
1. Lazineſs ; llath ; lluggiſhneſs ; averſion
from labour. Scurh,
2. Abſence of employment. Sidney.
3. Omiſſion of bufmeſs. Shakʃpeare.
4. Unimportance ; triviaineſs,
5. Inefficacy ; ufLlefl'ners.
6. Barrenneſs; worthlcirneſs,
7. Unreaſonableneſs 3 want of judgment. Bacon.

IDLER. ʃ. [from Idle.] A lazy perſon ; a
. Raleigh.

I'DLY. ad. [from idle,']
1. Lazily; without employment.Shakʃpeare.
2. Fooliſhly ; in a trifling manner. Prior.
3. Careleſly ; without attention. Prior.
4. Ineſt'ectually ; vainly. Hooker.

ITDOL. ʃ. [£iSi)Aov; idolum, Latin.]
1. An image worſhipped as God, i Mat.
2. A counterfeit. ^ech,
3. An image. Dryden.
4. A repreſentation. Spenſer.
5. One loved or honouted to adoration. Denham.

IDO'LATER. ʃ. [idoklatra, Latin.] One
who pays divine honours to images ; one
who worſhips for Cod that which is not
God. Berkley.

To IDO'LATRIZE. v. a. [from idolamr.]
To worſhip idols, y^infrrorth.

JDO'LATROUS. a. [from idolater, ; Tending
to idolatry
; compriſing idolatry.

IDO'LATROU.SLY. ad. [from idolatr^vs.]
In an idolatrous manner. Hckr.

[idololatria, Latin.] The
worſhip of images. South.

I'DOLIST. ʃ. [from idol.] A worſhipper
of image?. Milton.

To I'DOLIZE. v. a. [JtoraidoI.] To love
or reverence to adoration. Denham.

IDO'NEOUS. a. l/doncui, Lain.] F;t
; ; E R
proper ; convenient, Boyle.

I'DYL. ʃ. [sliuXXtou] A ſmall ſhort poem.

I.E. foxidejl, or that ii, Locke.

JE'ALOUS. a. [jaloux, French.]
1. Swipicious in love, Dryden.
2. Emulous ; full of competition. Dryden.
3. Zealouſly cautious agiinſt diſhonnuf. _
I Kings.
4. Suſpiciouny vigilant. Clarenden.
5. Suſpiciouſly careful. Bacon.
6. .Suſpiciouſly fearful. Swift.

JE'ALOUSLY. I2J. [U.mjeahus.] Suſpiciouilv
; emuloirfly.

JE'ALOUSNESS. ʃ. [from jralcus.] The
ſtate of being jealous, King Charles.

JE'ALOUSY. ʃ. [jahufie, French.] '
1. Suſpicion in love. Dryden.
2. Suſpicious fear. Clarenden.
3. Suſpicious caution, vigilance, or rivalry.

To JEER. v. n. To fecff; to flout; to
make mocic. Herbert, Taylor.

To JEER. v. a. To treat with feoffs.

JEER. f. [from the verb.] Scoff; taunt; biting jeſt; flout. Swift.

JEERER. ʃ. [from J-'cr.] A ſcoffer ; a
fcomer ; a meeker,

JE'ERINGLY. ad. [from jeering.] Scornfully
; contemptuouſly, Denham.

JE'GGET. ʃ. Akindoffauſage, Ainſw.

JEHO'VAH. ʃ. [.-U'J The proper name
of God in the Hebrew language.

JEJU'NE. a. [jejunus, Latin.]
1. Wanting; empty; vacant. Bacon.
1. Hungry ; not ſaturated. Brown.
3. Dry ; unaffectlng. Boyle.

JEJU'NENESS. ʃ. [Irom yjune.]
1. Penury ; poverty. Bacon.
2. Dryneſs ; want of matter that can eng,-
igp the attention.

JE'LLIED. a. Glutinous; brought to a ſtate
of viCcofity. Cleaveland.

JE'LLY. ʃ. [gelat'tmm, h^im.] See Gel-

1. Any thing brought to a ſtate of glutinouſneſs
and viſcoſity. Shakʃpeare.
2. Sweetmeat made by boiling ſugar. Pope. .

JENNETING. ʃ. [corrupted from Juneting.]
A ſpecies of apple ſoon ripe. Mortimer.

JE'NNET. ʃ. [See Gennet.] A Spaniſh
horCe. Prior.

To JEOPARD. v. a. To hazard; to put
in danger. ~ Mac.

JE'OPARDOUS. a. [{rom jeopardy.] Hizardou?
; dangerous,

JE'OPARDY. ſ. [feu perdu.] Hazard ; danger ; peril. Bacon.

To JERK. v. tf. [jep-ccan, Saxon.] To
f^rike with a quick. Imart blow ; to lafli. Swift.

To JERK. v. n. To ſtrike -Hjf . Dryden.

JERK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſmart cjuick Jarti. Dryden.
2. A fiiddeii I'pring ; a quick jolt that
ſho.ks or ſtarts. Ben. Johnſon.

JE'RKEN. ʃ. [cyjatelkin, Saxon.] A jacket
; a ſhort codc. South.

JE RKIN. I. A kind of hawk. Atvjiuoyth,

JE'RSEY. ʃ. [from riie iſland of Jerfey.
where much yarn is ipun.j Fine ;'arn of

JESS. ʃ. [gea'e, French.] Short ſtraps of
leather lied about the Ifgs of a hawk, with
which ſhe is held un the fift,

JESSAMINE. ʃ. [See Jasmine.] A
fragrant flower. Spenſer.

JE'SSE. n. [author, Finnish.]
This is a control
entry added to this Johnson's Dictionary
in case people copy it to other sites.
It goes without say, this was never in the original.

JERU SALEM Artichoket. ſ. Sunflower, of
which they are a ſpecies. Mortimer.

To JEST. v.v. [ge;t,(ulor, Latin.] To divert
or make meiry by words or attinns.Shakʃpeare.

JEST. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Any thing ludicrous, or meant only to
raiſe laughter. Tilloton,
2. The object of jeſts ; laughing-flock. Sh,
3. Manner of doing or ſpeaking feigned,
not real. Crtiu,

JESTER. f. [from ;?/?.]
1. One given to merrment and pranks. 5/5.
2. One given to ſarcaſm. Swift.
3. Buffoon ; jackpudding. Spenſer.

JEr. ſ. [gsjit, Saxon ]
^-i^^^cj, Latin.]
1. jet is a very beautiful foflil, of a firm
and very even ſtrufliire, and of a ſmooth
(urface ; found in ma/Tes, lodged in clay.
It is of a fine deep black colour, having a
grain reſembling that of wood.
Drayton. Swift.
2. [Jet, French.] A ſpout or ſhooc of
water. Blackmore.
3. A yard. Obſolete. 7//_//fr.

To JET. v. n.
j<rter, French.]
1. To ſti'iot forward ; to ſhoot Out; to
intrude; tojutiut. Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſtrut ; to agitate the body by a
proud gait, Shakʃpeare.
3. To jolt ; to be ſhaken. Wiſeman.

JETSAM.? ʃ. [;W/£r, French.] Goods

JE'TSON. ^ which, having been cafl over
board in a rtorm, or after ſhipwreck, are
thrown upon the more. Bailey.

JE'TTY. a. [fron.^Vr.]
1. Made of jet,
2. Bhck at jet. Brown.

JE'WEL. f.
[j^yu.'C, French ; jetveeUn,
1. Any ornnment of great value, uſed
commonly of luch as are adorned with precious
ſtones. South.
2. A precious ſtone ; a gem. Pope.
3. A name of fondneſs. Shakʃpeare.

JEWEL-HOUSE. or Office. ſ. The' place
wiieie the regal ornaments are repoſited. Shakʃpeare.

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JE'WELLER. ʃ. [from jewel.] One who
tra flicks in piecious ſtones. Boyle.

JEWS EARS. ſ. [from its reſemblance of
the human ear. Skinner. ; A fungus,
tough and thin ; and naturally, while
growing, of a rumpled figure, like a fi.t
and variouſly hollowed cup ; from an inch
to two inches in length, and about two
thirds of its length in breadth. The cunimon
people cure theniſelves of fore tiiioats
with a decoaion of it in milk. Ilill.

JEWS-MALLOW. ʃ. [corchorus, Latin.]
An herb.

JEWS-STONE. ʃ. An extraneous foffil,
being the clavated (pine of a very large
cgg.ſhaped iea-urchin, petrified by long lying
in the earth. It is of a regular figui'e,
oblong aii« roundcfd, ſwelling in the middle,
and gradually upering to each end.

JEWS-HARP. r. A kind of muſical inſtrument
held between the teeth,

IF. conjui.a;on. [jp, Saxon.]
1. Suppoſe that ; allowing that. Hooker.
2. Whether or no. Prior.
3. Though I doubt whether ; ſuppoſe it
be granted that. Boyk.

IGNEOUS. a. [i^wai, Latin.] Firy ; containing
fire ; emitting fire. Glanville.

IGNI'POTENT. a. [ignis and pot:ns,Ln.-\
Freſiding over fire. Pope. .

I'GA'IS FA-TL-L'S. f. [Latin.] WiH with
the uiſp ; Jack with the lantern.

To IGNITE. 1/, a. [from ig'iis, Latin.] To
kindle ; to ſet on fire. Crew.

IGNI'TION. ʃ. [igninon, French.] The
act of kuiilling, or of letting en fire. Boyle.

IGNT'TIBLE. a. [from ignue.] Infl^mmable
; capable of being ſet on fire. Brown.

IGNIVOMOUS. a. [igtii'votnitt, Latin.]
Vomiting fire. Denham.

IGNO'ELE. a. [ignobilis, Latin.]
1. Mean of birth ; not noble. Dryden.
2. Worthleſs ; not deferving honour.Shakʃpeare.

IGNO'BLY. fli. [from ignoble.] Ignominiouſly
; meanly; diſhon )urably. Dryden.

IGNOMI'NIOUS. a. [tgmntinieux, Fr.
igncminiojus, Lat.] Mian ; ſhameful ; reproachful. Milton.

IGNOMrNIOUSLY. ad. [frr,m igr.omni.
car.] Meanly ; ſcandalouſly ; dtfgraccfully. South.

IGNOMINY. ʃ. [ignomiraa, Latin.] Dilgrace
; reproach; ſhame. MiUan,

IGNORAMUS. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. Ignoramus is a word properly uſed by the
grand incjueil impannelled in the inquiſition
of cauſes Criminal and publick ; and
written upon the bill,whereby any crime
is offered to their confideration, when iliey

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tniſhke their evidence as defective, or
too weak to make good the preſentment
al! inquiry upon that piriy, for that fault,
ii thereby flopped, and he delivered.
2. A fooliſh fellow ; a vain uninſtructed
pretender. South.

IGNORANCE. ʃ. [ignorance, French.]
3. Want of knowledge ; unſkilfulneſs. Hooker.
2. Want of knowledge diſcovered by external
effect. In this itnit it has a plural.
Common prayer.

IGNORANT. a. [ig'wrars, Utin.]
1. Wanting knowledge ; unlearned ; unjnllrudfd. Shakʃpeare.
2. Unknown ; undiſcovered. Shakʃpeare.
3. Without knowledge of fomt particular. Bacon.
4. Unacquainted with. Dryden.
5. Ignorantly made or ifone.Shakʃpeare.

I'GNORANT. ʃ. One untaught, unlettered,
uniiirtriitied. Denham.

IGNORANTLY. ad. [frbm ignorant,; Without knowledge ; unſkilfully ; without
information. Dryden.

To IGNO'RE. -u. a. [igr.orcr. French. ; Not
to know ; to be ignorant of. Boyle.

IGNO'SCIBLE. a. [igmjcibilis, Latin.] Cjpable
of pardon.

JIG. ʃ. [wf2. Italian.] A I'ght careleſs
dance, or lune. Spenſer. Pof<e,

To TIG. ʃ. ?!. [from the noun.] To dance
careleſly ; to dance. Locke.

jrCMAKER. ʃ. [jig and make.] Oaewho
dances or plays merrily. Shakʃpeare.

J'IGGUMBOB. ʃ. [A cant word.] A tr nket
; a knick-knack. Hudibras.

JILT. ʃ. [Perhaps from gii/a, or gillot, the
diminutive of gtll, the ludicrous name for
a woman.]
1. A woman who gives her lover hopes,
and deceives him. Otway.
2. A name of contempt for a woman. Pope. .

To JILT. v. a. [from the noun.] To trick
a man by flattering his love with hopes. Locke.

To JI'NGLE. v. n. To clink ; to found
correſpondently. Shakʃpeare.

TI'NGLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Coreſpondent ſounds, Dryden.
2. Anyr thing founding ; a rattle ; a bell. Bacon.

ILE. ʃ. ['>>Jie) French.] A walk or alley in
a church or publick builling,Pope. .

ILE. ʃ. ['Jie, French.] An ear of corn.

[Latin.] The twitting of the
gats. Arbuthnot.

ILEX. ʃ. [Latin.] The ſcarlet oak.

ILIAC. a. [tltaoſs, Latin.] Relating to
the lowisr bowils. F'»/yir.

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'LIAC Pi'Jfion. ſ. A kind of nervous cho-
Jick, whuſe feat is the ilium, whereby
that gut is twiſted, or one part enters the
cavity of the part immediately below or abivc.

ILK. ad. [ealc, Saxon.] Eke ; alſo. It is
ftill retained in Scotland: ilk ane of you,
every one of you. It alſo Signifies the
fame ; as, Macititijjh of that ilk, denotes a
gentleman whoſe furn<<n.e and the title of
his eſlate are the ſame.

ILL. a. [contracted from Evil.]
1. Bad in any reſpect ; contrary to good,
whether phyſical or mural ; evil. Bacon.
2. Sick
; diſturbed ; not in health. Temple.

ILL. ʃ.
1. Wickedneſs. Bacon.
2. Misfortune ; miſery, Tate.

ILL. ad.
1. Not well ; not rightly in any reſpect. Dryden.
2. Not eaſily. Milton.

ILL. ſubſtantive or adverb, is uſed in compoſition
to expreſs any bad quality or condition.

IL. before words beginning with /, flando foT

ILLA'CHRYMABLE. a. [illjchrymabilis,
Latin.] Incapable of weeping. DiS.

ILLA'PSE. ʃ. -[dlapfus, Latin.]
1. Gradual immiihon or entrance of one
thing into another. ISIorrii,
2. Sudden attack ; caſual coming.

To ILLA'QUEATE. v. a. [Hhqueo, Lat.]
To entangle ; to entrap ; to enlnare. More.

ILLAQLIEA'TION. ʃ. [from illa^ueate.]
1. The act of catching or enfnaring. Brown.
2. A fnare ; any thing to catch.

ILLA'TION. ʃ. [iliatio, Latin.] Inference
conclufion drawn from premiſes. Locke.

ILLATIVE. a. [ilhfus, Latin.] Relating
to illation or conclufion. Watts.

ILLA'UDABLE. a. [ilLudabiUs, Latin.]
Unworthy ; of praiſe or commendation. Milton.

ILLA'UDABLY. ad. [{tomillaudable.] Unworthily
; without deferving praiſe. Broome.

ILLE'GAL. a..]in anilegalis, Latin.] Contrary
to law. Swift.

ILLEGA'LITY. ſ.[from illegal.] Contrariety
to law. Clarendon.

ILLE'GALLY. ad. [from illegal.] In a
manner contrary to law.

ILLEGIBLE. a. [<n and hgibilis, [from
leiro, Latin. jWhat cannot be read. lio-ii>e!.

ILLEGITIMACY. ſ. [from tl!egitimute,\
State of baltardv,

ILLEGITIMATE. a. [in and UgitimuSi
Latin.] Unlawfully begotten ; not begotten
in wedlock. Cleavehnd,

ILLEGITIMATELY. ad. [from illegnimaft-;
Not in wedlock.

ILLEGI'TIMATION. ʃ. [from illegiiU
mate,^ The rtace of one not begotten in
wedlock. Bacon.

ILLE'VIABLE. ad. [kver^ French.] What
cannot be levied or exactled. Ha.'e,

ILLFA'VOURED. a. Deformed.

ILLFA'VOUREDLY. ad. With deformity.


ILLI'BERAL. a. [ilHberalis, Latin.]
1. Not noble
; nocingerous. King Charles.
2. Not munificent ; not generous ; ſparing. Woodward.

ILLIBERA'LITY. ʃ. [from illiberal.] Parfimonv
; niggardlineſs. Bacon.

ILLIBERALLY. ad. [from illiitral.] Diſingenuouſly
; meanly. Decay of Piety.

ILLI'CIT. a. [illuitus, Latin ; illiate, Fr' ;

To ILLI'GHTEN. v. a. [in and lighten.]
To enlighten ; to illuminate. Raleigh.

ILLI'MITABLE. a. [m and lima, LaMn.]
That which cannot be bounded or limited.

ILLI'MITARLY. ad. [from illimitable.]
Without ſuſceptibility of bounds,

ILLI'MITED. a. [illimiie, French.] Unbounded
; interminable.

ILLI'MITEDNESS. ʃ. [trom;7//«//«^.] Exemption
from all bounds. Clarendon.

ILLITERATE. «. [ilhteratui,Latin.] Unlettered
; untaught ; unlearned. Wotton.

ILLI'TERATENESS. ſ. [from illiterate..
Want of learning ; ignorance of ſcience. Boyle.

ILLI'TERATURE. ʃ. [in and literature.
1. Want of learning. Ayliffe.

I'LLNESS. ʃ. [from ;//]
1. Badneſs or inconvenience of any kind,
natural or moral. Locke.
2. Sickneſs ; malady ; diſorder of health. Atterbury.
3. Wickedneſs. Shakʃpeare.

ILLNA'TURE. ʃ. [/'// and naiwe.] Habitual
malevolence. South.

ILLNATURED. a. [from lUnaiire.]
1. Habitually malevolent ; wanting kindneſs
or goodwill ; miſchievous, South.
2. Untractable ; not yielding to culture. Philips.

ILLNA'TUREDLY. ad. [from Hhatured.]
la a peeviſh, forward manner.

ILLNA'TUREDNESS. ʃ. [fnni iHnatuſed.]
Want of kindly diſpoliuofl.

II.LO'CICAL. a. [m and hgi:al ]
1. Ignorant or r.egigeni of the rv-les of
Kiinnini, ff\i!(on.
2. Contrary to the rules of reaſon.
Decay of Piety.

ILLO'GICALLY. ad. [from illogical.] in
a manner contrary to the laws of argument.

To ILLU'DE. v. a. [illudo, Latin.] to
deceive ; to mock. Spenſer.

To ILLU'ME. v. a. [iſhminer, French.]
1. To enlighten ; to illuminate.Shakʃpeare.
2. To brighten ; to adorn. Thomfon.

To ILLU'MINE. v. a. [lUuminer, French.]
1. To enlighten ; to ſupply with light. Milton.
2. To decorate ; to adorn. Pope. .

To ILLU'MINATE. v. a. [illuminer. Ft.]
1. To enlighten ; to ſupply with light. Spenſer.
2. To adorn with feſtal lamps or bonfires,
3. To enlighten intellectually with knowledge
or grace, Sandys.
4. To adorn with pictures or itlitial letters
of various colours.
5. To illuilrate. Watts.

ILLUMINATION. ʃ. [illaminatio, Lat.]
1. The act of ſupplying with light.
2. That which gives light. Raleigh.
3. Feftal lights hung out as a token of
joy. Dryden.
4. Brightneſs ; ſplendour. Felton,
5. Infuſion of intellectual light ; knowledge
or grace. Hooker.

ILLU'MINATIVE. a. [illuminatif, Fr,
from illuminate.] Having the pi)wer to
give light. Digby,

ILLUMINATOR. ʃ. [from illuminate.]
1. One who gives light.
2. One whoſe buſineſs it is to decorate
books with pidures at the beginning of
chapters. Feiton,

ILLU'SION. ʃ. [illufio, Lat.] Mockery ; falſe ſhow ; counterfeit
appearance ; errour.Shakʃpeare.

ILLU'SIVE. a. [from ///.//«, Latin.] Deceiving
by falſe ſhow. Blackmore.

I'LLU'^ORY. a. [liiuoire, Fr.] Dsceiving
; fraudulent. Locke.

To ILLU'STRATE. t-, a. [ilhijlro, Latin.]
1. To brighten with light.
2. To brighten with honour. Milton.
3. To explain ; to clear ; to elucidate. Brown.

ILLUSTRATION. ʃ. [from illufirate.]
Explanation ; elucidation ; expoſition.

ILLUSTRATIVE. a. [from illufirate.]
Having the quality of elucidating or clearing. Brown.

ILLU'STRATIVELY. ad. [from ilhſtrati-
ve] By way of explanation. Browk.

ILLU'STRIOUS. a. [///«/?w, Latin.] Conſpiruou'
; noble,^ eminent for excellence. South.

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ILLU'STRTOUSLY. ad. [from ilJuJl-hus.] IMBI'BER. ſ. [from imbibe.] That which
Conſpicuouſly ; nobly ; eminently
Atterbury. Pope. .

ILLU'STRIOUSNESS. /, [froir. ilfufirioui.]
Eminence; robil ty ; grandeur.

I'M. Contraif^ed from lam.
IM is uſetl commonly, in compoſition, for in
before miife letters.

IMAGE. ʃ. [image, French; imago, Lat.]
1. Any corporeal repreſentation, generally
uſed of ſtatues ; a ſtatue ; a p:ftuie. South.
2. An idol; a falſe gnd.
3. A copy ; repreſentation ; lik-nffs.Shakʃpeare.
4. Serr.blartce ; ſhnw ; appearance. Shakʃpeare.
5. An idea ; a repreſentation of any thing
to the mind. Watts.

To I'MAGE. v. a. [from the nnun.] To
ctpv by the fincv ; to imagine. Dryden.

PMAGERY. ʃ. [from nn^ge.]
1. Sinſible repreſentations
; piiSures ; fJatue?. Spenſer.
2. 'Show ; appearance. Prior, Rogers.
3. Copies of the fancy ; falſe idea? ; imaginnry
phantafms. Atterbury.
4. Rppreſentations in writing. Dryden.
drinks or ſucks. Arbuthnot.

IMBIBITION. f. [imbibition, French, from
imbibe.] The act of ſucking or drinking in. Bacon, Boyle.

To IMBI'TTER. a». a. [from ^mer.]
1. To make bitter.
2. To deprive of pleaſure; to make unhappy. Addiʃon.
3. To exaſperste.

To IMBO'DY. v. a. [from body.]
1. To condenfe to a body.
2. To invert with matter. Dryden.
3. To bring together into one maſs or company.
4. To incinfe. Improper. Woodward.

To IMBO'DY. v. 71. To unite into one
mafs ; to coaleſce. Milton, Locke.

To IMBO'IL. v. a. [from boil.] To exeihiate
; to efſervefce. Spenſer.

To IMBO'LDEN. v. a. [from bold.] To
raiſe to confidence ; to encourage. Shakʃpeare.

To IMBO'SOM. v. a. [from bofom.]
1. To hold on the bofom ; to cover fondly
with the folds of one's garment. Milton.
2. To admit to the heart, or to atteſtion. Sidney.

IMA'GINARLE. o. [imaginable, Yiinch.]

To IMBO'UND. v. a. [J:om bound.] To
P(arible to be conceived. Tillotſon. incioſe ; to ſhut m. Shakʃpeare.

IMA'CrNANT. a. [imagir.ant, Yttmh.] To IMBO W. v. a. [from boiu.] Toirch-y
I.mani-iing; forming ideas. Bacon. to vault. Milton.

IMAGINARY. a. [imagmaire, French.] IMBO WMENT. ſ. [hoiaimbow.] Arch; Fancied ; viſionary ; e.]ifting only in the ^^'t^- Bacon.
imaaJnation, Raleigh.

To IMBO'WER. t. <j. [from ^ewfr.] To

IMA'GINATION. ʃ. [iKjginatlo, Latin.] cover with a bower ; to ſhelter with trees.
1. Fancy; the power of forming ideal pic- Thomfon.
tures; the power of repreſenting things

To IMERA'NGLE. v. a. To intangle, A
abſent to one's felf or others, 'w word. Hudibras, Dennis, Pope. . INBRI'C.'^TED. a. [from imbrex, Latin.]
2. Coaception ; image in the mind ; idea. Indented with concavities. Sidney. IMBRICATION,/, [imbrex, Lu\n.] Con.
1. Contrivance; ſcheme. Lorn. cavp mdentme. Denham.

TMA'GINATIVE a. [mu^ginatif, Yxench ,

To IMBRO'WN. t.^. [from brown.] To
Fantartick ; full of ima- i^J^e brown ; to darken; to obſcure ; to. Bacon. Taylor. c'ſurf. Milton, Pope. .

To IMBRUE. v. a. [from in and hrue.]
from in:agire.]
gi nation.

To IMA'GINE. f. a. [imn^ir.cr, French.]
1. To fancy ; to paint in the mind. Locke.
;. To ſcheme ; to contrive. Pſ.

T^fAGINER. ſ. [from ;m.'7o-;>;£'.] One who
forms ideis. Bacon.

IMBE'CILE. a. [imbedln, Latin.] Weak ; leeble ; wanting fliength of either mind or

To IMBE'CILE. v. a. To weaken a flock
or tortimi' by clandeſtine expences. Tavigr,

rEECI'LITY. ſ. [imbeci/liie, French.]
Weakness ; feebleneſs of mind or body. Hooker. MWoodward.

To IMBIBE. -7^ a. [ii-iih. Latin.]
1. To drink in ; to draw in. 5;t7/}.
2. To adnnit into 'hr mind. Waits,
3. To dieach ; to loak, ifewien.
1. To ſteep ; to fock ; to wet much or
long. Oanjja.
2. To pour ; to emit moiſture. Cbſolete. Spenſer.

To IMBRUTE. I), a. [from ^rwf^.] To
di'grade to brutality. Milton.

To IM BRUTE. f.n. To ſink down to
brutality. Milton.

To IMBU'E v. a. [imbuo, Latin.] To
tincture deep ; to imbibe with any liquor
or die. Digby. Boyle. Wo^d-.card.

To IMBU'RSE. v. a. [bourſe, French.] To
fiock with money.

IMITABI'LITY. ʃ. [imitnbilis, Latin.] The
qualirv of being imitable. JS'orris.


I'MITABLE. a. [imitabilis, Latin.]
1. Worthy to be imitated. Raleigh.
2. PofTible to be imitated. Atterbury.

To I'MITATE. v. a. [iinitor, Latin.]
1. To copy ; to endeavour to reſemble.
2. To counterfeit. Dryden.
3. To pur^je the courſe of a compoſition,
fo as to u(e parallel images and examples.

IMITA'TION. ʃ. [imllalio, Latin.]
1. The act of copying ; attempt to reſemble. Dryden.
2. That which Is offered as a copy.
3. A method of tranſlatinglooſer than paraphraſe,
in which modern examples and
illuſtrations are uſed for ancient, or domeſtick
for foreign. Dryden.

IMITATIVE. a. [imitatr'vus, Latin.] Inclined
to copy, Dryden.

IMITA'TOR. ʃ. [Latin ; imitateur, Fr.]
Oie that copies another ; one that endeavours
to reſemble another. Dryden.

IMMA'CULATE. a. [mm.^culatus, Latin.]
1. Spotleſs ; pure , undetiled. Bacon.
2. Pure ; limpid. Improper. Shakſp.

To IMMA'NACLE. v. a. [from 7nanacle.]
To fetter ; to confine. Milton.

IMiMA'NE. a. [/wwan/j, Latin.] Vaft;prodigiouſly

I'MMANENT. a. [in and maneo, Latin.]
Intrinſick ; inherit; internal. Scuib.

IMMA'NIFEST. <J. [imndmanijej}.] Not
manifcll ; not plain. Brown.

IMMA'NITY. ʃ. [immanitas, Latin.] Barbarity
; ſavageneſs. Shakʃpeare.

IMMARCE'SSIELE. a. [in and ma'cefro,
Latin.] Unfading.

IMMA'RTIAL. a. [;n and martial.] Not
warlike. Chipman.

To IMMA'SK. v. a. [in and m/7/.] To
cover ; to diſguiſe, Shakʃpeare.

IMMMATE'RIAL. a. [irr.mjtenel, Fr.]
; . Incorporeal ; dillinſt from matter ; void of matter. Hooker.
2. Unimportant; without weight ; impertinent; without relation.

IMMATERIALITY. f. [from immaterial.]
Incorporeity ; diſtinctneſs from body or
matter. Watts.

IMMATE'RIALLY. ad. [from immaterial.]
In a manner not depending upon
matter. Brown.

IMMATE'RIALIZED. a. [from tn and
materia, Latin.] D/flinift from matter ;
incorporeal. Glanville.

IMMATE'RIALNESS. ʃ. [from -.mmateri.
ai] Diſtinctneſs from matter.

IMMATE'RIATE. a. [imnd materia,LzX.]
Not confiding of matter ; incorporeal
; without body. Bacon.

IMMATU'RE. a. [immaturuf, Latin.]
1. Not ripe.

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2. Not perfect ; not arrived at fulIneſs or
completion. Dryden.
3. Halty; early; come to paſs before the
natural time. Taylor.

IMMATU'RELY. ad. [from immature.]
Too ſoon ; too early ; before ripeneſs or

IMMATU'RENESS. ʃ/. [from immature.-\

IMMATURITY. ʃ. Unripeneſs; incompleteneſs
; a ſtate ſhort of completion. Glanville.

IMMEABI'LITY. ʃ. [immeabilis, Latin.]
Want of power to paſs. Arbuthnot.

IMME'ASURABE. a. [in and meaj'ure.]
Immenfe; not to be meaſured ; indefinitely
extenfive. Hooker.

IMMEASURABLY. ad. [from immeaſu,.
table.] Immenfely; beyond all meaſure.

IMMECHA'NICAL. a. [in and mechanical.]
Not according to the Jaws of mechanicks,

IMMEDIACY. f. [from immediate.] Ferfonal
greatneſs ; power of aiſing without
dependance. Shakʃpeare.

IMME.DIATE. a. [immediat, French; ttt
and medius, Latin.]
1. Being in ſuch a ſtate with reſpect to
ſomething elſe as that there is nothing between
them. Burnet.
2. Not acting by ſecond cauſes. Abbott
3. Inftants preient with regard to time. Prior.

IMME'DIATELY. ad. [from immediate..
1. Without the intervention of any other
cauſe or event. South.
2. Inftantly ; at the time preſent ; without
delay. Shakʃpeare.

IMME'DIATENESS. ʃ. [from inmcdiate.]
1. Frefence with regard to time.
2. Exemption from ſecond or intervening

IMME'DICABLE. a. [immedicabilis, Latin.
not to be healed ; mcurable. Milton.

IMME'MORABLE. a. [immemorabilis^ Lat.]
Not worth remembring.

IMME'MORIAL. a. [immemorial, French.]
Part time of memory ; ſo ancient that the
beginning cannot be traced. Hale.

IMMENSE. a. [immenfe, French.] Unlimited
; unbounded ; infinite. Gretu.

IMME'NSELY. ad. [from immnfe.] Infinitely
; without meaſure. Berkley.

IMME'NSITY. ʃ. [immenſite',?rtnch.] Unbounded
greatneſs ; infinity. Blackmore.

IMMENSURABILITY. ʃ. [from immen.
menfurable.] Impcflibility lobe meaſured.

IMMEASURABLE. a. [m and mc«fura.
bills. Latin.] Not to be meaſured.

TO IMME'RGE. v. a. [immergo, Latin.; ;
To put under water.

IMME'RIT. ʃ. [immeriio, Latin.] Want
of worth ; want of deſert, Suckling.
3. Q^a IMMS^-RSE.

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IMPEN'ETRABI'UTY. ſ. [mpenetralilite\
1. Quality of not being pierceable.
2. Inſuſceptibility of intellectual impreſſion

IMPENETRABLE. a. [impenetrable, Fr.]
1. Not to be pierced ; not to be entered
by any external force. Dryden.
2. Impervious ; not admitting entrance. Locke.
'I. Not to be tavight; not to be informed.
4. Not to be affected ; not to be moved; Taylor.

IMPE'NETRABLY. ad. [Srotniir.penetraile.]
With hardneſs to a degree incapable of impreſſion.

IMPE'NITENCE. ?/. [impemtetice,Yjench.A.

IMPE'NITENCY. i Obduracy; want of
remorſe for crimes ; final diſregard of
God's threatenings or mercy. Rogers.

IMPE'NITENT. a. [impenitent, French.]
in &a& pc'iiient.^ Finally negligent of the
duty of repentance} o^xluiate. Hooker, Hammond.

IMPE'NITENTLY. ad. [from impenitent,.
Obdurately; without repentance. Hamm.

IMPE'NNOUS. fl» [in and penna, Latin.]
Wanting wings. Brown.

1'MPEK.ATE. a. [imferatus, Latin.] Done
with confciouſneſs ; done by direction of
the mind. South, Hale.

IMPE'RAXr/E. e. [imperatif, Fr. tmpcra-
/i-Km, Latin.] Commanding ; fxpreſſive of
command, Clarke.
KVfPERCE'PTIBLE. a. [imperceptible, 'Pr..
Not to be diſcovered ; not to be perceived. Woodward.

IMPERCE'PTIBLENESS. ʃ. [from imperceptible.]
The quality of eluding obſervation.

IMPERCE'PTIBLY. ad. [from impercept.
ible.] In a manner not to be perceived. Addiʃon.

IMPE'RFECT. a. [imperfectus, Lati:).]
1. Not complete ; not abſolutely finiſhed
; defeilive. Boyle, Locke.
2. Frail ; not completely good.

IMPERFECTION. ʃ. [mperfection, Fr.
from imperfia.] Dtfeii ; failure; fauit,
whether pbyTical or moral. Addiʃon.

KVIPE'RFECi LY. ad. [from imperf.a.]
Not completely ; not fully ; not without
failuve. SttpKey. Locke.

IMPE'RFORABLE. a. [imndperfore, Lat.]
Not to be bored through.

IMPE'RFORATE. a. [in and perforatus,
Latin.] Not pierced through; without a
hole. Shakſp.

IMPE'RIAL. a. [imperial, French.]
1. Royal; pollelling royalty. Shakſp.
2. Betokening royalty ; marking fove.
3j Belonging to an emperor or monarch S
regal ; royal ; monarchical. Dryden.

IMPERIALIST. ʃ. [from imperial.] One
that belongs to an emperour. Knolles.

IMPE'RIOUS. a. [imperieux, French.]
1. Commanding; tyrannical; authoritative
; haughty ; arrogant ; alluming com -
mand. Locke.
2. Powerful ; aſcendant ; overbearing.

IMPERIOUSLY. ad. [from imperious.]
With arrogance of command ; with infolence
of authority. Garth.

IMPE'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from imperious.]
1. Authority; air of command. Sidney.
2. Arrogance of command. Locke.

IMPE'R/SHABLE. a. [imperijfable, Fr.]
Not to be deſtroyed. Milton.

IMPERSONAL. a. [impirfonaUs, Latin.]
Not vaiied according to the perſons,

IMPE'RSONALLY. ad. [from impirfoiial.]
According to the manner of an imperſond

IMPERSUA'SIBLE. a. [in and perſua/ibilii,
Latin.] Not to be moved by perſuafion. Decay of Piety.

IMPE'RTINENCE. ʃ. [impertinence,

1. That which is of no preſent weight; that which has no relation to the matter
in hand. Bacon.
2. Folly ; rambling thought. Shakſp.
3. Tronbleſome:;el5 ; intrufion. Wotton.
4. Trifle; thing of no value. Evelyn.

IMPE'B.TINENT. a. [impertinenl, Fr. in
and partinens, Latin.]
1. Of no relation to the matter in hand ; of no weight. Milton.
2. Importunate ; inlruſive ; meddling, Pope.
3. Fool)ſh ; trifling.

IMPE'RTINENT. ʃ. A trifler ; a medler ;
an intruder. L'Eſtrange.

IMPE'RTINENTLY. ad. [from impertinent.]
1. Without relation to the preſent matter.
2. Tioubleſomely jofficiouſly ; intruſively.

