About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


R. Is called the canine letter, becauſe
it is uttered with ſome reſemblance
to the growl or fnarl of a cur : it
has one conſtant found in Engliſh
; as red, rofe, more, muriatick : in words
derived from the Greek, it is followed by
an h, rhapsody.

To RA'BATE. v. n. [rabatre, French.] In
falconry, to recover a hawk to the fift
again. Ainsworth.

To RA'BBET. v. a. [rabatre, Fr.] To pare
down pieces of wood ſo as to fit one another. Moxon.

RA'BBET. ʃ. [from the verb.] A joint made
by paring two pieces ſo that they wrap over
one another. Moxon,

RA'BBI. f. A doctor among the Jews.

RA'BBIN. Camden.

RA'BBIT. ʃ. [rcobbekin, Dutch.] A furry
animal that lives on plants, and burrows in
the ground. Shakʃpeare.

RABBLE. ʃ. [rabula, Latin.] A tumultuous
croud ; an aſſembly of low people. Raleigh.

RA'BBLEMENT. ʃ. [from rabble.] Croud ;
tumultuous aſſembly of mean people. Spenſer.

RA'BID. a. [rabidusyhiun.] Fierce ; furious
; mad.

RA'BINET. ʃ. A kind of ſmaller ordnance. Ainſworth.

RACE. ʃ. [race, Fr. from radice, Latin.]
1. A family aſcending,
2. Family deſcending. Addiʃon.
3. A generation ; a collective family.Shakʃpeare.
4. A particular breed. Milton.
5. Race of ginger, A root or ſprig of

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6. A particular ſtrength or taſte of wine. Temple.
7. Conteſt in running. Milton.
8. Courle en the feet. Bacon.
9. Wogreſs ; courſe, Mitton,
10. Train ; proceſs. Bacon.

RA'CEHORSE. ʃ. [race and harfe.] Horfe
bred ;o run for prizes. Addiʃon.

RACEMA'TION. ʃ. [racemui, Lat.] Clufter
like that of grapes. Brown.

RACEMIFEROUS. a. [rac^mus iudfero,
Latin.] Beiringclufters.

RA'CER. ʃ. [from race.] Runner ; one that
contends in ſpeed. Do'pt,

RA'CINESS. ʃ. [from racy.] The quality of
being racy.

RACK. ʃ. [racke, Dutch, from raiken, to
1. An engine to tr>rture. Taylor.
2. To rture i extreme pain. Temple.
3. Any inſtrunitiiC by which extent'^on is
performed. Wiiktm,
4. A duhffj commonly a portable dirtaff,
from which they ſpin by twirling a ball. Dryden.
5. The clouds as they sre driven b\ the

VI. nd. Shakʃpeare.
6. A neck of mutton cut for t;.e table.
7. A grate.
8. A wooden grate in which hay is placed
for cattle. Mortimer.
9. Arrack ; a ſpirltuous liquor.

To RACK. v. n. [from the noun.] To ſtrcam
as cicuos before the wind. Shakʃpeare.

To RACK. v. <j. [from the noun, ;
1. To torment by the rack, Dryden.
2. To torment ; to harrals. Mi (on.
3. To harraſs by exaction. Spin er,
4. To ſcrew ; to force to performance
5. To ſtretch ; to extent^. Shakʃpeare.
6. To defecate ; to draw of[from the Jees. Bacon.

RACK-RENT. ʃ. [rack and rent.] Rent
raiſed to the uttermoſt, Szw/t.

RACK-RENTER. ʃ. [rack and revter.]
Oae who pays the uttetrnoft rent, Locke.

1. Aij ii regular clattering nnife. Shakʃpeareaſp.
2. Aconfuſed talk, in buileſque language.
3. The Inſtrument with which players
ſtrike the ball. Digby.
Racking. ſ. Racking pace of a horſe is
the (ame as an amble, only that it is a
ſwiftc' time and a ſhorter tread.

RA'CKOON. ʃ. A New England animal,
like a badger, having a tail like a fox, being
cloathed with a thick and deep furr.

RACY. a. Strong ; flavorous ; teſting ®f
the foil. Cowky.

RAD. the old pret of r.?ad, Spenſer.

RAD. Red and rody differing only in dialett,
ſignify counfel ; as Conrad, powerful or
flcilful in counfel ; Ethelred, a noble counſellsor. Gibfon.

RA'DDOCK. or ruddock. ſ. A bird.Shakʃpeare.

RA'DIANCE. 'If, [radlare, Litm.] Spa»k-

RA'DIANCY. ʃ. [ing lurtre ; glitter.

RA'DIANT. a. [radians, Latin.] Shining; brightly ſparkling; emitting rays, Milton.

To RA'DIATE. v. r. [radio, Latin.] To
emit rays ; to ſhine. Boyle.

RA'DIATED. a. [radiatu5,Lziin.~^ Adorned
with rays. Addiſon.

RADIATION. ʃ. [radiatioy Latin.]
1. Bsanny luſtre \ emiſſion of rays. Baitrit
2. Emiſſion from a center every way. Bacon.

RA'DICAL. a. [radical, French.]
1. Primitive; original. Berkley.
2. Implanted by nature, Wilkins.
3. Serving tfi origination.

RaDICALITY. ʃ. [from radical'] Origi.
nation. Brown.

RA'DICALLY. ad. [from radical.] Originally
; primiiivtly. Prior.

RA'DICALNESS. ʃ. [from radical.] The
ſtate of being radical.

To RA'DICAFE. v. a. [radicatu^, Latin.]
To ruot ; to plant deeply and fiimly.

RADICA'TION. ʃ. [from radical ] The
a<a of fixing deep. Hammond.

RA'DICLE. ʃ. [radicuL-^ French, from rad; x, Latin.] Swincy.

RA'DISH. ʃ. [rasc'ic, Saxon.] A root which
n commonly cultivated m the kitchengirdens.

RA'DIUS. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. The femi-diameter of a circle.
2. A bone of the fore-arm, which accompanies
the ulna from the elbow to the

To RAFF. v. a. To ſweep ; to huddle.

To RA'FFLE. v. n. [raffia r, to fnatch,
French.] To caſt dice for a prize. Tathr,

RA FFLE. ʃ. [rajle, French.] A ſpecies of
game or lottery, in which many ſtake a
ſmall part of the value of ſome ſingle thing,
in conſideration of a chance to gain it. Arbuthnot.

Raft. ſ. a frame or float made by laying
pieces of timber croſs each other. Shakſp.

RAFT. part. palT. of nave or rjff, Spenſer.
Torn ; rent.

RA'FTER. ʃ. [jixptefi, Sax.r^//5r,Dutch.]
The ſecondary timbers of the houſe ; the
timbers which are let into the great beam. Donne.

RA'FTERED. a. [from rafter.] Built with
rafters. Pope. .

RAG. ʃ. [bjtico.&e, torn, Saxon.]
1. A piece of cloth torn from the reſt ; a
tatter. Milton.
2. Any thing rent and tattered ; worn out
cloaths. Sandys.
3. A fragment of dreſs. Hudibras.

RAGAMUFFIN. f. [from r^^.] A paltry
mean fellow.

RAGE. ʃ. [rage, French.]
1. Violent anger ; vehement fury. Shakſ.
2. Vehemence or exacerbation of any thing
painful. Bacon.

To RAGE. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To be in fury ; to be heated with exceffive
anger. Milton.
2. To ravage ; to cx?rciſe fu.'^y. Waller.
3. To act with mift;hievvus impetunfity. Milton.

RA'GEFUL. a. [rage and full] Furious; violent. Hammond.

RA'GGED. a. [from rag..
1. Rpnt into tatters. u^Arbuthnot.
2. Uneven ; confuting oſparts alnioft difunitt'd.Shakʃpeare.
3. DrffTed in tatters. Dryden.
4. Rugged ; j)Ot ſmooth. L'Eſtrange.

RA'GGEDNh.SS. ʃ. [from ra^g^d.] State
of being dreſſed in tat'.ers. Shakʃpeare.

RA'GINGLY. fl^. [from raging] With
vehement fury.

RA'GMAN. ʃ. [ragandman.] One who
deals in rags.

RAGOU'T. J. [French.] Meat ſtewed and
hiohiy ſeaſoned. Addiſon.

RAGWORT. ʃ. [rag and wort.] A plant.

RA'GSTONE. ʃ. [rag and ſtone.]
1. A ſtone lb named from its breaking in
a ragged manner, Woodward.
2. The

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3. The ſtone with which they ſmooth the
edge of a tool new ground and lett ragged.

RAIL. ʃ. [riegcl, German.]
1. A ciofy beam fixed in the ends , at two
upright p')fts. Moxon.
2. A ſcries of ports connefled with bcums,
by which any thing is incloſed. Bacon.
3. Akndofbird. Carew.
^. A woman's upper garment.

To RAIL. 1-. a. [from the noun.]
1. To indole with rails. A<idifon.
2. To range in a line. Bacon.

To RAIL. v.n, [ralkn, Dutch.] To uſe
inlblent and reproachful language.Shakʃpeare.

RAI'LER. ʃ. [from rM!.] One who infults
or defames by opprobnoub langu-age. South.

RAILLERY. ʃ. [r^./Ar/c, French.] Slight
fatire ; fatiricaJ merriment, B. Johnſon.

RAI'MENT. ʃ. Vefturcj veſtment ; cloaths; dreſſ
; garment. Sidney.

To RATN. v. If, [penian, Saxonj regemn,
1. To fall in drops from the clouds. Lake.
2. To fall as rain. Milton.
3. // Rains. The water falls from the
cjouds. Shakʃpeare.

To RAIN. v. a. To pour down as ram.Shakʃpeare.

RAIN.y. [pen, Saxon.] The moiſture that
falls from the clouds. Waller.

RAINBOW. ʃ. [raimnAbon.] The iris i
the femicircle of van. -us colours which appears
in ſhowery weather. Shakſp. Naut.

RAINDEER. [hjiannp, Saxon; rarg,fer.
Latin.] A deer with large horns, which,
in the northern regions, draws fledges
through the fnjw.

RAININESS. f. [from rairy.^ The ſtate
of being ſhowery.

RAINY. ad. [from rd/r.] Shc\vtiy ; wet,

To RAISH. v. a. [r-ipr, D:nn'h. ;
1. To lift ; to hejve. Pope.
2. To ſet upright : as, bs raiſed a m.^ji,
3. To ere^l ; to build up. j'o,. viii.
4. To ex-iit to a ſtate more great or liluſtriour. Bacon.
5. To amplify
; to cnla-ge. Shakʃpearearf,
6. To incieaſe in cunent value. i'em:!e.
7. To elevate
; to cxajr, Prior.
8. To advance ; to promote ; to prefer. Clarenden.
9. To excite ; to put in action. Mhor,
10. To excite to war or tumult ; to Hir
up. Shakʃpeare. ^Jc7ixxiv.
11. To reuſe ; to ſtir up. Job.
12. To give beginning to: as, be raiſed
the family.
13. To bling in'o being. ^rrci ii. II,
14. To call into view Irora the ſtate of ſeparate
ſpirits. Sandj:,
15. To bring from death toYiie.Rom, i».»5,
16. To occaſion ; to begin. Brown.
17. To fee up ; to utter loudly. Dryden.
l3. To collect ; to obtain a Certain fum. Arbuthnot.
19. To coIlcct ; toaſſemble; to levy. Milton.
2o. To Rive riſe to. Milton.
21. To Raisi. pa/ie. To form paſte into
pics without a diſh, i>j>tS .tor»

RATHER. ʃ. [from rjf/ir.] He that railes. Taylor.

R AI SIN. ʃ. [racemus, Lat, rai^ti, Frenf h. ;
Ratjirt are the fruit of the vine fuf^cred to
remain on the tree till perfectly ripened,
and then dried either by the fun or the
heat of an oven : grapes of every kind,
prefeived in this manner, are called raiſins,
but thoſe dried in the fun are much ſwcerer
and pleifanter than thoſe dried in ovens.

RAK.E. ʃ. [flice, Saxon; raabe, Dutch.]
1. An inſtrument with teeth, by which
the ground is divided. Dryden.
2. [Rtkel, Dutch, a worthleſs cur dog. ; A loo!>, dif-)rderly, vicious, wild, gay,
thoughtleſs fellow. Pope. .

To RAKE. v. a. ffiooi the noun.]
1. To gather with a rake. May.
2. To clear with a rake. Thomfon.
3. To draw together by violence. Hooker.
4. To jfcour ; t.) ſearch with eager and vehement
diligence. Swift.
5. To heap together and cover, Suckling.

To RAKE. v. n.
1. To ſearch ; to grope. Scvlh,
2. To paſs with Violeni e. Sidney.

RA'KER. ʃ. [from rah.] One that rakes.

RA'K-EHELL. ʃ. [racailU^ Fr. therjbble ; from rekely Dutch, a mongrel d)g.j A
wild, worthleſs, diliblute, debauched, forry
ſells, w, Spenſer.

RAKEHELLY. ad. [from rakehtll.] Wild ;
difroiute. Ben. Johnſon.

RA'.'vbH. a. [from rdi^.] Ljoſe ; lewd ;

To RA'LLY. v. a. [rallier, French.]
1. To put diſordered or diſperfed force.
into order. Atterbury.
2. To treat with flight conteinpt; to trt-at
with fjtirical merrimSnt. Addiſon.

To RA'LLY. I'.n.
1. To come together in a hurry, Milton.
2. To come again into order. Dryden.
3. To exerciſe fatJrical merriment.

RAM. ʃ. [fl-MTi, Saxon ; rarrj, Dutch.]
1. A male ſheep ; in ſome provinces, a
tup. Peachia.
2. An inſtrument with an iron head tobatter
WdUs. Shakʃpeare.

To RA.M. v. a.
1. To drive with violencf, as with a battering
ram. Bacon.
2. To fill with any thing driven hard together. Hayward.

To RA'MBLE. v. n. [rammelen, Dutch.]
To rove ioofely and irregularly ; to wan-
der, Locke.

RA'MBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Wandering
irregular excuiſion. Swift.

RA'MBLER. ʃ. [from taml;k.] Rover ;

RA'MBOOZE. ʃ. A drink trade of wine,

RA'MBUSE. S 3le, eggs and ſugar. Bailey.

KAfMENTS. ʃ. [ramenla, Latin.] Scrapings
; ſhavings, Di&.

RAMIFICATION. ʃ. [ramification, Fr.]
Diviſion or ſeparation into branches ; the
act of branching out. Hale.

To RA'MIFY. v. a. [ramifier, French.]
To ſeparate into branches. Boyle.

To RAMIFY. -y. fj. To be parted into
branches. Arbuthnot.

RA'MMER. ʃ. [from ram..
1. An inſtrument with which any thing is
driven hard. Moxon.
2. The flick with which the charge is
forced into the gun, Wiseman.

RA'MMISH. a. [from ram.] Strong ſcented.

RA MOUS. ad. [from ramui^ Lat.] Branchy ; confrlling of branches. hleioton.

To RAMP. v. ». [rawper^ French.]
1. To leap with violence. Spenſen
2. To climb as a plant. Hay.

RAMP. ʃ. [from the verb.] Leap ; ſpring,

RAMPA'LLIAN. ʃ. A mean wretch.Shakʃpeare.

RA'MPANCY. ʃ. [from rampant.-\ Prevalence
; exuberance. South.

RA'MPANT. a. [rampart, French.]
1. Exuberant ; overgrowing rellraint. South.
2. [In hf.rz\dity, '[Rampant is when the lion
5s rearfd up in the efcutcheon, as it were
ready to combate with his enemy. Peach.

To RA'MPART. ʃ. <». a. [from the noun.]
To RA'MPIRE. JTo fortify with ramparts,

RA'MPART. ʃ. , r . , r u i
Ra'mpire. I f' ^''f'^'^ ^'''^-.
1. The platform of the wall behind the
2. The wall round fortified places.
Beti. Johnſon.

RA'MPIONS. ʃ. [rapunculus, Latin.] A
plant. Mortimer.

RA'MSONS. ʃ. An herb. Ainsworth.

RAN. preterite of run, Addiſon.

To RANCH. v. a. [from wrench.] To
ſprain ; to injure with violent contortion.

RA'NCID. a. [rancidus, Latin.] Strong
ſcented. Arbuthnot.

RA'NCIDNESS?. ʃ. [from rawW.] Strong

RANCIDITY. i ſcent, as of old oil.

RA'NCOROUS. a. [from rancour.] Malignant;
malicious ; ſpitcful in the urmoſt
degree. Shakʃpeare.

RA'NCOUR. /, [ramceur, old French, ; lavetCTate
malignity ; malice ; ſtedfaſt impiac'ability
3. ſtanding hate. Spenſer.

RAND. ʃ. [rand, Dutch.] Border ; feam.

RANDOM. f. [randon, French.] Want of
direction ; want of rule or method; chance ; hazard ; roving mntion. Milton.

RANDOM. a. D ne by chance ; roving
without direct^ion. Dryden.

RANG. preterite oſ ring. Grew.

To RANGE. v. a. [ranger, French.]
1. To place in order, to put in ranks. Clarenden.
2. To rove over. Gay.

To RANGE. v. n.
1. To rove at large. ^Shakʃpeare.
2. To be placed in order. Shakʃpeare.

RANGE. f. [rang/e, French.]
1. A tank ; any thing placed in a line.
2. A claſs ; an order. Hah,
3. Excurſion ; wandering. South.
4. Room for excuiſion, Addiſon.
5. Compaſstaken in by any thing excurfive. Pope. .
6. Step of a ladder. Clarenden.
7. A kitchen grate. ISpenſer.

RA'NGER. ʃ. [from range.]
1. One that ranges ; a rover ; a robber. Spenſer.
2. A dog that beats the ground. Gay.
3. An officer who tends the game of a
fore ſt. Dryden.

RANK. a. [pane, Saxon.]
1. High growing ; ſtrongj luxuriant.
2. Fruitful; bearing ſtrong plants. 6'afl£(yi.
3. [Ranciduiy Latin.] Strong ſcented ;
rancid. Shakʃpeare.
4. High taſted ; ſtrong in quality. Ray.
5. Rampant ; high grown. Shakʃpeare.
6. Groſs ; coarfc. Swift„
7. The iron of a plane is ſet rank, when
its edge ſtands ſo flat below the fole of the
plane, that in working it will take off a
thick ſhaving. Moxon.

RANK. ʃ. [rang, French.]
1. Line of men placed a-bteaſt. Shakſp.
2. A row, Milton.
3. Range of fobordination, Locke.
4. Clafs ; order. Atterbury.
5. Degree of dignity. Addiſon.
6. Dignity ; high place : as, he i% a man

To RANK. v. a. [r^r^fr, French.]
1. To place a-bftafl. Milton.
2. To raoge in any particular claſs.Shakʃpeare.
3. To arrange mcthGdically, Milton.

To RANK. v. .1. To be ringed ; to be

To RANKLE. v. n. [from rank.] To feſter
; to breed corruption ; to be inflamed
in body or mmd. Spenſer. Sandyt.

RA'NKLY. ad. [from rank.] Cojrfely
; groſly. Shakʃpeare.

RA'NKNESS. ʃ. [from rank.] Exuberance ;
ſuperfluity of growth. Shakʃpeare.

RA'NNW. The ſhrewmouſe. B>o-.on.

To RA'NSACK. v. a. [jian, Saxon. and
jaka, Swedi/li; to ſearch for or ſeize.]
1. To plunder ; to pillage. Dryden.
2. To ſearch narrowly. JFoodward,
3. To violate ; to deflower. Spenſer.

RA'NSOME. ʃ. [rarcon, French.] Price
paid for redemption from captivity or punirtiment. Milton.

To RA'NSOME. v. a. [ran^onner, French.]
To redeem from captivity or puniſhment.

RA'NSOMELESS. a. [fr«m ranſome.] Free
from ranſome. Shakʃpeare.

To RAXT. v. n. [rjnjcrty Dutch, to rave.]
To rave in violent or high founding language, Stillingfleet.

RANT. ʃ. [from the verb] High founding
language. Gran'vilU,

RA'NTER. ʃ. [from rant.] A ranting fellow.

RA'NTIPOLE. a. Wild ; roving ; rakiſh.

To RA'NTIPOLE. v. n. To run about
wildly. Arbuthnot.

BA'NULA. ʃ. A ſoft ſwelling, poſſeſſing
thoſe filivals under the tongue. Wiſeman.

RANU'NCULUS. ʃ. Crowfoot. Mortimer.

To RAP. v. 71. [hfijeppan, Saxon.] To
ſtrike with a quick ſmart blow, Addiſon.

To RAP. v. a.
1. To aſſeſl with rapture ; to ſtrike with
extafy ; to hurry out of himfcif. Hooker, Pope. .
2. To fnatch away. Milton.
To RAF and rend. To ſeize by violence.

RAP. ʃ. [from the verb.] A quick ſmart
blow. Arbuthnot.

RAPA'CrOUS. a. [rapace, French ; rj/ux,
Latin.] Given to plunder ; fe zing by violence. Pope.

RAPA'CIOUSLY. ad. [from rapacious.]
Byraoine; by violent robbery,

RAPA'CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from rjpjcious.]
The quality of being rapacious,

RAPACITY. ʃ. [rapacitas, Latin.] Addidedneſs
to plunder; exerciſe of pluader; ravenouſneſs. Sprntt.

RAPE. ʃ. [raptus, Latin.]
1. Violent defl'jration of chaftity. Shakʃpeare.sſp,
2. Privation ; ad of taking away. Chcp,
3. Something fnatched away. Sandys.
4^. Whole grapes plucked from the duHcr.

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5. A plant, from the feed of which oil Is

RA'PID. a. [r.-p.de, French.] Qnick ; ſwift. Dryden.

RA'PIDITY. ʃ. [rapidite, French.] C;'crity
; velocity ; ſwiftneſs. Addiſon.

RA'PIDLY. ad. [from rapid.] Swiftly ; with quick motion.

RA'PIDNESS. ʃ. [i'.^m rapid.] Ctlerity; ſwiftncf».

RA'PIER. ʃ. A ſmall ſword uſed ofily in
thruſling. Ps^^.

RAPIER FISH. ʃ. [htf.jh called xiphiast
the ſword, which grows level from the
fnout of the fiſh, is about a yard long ; he
preys on fiſhes, having firſt ſtabbed them
with this ſword. Greic,

RA'PINE. ʃ. [rapina, Latin.]
1. The act of plundering. King Charles.
2. Violence ; force. Milton.

RA'PPER. ʃ. [from rjp.] One whoſtrikes.

RA'PPORT. ʃ. [repport, French.] Relation; reference. Teir.pk,

To RAPT. -y. n. To raviſh ; to put in ecftafy. Chapman.

RAPT. ʃ. [from rap.] A trance.

1. Ecftafy ; tranſport
; ^violence of any
pleaſi.'.g paſſion. Addiſon.
2. Rapidity ; ha/le. Milton.

RA'PTURED. a. [from rapture.] Raviſhed ; tranſported. A bad word. TIcmfon,

RA'PTUROUS. a. [from rapture.] Ecftatick
; tranſporting. Collier.

RARE. a. [rams, Latin.]
1. Scarce; uncommon. Shakʃpeare.
2. Excellent; incomparable; valuable to
a degree feldom found. Cowley.
3. Thinly ſcattered. Milton.
4. Thin ; fablle ; not denfe. Newton.
5. Raw ; not fully ſubdued by the fire. Dryden.

RA'REESHOW. ʃ. A ſhow carried m a
box. Gay.

RAREFA'CTION. ʃ. [rarefaction, French.]
Extenſion of the parts of a body, that
makes it take up mote room than it did
before. Wotton.

RARETIABLE. a. [from rarefy.] Admitting

Td RA'REFY. v. a. [rarrfer, French.]
To make thin : contrary to condenfc.

To RA'REFY. v. n. To become thin. Dryden.

RA'RELY. ad. [from rare.]
1. Seldtm; not often ; not frequently.
2. Finely; nicely; accurately. Shakſp.

RARENESS. ʃ. [froni rare.]
1. Uncommonneſs ; ſtate of happening feldom
; infrequeacy.
2« Value ariſing from ſcarcity, Bacon.

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RA'RITY. ʃ. [rarlte, Fr. rar'itas, Lat.]
1. Uncommonneſs ; infreqiiency, Sptci't.
2. A thing valued for its Icarcity, lShakſp.
3. Thinneſs ; lubtlety ; the contrary to
denſity. Berkley.