IMPERVIOUS. a. [inpervius, Latin.]
1. UnpalTable ; impenetrable. Boyle.
2. InaccefSble. Perhaps impioperly uſed. Pope. .

IMPE'RVIOUSNESS. /. [from iwpervioui.]
The ſtate of not admitting any paſſage.

IMPERTRA'NSIBILITY. ʃ. [' and per.
travfeo, Latin.] Impoſſibility to be pallVd
through. Hale.

IMPETI'GINOUS. a. [froirt impetigo, Lat.)
Scurfy ; covered with ſmall (cabs.

I'MPETRABLE. a. [impetrabilis, ſtomimpcfro,
Lat.] Pofſible to be obtained. Z)fl.

To IMPiITRATE. v. a. [impetro, Latin.]
To obtain by intreaty.


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IMPETRATION. ʃ. [mpetratio, Latin.]
The act of obtaining by prayer or intreaty. Taylor.

IMPETUOSITY. ʃ. [from imfHuous.]
1. Violence ; fury ; vehemence ; force. Shakʃpeare, Clarendon.

IMPB'TUOUS. a. [mpnuiux, Fr. from
impetu!, Latin.]
1. Violent; forcible; fierce. Prior.
2. Vehement ; paſſionate, Rowe.

IMPETUOUSLY. ad. [from m{>etuous.]
Violently ; vehemently. Addiſon.

IMPE'TUOUSNESS. ʃ. [from impetuous.]
Violence ; fury. Decay of Piety.

IMPETUS. ʃ. [Latin.] Violent tendency
to any point ; violent effort. Berkley.

IMPIE'RCEABLE. a. [w and pierce.] Impenetrable
; not to be pierced. Spenſer.

IMPI'ETY. ʃ. [iwpietas, Latin.]
1. Irreverence to the Supreme Being ; contempt
of the duties of religion. Shakſp.
3. An act of wickedneſs ; expreilion of

To IMPI'GNORATE. v. a. To pawn ; to

IMPIGNORA'TION. ʃ. Theaſt of pawning
or putting to pledge.

To IMPINGE. v. n. [impingo, Latin.] To
fall againſt ; to ſtrike againſt ; to claſh with.

To IMPI'NGUATE. v.e. [Imndpinguis,
Latin.] To fatten ; to mak« fat. Bacon.

I'MPIOUS. a. [impius, Latin.] Irreligious
; wicked ; profane. Forbes,

IMPIOUSLY. ad. [from impious.] Profanely
; wickedly. Granville.

IMPLACABI'LITY. ʃ. [iram ir> placable.]
Inexorableneſs ; irreconcilable enmity ; determined

IMPLACABLE. a. [implacabilis, Latin.]
Not to be pacified ; inexorable ; malicious
; conſtant in enmity. Addiſon.

IMPLA'CABLY. ad. [from im^'iacMe.]
With malice not to be pacified ; inexorably. Clarendon.

To IMPLA'NT. v. a. [/fi and^/<i«/o, Lat.]
To inſtx; to infert ; to place ; to engraft. Sidney, Ray, Locke.

IMPLANTATION. ʃ. [imfamation, Ff.
from implant, ; The act of fetting or planting.

IMPLA'USIBLE. a. [in andplaujible ] Not
ſpecjous ; not likely to feduce or perluade.

I'MPLEMENT. ʃ. [imphmentum .]
1. Something that fills up vacancy, or
fispplies v.?3;it8. Hooker.
2. To ol ; inſtrument of manufacture. Broome.
3. Veſſels of a kitchen.

IMPLF.TION. ʃ. [implr, Latin.] Theaſt
of tilling ; the ſtace of being full. Brown.

IMPLE'X. a. [implexus, Latin.] Intricate;
V .entangled ; coni^ilicated. Sjeffacor.

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To I-MPLICATE. 1,. a. [i^^jplco, Latin.]
To entangle ; to embariafs; to infold.

IMPLICATION. ʃ. [i/rp.'icatio, Latin.f
1. Involution ; entanglement. Boyle.
2. Inference not exprtJTed, but tacitly inculcated.

IMPLI'CIT. a. [implicitus, Latin.] '
1. Entangled ; infolded ; complicated. Pope.
2. Inferred ; tacitly compriſed ; not expreſlect. Smalridge.
3. Refting upon another; connected with
another over which that which is connected
to it has no power. Deniatit,

IMPLI'dlLY. ad. [from implicit.]
1. By inference compriſed though not erpreſſed. Berkley.
2. By connexion with ſomething elſe ; depeodently
; with unreſerved confidence or
obedience. Roſcomimon. Rotrcrs,

To IMPLO'RE. v. a. [i'r^pioro, LiUn!)
1. To call upon in ſupplication ; to ſolicit. Pope. .
2. To aſk ; to beg. Shakʃpeare.

IMPLO'RE. ʃ. [from the verb.] The act
of begging. Spenſer.

IMPLO'RER. ʃ. [from implore.] Solicitor.Shakʃpeare.

IMPLU'MED. a. [itr.plumis, Latin.] Without
feathers. Dt3t

To IMPLY'. v. a. [implico, Latin.]
1. To infold ; to cover ; to intangle. Spenſer.
2. To involve or compriſe as a conſequence
or concomitant. Dryden.

To IMPO'ISON. v. a. [empoiſoner, Fr,}.
1. To corrupt with poiſon. Shakʃpeare.
2. To kill with poiſon. Shakʃpeare.

IMPO'LARILY. ad. [in in& polar.] Not
according to the direction of the poles

IMPOLI'TICAL. la. [m and p^iti^k. 1

IMPO'LITICK. S Imprudent; inoiſcreet ; void of art or forecaſt,


IMPOLITICALLY. ʃ. ad. [in and point.
:LV. ; cal.] Without arc
or forecaſt.

IMPO'NDEROUS. a. [in and ponderous.]
Void of perceptible weight. Brown.

IMPOROSITY. ʃ. [in in6 porous.] Ahfence
of interſtices ; compactneſs ; cloſenef%. Bacon.

IMPG'ROUS. d. [in and parous.] Free from
pores ; free from vacuities or interſtices. Brown.

To IMPO'RT. 'V a. [impcrtc, Latin.]
1. To carry into any country from abroad. Pope. .
2. To imply ; to infer. Hooker, Bacon.
3. To produce in conſequence. Shakſp.
4. [Importer, French.] To be of moment. Dryden.

fMPO'RT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
X, Import1
1. tmportance; moment; conſequente.
- Dryden.
2. Tendency. Bojh.
3. Any thing imported from abroad.

IMPORTABLE. a. [ir. ^tiAportabk.y Unſupportable
; not to be endured. UpeKJer.

IMPO'RTANCE. ʃ. [French.]
1. Thing imported or implied. Shakſp.
2. Matter ; ſubject, Shakʃpeare.
3. Conſequence; moment. Shakſp.
4. Importunity. Shakʃpeare.

IMPO'RTANT. a. [in^por-tant, French.]
1. Momentous ; weighty; of great conſequence. Wotton. Irene.
3. Momentous ; forcible ; of great efficacy. Spenſer.
3. Importunate. Shakʃpeare.

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1. The 4ft of laying any thing on ano«.
thcr. Hammond.
2. The act of giving a note of diſhnſtion. Boyle.
3. Injunction of any thing as a law or duty.Shakʃpeare.
4. Conſtraint ; oppreſſion. Watts.
5. Cheat; fallacy; impoſture.

IMPOSSIBLE. a. [mpifſible, Ft.] Not to
be done ; not to be attained ; imprafticable«

IMPOSSIBI'LITY. ʃ. [ipipafiiiUr/, Fr.]
1. Imprafticability ; the state of being not
feaſible. l^bitgifte, Rogers.
2. That which cannot be done. Cow/ey,

I'MPOST. ʃ. [impo/i, French.] A tax ; A
toll ; cuſtom paid. Bacon.

IMPORTA'TION. ʃ. [from import.] The. IMPO'STS. ʃ. [impose, French.] In arch
act or practice of importing, or bringing
into a country from abroad. Addiʃon.

IMPO'RTER. ʃ. [from import.] One that
brings in from abroad, Swift.

IMPO'RTLESS. a. [from :w/«rr.] Of no
moment or conſequence. Shakʃpeare.

IMPORTUNATE. a. [iwporiunui, Latin.]
Unſeaſonable and incelTant in felicitations ; n-t to be repulfed. Smalridge.

IMPO'RTUNATELY. ad. [from importunate.]
With inceffant ſolicitation ; pertinaciouſly.

IMPORT UNATENESS. ʃ. [from i>vpor.
tunate.] Inceflant ſolicitation. S'diiey.

To IMPORTtr'NE. v. a. [importunus, Lat.]
tcfture, that part of a pillar, in vaults and
arches, on which the weight of the whole
building lieth. Ainſworth.

To lMPO'STHUMATE. v. a. [from impojihume,'.
To form an abſceſs ; to gather ;
to form a cyft or bag containing matter. Arbuthnot.

To IMPO'STHUMATE. v. a. To afflift
with an impnflhume. Decay of Piety.

IMPOSTHUMA'TION. ſ. [from impofihumate.
; The act of forming an impoſthume ; the ſtate in which an impoſthumc is formed. Bacon.

IMPO'STHUME. ʃ. A collection of purulent
matter in a bag or cyft. Harvey.
To tcize; to haraſs with ſlight vexation

IMPO'STOR. ʃ. [/»i/;o//tur, French.] On
perpetually recurrine ; to moleft. Swift.

IMPORTU'NE. a. [imfortunus, Latin.]
1. Conftantiy recurring ; troubleſome by
frequency. Bacon.
2. Troubleſome; vexatious. Hammond.
3. Unſeaſonable; coming, aſking,' or happening
at a wrong time, Milton.

IMPORTU'NELY. ad. [from importune.]
1. Troti^reſomely ; inceffantly. Spenſer.
2. Unſeaſonably ; improperly. Sanderſon.

IMPORTU'NITY. ʃ. [imporluratai,^^.]
Incfifant felicitation. Knollei.

To IMPO SE. v. a. [impoſtr, French.]
1. To lay on as a burthen or penalty.Shakʃpeare.
2. To enjoin as a duty or law. WaUer.
3. To fix on ; to impute to. Bacon.
4. To obtrude fallaciouſly. Dryden.
5. To Impose on. To put a cheat on ; to deceive. Locke.
6. [Among printers.] To put the pages
on the /lone, and fit on the chafes, in order
to carry the forms to preſs.

IMPO'SE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Command ; injunction. Shakʃpeare.
who cheats by a iiftitious character. South.

IMPOSTURE. ʃ. [imp'Jlura, Lat.] Cheat. South.

IMPOTENCE. ʃ. r r A . , i 1

I'MPOTENCY.S / [P^''' Latin.]
1. Want of power ; inability; imbecility ;
weakneſs, Berkley.
2. Uiigovernableneſs of paſſion.
3. Incapacity of propagation. Pope. .

IMPOTENT. a. [impuenst Latin.]
1. Weak; feeble; wanting force ; wanting
power. Hooker.
2. Diidbled by nature or diſeaſe, Shakſp.
3. Without power of reſtraint. Dryden.-
4. Without power of propagation. Taller.

I'MPOTENTLY. ad. [from impotent.]
V. pthout power. Pope. .

To IMPO'UND. v. a. [in and pound.]
1. To incloſe as in a pound ; to ſhut in ; to confine. Bacon.
2. To ſhut up in a pinfold. Dryden.

IMPRA'CTICABLE. a. [impraElicable, Fr.]
1. Not to be performed ; unfeaſible ; im poſſible. Rogers.
2. Untractable ; unmnnageable. Roiue.

IMPO'SEABLE.^. [from n.-;/.o/f.] Tobelaid IMPRA'CTiCABLENESS. ſ. [from »«-
as obligatory on any body. Hammond. pmSiiroiU.] Impoſhbility. Swift.

IMPOSER. ʃ. [item irnpoſe.] One who en-

To I'MPRECATE. v.d. [imprecor,hzut^.]
join ffalton.

IMPOSITION. ʃ. [;r/.y7f»,r, French.]
To call for evil upon himſelf or others,

IMPRECA'TION. ʃ. [impreoatlo, Latin.]
Curſe ; prayer by which any evii iswiftted. King Charles.

I'MPRECATORY. a. [from wi(.recati:.]
Containing withes of evil.

To IMFRE'GN. v. a. limM pragno, 1^l'\
To nil with young ; to fill with any matter
Or ouslicy. Milton.

IMPRE'GNABLE. a. [imf-renah/e, French.]
1. Not to be ſtortned ; not to be taken. Sandys.
2. Unfhaken ; unmoved ; unaffected. South.

IMPRE'GNABLY. aJ. [from impregrabL.]
In luch a manner as to defy force or hoftiiity. Sandys.

To IMFRE'GN ATE. v. a. [jmni fragno,
1. To fill with young ; tomake proliſick. Dryden.
2. [/'/'c^nf, French.] To fi!! ; to ſaturate.
Dicay of Puty.

IMPREGNATION. ʃ. [from impregnate]
1. The act of making proliſick ; fecundation. Bacon.
2. That with which any thing is impregnated.
3. Sn'iration. Ainſworth.

IMPREJU'DICATE. a. [in,pref, andjudico,
Latin.] Unprejudiced ; not prepoffeired ;
impartial. Brown.

IMPREPARA'TION. ʃ. [/« andprip^ratt-
C'.j Unpreparedneſs ; want of preparation. Hooker.

To IPMRE'SS. v. a. fimprefum, Latin.]
1. To print by prefiurc; to flam p. Denham.
2. To fix deep. Watts.
3. To force into ſervice. Clarenden.

IMPRE iS. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Mark marie by preflu:e, Woodword.
2. Effects upon another ſubſtance. GLnv,
3. Mark of diftirnSion ; (lamp. South.
4. Device ; motto. Milton.
5. Act of forcing any into ſervice.Shakʃpeare.

IMPRE'SSION. ʃ. [impreſſio, Latin.]
1. The act of prelling one body upon another. Locke.
2. Mark made by preſſure ; flamp.Shakʃpeare.
3. Image hjcfd in the mind, Swift.
4. Operation ; mfluence. Clarendon.
5. Edition ; number printed at once ; one
courſe of printing. Dryden.
6. Effect of an attack. Wotton.

IMPRE'SSIBLE. a. [.« and ^r^j^KW, Lat.]
What may be impreſſed. Bacon.

IMPRE'SSURE. ʃ. [from rmpreſs.] The
mark made by preſſure; the dents the
imprefilon. Shakʃpeare.

To IMPRINT. v.a, [i>~pr:^.er, French.]

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1. To mark upon any ſubſtance by preſſurCi. South.
2. To ſtamp Words upon paper by the uſe
of types.
3. To fix on the mind or memory, Locke.

To IMPRI'SON. v. a. [empriſonner, Fr.
in and priſon ; To ſhut up ; to confine; to keep fri>m J'b rty. Donne.

IMPRI' ONMENT. ʃ. [!n!pr:ionKemerr, P.]
Confinement ; claulure ; ſtate of being ſhut
in pnlon, Watts.

IMPROBABI'LITY. ʃ. [from improbaLe.]
Unlikelihood ; difficulty to be believed. Hammond.

IMPRO'BABLE. a. [mprci>ai>/e, F<eu>:h.]
Unlikeiv ; incredible. Addiʃon.

IMPRO'B'aBLY. ad. [from tmproijile.]
1. Without likelihood.
2. In a manner not be approved. Obfo-
)ete. Boyle.

To IMPRO'BATE. v. a. [m and prooo,
Latin.] Not to approve. Anhvorth,

IMPROSA'TION. ʃ. [improbatw, Latin.]
Aft of diſaliowing. Ainsworth.

IMPRO'BITY. ʃ. [improiitas, Lat.] Want
of honeſty ; diſhoneſty
; bafeneſs. Hooker.

To IMPROLIFICATE. -I-. <7. [rn and pro.
liji(.k.] To impregnate ; to fecundate.
B cwff,

IMPRO'PER.' a. [improfre,¥t. impropnus,
1. Not well adapted ; unqualified- Burnet.
2. Unfit
; not conducive to the right end. Arbuthnot.
3. Not iuft ; not accurate. Dryden.

IMPRO'PERLY. ad. [from improper.]
1. Not fitly; incongruDuſly.
2. Ntjully; not accurately. D'-yden,

To IMPRO'PRL'ITE. v. a. [.mndpropnut,
1. To convert to private uſe ; to ſeize to
himſelf. Bacon.
2. To put the poſſeſhons of the church
into the hands of laicks. Spelman,

IMPROPRIA'TION. ʃ. [from impropriatt]
An impropriation is properly ſo called whea
the church land is in the hands of a layman
; and an appropriation is when it is
in the hands of a biſhop, college, or religious; houſe. Aflife,

IMPROPRIATOR. ʃ. [from improfiate.]
A layman that has the poſſeflion of the
lands of the church. Ayliffe.

IMPROPRI'ETY. ſ.[from impropnus, Lat.]
Unfitneſs ; unſuitableneſs-; maccuracy ;
want of juflneſs. Brown, Swift.

IMPRO'SPEROUS. a. [in 2nd projpercus,;
Unhappy ; unfortunate ; not ſuccefful.

IMPRO'SPEROUSLY. ad. [from in.proſpe.
Tous.] Unhappily; unfucceſsfully ; with
ill fortune. Boyle.

IMPRO'VABLE. a. [from improve.] Capable
of being advanced from a good to a
better ſtate. Grew.

IMPRO'VAELENESS. ʃ. [from improvable.]
Capableneſs of being made better.

IMPRO'VABLY. ad. [{xK-,m improvMe]
In a manner that admits of melioration.

To IMPRO'VE. v. a. [iminiiprobui. ^afi
1. To advance any thing nearer to perfection
; to raiie from good to better. Pope.
7. To diſprovc. Whitgifte.

To IMPROVE. ʃ. «. To advance in goodneſs. Atterbury.

IMPROVEMENT. ʃ. [from impreve.]
1. Melioration ; advancement from good
to better. 7il.'omfon.
2. Act of improving. Addiſon.
3. Progreſs from good to better. Addiʃon.
4. Inſtruſſion ; edification. South.
5. ERV(fl of mehoration. South.

IMPRO'VER. ʃ. [from improve.]
1. One that makes himſelf or any thing
elſe better. Clarenden. Pope.
1. Any thing that meliorates. Mortimer.

IMPROVI'DED. a. [imprcvifus, Latin.]
Unforeſeen ; unexpected ; unprovided againſt. Spenſer.

IMPRO'VIDENCE. ʃ. [from improvident.]
Want of forethought ; want of caution. Hale.

IMPRO'VIDENT. a. [improvidus, Latin.]
Wanting fotecaſt ; wanting care to provide. Clarenden.

IMPRO'VIDENTLY. ad. [from improvident.]
Without forethought ; without
care. Donne.

IMPROVI'SION. ʃ. [in and provijiun.]
Want of forethought. Brown.

IMPRU'DENCE. ʃ. [imprudence, French,
imprudentia, Latin.] Want of prudence ; indiſcretion ; negligence ; inattention to

IMPRU'DENT. a. [imprudent, Fr. imfrudens,
Latin.] Wanting prudence ; injudicious
; indiſcreet ; negligent, lillotſon.

I'MPUDENCE. ʃ. [impudence, Fr. im-

I'M PUDENCY. ^ fudi'n/ia, Lat.] Shamelefſneſs
; immodeſty. Shakſp, King Charles.

I'MPUDENT. a. [imfudent, Fr, impudens,
Latin.] Shameleſs ; wanting modefty. Dryden.

I'MPUDENTLY. ad. [from impudem.]
Shamelelly ; wichout modefty. Sandys.

To IMPUGN. v. a. [impugncr, Fr. imfugno,
Lat.] To attack ; to affault. South.

IMPUGNER. ʃ. [from impugn.] One that
attacks or invides.

I'MPUI'SSANCE. ʃ. [French.] Impotence
; inability ; weakneſs ; fechleneſs. Bacon.

I'MPULSE. ʃ. [Impulfui, Latin.]
1. Communicated force ; the eftect of one
body acting upon another. South.
2. Influence acting upon the mind ; motive
; idea. Locke.
3. Hoflile imprflfion. Prior.

IMPULSION. ʃ. [impuljion, Fi.]
1. The agency of body in motion upon
body. Bacon.
2: liiiluence operating upon the misd.

IMPU'LSIVE. a. [impulfif, Fr.] Having
the power of impuile ; moving ; impellenr. South.

IMPU'NITY. ʃ. [impunite, Fr.] Freedom
from puniſhment ; exemption from puniſhment. Davies.

IMPU'RE. ʃ. [impunts, Latin.]
1. Cu;itraryto fanftity ; unhallowed ; unholy. Donne.
2. Unchaſte. Addiſon.
3. Feculent ; foul with extraneous mixtures
; drofly.

IMPURELY. ad. [from impure.] With

IMPU'RENESS. 7 ʃ. [impi'riiai, Lat. from

IMPU'RITY. ʃ. impure.]
1. Want of ſandity ; want of holineſs.
2. Act of unchaftity. Atterbury.
3. Feculent admixture. Arbuthnot.

To IM PURPLE. v. a. [empovrfrer, Fr.
from purple.] To make red ; to colour as
with purple. Milton.

IMPUTABLE. a. [from impute.]
1. Chargeable upon any one. South.
2. Accuſible ; chargeable with a fault.

IMPU'TABLENESS. ʃ. [from imputable]
The quality of being imputable. Norris,

IMPUTATION. ʃ. [imputatiojj, Fr. from
1. Attribution of any thing: generally of
ill. Dryden.
2. Sometimes of good. Shakʃpeare.
3. Cenfure ; reproach. Addiʃon.
4. Hint ; rcHeſtion. Shakʃpeare.

IMPUTA'TIV^E. a. [Uovn impute.] That
which may impute. Ainsworth.

To IMPU'TE. v. a. [impuler. ſ. imputo,
1. To charge upon ; to attribute : generally
ill ; ſometimes good. 7emple,
2. To reckon to one what does not properly
belong to him. Milton.

IMPU'TER. ʃ. [from impute.] He that

IN. prep, [in, Latin.]
1. Noting the place where any thing is
preſent. Fairfax,
2. Noting the ſtate preſent at any time.
3. Noting the time. Locke.
4. Noting

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4., Noting power, Spenſer.
5. Noting proportion. Swift.
fi. Concerning. Locke.
7. For the fake. A ſolemn phraſe. Dryden.
8. Noting canfe. Shakʃpeare.
9. In that, Becauſe. Shakʃpeare.
10. la as much. Since ; feeing that. Hooker.

IN. ad.
1. Without ſome place ; not out. South.
2. Engaged to any aft'air. Danul.
3. Placed in ſome ſtate. Pi^fe,
4. Noting entrance. Woodward.
5. Into any place. Collier.
6. cloſe ; home. Tatler.
IN has commonly in compoſition a negative
or privative ſenſe. In before r is changed
into r ; before / into / ; and into m before
ſome other conſonants.

INABI'LITY. ʃ. [»« and ability. ^^ Impuitlance
; impotence ; want of power. Hooker.

INA'SSTINENCE. ʃ. [;» and ahfiinence..
Intemperance ; want of power to abftain. Milton.

INACCE'SSIBLE. a. [inaccefſible, Fr. in and
acc'j]ihte.] Not to be reached ; not to be
approached. Ray.

INA'CCURACV. ʃ. [from inaccurate.]
Want of exactneſs.

INA'CCURATE. a. [imn^ accurale.^ Not
exact ; not accurate,

INA'CTION. ʃ. [inaHion, Fr.] Ceſſation
from labour ; forbearance of labjur. Pope. .

INA'CTIVE. a. Not buſy ; not diligent; idle ; indolent ; fliiqgiſh.

INA'CTIVELY. ad. [from inaaive.] Idly ;
without labnur ; fluggiſhly, Locke.

INACTI'VITY. ʃ. [(1 and fl^7/W/y.] Idlenpfs
; red ; fluggi/lineſs, Rogers.

INA'DEQUATE. ^(J. [in and adaquatus,
Latin.] Not equal to the purpoſe ; defective. Locke.

INA'DEQUATELY. ad. [from inadejuate.]
Deffftively ; not completely. Boyle.

INADVE'RTENCE. ʃ. / [inadvertance,

1. CaieJefl'neſs ; negligence; inattention. South.
2. Aft or eft'edl: of negligence. Government of the Tongue.

INADVE'RTENT. a. [in and advertem,
Latin.] Negligent ; carelef3.

INADVERTENTLY. ad. [from Inadvertent-
l C-irelflly ; negligently. Clariffu.

INALIENABLE. a. [in and alienabie.]
That cannot be alienated.

INALIME'NTAL. a. [in and alimental.]
Affording no nouriſhment. Bacon.

INAMI'SSIBLE. a. [inamiſſible, French.]
Not to be ioft, Hammond.

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INA'NE. a. [inanisj Latin.] Empty ; void. Locke.

To INA'NIMATE. 1;, a. [in and animo,
Latin.] Toanimate; to quic'cen. Donne.

INANIMATE. v. a. [inar„„?atu$, LiUni

INA'NIMATfcD. ʃ. Voiii of J'.e ; without
animation. Bacon, Berkley, Pope. .

INANl'TION. ʃ. [inanition, Fr.] Emptine(
s of body ; want of fulneſs in the veſſels
of the animal. Arbuthnot.

INA'NITY. ʃ. [from inanis, Latin.] Emtineſs
; void ſpace. Digby.

INA'PPETENCY. ʃ. [in and appetentia.
Latin.] Want of ſtomach or appetite,

INA'PPLICABLE. a. [m and applicable.'.
Not to be put to a particular uſe.

INAPPLICA'TION. ʃ. [inapplication, Fr.]
Indolence ; negligence.

INA'RABLE. a. [m and aro, Latin.] Not
capable of tillage. Ditl,

To INA'RCH. v. a. [in and arch.] Inarch.
ing is a method of grafting, called grafting
by approach. This method of grafting
is uſed when the flock and the tree may
be joined : take the branch you would inarch,
and, having fitted it to that part of
the flock where you intend to join it, pare
away the rind and wood on one ſide about
three inches in length : after the ſame manner
cut the fleck or branch in the place
where the graft is to be united, ſo that
they may join equally together that thefap
may meet: then cut a little tongue upwards
in the graft, and make a norch ia
the flock to admit it ; ſo that, when they
are joined, the tongue will p-event their
flipping. In this manner they are to remain
about four months, in which time
they will be ſuſſiciently united. The operation
is always performed in April or May.
and is commonly pradtiſedupon oranges,
myrtles, jafmines, walnuts, firs, and pines. Miller.

INARTICULATE. a. [irarticule, Fr. in
and articubie.] Not uttered with diftinareſs
like that of the ſyllables of human
<pee<^h. Dryden.

INARTI'CULATELY. ad. [from inarticu.
late.] Not diſhnftly.

INARTICULATENESS. ʃ. [from inaril.
culate.] Confuſion of ſounds
; want of diſtinctneſs
in pronouncing.

INARTIFI'CIAL. ad. [in and artificial.'.
Contrary to art. Decay of Piety.

INARTIFICIALLY. ad.[hotn inartifcial.-.
Without art ; in a manner contrary to the
rules of ait. Collier.

INATTENTION. ʃ. [inattention, French.]
Difregard; negligence ; negled. Rogers.

INATTE'NTIVE. a. [in and attentive.]
Careleſs , negligent ; regardleſs. ff^attt,
3. R a INAU'-

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INAVDlBIE. a. [in and audible.] Not to

To INCA'RCERATE. v. a. [incirrere,
be heai void of found. Shakʃpeare. Latin.] To impriſon ; to confine,

To INAM CV ^ ATE. v. a. [iriauguro, Lat.] Harvey.
To cimfecr<itc ; to inveſt wich a new office INCARCERATION-/, [from incarcerate.]
by ſolemn rites. Wotton. ImpriſonmenC ; confinement.

INAUGURATION. ʃ. [inaugwation, Fr.

To INC.A'RN. i.'. a. [incarno, Latm.] To
cover with fiefli. Wiſeman.

To INCA'RN. v. a. To breed f^efli. Wiſeman.

To INCA'RNADINE. v. a. [ivcamadmo,
pale red, Italian.] To dye red. This word
I find only once. Shakʃpeare.

To INCA'RNATE. v. a. [incarner, Fr.]
To cloath with fleſh ; to embody with
fleſh. Milton.

INCA'RNATE. partie. a. [iiicamaf, Fr.]
Cloalhed with fleſh ; embodied in fleſh.
« Sauderfon,

INCARNATION. ʃ. [ivcarnatwn, Fr.]
1. The act of aduming body. Taylor.
2. The ſtate of bleeding fleſh. Wiſeman.

INCA'RNATIVE. ʃ. [mcaniatif, Fr.] A
medcine that generates fleſh. PFiJanan.

To INCA'SF. v, a- [;n and (afe.^ To cover
; to indoſe ; to inwrap. Pope. .

INCAUTIOUS. a. [in and fautious.] Unwary
; negligent ; heedleſs. Kd/,

INCALE'S.:; NoY. ^ The (tate of growing INCAUTIOUSLY. ad. [from incautious.]
itiauguro, Latin.] luveſtituxe by foiemn
r't.-s tioTve!.

INAURATION. ʃ. [mauro, Latin.] The
act of guding or covering with gold.

INAURPICIOUS. a. [in and aujpiaous.]
Ill-omened; unlucky ; unfortunate.

INBE'ING. ʃ. [in ZT\A barg.] Inherence ; inleparableneſs. Watts.

I'NBORN. a. [in and isr,-j.] Innate ; impbnicd
by ni'ure. Dryden.

INBRE'ATHED. a. [in and breath.] Infjired
; infuſeH by inſpiration Milton.

I'NBRED. a. [in and bnd.] Produced
within ; hatched or generated within.
Mil or.

To IN^A'GE. f. a. [in and cage.] Tu
coop up ; to ſtiuC up ; 10 confine in a cage,
or apv fiirro'.v ſpTe. Shakʃpeare.

INCAl.E'^CE^ CE. 7 ʃ. [in:a/efe 0, LiXin.]
warm; Viarmih ; incipient heat. Ray.

INCANTATION. ſ.[/'nfj«<jr/on, French ]
Enchantment. Raleigh.

INCA'Nl'ATORY. a. [from ineanio, Lat.]
Dealing by enchantment ; magical. '. Brown.

To INCANTON. t'. a. [in and carton.]
To unite to a canton or ſeparate communi
y, Addiʃon.

INCAHABI'LITY. ʃ. [from incapable]

INCA'PABLENtiSS. i Inability natur 1
; Unwarily ; heedleſly ; negligently. Arbuthnot.

INCE'NDIARY. /, [incendiarius, from incendo,
1. One who fets houſes or towns on fire
in malice or for robbery.
2. One who inflimes factions, or promotes
quarrel?, ^'i Charles. Berkley.

I'NCENSE. ʃ. [incenfum, Latin. en'cem,
French.] Perfumes exhaled by fire in honur
of ſome god or goddeſs. Prior.
cif.uM!ifica:!on legal.

INCA FABLE. ad. [incapable, Fr.]
1. Wanting power ; wanting underſtand
ing ; unable to comprehend, leatn, or underſtand,Shakʃpeare.
2. N>jt able to receive any thing. Clarenden.
3. Unable ; not equal to any thing.Shakʃpeare.
4. D fqnjl'fied by law. iiioifr.

INCAI'A'CIOUS. a. [m and cap:cous.]
N.'rrow ; of iir'all content. Bu-net.

INCAPA'CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from , irca/acious.]
Nairowr.els ; ſpace.

3. To diſable ; to weaken. Clari/Jj.
2. T-: d' f';v.3!it). A-buthnot.

INCAPA'CITY. ʃ. [incapaci/e, Fr.] Inability
; wmt of natural po.ei ; wjnt of
power '): bjdy ; want of comprchenſiveneſsofnand. Arbuthnot.
want of containing
v. a. [in and capa-

To IN E'NSE. v. a. [incenfus, Latin.] To
enkindle to rage; to inflame with anger; to enrage ; to provoke ; to exaſperate. Milton, Dryden.

INCE'NSEMENT. /. [from incenje.] Rage ; hear ; fury. Shakʃpeare.

INCE'NSION. ʃ. [incenfio, Latin.] The
act of kindling ; the ſtate of being on fire. Bacon.

INCE'NSOR. ʃ. [Latin.] A kindler of
anuer ; an inflamer of palfions, Hayward.

INCE'NSORY. ʃ. [from incenſe.] The
veliel in which incenſe is burnt and offered. Ainsworth.

INCENTIVE. ſ. [incentivum, Latin.]
1. That which kindles. King tbarles,
2> That which provokes ; that which encourages
; incitement ; motive; encouragement
; ſpur. Addiſon.

INCE NTIVE. a- Inciting ; encouraging.
Decay offi ty,

INCE'PTION. ʃ. [inceptio, Latin.] Beginnir.
g. Bacon.


INCE'PTIVE. a. [incepti'vus, Latin.] Noting
begiiinine. Locke.

INCEPTOR. ʃ. [Latin.] A beginner ; one who is in his rudiments.

INCERA'TION. ſ. [mcero, Latin.] The
act c t c vsiing with wjx,

INCE'RTITUDE. ʃ. [incertitude, Fr. incertiiu.
lci, Lat.] Uiicercaiiity ; doubtfulneſs.

I'NCIDENT. a. [incident, V:tnch,incidinSy
Latin.] 1. Citual ; foituitous ; occaſional ; happening
;iec:dentaily ; falling in belide the
ma;n dtllgn. VFatti.
2. Happening; apt to happen. South.

IN^iDEN. ;'. ſ. [niaclent, Fi.] Something
happening belide the main deſign ; caſualty. Dryden.

INCE'SSANT. a. [in and cejans. Latin.] INCIDE'N TAL. ſ. [ncident} caſual ; hap-
U^ceaſint; ; un:ntermi'.ted ; contiiiua! ; un- pening by chance. M:iioa,
interrup'ci. Pope. .

INCIDE'NTALLY. ad. [from irxitlental,;

INCE'SSANTLY. ad. [from jrf^/a/;,-.]
Without intermiſſion ; continually. Addiſon.

I'NCEST. ʃ. [incjie, French; inceftum,
Latin.] Unnatur^il and ciminal conjunction
ot perſons whhin degrees prohibited,Shakʃpeare.

INCE'STUOUS. a. [irciftuzux,Vi':nch..
Guilty of inceft ; guilty of unnatural crhabitation. South.
Beſide the main deiign ; occaſionaily.

I'NCIDENTLY. ad. [from incident.^ Occafional.
y ; by the b)e ; by the way. Bacon.

To INCI'NERA TE. v. a. [in and aneret,
Latin.] To bu >\ to adies. Harvey.

INCENE.IAiION. ſ. [i-tin-:ration, Fr.]
The act of burning any thing to alhes. Boyle.

INCESTUOUSLY. ad. [from w.^oai.]

With unnatural love. Dryden. cuniſpetiion.'j Want of caution ; want of

INCH. ʃ. [ince, Sax n ; uncia, Latin.] heed. Brown.
1. A me.fure of 1 ngth ſuppoſed equal to INCISED. «?. [;;if/jKi, Latin.] Cut ; made
three grains ^f barley laid end to end ; the by cutting. Wiſeman.
twelfth part of a foot. Hacier, INCI'SION. ſ. [ircjion, Fr.]
2. A proverbal name for a ſmall quantity. Donne.
3. A nice point of time. Shakʃpeare.

To INCH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To drive by inches. Dryden.
2. To deal out by inches ; to give ſparingly. Ainsworth.

To INCH. ʃ. n. To advance or retire a
littie at a time.

I'NCHED. a. [with a word of number before
it.] Containing inches iii Lngth or

I'NCHIl'IN. ſ. Some of the infi.e of 1
deer, Ainsworth.

I'NCHMEAL. ʃ. [inch and meal.] A piece
an inch long. Shakʃpeare.

To INCHOATE. v. a. [inchoo, Latin.]
To begin ; to commence. Raleigh.

INCHOA'TION. ʃ. [mchoatus, Lat.] inception
; beginning. Hah.

I'NCHOATIVE. a. [ir.choali%ui, Latin.]
Inceptive ; noting inchoatii n or beginning.

To INCIDE. 'n. a. [from incido, to cut.
A cut ; a wound made with a ſharp in.
rtrument. South.
2. Diviſion of viſcoſities by medicines. Bacon.

INCI'SIVE. «. [ivcijif, Fr. from incifus,
Latin.] Having the quiſhty of cutting or
divaing. Boyle.

INCl'iOR. ſ. [;'n(-(/cr, Latin.] Cutter; tooth in the forepart of the mouth.

INCI'SORY. a. [inciforre, French.] Having
the (juality of cutting. Shakʃpeare. INCi'SURE. ſ. [tncijura, Latin.] Acut ;
an a[i;rrure Denham.

INCITA'TION. ʃ. [incitatio, Latin.] Incitement
; incentive} motive, impulfe. Brown.

To INCI'TE. v. a. [incito, Lat.] To itir
up ; to puſh forward in a purpoſe ; to
animot' ; to ſpur ; to urge on. Swift.

INCI'TEMENr. ſ. [from (naV.-.] Motive; inceative ; impulle ; inciting power.
Mi /ton.

INCrVIL. a. [incivil, Fr.] Unpcliſhed.
Latin.] Medicines /Kc/Wf which conſiſt of INClVILirY. ſ. [incivihie', Fr.]
pointed and ſharp particle,^ ; by which the I. Want of courtefy ; radeneſs. Milton.
particles of other bodies are divided. Ulu. 2. Act of rudeneſs. Taylur,

I'NCIDENCE. ʃ. f/'.c </o, to fall, Latin ; INCI.E'MF.NCY. ſ. [inclementia, Lmn.]

I'NCIDENCY. i inaderce, Prreench.] . - . -
The direction with which one body
ſtrikes upon another ; and the angle made
by that line, and the plane ſtruck upon, i
called the angle of ;>;a<icni:f, iQuincy.
2. [I'lcidem, Latin.] Acciden' ; hap ;
eafualcy. Shakʃpeare.
U;imercifulneſs ; cruelty ; Teverity; hirlbneſs
; roughneſs. Dryden.

INCLEMENT. u. [in and tUmem, Latin.]
Unmerciful ; unpitying ; void of tendernef' ; har{h. Mi ion,

INCLINABLE. a. [inclinahili!, Latin.]
1. Having a propenſion of will ; favourably
diſpol'ed ; willing. Hooker.
2. Having
2. Having a tendency. BsniUy.

INCLINATION. ʃ. [wdinui-fon, Fr. imlinatto,
1. Tendency towards any point, Newton.
2. Natural ajitneſs. Addiʃon.
<;. PiDpenſion of mind ; favourable diipuiition. Clarendon.
4. Love; aſſeſlion. Dryden.
5. Diſpoſition of mind. Shakʃpeare.
6. The tendency of the magnetical needle
to the Eift or Weſt.
7. [In pharn-iacy.] The act by which a
clear liquor is poured oft by only looping
the veſſel. ^uinry.

INCLI'NATORY. a. [from incline.] Having
a quality of inclining to one or other. Brown.

INCLI'NATORILY. ad. [dom irdmtory.]
Ooliquely ; with inclination to one
ſide or the other. Brown.

To INCLI'NE. i;.n. [inc!ir,o, Lat.]
1. To bend; Co Jean; to tend towards
any part. Roiue.
2. To be favourably diſpoſed to; to feel
deſire beginning. Shakʃpeare.

To INCLINE. v. a.
1. To give a tendency or direction to any
place or ſtate. Milton.
2. To turn the deſire towards any thing.
3. To bend ; to incurvate. Dryden.

To INCLI'P. v. a. [in and clip.] To graſp; to incloſe ; to furround. ^bjhʃpeare.

To INCLO'ISTER. v. a. [in and ctoijier.]
To ſhut lip in ; cloifler.

To INCLO'UD. 1'. a. [in and cloud.] To
darken ; to obſcure. Shakʃpeare.

To INCLU'DE. v. a. [includo, Latin. ;
1. To incloſe ; to ſhut.
2. To coinpriſe ; to compiſhend. Bacon.

INCLU'SIVE. a. [induſtf, French.]
1. Inclofing ; encircling, Shakʃpeare.
2. Comprehended in the fum or number.

INCLU'SIVELY. ad. [from if:cluf,ve.] The
thing mentioned reckoned into the accoaut.

JNCOA'GULABLE. a. [inand coaguial>le.]
Licapdble of corcretion.

INCOEXI'STENCE. ʃ. [in and coexipnee.]
The quality of not exiſing together. Locke.

INCO'G. jd. [corrupted by mutilation fruin
incognito, Latin.] Unknown ; in private. Addiſon.

INCO'GITANCY. ſ.[iitcogitamia, Latin.]
Want of thought. Boyle.

INCOGITATIVE. a. [in and cogilative.]
Wanting the power of thought. Locke.

INCO'GNITO. ad. [incogmtus, Latin.] In
a ſtate of concealment. Prior.

INCOHE'RENCE. 1 . t- ; t

INCOHERENCY.p- 1'^^^ coherence..
1. Want 01 connection ; incongruity ; in-

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conſequence ; want of dependance of one
part upon annthtr. Locke.
2. Want of cohefion ; looſeneſs of niaterul
parti. Boyle.

INCOHERENT. a. [in and r,herent.]
1. Inconiequeritial ; inconfiiltnt:. Ljckf.
2. Without cohelion ; looſe. Woodward.

INCOHE'RENTLY. ad. [itonMt,coh,!rent.]
IncouliHently ; inconſequentially. Broome.

INCOLLI'MITY. ʃ. [incolumital, Latin.]
Siff-iy ; Iccutity. lio'iul,

INCOMBUSTIBILITY. ʃ. [from incombuJiiUe.]
The quality of retilling fire. Ray.

INCOMBU'STIBLE. a. [incomb-^ble, Fr.]
Not to be conluriifd by fire. ('P'ilkins.

INCOMBU'STIBLENESS. ʃ. [from mcomhujiihl;.]
The qudiay of not being waflcd
by (ire.

I'NCOME. ʃ. [in and come.] Revenue ;
produce of any thine;. South.

INCOMMENSUR.^BI LITY. ʃ. [from in.
conimcnjuruhic.] The ſtate of one thing
wuh reſpect to another, when they cannot
be compared by any common mealure.

INCOMME'NSURABLE. a. [tn, con, and
menjurabdii, Latin.] Not to be reduced to
any rneaſure common to both.

INCOMME'NSURATE. a. [/«, con, and
menjura, Lit;n.] Not adnsitting one common
meaſure. More, Hooker.

To INCO'MMODATE. ʃ. v. a. [iruomino.

To INCOMMO'DE. ^ do, Latin.] To
be inconvenient to ; to hinder 01 embarraſs
without very great injury. Woodward.

INCOMMO'DIOUS. «. [mcommodus, Lat.]
inconvenient ; vexatious without great
nifchief. Hooker.

INCO.V1MO'DIOUSLY. ad. [from mcom.
prij/iioui.] Inconveniently; nut at eale.

INCOMMO'DIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from mcom.
modi '.^i.] Inconvenience. Burnet.

INCOMMO'DITY. ʃ. [tnc.mmodite, Fr.]
Inconvenience ; trouble. l4^otton,

INCOMMUNK-ABrLITY. ʃ. [from /«-
cowanunicub,e.] 'Ihe quality of nut being

INCOMMU'NICABLE. a. [inconm.umca-
k:.-, Fr.]
1. Not impartible; not to be made the
common right, pioperty, or quality of more
than one. Stillingfleet.
2. Not to be expreſſed ; not to be told. South.

INCOMMU'NICABLY. ad. [from incom.
municable.] In a manner not to be imparted
or communicated. HakenutU,

INCOMMU'NICATING. a. [in and com.
municating.] Having no intetcourſe with
each other. Idate.

INCOMPA'CT. ʃ. a.[in and conipflacd.]

INCOMPA'CTED. ʃ. Not joined; not cohering. Boyle.

INCO'MPARABLE. a. [i'fici>mpara}>!r, Fr.]
Excellent above compare ; excellenc beyond
all competition. Sidney, Dryden.

INCO'MPARABLY. ad. [from incoTr.pa-
1. Beyond compariſon ; without competition. Hooker.
2. Excellently ; to the higheſt degree. Addiſon:,

INCOMPA'SSIONATE. a. [imn^ cowp if.
/ionate.~\ Void of pity,

INCOMPATIBI'LITY. ʃ. [/n and «w/.f/o,
Latin.] Inconfiltency of one thing with
another. Hale.

INCOMPA'TIBLE. [in and competo, Lat.]
inconſiſtent with ſomething elle ; ſuch as
cannot ſubſift or cannot be poU'eiled together
with ſomething elſe.
Suckh Hammond.

INCO'MPATIBLY. ad. [from insompatible.]

INCO MPETENCY. ʃ. [ircompctence, Fr.]
Inability ; want of adequate ability or qualificaton.

INCO'MPETENT. a. [Imni competent.]
Not ſuitable ; not adequate ; not proportionate. Dryden.

INCOMPETENTLY. ad. [from //uow/.^-
tenf.] LTnluitably ; unduly.

INCOMPLE'TE. a. [in and complete.] Not
perfect ; not hi;iſhed. Hooker.

INCOMPLE'TENESS. ʃ. [from incomplete.]
Imperfed:/on ; unliniſhed ſtate. Boyle.

INCOMPLI'ANCE. ʃ. [in ^.n^ compUance.]
1. Untractableneſs ; impraflicableneſs ;
contradictious temper. Tidomfon,
2. Refuſal of complisnce. Rogers.

INCOMPO'SED. a. [imnd cotrpojed.] Di-
(iurbed ; diſtompoſed ; diſordered. Hoiuel.

INCOMPOSSIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from incom.
f'Jp.'jie.] Quality of being not poſſible but
by the negation or deſtruttion of ſometh ing.

INCOMPO'SSIBLE. a. [in, con, and pof-
Jihie] Not poſſ'ible together.

INCOMi'REHENSIBI'LITY. ʃ. [incomprebenf!
bilite\Yt, from incon:prehenſible.] Unconceivableneſs ; ſuperiority to human underft.

INCOMPREHE'NSIBLE. c, [incomprehex-
Jib'e, French.]
1. Nor to be conceived ; not to be fully
underſtood, Hammond.
2. Not to be contained. Hooker.

incov'.f>rehenfi'):\\ Unconceivableneff, PVat.

INCOMPREHE'NSIBLY. ad. [from incorrfretenſible.]
In a manner not to be
conceivetf. Lock..

INCOMPRE'SSIBLE. a. [incompreJJ:b!e,
Freritb.] Not capable of being com prelied
into leſs ſpace. Che^r.e

INCOMPRESSIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from ircmprejjible.]
Incapacity to be ſqueezed )nt»
kls room.

INCONCU'RRING. a. [in and concur.] Not
concurrinf. Browi-.

INCONCE'ALABLE. a. [in and conceal.]
Not to be hid ; not to be kept ſecret. Brown.

INCONCE'IVABLE. a. [inconaivoble, Fr.]
Incomprehenſible ; not to be conceived by
the mind. Ale'zvlon,

INCONCEIVABLY. ad. [from inconcei'vable.]
In a manner beiyond comprehenſion. South.

INCONCE'PTIBLE. a. [in and conceptible.]
Not to be conceived ; incomprehenſible ; inconceivable. Ha/c,

INCONCLU'DENT. a. [in and conclvdens,
Latin.] Inferring no conlequence. Aylijfe,

INCONCLUSIVE. a. [in and concUifi-ue.]
Not enforcing any determination of the
mind ; not exhibiting oogent evidence.

INCONCLU'SIVELY. ad. [from i«cO»<r/afi-
ve.] Without any ſuch evidence as determines
the underrtanding.

INCONCLU'SIVENESS. ʃ. [from inconclu.
five.] Want of rational cogency. Locke.

INCONCOCT. v. a. [in and concoa.]

INCONCO'CTED. ʃ. Unripened ; immature.

INCONCO'CTION. ʃ. [from inconeoft.]
The fiatp of being indigei^ed. Bacon.

INCO'NDITE. a. [inconditus, Latin.] Irregular
; rude ; unpoliſhed. Philips.

INCONDI'TIONAL. a. [in and conditional.]
Without exception ; without limitation.

INCONDI'TIONATE. a. [in and condition.]
Not limited ; not relirained by any
conditions. Boyle.

INCONFO'RMITY. ʃ. [in and conformity. [
Incompliance with the practice of others. Hooker.

INCONFU'SION. ʃ. [in and confuſion.] Diſtinctneſs. Bacon.

INCO'NGRUENCE. ʃ. [in and congruence.]
Unſuitableneſs ; want of adaptation. Boyle.

INCONGRU'ITY. ſ.[ir.congruitc, French.]
1. U.^fultableneſs of one thing to another. Stillingfleet.
1. Inconſiſtency ; inconſequence ; abfurdity
; impropriety. Dryden.
3. Diſagreement of parts; want of ſymnietry. Donne.

INCO'NGRUOUS. a. [iVcff^ru, French.)
1. Unſuitable ; not fitting, Stillingfleet.
2. Inconſiſtent ; abfurd,

INCO'NGRUOUSLY. ad. [from incongruous.]
Imprr^perly ; unfitly.

INCONNE'XEDLY. ad. [ir and connex.]
Without any connexion or depeadance. . Brown.

INCO'NSCIONABLE. o. [in and ronjcionabk..
Void of the (enfe of good and
evi'. Spenſer.

INCO'NSEQUENCE. ʃ. [inconfcqunice, Fr.
trconfequcntia, Latin.] Inconcluſiveneſs
; want o't juſt inference. Stillingfleet.

INCO'NSEQUENT. <?. [in and tortfefue^s,
Latin.] Without juſt concluſion ; without
rej.nilar inference. Brown.

INCONSI'DERABLE. a. [in and conf.derab!
e,'\ Unworthy of notice ; unimportant.

CQnſidernble.^ Small importance. 'Jiltoifon,

INCONSI'DERATB. ^. [inconſideram,
1. Careleſs ; thoughtleſs; negligent; inattentive
; inadvertent. Dome.
2. Wanting due regard. Decay of Piety.

INCONSI'DERATELY. ad. [from inconjtderate.'.
Negl. gently ; thoughtleſsly. Addiſon.

INCONSIDERATENESS. ʃ. [from incon.
Jideratr.] Carelefſneſs ; thoughtlefſneſs ; negligence. TiHomfon.

INCONSIDERA'TION. ʃ. [incovjideration,
French.] Want of thought ; inattention; inadvertence, Taylor.

INCONSISTING. a. [in and ««/?/?.] Not
conſiſtent ; incompatible wuh. Dryden.

INCONSI'STENCE. ʃ. [from inconſiſi-

1. Such oppoſition as that one propoſition
infers the negation of the other ; ſuch
contrariety tint both cannot be together.
2. Abfurriity in argument or narration ; argument or narrative where one part deſtroys
the other,
3. Incongruity. Swift.
4. Unlleadineis; changeableneſs.

iNCONSISTENT. a. [in and confjlent.]
1. Incompatible ; not frjtable ; incongru-
ous. Clarenden.
2. Contrary. Locke.
3. Abfurd,

INCONSI'STENTLY. ad. [from inconſiſier.
t.y Abfurdly ; incongruouſly ; withfelfcoutradiclion.

INCO'NSOLABLE. a. [incovfdabk, Fr.
in and conjoU,'] Not to he comlorted ; ſorrowful
beyond ſuſceptibility of comfort.

INCO'NSONANCY. ʃ. [in and conjonanry.]
Difagieement with itſelf.

INCONSPI'CUOUS. a. [rnandrt«/>;V.vouJ.]
Indiſcermble ; not perceptible by the fight. Boyle.

INCO'NSTANCY. ʃ. [ircovjiantia, Latin.]
Undeadineſs ; want of ſteady adherence
; mutability. Woodward.

INCO'NSTANT. a. [inconjlant, French.]
intir.fium, Latin.]
r. Not firm in reſolution ; not fleady in
affection. Sidney.
2. Changeable ; mutable ; variable,Shakʃpeare.

INCONSU'MABLE. a. [in and conjufne.]
N')t t« be waſted. Brown.

INCONSU'MPTIBLE. a. Not to be ſpent; not to be brought to an end. Digby.

INCON FE'STABLE. a. [ir.conte/lable, Fr.]
Not to be diſputed ; not admitting debate ; uncontrovertible. hock^,

INCONTE'STABLY. ad. [from incontefi.
able.] indiſputably ; uncontrovertibly,

INCONTI'GUOUS. a. [im and contigi'Out.]
Not touching each other ; not joined together. Boyle.

INCO'NTINENCE. ʃ. [incontinentiay

INCO'NTINENCY. i Latin.] Inability
to reſtrain the appetites ; unchaflity. Milton.

INCO'NTINENT. a. [incontinent, Latin.]
1. Unchaſte ; indulging unlavk^ful pleaſure,
2. Timothy.
1. Shunning delay ; immediate. Shakſp.

INCONTINENTLY. ad. [from ^nconii.
1. Unchaſtely ; without reſtraint of the
2. Immediately ; at once. An obſolete
fenſp. Spenſer.

INCONTROVE'RTIBLE. a. [In and contromertibte.]
Indiſputable ; not to be diſputed.

INCONTROVE'RTIBLY. ad. [from ;'«-
contro'vernble.] To a degree beyond controverfv
or dilpute, Brown.

INCONVENIENCE. ʃ. f. [inconvenient,

1. Unfitneis} inexpedience. Hookeri
2. Difadvantage ; cauſe of unea/ineſs ; difficultv.

INCONVENIENT. a. [inconvenient, Ft.]
1. Incommodious ; diſadvantageous. Smjl,
2. Unfit; inex-iedient.

INCONVENIENTLY. ad. [from iticon.
1. Unfitly ; incommodiouſly,
2. Unſeaſonably. Ainſworth.

INCONVE'RSABLE. a. [imnAccnvcr^able.]
Incommunicative ; unſocial. Mere,

INCONVE'RTIBLE. a. [in and csnvertible,.
Not tfanimut;ibie,. Brown.

INCONVI'NCIBLE. a. [imndiConvincibU.]
Not to be convinced,

INCON VI'NCIBLY. ad. [from incot.vincib.
e.] Without admitting conviction. Brown.

INCO'NY. a. [from /n, and conn, to know.]
1. Unlearned ; artleſs.
2. In Scotland it denotes miſchievouſly unluckyShakʃpeare.

INCO'RPORAL. a. [in and corporal.] Immaterial

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material ; diſtinct from matter ; tiiftiniS
from body. Raleigh.

INCORPOR.VLITY. ſ. [incorporahie, Fr.]

INCO'RPORALLY. ad. [from inrnſcraL]
Without matter.

To INCO'RPORATE. v. a. [incsrporer,
1. To mingle different ingredients ſo as
they ſhall make one mafs. Eicon,
2. To conjoin inſeparably. Shakʃpeare.
3. To form into a corporation, or bc>dy
politick. Carew'.
4. To unite ; to aflbciate. Addiſon.
5. To embody. Sidney. Stillingfleef.

To INCORPORATE. ʃ. n. To unite into
one mafs. Boyle.

INCO'RPORATE. a. [in ^ni rorporji,-.]
Imn-.arerial ; unbodied. Raleigh.

INCORPORA'TION. ʃ. [incorporation,
r. U,ni on of divers ingredients in one m.''ff.
2. Farmation of a body politic!:.
3. Adoption ; union ; alTociation. Hooker.

INCORPO'REAL. a. [ITicorpora/n, Litip.]
incorporel, Fr. in and corporeal ] Immaterial
; unbodied. Bacon, Berkley.

INCORPO REALLY. ad. [from irrirporea/,.
ImrBateriolly, Bacon.

INCORPORE'ITY. ʃ. [in and corporeity.]

To INCORPSE. v. a. [/n and «r/'>.] T ;
incorporate. Shakʃpeare.

INCORRECT. a. [in and cotrcil.] Not
nicely finiſhed ; not exaifl. Pope. .

INCORRE'CTLY. ad. [from incerreSi.]
Inaccurately ; not exactly.

INCORRE'CTNESS. ʃ. [in and corr,anefi.)
Inaccuracy; want of exactneſs.

INCO'RRIGIBLE. a. [incorrigible, Fr.]
Bad beyond correction; depraved beyond
amendment by any means. More,

INCORRIGIBLENESS. ʃ. [from incorrigible.]
Hopeleſs depravity ; badneſs beyond
all means of amendment. Locke.

INCORRrCIBLY. ad. [from incorrigible.]
To a degree of depravity beyond all means
of amendment. Roſcommon.

INCORRU'PT. v. a. [in and corri.p'us,

INCORRU'PTED. i Latin; tncorruwpu,
1. Free from fouſneſs or depravation. Milton.
4. Pure of manners ; honed; good.

INCORRUPTIBILITY. ʃ. [incorruptibilite.
French.] Inſuſceptibility of corruption
; incapacity of decay. tlakewell.

INCORRtl'PTIBLE. a. [incorrupt. hie, Yr.]
Not capable of corruption ; not adniitting
decay. JFoke.

INCORRU'PTION. ʃ. [incorruption, Fr.]
Incapacity Of corruption, iCor.

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INCORRU'PTNESS.7. [in and corrupt.)
1. Purity of manners ; honefly ; integrity. Woodward.
2. Freedom from decay or degeneration.

To INCRA.SATE. v. a. [rn and cr.'JJas,
Latin.] To thicken ; the contrary to attenrate. Brown, Newton.

INCRAS5A'TION. ʃ. [from mcrajate.]
1. The S&. of thick?nmg.
2. The ſtatf of growing thick. Brown.

INCRA'SSAT IVE. ʃ. [from inerajjme.]
H 'Ving the quality of thickening. Harvey.

To INCRE'ASE. v.n, [rnand fr^/w, Lat.]
To gV'W more or greater. Prior.

To INCRE'ASE. v.,a. To make more or
greatf-, Temple.

INCRE'ASE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Aligment.nion ; the ſtate of growing
more or greater. P(>pe,
2. Increment ; that which is added to the
original (lock.
3. ProdiK-e. Denham.
4. Generation. Shakʃpeare.
5. Progf-ny. Pope. .
6. The ſtare of waxing. Bacon.

INCRE ASER. ʃ. [fioin 'mcreaje.] He who

INCREATED -7. Nr)t created. Cheyne.

INCREDIBILITY. ʃ. [inendibiUte, Fr.]
TTo quality of fnrpalTIng belief. Dryden.

INCRE'DIBLE. a. [incndibilis, Lat.] Surpaſſing
belief ; not to be credited. Ritleigh,

INCRE'DIBLENESS. ʃ. [from incredible.]
Quality of being not credible.

INCRE'DIBLY. ^<:/. [from ineredib/e.] In a
manner not to be btheved.

INCREDU'LITY. ʃ. [ircredulit/, French.]
Quality of not believing; hardneſs of belief.

INCRE'DULOUS. .t. [ircredu'e, Fr. in(.rednlus,
Latin.] Hard of belief ; refuſing
credit. Bacon.

INCRE DULOUSNESS. ʃ. [from incredu.
bus.] Hardnpfo of belief ; incredulity.

INCRE'MABLE. a- [in and cremo, Latin.]
Not onfiimable by the. Brown.

I'NCREMENT. ʃ. [irjcreifientum, Latin.]
1. Act of growing greater. Broltlit.
2. Incrcaſe ; cauſe of growing more. Woodward.
3. Produce. Phillips.

To I'NCREPATE. v. a. [increpo, Latin.]
To chide ; to reprehend.

INCREPATION. ʃ. [increpafio, Latin.]
Reprehenſion ; chiding. Hjmmond.

To INCRU'^T. 7 v. a. [ircrijio, Lat.]

To INCRU'STATE S To cover with an
additional coat. Pope.

INCRUSTATION. ʃ. [incrujfation, Fr.]
An adherent covering ; ſomething ſuperinduced. Addiſon.

To I'NCUBATE. v. «. [incubo, Lat.] To
fit upon eggs.

INCUBATION. ʃ. [incubation, ¥r. ir.ru.
hatio, Latin.] Theaift of fitting upon eggs
to hatch them. Raleigh, Arbuthnot.

I'NCUBUS. ʃ. [Latin ; imube, French.]
The night-mare. Floyer.

To INCU'LCATE. v. a. [irculco,U.X\n:\ To
impreſs by freq\;ent sdmonitions. Broome.

INCULCATION. ʃ. [from inculcate.] The
act of impteJling by frequent admonition,

INCULT. a. [^ihci.lie, pr. incutu!, Lat.]
UncuUivated ; unfilled. '^I'bomjox.

INCU'LPABLE. ad. [i/z and caZ/'jii/M, Lat.]
UnbhmeabJe. South.

INCU'LPABLY. ad. [in and Culj>abili!, Lat ]
Unblanjeably. South.

INCUMBENCY. ʃ. [from irjcuwbert.]
1. The act of lying upon another.
2. The ſtate of keeping a benefice. Swift.

INCUMBENT. a. [incumber, Latin.]
1. J^eſſing upon ; lying upon. Boyle, Addiſon.
1. Impoſed as a duty. Si'iau.

INCU'JvlBENT. ʃ. [iiicumion, Latin.] He
who is in preſent poſſeirion of a benefice. Swift.

To INCU'MBER. f. a. [encombrer. Ft]
To embarraſs. Dryden.

To INCUR. v. a. [warrc, Latin.]
1. To become liable to a puniſhment or
reprehenCor. Hayward.
2. To occur ; to preſs ontheſenſes. Sowh.

INCURABI'LITY. ʃ. [incurabiUtc, Fr,
from incur eble.l^ Impoſſibility of cine. Harvey.

INCU'RABLE. a. [;«fara^/^, French.] Not
admitting remedy ; not to be removed by
medicine; irremediable; hopeltf?. ^'W'Jt.

INCU'RABLENESS. ʃ. [from i»curao!c.]
State of not admitting any cure.

INCU'RABLY. ad. [from incurable.] Without
remedy. Locke.

INCU'RIOUS. a. [in and enrious.] Negligent
; inattentive. Do'l^am,

INCURSION. ʃ. [irgm insurro, Latin.]
1. Attack ; mifrhievous occurrence. South.
2. [Ineurjion, Fr.] lovafion without co iqueſt.

INCURVA'TION. ʃ. [from incurvo. La.]
1. The act of bending or making crooked.
1. Fl'^xipn of the body in token of reverence. Stillingfleet.

To INCy'RVATE. v. a. [ir.curvo, Ljt:n.]
To benH ; to crock. Cheyne.

INCURVUY. ʃ. [fum warxaj. Lam.]
Cruokednel: ; the ſtate of bending mward. Brown.

To I'NDACATE. v. a. [ir.dugo, Latin.]
To ſearch ; to beat out.

INDAGA'TION. ʃ. [^^rn-n indagate.]
Search ; enquiry ; exammation. Boyle.

INDAGATOR. ʃ. [:ndjgator,hiiUn.] A
ſearcherj an entjuirer ; an examiner. Boyle.

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To IKDA'RT. v. a. [in and dart.] To dart
in ; to ſtrike in. Shakʃpeare.

To LN'DE'BT- f.a.
1. To put into debt.
2. To oblige ; to put unſer obligation.

INDE'BTLD. particifial a. [in and debt.]
Obliged by ioinething received ; bound to
reſtitution ; having incurred ^ debt. Hooker.

INDE'CENCY. ſ.[irdccence, French.] Any
thing unbſcoming ; any thing contrary to
pood manners. Locke.

INDE'CENT. a. [indecent, French.] Unbecoming; unlit for the eyes or ears. South.

INDECENTLY. ad. [from indecent.] Without
decency ; in a manner contrary to decency,

INDECI'DUOUj. a. [imn'i deciduous.] Not
falling ; nor died. Brown.

INDECLl'NABLE. a. lindnlinehiHt, Lat.]
Ni'f var'Pil by terminations. ArCuthnot,

INDEC0'R0U'.S. a. [jWfcorai, Latin.] Indecent
; I'nheconiing. Nortii.

INDECO'RUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Indecency ;
ſomething unbecoming,

INDE'ED. ad. [in^^nAdecd.]
1. In reality ; in truth ; in verity. Sidney, Spenſer.
2. Above common rate. Davies.
3. This is to be granted tha'. Wake.
4. It is uſed ſometimes as a ſlight alTertion
or recapitulati' n in a ſenſe hardly perceptible
or t-xplicable. Dryden.
5. It is tfsd to note conceſſion in companions. Bacon.

INDEFATIGABLE. a. [indefingahilis

Latin.] Unwearied ; not tired ; nr.t exhauOed
by labour. South.

INDEFA'TIGABLY. ad. [from indefati-
Fjible.] Without wearineſs. D'fdeti.

INDEFECTIBILirY. ſ. [from indefiaiile.]
The quality of luftcring no decay ; of being
fq^jeft to no deftft.

INDtFE'CTIBLE. a. [/« andif/^<5<a, Lat.]
Unt:i:ling ; not liable to defect or decay.

INDLFE'SIBLE. a. [indefoijibk, French.]
Not to be cutoff; not to be vacated ; irrevocable. Decay of Piety.

INDEFE'NSIBLE. a. [in and dcfenjum,
Latin.] What cannot be defmded or
maintainei^, Sanderſon,

INDEFINIIE. a. [ind.jimtus^'Latin.]
1. Not determined ; not limited ; not
ſettled. _ Bacon.
2. Large beyond the comprebenſionof man,
jhough not abſolutely without limit?. Spectator.

INDE'FIivITIfLY. a. [from indrſptte.]
1. Wjti out any ſettled or determinate limitstpon.
1. To a degree indefinite, f^^y-

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INDEFI'NITUDE. ʃ. [from imltjlmte.]
Cjuantity not limited by our underſtanding,
though vet finite. I-!ale.

INDELI'BERATF. v. a. [in and delibe-

INDELIBERATED. ʃ. rafc] Unpremeditated
; done without conſideration. Brown.

INDE'LIBLE. a. [irJcJibUis, Latin.]
1. Not to be blotted out or effaced. Gjy.
2. Not to be nnnulled. Spratt.

IMOE'LICACY. ʃ. [in and dc!{cacy.] Want
of delicacy ^ want of elegant decency.

INDF/LICATE. a. [z/»and ^f/;Vjfc.] Wanting
decency ; void of a quick fenle ut decency,

INDEMNIFICA'TION./; [from indemnify
1. Security againſt loſs or pt;nalty.
:. ReiITiburſement of loTs or penalty.

To INDE'MNIFY. v. a. [in and damnify.]
1. To ſecure againſt lols or penalty,
7. To maintain unhurr. tVntls.

INDE'MNltY. ʃ. [i':demnt!e,V'an<:h.^ Security
from puniſhment ; exemptU'n from
(juuiniment. ^'i Charles,

To INDE'NT. v. a. [in and. dtm, a tooth,
Latin.] To mark any thing with inequalities
like a row of teeth. IV^o.l-ward.

To INDENT. v. n. [from the meth d of
cutting counterparts of a contract together.]
To coutrad ; to barga n ; to make
a compaf}. Decaf of Hety.

INDE'NT. ʃ'. [from the verb.] Inequality; incifure ; indentation. Shakʃpeare.

INDENTA'TIOlSf. ſ. [in and dem, Latin.; An indenture ; waving in any figure.

INDENTURE. ʃ. [from indent.] A covenant,
fo named becauſe the counterparts
are indented or cut one by the other.

INDEPE NDENCE. 7 ʃ. [iUf.-ndun.e,

INDEPE'NDENCY. ^ French.] Freedom ;
exemption from reliance or control ; (late
over which none has povrer,
rAddiʃon. To pe.

INDEPE'NDENT. a. [/«J,-/.fn.-/dn^ French.]
1. Not depending ,' not ſupported by any
other ; not relying on another ; not controlled. South.
2. Not relating to any thing elſe, as to a
ſuperiour, Berkley.

INDEPE'NDENT. ʃ. One who in religious
allairs holds that eveiy cou^i<;gation is a
complete church, Sarnierjun,

iNDEPE'NDENTLY. ad. [from imlpe-ndiwr.]
Without reference to other things. Dryden.

INDESE'RT. ʃ. [in and dfrt.] W-.nc of
merit. Mdillri.

IVDE'SINENTLY. ad. [r.!rJsrcntn,Y .]
VYulicut ceflation-. i-'.ay.
1 N D

INDESTRU'CTIBLE. a. [in and deſiruBi
ihle.] Not to be deſtroyed. Boylei

INDETE'RMINABLE; 'a. [in and determivalle.]
Not to be fixed ; not to be defined
or fettlprt, BrotVTii

INDETERMINATE. a. [indetermine.
French.] Unfix n' ; not defined; indefinite.

INDETE'RMINATELY. ad. Indefinitely; not in any rettjed manner. Brown.

INDETE'RMINED. a. [in and determined.]
Unſettled ; unfixed. Locke.

INDETERMINA'TION. ʃ. [/« and ^.-^'rmination.]
Want of determination.

IN DEVOTION. ʃ. [indeiotion, Fr.] Want
ot devotion ; irreligion. Decay of Piety.

INDEVOUT. a. [mdei-ot, French.] Not
devout ; not religious ; irreligious.
becjy of Piety.

INDE'X. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. The diſcoverer ; the pointer out.
A buthnoi.
2. The hand that points to any thing.
3. The table of contents to a book.Shakʃpeare.

INDEXTEIilTY. ʃ. [in and d,xterity.]
Want of dexterity
; want of readine<s.

I'NDIAN Arrtiv root, f, A root; a medicinal
plant ; it being a ſovereign remedy
tor curing the bite of waſps, and expelling
the poiſon of the manchineel tree. This
rOot the Indians apply to extract the venorn
of their arrows. Aitllsr.

I'NDIAN Cfejs. ſ. [acriviobi Latin.] A
plant. Miller.

f. [opuntia, Latin.] A plant.

I'NDIAN Bed. ſ. A kind of mineral earth.


I'NDICANT. a. [indicant, Latin.] Showing; pointing out; that which dire^s w.^at
is to be done in any diſeaſe.

To INDICATE. v. a. [indicd, Latin.]
1. To ſhow ; to point out.
2. [In phyſick.] To point out a remedy,

INDiCA'TION. ʃ. [indication, French.]
1. Maik; token; ſign ; note ; ſymptom. Addiſon.
2. rin phyſick.] Indication is of four kinds ;
vital, prelervative, curative, and palliative,
as it direffs what is to be done to continue
life, cutting off the cauſe of an approach
in;; difiempcr, curing ic wltilft it is aftually
prelent, nr lelTcning its eſſefts. S^iiny,
3. Diſcovery made ; intelli'gence given.

INDI'CATIVE. a. [indii'Jtivus, Lnm. ;
1. Shi'wing ; informing ; pointing out.
2. [In Rtamrtiir.] A ofeitain modification
-, S i ef

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of a verb, expreſſing affirmation or indica-

INDI'CATIVELY. ad. [from inJu^ttve.]
In ſuch a manner as ſhows or betukens,

To INDICT. See Indite, and its derivatives,

INDI'CTION. ʃ. [inJiaio'i, Fr. indico,
1. Declaration ; proclamation. B.uon,
2. [In chrunology.] The indiction, \n(\\-
tuted by Conftantine the great, is propeily
a cycle of tribute?, ordeily diſpoſed, fur
fifteen years, and by it accounts of that
kind were kept. Afterwards, in memory
of the great vidory obtained by Conftantine
over Mezentius, 8 Cai. Od. 312. by
which an intire freedom was given to Chriſhanity,
the council of Nice, for the honour
ofConftantme, ordained that the accounts
of years ſhould be no longer kept by the
Olympiads; but that the wdiſſion ihoulA
3. Void; empty. Bacon.

INDIGE'ST. [a. [trd^gep,?:. indigej.

IN DICE STED. S tut, Latin.]
1. Not ſeparated into diftinil orders. Raleigh.
2. Not formed, or ſhaped. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not well conſidered and methedifed. Hooker.
4. Not concocted in the ſtomach. Dryd.
c,. Not brtught to ſuppuration. Wiſeman.