RA'SCAL. ʃ. [jiapcal, Saxon, a lean bsaft.]
A mean fellow ; a ſcoundrel. Dryden.

RASCA'LION. ʃ. One of the loweſt people. Hudibras.

RASCALITY. ʃ. [from /-a/ca/.] The low
mean people. South.

RA'SCALLY. a. [from rafcal'^ Mean ; worthleſs. Swift.

To RASE. v. a.
1. To ſkim ; to ſtrike on the ſurface. South.
2. To overthrow; to deſtroy ; to root up. Milton.
3. To blot out by rafure ; to erafe. MUt.

RASfl. a. [rajch, Dutch.] Hafty ; violent ; precipitate. jijcham.
Rash./, [rfl/c/^, Italian.]
1. Sattin. Minjheiv.
2. An ofBoreſcence on the body ; a breaking

RA'SHER. ʃ. A thin fiice of Bacon, Shakſ.

RA'SHLY. ad. [from ra/Z^.] Haftily ; violently
; without due conlideration. Smith.

RA'SHNESS. ʃ. [from rtf/'.] Fool iſh contempt
of danger. Dryden.

RASP. ʃ. [jaſpOy Italian.] A delicious ber-

RATE. ʃ.
1. l^rice fixed on any thing. L'ch, Dryden.
2. Allowance ſettled. AddiſoTt,
3. Degree ; comparative height or valour. Shakʃpeare. C-'latny.
4. Quantity aflignable. Shakſpeare.
5. That which fets value. Atterbury.
6. Manner of doing any thing ; degree to
which any thing is done. Clarendon.
7. Tax impoſed by the pariſh. Pricr,

To RATE. v. a.
1. To value at a certain price. Boyle.
2. To chide haftily and vehemently. South.

RATH. f. A hill. Spenſer.

RATH. ad. Early. Spenſir,

RATH. a. [)aa?S, Saxon. quickly.] Early ; coming before the time, Milton.

1. More willingly ; with better liking. Common Prayer.
2. Preferably to the other ; with better
reaſon, Locke.
3. In a greater degree than otherwiſe. Dryden.
4. More properly. Shakʃpeare.
5. Especially. Shakʃpeare.
6. To have Kathzr, To deſire in preference.

RATIFICATION. ʃ. [from ratify.] The
act of ratifying ; confirmation.
ry that grows on a ſpecies of the bramble ;

RA'TIFIER. ʃ. [from ratify,'] The perſon
a raſpberry. Philips. or thing that ratifies. Shakʃpeare.

To RASP. v. a. [raſpen, Dutch.] To rub

To RA'TIFY. v. a. [ratumfacioy Latin.]
to powder with a very rough file. Moxon. To confirm ; to ſettle. Dryden.

RASP. ʃ. A large rough file, commonly

RA'TIO. ʃ. [Latin.] Proportion, Cheyne.
uſed to wear away wood. Moxon.

RA'SPATORY. ʃ. [raſpatoir, French.] A
chirurgeon's raſp. Wiſeman.

RA'SPBERRY. or Rajherry. ſ. A kind of
berry. Mortimer.

RASPBERRY-BUSH. ʃ. A f^jecies of bramble.

RASSURE. ʃ. [rajura, Latin.]
t. The act of ſcraping or ſhaving.
4. A mark in a writing where ſomething
has been rubbed out. -^yliff^-

RAT. ʃ. [ratte, Dutch ; rat, French ; ratta,
Spaniſh.] An animal of the mouſe kind
that infeſts houſes and ilups, Brown, Dennis.
To ſmell ^ RAT, To be put on the watch
by ſuſpicion. Hudibras.

RATABLE. a. [from rate.] Set at a certain
value. Cadn.

RA'TABLY. ad. Proportionably. Raleigh.

KATA'FIA. ʃ. A fine liquor, prepared from
the kernels of apricots and ſpirits, Bailey.

ItATA'N. ʃ. An Indian cane. Dia.

RATCH. ʃ. In clock-work, a fort of

RASH. ʃ. wheel, which ſerves to lift up
the detents every iiour, and thereby make
the clock ſtriks, J^aihy.

To RATIO CINATE. v. n. [ratiocinor,
Lat.] To reaſon ; to argue.

RATIOCINA'TION. ʃ. [ratiocinatio, Lat.]
The act of reaſoning ; the act of deducing
confcquences from premiſes. Brown.

RATIO'CINATIVE. a. [from ratiocinate.]
Argumentative ; advancing by proceſs of
diſcourſe. Hak,

RA'TIONAL. a. [ratien^alii, Latin.]
1. Having the power of reaſoning.
2. Agreeable to reaſon. Glanville.
3. Wife ; judicious : as, a rational man.

RATIONALIST. ʃ. [from rational.] One
who proceeds in his diſquiſitions and practice
wholly upon reaſon. Bacon.

RATIONALITY. ʃ. [from rational]
1. The power of reaſoning. Government of the Tongue.
2. Reafonableneſs. Brown.

RA'TIONALLY. ad. [from rational] Reafonably
; with reaſon. South.

RATIO'NALNESS. ʃ. [from rational.]
The ſtate of being rational.

RATSBANE. ʃ. [rat and bane.] Poifon
for rats ; arfenick. Shakʃpeare.

RATTEEN. ʃ. A kind of fluff. Swift.

To RATTLE. v. n. Uatclen, Dutch.]
1. To

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1. To make a quick ſharp noiſe with frequent
repetitions and colliſions, llayvjard,
2. To ſpeak ea;^erly and noiſhy. SiLi/r.

To RATTLE. v. a.
l« To move any thing Co as ſo make a
rattle or nojfe, Dryden.
2. To ſtun with a noiſe ; to drive with a
nafe. Shakʃpeare.
3. To ſcold ; to rail at with clamour. Arbuthnot.

RATTLE. ʃ. [from the verb]
1. A quick noiſe nimbly repeated. Prior.
2. Empty and Joud talk. Hakewelt.
3. An inſtrument, which agitated makes
a clattering noiſe. RaUi-gb,
4. A plant.

To RA'VEN. To prey with rapacity. Luke.

RAVENOUS. a. [from raven.] Furioudy
voracious ; hungry to rage. Shakʃpeare.

RA VENOUSLY. ad. [from ravtnou:.
With fdging ; voracity,

RAVENOUSNESS. ʃ. [from rav:mus. :\ R .ge for prey ; furious voracity. Hale.

RAUGHT. the ojd prct. and p^rt. pafl, of

RA'VIN. ʃ.
1. Prey
; food gotten by violence. Milton..
2. Rapine
; rapsciouſnef?. Ray.

RA'VINGLY. ad. [from rat/e.] With frenzy
; with diſtraction. Sidney.

RA'TTLEHEADED. ff. [rattle and bead [To RAVISH. v. a. [r^i/jV, Fr.]
Giddy ; not ſteady

RA'TTLESNAKE. ʃ. A kind of ferpcnt.

RATTLESNAKE Root. ſ. A plant, a native
of Virginia ; the Indians uſe it as a
certain remedy againſt the bite of a rattlefnake.


RA'TTOON. ʃ. A Weſt Indian fox. Bailey.

To RA'VAGE. v. a. [ravager, Fr.] To
lay waſte ; to fack ; to ranfack ; to ſpoil
; to pillage ; to plunder. Addiʃon.

RA'VAGE. ʃ. [railage, Fr.] Spoil ; ruin ;
waſte. Dryden.
1. To conſtuprate by fori.e. Shakʃpeare.m
2. To takeaway by violence. Shakʃpeare.
3. To delight ; to rapture ; to tranſport.

RA'VISHER. ʃ. [ravijtur, Fr.]
1. He that embraces a woman by vio«
lence. Taylor.
2« One who takes any thing by violence. Pope. .

RAVI'SHMENT. ʃ. [raviffemtnt, Fr. from
1. Violation ; 2. Tranſport
violence on the mind
forcible conſtupratiorj.
pture ; ccflafy
; pjeaſing

RA'VAGER. ʃ. [from ravage.'^ PIunderer; RAW. a. [hji??p, Sax. rowzu, Dut
ſpoiler. Swift.

RAU'CITY. ʃ. [raucm^ Lat.] Hoarfeneſs ; loud rough noiſe. Bacon.

To RAVE. v.t:. [reven, Dutch ; rtver.
1. To be delirious ; to talk irrationally, Government of the Tongue.
2« To burſt out into furious exclamations
as if mad. Sandys.
3. To be unreaſonably fond. Locke.

To RA'VEL. v. a. [ra've.'en, Dot.]
1. Not ſubdued by the fire.
2. Not cover.ed with the ſkin.
3. Sore. Spenſer.Shakʃpeare.
4. Immature ; unripe.
5. Unſeaſoned ; unnpe in ſkill. Raleigh.
6. New. Shakʃpeare.
7. BIeak ; chill. Spenſer.
8. Not conceded. Bacon.

RA'WBONED. a. [raw zri^ bone.] Having
booes ſcarcely covered with fleſh. L'Eſtrange.
1. To entangle ; to entwiſt one with ano- RA'WHEAD. ſ. [raw and bead.] The
ther ; to make intricate - -- -—' '- . .- „ _ .
to involve ; to. Waller.
2. To uiiweave ; to unknit : as, to ravel
cut a tiviji. Shakʃpeare.
3. To hurry over in confuſion. Digby.

To RA'VEL. v. n.
1. To fall into perplexity or confuſion. Milton.
2. To work in perplexity ; to buſy himname
of a ſpedre. P'vden,

RA'WLY. ad. [from raw.]
1. In a raw manner.
2. Unſkilfully.
3. Newly. Shakʃpeare.

RA'WNESS. ʃ. [from raw.]
1. State of being raw. Bacon.
2. Unſkilfulneſs. Hakewell.
3. Hi(ty manner. Shakʃpeare.
felf with intricacies. Decay of Piety, Ray. ſ. [raie, Fr. radius, Lat.

; RAVELIN. ʃ. [French.] In forufi cation,
a work that conſiſts of two faces, that
make a falient angle, commonly called
half moon by the ſoldiers.

RA'VEN. ʃ. [.hjiaepn, SzxJnJ A large
black fowl. Boyle.

To RA'VEN. nj. a. [jisplan, Sax. to rob.]
To devour with great cagerneſs and rapacity. Shakʃpeare.
A beam of light. Milton, Newton.
2. Any iuſtre corporeal or intellectual. Milton.
3. [/2j)'f, Fr. rj/a, Lat.] A fiſh. Ainsworth.
4. An herb.
To Ray, v. a. [rayer^ Fr.]
to mark in long lines.
5G. Ainsworth.
To ſtreak ; Shakʃpeare, Ray.

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. Ray. for array,

RAZE. ʃ. [rayz, a root, Spaniſh.] A root
of ginger. Shakʃpeare.

To RAZE. v. a. [rafus, Lat.]
1. To overthrow ; to ruin ; to ſubvert.Shakʃpeare.
2. To efface. Milton.
3. To extirpate. Shakʃpeare.

RA'ZOR. ʃ. [rafor, Lat.] A knife with
a thick blade and fine edge uſed in ſtjaving-. Dryden.

RA'ZOURABLE. a. [from raxor.^ Fit to
be fiiaved. Shakʃpeare.

RA'ZORFISH. ʃ. A fiſh. Carew.

RA'ZUilE. ʃ. [r^fure, Fr.] Act of eraf.
- ing. Shakʃpeare.

RE. Is an inſeparable particle uſed by the
Latins, and from therri borrowefl by us to
clenote iterati. n or backward action : as,
return^ to come back ; refiercuſſion^ the
act of driving back,

REA'CCESS. ʃ. [re and acceſs,-] Vifit renewer, Hakewell.

To REACH. v. a. [fiscan, Saxon.]
1. To touch with the hand extended.
2. To arrive at ; to attain any thing diſtant. Milton.
3. To fetch from ſome place diſtant, and
give. 2 Efdras.
4. To bring forward f;6m a diſtant place. John.
5. To hold out ; to ſtretch forth. Hooker.
6 To attain ; to gain ; to obtain. Cheyne.
7. To transfer. Reive.
8. To penetrate to. > Locke.
9. To be adequate to, Locke.
1O. To exterid to, Addiſon.

II. To extend ; to ſpread abroad. Milton.

To REACH. v. n.
1. To be extendci^. Boyle.
2. To be extended far, Shakʃpeare.
3. To penetrate. Addiʃon.
4. To make efforts to attain. Locke.
5. To take in the hand. Milton.

REACH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Act of reaching or bringing by extenſion
of the hand.
2. Power of reaching or taking in the
hand. Locke.
3. Power of attainment or management. Locke.
4. Power ; jimit of faculties. JIddiſon,
5. Contrivance ; artful ſcheme ; deep
thought. Hayward.
6. A fetch ; an artifice to attain ſome diſtant
advantage. Bacon.
7. Tendency to diſtant conſequences.Shakʃpeare.
8. Extent. Milton.

To REACT. v. a. [re and aB.] To return
the impujfe or impreirſon. Arbuthnot.

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REA'CTION. ʃ. [rtan\on, Fr.] The rec
procation of any impulfe or force imprefl.
cd, made by the body on which ſuch impreſſion
is made: action and reafiton nc

READ. ʃ. [ji£E.o, Sax.]
1. Counfel. Sternhold,
1. Saying ; faw. Spenſer.

To READ. v. a. pret. read, part. palT.
read. []Tff't>, Sax.]
1. To peruſe any thing written. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .
2. To diſcover by characters or marks. Spenſer.
3. To learn by obſcrvation. Shakʃpeare.
4. To know fully. Shakʃpeare.

To READ. v.n.
1. To perform the act of perufing writing. Deuteronomy.
2. To be ſtudious in books, Taylor.
3. To know by reading. Swift.

READ. particip. a. Skilful by reading. Dryden.

REA'DINC. ʃ. [from read.]
1. Study in books ; perufal of bookr. Watts.
2. A If ſt u re ; a preleſtion,
3. Publick recital. Hooker.
4. Variation of copies. Arbuthnot.

READE'PTION. ʃ. [re and adeptut, Lat.]
Recovery ; eft of regaining. Bacon.

REA'DER. ʃ. [from read^.
1. One that peruſes a-ay thing written. Ben. Johnson.
2. One fludious in books. Dryden.
3. One whoſe office is to read prayers in
churches. Swift.

REA'DERSHIP. ʃ. [iiorcKTcader.] The
office of reading prayers. Swift.

REA'DILY. ad. [from ready. '\ Expeditefy ;
with littlff hinderance or delay. South.

REA'DINESS. ʃ. [from ready.]
1. Expediteneſs ; promptitude. South.
2. The ſlate-of being ready or fit for any
thing. Clarenden.
3. Facility ; freedom from hinderance or
obſtruction. Holder.
4. Stale of b'jing willing or prepared. Addiſon.

READMI'SSION. ʃ. [re and admiffm.]
The act of admitting again. Arbuthnot.

To REA'DMIT. v. a. [re and admit.] To
let in again. Milton.

To READO'RN. v. a. [re and ador^.] To
decorate again ; to deck a-new. Blackmore.

REA'DY. a. [redo, Swediſh ; h;ia.&e, nimble,
1. Prompt ; not delayed. Tewpfe,
2. Fit for a purpoſe ; not to feek.Shakʃpeare.
3. P/epared; accommodated to any deſign. Milton. .
4. Willing ; eager, Spenſer.
5. Being

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5. Being at the point ; not dii?ant ; near. Milton.
6. Being at hand ; next to hand. Dryden.
7. Facil ; eaſy ; opportune ; near. Hooker.
8. Qn^ick ; not done with hefitation.
9. Exjfdite ; nimble ; not embarrafTed ;
not flow. Watts.,
10. To wdit? Ready. To make precarationy. Mark.

REA'DY. ad. Readily ; ſo as not to need
delay. Numh:ri.

REA'DY. ʃ. Ready money. A low word. Arbuthnot.

REAFFI'RMANCE. ʃ. [rrand ojfi'mance.]
Second confirmation. Ayhffc,

RE'AL. a. [jee;^ Fr. r^fl/Vi, Latin.]
1. Relating to things not pcifons ; not
perſonal. Bacon.
2. Not fi£^itious ; not imaginary ; true ;
genu in.;, Glanville.
3. I 'aw, conſiſting of things immoveable,
as hnd. Child.

RE'ALGAR. ʃ. A m-nrra). Bacon.

REA Ll I Y. ʃ. [rtahe,, Fr.]
1. rruiii ; vcnty ; what is, not what
merely fKcms. Addiʃon.
2. Something intrinfically important.

To RE'ALIZE. -a. a. [realifer, Fr.]
1. To brmj in;o being or a€i.
2. To conv» t money into land.

RE'ALLY. .-/ [from r^/.]
1. With aiiual exiſtence. South.
2. la truth i truly ; nat ſeemimgly.
3. It is a flight corroboration of an rpinion.

REALM. ʃ. [roiaulme, Fr.]
1. A !c .gdom ; a Icing's dom'nion. Milton.
2. Kuigiy goverpTT.ePit. Puſe,

REALTY. ʃ. L' ,ilty.

REAfvT. ʃ. [rame, Fr. riem, Dutch.] A
bundle of paper containing twenty quirſt. Pope.

To REA'NIMATE. v. a. [re and ar.mo,
Lat.] To revive ; to reflorc to life; Glarfville.

To REANN^'X. «. a. [re and ar.nex.] To
annex again. Bacon.

To REAP. v. a. [ji.'pan, Saxon.]
1. To cut cor;, at harveſt. ii^kſpeare,
2. To gather ; 10 obtain. Hooker.

To REAP. v. n. To harveſt. Pſalm:,

REA'FER. ʃ. [ from reap.] One that cuts
corn at harveſt. Sjr:d.

REA'PINGHOOK. ʃ. [reaping and l^ook.]
A hook uftd to cut corn in harveſt. D/v(it?«,

REAR. ʃ. [arriere, Fr.]
1. The hinder troop of an army, or the
hinder line of a fleer. AW/ci
2. The laſt dafs. ?eacham\

REAR. a. [hpepe, Saxon.]
1. Raw ; half roaſted ; half fodden.
2. Early. A provincial word. Gay.

To REAR. v. a. [ajiaepin, Saxon.]
1. To raiſe up. I Efdras,
2. To lift up from a fall, iip^nfer,
3. To move upwards. Muton,
4. To bring up to maturity. Bacon.
5. To educate ; to inſtruct^ Southem,
6. To exjlc; to clevue. Prior.
7. To -ouſe
; to ſtir up. Dryden.

REA'RWARD. ʃ. [from rear.]
1. The laſt troop. Sidney.
2. The end ; the tail ; a train behind.Shakʃpeare.
3. The latter part. Shakelpean,

REA'RMOUSE. ʃ. [hpfji-mup, Sax.] The
leather-wnged bat. Ahbot,

To REASCE'ND. v. v. [re and aſcend. 1
To climb again.

To REASCE'N'D. v. a. To mount again

REA'SON. ʃ. [raifon, Fr.]
1. 'i'he power by which man deduces onpropoſition
from another, or proceeds from
premiſes to coafcquences. Milton.
2. Cauſe ; ground or principle. Milton.
{. Cauſe efficient. Hale.
4. Final cauſe. Locke.
5. Argument ; ground of perſuafion ; motiv6.
_ _. Milton.
6. Ratiocination ; diſcurfive power.
7. Clearneſs of faculties. Shakʃpeare.
8. Right ; jufiice. Spenſer.
9. Realuodble claim
; juſt praflito. Taylor.
10. Rarionale
; juſt account. Boyle.
11. Moderation
; moderate demands.
_ AidiC<m,

To REa'SON. v. n. [raifonner, Fr.]
1. To argue rationally ; to deduce confequcnces
juſtly from premiſes. Locke.
2. To debate ; to diſcou/fe ; to talk ; to
take or give an accoi.nt. Shakſpeare.
3. To raiic diſquifuions ; to make enqui-
''«= MiliOK,

To REA'SON. v. a. To examine rationa'l^-. Burnet.

REA'SONABLE. a. [raifon, Fr.]
1. Having the faculty of reaſon ; endued
with reaſon. Sidney.
2. Acting, ſpeaking or thinking rational
Jy. Hayward.
3. Juftj rational ; agreeable to reaſon,
4. Not immoderate. Shakʃpeare.
5. To lerable ; being in mediocrity.''. Sidney, Abbot.


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REA'SONABLENESS. ʃ. [from reaſona.
1. The faculty of reaſon.
2. Agreeableneſs to reaſon. Clarenden.
g. Moderation.

REA'SONABLY. ad. [from njjonable.]
1. Agreeably to reaſon. Dryden.
2. Moderately; in a degree reaching to
mediocrity. Bacon.

REA'SONER. ʃ. [raifonneur, Fr.] One who
reaſons ; an arguer. B'.ackmore.

REA'SONING. ʃ. [from reaſon, ] Argument. Addiſon.

REA'SONLESS. a. [from reaſon.] Void
of reaſon, Shakʃpeare.

To REASSE'MBLE. v. a. [«and ajſemble.]
To colka anew, Milton.

To REASSE'RT. v. a. [re and ajfert.] To
affert anew. Atterbury.

To REASSU'ME. i/. a. [reaJfumo, Latin.]
To refume ; to take again. Denham.

To REASSU'RE. v. a. iraffurer, Fr.] To
free from fear; to reſtore from t^rrour. Dryden.

REATE. ʃ. A kind of long ſmall graſs that
grows in water, and comphcates itſelf together.

To REAVE. v. a. pret. reſt. [jiajpiaB,
Saxon.] To take away by ſtealth or violence. Carew.

To REBA'PTIZE. v. a. [rebaptifery Fr. re
and baptii^e.] To baptize again. Aj/liffe,

REBAPTIZA'TION. ʃ. [rebaptifation, Fr.]
Renewal of baptiſm. Hooker.

To REBA'TE. v- « [rebattre,¥t.] To blunt
; to beat to obtuſeneſs ; to deprive of keenneſs. Creech.

RE'BECK. ʃ. [rebec, Fr. ribec.ca, Italian.]
A three ſtringed fiddle. Milton.

RE'BEL. ʃ. [rebelle, Fr. rebellh, Lat.] One
who oppoſes lawful authority. Shakʃpeare, Fenton.

To REBE'L. v. « . [rebello, Lat.] To riſe in
oppoſition againſt lawful authority. Shakſ.

REBE'LLER. ʃ. [from rebel.] One that rebels.

REBE'LLION. ʃ. [rebellion, French ; rebel-
Jio, Latin ; from rebel.] Infurrection againſt
lawful authority. Milton.

REBE'LLIOUS. a. [from rebel] Opponent
to lawful authority, Deut. ix. 7.

REBE'LLIOUSLY. ad. [from rebellious.]
In oppoſition to lawful authority. Camden.

REBE'LLIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from rebellious.]
The quality of being rebellious.

To REBE'LLOW. v. n. [re and bellow.]
1 To bellow in return ; to echo back a loud
noiſe. Dryden.

REBOA'TION. ʃ. [reboo, Latin.] The return
of a loud bellowing found.

To REBOU'ND. v. n. [rebondir, French; re
and hound.] To ſpring back ; to be reverb.
ated ; to fly back, in confe«juence of

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motion impreſſed and refifled by a greater
}Ower. Newton.

To REBOU'ND. v. a. To reverberate ; to
beat back. Prior.

REBOU'ND. ʃ. [from the verb.] The act
of flying back in conſequence of motion reſiſted
; refilition. Dryden.

REBU'FF. ʃ. [rebuffade, French ; rebufo,
Italian.] Repercu,lfion
; quick and ſudden
reſiſtance. Milton.

To REBUFF. v. a. [from the noun.] To
b?at back; to oppoſe with ſudden violence.

To REBUI'LD. v. a. [re and build.] To
reedify ; to reflore from demolition ; to

REBU'KABLE. a. [from reiuke.] Worthy
of reprehenſion. Shakʃpeare.

To REBU'KE. v. a. [reboucher, French.]
To chide; to reprehend ; to lepreſs by
objurgation. Heb.xVui^,

REBU'KE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Reprehenſion; chiding expreſſion ; ob-
-jurgation. Pope. .
2. In low language, it ſignifies any kind
of check. L'Eſtrange.

REBU'KER. ʃ. [itova rebuke.] A chider
; a repiehender. Hofea v,

RE'BUS. ʃ. [rf^«i, Latin.] Awordrepreſentedby
a picture. Peacham.