INDIGE'STIBLE. a. [from in and digeſt.
ib:c.] Not conquerable in the ſtomach.

INDIGE'STION. ʃ. [ir.digeſtion, French.]
The Oate of meats unconcotted. Temple.

To INDI'GITATE. v. a. [indigito, Lat.]
To point our ; to ſhow. Brown.

INDIGITA'TION. ʃ. [from indigitate.]
The act of pointing out or ſhowing. More.

INDI'GN. a. [indigne, Fr. tndignus, Lat.]
1. Unworthy; undeferving, Bacon.
2. Bringing indignity. Shakʃpeare.
be made uſe of, which hath its epocha

INDI'GNANT. a. [;W'2-''a«t, Latin.] An-
^- -O- 313- Jan, 1. gry ; raging ; infiamea at once with anger

INDI'FFERENCE. 1 . r j-jt
^'^^ diſdain. Arbuthnot.

INDI'FFERENCY. S -' V^'Jt''^ F''-]

INDIGNA'TION. ʃ. [indignation, Yxtnzh..
Neutrality; ſuſpenſion ; equipoife or i:^dtgnatio,\ji.(\r\..
freedom from motives on either fidt-. Locke.
2. Impartiality. Whitgtfle.
3. Negligcnce; want of affection ; unconcernedneſs. Addiſon.
Anger mmglea with contempt or diſguſt. Clarenden.
3. The anger of a foperiour. 2. Kings.
3. The elt'ect of anger. Shakʃpeare.
4. State in which no moral or phylical

INDIGNITY. ʃ. [inJignitas, from indigreafnn
preponderates. Ho

INdifferent. a. [indifferent, Fr. /;;-
dijft'rens, Latin.]
1. Neutral ; not determined to either ſide,
2. Unconcerned ; inattentive ; regardleſs.
3. Not to have ſuch difference as that the
one is for its own faks preferable to the
other. Da-i'ics-
4. Impartial ; difintereſtect.
jijcham. Daties.
5. PafTable ; having mediocrity; of a
middling ſtate. Roſcommon.
6. In the ſame ſenſe it has the force of an
adverb Shakʃpeare.

INDI'FFERENTLY. ' ad. [tndfferenter,
1. Without diifinction ; without preference. Newton.
2. In a neutral ſtate ; without wiſh or
averſion. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not well; tolerably; pafl'ably ; middiingfy. Carew.

I'NDIGENCE. 7 ʃ. [indigence, Fr. indigen-

I'NDIGENCY. i tia, Latin.j Want ; penury
; poverty. Burnet.

INDI'GENOUS. a. [indigene^ Fr, indigena,
Latin.] Native to a country- Arbuth.

INDIGENT. a. [indtgem, Latin.]
1. Pvjor y needy ; necciiitous. Addiſon.
2. In want ; wanting. Phiir.ps,
«i/j, Latin.] Contumely ; contemptuous
injury ; violation .of right accompanied
with infult. Hooker.

INDIGO. ʃ. [i'ldicum, Latin.] A plantby
the Americans called anil, uſed in dying
for a blue colour. Milter,

INDIRE'CT. a. [indire^us, Latin.]
1. Not (iraight ; not re<ftilinear.
2. Not tendi;ig otherwiſe than collaterally
or conſequentially to a point. Shakʃpeare.
3. Not fair ; not honeſt. Daniel.

INDIRECTION. /, [in and direBion.]
1. Oblique means ; tendency not in a
Ih.TJght line. Shakʃpeare.
2. Dirtioneſt practice. Shakʃpeare.

INDIRE CTLY. ad. [from indirta.]
1. Not in a right line ; obliqueiy.
2. Not in expreſs terms. Broome.
3. Unfairly; not rightly. Talyyhlar,

INDIRE'CTNESS. ʃ. [in and direHneſs.]
1. Obliquity.
2. Unfairneſs.

INDISCE'RNIBLE. a. [in and diſcerr tide.]
Not perceptible ; not diſcoverable. Dcih,

INDISCE'RNIBLY. ad. [from indiſcerrdble,-\
In a manner not to be perceived.

INDISCE'RPTIBLE. a. [in:.nidiſcetpti'U.]
Not to be lepaiaced: incapable of being
broken or dellioveJ by dilTolutron of p^rts,

INDISCERFTIBILITy. ʃ. [from indiſcerftible.]
ilicapability of diffoJution.

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INDISCO'VERY. ʃ. [in and el,f<:overy..
The ſtate of being hidden. Bacon.

INDISCREE'T. a. [indijcrtt, French.] Imprudent
; incautious i inconſiderate ; injudicious. Spenſer.

INISCREETLY. ad. [from indijcrc,t.]
Without prudence. Sandys.

INDISCRETION. f. [irjiſcretion, French.]
Impudence ; ralhneſs ; iDconiideration. Hayward.

INDISCRI'MINATE. ^. [indifLrmir.atuz,
Latin.] Undiſhnguiſhable ; not marked
with any note of diſtinction.

INDISCRi'iMINATELY. ad. [from Indiſcriminate.]
Without diſtinction.

INDISPENSABLE. a. [French.] Not to
be remitted ; not to be ſpared ; neceſſary.

INDISPE'NSABLENESS. ʃ. [from indif.
penfabk.] State of not being to be ſpared ; neciiijtv.

INDISPE'NSABLY. ad. [from indiſpenfat/
e.] Without diſpenfation ; without renuiſion
; neceſfarily. Addiſort.

To IKDISPO'SE. v. a. [indiſp^fer, French.]
1. To make unfit. Wichyij'-. j'literiury,-
2. To dilincline ; to make averſe. With /a. South.
3. To diſorder; to diſqualify for its proper
funct-ions, Claniali.
4. To diſorder ſlightly with regard to
health. Walton.
5. To make unfavourable, WxdMowards,

INDISPO'SEDNESS. ʃ. [from ir.deſpofa.y
State of unfitneſs or diſinclinatiou ; depraved
(tate. Decay of Piety.

INDISPOS'.TION. ʃ. [indijp.fit'ion, Fr.]
1. Diſorder of health ; tendency to ſickneſs.
2. Difinclination ; didike. Hooker.

INDISPUTABLE. a. [in and diſputah/e.]
Uncontrovertible ; inconteſtable. Rogers.

INDISPU'TABLENESS. ʃ. [from ir,dif.
putable.'^ The ſtate of being indiſputable
; certainty,

INDISPUTABLY. ad. [from ,iru!iſputahle.]
1. Without controverſy ; certainly'. Brown.
2. Without oppoſition. ih:^e'.

INDISSO'LVABLE. a. [in^n6 diſfolvahle.]
1. liidilloluble
; not ſeparable as to its
parts. Newton.
2. Not to be broken ; binding for ever.

INDISSOLUni'LITY. ʃ. [indiffdubvit^',
French. ; Reſiſtance of a diffbJving power \
firtnrifr'- ; ſt<^bleneſs. Locke.

INDI'SSOLUBLE. a. [indiJiLbU, Trench ; indiſſoluhili^. Latin.]
1. Refiſhng all ſepaiation of its p^rts ; firm ; ſtable. Boyle.

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2. Binding for ever ; ſubſifting for rver. Hooker.

lubU.] Indiflolubihty ; reſiſtance to ſepa-
ration of parts. Hale.

INDI'SSOLUBLY. ad. [from indifolubU,.
1. In a manner rtfifting all ſeparacion. Boyle.
2. For ever obligatorily.

INDISTI'NCT. <i. [mdiftina^ French.]
1. Not plainly marked ; confuſed. Dryden.
2. Not exactly diſcerning. Shakʃpeare.

INDISTI'NCTION. ʃ. [from :ndijHnS,']
1. Confuſion ; uncertainty, Brown.
2. Omiſſion of diſcrimination. Sptati,

INDISTI'NCTLY. ad. [from itidiftina.]
1. Confuſedly ; uncertainly. Newten,
2. Without being diſtingudhed. Bmivji.

INDISTI'NCTNESS. ʃ. [from indiftina.l
Confuſion ; uncertainty. Newton.

INDISTU'RBANCE. ʃ. [in and diſturb.]
Caimneſs ; freedom from diliurbance. Temple.

INDIVIDUAL. a. [individu, individuel,
1. Separate from others of the ſame Secies
; tingle ; numerically one. Prior, Watts.
2. Undivided ; not to be parted or .difjoined

INDIVIDUALITY. ʃ. [from indiK'idual.l
Separate or diftind exiſtence. Arbuthnot.

INDIVIDUALLY. ad. [from individu.
al.] With ſeparate or diſtinct exiſtence
9 numerically, Hook^-.

To INDIVI'DUATE. v. a. [from wA'Wdous,
Latin.] To diſtinguiſh from others -of
the ſame Ipecies ; to make ſingle. More.

INDIVIDUATION. >. [from indi^-iduate^\
That which makes an individu'.l. Watt.

INDIVIDU'ITY. ʃ. [from jWii;V«ja, Lat.]
The ſtate of being an individual ; ſepairaie

INDIVI'NITY. ʃ. [j« and iW;i;Vy.] Waat
of divine power. Broiiw.

INDIVISIBI'LITY. ʃ. [Unmindimfibte.l

INDIVi'BLENESS. ʃ. State in which no
more diviſion can be made. Locke.

INDIMSIBLE. a. [indi-iiſible, French. ; What cannot be broken into parts ^ fo
ſmall as that it cannot he ſmaller. Digby.

INDIVISIBLY. ad. [from «^i4/Wf.] Sh
as it cannot be divided.

INDO'CIBLE. a. [in and dodſk.] Ununteathible
; infulceptible of inſtilliSion.

INDO'CIL. a. [indocile, French.] UnlcAchabic
i incapable of being inllru^td,

INDOCI'LITY. ſ.[ir.dod'i:^', French.] Dnteaclubleneis
; retuf^l of infi. uiHorj.

To INDQ'CTRINATE. v. a. [^aISTdnsr,
old Franch] Toinſtrudl ; ti.'tinfiure ^/ith
any ſcience or coinion, C t^mdor,.

INDOCTRINATION. ʃ. [from irdo'?rinate-
l Infti-u<nioi) ; intormatioli. Browi.

INDOLENOE. ʃ. , Kv, and rfaco, Latin.]

1. freedom from pam, Burrrel.
2. Lazineſs ; inattention ; liftlclTneſs.

I'NDOLENT. a. [French.]
1. [ree ttom pain.
2. Cireleſs : lazy ; inattentive ; liftleſs.

INDOLENTLY. ad [from indoltnt.]
1. WithJreedom from pain.
2. Careleſly : lazily ; inattentively ; Hft-
Icfly. , .-^f>-

To TNDO'W. v. a. [rViofarf, Litxr.] U
pouion ; to enrich with gifts. See Endow.

INDRA'UGHT. ʃ. [»« a'. draught.
1. An opening in the land into which the
fea flows. R^agb.
2. I^.'et; paſſage inwards. Bacon.

To lNDRE'NCH. v. a. [from drench.]
To ſoak ; to drown. Shakſpeare.

INDU'BIOUS. . [in and dutiauu ; Not
doubtful ; not ſuſpeaing ; certain. Hart-

INDU'EITABLE. a. [indubitahiht, Latin.]
Undoubted ; unqueHionable fVcJt!

INDU'BITABLY. aif. [from t>idubttable.]
Undoubtedly : unqueſtionably.
JFotlor. Sprntt.

INDU'BITATE. a. [viduhitatus, Latin.]
Unqueſtioned : certain} apparent ;

To INDU'CE. v. a. [tnduire, Fr. induco,
1. To perſuade ; to influence to any thing. Hayward.
2. To produce by perſuafion or influence. Bacon.
3. To offer by way of induflion, or conlequential
reaſoning. Brown.
4. To inculcate ; to enforce.
5. To cauſe extrinfically ; to produce. Bacon.
6. To introduce ; to bring into vif w. Brown.
7. To bfinc on : to ſuperinduce. Decay of Piety.

INDU'CEMENT. ʃ. [from induce.] Motive
to any thing ; that which allures or perſuades
to any thing. Regrn.

INDU'CER. ʃ. [from iWacr.] A pcrluadei ;
one that inFluences.

To INDU'CT. I'. a. [induBus, Latin.]
1. To introduce ; to bring in. i)jnJ\s.
2. To put into attudl poſſeflion of a bem:
flce. ^y^'f^'-

INDU'CTION. ʃ. [induflicn, Fr. tr.duaio,
1. Introduction ; entrance. Shakʃpeare.
2. InduBion is when, from ſeveral paiticuhr
propoCtions, wfcinfe ; one gtneiMl.
// itti.

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3. The act or ſtate of taking poſſefnoJS
of an eccleſiaftical living.

INDU'CTIVE. a. [from ;W.<=7.]
1. Leading ; perſuafive. With to. Milton.
2. Capable to infer or produce, llnle.

To INDU'E. v. a. [induo, Latin.] To< inveſt.

To INDU'LGE. v. a. [indulgeo, Latin.]
1. To fondle ; to favour ; to gratify with conceſſion. Dryden.
3. To grant not of right, but favour.

To INDU'LGE. v.n. To be favourable.
Government of the Tongue.

INDU'LOENCE. ?,,. ^ . ,

INDU'LGENCY. I f ['dufge^ce, French.]
1. Fori'dueſs ; fond kindneſs. Milrcn.
2. Forbearance ; tendetneſs ; oppoſite to
rigour. Hammondi
3. Favour granted. Rogersi
4. Giant of the church of Rem. Atterbury.

INDU'LGENT. a. \ir,iAgenty'i\tnz\\.]
1. Kind ; gentle. Rogers.
2. Mild ; favourable. Waller.
3. Gratifying ; favouring ;
giving way to. Dryden.

INDU'LCENTLY. ctd. [from indulged.]
Without I'eventy ; without cenſure.

INDU'LT. If. [Ital. and French.] Pn-

INDU'LTO. ʃ. vilege or exemption.

To I'NDURATE. v. a. [induro, Latin ]
T>> gicw hard ; to harden. Bacon.

To INDURATE. v. a.
1. To make hard. Shakſp.
2. To harden the mind.

INDURA'TION. ʃ. [from ifidunte.]
1. The <fate of growing hard. Bacon.
2. The act of hardening.
3. Obduracy ; hatdneſs of heart. Decay of Piety.

INDU'STRIOUS. a. [indufnus, Latin.]
1. Diligent; laborious, Mhon.
2. Deſigned ; done for the purpoſe, Watts.

INDU'.STRIOUSLY. ad. [Uon\induſtnous..
1. Diligently ; laboriouſly ; afliduouſly.Shakʃpeare.
2. For the ſet purpoſe ; with deſign. Bacon.

I'NDUSTRY. ʃ. [indiifiria, Latin.] Dil^igcnce
; aliiduity. Shakʃpeare. C'jiul.

To INE'BRIATE. v. a. [;«6-/.r;o, Latin.]
T intfX'C'ite ; to make drunk. Sandys.

To INE'BRIATE. v. n. To grow drunk ; to he intoxirated. Baconi,

INEBRIA'TION. ʃ. [from inebute.]
Drunkenneff; mt-xication. Bioiiti.
INEFFABILIl Y. ſ. [from ineffable.] Uuſpeakablencl's.

INE'FFABLE. a. [irffMe, Fr. inffahilit,
Latin.] UnſpeaK»ble. f^outh.

INEFIFABLY. ^r/. [from hi.fuHr.] In a
manner not to be exprelTed. Milun.

INEFFE'CTIVE. a. [infffcaif, Fr. m an]
effiBi'Vi,'^ That which can produce no
effea. l'a\^lnr.

INEFFE'CTUAL. a. l,mnAeffeaual.]Vnsble
to produce its proper effect ; weak; without power. Hooker.

INEFFE'CTUALLY. ad. [from ineffectual.]
Without eITe^.

INEFFE'CTUALNESS. ʃ. [from iti-ffeau.
!] Inefficacy ; want of power to perforin
the proper effefl. Wakf.

INEFFICA'CIOUS. a. [;„efic<ice,Tr.Jr.efjicjx,
Latin.] U.nable to produce efteds ; weak ; feeble.

INEFFICACY. ʃ. [in and effi^acia, Latin.]
Want of power ; want of effeſt.

INE'LEGANCE. ʃ. [from irtelegant.] Ah-

INE'LEGANCY. i ſcnceof beauty ; want
of eipgance,

INE'LEGANT. a. [;W-^ani, Latin.]
1. Not becoming ; nut beautiful ; oppoſite
to elegant. Woodward.
2. Mean ; deſpecable ; contemptible. Broome.

INE'LOQUENT. a. [in and ekquens, Lat.]
Not perſuafive; not oratorical,

INE'PT. a. [7«ſpſw, Lat.] Unfit ; uſeleſs
; trifling ; fooliſh. More.

INE'PTLY. ad. [/W/.?/, Latin.] Trifllngly ; foohſhly ; unfitly. More.

INE PTITUDE. ſ. [from meatus, Latin.]
Unfitneſs. U'lkim.

INEQUA'LITY. ſ.[from in a^ualitas and in
aqualii, Latin.]
1. Difference of comparative quantity. Ray.
2. Unevenneſs ; interchange of higher and
lower parts. Newton.
3. Diſproportion to any office or p'lrpoſe
; ſtate of not being adequate ; inadequateneſs. South.
4. Change of Hate ; unlikeneſs of a thing
to itſelf. Biiii'i'.
5. Difference of rank or ſtation. Hooker.

INERRABILITY. ſ.[from inerrable.] Exemption
from error. ^'^ CharUi.

INE'RRABLE. a. [in and err.] Exempt
from errour. Hammond.

INE'RRABLENESS. ʃ. [from inerrable.]
Exemption from errour. H~:mmo!id.

INE'RRABLY. ʃ.7(f. [from inerrable.] With
ſecurily from errour ; infallibly.

INERRINGLY. ad. [imnd^rnng.] Without
en our, G'an-.;iilc.

INE'RT. a. [;«,.Ti, Latin.] Pull; ſluggiſh ; motionleſs. Blackir.ore,

INE'RTLY. aJ. [from inert.] Sluggiſhly; dully. Pope. .

INESCA'TION. ʃ. [/,: and efoJ, Lat.] The
3dt of baiting,

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INFSTIMABLE. a. [inf/iimahilli, Latin.l
Too valuable to be rated ; tranſcending all
price. Boyle.

INE'VIDENT. a. [inevident, Fr. in and
ei-iden'.] Not plain ; obſcure. Brown.
INEVITABI'LITY. ſ. [from inevitable.]
Impoſſibility to be avoided ; certainty.

INEVITABLE. a. [inemtalHis, Latinj. ;
Unavoidable ; not to to be eſcaped. Dryden.

INE'VITABLY. ad. [from inevitable.]
Without pnflibihty of eſcape. Berkley.

INEXCU'SABLE. a. [wexcufab,7is, Lat.]
Not to be excuſed ; not to be palliated by
apoiogv. Swift.

INEXCU'SABLENESS. ʃ. [from intxcuſe.
all'.] Enormity beyond forgiveneſs or
palliation. South.

INEXCUSABLY. ad. [from in:xcufabk,\
To a degree of gu:lt or foliy beyond excuſe,

INEXHA'LABLE. a. [in Hnd exHale.] That
which c'nnot evaporate. Brown.

INEXHA'USTED. a. [in and exhaufitd.]
Uiiemptied ; not poilible to be emptied. Dryden.

INEXHA'USTIBLE. a. Not to be ſpent. Locke.
INEXI STENT, a. [in and ex-Jiem.] Not
having being ; not to be found in nature. Boyle.

INEXI'STENCE. ʃ. [in and ex-ftencs.]
Want of being ; want of exillence. Broome.

INE'XORAELE. a. [inexorable. Fr. inexo.
ratiii', Latin.] Not to be intreated ; not
to be moved by intreaty, Rairers.
INEXi'E'DIENCE. If. [ir ^ni expeduncy.-\

INEXPEDIENCY. S Want of fitneſs ; want of propiiety ; unſuitableneſs to time
or place. Sanderſon.

INEXPEDIENT. a. [in and exp-di.nt.'l
Inioiivenient ; unfit ; improper. Smah.

INEXPERIENCE. ʃ. [inexperience, Fr.]
Want of experimental knowledge. Mihcn.
INEXPE'RIENCED. a. [>nexpertu,. Lat.]
Not experienced.

INEXPE'RT. a. [inexpprtut,hii. rV and
expert.] Unſkiiful ; unliciJled. Milton.

INE'XPIABLE. a. [inexpiable, French.]
1. Not to be atoned.
2. Not to be mollified by atonement. Milton.

INE'XPIABI.Y. ad. [from inexpiable.] To
a degree beyond atonsmerit. Roſcommir.

INE'XPLEABLY. ad. [in and expleo, Lat.]

INE'XPLICABLE. a. [in and expli.o, Lat.]
Incapable of being explained. Hooker. Newton.

INE'XPI.ICABLY. ad. [from inexplicable.]
in 3 manner nac to be txplained.

INEXPRE'S^IBLE. a. [in and exf>'ff!.]
Not to be told ; not to be uttered ; unutterable. Milton, Stillingfleet.

INEXPRE'SSIBLY. ad. [from mex^r-Jjible.]
To a degree or in a manner i)Ot to be uttered. Hammond.

INEXPU'GNABLE. a. [inexpugnahHn,
Latin.] Impregnjfcle ; not to be taken by
affault ; not to be ſubdued. Ray.
INEXTI'NGUISHABLE. a. [h and extitiguB,
Latin.] Unquenchable. Grew.

INE'XTRICABLE. a. [inextricabilis, Lat.]
Not to be difintangled ; not to be cleared. Blackmore.

INEXTRICABLY. ad. [from inextncabte.]
T» a degree of perplexity not to be difintangled. Berkley.
To lNE'YE. v. n. [/ſtandfyf.] To inoculate
the inſition ; to propagate trees by
of a bud into a foreign ſtock. Phillips
INFALLTBI'LITY. ?/. [/n>//7;iV»W, Fr.]

INFA'LLIBLENESS. i luerrability ; exemption
from errour. 'TiHomfon.

INFALLIBLE. a. [infallible, French.] Privileged
from errour ; incapable of mift-ike. Hooker.

INFA'LLTBLY. ad. [from irtfallibk.]
1. Without danger of deceit ; with ſecurity
from errour. Smalridge.
2. Certainly. Rogers.
To INFA'ME. v. a. [infamo, LiUn] To
ffepreſent to diſadvantage ; to defame ; to
cenſure publickly. Etuon,

INFAMOUS. a', [infamis, Latin.] Publickly
branded with guilt ; openly cenſured. Ben. Johnson.

I'NFAMOUSLY. ad. [from infamous.
1. With open reproach; with publick notoriety
of reproach.
2. Shamefully , ſcandalouſly, Dryden.

I'NFAMOUSNESS. ʃ. [infanaa, Latin.]

INFAMY. ʃ. Publick reproach ; notoriety of bafi chara£\er. King Charles.

I'NFANCY. ʃ. [infantia, Latin.]
1. The firſt part of life. Hooker.
2. Civil infancy.
3. Firſt age of any thing; beginning; original. Arbuthnot.

INFA'NGTHEF. It ſignifjes a privilege or
liberty granted unto lords of certain manors
to judge any thief taken within their fee.

I'NFANT. ʃ. [infani, Latin.]
1. A child from the birth to the end rA the
ieventh year. Roſcommon.
2. [In Idw.] A young perſon to the age
of one and twenty.

IICF/i'NTy^. ſ. [Spaniſh.] A princeſs deſcended
fr m the royal hl'od of Spain.

IMFA'NTICIDE. ʃ. [infontiddt, Fr. ;'«-
fanticidium, Latin.] The flaughter of the
infantb by Huroa.

I'NFANTILE. a. [infantilit, Uttv.] Pertainine
to an infant. Derhom,

I'NFANTRY. ʃ. [infarterie, French.! The
foot ſoldiers of an army. Milon.

INFA'RCTIONT. ʃ. [/„ ^^nAfarcio, Latin.]
Stuffing ; conſtipation. Harvey.
To INFA'TUATE. v. a. [infatuo, from m
and fjtous, Latin.] To ſtnke with folly ; to deprive of underſtanding. Clarenden.

INFATUA'TION./; [from mfafuMe.] The
a6l of ſtriking with folly ; deprivation of
reaſon. South.

INFA'USTING. ʃ. [from infaufius, Lat.]
The act of making unlucky. Bacon.

INFE'ASIELE. a. {in and feafble.] Imprafticable. Glanville.

To INFE'CT. v. a. [infaus, Latin.]
1. To act upon by contagion ; to affl'ft
with communicated qualities ; to hurt by
contagion. Milton.
2. To nil with ſomething hurtfully contagious.Shakʃpeare.

INFE'CTION. ʃ. [ivfa-oi, Fr. irſtrlo,
Latin.] Contagion ; miſchief by commtinicati-.
n. Shakʃpeare.

INFE'C rIOUS. a. [from infeſh] Contagious
; influencing by communicated qualities. Temple.

INFE'CTIOUSLY. ad. [from infeSious.l
Contagiouſly. Shakʃpeare.

INFE'CTIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from infeBwui..
The quality of being infeſtious ; contagicuſneſs.

INFECTIVE. a. [from infB.] Having
the quality of contagion. Sidney.

INFECU'ND. ʃ. [infacundusy Latin ] Unfruitful
; infertile, Derkom,

INFECU'NDITY. ʃ. [infacunditas, Lat.]
Want of fertility.

INFELI'CITY. ʃ. [ivfelicitos, Latin.] Unhappineſs
; miſery ; calamity. ly<itts.

To INFER. v. a. [infro, Latin.]
1. To bring on ; to induce. Harvey.
2. To infer is nothing but, by virtue of
one propoſition laid down as ttue, to driw
in another as true. Locke.
5. To oft'er ; to produce. Shakʃpeare.

I'NFERENCE. ʃ. [inference, French, from
infer. ^ Conclulion drawn from previous
arguments. Watts.

INFE'RIBLE. a. [from infer.] Detiucible
from premiſed grouncis. Brown.

INFER.IORITY. ſ.[from infenour. ; Lower
ſtate of dignity or value. Dryden.

INFE'RIOUR. a. [inferior, Lat.]
1. Lower in place,
2. Lower in flation or rank of life. South.
3. Lower in value or excellency. Dryden.
4. Subordinate. fVotts.
INFlfRIOUR. ſ. One in a lower rank or
flation than another.

INPE'RNAL. a. [irſcrnal, French.] Helliſh
; taiUrean. Dryden.

- I N F

INFE'RNAL 5f!)w. ſ. The lunar cauſtick
; prepared from an evaporated folution ot
(ilver, or from cryrtaJs of ſilver. Hill,

INFE'RTILE. a. [infertile, Fr.] Unfruitful
; not ptodudtive ; infecund.
GoTjernment of the Tongue.

INFERTI'LITY. ʃ. [infertiUte, Fr. from
infertile.'^ Unfruitfulneſs ; want of fertility.

To INFE'ST. -y. a. [infefio, Latin.] To
harraſs ; to diHurb ; to plague. Hooker.

INFESTI'VITY. ʃ. [m and fjlivity.]
Mournfulneſs ; want of cheerfulnef?.

INFE'STRED. a. [ip andf^pr,} Rankling
5 inveterate. Spenſer.

INFEUDA'TION. ʃ. [in and feuJum, Lat.]
The act of putting one in poireſſion of a
a fee or eſlate. Ha/e's Com, Laiv,

I'NFIDFL. ʃ. [hſidelh, Latin.] An unbeliever
; a miſcrcant ; a pagan; one who
rejects Chriſtianity. Hooker.

INFIDELITY. ʃ. [infidelitc, French.]
1. Want of faith. Taylor.
2. Dilbelief of Chriſtianity. Addiſon.
3. Treachery ; deceit. Sfe^ator.

I'NFINITE. a. [ir.fmtus, Latin.]
1. Unbounded ; boundleſs ; unlimited ; jmmenfe. Dennis.
2. It is hyperbolically uſed for Lrge
; great,

I'NFINITELY. ad. [from /W«//^.] Without
limits; without bounds ; immenfely. Bacon.

I'NFINITENESS. ʃ. [from infinite.] Immenfity
; bnundlelſneſs ; infinity. Taylor.

INFINITE'SIMAL. a. [from ifjtniie.] Infinitely
divided. »

INFI'NITIVE. n. [infinitif, Fr. infiniti'vus,
Latin.] In grammar, the infimtive affirms,
or intimates the intention of affirming
; but then it does not do it abfohitely. Clarke.

INFI'NITUDE. ʃ. [from infinite.]
1. Infinity ; immenfity. IJak,
1. Boundleſs number. Addiʃon.

INFINITY. ʃ. [infinite, French.]
1. Immenfity; boundklſneſs ; unlimited
qualities. Raleigh.
2. Endleſs number. Arbuthnot.

INFI'RM. a. [fn/rwas, Latin.]
1. Weak ; feeble ; diſabled of body. Milton.
^. Weak of mind; irreſolute. Shakſp.
5. Not ſtable ; not ſolid. South.

To INFIRM. 1', a. [inprn-o, Lat.] To
weaken ; ti) fli^ke ; to cnteehle. Rt^high.

INFI'RMARY. ʃ. [irfiriveiie, French,]
Lndaings for the fuk. Bacon.

INFI'RMITY. ʃ. [infirmifc, French.]
1. Weakneſs of ſex, age, or temper. Rogers.
«. Failing; weakneſs; fauli. Clarenden.
3. difeaſe ; malady. Huoker,

INFI'RMNESS. ʃ. [from infirm.] Weakneſs
; feebleneſs. Boyle.

To INFI'X. v. a. [infixus, Latin.] To
drive in ; to fallen. Sptnjen,
To mFLA'ME. v. a. [ipfiammo, Latin.]
1. To kindle; to ſet on fire. Sidney, Milton.
2. To kindle deſire. Milton.
3. To exaggerate ; to aggravate, Addiſon.
4. To heat the body morbidly with ob-
Itruded matter.
5. To provoke ; to irritate.
Decay ofPi^y,
6. To fire with paſſion. Milton.

To INFLAME. ^. n. To grow hot, angry,
and painful by obllru<fled matter. Wiſeman.

INFLA'MER. ʃ. [from infiame.] The
thing or perſon that inflames. Addiſon.

INFLAMMABI'LITY. ʃ. [from irflamma.
ble.] The quality of catching fire. Harvey.

INFLA'MMABLE. a. [French.] Eaſy to
be let on fiame. Newton.

INFLAMMABLENESS. ʃ. [from tnfiammabte.]
The quality of eafi'y catching
fi'e. Boyle.

INFLAMMA'TION. ſ.[infiammatio, Lat.]
1. The act of fetting en flime.
2. The date of being in flame. Wilkins.
3. [In chinirgery.] Tnfi nnmation is when
the blood is obrtru<Sted ſo as to crowd in a
greater quantity into any particular part,
and gives it a greater colour and heat than
uſual. Quincy.
4. The act of exciting fervour of mind. Hooker.

INFLA'MMATORY. a. [from infiame.]
Having the power of inflaming. Pope. .

To INFLA'TE. v. a. [inf.jtus, Latin.]
1. To ſwell with wind. Ray.
2. To fill with the breath. Dryden.

INFL.A'TION. ʃ. [infatio, Lat. from /«-
fiaie.] The ſtate of being ſwelled with
wind ; flatulence. Arbuthnot.

To INFLE'CT. v. a. [infieBo, Latin.]
1. To bend ; to turn. ISeivton.
1. To change or vary.
3. To vary a noun or verb in its termina™

INFLE'CTION. ʃ. [irfiaio, Latin.]
1. The act of bending or turning. Hale.
2. M'fdulatinn of the voice. Hooker.
3. Variation of a noun or verb.

INFLE'CriVE. a. [^mminfiea.] Flaving
the power of bending. Der'am.
INFLEXIBI'LITY. ? ʃ. [itifi xii>ili<e\
1. Stifſneſs
; quality of refiiUng fl-xure.
2. ObiHnacy ; temper not to be bent ; inexorable

INFLE'XIBLE. a. [French ; Infuxihilliy
1. Not to ba bent or incurvated, Brown.
2. Not to be prevailed on ; immovable.
3. Not to be changed or altered. TFatti,

INFLE'XIBLY. ad. [fioai irJirxiMe.] Inexoraoly
; invariably. Locke.
To INFLICr. v. a. ii«fi''g», i'fliBus, Lat.] To put in act or impoſe as a puniſhment.

INFLI'CTER. ʃ. rfrom irfiia.] He who
puniftes. Go'Lernn-.tnt of the Tongue.

INFLICTION. ʃ. [from ;;;?<??.]
1. The act of iif;ng puniſhunents. Sc-uth,
1. The puniſhment impWed. Rogers.

INFLI'CTIVE. fl. [ivjiiaive, Fr. from in-
f-'3-\ That which IS laid on as a puniſhment.

INFLUENCE. ʃ. [ir.ftuence, Fr.]
1. Power of the celeffial aſpe^ts operating
upon terreſtri.TI bodies and affa rs. Prior.
2. Aſcendant power ; power of directirtg
or modifying. Sidney, Taylor, Atterbury.

To INFLUENCE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To 'id upon With direfiive or impulſive
power ; to modify to any purpoſe. Newton.

I'NFLUENT. a. [irjium'. Latin.] Flowing
in. Arbuſhnoe.

INFLUE'NTIAL. a. [from irfuence.] Exerting
inliuence or power, Glanwile.
INFLUX. ſ. [injluxui, Latin.]
1. Act of flowing into any thing. Ray.
2. Inlufion. llaU,
3. Influence ; power. Beacon,

INFLL'XIOyS. a. [from Influx.^ Influent
in 1. Hoiue!.

To I'FO'LD. -y. rf. [/a and/o/a.] To invi;!
v: , to inwrap ; to intloſe with involution:. Pope. .
To INFO'LLA.TE. v. a. [in and folium,
Lat.] T cover with lea>fes. Howel.
To INFO RM. v. a. [irformo, Latin.]
1. To aniniite ; to adiuate by vital powers. Dryden.
2. To inſttudl; to ſupply with new knowledge
to acquaint. Clarenden.
3. To offer an accuſation to a m?giſtrate.

To INFORM. v. n. To give intelligence.Shakʃpeare.

INFO'RMAL. a. [from irtform.] O'iFering
an informatinn ; accuſinu. Shakʃpeare.

INFO'KMANT. ʃ. [French.]
1. One who gives information or inſtruction. Watts.
2. One who exhibits an accuſation.
INFORMA'TION ʃ. [informitio, Lat.]
1. Intelligence given ; inſtruction. South, Rogers.
1. Charge or accuſation exhibited,
3. The act of informing or aftuating.

INFO'RMER. ſ.[from irform..
1. One who gives intelligence. Swift.
2. One who diſcovers offenders to the magirtrate.

INF0'RMID.4r;LE. a. [in and frmdubilis,
Lat.] Not to be feared ; nut to be dread.
ed. Milton.

INFORMITY. ʃ. [from informis, Lat.]
Sliapeleli'neff. Brown.

INFORMOUS. a. [infrme, Fr. informs,
Latin.] Shaptleſs ; of no regular hgure. Brown.

INFO'RTUNATE. a. [irfonunatus, Lat.]
Unhappy, Bacon.

To INFRA'CT. v. a. [infaSius, Latin.]
To break. Ihoinfon,
INFRAC nON. ſ. [infraction, Fr.] The
att of breaking : breach ; Violation.

INFRA'NGIBLE. a. [in and frargiile.]
Not to be broken. Cheyne.
INFRE QUENCY. ſ. [infrequentia, Latin.]
Uncommonneſs ; rariiy, Broome.
lNFi^.E'QUENT, a. [-.nfrequens, Latin.]
Rare ; uncommon.

To INFRIGIDATE. v. a. [imni frigidus,
Lat.] To chill ; to make cold. Boyle.

To INFRI'NGE. v. a. [trfringo, Latin.]
1. To violate ; to break laws or contracts.
2. To deſtroy ; to hinder. Wal'er.
INFRI'NGEMENT. ſ. [from infringe. .
Breach ; violation. Clarenden.

INFRINGER./, [from ;W/»^f.] A breaker
; a violator. AvUjft.

INFU'NDIBULIFORM. ʃ. [ivfundibuLm
and forma, Lat.] Of the ſhape of a furjrel
or tundiHi.

INFURIATE. a. [in and furia, Latin.]
Enraged ; raging. AlHton,.

INFUSCA'TION. ʃ. [irfufcattis, Latin.]
The z(± of darkening ''r blackening.

To INFU'SE. f! a. [«W«/er, Fr. irfujus,
1. To pour in ; to inflil, Denham.
2. To pour into the mind ; to inſpire intn. Davies.
3. To ſleep in any liquor with a gentle
heat. Bacon.
4. To tindiure, to ſaturate with any
thing infuſed. Bacon.
5. To inſpire with. Shakʃpeare.
INFU STBLE, a. [from /«/»>.]
1. Polſible to be' infuſed. Hammond.
2. Incapable of difl'oiution ; not fuſible. Brown.

INFU'SION. ʃ. [infufon, Fr. infijio, Lat.]
1. The act of pouring in ; inſtillation. Milton.
2. The act of pouring into the mind ; injpi
ration. Hooker, Clarenden.
3. The

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3. The act of ſteeping any thing in moiſtu:
e without boiling. B>Kn,
4. The liquor made by infufiorf. Bacon.

INFU'SIVE. a. [from irfuſe.] Having the
power of infuiion, or being infuſed.

INGATE. ʃ. [in and gate.] Entrance ; paſſaee in. Spenſer.

INGANNA'TION. ʃ. [in;;annare, iMlian]
Cheat ; fraud ; deception ; iuggle ; de!ufion
; impoſture. B'Oiin.

INGA'THERING. ʃ. [in and gathering.]
The act of getting in the harvell. Excdus,

INGE. in the names of places, lign fies a
meadow. Gibfon.

To INGE'MINATE. v. a. [hgemino, Lat.]
To double ; to repeat. Clarenden.

INGEMINA'TION. ʃ. [in and geminatio,
Latin.] Repetition ; reduplication.

INGE'NDERER. ʃ. [from ingend.r.] He
that generates. See Engekdee.

INGE'NERABLE. a. [in and gemraie.l
Not to be produced or brought into being. Boyle.


^'l.'>'i^^raius, Lat.]
1. ITborn ; innate ; inbrtd. IFomfon'
2. Unbegotten. Brown.

INGENIOUS. a. [ingeniofus,l,ztw.]
1. Witty ; inventive ; pcflefled of genius.
2. Mental ; intellectual. Shakʃpeare.

INGE'NIOUSLy. ed. [from ingtmoui.]
Wittily; ſubtily. Tetrpie.

INGE'NIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ingeni-ui.]
Wittineſs ; ſubtiky. Boyle.

INGE'NITE. a. [ingenitus, Latin.] Innate ;
inborn; native; irjgenerate. Houth,

INGENU'ITY. ʃ. [from ingerous.]
1. Openneſs ; fairneſs ; candour; freedom
from diſhmuiation. Wotton. D^nne.
2. [from ingenious.] Wit ; invention
; genius; ſubtilty ; acutefiirfs. South.

INGENUOUS. a. [ingenous, Latin.]
7. Open ; fair ; candid ; generous; noble.
2. Freeborn ; rot of ſervile extra<Elion. King Charles.

INGE'NUOUSLY. ed. [from ingerous.]
Openly; tairly ; candidly; generouſly. Shakʃpeare. iDryden.

LXGENUOUSNESS. ʃ. [uom ingenu-ms.
0,Tprnff': ; fairneſs ; candour.
J'lVGENY. ſ. [>r,gtniurr,' Lat.] Genius; wit. Not in uſe, Boyle.

To INGE'.ST. 1'. a. [ingejlus, Lat.] To
throw into the ſtomach. B'cicn.

INGE'S TION. ſ. [from ingej}.] The ad of
throwing into the ſtomach. Hcwvey.

INGLORIOUS. a. [/nWsrraj, Latin.] Void
ot honour ; mean; without glory. iAit'^/.

INGLORIOUSLY. ad. [from ivghnou:.]
VYitL ig-qoRiin)', Poof,

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I'NGOT. ʃ. [iingot, French.] A maſs of
ir.etal. Dryden.

To INGRA'FF. v. a. [in and gr^Jf. ;
1. To propagate trees by inſition. May.
2. To plant the ſprig of oia tree in the
flock of another.
3. To plant any thing not native. Milton.
4. 'Jo ii.]- deep ; to ſettle. Hooker.

INGRAFTMENT. ʃ. [from ingraft.]
1. The z(\ of ingrafting,
2. The ſprig ingrafted.

INGRATE. ʃ. r- r -.

INGRATEFUL. ʃ. i'Z>-'''> Latin.]
1. Ungrateful ; unthankful. Shakʃpeare.
2. Unpleaſing to the ſenſe. Bacon.

To INGRA'TIATE. v. a. [imni gratia

Lat.] To put in favour ; to recommend
to kindneſs.

INGRA'TITUDE. ʃ. [ingratitude, Fr. in
ans gratitude.] Retribution of evil for
good ; unthankfulneſs. Dryden.

INGRE'DIENT. ʃ. [ingredient, French ; ingrediens. Latin.] Component part of a
b.dy, confiding of different material.

I'N'GRESS. r. [ingres, French.; ingrr/us,
Latin.] Entrance; power of entrance. Arbuthnot.

INGRE'SSIO-N. ſ. [ingreffio, Lat.] The
act of entering. Digby.

I'NGUINAL. a. [inguinal, French; tugU'
en, Lat.] BeJongicg to the groin. Arbuthnot.

To INGU'LF. v. a. [in and gulf.]
1. To ſwalljw up in a vaft profundity. Milton.
1. To cafl in.o a gulf. Hayward.
To INGU RGITATE. v. a. [ingurgito,
Latin.] T) ſwallow. Da.

INGURGITA'TION. ſ.[from ingurgitate.]
INGU STABLE, a. [in inigyfo, Lat.] Not
perceptible by the taſte. Bacon.

INHA'BILE. a. [inhabiiis, Lat.] Cnſkilful
; unready ; unfit ; unqualified.

To INHA'BIT. v. a. [habito, Latin.] To
dwell in ; to hold as a dweller.
HaokIT. Iſaiah.

To INHA'BIT. v.n. To dwell; to live.
- Till Iton,

INHA'BITABLE. a. [from inhabit.]
1. Cipabls of affording h:bitation. I.ccle.
5. [Lihabitatl , French.] Incapable of
inhabitants ; not habitable ; uninhabitable.Shakʃpeare.

IN!-I.A.'EITANCE. ſ. [from inhabit.] Refi.
fence of dwellers. Cirepv.

INH-VEIFANT. f. [from inhabit.] Dweller
; one that lives or leſsJes in a place. Abbot.

INHABITA'TIGNT. ʃ. [from inhabit.]
1. JHibitation ; place ofdwd ing. Milton.
3. To 2 2. Th9

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I N H IN ; 2. The act of inhabiting or planting with INHO'SPITABLY. ad. [from inhoſpitable.]
dwellings ; ſtate of being inhabited. Unkindly to Drangers. Milton, Raleigh. INHOSPITABLENESS, \ f. [ir.boſp,talitc\
3. Quantity of inhabitants. Brown.
INHAl^lITER. ſ. [from inhabit,'] One that
inhabits ; a dweller. Brown.

To INHA'LE. v. a. [inhak, Latin.] To
drdw in with air ; to inſpire.
y-jibulhmt. Pope. .

INHARMO'NIOUS. a. [//land harmonious.]
Unmuſical ; not ſweet of found. Fdton.

INHOSPITA'LITY. ʃ. Fr.] Want of
hoſpitality ; want of courtefy co (Irangers.
INfiU'MAN. a. \inhumain,Y(. mhumanus,
Latin.] Barbarous ; ſavage ; cruel; uncompalfionate.

INHUMA'^^:ITY. ſ. [inhumanite, French.]
Cruelty ; ſavageneſs ; baibarity.
Si:tne\'. King Charles.
ToINHE'RE. v. a. [irbareo, Lat.]

To INHU'MANLY. ari. [from inhumn/i.] Saexiſt
in ſomething elſe. Donne

INHE'RENT. a. [inherent, French ; inharem.
Lat.] Exiſting in ſomething elſe,
fo as to be inſeparable from it ; innate ;
inborn. Siw/f.

To INHE'RIT. m. a. [enheriter, French.]
1. To receive or poHeis by inheritance. Addiſon.
1. To pcffeſs ; to obtain poſſeſſion of.Shakʃpeare.

INHE'RITABLE. a. [from inherit.] Tranfmilfibie
by iiihericance ; obtainable by lucceſſion.

INHE'RITANCE. ʃ. [from inherit.]
1. Patrimony ; hereditary poſſeflion
2. In Shakʃpeare. poſſeſhon
3. The reception of poſſeflion by hereditary
right. Locke.

INHE'RITOR. ſ. [from ;'«/jm>.] Anjheir ;
one who rtctives any thing by (ucctrſſion. Bacon.

INHE'RITRESS. ʃ. [from inheritor.] An
heireſs. Bacon.

INHE'RITRIX. ʃ. [ivorry inheritor.] An
heireff. Shakʃpeare.

To INHE'RSE. 11. a. [in and herfc.] To
incloſe, in a funeral monument. Shakſp.
[inhiffio, Latin.] lahe
vagely ; cruelly ; barbarouſly. bivtff.

To I'NHUMATE. ʃ. v. a. [inhumer, Fr.

To INHU'ME. ^ hum'), Lat.] To bury
5 to inter. Pope. .

To INJE'CT. v. a. [inj^Biis, Latin.]
1. To throw in ; to dart in. Granville.
1. To throw up ; tocaſt up, Pope.

INJE'CTION. ʃ. [irjeEiio, Latin.]
1. The act of ca(Hng in. Boyle.
2. Any medicine made to be injefled by
a ſryinge, or any other inſtrument^ into
any part of the bady.
3. The act of filling the veſſels with wax,
or any other proper matter, to ſhow their
ſhapes and ramifications. SQuincy, Milton. INIMITABI'LITY. ſ. [from inimitable.]
Incapacity to be imitated. Norris.

INIMITABLE. a. [mimitabilis, Lat.] Above
imitation ; not to be copied. Milton, Denham.

IKI'MITABLY. ad. [from inimitable.] In
a manner not to be imitated ; to a degree
of excellence above imitation. Pope. .

To INJO'IN. v. a. [enjoindre, French.]
1. To command ; to eaforce by authority.
See E N ; o I X. Milton.
?,. In Shakʃpeare. to join,

INI'QUITOUS. a. [imquc, Fr. from ini-

INHE'SION. quity.] Unjuſtj wicked. ſ. L , . - -
rence ; the state of exiſting in ſomething INIQUITY, y. [;'i/?a'/«j, Lat.]
^;fg_ I. Injuſtice; mitciioni'oitn^U, Smalridge.
To INHl'BIT. v. a. [inhibio, Lat. inhibcr,
1. To reſtrain; to hinder; to repreſs ; to
- check.
_. Berkley.
2. To prohibit ; to forbid. Clarendon, Ayliffe.

INHIBITION. ʃ. [inhibition, Fr. inhihitio,
1. Prohibition ; embargo. Government of the Tongue.
2. [In law.] /r£i;'i/'no« IS a wi it to inhibit
or foibiri a judge from farther proceeding
in the cauſe depending before_^him.

To INHO'LD. v. a. [in and hold.] To have
inherent ; to contain in itſelf. Raleigh.

INHO'SPITAELE. a. [in and hojpitdbte.]
Wickedneſs ; crime. Ilooker,

INI'TIAL. a. [initial, French 3 iniiium.
1. Placed at the beginning. Pope. .
2. Incipient; not c mplete. Harvey.
To INi'TIATEr f. a. [initier, French ; initio, Lat.] To enter ; to inſtruct in the
rudiments of an art. More,

To INITIATE. v. n. To do the firſt part
; to perform the iirſt rite. Pope. .

INI'TIATE. a. [initie,Vt, initiatus. Lat.]
Unpraftifcd. Shakʃpeare.c,

INITIATION. ʃ. [initialio, Lat. from ?nitiato]
The act of entering of a new
ci met into any art or ſtate. Hammond.

INJUCU'NDITY. ʃ. [/« and jucundtty.]
Af^jrdingno kindneſs'npr entertainment INJU'DICABLE. a. [in and judico, Lat.]
to ſtrajiaers, Dryden. Not cognizable by a judge,


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INJUDI'CIAL. a. [in and judicial.'^ Not
according to form of law.

INJUDI'CIOUS. a. [,>?and;W/Woaj.] Void
of judgment ; without judgment.
Bu-rnel. TiltotJon,

INJUDI'CIOUSLY. ad. [from injudickus.]
With ill jodgment ; not wiſely. Broome.

INJU'N'J fION. ſ. [from %'4/»; injunSius,
injuiiBto, Latin.] Command ; order ; precept. Shakʃpeare.
2. I^ln law.] InjunSion is an interlocutory
decree out of the chancery. Cowel.
To I NJURE. v. a. [ifijurier, French.]
1. To hurt unjuſtly ; to miſchief undeſervedly
; to wrong. Tetr.ple.
2. To annoy ; to affect with any inconvenience. Milton.

I'NJURER. ʃ. [from %Wfj Lat.] He that
hurts another unjuſtly. Ben. Johnson.

INJU'RIOUS. a. [injur ius, Lat.]
1. Uiijuſt ; invdfive of another's rights. Dryden.
2. Guilty of wrong or injury. Milton.
3. Miſchievous ; unjuſtly hurtful.
4. Detractory ; contumelious ; reproachful. Swift.

INJU'RIOUSLY. ^d. [from injurious.]
Wrongfully ; hurtfully with injuſtice. Pope. .

INJU'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from injurious.]
Quality of being injurious. King Charles.

INJURY. ʃ. [injuria, Lat.]
1. Hurt without juſtice. Hayward.
2. M.fchief; detriment. Watts.
3. Annoyance, Mortimer.
4. Contumelious language ; reproachful
appellation. Bacon.

INJUSTICE. ʃ. [injuſtice, French] mjufiit'ia.
Lat.] Iniquity ; wrong, Swift.

INK. ʃ. [inchiojlro, Italian.]
1. The black liquor with which men
write, B.n. Johnſon. Boyle.
7. Ink is uſed for any liquor with which
they write : as, red ink ; green ink.

To INK. v. a. [from the noun.] To black
or daub with ink.

INKHO'RN. ʃ. [ink and horn.] A portable
caſe fur the inſtrumenta of writing,
commonly made of horn. Shakʃpeare.
I NKLE. ſ. A kind of narrow fillet ; a
tape. Gay.

INKLING. ſ.Hint ; whiſper ; intimation. Clarenden.

I'NKMAKER. ʃ. [ink and maker.] He
who makes ink.

I'NKY. a. [from ink.]
1. Conſiſting of ink, Shakʃpeare.
2. Reſembling irjk. Boyle.
3. Black as ink. Shakʃpeare.

INLAND. a. [in and land.] interiour ; Jying rcniste from the fea. Swifi,

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INLAND. ʃ. [nteriour or midland parts,

I'NLANDER. ʃ. [from inland.] Dweller remote
from the Tea. Brown.

To INLA'PIDATE. v. a. [in and rapido,
Lat.] To make ſtoney ; to turn to ſtone. Bacon.
ToINLA'Y, v. a. [in and lay.]
1. To diverſify with diflerent bodies inferted
into the ground or ſubſtratum. Milton, Gay.
2. To make variety by being inferted into
bodic- ; to vari-ga:e. Milton.

INLA'i'. ſ. [from the verb.] Matter inlaid
; wood formed to inlay, Milton.
ToINLA'W, -L'. a. [imnAlaw.] To clear
of outlawry or attainder. Bacon.

I'NLET. ʃ. [imnAlet.] Paflage ; place
ofingreſs; entrance. Wotton.

I'NLY. a. [from //!.] Interiour; internal ;
ſecret. Shakʃpeare.

I'NLY. ad. Internally ; within ; ſecretly ;
in the heart, Milton, Dryden.

I'NMATE. ʃ. [in and mate.] Inmates are
thoſe that be admitted to dwell for their
money jointly with another man.
Cmvel. Dryden.

I'NMOST. a. [from in.] Deepeſt wichm ; remoteit from the furtace. Shakʃpeare.

INN. ʃ. [inn, Saxon. a chamber.]
1. A houſe of entertainment for travellers. Sidney, Spenſer.
2. A houſe where ſtudents were boarded
and taaght. Shakʃpeare.

To INN. v.n. [from the noun.] To take
up temporary lodging. Donne.

To INN. v. a. To houſe ; to put under
cover. Shakʃpeare.

INNA'TE. v. a. [inn/, Fr. innaius, Lat.]

INNA'TED. ʃ. Inborn ; ingenerate; natural
5 not ſuperadded ; not adfcititious.
Hoiuel. Berkley.

INNA'TENESS. ſ.[from /««^/.-.] The quality
of being innate.

INNA'VIGABLE. a. [innavigabiIis, Lat.]
Not to be paired by failing. Dryden.

I'NNER. a. [from in.] Interiour ; not
outward. Spenſer.

INNE'RMOST. a. [from inner.] Remoteſt
from the outward pait. Newton.

INNHO'LDER. ʃ. [inn and hold.] A man
who keeps an inn.

I'NNINCS. ʃ. Lands recovered from the
fea. Ainf\uorth.

INNKE'EPER. ʃ. [inmni^ keeper.] One
who keeps lo<^gings and provlfions for
entertainment of travellers, Taylor.

I'NNOCENCE. ʃ. . r T , T
i'NNOCENCY. [J- L''^«'.> Latin.]
.I, Purity from injurious action ; untainted
integrity, TtHomfon.
z, Freedom from guilt imputed; Shakſp.
3. HarmI
g. Harmleſſneſs ; innoxiouſneſs. Burnet.
4. Simplicity of heart, perhaps with Tome
di'gtfe of weakneſs, Shakʃpeare.

I'NNOCENT. a. [imocens, Latin.]
1. Pure from miſchief. Milton.
2. Free from any particular guilt. Dryden.
3. Unhurtful ; harmleſs in efteds. Pope. .

f . One free from guilt or harm. Spenſer.
2. A natural ; an idiot, Hooker.
I'NNOCENTLy. ad. [from innocent.]
1. Without guilt. Houth,
2. With ſimplicity ; with filiineſs or imprudence.
3. Without hurt. Ccivfey.

INNO'CUOUS. a. [/«»(jw«j, Latin.] Harmleſs
in effects. Grew.

INNO'CUOUSLY. ad. [from innceuoui.]
Without miſchievous effetts. Brown.

INNO'CUOUSNESS. ʃ. [from innocuou%.]
HarmleITneſs. Digby.

To INNOVATE. v. a. [inno'vo, L%X\n.]
1. To bring in ſomething not known before. Bacon.
2. To change by introducing novelties. South.

INNOVA'TION. ʃ. [innovation, French.]
Change by the introduction of novelty. Swift.

INNOVA'TOR. ʃ. [innovatet/r, French.]
1. An introdudiion of noveltie?. Bacon.
1. One that makes changes by introducing
novelties. South.

INNO'XIOUS. a. [innox-us, Latin.]
1. Free from miſchievous eflefts. Digby.
2. Pure from crimes, Pope.

INNO'XIOUS LY. ad. [from innoxious.]
Harmlefiv. Brown.

INNO'XIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from innoxious.]

INNUE'NDO. ʃ. [innuendo, from innuo,
I.Jtin.] An oblique hint. Swift.

INNU'MERABLE.' a. [innumerableſs, Lat.]
Not to be counted for multitude. Milton.

INNU'MERABLY. ad. [Uovn innumerable.]
Without number,

INNU'MEROUS. a. [innumrus, Latin.]
Too many to he counted, Pope.

To INO'CULATE. v. a. [inoculo, in and
eculus, Latin.]
1. To propagate any plant by inferting its
bi'.d into another ſtock, ' May.
2. To yield a bud to snother ſtock.
Cki'V lar,d,

INOCULA'TION. ʃ. [inBc:i\:tir<, Latin.] .
1. Tncrulotio'1 is prattiſedupon all forts of
ſtone-fruit, and upon oranges and jafmines.
2. The practice of tranſplanting the ſmallpox,
by infuſion of the roaſter from ripened
puftules into the veins of the uninfetled, in
hopes of procuring a milder fort than what
frequently comes by infeſtion, ^^»


INOCITLA'TOR. ʃ. [from inoculate.]
1. One that practices the inoculation of
2. One who propagates the ſmall-pox by
inoculation. Friend,
INO DOROUS. a. [inodorus, Latin.] Wantingſcent; not atteſting the nofe. Arbuth.

INOFFE'NSIVE. a. [in and offenſive.]
1. Giving no ſcandal ; giving no provoca.
tion. Flettwood.
2. Giving no pain ; cauſing no terrour. Locke.
3. Harmleſs ; hnrtleſs ; innocent. Milton.
4. UncmbarrafTed ; without ſtop or ob-
Oruction. Milton.

INOFFENSIVELY. ad. [from inoffenjive.]
Without appearance of harm ; without

INOFFE'NSIVENESS. ʃ. [from insffen/ive.]

INOFFI'CIOUS. a. [in and officious.] Not
civil ; not attentive to the accommodation
of others.

INOTINATE. a. [inopinatus, Lat. iwpine,
French.] Not expected.
INOPPORTU NE. a. [inopportunus, Lat.]
Unſeaſonable ; inconvenient.

INO'RDINACY. ʃ. [from inordinite.] Irregularity; diſorder. Gov. of the 7ongue,

INO'RDINATE. a. [/«and ordinatus, Lat.]
Irregular ; diſorderly ; deviating from right. Spenſer.

INO'RDINATELY. ad. [from inordinate.]
Irregularly ; not rightly.

INO'RDINATENESS. ʃ. [from inordinate.]
Want of regularity} intemperance
of any kind.

INORDINA'TION. ʃ. [from inordinate.]
Irregularity; deviation f/om right. South.

INORGA'NICAL. a. [in and organical]
Void of organs or inſtrumental part.<^. Locke.
To INOSCULATE. v. n. [in and ofculum,
Latin.] To unite by appoſition or contaft,

INOSCULA'TION. ʃ. [from inosculate.]
Union by conjundliun of the extremities. Ray.

I'NQUEST. ʃ. [o!7«-y?.', Fr. injufiiio, Lu. ;
1. Judicial enquiry or exammation. Atterbury.
2. [la law.] Thtittju.ſtof jurors, or by
jury, is the mnfl uſual trial of all cauſes,
both civil and criminal, in our realm ; for
in civil cauſes, after proof is made on
either ſide, ſo much as each part thinks
good for himſelf, if the doubt be in the
faf^, it is referred to thediſcretion of twelve
indifferent men, and as they bring in their
verdift ſo judgment pafles : for the judge
faith, the jory^finds the faiS thus ; then
is the law thus, and ſo we judge. For
the irjuejl in criminal cauſei, fee Jury.
3. En.
3. Enquiry ; ſearch ; ſtudy. South.

IN&lt;^TctUDE. ſ. [injuuttid', Frepich.]
Diiturbed state ; want ot quiet ; attack
on the quiet. Wct'.'.n.
To i'NQUINATE. v. a. [inpino, Latin. ;
To pollute ; to corrupt. Brown.

INQUINA'TION. ʃ. [inquinath, Latin.]
; pollution. Eacon.
INQUI'RABLE. a. [from inquire.] That
of which inquiliton or inqueſt may be
TolNQUI'RE. v. n. [ſkſk/Vo, Latin.]
1. To aſk queſtions ; 10 make ſearch ; to
exert curioſity on any occaſion, Swift.
2. To make examination. Dryden.

1. To aſk about ; to feek out: as, he
inquired the wavt
2. To call ; to name. Obſclete. Spenſer.

INQUI'RER. ʃ. [from !?iquire.]
1. Searcher ; examiner ; one curious and
inquilitive. Locke.
2. One who interrogates ; one who queſtions.
INQyi'RY. ſ. [from /«p;Vr.]
1. Interrogation ; ſearch by queſtion. ^^s.
2. Examination; ſearch. Locke.

INQUISI'TION. ʃ. [inquijiiio, Latin.; 1. Judicial inquiry. Taylor, Southern

2. Examination ; diſcuſtion. EJih.
3. [In law.] A manner of proceeding in
matters criminal, by the office of the judge.
4. The court eftabliftied in ſome countrits
I'ubject to the pope for the deteiſtion of
herefy, Corbet.
INQUrSITIVE. <7. [inquiſhus, Latin.] Curious; buſy in ſearch ; active to pry into
any thing. M'utt!.
INQUI'SITIVELY. ad. [from inquifiti've.]
With curioſity; with narrow ſcrutiny.

INQUI'SITIVENESS. ʃ. [from inqui^tfve.]
Curiofity ; diligence to pry into things hidden. Sidney, South.

INQUI'SITOR. ʃ. [inqu!Jitor,Lxtin.]
1. One who examines judicially. Dryden.
2. An officer in the pjpiſh courts of inquiſition.

To INRA'IL. v. a. [/« and r^j//.] To incloſe
with rails. Hooker, Gay.

I'NROAD. ʃ. [in and road.] Incurſion
; ſudden and defultory invafion. Clarenden.

INSA'NABLE. a. [mjanabdi!, Latin.] Incurable ; irremediable.

INSA'NE. a. [inj'anus, Latin.] Mad ; making
mad. Shakʃpeare.

INSATIABLE. a. [injatiabilii, Lzitir.]
Greedy beyond meaſure ; greedy ſo as not
to be ſatisfied.

INSA'TIABLENESS. ʃ. [from irfatiahle.]
Greedineſs not to be appeaſed. King Charles.

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INSA'TIABLY. ad. [from infatiii/i.] With
greedineſs not to be appeaſed. South.

INSA'lIATE. a. [in/at! at us, Latin.] Greedy
fo as not to be ſatisfied. Philips.

INSATISFA'CTION. ſ.[;« ZRdſatisfafiton.] Want ; unſatisfied ſtate. Bacon.

INSA'TURABLE. a. [infaturahilis, Lat.]
Not to be glutted ; not to be filled.

To INSCRI'BE. v. a. [inſcriio, L«in.]
1. To write on any thing. It is generally
applied to ſomething written on a monument.
-Pope. .
2. To mark any thing with writing.
3. To aſſign to a patron without a formal
dedication. Dryden.
4. To draw a figure within another.

INSCRIPTION. ʃ. [inſcripiion, French.]
1. Something written or engraved. Dryd.
2. Title. Brown.
3. Conſignment of a book to a patron
without a formal dedication.

INSCRU'TABLE. a. [inſcrutaiſhs, Latin.]
Unſearchable ; not to be traced out by inquiry
or ſtudy. Sandys.

To INSCU'LP. v. a. [infculpo, Latin.] To
engrave ; to cut. Shakʃpeare.

INSCU'LPTURE. ʃ. [from /« and /fa//5/arf.]
Any thing engraved. Brown.

To INSE'AM. v. a. [;'n and/^^zw.] To impicfs
or mark by a (earn or cicatrix. Pope. .

I'NSECT. ʃ. [tnfeaa, Utin.]
1. InfeHs are ſo called from a reparation in
the middle of their bodies, whereby they
are cut into two parts, which are joined
together by a ſmall ligature, as we fee in
waſps and common ſlits. Locke.
2. Any thing ſmall or contemptible. Thomfon. '

INSECTA'TOR. ʃ. [from ;>;>r7or, Latin.]
One that pe.fecutes or harraffes with purſuit.

INSEC'TILE. a. [from ;«/e;?.] Having the
nature of infects. Bacon.

INSECTOLOGER. ʃ. [injea and \oy^.]
One who ſtudiesor deſcribes infects. Derh,

INSECU'RE. a. [imnd ſecure.]
1. Notlecure; not confident of fafety.
'ft Hot I '.n.
2. N-'t fafe,
IIsl^ECU'RITY. ſ. [ir, and ſecurity.l
1. Uncertainty; want of reaſonable confidence. Brown.
2. Want of fafety ; danger; hazard. Hammond.

INSEMINATION. ʃ. [infemination, Fr.]
The act of ſcatterlrg feed on ground.

INSECU'TION. ſ.[injeculicn, Fie-ich.j Pur.
ſuit. Not in uſe. Ch:ifm--.K,

INSE'NSATE. a. [infnfato, Italiin [Sr.
pid ; wanting thougritj wjatinj ſenſibi-
Jit-, Humrord,

INSENSIBI'LITY. ſ.[InſerJibiUte, French.]
1. Inability to perceive. Glanville.
2. Stupidity ; dulneſs of mental perception.
3. To rpor ; dulneſs of corporal ſenſe.

INSE'NSIBLE. a. [injenfiale, French.]
1. Imperceptible ; not aifcoverable by the
lenfes. Newton.
3. Slowly gradual, Dryden.
3. Void of feeling either mental or corporal,
4. Void of emotion or gfl'eflion,
TeiKple. Dryden.

INSE'NSIBLENESS. ʃ. [from injmjible.]
Abſence of perception ; inability to perceive,

INSEN'SIBLY. ad. [from injerfthk.]
1. Imperceptibly; in luch a manner as is
not diſcovered by the ſenſes, Addiʃon.
2. By flow degrees. Swift.
3. Without mentsl or corporal ſenſe.

INSEPARABI'LITY. ʃ. [from infepa-

qualky of being furh as cannot be ſevered
or divided. Locke.

INSE'PARABLE. a. [inf.farable, French.]
mfep-arabilii, Latin.] Not to be disjoined ; united ſo as not to be parted. Bacon.

INSEPARABLY. ad. [from inſeparable.]
With iudifioluble union. Benth

To INSE'RT. v. a. [inferer, French ; infero,
injctuniy Latin.] To place in or amongſt
other things. Stillingfleet.

INSE'RTION. ʃ. [iftfirtion, Trench]
1. The adi: of placing any thing in or among
other matter. Arbuthnot.
2. The thing inferted. Broo;r.e.

To INSE'RVE. v. a. [infer'vio, Latin.] To
be of uſe to an end,

INSE'RVIENT. a. [ifijcrinens, Lat.] Conducive
; of uſe to an end.

To INSHE'LL. v. a. [/n and /><?/.'.] To hide
in a ſhell, Shakſpeare.

To INSHI'P. 1;. a. [/nand/r//>.] To ſhut
in a ſhip ; to ſtow ; to embaik. Shakſp.
ToINSHRINE. v. a. [/» and/;r;n.-.] To
incloſe in a flirine or precious cafe. Milton.

I'NSIDE. ʃ. [rnand/(i^.] Intenour part ; part within. Addiʃon.

INSIDIA'TOR. ʃ. [Latin.] One who'lies
in wait,

INSI'DIOUS. a. [/nM't'av, French ; injidiofus,
hiiw.] Sly; circumvcntive ; diligent
to entrap ; treacherous. ylttitbury.

IN.SI'DIOUSLY. od. [from i«/^J,i/a.] In a
fly and trejchcrous manner ; with ni licious
artifice. Go-jernment of the Tongue.

I'NSIGHT. ʃ. [/^/</'^DtJtch. ; Inſpedioii; deep view ; knowledge of the interiour
parts. S'dnf)-,

INSIGNITICANCE. If. [inſtgnifcinr,
1. Want of meaning ; unmeaning terms ; Granville.
2. Unimportance, Addiſon.

INSIGNI'ilCANT. a. limn^ſign-ficant.].
1. Wanting meaning ; void of lignification.
2. Unimpoytaat ; wanting weight; ineffe<£
iual. South.

INSIGNI'FICANTLY. ad. [from inſigni-
1. Without meaning. Hale.
2. Without importance or effeil,

INSINCERE. a. [iiifmarus, Latin.]
1. Not what he appears ; not hearty ; diflembling
; unfaithful.
2. Not found ; corrupted. Pope. .

INSINCE'RITY. ʃ. [from inf'ncere.] Diffimulation
; want of truth or fidelity. Broome.
To INSINEW v. a. [/n and/»«w.] To
ſtrengthen ; to eonfirm. Shakʃpeare.
INSl'NUANT. a. [French.] Having the
power to gain favour. Wotton.

To INSINUATE. v. a. [injinuer, French ; infinuOy Latin.]
1. To introduce any thing gently.
2. To puſh gently into favour or regitd :
commonly with the reciprocal pronoun. Clarenden.
3. To hint ; to impart indirectily. Swift.
4. To inſtill ; to infuſe gently. Locke.

1. To wheedle; to gain on the aſſeſlions
by gentle degrees. Shakʃpeare.
2. To (leal into imperceptibly ; to be conveyed
inſembly. Jlarvty.
3. To enfold ; to wreath ; to wind. Milton.

INSINUA'TION. ʃ. [injir.atio, Latin.] The
power of pleaſing or ſtealing upon the affeiſtions. Clarenden.

INSI'NUATIVE. a. [from infinuate.] Stealing
on the affedlions. Gov. of the Tongue.

INSI'NUA'TOR. ſ.{wfinuaior,Unn.] He
that infinuates. Ainſworth.

INSIPID. ʃ. [infip'-dui, Latin.]
1. Without taile ; without power of affe(
n:ing the organs of guff. Floyer.
1. Without ſpirit ; without pathos ; flat
; dull ; heavy, Dryden.
1. Want of talle.
2. Want of life or ſpirit. Pope.

INSI'PIDLY. ad. [from ;«///i.] Without
talfe ; dully. Locke.

INSI'PIENCE. ʃ. [hfipi.mia, Latin.] Fol-
ly ; want of underilanding.
To lXSrST. v. n. [inji/ler, Frenchiinjif»t
Latin.] /
1. To ſtand or ireſt upon. R}''
a» Not

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1. Not to recede from terms or afTertions
; to petfift in. Shakʃpeare.
3. To dwell upon In diſcourſe.
Decty of Piety.
INSISTENT. a. [/»/?/?«»», Latin.] Refting
upon any thing. Wotton.

INSI'TIENCY. ʃ. [in and/w, Latin.] Exemption
from thirſt. Grew.

INSI'TION. ʃ. [infi:io, Latin.] The infertion
or ingraffment of one branch into another. Ray.

INSI'STURE. ʃ. [from infijl.] This word
feems in Shakſpeare to ſignify confiancy or

To INSNA'RE. v. a. [imnAfnare.]
1. To intrap ; to catch in a trap, gin, or
fnare ; to inveigle. Fenion.
2. To intangle in difficulties or perplexities. Hooker.

INSNA'RER. ʃ. [from infnare.] He that

INSO'CIABLE. a. [ir.ſociabh, French.]
1. Averſe from converfation. Shakʃpeare.
%, Incapable of connexion or union.

INSOBRI'ETY. ʃ. [/« and /oir»Wy.] Drunk,
; want of ſobriety. Decay of Piety.

To I'NSOLATE. v.a, [irjoio, Latin.] To
dry in the fun ; to expoſe to the action of
the fun.

INSOLATION. ʃ. [;«/o/'Jf''o», French.]
Expoſition to the fun. Brown.

INSOLENCE. ʃ. [infolence, Fr. mſilen-

INSOLENCY. ʃ. tia, Latin.] Pride exerted
In contemptuous and overbearing
treatment of others ; petulant contempt.

To I'NSOLENCE. v. a. [from the nnun.]
To inlult. King Charles.

INSOLENT. a. [irfo/ent, Fr. in/oiens, Lat.]
Contemptuous of others ; haughty ; overbearing,

I'NSOLENTLY. ad. [irjolenter, Latin.]
With contempt of others ; haughtily; rudely. ./JJdifon.

INSO'LVABLE. a. [ixfohabley French.]
1. Nor t!j be ſolved ; not to be cleared ; inextricable ; ſuchas admits of no folution,
or explication. Watts.
2. That cannot he paid.

INSOLUBLE. a. [injoluMe, French.]
1. Not to be cleared} not to be reſolved. Hooker.
2. Not to be diOblved or ſeparated. Arbuthnot.