To REBU'T. v. a. [rehutery Fr.] To retire
back. Spenſer.

REBUTTER. ʃ. An anſwer to a rejoinder.

To RECA'LL. v. a. [re and call.] To call
back ; to call again ; to revoke. Hooker.

RECA'LL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Revocation
; act or power of calling back. Dryden.

To RECA'NT. v. a. [recanto, Latin.] To
retract ; to recall ; to contradict what one
has once ſaid or done. Swift.

RECANTA'TION. ʃ. [from recant.] Retractation
; declaration contradictcry to a
former declaration. Stillingflea,

RECA'NTER. ʃ. [from recant.] One who
recants. Shakʃpeare.

To RECAPI'TULATE. v. a. [recapttuler,
Fr.] To repeal again diſtinctly ; to detail
again. More,

RECAPITULA'TION. ʃ. [from recapitu.
late.] Detail repeated ; diſtinct repetition
of the principal points. South.

RECAPI'TULATORY. a. [from recapitulate.]
Repeating again.

To RECA'RRY. v. a. [re and carry.] To
carry back. Wahon,

To RECE'DE. v. n. [rer^^o, Latin.]
1. To fall back ; to retreat. Berkley.
2. To deſiſt. Clarendon.

RECEI'PT. ʃ. [receptum, Lat.]
1. The act of receiving. Wiſeman.
2. The place of leceiving. Matthew.

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3. A note given, by which meney Is acknowledged
to have been receirved.
4. Reception ; admiſtion. Hooker.
5. Reception ; welcome. Sidney.
6. Preſcription of ingredients for any compoſition.Shakʃpeare.

RECEI'VABLE. a. [from rfc^/ir. ; Capable
nf being received.

To RECEI'VE. v. d. [^reccvoir, Fr. rcclpio,
1. To take or obtain any thinj^ as due.Shakʃpeare.
2. To take or obtain from another. Daniel.
3. To take any thing communicated. Locke.
4. To embrace intellectually. Locke.
5. To allow. Hooker.
6. To admit. Pſalms. Watts.
7. To take as into a vefle). ^Ss,
8. To take into a place or ſtate. Mark.
9. To conceive in the mind ; to take intellectually.Shakʃpeare.
10. To entertsin as a gueſt. Milton.

RECEI'VEDNESS. ʃ. [from received.] General
allowance. Boyle.

RECEI VER. ʃ. [receveur, Fr.]
1. One to whom any thing is communtcated
by another. Donne.
2. One to whom any thing is given or
paid. Spratt.
3. One who partakes of the blefled ſacra-
ment. Taylor.
4. One who cooperates with a robber, by
taking the goods which he Aeals. Spenſer.
5. The veſſel into which ſplrits are emitted
from the ſtill, Blackmore.
6. The veflTci of the air pump, out of
which the air is drawn, and which therefore
receives any body on which experiments
are tried. Berkley.

To RECE'LEBRATE. i'. a. [re and celebrate.]
To celebrate anew. Ben. Johnſon.

RE'CENCY. ʃ. [rccens, Lat.] Newneſs ; new ſtate. Wiseman.

REC'.E'NSION. ʃ. [rectrfio, Lat.] Enumeration
; review, Evelyn.

RECENT. a. [mens, Lat.]
1. New ; not of long cxiſtence.
2. Late ; not antique. Bacon.
3. Freſh ; not long oifmined from. Pof:e.

RE'CENTLY. ad. [from recent.] Newly ; freſtly. uArbuthnot.

RECE'NTNESS. ʃ. [from ricent] Newneſs
; freſhuef's. Hale.

RECE'PTACLE. ʃ. [rec^ptaculurr., Latin.]
A veſſel or place into which any thing is
received. Spenſer.

RECEPTJBI'LITY. ʃ. [receptus, Latin.]
Poſſibility of receiving, Glanville.

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RE'CEPTARY. ʃ. [rcccptus, Lat.] Thing
received. Brown.

RECE'PTION. ʃ. [rccrptus, Lat.]
1. The act of recciving. Brown.
2. The ſtate of being received.
3. Ad'miſſion of any thing communicated. Locke.
4. Readmifllon. Mdtvn,
5. The act of containing. Addiſon.
6. Treatment at fii ſt coming ; welcome; entertainment. Hammond.
7. Opinion generally admitted. Locke.
8. Recovery. Bacon.

RE'CEPTIVE. a. [rcceptus, Lat.] Having
the quaJity of admitting what is communicated. Glanville.

RE'CEPTORY. a. [nc^ptus, Lat.] Generally
or popularly admitted. Brown.

RECE'SS. ʃ. [recefus, Lat.]
1. Retirement ; retreat} withdrawing ; ſeceſſion. Prior.
2. Departure. Glanville.
3. Place of retirement
; place of ſecrecy; private abode. Milton.
4. Perhaps an abſtract.
5. Departure into privacy. Milton.
6. Remiſſion or ſuſpenſion of any procedure. Bacon.
7. Removal to diſtancee. Brown.
8. Privacy ; ſecrecy of abode. Dryden.
9. Secret part. Hammond.

RECESSION. ʃ. [receſſ:o,UU] The act
of retreating.

To RECHA'NGE. v. a. [rechanger, Fr.]
To change again. Dryden.

To RECHA'RGE. v. a. [recharger, Fr.]
1. To accuſe in return. Hooker.
2. To attack anew. Dryden.

RECHEA'T. ʃ. Among hunters, a ieffon
which the huntſman winds on the horn,
when the hounds have loft their game. Shakʃpeare.

RECIDIVA'TION. ʃ. [recidivus, Latin.]
Backſliding ; falling again. Hammond.

RECIDI'VOUS. a. [recidivus, Lat.] Subje< fl to fall again.

RE'CIPE. ʃ. [recipe, Lat.] A medical preſcription.

RECIPIENT. ʃ. [reripient, Lat.]
1. The receiver ; that to which any thing
is communicated. Gtantille.
2. The veſſel into which ſpirits are driven
by the ſtill. Decay of Piety.

RECI'PROCAL. a. [recitrocus, Lat.]
1. Acting in viciſhtude ; alternate. Milft
2. Mutual ; done by each to each. L'Eſtrange.
3. Mutually interchangeable, Watu,
4. Reciprocal proportion is, when, in four
numbers, the fourth number is ſo much
Itffer than the ſecond, as the third is greater
th.a the firſt, and vice verſa. Arbuthnot.

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RECI'PROCALLY. ad. [from ren'p'-ocal.]
Muruaily; interchangeably. Newton.

RECI'PROCALNESS. ʃ. [from reciprocal.]
Mutual return ; ahernatcneſs. Decay of Piety.

To RECIPROCATE. v. n. [reciprocus,
Latin.! To act interchangeably ; to alternate.
. -^T

[reciprocatio, from
reciprocus, Latin.] AUernation ; aftion interchanged.
^ ^^^'^Tc

RECISION. ʃ. [recijui, Latin.] The a« ot
cutting oft.

RECI'TAL. ʃ. [from recite.]
1. Repetition ; rehearfal. Addiſon.
2. Enumeration. Prior.

RECITA'TION. ʃ. [from recite.] Repetition
; rehearral. Hammond.

RE'CITATIVE. ʃ. [from renVe.] A kind

RECITATi'VO. S ^^ tuneful pronuciation,
more rnufical than common ſpeech,
and leſs than ſongj chaunt. Dryden.

To RECI'TE. v. a. [r^aVo, Latin.] To rehearfe; to repeat : to enumerate; to tell

RECI'TE. ʃ. Recital. Temple.

To RECK. v.r. [j\ecan,Saxon.] To care ;
to heed : to mind,; to rate at much.
Sptnjer. M.'Iion.

To RECK. ʃ. a. To heed ; to care for.Shakʃpeare.

RE'CKLESS. a. [peccelear, Saxon.] Care-
leſs ; heedleſs; mindleſs. Shakſp, Cowley.

RE'CKLESNESS. ʃ. [from reck.] Carelefſneſs ;
neglieence. j| ^'^^y-

To RE'CKON. v. a. f
jieccan, Saxon.]
1. To number ; to count. Crapaiv,
2. To eſteem ; to account. Hooker.
3. To aſſion in an account. Romans.

To RE'CKON. To «.
1. To compute ; to calculate. Addiſon.
2. To ſtate an account. Shakʃpeare.
3. To charge to account. Ben. Johnſon.
4. To pay a penally. Sanderſon.
5. To call to puniſhment. lilhtjun.
6. To lay ſtreſs or dependence upon. Temple.

RE'CKONER. ʃ. [from rechn.] One who
computes ; one who calculates coll. Camden.

RE'CKONING. ʃ. [from rechn.]
1. Computation; calculation.
2. Account of time. . Sandys.
'1. Accounts of debtor and creditor.
-. Daniel.
4. Money charged by an hoft. Shakſp.
r. Account taken. z King.
6. Efteem ; account; eRimztion. Looker.

To RECLAl'M. v. a. [m/^mo, Latin.]
1. To reform; tocorrea. Brown.
2. \Rec!amer,^e] To reduce to the ſtate

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3. To recall ; to cry out againſt. Dryden.
4. To tarnc. Dryden.

To RECLI'NE. v. a. [reclino, Latin.] To
lean back ; to lean ſide wife. Addiſon.

To RECLI'NE. v. a. To refl ; to repoſe ; to lean.

RECLINE. a. [reciinis, Latin.] In a leaning
poſtuie. Milton.

To RECLO'SE. v. a. [re and clojc] To
dole again. Pope. .

To RECLU'DE. v. a. [recludc, Latin.] To
open. Harvey.

REClU'SE. a. [reclus, Fr. reclufus, Lat.]
Shut up; rethed. Decay 0f Piety.

RECOAGULA'TJOM. ʃ. Second coagula-
Hori. Boyle.

RECO'GNISANCE. ʃ. [recognifance, Fr.]
1. Acknowledgment of perſon or thing.
2. Badge. Hooker, Shakſp.
3. A feond of record teſtifying the recognifor
to owe un'o the recognifee a certain
fum of money acknowledged in fonne court
of record. Cowel.

To RECOGNI'SE. v. a. [recognoſco, Lat.]
1. To acknowledge; to recover and avow
knowledge of any perſon or thing. Dryden.
2. To review; to reexamine. South.

RECOGNISEE'. ʃ. He in whoſe favcir the
bond is drawn.

RECO'GNISOR. ʃ. He who gives the recognifance.

RECOGNITION. ʃ. [recognitio, Latin.]
1. Review ; renovation of knowle(^ge. Hooker.
2. Knowledge confefled, Grew.
3. Acknowledgment. Bacon.

To RECOI'L. v. a. [reculer, French.]
1. To ruſh back in conſequence of reſiſtance. Milton.
2. To fall back. Spenſer.
3. To fail ; to ſhrink. Shakʃpeare.

To RECOI'N. <!/. a. [re and coin.] To coin
over y^ain. Addiʃon.

RECOI'NAGE. ʃ. [re and coinage.] The
^£1 ut coining anew. Bacon.

To RECOLLE'CT. v. a. [recolleBus, Lat.]
1. To recover to memory. Waits,
2. To recover reafun or reſolution. Dryd.
3. To gather what is ſcattered ; to gather
again. Boyle.

RECOLLE'CTION. ʃ. [from recolha.] Recovery
of notion ; revival in the memory. Locke.

To RECO'MFORT. v. a. [re and comfort.]
1. To c mfort or confole again. Sidney.
?. To give new ſtrength. Bacon.

To RECOMME'NCE. v. a. [recommncer,
To begin anew.

To RECOMME'ND. v. a. [recommender,
1. To praiſe to another.
2. To make acceptable, Dryden.
3. T

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3. To commit with prayer?. A^i.

RECOMME'NDABLE. a. [rscommend^bl',
French.] Worthy of recommendation or
praiſe. Glanville.

RECOMMENDATION. ʃ. [recommendation,
1. The act of recommending,
2. That which ſecurcs to one a kind reception
from ariorher. Dryden.

RECOMME'NDATORY. a. [from ruommend.]
That which commends 10 another. Swift.

RECOMMENDER. ʃ. [from recommend.]
One who recommends. yltterbury.

To RECOMMIT. vaJ. [re and commit.]
To commit anew. C orendon.

To RECOMPA'CT. v. a. [re and compaEf.]
To join anew. Donne.

To RECOMPE'NSE. n/. a. [recompenſery
1. To repay ; to requite, 2 Chron.
2. To give in requital. Rom.
3. To compenfatc ; to make up by ſomething
equivalent. Knolles.
4. To redeem ; to pay for. Numb.

RE'COMPENSE. ʃ. [recomp:r.fe, French.]
Equivalent ; conn.penfation. Clarenden.

RECOMPI'LEMENT. ʃ. [re and compilement.]
New compilement. Bacon.

To RECOMPO'SE. v. a. [rccompoſer, ?r.]
1. To ſettle or quiet anew. Taylor.
2. To form or adjuſt anew. Boyle.

RECOMPOSl'TION. ʃ. Compoſition renewed,

To RECONCI'LE. v. a. [reconciUer, Fr.]
1. To make to like again. Shakſp.
2. To make to be liked aga'n, Clarend.
3. To make any thing conſiſtent. Locke.
4. To reſtore to favour. Ezekiel.

RECONCI'LEABLE. a. [reccficiliable, Fr.]
1. Capable of renewed kindneſs,
2. Conſiſtent ; poſſible to be made confident. Hammond.

RECONCI'LEABLENESS. ʃ. [from r^cj/jci/
1. Conſidence ;
poſſibility to be reconciled. Hammond.
2. Diſpoſition to renew love.

RECONCILEMENT. ʃ. [from reccncilc.]
s. Reconciliation ; renewal of kindneſs ;
favour reſtored. Milton.
2. Friendſhip renewed. Sidney.
RECONCILr-R. ſ. [from reconcile.]
1. One who renews friendſhip between
2. One who diſcovers the confidence between
proDrjfuions. Nortis.
RECONCILIA TION. ʃ. [reconcUiatio, Lat.]
1. Renewal of friendſhip.
2. Agreement of things fseming'y oppoſite.
|. Atonement ; expiatioa« ILbr,

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To RECONDE'NSE. v. a. [re and condenfe.]
To conaenfe anew,

RECO'NDITE. a. [reconJitus, Uu] Secret
; profound; abſtruſe. F'lt.n,

To RECONDUCT. v. a. [reconduity-^t.]
To conduct again.
To RECONJOI N. 1/. a. [re and conj-ir,.]
'Jo join anew. Boyle.

To RECO'NQyER. v. a. [ruonquerir.Vr.]
To C'nquer auain, Duviei,

To RECONVENE. v. a. [re in6 c.nvcn:]
To aH'emble ?ne.v. Clarendon.

To RECONSECRATE. a;, a. [reindconftcrote]
To conſec.ateanew. Ayliffe.

To RECONVE'V. v. a. [re ZTii convey.]
T convey again. Durham.

To RECO'RD. v. a. [recordor^hztu.]
1. To legirter any thing ſo that its memory
may not be loſt. Shakʃpeare.
2. To celebrate ; to cauſe to be remembered
lolemnly. Fairfax.

RECO'RD. ʃ. [record^ French.] Regi<ler ; aulhrntick rriemoria). Shakʃpeare.

RECORDATION. ʃ. [rccordatio,L^vv.]
R< membrance. Shakʃpeare.

1. One whoſe bufineſs is to regifter any
events. Donne.
2. The keeper of the rollsina city. Swift.
3. A kind of flute ; a wind inſtrument. Sidney.
ToRECOU'CH. v. n. [re and couch.] To
li^ down agiin. U'ctron,

To RECO'VER. v. a. [recowvrer, French.]
1. To reflorc from ſickneſs or diſorder.
2. To repair. Rogers.
3. To regain. Knoles.
4. To rcleaſe. a Tim.
5. To attain ; to reach ; to come up to.

To RECO'\'ER. v. a. To grow weii from
a difeifr. Mt::oii.

RECO'VERABLE. a. [recoui>rahh,YT.]
1. I'.flible to be refl red from ſickneſs.
2. PoUib'e to be regaiseJ. CUnrJont

RECO'VERY. ʃ. [from r, cover.]. Taylor, Shakſp.
3. The act of cutting off an entail.Shakʃpeare.

To RECOUNT. v. a. [rfrom^r, French.]
To relate in detail ; to tell dilfmftly. Shakʃpeare.c,

RECOU'NTMENT. ʃ. [from recount.] Relation; recital. Shakʃpeare.

RECOU'RED. for Recovered.

RECOURSE. ʃ. [recu'Jus, Latin.]
1. Frcqu'-nt paiijge. Shakʃpeare.
2. Return ; new attack. Brozv,-!,
3. Application as for he'p or prote^Mijc.
fl 'otton,
4. Acceſs, Shakʃpeare.
5 H RE/.
1. ReAoration from fu kiicfs.
2. Power or act of regaiiing.

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RE'CREANT. a^ [rccriant, French.]
1. Cowardly ; meanſpirited ; ſubdued ; crying out for mercy. Spenſer.
2. Apoſtate; falſe. Mi ion.

To RE'CREATE. c;. a. [recre9,Latin.]
1. To refreſh after toil ; to amuſe or divert
in wearinefi'. Taylor, Dryden.
2» To delight ; to gratify. More.
3. To relieve ; to revive. Eafjcy,
RtCREA'TION. /, [from recreate.]
1. Relief after toil or pain ; amuſement
in ſorrow oyJiHreſs. Sidney.
2. RefrelKri^nt ; amuſement ; diverſion,
''. Holder.

RE'CREATIVE a. [from recreate.] Refreihing
; giving relict afcer labour or pain ;
amufing ; dtvertinj'.'-: Taylor.

RE'CREATIVENESS. ʃ. [from recreaitye.]
The quality of being recreative,

RE'GREMEMT. ʃ. [rccrementum, Latin.]
Droſs ; ſpume ; I'uperfluous or uſeleſs parts. Boyle.

RECREME'NTAL. v. a. [from recre.
^ RECREMENTI'rIOUS.5 mnt.] DrofTy.

To RECRIMINATE. v. v. [re and cimir.
or, Latin.] To return one accuſation with
another. Stillingfleet.

To RECRI'MINATE. v. a. To accuſe in
retu-n. South.

RECRIMINATION. f. {rccrirrar.dlisn, Fr.]
Return of one accuſation with another. Gov. of the Tongue.

RECRJMINA'TOR. ʃ. [from recriminate.]
He that returns one charge with another,

RECRUDE'SCENT. a. [recrudeſcens,hzU]
Growing painful or violent again.

To RECRUIT. v. a. [recrutcr, French.]
1. To repair any thing waſted by newſupplies. Dryden. Ntioton,
2. To ſupply an army with new men. Clarenden.

To RECRUIT. v. n. To raiſe new folclierf. Addiʃon.

RECRUIT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Supply of any thing waſted. Clarenden.
2. New ſoldiers. Dryden.
RICTA NGLE. ſ. [reaangle, Fr. reBanguius,
Latin.] A figure which has one angle
or more of ninety degrees. Locke.

RECTA'NGULAR. a. [reBui, and angu.
lus, Latin.] Right angled ; having angles
of ninety degrees. Wotton.
RECrA'NGULARLY. ad. [from rf<F?^«-
^ular.] With right angles. Brown.

RE'CTffIABLE. o, [Irom rcaify-] Capabic
tu be let right. Brown.

RECTIFICATION. ʃ. [reBification, Fr.]
1. The act of fetting right wftat is wrong.
Fot bes,
2. In chymiſtry, reBifcanon is drawing any
thing over again by diſhllation, to make it
vet h!|;,her or finer. H'^iurcy.
To RE'CTIFY. v. a. [reBfer, French.]
1. To make right ; to reform ; to redrefa
2. To exalt and improve by repeated diſtillation. Grew.

RECTILINEAR. v. a. [reBus and hnea,

RECTILI'NEOUS. S Latin.] Confining of
right lines. Newton.

RE'GTITUDE. ʃ. [reBirude, French.]
1. Straitneſs; notcutvity.
2. Rightneſs ; uprighmeſs ; freedom from
moral curvity or obliquity. King Charles.

RE'CTOR. ʃ. [fcBcur', French.]
1. Ruler ; lord ; governour. j^yiiffe,
2. Parfon of an unimpropriated pariſh.

RECTORSHIP. ʃ. [reSorat, Fr. from rector,']
The rank or office of reſtor.Shakʃpeare.

RE'CTORY. ʃ. [from reBor.] A rcBory
or parfonage is a ſpiritual living, compoſed
of land, tithe and other oblations of the
people, ſeparate or dedicated to God in any
congregation for the ſervice of his church
there, and for the maintenance of the mini
fter thereof. Spelman.

RECUBATION. ʃ. [r^ra, Latin.] The
act of lying or leaning. Brown.

RECU'LE. for Recoil, [reculer, Trtnch,;

RECU'MBENCY. ʃ. [from rccumient.]
1. The poſture of lying or leaning. Brown.
2. Reft; repoſe. Locke.

RECU'MBENT. a. [rettf»2^m, Latin.] Lying ; leaning, Arbuthnot.

To RECU R. To «. [rzcurro, Latin.]
1. To come back to the thought ; to revive
in the mind. Calamy.
2. [i?ffe«r/V, Fr.] To have recourſe to ;
to take refuge in, Locke.

To RECU'RE. v. a. [re and cure.] To recover
from ſickneſs or labour. Spenſer.

RECU'RE. ʃ. Recovery ; remedy. Knolles.

RECU'RRENCE. ʃ. /, [from recurrent, ]

RECU'RRENCY. ʃ. Return, Brown.

RECU'RRENT. a. [recurrent, Fr. recurrem,
Latin.] Returning from time to time. Harvey.

RECU'RSION. ʃ. [rm/'/w, Latin.] Return. Boyle.

RECURVATION. ʃ. /, [recurve, Latin..

RECU'RVITY. S Flexure backward?. Brown.

RECU'RVOUS. a. [recwvus, Latin.] Bent
backward. Denham.

RECU'SANT. ʃ. [recufms, Latin.] One
that refufts any terms of communion or
ſociety. Clarenden.

To RECU'SE. v.n. [rfrj//o, Latin.] To refute,
A juridical word. ^'ih'

RED. a. [pcd, Saxon ; rhud, WelOi.] Of
the colour oſ blood, of one of the primitive
colours, Newton.

To REDA'RGUE. v. a. [redarguo,Utin.]
To refute. HakewUl.

RE'DEERRIEDy^Aw^ f.-#j. ſ. A plant. .

REDBREAST. ʃ. A (n^^V bird, Co named
from the colour of its breaſt. Thom'on.

RE DCOAT. ʃ. A name of contempt for a
ſoldier. Dryden.

To RE'DDEN. v. a. [from r.^.] To make
red. Dryden.

To RE'DDEN. T/.ff. To grow red. Pope. .

RE'DDISHNEiS. ʃ. [from rejdrjh.] Tendency
to redr.c/s. ^'j/j.

REDDI'TION. ʃ. [from rfd^j, Latin.] Reftitution.

RE'DDITIVE. a. [redJiti'vut^Uiin.] Anſwering
to an inrerrogative.

RE'DDLE. ʃ. A ſort of mineral of the metal
kind, of a tolerably dole and even texture :
itisfoft and undluous to the touch, remarkably
heavy, and its colcur of a fine florid,
though not very deep red. Ijtll,

REDE. ʃ. [pi'D, Saxon.] Counfel ; adviccvShakʃpeare.

To REDE. v. a. [ji3t bin, Saxon.] To advITe. Spenſer.

To REDEEM. v. a. [xdhno, Latin.] 1. To ranibm; to relieve from any thing
by paying a price. Rutb.
2. To reſcue ; to recover. Shakſp.
3. To recompenfe ; to coirpenfale ; to
make amends for, Shaks peare.
4. To pay an atonement. Shakʃpeareajp.
5. To fave the world from the curie of im,
All ton.

REDEEMABLE. ʃ. [from redeem,'^ Capable
of redempt'on.

REDEE'MABLENESS. ʃ. [from r^i^^mable.]
The Ible of being redeemable.

REDEE'MER. ʃ. [innxred^tm]
1. One who ranfoms or redeems. Spenſer.
2. The Saviour of the world. Shakſp.