INSO'LVENT. a. [in :^a& folvo, Lat.] Unable
to v'^y- iitnart,

INSO'LVENCY. ʃ. [from infohent.] Inability
to pay debt-,

INiO.MUCH. ionj. [mfcntuch.] So that
; to ſuch a degree that, Ad,l:j'j'\

To INSPE'CT. y. a. [inſpicio, tnſpeSIuMt
Lat.] TOlook into by way of examinatioft.

INSPE'CTION. ʃ. [injp^ion, French ; inſpeaio,
1. Prying examination ; narrow and cloſe
Purvey. South.
2. Superintendence ; preſiding care. Berkley.

INSPE'CTOR. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. A prying examiner, Denham.
2. A ſuperintendent. ff^aiu,

INSPE'RSION. ʃ. [itiſperſt), Latin.] A
ſprinkling. ylinſworth.

To INSPKE'RE. v. a. [in and ſphere.] To
place in an orb or ſphere, mi/tor,

INSPI'RABLE. d. [from inſpire.] Which
may be drawn in with the breath. Harvey.

INSPIRATION. ʃ. [from inſpire.]
1. The act of drawing in the breath.
2. The act of breathing into any thing,
3. Infuſion of ideas into the mind by a
ſuperiour power. Denham.

To INSPI'RE. v. a. [inſpire, Latin.] Td
draw in the breath, Walton.

To INSPI'RE. v.a.
1. To breathe into ; to infuſe into the
mind. Shakʃpeare.t
2. To animate by ſupernatural infuſion. Addiſon.
3. To draw in with the breath, Harney,

INSPI'RER. ʃ. [from ifjpire.] He that inſpires. Denham.

To INSPI'RIT. If. a. [in and ſpirit.] To
animate ; to aftuate ; to fill with life and
vigour. Pope.

To INSPI'SSATE. v. a. [in and ſpifus,
Latin.] To thicken ; to make thick,

INSPISSA'TION. ʃ. [from inſpijfate.] The
act of making any liquid thick. A' bath.

INSTABI'LITY. ʃ. [injfablei-^, French i
in/iii6i/is, Latin.] Inconftancy ; ſickleneſs ; mutability of opinion or cohduſt. Addiſon.

INSTA'BLE. a. [infiMlit, Latin.] Inconſtant
; changing.

To INSTA'LL. v. a. [hJiaUer, French, in
and Jiall.] To advance to any rank or office,
by placing in the feat or ſtall proper to
that condition. Wotton.

INSTALLA'TION. ʃ. [inf}allation,Vt. [
The act of giving viſib'e polTL-lfion of a
a rank or office, by placing in the proper
fear. Afljffi.

INSTA'LMENT. ʃ. [from inJlaU.]
1. The act of inſtalling. Shakʃpeare.
2. The feat in which one is inrtalleJ. Shakſpeare.
SsTIncY.] ^- ['l/^^'-^^F^en^h.]
1. Importunuv ; u'-gency ; foUicitation. Hooker.
3. U 2. Motive ;
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2t Motive ; influence ; preſſing argument.
3. Profecution or proceſsof a fun, yJyliff^,
4. Example; document, yldi'ion.
5. State of any thing. lIa'-(.
6. Occafion ; aft, Rogers.

To I'NSTANCE. v. n. [from the noun.]
To give or offer an examp'e. Tillotjin.

INSTANT. a. [»n/^^«5, Latin.]
I . Preſſing ; urgent ; importunate ; earneſt. Luke.
2. Immediate ; without any time intervening
; preſent. Prior.
3. Qilick ; without delay. Pope. .

I'NSTANT. ʃ. [injianr, French.]
1. JnJJant is ſuch a part of duration wherein
we perceive no ſucceſſion. Locke.
2. The preſent or current month. Addiſ.

INSTANTA'NEOUS. a. [inliontamus,
Latin.] Done in an inſtant ; aiſhngat once
without any perceptible ſucceſſion. Burnet.

INSTANTA'iXEOUSLY. ad. [from infiantaneous..
In an indiviſible point of time. Denham.

J'NSTANTLY. ad. [hpnter, Latin.]
1. Immediately ; without any perceptible
interwention of time. Bacon.
2. With urgent importunity,

To INSTA'TE. v a, [in ^ni ſtate.]
1. To place in a certain rank or condition. Hale.
Z, To invert. Obſolete. Shakʃpeare.

INSTAURA'TION. ſ.[injlauratio, Latin.]
Reſtoration ; reparation; renewal.

INSTE'AD 0/. prep, [of /» and_/?fa^, place.]
1. In room of ; in plate of, Swift.
2. Equal to, Tillotlcn,

To INSTE'EP. v. a. [in and jieep.]
1. To ſoak ; to materate in moiſture.Shakʃpeare.
2. Lying under water. Shakʃpeare.

INSTEP. ʃ. [in and A;.] The upper part
of the foot where it joiiis to the leg.

To I'NSTIGATE. v. a. Tw/'^. Lat.] To
urge to ill ; to provcke or incite to a crime,

INSTIGATION. ʃ. [i«/7/-^aa;«, French.]
Incitement to a crime; encouragennent
; impulfe to ill. South.

INSITGA'TUR. ʃ. [injligateur, French.]
Inciter to ill. Dciay of Piety.

To INSTILL. v. a. [infiilh, Latin.]
1. To infuſe by drops. Milton.
2. To infinuate any thing imperreptibly
into the m nd ; to intuie. ' Calun-y.

INSTILLA'TION. ʃ. [injiUlati:; Lat. £rom
1. TI'.e act of pouring la by drops.
2. The act of infufing iluwly into the
5. The thing infused. Ramlder,

INSTrNCT. a. ynfin^ſhs^ Lat,J Moved ;
Viimats^i Milan,

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I'NSTINCT. ʃ. [injiir.aus, Latin.] Defire
or averſion Prior.

INSTI'NCTED. a. [/n/?;«^«r, Latin.] Impreflect
as an animating power. Berkley.

INSTINCTIVE. a. [from infiitiB.'^ Afting
without the application of choice of
reaſon, Broow.e.

INSTI'NCTIVELY. ad. [from injfinaiie.]
By inſtinct; by the call of nature.Shakʃpeare.

To INSTITUTE. v. n. [/;j/7/;a», Latin.]
1. To fix; to eftabiiſh ; to appoint; to
enaft ; to ſettle. Hale.
2. To educate ; to inſtruct; to form by
inflfuſtion. Deoy of Piety

I'NSTITUTE. ʃ. [inflitutum, Latin.]
1. Eftabliſhed law ; ſettled order. Dryd.
2. Precept ; maxim ; principle. Dryden.

INSTITU'TION. ʃ. [injiitutio, Latin.]
1. Act of eftabliſhing.
2. Eftabliſhment ; feitlement, Swift.
3. Pofitive law. A'terburyt
2. E'iiication. Hammond.

INSTJTU'TIONARY. a. [from inflitution..
Elemental ; containing the firſt doctrines,
cr principles of drſtrine. Brown.

I'NSTITUTOR. ʃ. [infitutor, Latin.]
1. An eftabliſher ; one who ſettles. Holder.
2. Inllruſtor ; educator. Walker,

I'NSTITUTIST. ʃ. [from infitute.] Writ.
of inſtitutes, or elemental inſtructions.

To INSTO'P. v. a. [in and fop.] To cloſe
up ; to flop, Dryden.

To INSTRU'CT. v. a. [/»y?r«o, Latin.]
1. To teach ; to form by precept ; to inform
authoritatively. Milton.
2. To ni' del ; to form, ./iyliffe.

INSTRU'CTER. ſ.[from in/?ra.57.] A teacher; an inſtituter, Addiʃon.

INSTRU'CTION. ʃ. [from infrua.]
1. The act of teaching ; information. Locke.
2. Precepts conveying knowledge. Young,
3. Authoritative ip.formation ; mandate.Shakʃpeare.

INSTRU'CTIVE. a. [from irt/lruii.] Conveying
knowledge. Holder.

INSTRUMENT. ʃ. [infrumentum, Latin.]
1. A tool uſed for any work or purpoſe.
2. A frame conſtjuſted ſo as to yield harrniiiiiius
ſounds. Dryden.
3. A writing containing any contract or
Older. Tab,
4. The agent or mean of any thing. Sidney, Locke.
5 One w ho ofts only to fetve the purpoles
ct another. Dryden.

INSrRUME'NTAL. a. [inſtrumental, Fr.]
1. C 'nduciva as means to ſome and ; organicaL
i, Afting
s. Ailing to ſome end ; contributing to
ſome purpoſe; helpful. Swift.
3. Conſiſting not of voices but inſtruments. Hooker.
4. Produced by inſtruments ; not vocal.

mSTKVMENTA'LITY. ʃ. [from in/]rumen.
taf.] Subordinate agency ; agency of any
thing as means to an end. Hi^le.

INSTRUME'NTALLY. aJ. [from injirumental.]
In the natu;e of an inſtrument
; as means to an end. I^igby-

INSTRUME'NTALNESS. ʃ. [from injiruti!
ettta!.] Uſefulneſs as means to an end. Hammond.

INSU'FFERABLE. a. [in and Jufſcrable.]
1. Intolerable ; inſuppurtable ; intenfe beyond
endurance, Locke.
2. Deteflable; contemptible. Dryden.

INSU'FFERABLY. ad. [from inſufferable.]
To a degree beyond endurance. South.

INSUFFI'CIENCE. ʃ. [infufſidence, Fr.]

INSUFFICIENCY. I Inadequateneſs to any
end or purpoſe, H'lcker, Atterbury.

INSUFFI'CIENT. a. {inf^fficient, French.]
Inadequate to any need, uſe, or purpoſe
; wanting abilities. Rogers.

INSUFFI'CIENTLY. ad. [from injufficient.]
With want of proper ability.

INSUFFLATION. f. [in and fufflo, Latin.]
The a<Sl of breathing upon. Hammond.

I'NSULAR. v. a. [fnfulaire, French.] Be-

I'NSULARY. ^ longing to an iſland.

I'NSULATED. a. [injula, Latin.] Not contiguous
on any ſide.

INSULSE. a. [;n/:///uj, Latin.] Dull; inſipid
; heavy. Z)/J?.

INSULT. ʃ. [injulius, Latin.]
1. The act of leaping upon any thing. Dryden.
2. Act of infolence or contempt. Bioome.

To INSU'LT. v-a. [;>/i//ro, Latin.]
1. To treat with infolence or contempt. Pope. .
2. To trample upon ; to triumph over.Shakʃpeare.

INSU'LTER. ʃ. [from infuk.] One who
treats another with inſolent triumph.

INSU'LTINGLY. ad. [from rK/«/««^.] With
contemptuous triumph. Dryden.

INSUPERABI'LITY. ʃ. [from hfuptrable.]
Th;. quality of being invin< ible.

INSU'PERABLE. a. [infup-rabilis, Latin.]
Invincible ; infurmountable ; not to be
conquered; not to be overcome, Pope.

INSU'r'ERACLENESS. ʃ. [from ivſuperaLle,'\
Invincibleneſs ; impoſſibility to be

INSU'l^ERABLY. ad. [from inſuperable.]
Invincibly ; infurmountabiy. Grctv,

INSUl'PO'RTABLE. a. [inſupportabk^Yt.]

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Intolerable; inſufferable; not to be en.
dured. Berkley.

INSUPPO'RTABLENTESS. ʃ. [from ir.fup.
portabh.] Infufterableneſs ; the ſtate of being
beyond endurance. Sidney.

INSUPPO'RTABLY. ad. [from injupportable.'
; Beyond endurance. Dryden.

INSURMO'UNTABLE. a. [hfurmoncabley
French.] Inſuperable ; unconquerable. Locke.

INSURMOUNTABLY. ad. [from injur-
TKountable.] Invincibly; unconquerably.

INSURRE'CTION. ʃ. [infurgo,Ln\n.] A
feditious riſing ; a rebellious commotion.

IN^>USURRA'TION. ʃ. [injujurro, Latin.]
The act of whiſpering.

INTA'CTIBLE. a. [';; and /afl'am, Latin.]
Not perceptible to the touch.

INTA'GLIO. ʃ. [Italian.] Any thing that
has figures engraved on it. Addiſon.

INTA'STABLE. ad. [imni cafle.] Not
raiſing any fesfations in the organs of taſte; Gniu.

I'NTEGER. ʃ. [Latin.] The whole of any
thing. Arbuthnot.

I'NTEGRAL. a. [integral, French.]
1. Whole: applied to a thing conſidered
as compriſing all its conſtituent parts. Bac,
2. Uninjured
; complete; notdefective. Holder.
3. Not fractional ; not broken into fractions.

INTEGRAL. ʃ. The whole made up of
parts. PTattt,

INTE'GRITY. ʃ. [integri/as, Latin.]
1. Honeſty ; uncorrupt mind ; purity of
manners. Rogers.
2. Purity ; genuine unadulterate ſtate. Hale.
3. Infireneff ; unbroken whole. Broome.

INTE'GUME'NT. ʃ. [integiwxntum, Lat.]
Any thing that covers or invelops another. Addiſon.

I'NTELLECT. ʃ. [intellecfus, Latin.] The
intelligent mind ; the power of underſtanding. South.

INTELLE'CTION. ʃ. [intelUEl'o, Latin.]
The act of underſtanding. Berkley.

INTELLE'CTIVE. a. [-;)fJA<f7//; French.]
Having pnwer to underſtand. Granville.

INTELLE'CTUAL. a. [intelkauel, Fr.]
1. Relating to the underſtanding ; belonging
to the mind ; tranſacted by the undeiſtanding.
2. Mental; compriſing the faculty of underſtand
mg. WoUS.
3. Ideal ; perceived by the intellect, not
the ſenſes. Cowley.
4. Havingtheooweroſ underſtanding. Milt.

INTELLE'CTUAL. ʃ. [ntellect ; under-
Handing ; mental powers or faculties.

INTE'LLIGENCY. $ ^' i'''''?'''' ^^']
1. Commerce of information ; notice ; mutual communication. Hayward.
2. Commerce of acquaintance ; terms on
which men live one with another. Bacon.n,
3. Spirit ; unbodied mind. Collier.
4. Underſtanding ; ſkill. Spenſer.

INTELLIGE'NCER. ʃ. [from /«f«%^««.]
One who ſends or conveys news ; one who
gives notice of private or diſtant tranſactions.

INTE'LLIGENT. a. [htelHgem, Latin.]
1. Knowing ; inſtruded ; ſkilfj), Milton.
2. Giving information. Shakʃpeare.

INTELLIGE'NTIAL. a. [from intelligence.]
1. Conſiſting of unbodied mind. Milton.
4. Intellectual ; exerciſing underſtanding.

INTELLTCIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from ITiteligihle.]
1. Porfibility to be underſtood.
2. The power of underſtanding ; intellection. Granville.

INTE'LLIGIBLE. a. [intelligibi'h, Latin.]
To be conceived by the underſtanding.

JNTE'LLIGIBLENESS. ʃ. [from imeliigible.'.
Poffibility to be under/lood ; perſpicuity. Locke.

INTE'LLIGIBLY. ad. [from intelUgibie.]
So as to be underſtood ; clearly ; plainly. Woodward.

INTE'MERATE. a. [intemeratus, Latin.]
Undefilfd ; nnpr-!luted,

INTE'MPERAMENT. /, [in and temperamenf,.
Bid conſtitution. Hartey,

INTE'MFERANCE. ʃ. [intemferantij,

INTE'MPERANCY. ʃ. Lain.] Want of
temperance ; want of moderation ; exceſs
in meat or drink. H-knvill,

IMTE'MPERATE. a. [iruemperatus, Lat.]
1. Immoderate in appetite ; exceffive in
meat or drink. South.
2. Paſſionate ; ungovernable ; without
rule. Shakʃpeare.

INTE MPERATELY. ad. [from intem^c
; 1. With breach of the laws of temperance.
2. Immoderatdy ; exceffively. Sf>rjti,

INTE'MPERA TENESS. ʃ. [from inietni^erate.'.
1. Want of moderation,
a Unfencibleneſs of weather, .^irjiv,

INTL'MPERATURE. ʃ. [from intemperate..
Excels of ſome quality.

To INTE'ND. v. a. [inundo,L^X.]n.]
1. To (trt-tch out. Obfolpte. Spenſer.
2. To enforce ; 10 make intenfe. Newton.
3. To regard ; to attend ; to take care of. Hooker.
4. To pay regard or attention to. Bacon.
5. To mean ; to deſign, Dryden.

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INTE'NDANT. ʃ. [French.] An officer
of the higheſt claſs, who overſees any particular
allotment of the publick buſineſs. Arbuthnot.

INTE'NDIMENT. ʃ. Attention ;
hearing. Spenſert

INTE'NDMENT. ʃ. [entendement, Fr.]
1. Intention ; deſign, L'Eſtrange.

To INTE'NERATE. v. a. [/n and <ener,
Latin.] To make tender ; to ſoften. Philips.

INTENERA'TION. ʃ. [from integrate,']
The act of ſoftening or making tender. Bacon.

INTE'NIBLE. a. [in and tenible.] That
cannot hold. Shakʃpeare.

IN TE'NSE. a. [intenjus, Latin.]
1. Raiſed to a high degree ; ſtrained
; forced ; not flight ; not lax, Boyle.
2. Vehement ; ardent. Addiʃon.
3. Kept on the ſtretch ; anxiouſly attentive. Milton.

INTENSELY. ad. [from intenfe.] To a
great degree. Addiſon.

INlE'NSENESS. ʃ. [from intenje.] The
ftaie of being aflFected to a high degree ; crntfariety to laxity or remifljon. Woodw.

INTENSION. ʃ. [/;i/cw/7(3. Latin.] The ad
of forcing ^t Itraining any thing. Taylor.

INTE'NSIVE. a. [from r«n«/c.]
1. Stretched or mcreaſed with reſpect to
itſelf. //a/f.
2. Intent; full of care, Wotton.

INTENSIVELY. tfi/. To a greater deree.

INTE'NT. a. [inttnius, Latin.] Anxiouſly
diligent ; fixed with cloſe application. Watts.

INTENT. f. [from intend'] A deſign ; a
purpoſe ; a drift ; a view formed ; meaning. Hooker.

INTENTION. ʃ. [htentio, Latin.]
1. Eagerneſs of deiire; cloſeneſs of attention
; deep thought ; vehemence or ardour
of mind. South.
2. Drſign ; purpoſe, Arbuthnot.
3. The Hate of being intenfe or ſtrained. Locke.

INTE'NTIONAL. a. [lntentionel,'Fttnch.]
Defi^ined ; Cv.we by deſign. Rogers.

INTE'NTIONALLY. ad. [frominlentional.]
1. By deſign ; with fixed choice. Kale,
2. In will, if net in action. Atterbury.

INTE'NTIVE. a. [from tntent.] Diligently
applied ; bufily attentive. Brown.

INTE'NTIVELY. ad. [from intenti've.]
Wirh application ; cloſely.

INTE'NTLY. ad. [from intent.] With
cloſe attention ; with cloſe application ; with eager deſire. Hammond.

INTE'NTNESS. ʃ. [from intent.] The ſtate
of being intent i anxious application. Swift.

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To INTEH. v. a. [enterTer,Yt.] To cover
under ground ; to bury. Shakſp.

INTE/RCALAR. ʃ. a. [/Wrf<j/am, Lat.]

INTE'RCALARY. i Inferted out of the
common order to preſerve the equation of
time, as the twenty- ninth of February in
a leap-year is an intercalary day.

To INTERCALATE. v. a. [intercahy
Lat.] To infert an extraordinary day.

INTERCALA'TION. ʃ. [intercalatio, Lat.]
Infertion of days out of the ordinary reckoning. Brown.

To INTERCE'DE. v. ». [interceds, Latin.]
1. To paſs between. Newton.
2. To mediate ; to act between two parties. Calamy.

INTERCE'DER. ʃ. [from intercede.] One
ſh^t jrrercedes ; a mediator.

To INTERCE'PT. v. a. [/Wrtc^rai, Lat.]
1. To llop and ſeize in the way.Shakʃpeare.
2. To obſtruct ; tocutoff; to flop from
beitig communicated. Newton.

INTERCEPTION. ʃ. [interceptio, Latin.]. Shakſp.!,3J in courſe ; hindrance ; obſtruction. Wotton.

INTERC:: :iION. ʃ. [interceffio, Latin.]
Medii-tion ; interpoſition ; agency between
two parties ; agency in the cauſe of another.

INTERCE'SSOUR. ʃ. [intercejfor, Latin.]
Medialcr | agent between two parties to
procure reconciliation. South.

To INTERCHAIN. v. a- [inter SlM chain.]
To chain; to link together, Shakʃpeare.

To INTERCHA'NGE. v. a. [inter and
charge,; 1. To put each in the place of the other.Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſucceed alternately, Sidney.

INTERCHA'NGE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Commerce; permutation of commodities.
2. Alternate ſucceſſion. Holder.
3. Mutual donation and reception. South.

INTERCHA'NGEABLE. a. [from interchange.]
1. Given and taken mutually. Bacon.
2. Following each other in alternate (ucceſſion.

INIERCHA'NGEABLY. ad. Alternately
; in a manner whereby each gives and
receives. Shakʃpeare.

INTERCHA'NGEMENT. ʃ. [imtr and
change.] Exchange; mutual transference.Shakʃpeare.

INTERCFPIENT. ʃ. [interdpics, Latin.]
An intercepting power ; ſomething that
cauſes a ſtoppage. Wifeman.

IXTERCISION. ʃ. [Inter and c<^do, Lat.]
Interruption. Brown.

To INTERCLU'DEa;, «. [intercludo, Lat.]
To ſhut from a place or courſe by ſomething
intervening. Holder.

INTERCLU'SION. ʃ. [inttrchfus, Latb.]
Obſtruction ; interception.

columna, Latin.] The ſpace between the
pillars. Wotton.

To INTERCO'MMON. v. n. [inter and
common.] To feed at the ſame table. Bacon.

INTERCOMMU'NITY. ʃ. [inter and community.]
A mutual communication or

INTERCO'STAL. a. [inter and cejla, Lat.]
Placed between the ribs. More.

I'NTERCOURSE. ʃ. [enfrccourt, French.]
1. Commerce ; exchange. Milton.
2. Communication. Bacon.

INTERCU'RRENCE. ʃ. [from interrurro,
Latin.] PalFage between, Boyle.

INTERCU'RRENT. a. [intereurrem, Lat.]
Running between, Boyle.

INTERDE'AL. /, [inter and dta!.] Traſſick
; intercourſe, Spenſer.

To INTERDI'CT. v. a. [interdict, Lat.]
1. To forbid ; to prohibit. ſickel.
2. To prohibit from the enjoyment of
communion with the church. Ayliffe.

INTERDI CT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Prohibition ; prohibiting decreee. Dryden.
2. A papal prohibition to the clergy to celebrate
the holy offices. Wotton.

INTERDICTION. ʃ. [interdiaio, Lat.]
1. Prohibition ; forbidding decree. Milton.
2. Curſe : from the papal interdlB.Shakʃpeare.

INTERDI'CTORY. a. [from intetdia.]
Belonging to an interdiction, Ainſworth.

To INTERE'SS. ʃ. v. a. [intereffer, Fr.]

To INTEREST. ʃ. To concern ; to affect
; to give ſhare in. Dryden.

To INTERE'ST. v. n. To affect ; to

I'N TEREST. ʃ. [interejl, Latin ; interet,
1. Concern ; advantage ; good. Hammond.
2. Influence over others. Oarendam
3. Share ; part in any thing
; participation.
4. Regard to private profit. Swift.
5. Money paid for uſe ; \i('xry. Arbuthnot.
6. Any ſurplus of advantage. Shakʃpeare.

To INTERFERE. v. n. [inter and Jerio,
1. To interpoſe ; to intermeddle, Swift.
2. To cUih ; to oppoſe each other.
3. A horſe is ſaid to interfere, when the
ſide of one of his ſhoes ſtrikes againſt and
hurts one of his fetlocks, or the hitting
one Ifg againſt another, and ſtriking off
the ſhui. Farrier's DiSi,


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INTETIFLUENT. a. [intirflutns, Lat.]
Flowing between. Boyle.

INTERFU'LGENT. a. [inter .nd fulgem,
Latin.] Shining between.

INTERFU'SED. a. [interfujut, Latin.]
Poured or ſcattered between. Milton.

INTERJA'CENCy. ʃ. [from interjacens,
3. The act or ſtate of lying between. Hale.
t. The thing lying between. Brown.

INTERJA'CENT. a. [interjacens, Latin.]
Intervening ; lying between. Raleigh.

INTERJE'CTION. ʃ. [intcrjeaio, Latin.]
i, A partofſpeech that diſrovers the mind
to be ſeized or affected with ſome paſſion :
ſuch as are in Engliſh, ! alas ! ab .'. Clarke.
2. Invention ; interpoCtion ; act of ſomething
coming between. Bacon.

ITJTERIM. ʃ. [interim, Latin.] Mean
time ; intervening time. Taller.

INTERJO'IN. a. [inter and join.] To join
mutually ; to intermarry, Shakʃpeare.

INTE'RIOUR. a. [interior, hit.] Internal; inner ; not outward ; not ſuperficial. Burnet.

INTERKNO'WLEDGE. ſ.[inter and kno-w.
iedge.] Mutual knowledge. Bacon.

To INTERLA'CE. v. a. [entrelajer, Fr.]
To intermix ; to put one thing within another. Hayward.

INTERLA'PSE. ʃ. [inter and laffe.] The
flow of time between any two events.

To INTERLATID. v. a. [entrelarder, Fr.]
1. To mix meat with Bacon. or faf.
2. To interpoſe ; to infert between.
3. To diverſify by mixture. Hale.

To INTERLE'AVE. v. a. [inter and have.]
To chequer a book by the infertion of
blank leaves.

To INTERLl'NE. n;. a. [irter and line.]
1. To write in alternate lines. Locke.
2. To correſt by ſomething written between
the lines. Dryden.

INTERLINEA'TION. ʃ. [inter and linealion.]
Correſſion made by writing between
the line?. Swift.

To INTERLl'NK. v^ a. [inter and link.]
To conned chains one to another ; to join
one in another.

INTERLOCU'TION. ʃ. [interlocatio, Lat.]
1. Dialogue ; interchange of ſpeech. Hooker.
t. Preparatory proceeding in law. A/Uffe.

INTERLO'CUTOR. ʃ. [i^ter and lojuor,
Latin.] Dialogift ; one that talks with
another. Boyle.

INTERLO'CUTORY. a. [interlocutoire,
1. Confining of dialogue. Fiddn,
2. Preparatory to deci/ion.

To INTERLO'PE. v. n. [inter and looptn,
Dutch.] To run between parties and intercept
the advantage that one ihould gain
from the other. Tatler,

INTERLOPER./, [from interlo/^e.] One
who runs into buſineſs to which he has no
right. L'Eſtrange..

INTERLU'CENT. a. [interlucent, Latin.]
Shining between.

INTERLUDE. ʃ. [inter and hdus, Latin.]
Something plaid at the intervals of fectivity
; a farce. Bacon.

INTERLU'ENCY. ʃ. [inurho, Latin.]
Water interpcſited ; interpoſition of a flood. Hale.

INTERLU'NAR. v. a. [inter and iuna,

INTERLU'NARY. ʃ. Lat.] Belonging to
the time when the moon, abt.ut to change,
is inviſible. Milton.

INTERMA'RRIAGE. ʃ. [inter and marriage.]
Marriage between two families,
where each takes one and gives another.

To INTERMA'RRY. v. n. [inter and
marry.] To marry ſome of each family
with the other. Swift.

To INTERME'DDLE. v. n. [inter and
meddle.] To interpoſe oſhciouſly. Hayward, Clarenden.

To INTERME'DDLE. v. a. To intermix ; to mingle. Spenſer.

INTERME'DDLER. ʃ. [from intermeddle.]
One that interpoſes officiouſly ; one that
thruds himſelf into buiineſs to which he
has Bo right. L'Eſtrange.

INTERME'DIACY. f. [from intermediate,'\
Interpoſition ; intervention. Denham.

INTERME'DIAL. a. Intervening ; lying
between ; intervenient. Evelyn.

INTERMEDIATE. a. [intermedial, Fr.]
Intervening ; interpoſed. Newton.

INTERMEDIATELY. ad. [from intermediate.]
By way of intervention.

To INTERME'LL. v. a. [entrtm^Jler, Fr.]
To mix ; to mingle. Spenſer.

INTE'RMENT. ʃ. [enterrement, French.]
Burial ; ſepulture,

INTERMIORATION. ʃ. [intermigration,
Fr.] Act of removing from one place to
another, foas that of two parties removing
each takes the place of the other. Hale.

INTE'RMINABLE. a. [in and termino,
Latin.] Immenfe; admitting no boundary. Milton.

INTE'RMINATE. a. [interminatui, LtiI.]
Unbounded ; unlimited. Chapman.

INTERMINA'TION. ʃ. [intermino, Lat.]
Menace; threat. Decay of Piety.

To INTERMI'NGLE. v. a. [infer and
mingle.] To mingle; to mix ſome things
amongſt others, Hooker.

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To INTERMI'NGLE. v. n. To be mixed
or incorporated.

INTERMl'SSION. ʃ. [intermijftm, Fr. intermij/
io, Lat.]
1. CeilatJon for a time ; pauſe ; intermediate
flop. Wilkins.
2. Intervenient time, Shakʃpeare.
3. Scate of being intermitted. Ben. Johnſon.
4. The ſpace between the parcxyfms of a
fever. Milton.

INTERMI'SSIVE. a. [from intermit.]
Coming by fits ; not continual. Brown.

To INTERMIT. v. a. [intermitto, Lat.]
To forbear any thing for a time ; to inter,
rupt. Rogers.

To INTERMIT. v. n. To grow mild between
the fits or paroxiſms.

INTERMI'TTENT. a.]intermittens, Lat.]
Coming by firs. Hariiey.

To INTERMIX. t. a. [inter and mix.]
To mingle ; to join ; to put ſome things
among others. Hayward.

To INTERMIX. v. n. To be mingled together..

INTERMirXTURE. ʃ. [inttr and mixtura,
1. Mafs formed by mingling bodies, Boyle.
2. Something additional mingled in a mafs. Bacon.

INTERMU'NDANE. a. [inter inimundus,
Latin.] Subſiſting between worlds, or
between orb and orb. Locke.

INTERMU'RAL.fl. [inter and mwu!, Lat.]
Lying between wails. Ainsworth.

INTERMUTUAL. a. [intcnrA mutual.]
Mutual ; interchanged. Damei.

INTE'RN. a. [inicmus, Latin.] Inward ; inteſtine ; not foreign. licivel.

INTE'RNAL. a. [interms, Latin ]
1. Inward^ not external, Locke.
2. Intrinſick ; not depending on external
accidents ; real. Rogers.

INTERNALLY. ad. [from internal.]
1. Inwardly.
2. Mentally; intejlectually. Taylor.

INTERNE'CInE. a. Internrcinus, Latin.]
Endeavouring mutual deſtru^lion. Hudibras.

INTERNE'CIOX. ʃ. [internedo, Ldtin.]
MafTacre ; ll.'ughter. Hah.

INTERNU'NCiO. ʃ. [internuncius, Lat.]
Meſſenger between two parties.

INTERFcLLa'TION. ʃ. [interpellatio,
Lat.] A fun.monsj a call upon. Ayliffe.

To INTE'RPOLATE. v. a. [interpolo.LM.]
1. To foiltatiy thing intoa plate to which
it does not belong. FoPi.
2. To renew ; to begin again. Hale.

INTERPOLATION. ʃ. [inter[Qlation,¥x.]
Something added 01 f ut jjito the original
master. Cromlveii,

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INTERPOLA'TOR. ʃ. [Latin.] One that
foifts in counterfeit paſſages. Swift.

INTERPO'SAL. ʃ. [from interfofe.]
1. Interpoſition ; agency between two perils. South.
2. Intervention, Granville.

To INTERPO'SE. v. a. [interptno, Latin.]
1. To thruſt in as an obſtruction, interruption,
or inconvenience. Swift.
2. To offer as a fuccour or relief. Woodward.
3. To place between ; to make intervenient. Bacon.

To INTERPO'SE. v. n.
1. To mediate : to act between two parties.
2. To put in by way of interruption. Boyle.

INTERPO'SER. ʃ. [from interpoſe.]
1. One that comes between others.Shakʃpeare.
2. An intervenient agent ; mediator.

INTERPOSITION. ʃ. [inserpofitio, Lat.]
1. Intervenient agency. Atterbury.
2. Mediation ; agency between parties. Addiſon.
3. Intervention ; ſtate of being placed between
two. Raleigh.
4. Any thing interpoſed. Milton.

To INTE'RPRET. v. a. [interpreter, Ut.)
To explain ; to tranſlate ; to decipher ; to give a folution, Daniel.

INTE'RPRETABLE. a. [from interpret,;
Capable of being expounded. Collier.

INTERPRETATION. ʃ. [interpretation
1. The act of interpreting ; explanation.Shakʃpeare.
2. The ſenſe given by an intexpreter ; expoſition. Hooker.
3. The power of explaining. Baati.

IN IE RPRETATIVE. a. [from interfrer.]
Collected by interpretation. Hammoid.

INTE RPRETATIVELY. ad. [from inter,
frctative.] As may be ccUe^led by interpretation. Ray.

INTE'RPRETER. ʃ. [interpra, Latin.]
1. An expofitor ; an expounder. Burnet.
2. A tranſlator. Fanjhaiv,

INTERPU'NCTION. ʃ. [interpungo , Lat.]
Pointing between woids or ſenteoces.

IhlERRE'GNUM. ʃ. [Lat.] The time
in which a throne is vacant between the
death of a prince and acceſſion of another.

INTER RE'IGN. ʃ. [intcrregne, Fr. rV.Vrngnum,
Latin.] Vacancy of the throne. Bacon.

To INTE'RROGATE. v. a. [i->terrogo,
Lat.] Toexannine; to (jus lion.

To INTERROGATE. v. r. To aſk ; to
fu: ^u:0ia,is, Ha>r.m->rd.


INTERROGA'TION. ʃ. [hterngation,
Fr. inttrrogatio, Lat.]
3. A quellion put ; an enquiry.
Govirtiment of the Tongue.
2. A note that marks a queſtion : thus ?

INTERRO GATIVE. a. [intcrrcgari^vus,
Lat.] Denoting a queſtion ; expreſlect in
a queſtionary form of words,

INTERROGATIVE. ʃ. A pronoun uſed
in aſking queſtions : as, who ? what ?

INTERRO'GATIVELY. ad', [from inter.
rogative.] la form of a queſtion.

INTERROGATOR. ʃ. [dvm interrcgate.)
An aſker of queſtions.

INTE'RROGATORY. ʃ. [inlerrogatoire,
french.] A queſtion ; an enquiry.Shakʃpeare.

INTERRO'CATORY. a. Containing a
queſtion ; expreſſing a queſtion.

To INTERRU'FT. v. a. [uittrruptus. Lat.]
1. To hinder the proceſs of any thing by
breaking in upon ir. Hale.
2. To hinder one from proceeding by interpoſition. Eccluſ.
3. To divide ; to ſeparate. Milton.

INTERRUPTEDLY. ad. [ſwrn interrupt.
«(/.] Not in coniinuity ; not without
ſtoppage-. BeyIs.

INTERRU'PTER. ʃ. [from interrupt.] He
who interrupts.

INTERRU'PTION. ʃ. [uJ^rroptio, Latin.]
1. Interpoſition ; bieach of coutinuity.
2. Intervention ; interpoſition. Dryden:.
3. Hindrance ; Hop ; let} obltrudtion.Shakʃpeare.

INTERSCA'PULARi a. [inter and Jcapula,
Latin.] Placed between the ſhoulders.

To INTERSCI'ND. v. a. [inter and jamio,
Latin.] To cut off by interruption.

To INTERSCRI'BE. v. a. [inter and j'oibo,
Lat.] To write between.

INTERSE'CANT. a. [interjecatis, Latin.]
Dividing any thing into parts.

To INTERSE'CT. v. a. [interfeco, Lat.]
T© tut ; to divide each other mutually. Brown.

To INTERSE'CT-. v. v. To meet and croſs
each other. ff''iſeman.

INTERSE'C'TION. ʃ. [interfeaio, Latin.]
Point where lines croſs each other. Berkley.

To INTER.SE'RT. v. a. [iiuerfero, Lat.]
To put in between other thingi,

INTERSE'RTION. ʃ. [from tnterfeu.]
An iiil'ertio!', or tiling inferted between
any thing. liamniend.

To INTERSPE'RSE. v. a. [iraerjperfus,
Lat.] To ſcatter here and there among
othet things. Suyi.

INTERSPE'RSION. ʃ. [from intnper)e.]

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The act of ſcattering here and there.

INTERSTE'LLAR. a. Intervening betweea
the ſtars. Bacon.

TNTERSTICE. ʃ. [intfrfiitium, Lat.]
1. Space between one thing and anorher,
«. Time betwen one act and another.

INTERSTI'rrAL. a. [(vominterjiice.] Containing
interſtices. Brown.

INTERTE'XTURE. ʃ. [intertexo, Latin.]
Diverfification of things mingled or woven
one among anuther.

To INTERTWI'NE. ʃ. v. a. [inter and

To INTERTWI'ST. ʃ. tivine, or t%v<ft. ; To unite by twiſting one in another. Milton.

I'NTERVAL. ʃ. [intervalhm, Latin.]
1. Space between places ; interſtice ; vacuity. Newton.
2. Time paſſing between two aflignable
points. tiicifc.
3. Remifllon of a delirium or diftemper.

To INTERVE'NE. v. n. [intervenic. Lat.]
To come between things or perſons. Taylor.

INTERVE'NE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Oppoſition.

INTERVE'NIENT. a. [interveniens, Lat.]
Intercedent ; inter poſed ;
paſſing between. Bacon.

INTERVE NTION. ʃ. [intetventio,UUn.]
I . Agency between perſons, Atterbury.
2. Agency between antecedent. and conſecutives. L'Eſtrange.
3. Interpoſition ; the ſtate of being interpo
fed. Holder.

To INTERVE'RT. v. a. [intcrveno, Lat.]
To turn to another courſe. Wotton.

INTER Vl'EW. ʃ. [cntrevue,Yttnc\\.] Mutual
fight ; liglir of each other. Hooker.

To INTERVOLVE. v. a. [intervoho,
Latin.] To involve one within another. Milton.

To INTERWE'AVE. v. a. preter. ir^ter.
ivoT'e, part, p.1/1. inletivcven, inieiii:o-ue,
ox inter-aea'ved. [inter and zoifiJT'e.] To
mix one viith another in a regular texture
; t'l intermingle. Milton.

To INTERWI SH. -0. a. [inter and 7t;/?\]
To wiſh rr.utujily to each other, Donne.

INTL'STABLE. a. [irtejiaiiiis, Lat.] Diſquihried
to make a will. jAyliffe.

INTE'STATE. a. [/«i7//afz^s, Latin.] Wanting
a will ; dying without will. Dryden.

INTF/STINAL. a. [intijliral, Fr. intmntejl'ne.]
Belonging to the guts. Arhutb,

INTE'S'ilNE. a. [int^Jiin, Fr. intefir.ut,
1. inlej'a.;! ; inward ; not external, Duppa.
2. Contained in the body. Milton.
3. Domeſtick, not foreign. Pope. .

JNTE'STINE. ʃ. [int.Jiinum, Lat.] The
gut ; the bowel. Arbuthnot.

To IN'THRALL. v. a. [in and fAra//.]
To enſlave ; to ſhackle; to reduce to ſervitude. Prior.

INTHRA'LMENT. /. [from inthral/.] Servitude
; ſlavery. Milton.

To INTHRO'NE. v. a. [in and throne.]
To raiſe to royalty ; to feat on a throne. Thomfon.foK.

I'NTIMACY. ʃ.» [from intimate.] Clole familiarity. Rogers.

I'NIIMATE. a. [irtimus, Lat.]
1. Inmoſtj inward ; inteſtine. Tilhtjor,
2. Near ; not kept at diſtancee. South.
3. .Familiar; cloiely acquainted. /Jo/tow,

INTIMATE. ʃ. [intimado. Spaniſh.]
A faniſhar friend ; one wh» is truſted with
our thoughts. Government of the Tongue.

To INTIMATE. v. a. [intimer, French.]
To hint ; to point out indiredtly, or not
very plainly. Locke.

INTIMATELY. ad. [from intimate.]
1. cloſeiy ; with intermixture of parts. Arbuthnot.
2. Nearly ; inſeparably. Addiʃon.
3. Familiarly ; with cloſe friendſhip.

INTIMA'TION. ʃ. [from intimate.] Hint ; obſcure or inairect declaration or direction. South.

I'NTIME. a. Inward ; being within the
mafs; internal. Digby.

To INTI'MIDATE. v. a. [irtimider, Fr.]
To make fearful ; to daliardize ; to make
cowardly. Irene.

INTI'RE. ʃ. [entier, Fr.] Whole ; undiminiſhed
; broken. Hooker.

INTI'RENESS. ʃ. [from intire.] Wholeneſs ; integrity. Donne.

I'NTO. prep, [/a and to.]
1. Noting entrance with regard to place. Wotton.
2. Noting penetration beyond the outſide. Pope.
3. Noting a new ſtate to which any thing
is brought by the agency of a cauſe. Boyle.

INTOLERABLE. a. [tmolerabilis, Lat.] 1. Infuiferable ; not to be endured; not
to be born. Taylor.
1. Bad beyond ſufferance,

INTO'LERABLENESS. ʃ. [from intolera.
hie.] Quality of a thing not to be endured.

INTO'LERABLY. ad. [from intolerable.]
To a degree beyond endurance.

INTO'LERANT. a. [intolerant, Vr.] Not
enduring ; not able to endure. Arljuthnot.

To INTO'MB. v. a. [in and tomb.] To indole
in a funeral monument ; to bury. Dryden.

To I'NTONATE. v. a. [intone, Lat.] T»

INTONA'TION. ʃ. [intonation, Fr. from
intonate.] The act of thundering.

To INTO'NE. v. n. [from tone.] To make
a flow protracted noile. Pope. .

To INTO'RT. v. a. [tntortuo, Latin.] To
twiſt ; to wreath ; to wring. Pope. .

To INI O'XICATE. v. a. [in and toxicum,
Latin.] To inebriate ; to make drunk. Bacon.

INTOXICATION. ʃ. [from irtoxicatc]
Inebriation ; ebriety ; the act of making
drunk ; the ſtate of being drunk. Houtlf.

INTRA'CTABLE. ʃ. [intraaahiUs, Lat.]
1. Ungovernable; violent ; ſtubborn ; obſtinate. Rogers.
2. Unmanageable ; furious, Woodward.

INTRA'CTABLENESS. ʃ. [from /nrraffable.]
Obflinacy ; perveifeneſs.

INTRA'CTABLY. od^ [from intraaahle.]
Unmanageably; flubbornly.

INTRANQUI'LITY. ʃ. [;« and tranquilU
ty.] Unquietneſs ; want of reſt. 'Templf.

INTRANSMU'TABLE. a. [in and tranjmutahle.]
Unchangeable to any other ſubſtance. Ray.

To INTRE'ASURE. v. a. [in and trea-
Jure.] To lay up as in a treafury.Shakʃpeare.

To INTRE'NCH. . n. [in and trancher,
1. To mvade ; to encroach; to cut oft part of what belongs to another, Dryden.
2. To break with hollows. Mutor,
3. To fortify with a trench.

INTRENCHA'NT. a. Not to be divided ;
not to be wounded ; indiviſible.Shakʃpeare.

INTRE'NCHMENT. ʃ. [from intrench.]
Fortification with a trench.

INTRE'PID. a. [imrepide, Fr. intrepldus,
Latin.] Fearlel's ; daring ; bold ; brave. Thomfon.

INTREPIDITY. ʃ. [intrepiditi,Yt.] Fearlefineſs
; courage ; boldneſs. Gulliver.

INTRE'PIDLY. ad. [from intrepid.] Fearleſly
; boldly; daringly. Pope. .

I'NTRICACY. ʃ. [from intricate.] State
of being entangled
; perplexity; involution. Addiſetj.

INTRICATE. tf. [intricatus, Lat.] Entangled
; perplexed ; involved ; complicate< l ; obſcure. Addiʃon.

To I'NTRICATE. [from the adjective.]
To perplex ; to darken. Not proper, nor
in ul'e. Camden.

I'NTRICATELY. ad. [from intricate.]
With involution of one in another ; with
perplexity. Swift.

INTRICATENESS. ʃ. [from intricate.]
Perplexity ; involution ; ebſcurity. Sidney.

JNTRI'GUE. ʃ. [intrigue, Fr.]
1. A plot ; a private traiiUdtion in which
many parties are engaged. ^idd'jnn.
2. Jmricacy ; complication. l-a e.
3. The complication or perplexity of a
tdble .r pnern. Pope. .

To INfRI'GUE. v. tt [intriguer, Ft. from
the nuun.] To form pLcs ; to carry on
pijvate deſigns.

INTRIT.UER. ʃ. [ititrigueur, Fr.] One
who bufies himfel/ in private tranſaiſhofis ; one who furms plots ; o.e who perA.es
Women. Aidfor,

JNTRI'GUINGLY. aJ. [From intngi-e.]
With intrigue; with iecrrt pio'ting,

INTRI'NSECAL. o. [;n/'/n/m.J, Lat.]
1. Internal; ſolid ; natural; not aceideiitjl. Berkley.
2. I'-timate ; eloſeiy familiar. Wotton.

IKTRI'NSECALl.y. ad. [fr.^m mtripjical.]
1. laternally ; n^tur-liy ; really, ^outh.
2. Within ; at the inſide. Woiton,

INTRI'N ,ICK. a. lintnnffcus, Latin.]
1. Inward ; internal ; reol ; true. Hum,
2. Nt deperdrg'jn accident ; fixed in the
nature of the 'hi g. Rogt'S.

INTRI'NSECATt:. a. Perplexed. Shak.

To INTRODUCE. v. a. [i mmduco, Lat.] 1. To condutl or uſher into a place, or to
a per foil. Locke.
Z, To bring ſomething into notice or practice.
1. To produce ; to give occaſion. Locke.
4. To bring into writing or diſcourſe by
proper preparatives.

INTRODU'v^'ER. ʃ. [from introduce.]
1. One who conduds another to a place or
2. Any one who brings any thing into
practice or notice. Hotton.

INTRODU'CUON. ʃ. [introduffio, Lat.]
1. The act of conducting or uſhering to
any place or perſon.
2. The act of bringing any new thing into
notce or practice. Clarendon.
3. The preface or part of a booit containing
previous matter.

INTRODU'CTIVE. a. [i«trodua{f, Fr.]
Serving as the means to ſomething elle. South.

INTRODU'CTORY. a. [from introduaus,
Latin.] f revious ; ſerving as a means to
ſomething further. Boyle.

INTRO^RESSION. ʃ. [introgrefie, Lat.]
Entrance; the act of entering.

JNTROI'T. ʃ. [introit, French.] The beginnmg
of themafs ; lae beginning of publick

INTROMI'SSION. ʃ. [infrom'Jfio, Latin.]
The act of ſending in. Peachavi,

To I'NTROMIT. -i.'. a. [intromitto, Lat.]
To ſend in ; to let in ; to admit ; to al-
Itiwtotalei. Kdldtr, JStivtitn,

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To INTROSPE'cr. v. a. [introſpcaus,
Lat.] To take a view of the infirte.

INTROSPE'C 1 ION. ʃ. [from irtroſpcff.]

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A V ew of the inſide. Dryden.

INTROVE'NIENT. a. [iniro and v^mo,
Latin.] Entering; coming iji. B'-ozun.

To INTRU'DE. v. n. [ir.nudo, Latin.]
1. To come in unwelcome by a kind of
violence ; to enter without invitation or
permillicn. Watts.
2. To encroach ; to force in uncalled or
unpermitted. Cof,

To INTRU'DE. To a. To force without
right or welcome. Pope.

iNTRU'DER. ʃ. [from intrude.] One
who forces himſelf into company or affairs
without right. Dav;es, Addiſon.

INTRU'iION. ʃ. [i'lfufio, Latin.]
1. The act of thruſting or forcing any
thing or perſon into any place or ſlate.Z-ei,
2. Encroachment upon any perſon or place.
3. Voluntary and uncalled undertaking of
any thing. M^o'torr,

To INTRU'ST. ʃ. tf. [ir, and truf}.] To
treat with confidence ; to charge with any

INTUITION. f. [intuitus, Latin.]
1. Sight of anything; immediate knowledge.
Government of the 'Tongue.
2. Knowledge not obtained by deduction
of reaſon. Granville.

INTU'ITIVE. a. [inſuitivus, Latin.]
1. Seen b» the mind immediately. Locke.
2. .''eeing, not baiely belitying. Hooker.
3. Having the power of diſcovering truth
immediately with' ut ratiocination. Hooker.

INTUI'TIVELY. ad. [intuitivenun', Fr.]
Without deduction of leafon ; by immediate
preceptioB. Hooker.

INTUME'SCENCE. ʃ. [intumejcence,

INTUME SCENCY. ʃ. French ; iniumefco,
Lat.] Swell; tumour. Bacon.

INTURGE'SCENCE. ʃ. [in and imurgefco,
Latin.] Swelling; theact or ſtate of ſwelling. Brown.

INTU'SE. ʃ. [intufui, Lat.] Bruife. !<pir,f.

To INTWI NE. v. a. [in and tivine.]
1. To twiſt. or wreath together. Hooker.
2. To incompjfs by circling round it. Dr.

To INVA'DE. v. a. [invado, Latin.]
1. To attack a country ; to make an hoſtile
entrance. Knot es.
1. To attack ; to aflail ; to aflault. Sh,
3. To violate with the firſt ad of hoſtility
; to attack. Dryden.

INVA'DER. ʃ. [from invndo, Latin.]
1. One who enters with hultility into the
ptHeſſions of another. Bacon.
2. An alfailant.
3. Encrnacher ; intruder. Hammond.

INVALE'SCENCE. ʃ. [invalefco, Latin.] Strength : health, /)</?.


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INVA'LID. a. [invalidu!, Latin.] Weak ; of no weight or cogency. Aliitor.

To INVA'LIDATE. v. a. [{rem invJid.]
To weaken ; to deprive of force or efficacy. Boyle, Locke.

INVALl'D. ʃ. [Fr.] One difibkd by ſicknef-.
or hurts. Prior.

INVALI'DITY. ʃ. [invaltdt'e'. French.]
1. Weaknsis ; want of c gsncy.
2. Want of bodily ſtiength. Temple.

INVA'LUABLF. a. [j« and i/<j/a-3,^.'^.] Precious
above eſtimation; ineliimable.

INVA'RIABLE. a. [invariMe, French.]
Unchangeable ; Conftant. B^o-an,

INVA'RIABLENESS. ʃ. [from invauihU.]
Immutability; conſtancy.

INVARIABLY. ad. [from invariable.]
Unchangeably ; conſtantly, Auerbury,

INVA'SIONf. ʃ. [;«i/rt>, Latin.]
1. Hoflile entrance upon the rights or poſſeHions
of another ; hofthe encroachments.
I Samuel Locke.
2. Attack of an epidemical diſeaſe. Arbuthnot.

INVA'SIVE. a. [from invade.] Entering
holiilely upon other mens p^ITcinans. Dryden.

INVE'CTIVE. ʃ. [inwalve, French.] A
cenſure in ſpeech or writing. Hooker.

INVE'CTIVE. a. [from the noun.] Satirical
; abuſive. Dryden.

INVE'CriVELY. ad. Satirically ; abuſively.Shakʃpeare.

To INVE'IGH. v. a. [in'veho,Uun.] To
utter cenſure or reproach. Arbuthnet,

INVEIGHER. ʃ. [from ;W«;^^.] Vtrhement
railcr. fVi'cmjn,

To INVE'IGLE. v. a. [invogliare^ \ra\.]
To perſuade to ſomething bad or hurtful ; to wheedle ; to allure. Hudibras.

INVE'IGLER. ſ.[from inveigle.] Seducer ;
deceiver ; ?llurer to ill, Sandys.

To INVE'NT. If. a. [inzenter, Trench.]
1. To diſcover ; to find out; toexccgitate,
Amct. Arbuthiwt.
2. To forge ; to contrive falſely ; to fabricate. Stillingfleet.
3. To feign ; to make by the imagination. Addiſon.
4. To light on ; to meet with. Spenſer.

INVE'NTER. ʃ. [from ini/fffl/fur, French.]
1. One who produces ſomething new; a
a devifer of ſomething nui known before.
1. A fo-ger.

INVE'NTION. ʃ. [ifi'vention, Trench.]
1. Fidliun. Roſcommort.
2. Difcovery. Ray.
3. Excogitation ; act of producing f mething
new, Dryden.
4. Forgery. Shakʃpeare.
5. The thing invented, Milan,

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INVE'NTIVE. a. [invtntif, Fr.] Quick at
contrivance; ready at expedients ; Aji.hum. Dryden.

INVE'NTOR. ſ.[interior, Unn.]
1. A tinder out of ſomething new. Miltonat
2. A contriver; a fiamer. Shakʃpeare.

INVENTORIALLY. ad. In m.nner of
an inventory. Shakʃpeare.

INVE'NTORY. ʃ. [ini^emariun, Latin.]
An account or catalogue of moveables.
S^ taator.

To I'NVENTORY. v. a. [hvertorur, Fr.]
To regifter ; to plice in a canKgue
Gofe- nment of th' Tongue.

INVE'NTRESS. ʃ. [i-a, ntnce, Yr iro^-
ir.'vc,.tor.] A female that invents Burret.

IN'/E'RSE. a. [inverſe,?,. i,:-jcrfuu Ia:\
Inverted ; reciprocal: oppoſed to direct,

INVE'RSION. ʃ. [inverfun, Fr. inverf,o,
1. Change of order or time, ſo as th<<t the
laſtisfinf, and firſt hft. Dryden.
2. Changs of place, ſo as that each takes
the ri om of the other.

To INVE'RT. v. a. [irfjerto, Latin.]
1. To turn upſide down; to place n contrary
method or order to that which was
before. Waller, Dryden, Watts.
2. To place the laſt hi ſt. Prior.
3. To divert ; to turn into another chm-
Hel ; to imbezzle. Kiol es.

INVE RTEDLY. ad. [from inverted ] lacontrary
or reverſed order. Denham.

To INVE'ST. v.a, [ir,vJ)io,laX\n.]
1. To dreſs ; to clithe ; to array. Milton.
2. To place in polltfli'-n of a rank or office,
Koohr, Clarenden.
3. To adorn ; to grace. Shakʃpeare.
4. To confer; to give. Bacon.
5. To incloſe ; in furround ſo as to intercept
fuccouts or pioviſions.

INVE'STIENT. a. [inveJliens^L^Xin.] Covering
; clothing. Woodward.

INVE'STIGABLE. a. [from in'Vfjiigate,\
To b-fejiched out; diſcover^ble by rational
diſquifit.on. Hooker.

To INVE'STIGATE. ta a. [ir.veJi\go, Lat.]
To ſearch out ; 10 find out by rational diſquiſition. Cheyne.

INVESTIGATION. ʃ. [invefligatio, Lat.]
1. Theact of the mind by which unkiiown
truths are diſcovered. Waits,
2. Examination. Pope. .

INVE'STITURE. ʃ. [French.]
1. The right of giving poſſeflion of any
manor, office, or benefice. Raleigh.
2. The act of giving poſſeſtion.

INVE'STMENT. ʃ. [ /» and veſtment.]
Dreff ; clnaths
; garn-ent ; habit. Shakʃpeare.

INVE'TERACY. ʃ. [in^eteratio, Latin.]
1. Longcontinuanct of any thing bad. Addiʃon. 3X2 «. [to

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2. [In phyſick.] Long continuance of a

INVETERATE. a. [invelcratus, Latin.]
1. Old ; long eftabliſhed. Bacon.
2. Obftinate by long continuance. Swift.

To INVETERATE. v. a. [invaero, Lat.]
To harden or make obſtinate by long continuance. Berkley.

INVETERATENESS. ʃ. [from inveterate.]
Long continuance of any thing bad ; obſtinacy
confirmed by trnie. Brown.

INVETERA'TION. ʃ. [iiveteratio, Lcitin.]
The act of hardening or confirming by long

INVI'DIOUS. a. [invidiofui, Latin.]
1. Envious; malignant. Evelyn.
1. Likely to incur or to bring hatred. Swift.

INVI'DKDUSLY. ad. [from invidious.]
1. Malignantly; enviouſly. Spratt.
1. In a manner likely to provoke hatred.

INVI'DIOUSNESS. f. [Uaminvidioui.] Quality
of provoking envy or hatred.

To INVi'GORATE. v. a. [/« and t/^^^oar.]
To endue with vigour ; to ſtrengthen ; to
animate ; to enforce. Addiſon.

INVIGORA'TION. ʃ. [from invigorats.]
1. The act of invigorating.
2. The ſtate of being invigorated. Norris.

INVl'NCIBLE. a. [invincibilis, Latin.] Inſuperable ; unconquerable ; not to be ſubdued. Knolles, Berkley.

INVl'NCIBLENESS. ʃ. [from invinahle.]
Unconquerableneſs ; inſuperab'eneſs,

INVINCIBLY. ad. [from invivcible.] Ifjſuperably
; unconquerably. Milton.

INVrOLABLE. a. [inviolabili), Latin.]
1. Not to be piofaned ; not to be injured. Locke.
2. Not to be broken. Hooker.
3. Inſuſceptible of hurt or wound. Milton.

JNVI'OLABLY. ad. [.from inviolable.]
Without preach ; without failure. Spratt.

INVI'OLATE. a. [mviolatus, Latin.] \in.
hurt ; uninjured ; uijprofaned ; unpolluted; unbroken. Dryden.

I'NVIOUS. a. [inviys, Latin.] Jmpjfl'able
; ' untrodden. Hudibras.

INVISIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from invifble.] The
ſlate'of being inviſible ; imperceptibleneſs
to fight. Ray.

jNVISIBLE. a. [invl_fibUis, Latin.] ^Jot
perceptible by the light ; not to be leen. Sidney.

INVI'SIBLY. ed. [from inv'fble.] Imperceptibly
to the fight. Denham.

jfolNVISCATE. v. a. [imni vljcui , Lat.]
To lime ; to intangte in glutinous matter. Brown.

INVITATION. ʃ. finvitatto, Latin.] The
act of inviting, bidding, or calling to any
thing with cerenuny and civility. Dryden.

yo INVi^E. v. a. [invitot Latin.]

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T, To bid ; to aſk to any place, Swift.
1. To allure ; to perſuade. Bacon.

To INVITE. <!/. «. [invito, Latin.] To
aſk or call to any thing pleaſing. Milton.

INVITER. ʃ. [from tnvite.] He who invites. Smalridge.

INVITINGLY. ad. [from inviting.] In
ſuch a manner as invites or allures. Decay of Piety.

To INU'MBRATE. v. a. [^n^mbro,Lat.]
To ſhade ; tocover with ſhades. Difi.

INUNCTION. ʃ. [muiSius, Latin.] The
act of ſmcaring or anointing. Ray.

INUNDATION. ʃ. [inundaiio, Latin.]
1. The oveiftjw of waters ; Hood ; dekige. Blackmore.
2. A confluence of any kind. Spenſer.

To I'NVOCATE. v. a. [/Wcfo, Latin.]
To invoke ; to implore ; to call upon ; to
pray to. Milton.

INVOCATION. ʃ. [invocatio, Latin.]
1. The act of calling upon in prayer. Hooker.
2. The forrn of calling for the afliſtanceor
prefence of any being. Waje.

I'NVOICE. ʃ. A catalogue of the freight
of a ſhip, or of the articles and price of
go'-'ds ſent by a factor.

To INVO'KE. v. a. [/Woco, Latin.] To
call upon ; to implore ; to pray to. Sidney.

To INVO'LVE. v. a. [invoho, Latin.]
1. To inwrap; to cover with any thing
circumfluent. Dryden.
2. To imply ; to compriſe. Addiʃon.
3. To entwiſt ; to join. Milton.
4. To take in ; to catch, Spratt.
5. To intangle. Locke.
6. To complicate; to make intricate. Locke.
7. To blend ; to mingle together confuſedly. Milton.

INVO'LUNTARILY. ad. [from ini>olur,.
tary.] Not by choice ; not ſpontaneouſly,

INVO'LUNTARY. a. [invokntaire, Fr.]
1. Not having the power of choice. Pope. .
2. Not chofen ; not done willingly. Locke, Pope. .

INVOLUTION. ʃ. [inwiutio, Latin.]
1. The act of involving or inwrapping.
2. The ſtate of being entangled ; complication. Glanville.
3. That which is wrapped round any
thing. Brown.

To INU'RE. v. a. [in^nAure.]
1. To habituate; to make ready or willing
\>y practice and cuftum ; toaccuſtom. Daniel.
2. To bring into uſe ; to practiſe again. Spenſer.

INU'REMENT. ʃ. [from inure.] fractice ;
habit ; uſe ; cuſtom ; frequency. Wotton.
To INU'RN, v. a. To intomb ; to bury. Dryden.


INU'STION. ʃ. [inB//<j, Latin.] The act of

INUTILE. a. [inutile, Fr. ittutilit, Latin.]
Uſeleſs ; unprofitable. Bacon.

INUTI'LITY. ʃ. [rn<-/i7/>d», Latin.] Ufcle< rnef> ^ unprofitableneſs.

INVULNERABLE. a. [invuhfraiii', Lat.]
Not to be wounded ; ſecure from wound.

To INWA'LL. v. a. To indoſe with a waU.
1. To wards the internal parts ; within. Milton.
2. With inflexion or incurvity ; concavely. Dryden.
3. Into the mind or thoughts, Hooker.

i'NWARD. a.
1. Internal
; placed not on the outſide but
within. Milton.
2. Refleiting ; deſply thinking. Prior.
3. Intimate; domeſtick. ^o^.
4. Seated in the mind, Shakʃpeare.

1. Any thing within generally the bowels. Mortimer.
t. Intimate ; near acquaintance. Shakſ.

I'NWARDLY. ad. [from inward.]
1. In the heart ; privately. Shakſp.
2. In the parts within ; internally. Arbuthnot.
3. With inflexion or concavity,

INWARDNESS. f. [hovci inward.'} Intimacy
; familiariiy. Shakʃpeare.

To INWEAVE. preter, iniv^veot inivtaved,
part. paſt. inivive or inivoven, £;n an4
1. To mix any thing in weaving ſo that it
forms part of the texture. Pof>e,
2. To intwine; to complicate. Milton.

To INWOOD. v. a. [in and wood.] To
hide in wood5, Sidney.

To INWRA'P. v. a. [io and wrap.]
1. To cover by involution ; to involve. Donne.
2. To perplex ; to puzzle with difficulty
cr obſcurity, Eicon,
3. To raviſh or tranſport, Milton.

INWRO'UGHT. a. [;n and wroa^if.] Adorned
with work. Milton.

To INWREATHE. v. a. [in and wreath.]
To (urround as with a wreath. Milton.

JOB. ʃ.
1. A low mean lucrative buſy affair.
2. Petty, piddling work ; a piece of chance
work. Pope. .
3. A ſudden flab with a ſharp ioſtrument.

To JOB. v. a.
1. To ſtrike ſuddenly with a ſharp inſtrupient. L'Eſtrange.
t, T^o drive in a ſharp and t^Qient , Mtxuna

To JOB. t> n. To play the ſtotkjobher; ta
buy and ſells as a bioker, Pofe.

JOB'S tears. ſ. An herb.

JOBBER. ʃ. [from ;<,..]
1. A man who ſellss flock in tic publick
fundf. HiDiJt,
2. One who does chancework.

JOBBERNO'WL. ʃ. [joiie,T\em]<h,ixilli
hnol, Saxon. a .head.] Loggerhead ; blockhead. Hudibras.

JOCKEY. ʃ. [from Jack.]
1. A fellow that rides horſes in the race.
«, A man that deals in horſes.
3. A cheat ; a trickiſh fellow.

To JO'CKEY. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To juſtle by riding againſt one,
2. To cheat ; to trick.

JOCOSE. a. [jocofut, Latin.] Merry; waggiſh ; given ſo jefl. Watts.

JOCCSELY ad. [from jocofe.] Waggiſhly ;
injeft; in game, Broome.

JOCO SENESS. ʃ. /, [from iort/<r.] Wag-

JOCO'JilTY. ʃ. g^ry ; merriment.

JO'CULAR. a. [jocuhris, Latin.] uſed Ja
; merry ; jocoſe ; waggiſh.
Gov.Ttiment of the Tongue.

JOCULARITY. ſ.[from jicular.] Merriment; diſpoſition to jefl. Brown.

JOCU'ND. a. [jocundus, Latin.] Merry ;
gay ; any ; iiveiv, Milton.

JOCU'NDLY. ad. [from jocund.] Merrily ; gaily. South.

To JOG. v. a. [/ i(3<:.c«, Dutch.] To puſh;
to ſhake by a ſudden impuife. Norris.

To JOG. v. n. To move by fuccuffation,

JOG. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A puſh ; a flight ſhake ; a ſudden in.
terruption by a puſh or ſhake, .Arbuthnot.
2. A rub ; a ſmall ſtop. Granville.

JO'GGER. ʃ. [from jog.] One who moves
heavily and dully, Dryden.

To JO'GGLE. v.'ff. To ſhake, Denham.

JO'HNAPPLE.y. A ſharp apple. Mortimer.

To JOIN. v. a. [Joindre, French.]
1. To add one to another in continuity. Iſaiah.
2. To unite in league or marriage, Dryd.
3. To daſh together ; to collide ; to encounter. Knolles.
4. To afTociate, ./itls,
5. To unite in one act, Dryden.
16. To unite in concord, i Corinthiant,
7. To act in concert with, Dryden.

To JOIN. v.n,

To grow to ; to adhere ; to be continuous.
2. To cloſe; to claſh. Shakʃpeare.
5. To unite with in iaarri:ige, or any other
league, Ex,ra,

; OL ; O U

4. To become confederate. i. Elite,

JOINDER. ʃ. [from >»«.] Conjunaion ; joining. Shakʃpeare.

jd'INER. ʃ. [from _;of«.] One v.hoſe trade
is to make utenfilsef wood joined, Mcx.

JG'INERY. ʃ. [from joiner.] An art whereby
ſeveral- pieces of wood are fitted and
joined together. Moxon.

JOINT. ʃ. [jointure, French.]
1. Articulation of limbs ; junfture of moveable
bones in animal bodies. Temple.
2. Hinge; junctures which admit motion
of the parts. Sidney.
3. [In joinery] Strait lines, in joiners
language, is called a jcint, that is, two
pieces of wood are ſhot. Moxon.
4. A knot or commifTure in a plant,
5. One of the limbs of an animal cut up
by the butcher. Swift.
6. Out of ]oIST, Luxated ; flipped from
the focket, or corteſpundent part where it
naturally moves. Herbert.
7. Owro/ Joint. Thrown into confuſion
and diſorder. Shakʃpeare.

1. Shared among many. Shakʃpeare.
2. United in the f^nie pofieflion. Donne.
3. Combined ; ailing together in conforr. Addiʃon.

To JOINT. w. a. [from the noun.]
2. To join together in confederacy.Shakʃpeare.
2. To form many parts into one. Dryd.
3. To form in articulations. Ray.
4. To divide a j&int ; to cut or quarter into
joints. Dryden.

JOINTED. a. [ham joint.] Full of joints,
knots, or commifTures. Phillips.

JO'NTER. [from jo««r.] A ſort of plane. Moxon.

JO'INTLY. cJ. [from joint.]
1. To gether; not ſeparately. Hooker.
2. In a ſtate of union or co-operation. Dryden.

JOINTRESS. f. [from jointure.] One who
holds any thing in jointure. Shakʃpeare.

JOINTSTO'OL. ʃ. [j:int and pt>!.] A ſtool
made not merely by infertion of the feet.

JO'INTURE. ʃ. [jointure^ French.] Eſtate
ſettled on a wife to be enjoyed after her
huſhand's deceaſe. Pope. .

JOIST. f. [from je-'ffifrf, French.] The ſecondary
beam of a finer. Mortimer.

To JOIST. v. a. [from the noun.] To fit
in the ſmaller beams of a fljoring.

JOKE. ʃ. [jocWjLatin.] Ajeft; ſomething
not ferious, Watts.

To JOKE. ʃ. «. [jocor, Latin.] To jeſt ; to be merry in wor<Js or actions. Gay.

JO'KER. ʃ. [from jo.f.] A jeſter; a merry
fellow. Dennis.

JOLE. ʃ. [gucuk, French.]
1. The face or cheek. C'Jlier,
2. The head of a fiſh. Pope. .

To JOLL. t'. a. [from /c//, the head.] To
beat the head againſt any thing; to claſh
with violence.

JO'LLILY. ad. [{rem joUy.] In adiſpoſition
to noify mirih. Dryden.

JO'LLIMENT. ʃ. [from >//y.] Minh; merriment ; gaiety. Spenſer.

;; i

jO'LLITY. S ^ V'°^P'b-i
1. Gaiety ; elevation of ſpirit. Sidney.
2. Merriment; fectivity. Addiſon.

JO'LLY. a. [>//, French.]
1. Gay; merry; airy; cheerful; lively. Burton.
2. PIump; like one in high health. South.

To JOLT. TT. n. To ſhake as a carriage on
rough ground. Swift.

To JOLT. v. c. To rtiake one as a carnage

JOLT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Shock ; violent
agitation. Gulliver.

JO'LTHEAD. ʃ. A great head ; a dolt ; a
blockhead. Grew.

JONQUI'LLE. ʃ. [jonquille, French.] A
ſprcies of daffodil. Thomfon.

JO'RDEN. ʃ. [loxi^fienu:, and &en, rtKcp.
taculum.] A pot. Pope.

To JOSTLE. 1'. a. [/V^r, French.] To
jultle ; to ruſh againſt,

JOT. ʃ. [loira.] A point; a tittle. Spenſer.

JO'VIAL. a. [jovial, French.]
1. Under the influence of Jupiter. Brown.
2. Gay; airy; merry. Bacon.

JOVIALLY. ad. [from jovial.] Merrily; gaily.

JO'VIALNESS. ʃ. [from >wW.] Gaiety ;

JO'UISANCE. ʃ. [rc;5«/^jwf^, French.] Jollity
; merriment ; fectivity, Spenſer.

JO'URNAL. a. [joutrale, Fttnch i giornale,
Italian ] Daily ; quotidian. Shakʃpeare.

JO'URNAL. ʃ. [journal, French.]
1. A diary ; an account kept of daily
tranſactions, Arbuthnot.

2. Any paper publiſhed daily,

JO'URNALIST. ʃ. [from journal.] A writer
of journalf.

JO'URNEY. ʃ. [jourre' , French.]
r. The travel of a day. Milton.
2. Travel by land ; a voyage or travel by
fea. Rogers.
3. Piffage from place to place, Burnet.

To JO'URNEY. K. ». [from the noun.]
To travel ; to paſs from place to place.

JOURNEYMAN. ʃ. [^oarn/?, aday's work,
Fr. and man.] A hired workman. Arbuthnot.

JO'URNEYWORK. ʃ. [joume'e, French,
and 'wetk.] Work performed for hire. Arbuthnot.


JOUST. ʃ. [/Wy?, French.] Tilt; tournanient
; mock fight. It js now written leſs
properly y'tt/i. Milton.

To JOUST. v. n. [y5«(/?^r, French.] To run
io the tilt. Milton.

JO WLER. ʃ. A kind of hunting d^g. Dryden.

JOWTER. ʃ. A fiſh-driver. Cvrew,

JOY. ʃ. [joye, French.]
1. The palFion produced by any happy accident
; gladnefr. South.
2. Gaiety ; merriment ; fectivity. Dryd.
3. Happrneſs ; felicity, . Shakʃpeare.
4. Atterm of fondneſs. Shakſpeare.