To REDELIVER. v. a. [re and delvcr.'[
To deliver back. ^y^'fi^'

REDELIVERY. ʃ. [from redeliver.'^ The
iSt of delivering back.

To REDEMA'ND. -z/. a. [redemarder, Fr.]
To demand back. Addiſon.

REDEMPTION. f. {redemption,^t, redarptioy
1. Ranfomj r-Ifafe. M:It:t.
2. Purchaie of God's favour by the death
of Chriſt. Shakʃpeare.

REDE'MPTORY. a. [from redimptui, Lat.]
Paid for ranfcm. Chapman.

REDHOT. a. [red ^ni hot.] Heated to redneſs,
Baconi. Newton.

REDI'NTECRATE. <2.];rf^jW^rſtr«5, Lat.]
Rertored ; renewed ; made new. Eacon.

REDINTEGRA TION. ʃ. [from redmugrafe.]
1. Renovatii.n ; refioration, D.rfPie.y.
2. Redintegration, chymifts call therefloring
any mixed body or matter, whoſe form
has been deſtroyed, to its farmer nature
and conſtitution. Boyle.

RE'DLEAD. ʃ. [rf^and lad.] Minium.

RE'DNE'S. ʃ. [from red.] The qmli^ of
being red. Shakʃpeare.

REDOLENCE. ʃ/. [from reddent.] Sweet

RE'DOLENCY. ʃ. ſcent. Boyle.

RE'DOLENT. a. [reddens, Latin.] Sweet
ot ſcenr. Sd'idys,

To REDOU'BLE. v. a. [redou/>/er,FrtinrU. ;
1. To repeat often. Spenſer.
2. To encreaſe by addition of the lam:
tty ovf.T and over. Addiſon.

To RcDUUBLE. v.n. To become twice
as much. yiddi'on.

REDOU'BT. ʃ. [redcute, Fr. riAottj, l(i\.]
The outwork of a fortification ; a fortreſs. Bacon.

REDOU'BTABLE. a. [redoubtable, Frcn.]
Formid'b'e ; terrible to foes, P pt.

REDOL' BTED. a. [redouble, F.] Dread ; awful ; formidable. Spenſer.

To REDOU'ND. v. n. [redundo, Latin.]
1. To befenc back by reatlion. Milton.
2. To conduce in the conſequence. u'ld if.
3. To fall in the conſequence. ySddiſon,

To REDRE'SS. v. a. [r^t/r^cr, F.encr.]
1. To ſet right ; to amend. Mil-on,
2. To reiieve ; to remedy ; to cafe. Sidney.

REDP.E SS. ʃ. [from the verb ]
1. Reformation ; amendment, Hooker.
2. Relief; remedy. Bacon.
3. One who gives relief. Dryden.

REDRE'SSIVE. a. Succouring; affording
remedy, Their2''on,

To REDjEA'R. v. n. If iron be too hot,
it will redfear, that is, break undrr the
hammer. Moxon.

REDSHANK. ʃ. [r?d aoLJhank.] A bird.

RE'DSTREAK. ʃ. [rr^ and/r^tf,^.]
1. An apple ; cyder fjuit. Mortimer.
2. Cyder preiled from the redilreak. Smith.

To REDU'CE. ʃ. a. [reduco, Latin.]
'I. To bring back. Shakʃpeare.
2. To bring to the former ſlate. Milan.
3. To reform from any diſorder, Clarend.
4. To bring into any itatc of diminution.
5. To degrade ; to impair in dignity.
6. To bring into any ſtate of miſcry or
mearneſs. uirbvtknot.
7. To ſubdue, Mdtrv,
8. To bring into any ſtate more within
re^ch or power.
to . To > reclaim to order. Milton.

JO. To lubjcdl 10 a rule ; to bring into a

REDU'CEMENT. ʃ. The act of bring ng
both, ſubduing, reforming or diniioilh at;.

REDU'CER. ʃ. [from reduce.] One thnredneſs.

REDU'CIBLE. a. [from r<ruW.j Polhbie
to be reduced, South.

REDUCIBL[i\ESS. ʃ. [from redudhU]
Q^jiity of being reducible. liorc,
5 H i RLDU'v:- ; ſuperfluyiibutbrwt.

REDU'CTION. ʃ. [rccLB'ion, French.]
1. The act of reducing. i^-ak,
2. In arithmetick, ted.^'on brings two or
iiiore numbers of diflerent denominations.
inro onedenomination.

REDUCTIVE. a. [reduSif, French.] H.>v.
ins ^he power of reduci.og. Hale.

REDUCTiVELY. ad. By reduaion ; by
crnſequence. Hammond.

REDU'N DANCE. ʃ. [redundantta, Lat.]

REDUNDANCY. ʃ. Superfluity} Cnptraound.
ince, Bacon.

REDU'NDANT. a. [r duvdjm, La'an.]
1. Superabundant} exuberant
2. Ufing more words or images than are
uſeful. ^>^«J'

REDU'NDANTLY. ad. [frdmredundam.]
Superrtiiouſly ; ſuperabundanfly.

To REDU PLICATE. v, a, [re and duplicate.]
To double.

REDUPLICATION. f. [from redvpulic3te.]
The z€t of doubl ng. Digby.

REDU'PLICATIVE. a. [redupUcatif, Fr.]
Doobl, ^'-a^.

RE'DWING. ʃ. A bird.

To REE. w. «. To riddle ; to fift.
Mot timer.

echo back,

REE'CHY. a. [ixort\ reeh.] Smoky ; footy ;
t,nned. Shakʃpeare.

REFE'CTION. ʃ. [r<?/«?Z/o, Latin.] Refreſh-

RFED ʃ. fneo'&j Saxon ; rfV^/, German.] ment after hunger or fatigue. South.
1. An hollow knotted Ila, which grows REFE'CTORY. ſ. [refeSoirey Fr.] Room

To REENA'CT. v. a. [re and ereSI.] To
ena.fV a!ic>w. Arbuthnot.

To REEMFO'RCE. v. a. [re and etiforce.]
To ſtrengthf . with new afliſtance. Collier.

REENFO'RCEMENT. ʃ. [re and enforcement.]
Frefn afliſtance. fVarJ.

To REENJO'Y. v. a. [re and e^joy.] To
enjey an^w or a ſecond time. Popet

To REE'NTER. v. a. [re 2ni enter.] To
enter apaifi ; to enter anew. Milton.

To REENTHRO'NE. v. a. To replace in
a throne, Southeme,

REE'NTRANCE. ʃ. [re and entrance.] The
act of entering again, Granville.

REE'RMOUSE. ʃ. [hji^jiemuj', Saxon.] A

To REE'STABLISH. v. a. [re and eftableJb.'[
To eftjbliſh anew. Smalridge.

REESTA'BLISHER. ʃ. [from reejiabliſh..
One that reeftablirties.

REESTA'BLISHMENT. ʃ. [from rtejiab.
lip.] The zCt of reeftabliſhing ; the ſtate
of being reeftabhilied ; reſtauration. Addiſon.

REEVE. ʃ. [sqiepa, Saxon.] A ſteward. Dryden.

To REEXA'MINE. v. a. [re and examine.]
To examine anew. Hooker.
[re and ſci»o.J.] To

To REFE'CT. v. a. [rf/£<f?aj, Latin.] To. Pope. . refrclh ; to reſtore after hunger or fatigue.
in wet grounds,
2. A ſmall pipe.
3. An arrow.

To REE'DIFY. v. a.

out reeds.
To rebuild ; to buildShakʃpeare.
[from reed.] Being with- May.

REE'DY. a. [from reed.] Abounding with
j-eeds. Blackmore.

REEK. ʃ. [jiec, Saxon.]
1. Smoke ; ſteam i vapour. Shakſp.
2. A pile of corn or hay. Mortimer.

To REEK. v. n. [jiecan, Saxon.] To
fmoke ; to ſteam ; to emit vapour.Shakʃpeare.

REE'KY. a. [from reek.] Smoky ; tanned ;
black. Shakʃpeare.

REEL. f. [p^cl, Saxon.] A turning trame
of refreſhment ; eating room. Dryden.

To REFE'L. v. a. [refdh, Latin.] To refute
; to repreſs. Ben. Johnson.

To REFER. v. a. [refero,l.n\n.]
1. To diſmiſs for information or judment. Burnet.
2. To isetake for deciſion. Shakſp.
3. To reduce to, as to the ultimate end. Bacon.
4. To reduce, as to a claf?. Boyle.t

To REFER. v. n. To reſpect ; to have relation. Burnet.

REFEREE'. ʃ. [from refer.] One to whom
any thing is referred. L'Eſtrange.

REFERENCE. ʃ. [ham refer.] .
1. Relation ; reſpect ; view towards ; alluGon
to. Raleigh.
2. Difmiſſion to another tribunal. Swift.
upon which yarn is wound intoſkems from REFER.E'NDARY. ſ. [rfferardus, Latin.]
the ſpindle.

To PvEEL. v. a. [from the noun.] To gather
yarn off the ſpindle. Wilkins.

To REEL. v. a. [roUcn, Dutch ; ragla,
Swed'-] Toſtagger; to incline inwalking,
firſt ^0 one ſide and then to the other. Shakʃpeare, Sandys.

REELE'CTION. ʃ. [re and eietlion.] Repeated
cleaioD. ^Wf'
One to whoſe deciſion any thing is referred. Bacon.

To REFERME'NT. v. a. [re and frment.]
To ffrment anew. Blackmore.

REFE'RRIBLE. a. [from refer.] Capable of
being conlidered as in relation to ſomething
elftf. Brown.

To REFl'NE. v. a. [raJffner,FteDch.]
1. To purify ; to dsar from dxoſs and recirement.
2. To

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1. To make elegant ; to poliſh, Peacham.

To REFI'NE. v. r.
1. To impiovc in point of accuracy or delicacy. Dryden.
2. To grow pure. Addiʃon.
^, To affetl nicety. Atterbury.

REFI'NEDLY. ad. [from r.'vf^.] Wub atterted
elegance. Dryden.

REFINEMENT. ʃ. [from r^Jine..
1. The act of purifying, by clearing any
thing from drufs. Norm,
2. Improvement in elegance or purity.
3. Artificial pract^ice. Ro£.
4. Affectation of elegant improvement. Addiſon.

REFINER. ʃ. [from refine.]
1. Purifier ; one who clears from droſs or
recrement. Bacon,
2. Improver in elegance. Hwiſc,
3. Inventor of ſuperfluous ſubtilties. Addiſon.

To REFI'T. v. a. [r,fa!t, French, re and
Jit.] To repair ; to reſtore after damage. Woodward. Dryden.

To REFLE'CT. v. a. [rejiechir, French ; re-
Jl.Bo, Latin.] To throw back. Milton.

To REFLECT. 'u. n.
1. To throw back light. Shakʃpeare.
2. To bsndback. Bent'iy.
3. To thrcnv back the thoughts upon the
pact or on themfelves. Du^fa. Taylor.
4. To conſider attentively. Pri r,
5. To throw reproach or cenſure. Swift.
6. To bring reproach. Dryden.

REFLE'CTENT. a. [refeaer.s, Lat.] Bending
back ; living back. I^Jg^'

REFLE'CTION. ʃ. [from r-fea.]
1. The act of throwing back. Cheyre,
2. The act of bending back. Berkley.
3. That which is reflectled. Shakʃpeare.
4. Thought thrown back upon the part,
5. The action of the mind upon itſelf. Locke.
6. Attentive conſideration. South.
7. Cenfure. Prior.

REFLE'CTIVE. a. [from rr/c^.]
1. Thri-wing back images. Dry.
2. Conſidering things paſt ; conſidering the
operations of the mind. tnor.

REFLE'CTOR. ʃ. [from r.fuB.] C nliderer. Boyle.

REFLE'X. a. [^'pxus, Latin.] Directed
backward. lla/e. Berc'cy.

REFLE'X. ʃ. [rc-Jhxui, Latin.] Reflection. Hooker.

REFLEXIBI'LITY^. ſ. [from r./:x.^/.]
The quality of being reP.cxible. Newton.

REFLE'XIBLE. a. [from rtpxuSf, Latin.]
C'-p^blc; to be thrown back. Cheyne.

REFLE'XIVE. a. [rffexm, Latin.] Having
reſpeit to ſomething palt, Uammond.
Tv E F

REFLE'XIVELY. aJ. [from reJJ.xl^e.] U
a backward direction. G.v. of the Tongue.

REFLOA'T. ʃ. [rtf and/wr.jEbbj reflux.

To REFLOU'RISH. v. a. [rt iz^jlour-jh.]
To flouriſh anew. Milton.

To RF.FLO'W. v. a. [refuer, Frenchj re and
fo:v. I To flow bnck.

REFLU'ENT. d. [I'fiutns, Latin.] Running
back. A'-butbmC.

REFLU'X. ʃ. [r.px, French ] Backward
courle of water. Brown.

REFOCILLA'TION. ʃ. [refjcilh, Latin.)
Reltoration of ſtiength by refreſhment.

To REFO'RM. v. a. [rtformo; dun.] Ta
change from worſe to better. Hooker.

To REFORM. v. ſt. To make a charge
from worie to better. Atterbury.

REFO'RM f. [French.] Reformitioo.

REFORMA'TION. ʃ. [reformation, Fr.]
1. Change from wurſe to better. Addiʃon.
2. The change of religion from the corruptions
of popery to its primitive ſtate. Atterbury.

REFO'RMER. ʃ. [from reform.]
1. 0.1C who makes a change for the better
; an amender. King Charles, Spratt.
2. One of thoſe who changed relgion from
pariſh corruptions and innovations. Bacon.

To REFRA'Cr. v. a. [refraaus, Litw.]
To break the natural courſe of rays.

REFRA'CTION. ʃ. [refraction, French.]
The incurvation or change of determination
in the body moved : in dinptricks, it it
the variation of a ray of light from that
right line, which it would have p^fTed on
in, had not the denſity of the medium
tuined it afidf-. Newton.

REFRACTIVE. a. [from refratl.] Having
the power of refraſtion, Newton.

RE'fRACTORINEoS. ʃ. [from refraaory.]
Sullen obſtiaacv. Saundirfon.

REFRA'CTORY. a. [refraaoire, French.]
Obftinate ; perverſe ; contumacious. Bacon.

RETRAGABLE. a. [refragalilis, Latin.]
Caoable of confutation and conviſhon.

To REFRAI'N. v. a. [refrerer, French.]
To hold back ; to keep from action. Milton.

To REFRAIN. v. n. To forbear ; to abft-
in ; to Ipare. Hooker.

REFRaNGIBI'LITY. ʃ. Rffrangibllity of
the rays of light, is their diſpohcion to be
refracted or turned out of their way, in
paHing out of one tranſparent body or medium
into an'^ther. Nczaton.

REFRA'NGIBLE. a. Turned out of their
courſe, in palfingfrom o.ne medium to snot
her, Locke.

REFRENA'TION. ʃ. [remifraxa, Latin.]
The act of retraining.

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To REFRE'SH. v. a. [refraiſeher, French.]
1. To recieate ; to relieve after pain. Shakʃpeare.
2. To improve by new touches any thing
impaired. Dryden.
:;. To refrigerate; to cool. Ecelfj.

REFRE'SHER. ʃ. [from refreſp.] That
which refreſhes. Thomfon,

REFRE'SHMENT. ʃ. [from refreſh .]
1. Relief after pain, want or fatigue,
s. That which gives relief, as ſcod, reſt. South, Spratt.

REFRI'GERANT. .J. [refrigerant, French.]
from refrigerate.^^ Cooling ; mitigaiing
heat. Wiſeman.

To REFRI'GERATE. v. a.i [refrigero,
Latin.] To ccol. Brown.

REFRIGERA'TION. ʃ. [refrigeratio, Latin.]
The act of cooling i
the ſtate of being
cooled. Wilkius.

REFRI'GERATIVE. la. [refrigrruonus,

REFRI'GERATORY. S Latin.] Cooling ;
having the power to cool,

1. That part of a diſtilling veſſel that is
placed about the head of a ſtill, and filled
Trvith water to cool the condenfing vapours. Quincy.
2. Any thing internally cooling. Mortimer.

REFRIGERIUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Cool refreshment
; refrigeration. South.

REFT. p<3rt. fret, of reave.
1. Deprived ; tiken away. Afcham.
2. Preterite of reavf. To ok away . Sf erf.

REFUGE. ʃ. [rtfuge, French ; r'efugium,
1. Shelter from any danger or diſtreſs; protetttof!. Milton.
2. That which gives ſhelter or protection. Dryden.
3. Expedient in diſtreſs. Shakʃpeare.
4. Expedient in general. VFottan.

To REFUGE. v. a. [refugier^ French.]
To ſhelter ; to protefl. Dryden.

REFUGEE'. ʃ. [refugic^, French.] One
who flies to iheiter or protrclion. Dryden.

REFU'LGEKCE. ʃ. [from refulgent.] Splendour
5 brightneſs.

REFU'LGENT. a. [refulgers, Lat.] Bright
; ſhining; glicsering ; ſplendid. Boyle, Dry.

To REFU'ND. v. n. [refundo, Latin.]
1. To pour back. Ray.
2. To repay whac is received ; to reſtore. L'Eſtrange.

REFUSAL. ʃ. [from r<?//./«.]
I- The act of refiiſing ; denial of any thing
demanded or fuhcited, Rogers.
2. The preennption ; the right of having
any thing before another ; option. Swift.


To REFU'SE. v. a. [r^/a/ir, French.]
1. To deny whac is ſolicited or required.Shakʃpeare.
2. To reject ; to diſmiſs without a grant,Shakʃpeare.

To REFU'SE. v. V. Not to accept. Milton.

RE'FUSE. a. Unworthy of reception ; lefc
when the reſt is taken. Spectator.

RE'FUSE. ʃ. That which remains diſregarded
when the reſt is taken. Dryden.

REEU'SER. ʃ. [from refuſe.] He who re-
^uſes. Taylor.

REFU'TAL. ʃ. [from refute.^ Refutation.

REFUTATION. ʃ. [refutatio, Latin.] Ths
act of refuting ; the act of proving falſeor
erroneous. Berkley.

To REFUTE. v. a. [refata, Latin.] To
prove faiſe or erroneous. Milton.
To REGAl'N. v. a. [regagner, French.]
To recover ; to gain anew, Dryden.

RE'GAL. a. [regal, French ; regalis, Latin.]
Royal ; kingly, Milton.

RE'GAL. ʃ. [regale, French.] A muſical
inſtrument. Bacon.

REGALE. ʃ. [Latin.] The prerogative of

To REGALE. v. a. [r«|:^2/^r, French.] To
fefreſh ; to entertain ; to gratify. Philips.

REGA'LEMENT. ʃ. [regalement, French.]
Refreſhment ; entertainment. Philips.

REGA'LIA. f [Latin.] Enſigns of royalty.

REGA'LITY. ʃ. [regalis, Latin.] Royalty
; ſovereignty ; kingſhip. Bacon.

To REGA'RD. v. a. [regarder, French.]
1. To value ; to attend to as worthy of
notice. Shakʃpeare.
2. To obſerve ; to remark, Shakʃpeare.
3. To mind as an object of grief or terrour,
2. Mac. vii.
4. To obſerve religioudy, Rom.xxv.S,
5. To pay attention to. Proverbs.
6. To reſped ; to have relation to,
7. To look towards. Sandys.

REGA'RD. ʃ. [regard, French.]
1. Attention as to a matter of importance. Atterbury.
2. Reſpect ; reverence. Milton.
3. Note ; eminence. Spenſer.
4. Reſpect ; account. Hooker.
5. Relation; reference, Watts.
6. Look ; aſpedl directed to another. Dryden.
7. Proſpect ; object of fight. Shakʃpeare.

REGA'RDABLE. a. [from regard.]
1. Obſervable. Brown.
2. Worthy of notice. Carew.

REGA'RDER. ʃ. [from regard.] One that

REGA'RDFUL. a. [regard and full.] At.
tentive ; taking notice of. Haynard, South.

REGA'RDFULLY. ad. [dom regardful.]
1. Attentively ; heedfully,
2. Reſpearully, Shakʃpeare.

REGA'RDLESS.' a. [from regard.] Heed-
leſs ; negligent ; inattentive. Spenſer.

REGA'RDLESLY. ad. [ham regardUfs.]
Without heed.

REGA'RDLESNESS. ʃ. [from regardU/s.]
Headleſneſs ; negligence ; inattcalion.

RE'GENCY. ʃ. [from regenr.]
1. Authority ; government, Grew.
2. Vicarious government. Temple.
3. The diſtrift governed by a vicegerent. Milton.
4. Thoſe to whom vicarious regality is intruſted.

To REGENERATE. v. a. [rf^««ro, Lat.]
1. To reproduce ; to prdduce anew. Black.
2. To make to be botn anew ; to renew
by change of carnal nature to a chriftian
life. Addiſon.

REGE'NERATE. a. [ngeneratus, Latin.]
1. Reproduced, Shakʃpeare.
2. Born anew by grace to a chriftian life. Milton. Prake.

REGENERATION. ʃ. [regeneration, Fr.]
New birth ; birth by grace from carnal
affe<aions to a chriftian life. Tit. iii. 5.

REGE'NERATENESS. ʃ. [from rfgenerate.]
The ſtate of being regenerate.

RE'GEN'T. a. [regent, Fr. regem, Lat.]
1. Governing ; ruling. Hale.
2. Exerciſing vicarious authority. Milton.

1. Governour; ruler. Miltan.
2. Ojc inveſted with vicarious royalty.Shakʃpeare.

RE'GENTSHIP. ʃ. [from regent.]
1. Power of governing.
2. Diſputed authority. Shakʃpeare.

REGERMINA'TION. ʃ. [re and g-rmination.].
The act of ſprouting again.

RE'GIBLE. a. Governable. Dia,

RE GICIDE. /, [regicide, Latin.]
1. Murderer of his king. Dryden.
2. Murder of his king. Decay of Piety.

RE'GIMEN. ʃ. [Latin.] That care in diet
and living, that is ſuitable to every particular
courſe of medicine. Swift.

RE'GIMENT. ʃ. [regewent, old French.]
1. Eflabliſhed government ; polity. Hooker.
2. Rule ; authority. Hjie.
3. A body of ſcldiers under one colonel. H^al/er.

REGIME'NTAL. a. [from regiment.] Belonging
to a regiment ; military.

RE GION. ʃ. [reg/on, French ; regiy, Latin.]
1. Trad: of land ; country ; trad of ſpace. Shakʃpeare.
2. Part of the body. Shakʃpeare.
3. Place; rank. Shakʃpeare.

RE'GISTER. ʃ. [rf^'/r^, French i
rf^//?ri/fM, Latin.]
1. An account of any thing regulnrly kept. Spenſer. E^con.
2. The officer whnfe buſineſs is to keep
the regiftcr.

To RE'GISTER. v. a. [regijirer, Yrtnzh.]
To record ; to preſerve by authrntick
accounts, ^lldJiJoti,

RE'GISTRY. ʃ. [from regifter.l
1. The a<Sl of inferting in the regifter. Gtaunt.
2. The place where the regifter is kept.
3. A ſeries of fids recorded. Temple,

RE'GLEMENT. ʃ. [French.] Regulation. Bacon.

RE'GLET. ʃ. [regiittt, French.] Ledge of
wood exaſily phned, by which printers ſepiratc
their lines in p:'ges widely printed.

REGN^INT. a. [French.] Re-gning ; predominant
; prevalent ; having power. Wotton.

To REGCRGE. v. a. [r^ and ^or^-?.]
1. To voriatup; to throw back. H yiu.
2. To ſwallow eagerly. Milton»
3. To ſwallow back. Dryden.

To REGRA'FT. v. a. [reorr^/.r, French.]
To graft again. Bacon.

To REGRA'NT. v. a. [re and grant.] To
grant bark, Ayliffe.

To REGRA'TE. v. a.
1. To ofi'end ; to ihork. Denham.
2. To cngroſs ; to ſcreſtal. Spenſer.

REGRA'TER. ʃ. [regratttt), Fr.] Fore-
/laijer ; engri fTer.

To REGREE'T. v. a. To refaluts ; to greet
a ſecond time, Shakʃpeare.

REGREET. ʃ. Return or exchange of falutation.Shakʃpeare.

REGRE'SS. ʃ. [regreJfuijL^im.] Paffage
bark ; po«.'er of pafiing back. Burnet.

To REGRE'SS. v. n. [regrejfus, Latin.]
To go back ; to return. Brown.

REGRE'SSION. ʃ. [r^grejfus, Latin.] The
act of returning or going oack. Brown.

REGRET. ʃ. [regrety French ; regretto,
1. Vxation at ſomething paft bitterneſs
of rsfleclion. South.
2. Grief ; ſorrow. Clarenden.
3. Diſhke; averſion. Decay of Pety.

To REGRET. v. a. [regrttler, French.]
To reocnt ; to grieve at. Boyle.

REGUE'RDON. ʃ. [re and guerdon.] Reward; recompence. Shakʃpeare.

To REGUER'DON. v. a. [from the noun.]
To reward. Shakʃpeare.

RE'GULAR. a. [reguhrit, Latin.]
1. Agreeable to rule ; confident with the
mode preſcribed, Addiſon.
2. Governed by Orid regulations. Pooe,
3. In geometry, regular body is. a ſolid,
whuf:? ſurface iS compoſed of regular and
equal .rgure?, and whife ſolid angles are all
equal ; there are five forts. I. A pyrmiid
comprehended under four cqu 1 and equilaferal
t'langles. 2. A cube, whoſe fur- '
faceiscnmpoſed of fix cquul ſquaref, 3 TnaC
which is bounded by eight equal and equilateral
triangles. 4. 'f hdt which is contained
dnder twelve equal and equilateral
pentagons. 5. A body cnr.fi (ling of twenty
eqGal and equilateral triangles,
4. In Aituted or initiated according to eftablillieJ

RE'GULAR. ʃ. [reguVer, French.] In the
Romiſh church, all perſons are ſaid to be
legularz, that do profeſs and follow a certain
rule of life, and obſerve the three vows
of poverty, chaftity and obedience. Ayhffc,

REGULA'RITY. ʃ. [regularue% French.]
1. Agreeablenetstorule.
2. Method ; certain order, Greta.

RE'GULARLY. ad. [from regular.] In a
manner concordaut to rule. Prior.
To PvE'GULATE. v. a. [re^a/a, Latin.]
1. To adjuſt by rule or method, Locke.
2. To direct. Wiſeman.

REGULA'TION. ʃ. [from regulate.]
1. The act of regulating. Ray.
2. Method; the effect of regulation.

REGULA'TOR. ʃ. [from regulate.]
1. One that regulates. Grexv,
2. That part of a machine which makes the motion equable,

RE'GULUS.f. [Latin ',regule, French.] The
finer and moſt weighty pait of metals. ^ittcy.

To REGU RGITATE. v. n. [re and gurget,
Latin.] To throw back ; to pour back. Berkley.

To REGUR'GITATE. v. n. To be pouied
back. Harvey.

REGURGITATION. ʃ. [from regurgh'ate~\
Reforption ; the act of ſwallowing back.

To REHEA'R. v. a. [re and bear.] To
hear ag-iin. Addiſon.

REHEA'RSAL. ʃ. [from rchearfe.]
1. Repetition} recital. South.
2. The recital of any thing previous to
publick exhibition.

To REHEA'RSE. i'. a. [.^rom rehear.]. Skinner.
1. To repeat ; to recite. Swift.
2. To relate ; to teil. Dryden.,
3. To recite previouſly to publick exhibition. Dryden.

To REJE'CT. v. a. [rf;V5«r, Latin.]
1. To diſmiſs withoyt compliance with
propofal or acceptance of offer. Kno'les,
2. To cad off ; to make an abjed, Ifa.
3. To refuſe; not to accept. Locke.
4. To throw afidc,

REJE'CTIOIN. ʃ. [rejcaio, Latin.] The act
of caſting off or throwing aſide. Bacon.

REI'GLE. ʃ. [rfe/V, French.] A holluw cut
to e>iide any thing. Carew.

To REIGN. 4'. n. [regno, Latin ; regtier,
1. To enjoy or exerciſe fuveieign authority,
2. To be predominant ; to prevail, j^^cor.
5. To obtain power or dominion. Romans.

B.E1GN. ʃ. [regrum, Latin.]
1. RoyalauUwnt} ; ſovereignty, Pope.
2. Time of a king's government. Thomſ6n,
3. Kingdom ; dominions. Pope. .

To REIMBO'DY. v. n. [re and iml?ody.]
To embody again. Boyle.

To REIMBU'RSE. -u a. [re, ;V, and bourſe.
French, a purſe.] To repay; to repair
loſs or expence by an equivalent. Swift.

REIMBU'RSEMENT. ʃ. [from reimburſe.]
Reparation or repayment. Ayliffe.

To REIMPRE'GNATE. v. a. [re and /«-
-pregnate.] To impregnate anew. Brown.

REIMPRE'SSION. ʃ. [re and tm^rejfion.]. [.
ſecond or repeated impreſſion,

REIN. ʃ. [refnes, French.]
1. The part of the bridle, which extends
from the horſe's head to the driver's or rider.
shand. Shakʃpeare.
2. uſed as an inſtrument of government,
or for government. Shakʃpeare.
3. To give the Kzms. To give licenfe. Miltoni

To REIN. w, a. [from the noun.]
1. To govern by a bridle. Milton.
2. To reſtrain ; to controul. Shakʃpeare.

REINS. ʃ. [renes, Latin.] The kidneys; the lower part of the back. Job xix.

To REINSE'RT. v. a. [re and infert.] To
infert a ſecond time.

To REINSPIRE. 'v,a. [re and inſpire.] To
inſpire anew. Dryden.

To REINS FA'L. v. a. [re and injiah]
1. To feat again. Milton.
2. To put again in poſſeſſion. Shakʃpeare.

To REINSTATE. v. a. [re and inſlate.]
To put £gain in poſſefli6n. Addiſon.

To REI'NTEGRATE. k;, a. [mniinte.
ger, Latin.] To renew with rtgard to any
ftaſe or quality. Bacon.

To REINVE'ST. v. tf. [rcand/ai;e/?.] To
invert anew.

To REJOI'CE. v. n. [tfjouir, French.] To
be glad ; to joy ; to exult. Milton.

To REJOl'CE. '
-u. a. To exhilarate ; to
gladden. Prior.

REJOrCER. ʃ. [from rejoice.] One that
rejoices. -Taylor.

To REJOI'N. v. a. [rejoindrs, French.]
1. To join again. Brown.
2. To meet one again. Pope. .

To REJOI'N. v. n. To anſwer to an anſwer. Dryden.

REJOINDER. ʃ. [from rejoin.]
1. Reply to an anſwer. Granville.
2. Reply ; anſwer. Shakʃpeare.

REJO LT. ʃ. [rejailler, French.] Shock ; luccuſtion. South.

REIT. ʃ. Sedge or fea-weed. Bailey.

To REI'TERATE. v. a. [re and itcro, La.
tin.] To repcat again and again. Milton, Smalridge.

REITERATION. ʃ. [reiteration, French.]
from reiterate.] Repetition. Boyle.

To REJU'DGE. 1;. o. [re s^ni Judge.] To
re-examine; to review ; to recal to a new
trial. Pope. .

To REKI'NDLE. v. a. [re and khdle.] To
fct oil lire again, Ch'-yne, Pope.

To RELATSE. v. v. [rchpfui, Latin.]
1. To flip back ; to fl.dc or lall back,
2. To fall back into vice orcrrour. Taylort
3. To fall back from a flace of recovery to
ſickneſs. Wiſemart,

RELA'HSE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Fall into vice or errour once forfaſeen. Milton, Rogers.
t,. Repreſfion from a ſtate of recovery to
ſickneſs. Spener,
3. Return to any ſtste, Shakʃpeare.

To RELA'TE. v. a. [«/ar«i, Latin.]
1. To tell ; to recite. Bacon.
2. To ally by kindred. Pope.
3. To bring back ; to reAore. Spenſer.

To RELA'TE. v. n. To have reference ; to
hcve r'^ff-ei^. Locke.

RELA'TER. ʃ. [from relate.^ Teller; narrator. Bacon.

RELA'TION. ʃ. [relation, Frrnch.]
1. Manner of belonging to any perfin or
thing. Waller, South.
2. Reſpcfl ; reference ; regard. Locke.
3. Coanexion between one thing and another.Shakʃpeare.
4. Kindred ; alliance of kin. Dryden.
5. Perſon related by birth or marriage ;
icioſman; kinCwoman. Swtfc.
6. Narrative ; tale; account ; narration, Dinnis.

RE'LATIVE. a. [relativus, Latin.]
1. Having relation ; reſpecting. Locke.
2. C )nſidered not abfoiutely, but as reſpect
ing ſomething elſe. / South.
3. Particular ; poſitive ; cloſe in connection.Shakʃpeare.

1. Relation ; kinſman. Taylor.
2. Pronoun anſwering to an antecedent. ^Jcham.
3. Somewhat reſpecting ſomething elſe. Locke.

RE'LATIVELY. ad. [from rehtive.] As
it rtſpeds fumething elſe ; not abfoiutely. Spratt.

RE'LATIVENESS. ʃ. [from relative.^ The
ftace of having relation.

To RELA'X. Tj. a. [rtlaxo, Latin.]
1. To (lacken ; to make leſs tenie. Baconr,
2. To remit ; to make leſs ſevere or rigorou?. Swift.
3. To make leſs attentive or laborious. Vanity of Vy^Jhei.
4. To eaſe ; to divert,
5. To open ; to looſe. Milton.

To RELA'X. t'. n. To be mild ; to be rem.
fs ; to be net rigorous. Frier,

RELAXA'TION. ʃ. [relaxation, French.]
1. Diminution of tenſion ; the act of

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looſening, jArbuthnitt.
2. Ccilation of reſtrdint. Barret,
3. Rcmillionj abatement of rigour. Hookr.
4. Remiſhjn of attention or application. Addiſon.

RELA'Y. ʃ. [relaisy French.] Hoilcs on
the road to relieve other';.

To RELEA'SE. v. a. [rJaJcher, French.]
1. To ſet free from confinement or ſcrvitude.
2. To ſet free from pain,
3. To free from obligation. Mi'ion.
4. To quit ; to let go. Dryden.
5. To relax; to Ihcken, Hyoker.

RELEA'SE. ʃ. [reUjche, French, from thf verb.]
1. Dfmiſſion from confinement, ſervituo'e
or pain. frior.
2. Pvelaxation of a penalty.
3. Remiſſion of a claim. Bacon.
4. Acquittance from a debt ſigned by the

To RELEGATE. v. a. [releguer, French
; rtlefro, Latin.] To baniſh ; toexiie,

RELEG A'TION. ʃ. [re/cgatio, Latin.] Exile
; judicial baniſhment. -^yl'fff.

To RtLENT. v. n. [raUntir, French.]
1. To ſoften ; to grow leſs rigid or haid. Bacon.
2. To melt ; to grow moiſt. Bc-;le,
3. To grow kfsintenfe. Sidney, Digby.
4. To ſoften in temper ; to grow lender
; to feel compafljon, Milton.

To RELENT. v. a.
1. To n^cken ; to remit. Spenſer.
2. To ſoften ; to mollify. Sptnjer.

RELE'NTLESS. a. [from relent.
^ Unpitying
) unmoved by kindneſs or tenderneſs. Prior.

REiLEVANT. a. [French.] Relieving.

RELEVA'TION. ʃ. [rcUvatio, Latin.] A
raiſing or \ h\ng up.

RELl'AXCE. ʃ. [from rely.] Truft ; dependance
; confidence. Woodward, Rogers.

[felf quia, Latin.]
1. That which remii.^ ; rh-t which is left
after the !oſs or decay of the rc(h It is
gener Jly uſed in the plural. Spenſer.
2. It is often taken for the body deſerted
by the foul. ^ Milton, Pope. .
3. That which is k-pt in memory of another,
With a kied of religious veneration. Addiſon

RE'LICKLY. ad. [from relid.] in the
manner of relicks. Dontie,

RE'LICT. ʃ. [rcliSle, eld French.] A vidow
; a wife deſolate by the death of her
h'lib^.nd. Sprjtt. Garth.

RELIEF. ʃ. [relief, French.]
1. The prominence of a Hgure in flone or
mttal ; the ſeeming promiasnce of a picture

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2. The recommendation of any thing, by
the interpoſition of ſomething diſfferent.
5. Alleviation of calamity ; mitigatijn of
pain or ſorrow. Mi lion.
4. That which frees from pain or ſorrow. Dryden.
5. DJfmiſſion of a ſentinel from his poſt.Shakʃpeare.
6. [Releviam, law Latin.] Lcgd remedy
of wrongs.

RELIE'VABLE. a. [from relieve.] Capable
of relief. Hale.

To RELIE'VE. [rekvo, Latin.]
1. To recommend by the interpoſition of
ſomething diſſimilar. Steprey.
2. To ſupport ; to aſſiſt. Brown.
3. To eaſe pain or ſorrow.
4. To fuccour by afliſtance. Dryden.
5. To ſet a ſentmel at reſt, by plan -g another
on hi; poſt. Shakʃpeare.
6. To right by law.

RELIE'VER. y. [from rdieve.l^ One that
jclieve?. Rogf^s,

JLELIE'FO. ʃ. [Italian.] The prominence
of a figure or picture. Dryden.

To RELI'GHT. v. a. [r^ and //^-6r.] To
light anew. Pope. .

IIELI'GION. ʃ. [reVtgio, Latin.]
1. Virtue, as founded upon reverence of
G-id, and expectation of future rewards
and puniſhments. Ben. Johnſon.
2. A fyftem of divine faith and woſh;,> as
oppoſite to others. Mere. Tillofjor.

RELrCIONIST. ʃ. [from rehg:o,u~\ A higot
to snv religious perſuafion. Swift.

RELI'GIOirS. a. [reltgiojm, Latin.]
1. Pio^iS3 diſpoſed to the duties of religion. Milton.
1. Teaching religion. Wsiton.
3. Among the Romanifls, bound by the
vows of poverty, chaility and obſdience. Addiʃon.
4. Exaa; ſtria.

RELI'GIOUSLY. ad. [from religious.]
1. Pionfly ; with obedience to the diſtates of re'igion.
2. According to the rites of religion.Shakʃpeare.
3. Reverently ; with veneration. Vupfa,
4. Exactly; with ſtrict obſervaoce. ^(icow.

RELIGIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from religious.]
The quality or ſtate of being religious.

To RELI'NQUISH. v.o. [r./i^quo, Latin.]
3. To forſake ; to abandon ; to leave ; to
deſert. Davies.
2. To quit ; to rcleaſe ; to give up. South.
5. To (orbear ; to depart from. Hooker.

RELINQUISHMENT. ʃ. [from relinquip.]
The '^(X of forſaking. South.

RE'LISH. ʃ. [from reUchir, French, to lick
^, Tail? ; the eFsd: of a.ny thing 04). the
palate; it is commonly uſed of a pleaſing
taile. Boyle.
2. Tafte; ſmall quantity juſt perceptible.Shakʃpeare.
3. L'king ; delight in any thing. Addiſon.
4. Senfe ; power of perceiving ex rlit-nce ;
taft£. ^etd i Serm.
5. Delight given by any thing ; the power
by which pleaſure is given. Addiſon.
6. C-(tj manner. -. Pope. .

To RE'LISH. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To give a taſte to any thing, Dryden.
2. To taſte ; to have a liking. Shakſp, Baker.

To RE'LISH. v. n.
1. To have a pleaſing taſte. Hakewell.
2. To give pleaſure. Shakʃpeare.
3. To have a flavour. M^Woodward.

RELI'SHABLE. a. [from reiip.] Guftable; hav n? a tatte.

To RELI'VE. v. V. [re and /ivt.] To revive
; to live it new. Spenſer.

To RELO'VE. v. a. [re and love] To love
in return. Boyle.

RELU'CENT. a. [relucem, Latin.] Shininp
; tranſparent. Thomfon.

To RELUCT. v.n, [n'/«cf?or, Latin.] Tei
f fuggle again. Decay of Piety.

RELUCTANCE. ʃ. j. [relu6Ior, Latin.]

RELU'CTANCY. ʃ. UnwiJlin^ineſs ; repugnance. Boyle. Rosrers,

RELU'CTANT. a. [reJuSfam, Law. YUnw'illwc,
; acting with repugnance. Iickell,

To RELUCTATE. u.n. [r,/i.<3.r, Latin.]
To rtuift ; to ſh u(?gle againſt. Decay of piety.

RELUC FA'TION.^ ʃ. [reluilor, Latin ]
Repugnance ; rcnftance. Bacon.

To RE'-UME. v. a. To light anew ; to rekindle. Pope.

To RELU'MINE. v. a. To light anew.Shakʃpeare.

To RELY'. v. tj. [re and lye] To lean upon
with confidence ; to put truſt in ^ to
reſt upon ; to depend upon. South, Rogers.

To REMAI'N. nj. n. [reman 0, Latin.]
1. To be left out of a greater quanrity or
number. Job xxvii.
2. To continue ; to endure ; to be left. Milton.
3. To be left after any ^vent. Locke.
4. Not to be loft. Spenſer.
5. To be left as not compriftd. Locke.

To REMAIN. v. <2. To await i
to be left to. Spenſer.

REMAI'N. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Relick ; that which is lett. Generally
uſed in the plural. Pope. .
2. The body left by the foul. Pope. .
3. Abode ; habitation, Shakʃpeare.

REMAI NDER. a. [from terrain.] Remaining
; refuſe , left. Shakʃpeare.

1. Y/^-it is kf?, Bacon.
2. The body when the foul is deplrted ; remains. Shak^ſp or-'.

To REMAKE. v. a. \^re and nuke. ^ Vo
maki- anew, Chri'LHie.

To REMA'ND J, a, [rt and rraKdo.Lii.]
To /enu oack ; to crll t>ack. Daiici.

REMANENT. ʃ. [remancm^hiUn] The
pare remnining. Bacon.

REMARK. ʃ. [rſkariju', French.] Ohfervation
; e ; notice t<.ken. CoHicr.

To REMA'RK. v. a. \remarquer^ French ]
1. To n r ; co obſerve. Locke.
2. To diſtinguiſh ; to point out ; to mark.

REMA'RKABLE. a. Remarkable, Yxtnch.]
Obſervable ; worthy qC note.
Raleigh, Watts.

REMA'RKABLENESS. ʃ. [from remarkable,'.
Obſervableneſs ; worthineſs of obſervation.

REMA'RKABLY. ad. [from remarkable.]
Obſervably ; in a manner worthy of obſervation. Milton, Watts.

REMA RKER. ʃ. [remarkeur, French.] Obſerver
; one that remarks. Watts.

REME'DIABLE. a. [from remedy.] Capable
of remedy.

REMEDIATE. a. [from rmedy.] Mcdicin.
tl ; affording a remedy. Shakʃpeareaſp.ars.

REME'DILESS. a. [from remedy.] Not admitting
remedy ; irreparable ; cureleſs. Raleigh.

REME'DILESSNESS. ʃ. [from remedileju]

REMEDY. ʃ. [remedium, Latin.]
1. A medicine by v.hich any illneſs is
\ cured. Snifr.
2. Cure of any tineaſineſs. tDryden.
3. That which counterafls any evil. Lack!.
4. Reparation ; means of repairing any
hurt. Shakʃpeare.

To REME'DY. v. a. [remedier, French.]
1. To cure; to heal. Hukcr,
2. To repair or remove mfchief.

To REME'MBER. v. a. [rm^mbrare. Its].]
1. To bear in mind any thing ; not to forget. P aim:.
2. To recollect ; to call to mind. Sidney. i
3. To keep ifi mind ; to have preſent f)
the attention. Locke.
4. To bear in mind, with intent of reward
or puniſhment. Milton.
5. To mention ; not to omit. Aylffe.
6. To put in mind ; to force to recoiled ;
to remind. Sidney.

REME'MBERER. ʃ. [from remember.]
One who remembers. Wotton.

REME'MBRAN'CE. ʃ. [rmemlrance, Fr.]
1. Retention in memory. D^niiain.
2. Recollection ; revival of any idea. Locke.
3. Honoviiible memory, Out of uſe.
4. Tranfmiſſion of a UiX from one to an^-.
ther. Addiſon.
5. Account preserved. Hale»
6. Memorial. Dryden.
7. A token by which any one is k» pt- in
the mciDory Shakʃpeare.
8. Notice of ſomething abſent. Shakſp.

REME'MBRANCER. y. [from rem'im.
i . One that reminds ; one that puts in
mind. Taylor.
2. An L^fficer of the exchequer. Bacon.

To REMERCIE. v. a. [m;j<rn^r, French.]
To thank. Spenſer.

To RE'WilGRATE. v.n. [remigro, Latin.]
To remcvr back again. Boyle.t

REMIGRA'TION. ʃ. [from rmigrate.]
Rem<.v<-i back again. Hale.

To REMI'ND. v. a. [re and mind.] To
put io mind ; to force to remember. South.

REMINISCENCE. ʃ. [remirifcew, Lar.]
; recovery of ideas. Hale.

REMINISCE'NTIAL. a. [from remini-
JctiKc] Relating to reminiſcence. Brown.

REMI SS. a. [rerris^ Fr. remtjfas, Latin.]
1. Not vigorous; flack. J'Vdodward,
2. Not careful ; flothful, Shakſp.
3. Not intenfe. Roſcommon.

REMI'SSIBLE. a. [from r^wrV.]' Admit.
ting forgiveneſs,

REMISSION. ʃ. [remiſion, Fr. rerftiJ^O,
1. Abatement ; relaxation ; moderation. Bacon.
2. Ceſſation of intenfeneſs. Woodward.
3. In phyſick, remiſſion is when a diftemper
abates, but docs not go quite oft before
it returns again.
4. Rcleafc. Addiſon, Swift.
5. F.rgiveneſs ; pardon. Tajhr,

REMISSLY. ad. [from refnifs.]
1. Carelcfly ; negligently ; without cloſe
attention. Hooker.
2. Not vlgorouny; not with ardour or
eager neſs ; Hackly. Cijrerder,

REMl'SSNESS. ʃ. [from remiſs.] Carclcisneis
; negligence ; coldneſs ; want of ar-«
door. Rogers4

To REMIT. v. a. [remitto, Latin.]
1. To relax ; to make leſs mtcnfe. Ai.licr.
2. To forgive a puniſhrnent. Dryden.
3. [^Remettre,tt.] To pardon a fault.Shakʃpeare.
4. To give lip ; to reſign. Hayward.
5. To defer ; to refer. Gov. of the Tongue.
6. To put again in cuſtody. tDryden.
7. To lend mo.-iey to a diſtant place. Addiſon.
8. To reſtore. Hayward.

To REMIT. v. fi.
1. To Hacken ; to grow lik iatcnfe.
4. To abate by growing leſs caper. South.
3. In phyſick, to grow by intervals leſs
1. The act of putting out of any place. Hooker.
2. The act of putting away. Arbuthnot.
3. Difmiſſion from a port. Swift.
4. The ſtate of being removed. Locke.

To REMO'VE. v. a. [removeo, Latin.]
1. To put from its place ; to take or put
away, Shakʃpeare.
2. To place t5t a diſtancee, Locke.

To REMO'VE. nj.n.
1. To change place.
2. To go from one place to another. Dryden.
1. Change of place,
2. SuſceptibiifL7 of being removed.

REMITMENT. ʃ. [from r^w/r ] The act
of remitting to cuſtody.

REMITTANCE. ʃ. [from remitl
1. The act of paying money at a diſtant place.
r. Sum ſent to a diſtant place. jAddiſon.

REMITTER. ʃ. [remettre,Yx.] In common
law, a reſtkution of one that hath
two titles to lands or tenements, and is
feized of them by his latter title, unto his
title that is mue ancient, in caſe where REMO'VE. ſ. [fronft th.everb.]
the latter is defective. Cowel.

RE'MNANT. ʃ. [from remanent.] Refidue ;
that which is left. Shakʃpeare.

RE'MNANT. a. Remaining ; yet left. Prior.

REMO'LTEN. part, [from remelt.] Melted
again. Bacon.

REMO'NSTRANCE. ʃ. [remonſtrance, Fr.]
1. Show ; diſcovery. Shakʃpeare.
2. Scronw repreſsntation. Hooker.

To REMO'NSTRATE. v. v. [remonjiro,
Latin ] To make a /irong repreſentatton ;
to iliow reaſons,

HE'MOR.4. ſ. [Latin.]
1. A let or (;bftdcle.
2. A fiſh or kind of worm that ſticks to
ſhips, and retards their pafl'age through the
water. Grew.