To JOY. v. n. [from the noun.] To rejoice
; to be glad ; to exult. Wotton.

To JOY. v. a.
1. To congratulate ; to entertain kindly.
2. To gladden ; to exhilarate, Sidney.
3. [Jcuir de,¥ttnch.^ To enjoy ; to have
happy pofreſſion. Milton.

JOYaNCE. ʃ. [>j«/, old French.] Gaiety
; fectivity. i>ſenſer.

JO'YFUL. a. [/oy and /a/7.]
1. Full of joy; glad ; exulting, ; Kingf.
2. Sometimes it has of before the cauſe
of joy. Pope. .

JOYFULLY. ad. [from joyful] With joy; gladly. PVaku

JO'YFULNESS. ʃ. [from >;;/«/.] Gladneſs ; joy. Dculr,

JO'YLESS. a. [from joy.]
1. Void of joy ; feeling n« pleaſure.Shakʃpeare.
2. It has ſometimes of before the otjeiS^.
3. Giving no pleaſure. Shakʃpeare.

JOYOUS. a. [joyeux, French.]
1. Glad; gay
; merry. Prior.
2. Giving joy, Spenſer.
3. It has 1/ ſometimes before the cauſe of
ioy. Dryden.

IPECACUANHA. ʃ. An Indian plant.


IRA'SCIBLE. a. [irafcibHii, low Lat. ira-
Jcible, Fr.] Partaking of the nature of
anger. ^'gty-

IRE. ʃ. [Fr, /r<j, Latin.] Anger; rage ;
pafiianate hatred, Dryden.

I'REFUL. a. [ire and full.] Angry; raging
; furious. Dryden.

I'REFULLY. ad. [from ire.] With ire; in an angry manner.

I'RIS. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. The rainbow. Brown.
2. Any appearance of light reſembling the
rainbow. Newton.
3. The circle round the pupil of the eye.
4. The rtjwer-de luce. Milton.

To IRK. v. a. f;i»-.5, work, Iſlandick.] It
irk? me\ 1 am weary of it. Shakʃpeare.

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I'RKSOME. a. [from .VyJ.] Wcariſome?
tedious ; troubleſome. Swift.

I'RKSOMELY. ad. [from irkſome.] Weariſomely
; tediouſly.

I'RKSOMENESS. ʃ. [from irkfomi.] Tediouſneſs
; weariſomeneſs.

I RON. ʃ. [ijien, Saxon.]
1. A metal common to all parts of the
world, plentiful in moſt, and of a ſmall
price. Though the lighted of all metals,
except tin, it is conſiderably the hardeſt ;
and, when pure, naturally malleable :
when wrought into ſteel, or when in the
impure ſtate from its firſt fuſion, in which
it is called caſt iron, it is ſcarce malleable.
Iron is more capable of ruft than any other
metal, is very fonorous, and requires the
ſtrongeſt fire of all the metals to melt it.
The ſpeciſick gravity of iron is to water
as 763a is to 1000. Iron has greater medicmal
virtues than any of the other metals.

2. Any inſtrument or utenfil made of iron. Pope.

IRON. a.
1. Made of iron. Mortimer.
2. Rerembling iron in colour. Woodward.
3. Harſh ; ſevere ; rigid ; miſerable.
4. Indiflbluble ; unbroken. Phillips.
5. Hard ; impenetrable. Shakʃpeare.

To I'RON. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſmooth with an iron.
2. To ſhackle with irons.

IRO'NICAL. a. [from i'ony.] Expreſſing
one thing and meaning another. Brown. Swift.

IRO'NICALLY. ad. [from ironical.] By
the uſe of irony. Bacon.

IRONMO NGER. ʃ. [iron and monger.] A
dealer in iron.

I RONWOOD. ʃ. A kind of wood extremely
hard, and ſo ponderous as to ſink in water,

I'RONWORT. ſ.A plant. Miller.

I'RONY. a. [from iron.] Made of iron ; partaking of iron. Hammond.

I'RONY. ʃ. [ironie, French.] A mode of
ſpeech in which the meaning is contrary
to the words. Swift.„

IRRA'DIANCE. ʃ. r r- j- t7 u ,

IRRA'DIANCY. ʃ. > L'^'^^'^, French.]
1. Emiſſion of rays or beams of light upon
any object. Brown.
2. Beamsof light emitted. Milton.

To IRRA'DIATE. v. a. [irradio, Utin.]
1. To adorn with light emitted upon it ; to brighten. South.
2. To enlighten intellectually ; to illu.
mine; to illuminate. Milton.
3. To animate by heat or light. Hale.
4. To decorate with ſhining ornaments. Pope.


IRRADFA'TION. ʃ. [irrajiailor, French.]
1. The act of emitting beams of lighr, Digby.
2. Illumination ; intellcflual light. huU,

IRRA'TIONAL. a. [irrationalis, Latin.]
1. Void of reafun ; void of underft<inding. Milton.
1. Abfiird
; contrary to reaſon. Harvey.

IRRATIONa'LITY. ʃ. [from irratienal.]
Want of reaſon.

IRRATIONALLY. ad. [from irratio>:a!.]
Without reaſon ; abfurdly.

IRRECLAIMABLE. a. [tn and rec!aimal>!e.]
Not to be reclaimed ; not to be changed
to the better. Addiſon.

IRRECONCl'LABLE. a. [irreconatiable,
1. Not to be rrtonciled ; not to be appealed. Dryden.
2. Not to be made conſiſtent. Hogers,

IRRECONCrLABLENESS. ʃ. [from trrtcorcHahk.'.
Impoſſibility to be reconciled.

IRRECONCI'LaBLY. ad. [from irrtcon.
iHaLIe.] In a manner not admitting reconciliation.

IRRECONCI'LED. a. [in and reeotieiied.]
Not atoned. Shakʃpeare.

IRRECOVERABLE. o. [in and recoverable..
1. Not to be regained ; not to be reſtored
or repaired. Rogers.
2. Not to be remedied. Hooker.

IRRECO'VERABLY. ad. [Uamirreaverable.]
Beyond recovery ; part repair. Mile.

IRREDU'CIBLE. a. [m and rtducib/e.] Not
to be reduced.

IRREFRAGABI'LITY. ʃ. [from irrefragable.
; Strength of argument not to be refuted.

IRREFRA'GABLE.fl. [irrefragabiſh, Lat.]
Not to be confuted ; ſuperior to argumental
I ppoſition. Swift.

IRREFRA'G ABLY.. ad. [from irrefragable.]
With torce above confutation, Atterbury.

IRREFUTABLE. a. [irrefuiabilis, Luia.]
Not to be overthrown by argument.

IRRE'GULAR. a. [irngulier, Fr. irregw
Jarit, Latin.]
1. Deviating from rule, cuſtom or nature. Prior.
2. Immethodical ; not confined to any
certain rule or order. Md'on, Coiciey.
3. Not being according to the laws of virtue.

IRREGULARITY. ʃ. [/rrc^a/anW, Fr-]
1. Deviation from rule.
7. Nfgleft of method and order. Brown.
3. Inordinate practice. Rogers.

IRREGULARLY. ad. [from irregular, '\
Without obſervation of rule or method. Locke.

To IRRE'GULATE. v. a. To make irregular
; to diſojdw. £rovn.

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IRRE'LATIVE. a. [/> and r./a/.'-rw^ Laf;7
Having no reference to any thing ; ſingle ;

IRRELI'GION. ʃ. [irreligion, Fr.] Contempt
of religion ; impiety. Rogers.

IRRELI'GIOUS. a. [irreltgieux, French.]
1. Contemning religion ; impious. South.
2. Contrary to religion. Swif\

IRRELl'GIOUSLY. ad. [from irreltgioui.]
With impiety ; with irreligion.

IRRE'MEABLB. a; [ir«/«t-a^//f/, Latin.]
Admitting no return. Dryden.

IRREME'DI.ABLE. a. [irremediable, Fr.]
Admitting no cure ; not to be remedied. Bacon.

IRREME'DIABLY. ad. [from irremediable.]
Without cure. Taylor.

IRREMI'SSIBLE. a. [irremiſſible, French.]
Ni't to be pardoned.

IRREMI'SSIBLENESS. ʃ. The quality of
being not to be pardoned. Hammond.

IRREMO'VEABr.E. a. [it, and remove.]
Not toJ)e moved ; nut to be changed.Shakʃpeare.

IRRENO'WNED. a. [in and re'nown.l
Void of hono'ir. Sprnj'f.

IRREPARABLE. a. [irreparabihs, Lat.]
Not to be recovered ; not to be repaired. Addiſon.

IRRE'PARABLY. ad. Without recovery ; without amends. Boyle.

IRREPLE'VIABLE. a. [in and ref-levy.]
Not to be redeemed, A law term.

IRREPREHE'NSIBLE. a. [irreprebenjibilis,
Latin.] Exempt from blame.

IRREPREHE'NSIBLY. ad. [from irrel>rt'
henjthlf.] Without blame.

IRREPRESE'NTABLE. a. [in and reprt-
/em,} Not to be figured by any repiefentation. Stillingfleet.

IRREPRO'ACHABLE. a. [in and reproachable.]
Free from blame} free from reproach. Atterbury.

IRREPRO'ACHABLY. ad. [from irre.
froachable.] Without blame; without reproach.

IRK EPRO'VEABLE. ad. [in and reproveable.]
Not to be blamed ; irreproachable.

IRRESISTIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from irrefijlible. ;
Power or force above cppoſition, H<inim,

IRRESl'STIBLE. ad. [irrejijiible, French.]
Superiour tooppoſition. Hooker.

IRREbl'STIBLY. ad. [from irrefftibU:]
In a manner not to be oppoſed. Rogers.

IRRE'SOLUBLE. a. [in and refolubilis,
Latin.] Not to be broken ; not to be
difTolvsd. Boyle.

IRRE'SOLUBLENESS. ʃ. [from irrefoiuble.]
Refiſtance to ſeparation of the parts. Boyle.

IRRESO'LVEDLY. ad. [in and refovcd.]
Without ſettled determination, Boyle.


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IRRE'SOLUTE. a. [in and ref,Iuttr\ Not
con/tant in purpoſe ; not determined.

IRRE'SOLUTELY. ad. [imm irreſoluti.]
Without firmneſs of mind; wichout determined
purp.) >,

IRRESOLUTION. ʃ. [imfiludoi, Fr.]
Want of firmneſs of mind. yAddiſon.

IRRESPECTIVE. ^. [,r, and rrrp.^ti,v'.]
Having no regard to any circiimftante^. Hammond. Rrjr-rs.

IRRESPF'CTIVELY. ad. [from irrf}pec-
/,W.] Without regard to circumftances.

IRRETRIE'VABLE. a. [in and retrieve.]
Not to be repaired; irrecoverable; irreparable,

JRRETRIE'VABLY. ad. Irrepnnbly ; irrecnveiably.

IRRE'VERENCE. ʃ. [in-cverenna. Lat.]
1. Want of revereoce ; want of veneration. Pope.
2. State of being diſregarded. Ciartndtn,

IRRE'VERENT. a. [irreverent, french.]
Not p;>ying due homage or reverence ; not
expreſſing or conceiving due veneration or
rrſppft. Raleigh.

IRREVERENTLY. ad. [f,om irreverent.]
Without due reſpect or veneration.
Governmi-nt of the Tongue.

IRREVE'RSIBLE. a. N.^t to be recalled
; not to be changed. R^f^ers.

IRREVERSIBLY. ad. [from irre^.-rr/,/,le.]
Without change. Hammond.

IRREVOCABLE. w. [irrevicabi/is, Lat.]
Not to be recalled ; not toyrought b^ck.
- '- Bacon.

IRRE'VOCABLY. <7</. -[from irrevoca/ple]
Without recall. Boyle.

To I'RRIGATE. v. a.- [/-n^c, Latin.] To

WTt ; tomriften; to water. Rjy,

IRRIGA'TION. ʃ. [from irrigate.] The
3ft of watering or inoiftening. Bacon.

IRRI'GUOUS. a. [from irrigate.]
1. Watery; watered. Milton.
2. D'wy ; moiſt. Philips.

IRRISION. ʃ. [/rr;V?o, Latin.] The a.
of laughing at another. Woodward.

To I'RRITATE. v. a. [/rr/r?, Latin.)
1. To provoke ; to teazs ; to exalperate,
2. To fret ; to put into motion or diſorder
by any irregular or unaccuitomed conta£f. Bacon.
3. To heighten ; to ingitate ; to enforto. Bacon.

IRRITA'TION. ʃ. [irritatio, Latin.]
1. I'rovocatiin ; exaCperation.
2. Simularinn; vcllication. Arbuthnot.

1RIIU'PT10N\ ʃ. [irruptio, Latin.]
1. The act of any thing forcing an entrance. Burnet.
I s o
2. Inroad ; burſt of invaders into'any place,

IS. [ip, Saxon.]
1. The third perſon ſingul^r of roZ:' . lam,
thou art, he is. Joh,
2. It is ſometimes expreſſed by 'j.

ISCHIA'DICK. a. [.V;i(-.aJ.!t5c.] Inanatomy,
an epithet given to the veins of the fooc
that terminate in the crural. Harris.

I'iCHURV. ʃ. [.Vxi-'-'- lA ſtopp^geof urine,

ISCHUi<E'TICK. ʃ. [ifſhureri^u.; French.]
Such inedicLiics as force urine when lupprelFcd.

ISH. [i^'j Saxon.]
1. Attermination added to an adjective to
exprcl: diminution : as, i/w//'/.', tending to
2. It is likewlfe ſometimes the termination
of a gentile or p^li'effive adjective : as,
Siued.p, Daniſh.
3. It likewiſe notes participation of the
qualities of the ſubſiantive : as, mart^ mannip.

I'SICLE. ʃ. [from ;V('.] A pendent ſhsctof
ire. Dryden.

ISINGLA'SS. ʃ. [from ice, or ife, and glaſs,
that is, matter concealed into glaſs. ;

IJingtafs \i a tough, firm, and light ſubllance,
of a whitiſh colour, and in ſome
degree tranſparent, much reſembling glue,
but cleanlier and ſweeter. The fiſh from
which i/inglaſs is prepared is one of the
cartilaginous kind, and a ſpecies of rturgeon.
It IS frequent in many of the larger
rivers of Europe. From the intellmrs of
this fiſh the iſinglaſs is prepared by boiling.

Hill. Floyer.

I'SINGLASS Stone. ſ. This is a foflll which
is one of the pureſt and fimp.'eft of the natural
bodies. It is found in broad maOes,
compoſed of a multitude of extremely thin
plates or fiikes. The mp.fTes are of a Brown.
ilTi or reddiſh colour ; but when the plates
are ſeparated, thry are perfectly colourlelf,
and pellucid. It is found in Mufcovy,
Ferfia, Cyprus, the .'^Ips and Apennines,
and the mountains of G. rmany. The ancients
made their windows of it, inſtead of
gbfs. Htll.

ISL.A.ND. ʃ. [/«/}/'^, Latin. Iris pronounced
tiand.] A traift of l^nd furrounded by
water, Jjhifon. Ihorrjov,

ISLANDER. ʃ. [from ^jland ] An inhabitant
of a country furrounded by water. Addiſon.

ISLE. ʃ. [ifte, French. Pronounce /7c'.]
1. An iſhiiii ; a country fuirounded by

I. A long walk in a church, or publick
b^iilriine. Pipf.

ISni'ERIME'TftlCAL. ʃ. [to-O', Tre'^i. and
lifToov.] In geoii.etry, are fukh figures as
3. Y have

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I T C ; U D
Iiave equal perimeters or circumferences, TTEM. ad. [Latin.] A'f''. A word uſed
of which the circle is the greateſt. when any article is added to the former.

IS0'5CELES. ji That which hath only two I'TEM, /.
ſide equa Harris. Glanvi.k.

I'SSUE. ʃ. [ijfue. French.]
1. The act of pdffing out
2. Exit; egreſs ; or paſſige out. Frnv.
3. Event; confeqiaence. Fa'ffjx.
4. Ttnmination ; concliiriopi. Biciome.
c. Sequel deduced from premires. Shahf,
6. A f intanel ; a vent inade in a muſcle tor
thedafcharge of humours. Wiſeman.
]. Ev.jcmtian. M^tthew.
3. Progt-ny ; offspring. Dryden.
5. [In Ijw, ; I[fue hiih divers applications
ſometimes ul'ed f r the children begotten
between a man and his wife ; ſometimes
for profits growing from an amercement ; ſometimes for profits of lands or tenenients .
ſometimes for that pnint of matter depend.
ing in luit, whereupon the parties join and
put their cauſe to the trial of the jurv. Dryden.
Jyiiffe. Bacon.

To I'SSUE. -o. V, [ufcire, Italian.]
1. To come out ; to paſs out of any place
2. To make an eruption.
3. To proceed as an offspring.
4. To be produced by any fund.
^. To run out in lines.

^0 I'SSUE. v. a.
1. To ſend out; to ſend forth.
2. To ſend out judicially or authoritatively.

VSSUELESS. ^. [from ifue.] Without off.
ſpring ; without deſeendantJ, Cartw.

ISTHMUS. ʃ. [,fih»,u!,Ux.]t).] A neck of
land joining the peninfula to the continent. Sandys.

IT. pronoun, [hit, Saxon.]
1. The ncutial demonffrative. Cjiulcy.
2. // is ſometimes expreſſed by 'z. Hudibras.
3. It is (jfed ludicrouſly after neutral verbs,
to give an emphafif. Locke.
4. Sometimes applied familiarly, ludicrouffy,
or rudely to perſons. Shakʃpeare.

ITCH. ʃ. [jicha, Saxon.]
1. A cutaneous difeaſe extremely contagious,
which overl'preads the body with ſmall
puflules filled with a thin ferum, andraiſed
as micioſcopes have d:fcovered by a ſmall
A new article.
Z- A hint ; an innuendo.

To ITERATE. v. a. [iiero, L^iin.]
1. To repeat ; to utter ag'-in ; to inculcate
by frequent mention. Hooker.
t. To do over again, Milton.

I'TERANT. a. [itoam, Latin.] Ripening.

ITERA'TION. ʃ. [itrratio, Latin.] Repetition
; recital oyer aga'n. Haum'^'id.

ITI'NERANT. a. [itinerant, Fremh.]
Wjn(»rir,g; not frttle^. Addict).

ITINERARY. ʃ. [itinerariuni,hiUr,.] A
book of travel;. ^^^ Addiſon.

ITI'NERARY. a. [iiinerarius, Latin.]
Travelling ; d .ne On a journey. Bacon.

ITSE'LF. proKoun, [r> and feff.] The neutral
reciorocal pronoun applied to things.

JU'BILANT. a. fjubi/ans, Latin.] Uttering
ſongs of triumph. Milton.

JURILA'TION. ʃ. [jubilation, fr, juhi'atw,
I The 'St oſ declarir,g triumph,

JU'BILEE. ʃ. [jub:lum,\owhii\n.] A publick
feſtivity. Dryden.

JUCU'NDITY. ʃ. [jacunditas, Lat.] Pleaſantneſs
; agieeabieoelV. Brown.]
V'DA%Tre^ f. A plant. Mo'Umer. Bacon. To JUDAi'Zi.-. f- [i^n'^/w, low Latin.]
T conform to the Jews. Sandys.

JUDGE. ʃ. [j^yge, French ; judex,hnin.]
1. One who is inveſted with authority to
determine any cauſe or ^ueſtion, real or
perſonal. Dryden.
2. One who preſides in a court of judicature,Shakʃpeare.
3. One who has ſkill fufKcierit to decide
upon the merit of any thing. Pope. .

To JUDGE. ʃ/. n. IJuger, French.]
1. To paſs ſentence. Gene/is,
2. To form or [I've an opinion. Milton.
3. To diſcern ; todiſhrguiſh. u^dd^jon.

To JUDGE. v. a.
1. To paſs ſentence upon ; to examine authoritatively. Dryden.
2. To paſs ſevere cenſure ; to doom fevf tc
}y, Manbeiv'.

JUDGER. ʃ. [from jW^e.] One who forms
judgment or paOes (er^tence. Digby.
nimal. It is cuted by fulphur. Hudibras. JU'DGMENT. ſ. [jugimint, French.]
2. The ſenſatioh of uneaſincf. in the ſkin ;
which is tafed by rubbine.
3. A confiant teaſing delire. Pope. .

To ITCH. '
-z^. «. [from the noun.]
- J. To feel that uneaſineſs in the ſkin which
is removed by rubbing. Dryden.
2. To long ; to have continual deſirc,

I'TCHY. a. [from itch,'\ Infeded With the
The power of diſcerning the rehtionis
betiAcen one teim or ctc propoGtion and
another, Lcoke.
2. Doom; the right or power of piſhng
judgiment. Shakʃpeare.
3. The act of exercifir!g judicature.
. Milton.
4. Dstetmination ; decificn, Buruu.
ri The quality of diſtinguiſhing propriety
and impropriety. Dennis.
6. Opin;cn.

6. Opinion ; notion. Shakʃpeare.
7. Sentence againſt a criminal. Milton.
8. Conn'emnation. Tilhtfin.
9. PunuTiffient infliifiled by providence. Addiʃon.
Jo. Di((riiution of jiiſtice. A'bwknot.
H. Judiciary laws ; (latutes. Deutr.
12. The Ui\ doom. Shakʃpeare.

JU'DICATORY. ʃ. [Judko, Lat n.]
1. Dirtribiuion of judice, Ciartvdon.
2. Ciurt of Jijſtice. A'tcrlwy.

JU'DICATURE. ʃ. [yW/Vai'a'f, French.]
Power of diihibuting jutlice. Euan. South.

JUDI'CIAL. a. [judici^m, Latin.]
1. Prjilifed in the diſtribution of publick
Jul! ice. Etntl-y.
2. Inflif^ed on as s penalty. ^outh.

JL'DI'CIALLY. ad. [ixow. judicial] In the
hirmsof leg'] iiiHice. Gmv,

JUDICIARY. a. [j^diciai't, French.] PaffiMg
judgmeni uoon any thing. Boyle.

JUDIClOUi. a. '[><^/aV:,;r, French.] Prudent
; wile ; ſkiltul. Locke.

JUDI'CIOUSLY. a«f. [from jWwj,j.] skilfully
; wilely. Dryden.
J^^- / {jvgg-'y Daniſh.] A large drinking
veſſel with a gibbous or ſwelling beliy.

to JU'GGLE. v. a. [J9UgIer, Fr.]
1. To piay tricks by ſlight of hand.
2. To practiſe artifice or impoſture.Shakʃpeare.

JU'GGLE. ʃ. [frnm the verb.]
1. A trick by legerdemain.
2. An iniporture ; a deception, TilLtfon,

JUGGLER. ʃ. [from ;a?|-''- ; 1. One who practiſes /light of hand ; one
who deceives the eye by nimble conveyance. Sandys.
2. A chest; a trickiſh fellow. Donne.

JU'GGLINGLY. .^d. [(rvm juggle.] In a'
decep'ive niiiiner,

JU'GULAR. a. [jugulum, Lat.] Belonging
to the tiirou-. Wiſeman.

JUICE. ʃ. [jus, French.]
1. The liquor, fap, or water of plants and
fruits. Watii.
2. The fluid in animal bodies.
Btr. Johnſon.

JUrCELESS. a. [from ;aiff.] Dry; without
moiſture. More.

JU'ICINESS. ʃ. [from >,«.] Plenty of
juice ; fuccujf nee.

JU'ICY. a. [{x»m juice.] Moift ; full of
juic?. Milton.

To JUKE. v. a. [jucher^ French.] To perch
upon any thio5 : as, birds,

JU'JUB. ʃ/. 'a plam. The fruit is like a

JU'JUBES. ʃ. ſmall plum, but it has little
flelh. Miller.

JULAP. ʃ. [Arabick, ju!apium, low Lat.]
An extemporaneous form of medicine.
made oſ ſimple and compound water ſweef.
ened. S!uincj,
jU'LUa, /.
1. yuy Flctver,
2. Thoſe long worm-Iike tufts or palinr,
as they are called, in will' %vs, v.hich at
the beginning of the year giow out, and
hang pendular. Miflerm

JU'LY. ʃ. [Julim, Lat.] The month anciently
called quir.nln, or the fifth from
Mitch, named July in honour of juiius
Cafar the ſeventh month from Jmuary.

JIPMART. ʃ. [French.] The minture of
a bull a: d a mare, Locke.

To JU'MELE. f. a. To mix violently and
confiifedly together. Locke.

To JU'MBLE. ʃ. r. To be agltafd toeether,

JU'MBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Confufcdf
mixture; violent and confuſed agitation. Swift.

JU'MENT. ʃ. [
ji'mert, Fr.] Beaſt of bur~
then, Browntm

To JUMP. v. n. [gumpen, Dutch.]
1. To leap ; to ſhip ; to move forward,
without flep or Hiding. Gullizierm
2. To lejp ſuddenly. Collier.
3. To jolt. Nah, iii.
4. To agree ; total!y; to join.
Hahiu II. Hudibras.Pope. .

JUMP. ad. Exaaiy; nicely, Shakʃpeare.

JUMP. ʃ. [iiorn the verb]
1. The act of jumping ; a leap ; a ſkip. . Locke.s
2. A' luclcy chance. Shakʃpeare.
3. [Jtipr, French. 1 A waiftcoat ; limber
ftays w(.rn by ſickly ladies. C'eaveland.

JUNC.ATE. ʃ. [junc^d-, F-.]
1. Checfecake ; a kiad of ſweetmeat of
curds and ſugar.
2. Any delicacy. Milton.
3. A furtive or private entertainment.

JU'NCOUS. a. [>««»;, Lat.] Full of

JU'NCTION. ʃ. [;!)7;S/<jw, French.] U.oion
; coalition. Addiʃon.

JU'NCTURE. ʃ. [JunBura, Latin.]
1. The line at which two thiogSore joined
t gi-ther. B':yle.
2. Joint ; aiticulation. Hale.
3. Union; amity. King Charles.
4. A critical point or article of time.


JUNE. ʃ. [Juin, Fr.] The fixth month
from January,

JUNIOR. a. '[junior, Lat.] One younger
riian .mother. .^wiſc,

JU jJlPER. ʃ. [junipcrvt, Lst.] A plant.
The berries are pcwerful attenujnts, diureticks,
and carminative. Hill,

JUNK. [. [probably an Indian word.]
1. A ſmall ſhip of China. BaciK.
2. Pieces of oirl cable.
3. Y a JUNKET.

JU R ; U S

JU'NKET. ʃ. [properly ^.wj/f-.]
1. A ſweetmeat. Shakʃpeare.
2. A Helen entertainmer.r.

To JU'NKET. 1. n. [from the noun.]
1. To feaſt fecietly ; to make entertainments
by fleikh. Swift.
2. To t'eafi-. ^Duth,

JUNTO. ʃ. [lulhn.] A cabal. South.

I'VORY. ʃ. [:vci>e,F:e:ch.]
Ii.ory is a hard ſubilance, of a white colour
: the elephant, cariies on each ſideof
his jaws a taoih of fix or ſeven feet in
length, of the thickneſs of a man's thigh
at the bafe, and almoſt enthely ſolid ; the
two ſometimes weighing three hujidred and
thirty pounds: theſe i-uory tufKs are hollow
from the baſe to a ccitain height, and
the cavity is filled with a compact medullary
ſubſtance. IIil/.

JUPI^O'N. ʃ. [yWc, French.] A ſhort
ch fe coat. Dryden.

JU'RAT. ʃ. [jurtitus, Lat.] A magiſtrate
in ſome coroorations.

JURATORY. d. lJuratoire,Yy.] Giving
oatb. jiyliffe.

JURIDICAL. a. [jw Ulcus, Lat.]
1. Adling in the dirtribution of jurtice.
2. Uied in courts of juitice. lijle.

JURIDICALLY. a. [from >-/Wm/.] With
legal authority.

JU'RISCONSULT. ʃ. [}urh confuhui, Lat.]
One who gives his opini-on in law. Arbuthnot.

JURISDI'CTION. ʃ. [juriJJia!o, Lat.]
1. Legal authority ; extent of power.
2. Diſtrift to which any authorhv extends.

JURLSPRUTENCE. ʃ. [jurijpruihvce, Fr.
jurijprudtmia, Lat.] The ſcience of law,

JU'KIbT. ʃ. [juiijlc, Fj.] a civil lawyer ;
a civilian.

JU'ROR. ʃ. [juro, hil.l^ One that ſerves
on the jury, iSpenſer. Ddiine.

JURY. ʃ. [jurati, Lat.]ure. Fr.] Jury,
a conipany of men, as twenty-four or
twelve, ſworn to deliver a truth upon ſuch
evidence as ilrail be delivcied them touching
the matter in queſtion. Trial by afiife,
be the action civil or criminal, publick or
private, perfcnai or real, is referred fur
the fiiSl to a jury, and a? they find it, fo
pafleth the judgment, Tnisjury, though
it appertain to moſt courts of the comiwon
law, yet it is moſt notorious in the half
year courts of the juſtices errants, commonly
called the great afiifes, and in the
quarter-feflions, and in them it is moſt ordinarily
called a jury^ and that in civil
cauſes ; whereas in other courts it is often
termed an inqueſt. The grand jury conſiſts
ordinarily of twenty-four grave and
ſubſtantial gentlemen, or ſome of them
yeomen, cholen indifferently out of the
whole ſhire by the ſheriff, to conſider of
all billh of indiftment preferred to the
court ; which they do either approve by
writing upon them theſe words, liHa vera,
or diſallow by writing ignoramus. Such
as thev do approve, are faither referred to
another jury to be conſidered of. Thofe
that pals upon civil cauſes real, are all, or
fo many as can conveniently be had, uf
the Ume hundred, where the Idnd or tenement
in queſtion doth lie, and four at the
lejft. CowJ.

JU'RYMAN. ʃ. [jury and man. '\ One who
is impannelied on a jury. Sii-'ifu

JU'RYMaST. ſ. So the feamen call whatever
they let up in the room of a maft loft
in a fight, or by a ſtorm, Harri..

JUST. a. [jufie, Fr.]
1. Upright ; incorrupt; equitable. Dryden.
2. Honeſt ; without crime in dealing with
others. Tilfotſon.
3. Fxaifl
; proper; accurate. Granville.
4. Virtuous; innocent; pure. Matthew.
5. True ; not forged ; not falſely imputed. Milton.
6. Equally retributed. Romans.
7. Complete without ſuperfluity or defedt. Bacon.
2. Regular; orderly. Addiʃon.
9. Exaftly proportioned. Shakʃpeare.
10. Full ; of full dimenſions. Knolles.
11. Exact in retribution.
Vanity of Human Wipes,

JUST. ad.
1. Exactly ; nicely ; accurately, Hooker.
2. Merely ; barely. Dryden.
3. Nearly. Temple.

JUST. ʃ. [jo^jjle, French.] Mock encounter
on horſeback. Dryden.

To JUST. vn. [jouJhr, French.]
1. To engage in a mock fit,ht ; to tilt.
2. To pulh ; to drive ; to iuftle.

JU'STICE. ʃ. [jujlice, French.]
1. The virtue by which we give to every
man what is his aue. Locke.
2. Vindicative retribution ; puniſhment. Bacon.
3. Right; EITertion of right. Shakʃpeare.
4. Sfjufliciarius, Lat.] One deputed by
the king to do right by way of judgment.
5. ^u'sTICE of the King''s Bench. [^jujiiciarius
de Banquo Rtgii.]^ Is a lord by
his office, and the chief of the reſt ; wherefore
he is alſo called eapitalis 'jujluiarius
/jiighte. His 4ofiice eſpecially is to hear
and determin'e all pleas of the crown ; that
is, ſuch as concern offences committed againſt
the king ; as treaſons, felonies, may.
hems, and ſuch like.
6. Ju'sTICE of the Common Pleat, Is a
lord by his officcj and is called dominusjuſticiariut
; u s
ticlarius commurtum placitortm. He with
his afiirtan's originally did hear and determine
all caules at the common law ; that
is, all civil cauſes between common per-
Tons, as well perſonal as real; for which
cauſe it w^is called the court of common
pleas, in oppoſition to the pleas of the
7. Ju'sTICES of j^JJlfe. Are ſuch as
were wont, by ſpecial commiliion, to be
ſent into this or that country to take affife;.
8. Ju'sTicES in Eyre. Are ſo termed
of the French erre, iter. The uſe in ancient
time, was to ſend them with commiſſion
into divers counties, to hear ſuch
cauſes eſpecially as were termed the pleas
of the crown, for the eafs of the ſubjects,
who muft elle have been hurned to the
king's bench.
9. Ju'sTicES of Gaol Delivery. Are
ſuch as are ſent with commiſſion to hear
and determine all cauſes apf-eitaining to
ſuch as for any offence are ca/l into gaul.
10. Jo'sTICES of jyif Prius, Are all
one Dow-a'days with julticL-s of aflife.
31. ^v'sTiCLs of Peace. .
juj'iciarn ad
Pawm.] Are they that are appointed by
the king's commiſſion, with others, to attend
the peace of the country where they
dwell ; of whcm ſome are made of the
quorum, becauſe biifinc-fs of importance
may not be de.lt in without the prefence
of one of them. Cowsl.

To JU'STICE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
adminirter jiiſtice to any. HayioarJ.

JU STICEMENT. ʃ. [from jufitce.] Procedure
in courts.

JU'STICER. ʃ. [from To jujTtce.] Adminiſtrator
of juſtice. An old word. Davies.

JU'STICESHIP. ʃ. [from >^'7y«.] R^nlc
or office of jullice. Siinfi.

JUSTiCiADLE. a. [from ju[lice.'[Proper
to be exainined in Ciiurts of juſtice,

JU'bTIFIABLE. a. [from juffy.] DeſenſiDle
oy law or tection ; conformable to
juſtice. Brown.

JU'TIFI.'IBLENESS. ſ. [from juJlifable.]

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


Re^itude ; poſſibility of bein^ fairly defended. King Charles.

TU'STIFIABLY. ad. [from jujlifi ,6!e.]
; ſo as to be ſupported by right.

JUSTIFICA'TION. ʃ. [jujllfcation, Fr.]
1. Defence ; maintenance} vindication ; ſupport. Swift.
2. D-liverance by pardon from fins pafr.

JUSTIFICA'TOR. ʃ. [from jufiify.] One
who ſupports, defends, vindicates, or juſtifies.

JUSTIFIER. ʃ. [from ju/iify.] O-e who
jultihes; one who defends or abſolves.

To JU'S riFY. v. a. [jyfiiſcr, Fr.]
1. To clear from imputed guilt ; to ab»
fulve from an accuſation. Dryden.
2. To maintain ; to defend ; to vindicate. Denham.
3. To free from paſt ſin by pardon. ASi.

To JU'STLE. v. a. [joufter, French.] To
encounter ; to claHi ; to rulh againſt each
other. Lee,

To JU'STLE. v. a. To puft; to drive; to force by ruthing againſt it« Brown.

JU'STLY. ad. [from juſt.]
1. Uprightly ; honeſtly ; in a juſt manner. South.
2. Properly ; exactly ; accurately. Dryden.

JU'STNESS. ʃ. [from ;../.]
1. Juſtice; reaſonableneſs ; equity. Spenſer, Shakʃpeare.
2. Accuracy ; exactneſs ; propriety. i)/-j;</.

To JUT. ʃ. «. To puſh or ſhoot into proininences
; to come cut bevond the main
bulk. Wotton, Dryden. Bioome,.

To JU'TTY. v. a. [from J-r/.] To rnoo't
out beyond. Shakʃpeare.

JU'VENILE. a. [Ja'i'm'.'; J, Latin.] Young ;
voutliful. Bacon.

JUVENi'LITY. ſ.{homju'verale.'l Youthful
neſs. Glanville.

JU'XTAPOSITION. ʃ. [juxta and ſoftic,
Latin.] AppoCtion'i ti<; ſtate of being
glaced by each other. G'.anvdU.

I'VY. ʃ. [JF1S> Sax.] A plant. Rjleigh.