To REMORATE. v. a. [ranoror, Latin.]
To hinder.

REMO'RSE. y. [rtm':rfusy Latin.]
1. Fain of guilt. Clarenden.
2. Tendeineſs; pity ; ſympathetick forrOAT. Spenſer. Granville.
3. Tranflation of one to the place of another.Shakʃpeare.
4. State of being remored. Locke.
5. Act of moving a cheſman or draught.
6. Departure y act of going away. WaVer,
7. The act of changing place. Bacon.
g. A flop in the ſcale of gradation, Locke.
9. A ſmall diſtancee. Rogers.
10. Act of putting a horſe's ſhoes upon
different feet. Swift.

REMO'VED. particip. a. Remote ; ſeparate
from oth«rs. Shakʃpeare.

REMO VEDNESS. ʃ. [from remo'ved.] The
ſtate of being removed ; remoteneſs,Shakʃpeare.

REMO'VER. ʃ. [from remove.] One that
removes. Bacon.

To REMOUWT. v. n. [remonter, Fr.] To
mount again. Dryden.

REMU'NERABLE. a. [from remunerate..

REMO'RSEFUL. a. [remorſe and 'fu'lL ]

To REMU'NERATE. v. a. [remunero.
Tender ; companionate. Shakʃpeare.

REMO'RSELESS. a. [from remorfe'.] Unpitying
5 cruel ; ſavage. Milton, South.

REMO'TE. a. [rtmoius, Latin.]
Difiant ; not immediate. Locke.
Diſtant ; not at hand.
Removed far ofi'j placed not near. Lscke.
Foreign. Diſtant ; not cloſely connected. Glanv.
6. Alien ; not agreeing. Locke.
7. Abſtracted.

REMOTELY. ad. [from remote.] Not
Latin.] To reward ; to repay ; to requite. Boyle.

REMUNERATION. ʃ. [remuneratio, Lat.]'
Reward ; requital ; recompenfe ; repayment. Brown.

REMUNERATIVE. a. [from remunerate.l
Exercifed in giving rewards. Boyle.

To REMU'RMUR. v. a. [re and murmur.
1. To otter back in murmurs; to repeat in
low hosrſe found?. Pope. .

To REMURMUR. v. n. [remurmuro, Lat.]
To murmur back ; to echo a Jow hoarfc
found. Dryden.
ly ; at a diſtancee. Bacon, Smith. RENA'RD. ſ. [renard, a fox, French.] The

REMOTENESS. f. [from remote.] State of
- being remote ; diſtancee ; not nearneſs. Boyle.

REMOTION. ʃ. [from remotuty Latin.]
The act of removing ; the ſtate of being
removed to diſtancee. Brown.

REMOVABLE. a. [from rmoi^e] Such as
Ti^v be removed.

REMO'VAL. ʃ. [from remo-uc ;
name of a fox. Dryden.

RENA'SCENT. a. [renaſcens, Latin.] Produced
again ; riſing again into being.

RENA'SCIBLE. a. [rer^/for, Latin.] Pofſible
to be produced again.

To RENA'VIGATE. [re and navigate.]
To fail again. Spenſer.

RENCOUNTER. ʃ. [rf«ſp«/r^, French.]
1. Clafii; coIliEon. Col/ier,
2. PerREN
2. Peifonaloppoſition. Addiſon.
3. Looſe or calual engagement. yIddiſor,
4. Sudden ombat without premeditation.

To RENCOU'NTER. v. n. [rer.cor.tnr, Fr.]
1. To claſh ; to collide.
2. To meet an enemy unexpcctedly,
3. To ſkirmiſh with another.
4. To fight hand to hand.

To REND. v. a. pret. and pret. pajf. rent.
ffien&an, Saxon.] To tear with violence ; to lacerate. Pope. .

RENDER. ʃ. [^romrend.] One that rends ;
a tearer.

To RE'NDER. v. a. [rendre, French.]
1. To return ; to pay back. Locke.
2. To reſtore ; to give back. Addiʃon.
3. To give upon demand. Proverbs,
4. To invei^ with qualities ; to make. South.
5. To repreſent ; to exhibit. Shakſp.
6. To trar.fiate. Burnet.
7. To ſurrender ; to yield ; to give up. Clarenden.
8. To offer ; to give to be uſed, U-'atis.

RE'NDER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Surrender.Shakʃpeare.

RENDE'ZVOUS. ʃ. [rendes:vous, French.]
^ J. AlT-mb'y ; meeting appointed. Raleigh.
2. A ſign that draws men together. Bacon.
3. Place appointed for aſſembly. Oarcn.

To RENDE'ZVOUS. v. n. [from the noun.]
To meet at a place appointed,

RENldl'TION. ʃ. [imm render. 1 Surrendering
5 the act of yielding.

RENEGA'DE. ʃ. / r ^ c -/i. i

RENEGA'DO.f ^- C^^''^^'^''. Sparaſh.]
1. One that apoſtatJfes from the faith ; an
apoſtate. Addiſon.
1. One who deſcrts to the enemy ; a revolter. Arbuthnot.

To RENE'GE. v. a. [remgOy Lit, renter.
French.] To dil'own. King CharUi,

To RENE W. v. a. [re and neiv.]
1. To renovate ; to reſtore the former
ſtate. Helreio!.
2. To repeat ; to put again in aft. Dryd.
3. To begin again. Dryden.
4. In theology, to make anew ; to transform
to new life. Rcmars.

RENEWABLE. a. [from renew.] Capable
to be renewed. Sici/t,

RENE'WAL. ʃ. [from renew.] The act of
renewing ; renovation. Forbes,

RENITENCY. ʃ. [from renitent.] That
reſiſtance in ſolid bodies, when they preſs
apon, or are impelled one againſt another.

RENI'TENT. a. [renitent, Latin.] Adting
againſt any impulfe by elaſtick power. Ray.

RE'NNET. ʃ. A putrediaous ferment.
7 /, A kind of appl«.
; Mtriimers



To RE NOVAiE. t, a. [r:no'vo, Latin^ ;
To renew ; to reſtore to the firſt Oate.

RENOVATION. ʃ. [rerovatio, Lat.] Renewal
; the act of renewing. Bacon.

To RENOU'NCE. v. a. [renon^er, Fr, re.
nuncio, Latin.] To diſown ; to abnegate.

To RENOU'NCE. v. «. To declare 7euol
ciation. Dryden.

RENOU'NCEMENT. ʃ. [from reiwunie.]
Aft of renouncing ; renunciation. Shakʃpeareare.

RENO'WN. ʃ. [reromrre^ French.] Fame; celebrity ; praiſe.widely ſpread. WalUr.

To RENO WN. v. a. [rcnommtr, Fr. from
the noun.] To make famous. Pope.

RENO'WNED. particip, a. [from reno^n.]
Famous i celebrated ; eminent ; ſamed. Dryden.

RENT. f. [from r^;?^.] A break ; a laceration. Addi(»n.

To RENT. ʃ. ſ. [rather to rf«i.] To tear |
to lacerate. Ecciuj,

To RENT. v. ſt. To roar ; to blufter.

RENT. ʃ. [rente, French.]
1. Revenue ; annual payment. P«.?«
2. Money paid for any thing held of another.

To RENT. v. a. [renter, French.]
1. To hold by paying rent. Mdifoiu
2. To ſet to a tenant.

RENTABLE. a. [from r^»f.] That may
be rented.

RE'NTAL. ʃ. [f:Qm rent.] Schedule or account
of rents.

RE'NTER. ʃ. [from r.nt.] He that holds
by paying rent. Locke.

RENVERSED. a. [renverſe, Tr.] Overturned. Spenſer.

RENUNCIA'TION. ʃ. [renunciatio, Lat.]
The act of renouncing. Taylor.

To REORDA'IN. v. a. [recrdiner,Yxen,\
To ordain again, on ſuppoſition of ibmc
defect in the commiſtion of miniſtry,

REORDINA'TION. ʃ. [from r.cr^am. ;
Repetition of ordination. Atterburj.

To REPA'CIFY. <v. a. [^re and pscify.] T«
pacify again. DsnxcU

REPA I'D, patt. of repay.

To REPAIR. v. a. [reparo, Lat. reparer,
X, To reſtore after injury or dilapidation. ClarenduM.
3. To amend any injury by an e<juivalcnr,
3. To fill up anew, by ſomething put ia
the place of what is loft. Milton.

REPAI'R. ʃ. [from the verb.] Reparation ;
ſupply of loſs ; reſtoration after dilapidation.

To REPAI'R. v. n. [repairer, French.] To
go ; to betake hirhfelF. Pope.

REPAI'R. ʃ. [repaire, French.]
1. Refoit ; abok.
2. Ad of betaking himſelf any whither. Clarenden.

REPAI'RER. ʃ. [from repair.] Amen(^er ;
reflorer. South.

REPA'NDOUS. a. [rf/an^w, Latin.] Bent
upwards, Brown.

RE'PARABLE. a. [rf^^ra^Y/'i, Latin.] Capable
of being amended, retrieved. Bacon.

RE'PARABLY. ad. [from reparabh.] In a
manner capable of remedy by reſtoration,
amendment or ſupply.

REPARA'TION. ʃ. [reparatio, Latin.]
1. The k£1 of repairing. Arbuthnot.
2. Supply of what is waſted. Arbuthnot.
3. Recompence for any injury ; amends. Dryden.

REPA'RATIVE. ʃ. [from repair.] Whatever
makes amends. Wotton.

REPARTEE'. ʃ. [reparUe, French.] Smart
reply. Dryden.

To REPAPvTEE'. v. n. To make ſmart replies. Prior.

To REPA'SS. v. a. [r^/^^jT'er, French.] To
pzfs again ; to paſs back. Raleigh.

To REPA'SS. v. n. To go back in a road. Dryden.

REPA'ST. ʃ. [re and p^Jlus, Latin.]
1. A meal ; act of caking food. Denham.
1. Food ; viduals. Shakʃpeare.

To REPA'ST. v. a. [repaijlre, Fr. from the
noun.] To feed ; to feaſt. Shakʃpeare.

REPA'STURE. ʃ. [re and pajiure.] Entertainment.Shakʃpeare.

To REPA'V. v. a. [repnyer, French.]
1. To pay back in return, in requital, or
in revenge. Bncorii
2. To recompenfe. Milton.
3. To requite either good or ill. Btpf.
4. To reimburſe with what is owed.Shakʃpeare.

REPA'YMENT. ʃ. [from r^.pay.]
1. The ad; of repaying, -
2. The thing repaid. Arbuthnot.

To REPExAL. v. a. [raſpdler, French.]
1. To recall. Shakʃpeare.
2. To abrogate ; to revoke. Dryden.

REPEA'L. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Recall from exile. Shakʃpeare.
2.' Revocation ; abrogation. Davies.

To REPEA'T. v.a, fr^/^efo, Latin.]
1. To iterate ; to uſe again ; to do again. Arbuthnot.
ft. To ſpeak again. Hooker.
3. To try again. Dryden.
4. To recite ; to rehearfe. Milton.

REPEA'TEDLY. ad. [from repeated, ; Over
and over i more than once, UtrphertSt

REPEA'TER. ʃ. [from repeat..
1. One that repeats; one that recites.
2. A watch that ſtrikes the hours at will
by compreſſion of a ſpring.

To REPE'L. v. a. [rf/)^^/o, Latin.]
1. To drive back any thing. Hooker.
2. To drive back an aflailant. Dryden.

To REPE L. v. n.
1. To act with force contrary to force impreſſed. Newton.
2. In phyſick, to repel in medicine, is to
prevent (uch an afflux of a fluid to any particular
part, as would raiſe it into a tumour. Quincy.

REPE'LLENT. ʃ. [repellem, Latin.] An application
that has a repelling power. Wiſemar.o

REPE'LLER. ʃ. [from repel,] One that repels.

To REPE'NT. va:. [repentir, French.]
1. To think on any thing paſt with fonoWg. King Charles, South. .
2. To expreſs ſorrow for ſomething pa ſt.Shakʃpeare.
3. To have ſuch ſorrow for fin, as produces
amendment of life. Matthew.

To REPE'NT. T/. a,
1. To remember with ſorrow. Shakʃpeare.fſp,
2. To remember with pious ſorrow. Don,
3. It is uſed with the reciprocal pronoun. Prior.

REPE'NTANCE. ʃ. [repentance, Fr. fro.-n
1. Sorrbw for any thing part.
2. Sorrow? for fin, ſuch as produces newneſs
of life ; penitence. M^bitgiftei

REPE'NTANT. a. [repentant, French.]
1. Sorrowful for the pall,
2. Sorrowful for fin. Milton.
3. Expreſſing ſorrow for fin, Shakſp.

To REPEO'PLE. -y. a. [re and people.] To
ſtock with peoplfe anew. Hale. <»

To REPERCUSS. v. a. [repercujfus, Lat.]
To beat back ; to drive back. Bacon. '

REPERCU'SSION. ʃ. [repercuffjo, Lnm.]
The act of driving back ; rebound. Bacon.

REPERCU'SSIVE. a. [repercujif, French.]
1. Having the power of driving back, of
cauſing a rebound,
2. Repellent. Baiom
3. Driven back. rebounding,

REPERTI'TIOUS. a. [repertus^YrtXizh.]
Found ; gained by finding.

REPE'RTORY. ʃ. [repenorium, Latin.] .
treafury; a magazine,

REPETI'TION. ʃ. [repetttio, Latin.]
1. Iteration of the ſame thing. Arbuthnot.
2. Recital of the ſame words over again. Hooker.
3. The act of reciting or fehcarfing. Shakʃpeare.,
4. Recital from memory, as diftindl from

To REPI'NE. v. r. [re and />/«-] To fret
; to vex hicnfelf; ta oe diſconten:ed. Temple.

REPI'N'ER. ſ. [from /r/i'J:?.] One chit iicts
or murmurs.

To REPL/\'CE. v. a. [replacer, Frcr.cli ;
re and/i/jc.-.]
1. To put again in the former place. Bacon.
1. To put in a new place. Dryden.

To REPLA'NT. v. a. [reflanUr, French.]
To plant anew.

REPLANTA'TION. ʃ. [from reflunt.] The
act of phnting again.

To REPLAl'T. v. a. [re and flait.] To fold
one part often over another.

To REPLE NISH. v. a. [re indf>lenus, Lat.]
1. To rt'jck ; to fill. A^Hiok.
2. To fioiſh ; to confummate ; to complete.Shakʃpeare.

To REPLE'NISH. v. «. To be flocked. Bacon.

REPLETE. a. [rf/)/tf/«j, Latin.] Full;
completely filled. Bacon.

REPLETION. ʃ. [reſhtien, French.] The
fiate of being overfull. Arbuthnot.

REPLE'VIABLE. a. [repkgiabi U^hzthzrous
Latin.] What may be replevined.

To REPLEVIN. ʃ. v. a, Spenſer. [rephg'O,

To REPLE'VY. ʃ. low Latin.] To take
back or let at lioerty any thing I'eized upon
ſecurity given.

REPLICATION. ʃ. [rſplico, Latin.]
1. Rtbjundj repercuſtion, iihaheſp,
2. Reply ; anſwer, Broo'ne,

To REPLY'. v. rt. [repUqu^r, French.] To
anſwer ; to make a return to an anſwer. Atterbury.

To RE'PLY. v. a. To return for an anſwer. Milton.

RE'PLY. ʃ. [rep^ijue, Fr.] Aaſwer ; return
to an anſwer. Watts.

REPLY'ER. ʃ. [from rf;>/y.] He that makes
a return to an anſwer. Bacon.

To REPO'LISH. v. a. [repolir, Fr, re and
foUfn, ; To poliſh again, Donne.

To REPO'RT. v. a. [rapporter, Fr.]
1. To noiſe by popular rumour.Shakʃpeare.
2. To give repute. i Jim.
3. To give an account of.
4. To return ; to rebound ; to give bark. Bacon.

REPORT. ʃ. [from the noun]
1. Rumrur ; popular ſame.
2. Pvcpuie ; puolick chatacter.
3. Account returned. [Mac,
4. Account given by lawyers of cafes.
U 'at (s.
5. Sound ; bud ooife ; repcrcuſtion.

P.EPO'RTER. ſ. [from r-'^^rr.j Reiatcr
; one tijftt gives ?n accoyn:, ll^yivjirii.

REPO'RTINGLY. ad. [from reporting.]
By common ſame. Shakʃpeare.

REPO'SAL. ʃ. [from repr^fe.^ The act of
repofing. Shakʃpeare.

To REPO'.SE. V. a. [repono, Lat.]
1. To lay to reſt. Milton.
2. To place as in confidence or trult. Rogers.
3. To lodge ; to lay up. Woodward.

To REPOSE. v. n. [repoſer, Fr.]
1. To flecp ; to be at reſt. [Chapmani
2. To rell: in confidence. Shakʃpeare

REPO'SE. ʃ. [repot, Fr.]
;, Sleep ; reſt ;
quiet. Shakʃpeare. PWipt.
?, Cauſeofreſt. Dryden.

REPO'SE DNESS. ſ. [from rcpoſed.] State
of being at reſt.

To REFO'SITE. v. a. [repofitus, Lat.] To
lay up ; to lodge as in a place of fafety. Denham.

REPOSITION. ʃ. [from rrpojiie.] The
act of replacing. Wiſeman.

REfO^SITORY. ʃ. [repofitor'ium, Lat.] A
place where any thing is lafely laid up. Rogers.

TO REPOSSE'SS. 1;, a. ire and />#/!.] To
poQeſs again. Spenſer.

To REPREHE'ND. v. a. [reprebendo, Lat.]
1. To reprove; to chide, Shakʃpeare.
2. To biame ; to cenſure, Philips.
3. To detea of fallacy. Bacon.
4. To charge with as a fault. Bacon.

REEPREHh'NDER. ʃ. [from reprehend.]
Elamer ; cenſurer. Hooker.

REPREHE'NSIBLE. a. [repreherfihle, Fr.]
BIdmcable; culpable; cenfurable.

REPREHE'NSIBLENESS. ʃ. [from reprſkenjikle,\

REPREIIE'NSIBLY. ad. [from reprektn-
Jibie,'\ Blameably ; culpably.

REPREHE'N^ION. ʃ. [nprekerfio, Lat.]
Reproof ; open blame. Udtmimnd.

REPREHE'NSIVE. q. [from rrprchend.]
Given to reproof.

To REPRESE'NT. v. a. [rr^r^/.s^o, Lat.]
1. To exhibit, as if the thing exhibited
were preſent. Milton.
2. To deſcribe ; to ſhow in any particular
character. Addiʃon.
3. To fill the place of another by a vicarious
4. To exhibit ; to ſhow. Decay of Piety.

RtPRESENTATION. ʃ. [r.preltntatiQn.
1. Image; likeneſs, Stillingfleet.
2. Art of ſuppoiting a vicarious character.
3. ReſpcdHul declaration.

REPREI^E'NTATIVE. a. [teprejentatif,
1. Exhibiting a ſimilitude. Atterbury.
2. Bearing the char,i^tr or powcr of aqother.

j» One exhibiting the likeneſs of another. Addiſon.
2. One exerciſing the vicarious power given
\>y another. BIount.
3. That by which any thing is ſhown. Locke.

REPRESE'NTER. ʃ. [from reprejent.]
1. One who ſhows or exhibits. Brown.
2. One who bears a vicarious charadier. Swift.

REPRESE'NTMENT. ʃ. [from reprejem,
Imag or idea propoſed, as exhibiting the
{ Jjkeneſs of ſomething. Taylor.

To REPRE'SS. v. a. [reprejfas, Lat.]
1. To cruih ; to put down ; to ſubdue. Hayward.
2. To compreſs, Not proper,

REPRE'SS. ʃ. [from the verb.] Repref-
£on i
aft .of cruihing. Government of the Tongue.

REPRE'SS ION. ʃ. [from repreſs.] Act of
repreſſing. King Charles.

REPRE'SSiVE. a. [from reprcj<.] Having
power to repreſs ; acting to repreſs.

To REPRIE'VE. v. a. To reſpete after ſentence
of death ; to give a reſpete. South.

REPRIE'VE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Reſpete
after ſentence of death, Clarendon.

To RF.PRIMA'ND. v. a. [r^primander, Fr.]
To chide ; to check ; to reprehend ; to
reprove. Arbuthnot.

REPRIMAND. ʃ. [reprimandc, Fr.] Reproof
; reprehenſion. Addiſon.

To REPRI'N r. v. a. [re and prht..
1. To renew the impreſſion of any thing. South.
2. To print a new edition. Pope. .

REPRI'SaL. ſ. [reprefalia, low Lat.] Something
feized by way of retaliation for robbery
or injury. Pope. .

REPRI'SE. ʃ. [repriſe, Fr.] The act of taking
ſomething in retaliation of injury. Dryden.

To REPROA'CH. v. a. [reprocher,Yx.]
1. To cenſure in opprobrious terms, as a
crime. Dryden.
2. To charge with a fault in ſevere language. Milton.
5. To upbraid in general. Rogers.

REPROACH. ʃ. [reprocte, Fr.] Cenfure ; infamy ; ſhame. Milton.

REPROA'CHABLE. a. [reprochabk, Fr.]
Worthy of reproach.

REPROA'CHFUL. a. [from reproach.
1. Scurrilous; opprobrious. Shakʃpeare.
2. Shameful ; inlaraous ; vile. Hammond.

REPROA'CHFULLY. ad. [from reproach.]
1. Opprobriouſly ; ignominiouſly , ſcurrilouſly. Shakʃpeare.
2. Shamefully; infamouſly.

REPROBATE. a. [r^/rc^aJ, Lat.] Loft
to virtue ; loft to grace ; abandoned. South.

RE'PROBATE. ʃ. A man loft to virtue ;
a wretch abandoned to wickedneſs. Taylor.

To RE'PROBATE. v. a. [r.probo, Latin.]
1. To diſallow ; to rt]t€t. Ayliffe.
2. To abandon to wickedneſs and eternnl
deſtruction. Hammond.
3. To abandon to his ſentence, without
hope of pardon. Southeme.

RE'PROBATENESS. ʃ. [from reprobate,;
The ſtate of being reprobate.

REPROBA'TION. ʃ. [reprobation, French.]
1. The act of abandoning, or ſtate of being
abandoned to eternal deſtru6tion.-Shakʃpeare.
2. A condemnatory ſentence. Dryden.

To REPRODU'CE. v. a. [re ^n6 produce.]
To produce again ; to produce anew. Newton.

REPRODU'CTION. ʃ. [from reproduce.]
The act of producing anew. Boyle.

REPROO'F. ʃ. [from reprove.]
1. Blame to the face ; reprehenſion. Pope. .
2. Cenfure ; ſlander. Pſalms.

REPRO'VABLE. a. [from reprove.] Culpable
3. blamable ; worthy of reprehenſion. Taylor.
To REPRO VE. v. a. [repnuvcr, Fr. ;
1. To blame ; to cenſure.
2. To charge to the face with a fault; to check ; to chide ; to reprehend.
Wbitgifte. Taylor.
3. To refute ; to diſprove. Shakʃpeare.
4. To blame for. Care'zc,

REPRO'VER. ʃ. [from reprove.] A reprehender
; one that reproves. South.

To REPRU'NE. v. a. [re and prune, ; To
prune a ſecond time. Evelyn.

RE'PTILE. a. [reptile, Lat.] Crer ping
upon many feet. Gay.

RE'PTILE. ʃ. An animal that creeps upon
many feet. Locke, Prior.

REPU'BLICAN. a. [from repuhli^k.] PIacing
the government in the people.

REPU'BLICAN. f. litamrepubHck.] One
who thinks a commonwealth without monarchy
the beſt government. Addiſon.

REPU'B'LICK. ſ. [relpublica,!.^^.] Common-
wealth ; ſtate in which the power is
lodged in more than one. Ben. Johnson.

REPU'DIABLE. a. [from repudiate.] Fit
to be rejeiled.

To REPU'DIATE. v. a. [repudio, Latin.]
To divorce ; to reject ; to put away. Berkley.

REPUDIATION. ʃ. [from repudiate.] Divorce
; rejection. yjArbuthnot.
1. Inconſiſtency ; contrariety. Berkley.
2. Reluftance ; unwillingneſs ; ſtruggle of
oppoſite paſſion. South.


Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


REPU'GNANT. a. [regugnanty Fr.]
1. Difobedient ; not obſeiiuious. Shakſp.
2. Cbntrary ; oppoſite. Woodward.

REPUGNANTLY. ad. [from repugnjr.t.]
Contr:idi(ſtorily. Brown.

To REPU'LLULATE. v. r. [re and pullu-
/o, Lat.] To bud again. Uowcl.

REPU'LSE. ʃ. [rrpul'e,¥r. r^pulfa, Uun.]
The condition of being driven off or puc
aſide from any attempt. f^'g Charles.

To REPULSE. v. a. [repuIfus.hiX.] To
beat back ; to drive oi^. Knolles.

REPU'LSION. ʃ. [repu/fus, Lat.] The act
or power of driving off from itſelf.

REPU'LSIVE. a. [from repulfe.] Driving
eff ; having the power to beat back or drive
off. Newton.

To REPU'RCHASE. v. a. [re and purchafe.]
To buy again. Shakʃpeare.

RE'PUTABLE. a. [from repute.] Honourable;
not infamous. Rogers.

RE'PUTABLY. ad. [from reputable, ;
Without diſcredit. Atterbury.

REPUTA'TION. ʃ. [reputation, Fr.] Credit
; honour ; character of good. Addiſon.

To REPUTE. ʃ. a. [reputOf Latin.] To
hold ; to account ; to think. Donne.

REPU'TE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Charader ; reputation.
2. Eftabliſhed opinion. Milton.

REPUTELESS. a. [from repute. '\ Difreputable ; diſgraceful. Shakʃpeare.

REQUEST. ʃ. [requeſte, Fr.]
1. Petition ; entreaty. Shakʃpeare.
2. Demand ; repute ; credit ; ſtate of being
dcCred. Boyle.

To REQUEST. v. tf. [requefier, Fr.| To
aſk ; to ſolicite ; to entreat. Knolles.

REQUESTER. ʃ. [from requeji.] Petitioner; ſoliciter.

To REQUI'CKEN. v. a. [re and quicken.]
To reanimate. Shakʃpeare.

1. A hymn in which they imclorefor the
dead requiem or reſt. Shakʃpeare.
2. Reft; quiet ; peace. ia/^dys.

REQUI'RABLE. a. [from require.] Fit
to be required. Hale.

To REQUI'RE. v. a [requiro, Lat.]
1. To demand ; to aſk a thing as of right.
2. To make neceſfary ; to need. Dryden.

REQUISITE a. [requ,fitui,LiU] Neceſſary
; needful ; required by the nature of
things. Wake.

RE'QUISITE. ʃ. Any thing neceſfary. Dryden.

RE'QUISITELY. ad. [from requljite. ^ Neceiiarily
; in a requiſite manner. Boyle.

RE'QUISITENESS. ʃ. [from requiſhe, ]
Necceſſity ; the ſtate of being requiſite. Boyle.

REQUITAL. ʃ. [from r^ywVr]
1. Return for any good or bad office ; retaliation. Hooker.
2. Reward ; recompenfe. South.

To REQUITE. v. a. [requiter, Fr.] To
repay ; to retaliate good or ill ; to recompenfe. Pope. .

RE'REWARD. ʃ. The rear or laſt troop.

RESA'LE. ʃ. [re and ſale.] Sale at ſecond
^and. Bacon.

To RESALU'TE. v. a. [refaluto, Lat. re-
Juluer, Fr.] To ſalute or greet anew. Chapman.

To RESAI'L. v. a. [reand/a;7.] To fail
back. Pope. .

To RESCI'ND. v. a. [refcindo, Lat. refcirder,
Fr.] To cut off; to abrogate A
Jaw, Hammond, Dryden.

RESCI'SSION. ʃ. [refcijfion, Fr. rejcjfus,
Lat.] The act of cutting off ; abrogation. Bacon.

RESCISSORY. a. [refcijfoire, Fr. nfcjus,
Lat.] Having the power to cut off.

To RESCRI'BE. v. a. [reſcrilo, Lat.]
1. To write back. Ayliffe.
2. To write over again. Howil,

RE'SCRIFT. ʃ. [reſcripfum^Lat.] Edia
of an emperour. Bacon.

To RE'SCUE. v. a. [r<r/«rr., old French, ;
To ſet free from any violence, confinement,
or danger. Shakʃpeare.

RE'SCUE. ʃ. [refcovffe, old Fr.] Deliverance
from violence, danger, or confinement.Shakʃpeare.

RE'SCUER. ʃ. [from reſcue.] Ofc that

RESEA'RCH. ʃ. [recherche, Fr.] Enquiry
; ſearch. Rogers.

To RESEA'RCH. v. a. [rechercher, Fr.]
To examine ; to enquire. Wotton.

To RESEA'T. v. a. [re and feat.] To
feat again. Dryden.

RESEI'ZER. ſ. One that ſeizes again.

RESEI'ZURE. ʃ. [re and ſtizure] RepeatCvi
ſeizure ] ſeizure a iccond time. Bacon.

RESE'MBLANCE. ʃ. [refemhhn:e, Fr. [
Likeneſs ; ſimilitude ; repreſentation. Hooker.

To RESE'MBLE. v. a. [refemhlr, Fr.]
1. To compare ; to represent as like ſomething
elfc. Raleigh.
to. Addtfof:,

To RESE'ND. v. a. [re and/fW.] To ſend
back ; to ſend again. Shakʃpeare.

To RESENT. -i^. a. [refer!ir,¥r.]
1. To take well or ill. Bacoh.
2. To take ill ; to conſider as an injury.or
aſſiont. Milton.

RESE'NTER. ʃ. [from refent.] One who
feels injuries deeply. PFotton.

RESE'NTFUL. a. [reſent and full.] Malignant
; eaſily provoked to anger, and long
retaining it.

RESE'NTINGLY. aJ. [from refenting.]
With deep ſenſe ; with ſtrong preception ;
with anger. Mere.

RESE'NTMENT. ʃ. [rejentment , Fr.]
1. Strong perception of good or ill. Glanville.
2. Deep ſenſe of injury. Swift.

RESERVA'TION. ʃ. [refervation, Fr.]
1. Reſerve ; concealment of tomething m
the mind. Sanderſon.
2. Something kept back ; ſomething not
given up, Swift.
3. Cuſtody ; ſtate of being treaſured up.Shakʃpeare.

RESE'RVATORY. ʃ. [referwir, French.]
Place in which any thing is reſerved or
kept, Woodward.

To RESE'RVE. v. a. [refervo, Lat.]
1. To keep in llore; to fave to ſome
other purpoſe. Spenſer.
2. To retain ; to keep ; to hold.Shakʃpeare.
3. To lay up to a future time. Decay of Piety.

RESE'RVE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Store kept untouthed. Locke.
2. Something kept for exigence.
3. Something concealed in the mind. Addiʃon.
4. Exception ; prohibition, Milton.
5. Exception m favam. Rogers..
6. Modefty ; cautioSi in perſon«l behaviour. Prior.

RESE'RVED. a. [from reſerve.]
1. Modeft; not looſely free. Walp.
2. Sullen ; not open ; not frank. Dryden.

RESE'RVEDLY. ad. [from rejerved.]
1. Not with frankneſs i not with openneſs
; with reſerve. Woodward.
1. Scrupulouſly ; coldly. Pope. .

RESE'RVEDNESS. ʃ. [from reſerved.]
cloſeneſs ; want of frankneſs ; want of
openneſs, Ben. Johnson.

RESE'RVER. ʃ. [from reſerve.] One that
refer ves.

RESERVOI'R. ʃ. [refervoir, Fr.] Place
where any thing is kept in ſtore. Pope. .

To RESETTLE. v. a. [re indi ſettle.] To
ſettle again. Swift.

RESETTLEMENT. ʃ. [from refcttle.]
1. The act of fettling again. Norris.
it. The ſtate of fettling again. Mortimer.

RESl'ANCE. ſ. [from refiant.] Reſidence ;
abode \ dwelling. Bacon.

RESl'ANT. a. [reJj'(ant,Yt.] Refident ; preſent in a place. Knolleu

To RESI'DE. v. n. [refdeo, Lat.]
1. To have abode ; to live ; to dwell ; to
be prefenr, Milton.
2. [Rcfido. Lat.] To ſink; to ſubſide ;
to fall to the bottom. Boyle.

RE SIDENCE. ʃ. [reſidence, Fr.]
1. A&. of dwelling in a place. Hale.
2. Place of abode ; dwelling. Milton.
3. That which ſettles at the bottom of liqueurs. Brown.

RE'SIDENT. a. [refdeni, Lat.] Dwelling or
having abode in any place, Burnet.

RE'SIDENT. ʃ. [from the adj.] An agent,
minſter, or officer reſiding in any diſtance
place with the dignity of an ambafTador. Addiſon.

RESIDE'NTIARY. a. [from refdent.]
Holding reſidence. More.

RESl'DUAL. v. a. [from refduum, Lat.]

RESI'DUARY. ʃ. Relating to the reſidue ; relating to the part remaining. Ayli'ff^'

RE'SIDUE. ʃ. [reſiduum, Lat.] The remaining
part ; that which is left. Arbuthnot.

To RESIE'GE. v. a. [rf ^ndfiege, Fr.] To
feat again. Spenſer.

To RESl'GN. v. a. [reſigno, Lat.]
1. To give up a claim or poſſeflion. D^fli'.
2. To yield up. Locke.
3. To give up in confidence. Milton.
4. To ſubmit ; particularly to ſubmit to
providence. Dryden.
5. To ſubmit without reſiſtance or murmur.Shakʃpeare.

RESIGNA'TION. ʃ. [rejignation, Fr.]
1. The act of reſigning or giving up a claim
or poſſ'eſtion. Hayward.
2. Submiſſion ; unreCfling, acquieſcence. Addiſon.
3. Submiſſion without murmur to the
will of God.

RESI GNER. ʃ. [from reſign.] One that

RESl'GNMENT. ʃ. [from r^Jign.] Act of

RESILIENCE. ʃ. [from refdio, Latin.]

RESILIENCY. ʃ. The act of ſtarting or
leaping back. Bacon.

RESI'LIENT. a. [refliem, Lat.] Starting
or ſpringing back,

RESILI'TION;. ʃ. [reflio, Lat.] The act
of ſpringing backj refilience.

RE'SIN. ʃ. [r/fna, Lat.] The fat fulphurous
part of ſome vegetable, which is natural
or procured by art, and will incorporate
with oil or ſpint, not an aqueous
menſtruum, ^iney,

RE'SINOUS. a. [from refn ; refineaux, Fr.]
Containing refin ; conlifting of refin. Boyle.

RE'SINOUSNESS. ʃ. [from refnous.] The
quality of being refinous.

RESIFl'SCENCE. ʃ. [reſpe/cence^Tt.] Wifdom
after the faſt ; rcpcntan c

To RESI'ST. v. a. [refip, Lat.)
1. To oppoſe ; to ad againſt. Shakʃpeare.
2. To not admjt imprftflion or force. Milton.

RESISTANCE. ʃ. . r,,fln^„„ Pr 1

RESI'STENCE. ʃ. -' L ^C/V', . « ; 1. The act of refiſing ; oppoſition.
1 Mjc.
2. The quality of not yielding to force or
external impreſſion. Bacon.

RESISTIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from refiJiibU, ]
Quality of refilting. Locke.

REiJi'STIBLE. a. [from refifi.] That may
be refifled. Hale.

RESISTLESS. a. [from refij}.^ Irreſiſtable
; that cannot be oppoſed. Raleigh.

RESOLVABLE. a. [from reſolve.]
1. That may be analyſed or ſeparated. South.
2. Capable of folution or of being made
leſs obſcure. Brown.

RESOLUBLE. a. [refoluble, Fr. ; That
may be melted or dilTolvexJ.

To RESO'LVE. v. a. [re/oho, Lat.]
1. To inform ; to free from a doubt or difficulty.Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſolve ; to clear. Rogers.
3. To ſettle in an opinion. Shakʃpeare.
4. To fix in determination. Dryden.
5. To fix in conflancy ; to confirm.Shakʃpeare.
6. To melt ; to diflblve. yiArbuthnot.
7. To analyſe. Milton.

To RESO'LVE. v. v.
1. To determine ; to decree within one's
felf. Milton.
2. To melt ; to be dJ/Tolved. Shakʃpeare, Southern.
3. To be ſettled in opinion. Locke.

RESO'LVE. ʃ. Refolution ; fixed determination. Denham.

RESO'LVEDLY. ad. [from reſolved.] With
firmneſs and conſtancy. Grew.

RESO'LVEDNESS. ʃ. [from reſolved.] Refolution ; conliancy ; firmneſs. Decay of Piety.

RESO'LVENT. ʃ. [rejolvent, Latin.] That
which has the power of cauſing folution. Wiſeman.

RESO'LVER. ʃ. [from refche.)
1. Onejthat forms a firm reſolution. Hammond.
2. One that diflllyes ; one that ſeparates
parts. Boyle.

RE'SOLUTE. a. [refo/u, Fr.] Determined
; fixed ; conſtant ; ſtcady ; firm. Shakʃpeare.

RESOLUTELY. ad. [from rejolute.] Determinately
; firmly ; conltantly ; ſteadily. Roscommon,

RE'SOLUTENESS. ʃ. [from rrfoiute.] Determinateneſs
; Itaie of being fixed in reſolution. Boyle. '.


RESOLUTION. ʃ. [reſolutio, Lat.]
1. Art of clearing diſhiculiioe. Brown.
2. Analyfis; art of ſeparating any thing
into conſtituent parts, Ha'e.
3. Diflblution, ^'^h'.
4. Fixed determination ; ſettled thought. King Charles.
5. Conftancy ; firmneſs ; ſteadmels in good
or bad. Sidney.
6. Determination of a cauſe in courts of
juHice. Hale.

RESOLUTIVE. a. [rejolutus, Lat. rejolw
tif, Fr.] Having the power to diflblve.

RE'SONANCE. ʃ. [from rejono, Latin.]
Sound ; refound, Boyle.

RESONANT. a. [reſonant, Fr.]
Refounding. Milton.

To RESO'RT. v. n. [refortir, Fr.]
1. To have recourſe. Clarenden.
2. To go publickly. Milton.
3. To repair to. Pope. .
4. To fall back. Hale.

RESO'RT. ʃ. [from the verb]
1. Frequency ; aſſembly ; meeting. Drydenf,
2. Concourſe ; confluence. Swift.
3. Art of viſiting. Shakʃpeare.
4. Movement i artive power ; ſprmg. Bacon.

To RESOU'ND. v. a. [rforo, Lat.]
1. To echo ; to found back ; to celebrate
by found. Peacham,
2. To found ; to tell ſo as to be heard far. Pope.
3. To return ſounds ; to found with any
noiſe. Milton.

To RESOU'ND. v. «. To be echoed back. South.

RESOU'RCE. ʃ. [resource, Fr..] Some
new or unexperted means that offer ; refort
; expedient. Dryden.

To RESO'W. v. a. [re an^/c7f.] To fow
anew. Bacon.

To RESPEA'K. v. n. [re and ſpiak.] To
anſwer. Shakʃpeare.

To RESPE'CT. v. a. [nſpeSut, Lat.]
1. To regard ; to have Regard to. Bacon.
2. To conſider with a lower degree of reverence. Sidney.
3. To have relation to,
4. To look toward. Brown.

RESPE'CT. ʃ. [reſpeaui.Lat.
1. Regard ; attention, Shakʃpeare.
2. Reverence ; honour. Prior.
3. Awful kindneſs. Locke.
4. Goodwill. Shakʃpeare.
5. Partial regard. Proverbs.
6. Reverend chararter, Shakʃpeare.
7. Manner of treating others. Tfotton,
8. Conſideration ; motive. Hooker.
9. Relation} regard. Milton.

RESPE'CTER. ʃ. [from «^ect?.] One that
has partial regard. Swift.
5 K. a RERES

RESPr'CTFUL. a. [reſpeci and full.] Ceremoniouc
: full of outward civility. Prior.

RESPE'CTFULLY. aJ. [from reſpeSful..
With forae degree c.f reverence. Dryden.

RESFE'CTIVE. a. [ft.m re/pec^.]
1. Farticuiav : relating to parclcuiar perſons
or thiogs/ Burmt.
2. Relative ; not abſolute. 7?''^vrj.
3. Worthy of reverence. Shakʃpeare.
4. Accurate: nice; careful ; cautious. I'Icoker,

RESPE/CTIVELY. ad. [from re'petlitje.]
1. ^rticuiirly; as each belongs to each. South.
2. Relatively; not abſolutely. Raleigh.
3. Part!-ii]y ; with reſpect to pnv.te
views. Obſolete. Hooker.
4. With great reverence. Shakʃpeare.

RESPE'RSION. ſ. lre)perJio,LA:\ The
act of forinkling.

RESPIRA'i ION. ſ. [rejpiration, Fr. rejpirjtio:
ITom rſpiro, Lat.]
1. The act of breathing. Bacon.
2. Relief from toil. Milton.

To RESPI'RE. v. n. [reſpero, Lat.]
1. To hreathe. Dryden.
2. To catch' breath. Milton.
3. To reſt ; to take reſt from toil,Pope. .

RESPl'TE. ſ. [rejpit, Fr.]
1. Reprieve ; ſuſpenſion of a capital ſentence.
- Milton: Prior.
2. Pauſe; interval. Raleigh.

To RESPITE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To relieve by a pauſe. Milton.
2. [Reſpeter ,-.o\^ Fr.] To fufoend; to
del a.'. Clar-ndo»,

RESPLE'NDENCE. ʃ. [from reſphndent.]

RESPLE'NDENCY. ʃ. Lutire ; bnghti;eſs; ſplericinur. Boyle'.

RESPLE'NDENT. a. [rejplendem, Latin.]
Bright ; fiimiQg ; having a beautiful luſtre,
-. JSIeivton,

RESPLE'NDENTLY. ad. [from reJpUndent']
Withluſtre; b;ightlyi ſplendidiy.

To RESFO'ND. v. n. [r^ſpondcoj Lat. re-
Jpondre, Fr.]
1. To anſwer.
2. To correſpond ; to fait. Broome.

RESPO NDENT. ſ. [reſpondens, Lat.]
1. An anTwerer \a a ſuit. -^y^ff^'
2. One whoſe province, in a ſet diſputation,
is to refute objections. Watts.

RESPONSE. ʃ. [reſponfum, Lat.]
1. An anſwer. Hammond.
3.' Apſwer made by the congregation. Addiſon.
3. Reply to an objeITuon ip a formal diſputation. Watts.

RESPO NSIBLE. a. [from rejponjus^ Lat.]
s. Anſwerable ; accountable.
Covernment of the Tongue.

2. Capable of diſcharging an obligation. Locke.

RESPO'NSIBLENESS. ʃ. [from rt/porfble..
Stvte of being obliged or qualified to anf'ver.

RESPO'NSION. ʃ. [reſponfio, Lat.] The act
of 3nA.ering,

RESi'O'NSIVE. a. [reſponſiſ, Fr.]
1. Anſwering ; making anſwer. AyUffe.
2. Correſpoiident ; ſuited to ſomething
elſe. Fenton.

RESPO'NSORY. a. [rf//>or/or;ai, Latin.]

C'). staining aniwer,

REST;. ʃ. I'pept, Saxon I
ra/f, Dutch.]
1. Sleep ; repoſe. Pope. .
2. The finaJ ſleep ; the quletneſs of death. Dryden.
3. Stiineſs ; ceſſd'a'-n of motion, Bacon.
4. (^iet ; peace ; ceffation from difturham.
ir. Daniel.
5. Ceſſation from bodily L-bour, , ^0^,
6. Support ; that on which any thing leans
or r<-fts. Fairfax.
7. Place of repoſe, Milton.
8. Final hope. Clarenden.
9. Remainder ; what remains. Dryden.

REST. a. [reſtei, Fr. quod reflat, Ladn.]
Others J- thuſe not included in any propofi
t i r-n. Stillingfleet.

To RF.ST. i>. n. [from , the noun.]
1. To llecp ; to be aſleep ; to flumbcr. Milton.
2. To ſleep the final ſleep; to die. Milton.
3. To be at quiet ; to be at peace. Milton.
4. To be without motion ; to be ſtill. Milton.
5. To be fixed in any ſtate or opinion. Dryden.
6. To ceaſe from labour. Taylor.
7. To be ſatisfied ; to acqulefce. Addiſon.
8. To lean ; to be ſupported. Waller.
9. To be left ; to remain. Bacon.

To REST. v. a.
1. To lay to reſt. Dryden.
2. To plice as on a fopport,

RESTA'GNANT. a. [rcjia^nans, Latin.]
Remaming without flow ormotion. Boyle.

To RESTA'GNATE. v. n. [re and Jiag.
nate. ; To ſtand without flow. Wiseman.

RESTAGNA'TION. ʃ. [from ^refiag'
nate.] The ſtate of ſtanding without flow,

C'.urſe, or motion.

RESTAURA'TION. ʃ. [refauro, Latin.]
The act of recovering to the former ſtate. Hooker.

To RESTE'M. v. a. [re and flem, ] To
force back againſt the current.Shakʃpeare.

RE'STFUL. a. [rejl zzi^ full.] Quiet; being
at reſt. Shakʃpeare.

RESTHA'RPvOW. ʃ. A plant. Miller.



RESTI'FF. a. [rejlif, French ; rrfiiv^ Itsl.l
1. Unwilling to ſtir ; refokue againſt going
forward; chftinate; ſtubbnrn. Dryden.
2. Being at reſt ; being leſs in motion.

RESTI'FNESS. ʃ. [from rejiiff.] Obftinate
reiudance. King Charles.

RESTI'NCTION. ʃ. [refar.aus, Latin.] The ToJlESTRI'CT. v. a
act of extinguiſhing.

RESTRAI'NT. ʃ. [from refirain ; rtjlretnt,
1. Abridgement of liberty. Shakʃpeare.
2. Prohibition. jl^ilion,
3. Limitation; reſtri<^ion. Bacon.
4. Reprpſtion ;

1. The act of reſtoring what is loft' or
taken away. 1'ayhr. Arbuthnot.
2. The act of recovering its former ſtite
or poſture. Gniv.

RE'STLESS. a. [from r^y?.]
1. Being without ſleep.
2. Unquiet ; without peace. Prior.
3. Unconſtant ; unſettled. Dryden.r.
4. Notftill; in continual motion.- MV'or?.

RE'STLESSLY. ad. [from reflleſs:] Without
reſt ; unauietly. South.

RE'STLESSNESS. ʃ. [from refikfs.]
1. Want of deep. Harvey.
2. Want of reſt ; unquietneſs. Herbct.
3. Motion; agitation. Boyle.

RESTO'RABLE. a. [from rejlore-l What
mav be reſtored. Swf(.

RESTORATION. ʃ. [from rejicre
i ref^.uration, French.]
1. The act of replacing in a former ſtate> Dryden.
2. Recovery. Rogers.

RESTO'RATIVE. a. [from rr^jr.^] That
which has the power to recruit life. Milton.

RESTO'RATIVE. ʃ. [from npre.] A
medicine that has the power of recruiting
life. South.

To RESTO'RE. v. a. [reſtauro, Latin.]
1. To g ve back what has been loft or
taken away. Dryden.
1. To bring back. Dryden.
3. To retrieve ; to bring back from degeneration,
declcnſion, or ruin to its former
ſtate. Prior.
4. To recover paſſages in books from corruptiop.

RESTO'RER. ʃ. [from rcjicre,^ One that
reſtores, Swift.

To RESTRAIN. v. a. rr(/?r«Wrf,French.]
1. To withhold ; to keep in. Shakʃpeare.
2. To repttfs ; to keep in awe. Locke.
To ſuppreſs ; to hinder ; to repreſs. Milton.
To abridge. CLendon. .
To hold in. Shakʃpeare.
To limit
; to confine, Hcuth,

RESTRAINABLE. a. [from rejirain.^ CipaLJc
to be reitrain^d, Brown.

RESTRAI'NEDLY. u<l. [from rejiratned.]
With r^f r;<.nt ; without latitude. Ham.

P.ESTRA1'NER. ʃ. [from >eſtrain.] One
that reſtrains : on« that wkhholds. Brovin.
hindrance of will ; act of. South.
IreJfriSJus, Latin.]
To limit ; to confine. Arbuthnot.

RESTRI'CTION. ʃ. [reſtriEilon, French.]
Confinement ; limitation. Temple.

RFSTRI'CTIVE. a. [from reſtria.]
1. Expreſſing limitation. Stillingfleet.
2. Styptick ; aſtringent. Wiſeman.

RESTRI'CTIVELY. ad. [from rejlriaive.]
With limitation. Gov. of the Tongue.

To RESTRI'NGE. w. a. [rejirirgo, Latin.]
To limit ; to confine.

RESTRI'NGENT. ʃ. [rfrirgem, Latin.]
That which hath the power of reſtraining,

RE'STY. a. [rcji'ffy French.] Obftinate in
ſtanding ſtill. Swift.

To RESUBLI'ME. t: a. [re and fu!?lime. ;
To ſublime another tirriC, Newton.

To RESU'LT. v. n. [reſulter, French ; re-
Julio, Latin.]
1. To fly back. Pope. .
2. To riſe as a confequcnce ; to be produced
as the effect of cauſes jointly concurring. Bacon.
3. To arife as a conclufion from premiſes.

RKSU'LT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Refilience ; act of flying back. Bacon.
2. Conſequence ; effect produced by the
concurrence of co-operating cauſes, King Charles.
3. Inference from premiſes.
4. Reſolve; deciſion.

RESU'LTANCE. ʃ. [rejuharce,
The act of reſulting,

RESUMABLE. a. [from refume.] What
naay be taken back. Hale.

To RESU'ME. v. a. [rf// wo, Latin.]
1. To take back what has been given,

2. To take back what has been taken away,
3. To take. South, Swift.
(gain. Dr,derr,
4. To beg'n .^.gain what was broken off:
5. To refun.e a diſcourſe,

RE.:>U'MPTION. ʃ. [refomttion, French; rtfumptui, Latin.] The act of refuming. Denham.

RESU'MPTIVE. a. [refumptus, Latin.]

RESLTINA'TION. ʃ. [r^'upinoy Latin.]
The act of ivipg on the back.

To RESU'RVEY. v. a. [re and futhey-l
To-e\icwj 'O furvey again. Shakʃpeare.

RESURRE'CTION. ʃ. [refurrection, Fr.
rejurreaurriy Latin.] Revival from the
dead ; return from the grave. Watts.


To RESU^SCITATE. v. a. [refuſeito, Latin.]
; To ſtir up anew ; to revive.

RESUbCITA'TION. ʃ. [from refujcitate.]
The act of ſtirring up anew ; the act of
reviving, or ſtate of being revived. Pope. .

To RETAI'L. v. a. [retailler,Yxtnch.]
x» To divide into ſmall parcels. Shakſp.
2. To ſells in ſmall quantities, Locke.
3. To ſells at ſecond hand. Pope. .
4. To teir in broken parts. Shakʃpeare.

RETAI'L. ʃ. [from the verb.] Sale by ſmall
(jusntities. Swift.

RETAI'LER. ʃ. [from retaiW] One who
felis by ſmall quantities. Hakeweli.

To RETAI'N. 1'. a. [retineo, Latin.]
1. To keep ; not to loſe. Locke.
3. To keep ; not to lay aſide, Brown.
5. To keep ; not to diſmiſs. li^ilton.
4. To keep in pay ; to hire. Addiſon.

To RETAm. v. n.
1. To belong to; to depend on. BayU,
2. To keep ; to continue. Djtine,

RETAI'NER. ʃ. [from retaiti,'\
1. An adherent ; a dependant ; a hangeron. Swift.
2. In common law, retainer ſignifieth a ſcr-
ant not menial nor familiar, that is not
dwelling in his houſe, but only uſing or
bearing his name or livery. Co-zvel,
5. The act of keeping dependants, or being
in dependance. Bacon.

To RETAKE. v. a. [re and take.^ To take
again. Clarendon.

To RETAXIATE. v. a. [re and talio. Latin.]
To return by giving like for like ; to
repay ; to requite. Swift.

RETALIA'TION. ʃ. [from retaliate.'^ Requital ; return of like for like. Calawy,

To RETA'RD. v, a, Iretardo, Latin 3 retarder,
1. To hinder ; to obſtruct ii? ſwiftneſs of
courſe. Denham.
2. To delay ; to put off. Dryden.

To RETA'Rp. nj. n. To ſtay back. Brown.

RETARDA'TION. ʃ. [retardation, Fr.
from retard.] Hindrance ; the act of de.
lymg. Bacon.

RETA'RDER. ʃ. [from retfirJ.] Hinderer ;
obſtrutter. Glanville.

To RETCH. v. n. [hjiaecan, Saxon.] To
force up ſomethingf.'om thellomath.

RE'TCKLESS. a. Careleſs. Dryden.

RETE'CTION. ʃ. [reteSfui, Latin.] The
act of diſcQvering to the view. Boyle.

RETE'NTION. ʃ. [retention, French ; re.
tentio, from retentus, Latin.]
1. The act of retaining. Bacon.
2. Retention and retentive faculty is that
ifate of contraction in the ſolid parts,
which maJces them hold faſt their proper
contents. Quincy.
3. Memory. Sowb.
4. Limitation. Shakʃpeare.

5. Cuſtody ; confinement ; reſtralnt. Shakʃpeare.

RETE'NTIVE. a. [retentui^hzun.]
1. Having the power of retention. Philips.
2. Having memory. Glanville.

RETE'NTIVENESS. ʃ. [from retentive.]
Having the quality of retention.

RETICENCE. ʃ. [reticence, French ; reti.
centia, from reticeOf Latin.] Concealment
by ſilence. DiSf.

RE TICLE. ʃ. [retieulum, Latin.] A ſmall
net. Dia,

RETI'CULAR. a. [from reticulum, Latin.]
Having the form of a ſmall net.

RETICULATED. a. [reticulata!, Latin.]
Made of network ; formed with interftitial
vacuities. Woodward.

RE'TIFORiM. a. [retifermis, Latin.] Having
the form of a net. Ray.

RETINUE. ʃ. [retenue, French.] A number
attending upon a principal perſon ; a
train ; a meiny. Rogers.

To RETI'RE. v. n. [retirer, French.]
1. To retreat ; to withdraw ; to go to a
place of privacy, Davies.
2. To retreat from danger. 2 Saw. xi,
3. To go from a publick ſtatlon. zMac. v.
4. To gi oft' from company. Arbuthnot.

To RETIRE. v. a. To withdraw ; to take
away, Sidney, Clarenden.

RETI'RE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Retreat ; rcceſtion. Shakʃpeare.
2. Retirement ; place of privacy. Milton.

RETI'RED. part. a. [from retire. 1 .Secret ; private. Ben. Johnſon.

RETI'REDNESS. ʃ. [from retired.] Solitude ; privacy ; ſecrecy. Danne,

RETIREMENT. f. [from retire.]
f. Private abode ; ſecret habitation,
2. Private way of life. Thomfon.
3. Aa of withdrawing. Locke.

RETO'LD. part. paff. of retell. Related or
told again. Shakʃpeare.

To RETO'RT. v. a. [«/or/w, Latin.]
1. To throw back. Milton.
2. To return any argument, cenfute, or
incivility. Hammond.
3. To curve back. Bacon.

RETO'RT. ʃ. [retortum, Latin.]
1. A cenſure or incivility returned.Shakʃpeare.
2. A chymical glaſsveſſel with a bent neck
to which the receiver is fitted. Arbuthnot.

RETO'RTER. ʃ. [from retort.] One that

RETO'RTION. ʃ. [from retort.] The act
of retorting.

To RETO'SS. v. a. [re and fo/i.] To toſs
back. R<'pe'

To RETOU'CH. v. a. [retoucher, French.]
To improve by new touches. Pop ,


To RETRA'CE. v. a. [rdracer, French.]
To trace back. Dryden.

To RETRA'C. v. a. [retrjflus, Latin ;
rttru:ler, French.]
1. To recall ; to recant. Shakʃpeare.
2. To take back ; to refume. Woodward.

RETRACTATION. f. [retraaMio, Latin.]
Recantation; change of opinion. South.

RETRACTION. ʃ. [from r.traa.]
1. Act of withdrawing ſomething advanced.

2. Recantation ; declaration of change of
opinion. Sidney.
3. Act of withdrawing a claim. AT. Char.

RETRAI'CT. ʃ. Spen. [mra/rrtf, French.]
1. Retreat. Obſolete. Bacon.
2. A cafl of the countenance. Obſolete. Spenſer.

RETREA'T. ʃ. [reiraitte, French.]
1. Place of privacy ; retirement. L'Eʃtrange.
2. Place of ſecurity. Alilitn.
3. Adl of retiring before a ſuperiour force. Bacon.

To RETREA'T. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To go to a private abode. Milton.
s. To take rtielter ; to go to a place of ſecurity.
3. To retire from a ſuperiour enemy.
4. To go out of the former place. Woodw.

RETREA'TED. fart. adj. [from retreat,.
Retired ; gone to privacy.

To RETRE'NCH. v. a. [retrancher^ Fr.]
1. To cutoff; to pare away, Dryden.
2. To confine, Addiſon.

To RETRE'NCH. v. n. To live with leſs
magnificence or expcnce. Pope. .

RETRENCHMENT. ʃ. [retranchement
French.] The act of lopping away. Atterbury.

To RE'TRIRUTE. m. a. [rf/r/^«o, Latin.]
To pay back ; to make repayment of. Locke.

RETRIBU'TION. ʃ. [retribution, French.]
Repayment ; return accommodated to the
action. Hall, South.

RETRI'BUTORY. v. a. [from retribute.]

RETRI'BUTIVE. ʃ. Relaying; makia.

RETRIEVABLE. a. [from retricv ] 1 I, at
may be retrieved.

To RETRIEVE. v. a. [rerroawr, French.]
1. To recover ; to reſtwrc. Rogers.
2. To repair. Prior.
3. To regain. Dryden.
4. To recal ; to bring back, Berkley.

RETROCE'SSION. ʃ. [reiroceJ.m, Latin.]
The act of p.'ing back.

RETROCOPU'LATION. ʃ. [retro and cc
pu/cJiion.'j Poft-coition. Bfo-^cn,

RETROGRADATION. f. [mrc^rflJu//o;7,
French ; from rttrograde.] The act of goi.
ig backward, Rjy,


RETROGRADE. a. [retrograde, Freflch.]
1. Going backward, Bacon.
2. Contrary ; oppoſite. Shakʃpeare.

To RE'TROGRADE. v. a. [retro saii gf^-
dior, Latin.] To go backward. Bacon.

RETROGRE'SSION. ʃ. [retro and gr^Jm,
Latin.] The act of going backwards.

RETROMI'NGENCY. ʃ. [retro indmng.,
Latin.] The quality of ſtuling backward. Brown.

RETROMI'NGENT. a. [retrt^mdmirgens,
Latin.] Staling backward, Brown.

RE'TROSPECT. ʃ. [retro and ſpecio, Lat.]
Look thrown upon things behind or thing;8
part, Addiſon.

RETROSPE'CTION. ʃ. [from retrojp.a.l
Aft or faculty of looking backwards, ^wift.

RETROSPECTIVE. a. [from ra,oſpia,\
Looking backwards. Pope.

To RETU'ND. v. a. [retundo, Latin.] To
blunt ; to turn. Rapm

To RETU'RN. v. r, [retourner, French.)
1. To come to the ſame place. Proverb,
2. To come back to the ſame llate. Lockem
3. To go back. Locke.
4. To make anſwer. Pope. .
5. To come back ; to come again ; toreviſit. Milton.
6. After a periodical revolutien, to l»egia
the ſame again. Milton»
7. To retort; to recriminate. Drydenm

To RETU'RN. v. a.
1. To repay ; to give in requital, Milto-.
2. To give back. 2 Chron.
3. To ſend back. Mikm„
4. To give account of« Graur^,
5. To tranſmit. Clarendem.

RETU'RN. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Act of coming back to the ſame place. Dryden.
2. Retrogreſſion.
3. Act of com 1)^ back to the ſame ſtate.
1 Kttigt sx.
4. Revolu if^n ; vicillitude. Bacon.
5. Repay rrent of money laid out in commonitie> for ſale. Bacon.
6. Profit; advantage. Taylor.
7. Remittance ; paymcot from a diſtant
pkce, Shakʃpeare.
8. Repayment ; retribution ; requital. Drydem
9. Act of reſtoring or giving back ; reſtiitution. South.
10. Relapfe. Swift.

RETU'RNABLE. a. Allowed to be reported
back. Hale.

RETURNER. ʃ. [from return.] One who
pays or remits money. Locke.

REVE. ʃ. The bailiff of a fraochife or m«-
nour. Dryden.

To REVEA'L. t-. a. [rcTeh, Latin.]
1. To fi:ow ; to diſcover; to lay open ; 'to
diſcloſe a ſecre?. Waller.
t. To impart from heaven. Romans.

REVEA'LER. ʃ. [from reveal.]
1. 'DifcGv.rer5 one that ſhows or makes
known. Atterbury.
2. One that diſcovers to view. Dryden.

To RE'VEL. v. n. [raveelen, Dutch.]
1. To feaſt withlooſe and clamorous merriment.

RE'VEL. ʃ. [from the verb.] A feaſt with
looſe and noify jollity. Shakʃpeare.

To REVE'L. v. a. [rcz;e//o, Latin.] To retract
; to draw back. Har'vey.

REVEL-ROUT. ʃ. A mob ; an unlawful
aſſembly. Ainsworth, Rowe.

REVELATION. ʃ. Difcovery ; communication
; communication of ſacred £nd myilerious
truths by a teacher from heaven. Spratt.

RE'VELLER. ʃ. [from revel.] One who
feaſts with noify jollity. Pops,

RE'VELRY. ʃ. [from rfW.] Looſe jollity ;
feſtive mirth. Milton.

To REVE'NGE. v. a. [revancher, French.]
1. To return an injury.
2. To vindicate by puniſhment of an enemy. Dryden.
3. To wreak one's wrongs on him that
inflided them. Shakʃpeare.

REVE'NGE. ʃ. [revanche, Treach.] Return
of an injury. Bacon.

REVE'NGEFUL. a. [from revenge.] Vin-
<lictive ; fuU of revenge ; full of vengeance.

REVE'NGEFULLY. ad. [from revengeful.]
Vindiftively. Dryden.

REVE'NGER. ʃ. [from nvenge.]
1. One who revenges ; one who wreaks
his own or another's injuries, Sandys.
2. One who puniſhes crimes. Berkley.

REVE'NGEMENT. ʃ. Vengeance; return
of an injury. Raleigh.

REVE'NGINGLY. ad. With vengeance ;
vindiaively. Shakʃpeare.

REVENUE. ʃ. [revenu, French.] Income ;
annual profits received from lands or other
funds. Spenſer.

To REVE'RB. v. a. {reverbero, Latin.]
To ſtrike againſt ; to reverberate.Shakʃpeare.

REVE'RBERANT. a. [reverberam, Latin.]
Refounding; beating back.

To REVE'RBERATE. v. a. [revsrbero,
1. To beat back. Shakʃpeare.
2. To heat in an intenfe furnace, where
the flame is reverberated upon the matter
to be melted or cleaned. Brown.

1. To be driven back ; to bpund back. Howel.
2. To refound,

REVERBERA'TION. ʃ. [rtwrheratton.
French ; from reverberate.] The z€t of
beating or driving back. Addiſon.

REVE'RBERATOR , . a. [reverberutoirc,
French.] Returning ; beating back. Moxon.

To REVE'RE. nr. a. [rewrecr, Latin.] To
reverence,- to honour ; to venerate ; to
regard with awe. Prior.

REVERENCE. ʃ. [reverentiay Latin.]
1. Veneration ; reſped ; awful regard. Bacon.
2. Act of obeifance; bow ; courtefy. Dryden.
3. Title of the clergy. Shakʃpeare.
4. Poetical title of a father. Shakʃpeare.

To RE'VERENCE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To regard with reverence ; to regard with
awful reſpect. Dryden, Rogers.

RE'VERENCER. ʃ. [from nverence.] One
who regards with reverence. Swift.

RE'VEREND. a. [reverend, French.]
1. Venerable; deferving reverence ; expect
ting reſpect by his appearance. Pope. .
2. The honorary epithet of the clergy. Milton.

RE'VERENT. a. [reverens, Latin.] Humble
; expreſſing ſubmiſſion ; teſtifying veneration. Pope.

REVERE'NTIAL. a. [reverentiel/e, Fr.]
Expreſlif^g reverence ; proceeding from
awe and veneration. Donne.

REVERE'NTIALLY. ad. [from reverential.]
With ſhow of reverence. Brown.

RE'VERENTLY. ad. [from reverent.] Reſpect
lfully ; with awe ; with reverence.Shakʃpeare.

REVE'RjER. ʃ. [from revere.] One who
venerates ; one who reveres, Government
of the Tongue.

REVE'RSAL. ʃ. [from reverſe.] Change of
fentence. Bacon.

To REVER'SE. v. a. [revcrfusj Latin.]
1. To turn upſide down. Temple,
2. To overturn ; to ſubvert. Pope. .
3. To turn back. Milton.
4. To contradict ; to repeal. Hooker.
5. To turn to the contrary. Pope. .
6. To put each in the place of the other. Rogers.
7. To recall ; to renew. Spenſer.

To REVE'RSE. v. n. [rcvirtere, reverſus,
Latin.] To return. Spenſer.

REVE'RSE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Change ; viciſhtude. Dryden.
2. A contrary ; an oppoſite. Rogers.
3. [Revers, French.] The ſide of the coin
on which the head is not impreflect. Camd.

REVE'RSIBLE. a. [r^i.fr/?^/<;, French; from
reverſe.] Capable of being reverſed.

REVE'RSION. ʃ. [reverjion, French ; from
1. The ſtate of being to be poſſeſſed after

the death of the preſent ponVITor. JJam,
2i .SuccelTi-n ; right of hicctnion. South.

REVERSION ARY. a. [f,.m r^ver/ion.]
To br enjoyed in faceefllon. A'liutinot,

To REVERT. v. a. ['tvirtc, Ljrin.]
1. To change ; to turn to the contrary.
t. To revrrberatir. TIcmlor.

To KEVE'RT. v. r. [rrvirtir, old French.]
To reru n ; to fall back. Bacon.

REVE'RT. ʃ. [from the vet b.] Ritum ;
rc<-ur-Tce. Ptu^h.^m.

KEVE'RTIBLE. a. [from rever:.] Returnable.

REVERY. ʃ. [r./y,r;V, French.] Loofe
mufina ; irregular thought. ^-idJiJQn,

To REVL'ST. t/. a. [nv^fttr, nvltir, Ff«
revffiio, Latin.]
1. To CO he igain. Spenſer.
2. To reinvefi ; to veſt again in a puirdiion
or office.

REVE'STIARY. ʃ. [nv/Iijirs, French.]
PiAce wiit-rc drcUes are rcpolited, dnuien.

REVICTION. ʃ. [r.'vulum, Latin.] Return
U) life. BroiLfi,

To REVl'CTUAL. v. a. [re and v.'lual.]
To ſtock with viifluaJs agai.n. Raleigh.

To REVIE'W. v. a. [re and i/.tw.]
1. To look back. Denham.
2. To fee again. Shakʃpeare.
3. To coaſider over again ; to retrace ; to
reexanrana. Dydttt.
4. To furvey ; tooverlock; to exam.ne,

REVIE'W. ʃ. [rtveie, French, from the
verb.] Survey ; reexamination. Acierbury,

To REVl'LE 1/ a. [re and -uiU.] To reproach
; to vilify ; to treat with contumely.

REVl'LE. ʃ. Reproach; contumely ; exprobratioa. Milton.

REVI LER. ʃ. [from rfvile] One who revi'cs. Gov. of the Tongue.

REVI'UNGLY. ad. [from revUe.] In an
opprobrious manner ; with contumeiv.

REVISAL. ʃ. [from rtw/c] Review; reexamination. Pope.

To REVl'SE, V a. [rcvi/ui, Lain.] To review
; to overlook. Pope.

REVl'SE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1 Review ; reexamination. Boyle.
2. Among printers, a fetond proof of a
ftieet rorr:£ted.

REVl'SER. ʃ. [>evlJeur,Y:tnch.] Examiner
; fooi'iiniendant.

REVISION. ʃ. [r:vfion, French ] Review.

To REVI'SIT. v. a. [r.v'fito, Latin.] To
viſit -.g,in. M-'ton.

REVIVAL. f. [irnm rrvive.] Rcc.li from
a ſtare of langiour, oblivion, or obſcuriry,

To REVI'VE. ^. r. [r.o/.v.-f, French.]
1. To rttura to life. i Kings,

2. To return to vigour or ſame; to mY#
from la .Ri ojr or obſcurity. MUion.

To REVi'VE. V. a.
1. To bring to life igain. Milton.
2. To raiſe from languour, infer.fibi'ity, or
oblivion. Spen t,
3. To renew ; to rccolleiH ; to bring b;:ck
to the memory. Lak.-.
4. To quicken ; to roofe. Shakʃpeare.

REVIVER. ʃ. [from rfvivt ] That which
invig'.>rat'sor levives.

To REVIVIFICATE. v. a. [revvfier,
French.] To rccal to life.

REVlVIrTCA'TION. ſ. [from - revhifi-
C2te. 1 The atf of recalling to life. Sfeaut.

REVIVI'SCENCY. ʃ. [rſwifco, revfufrf
«r.a, Laii.-s] Renewal of life. Burnet.

RfcU'NiOiV. ſ. [reunion^ French.] Rrlura
to a ſtate of junctu:e, cohefiou, or concord. Donne.

To REUNI'TE. v. a. [re and unite.
1. To join again ; to make one whole a
ſecond time ; to join what is divided. Shakʃpeare.
2. To reconcile ; to make thoſe at variance

To REUNITE. v. n. To cohere again.

RE'VOCABLE. a. [revocable, Txtnth.]
1. That m^y be lecalled. Bacon.
2. That msy be repealed.

RE'VOCABLENESS. ʃ. [from revocable.]
The cjiiality of being revocable.

To RE'VOCaTE. v. a. [rcv:co, LatJn.]
To recall ; to call back. Dan'el's Civ.lVor.

REVOCATION. ʃ. [rev-jcatio,Lu\n.]
1. Ad of recalling. Hcoke'; 2. State of being recalled. llonef.
3. Repeal; reverſal. Ayliffe.

To REVO KE. v. a. [revcquer, French.]
rtvoci, Latin.]
1. To repeal; to reverſe. Dryden.
2. To check ; to repreſs,
3. To draw back. Davies.

REVO'KEMENT. ʃ. [{^omrevoh.] Revocation
; repeal ; leca!. Shakʃpeare.

To REVO'LT. v. a. [rci'ohtr, French.]
1. To fall ifl' from one to another.Shakʃpeare.
2. To change. Shakʃpeare.

REVOLT. f. [rrtclc, French.]
1. DeTertion ; cliange of fid -s. Raleigh.
2. A revolter ; ine who changes ſide?. Shakʃpeare.t
3. Groſs departure from duty. Shakſp.

REVcyLTED. part. adj. [from rcvilt.]
Having ſwcrved from duty. /Ifiltos.

REVO'LT ER. ſ. [from revolt.] One who
chmgcj fidfS; a deſcrt-r. Milton.

To REVOLVE. -y. «. [rtvolv;, Latin.]
1. To roll ilia circle ; Poperf.nni a revo-
Juti'p. Chyne. H'atts.
2. To f.'.ll in a regular courſe 01 ch-tng-ng
poPIcfTovs ; to devolve. J^ynff--,
5 L T ;

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To REVO LVE. v. a. [revoho, Latin.]
1. i'o mil any thing round. Mti'on.
2. To ronſider ; to meditate on, Shakſp.

KEVOLU'TION. ʃ. [reuolution, French.]
r.'vjiuiui, Latin.]
1. Courſe of any thing which returns to
the point at which it began to move. Milton.
2. Space meaſured by fome revolution. Milton.
3. Changs in the ſtate of a government or
4. Rotation in general ; returning motion. Milton.

To REVO'MIT. v. a. [re and njoniit.] To
vomit ; to vomit again. Hakewell.

REVU'LSION. ʃ. [revu/fus, Ln\v.] The
act of revell ng or drawing humours from
a remote part of the body. Bacon.

To REWA'RD. v. a. [remi award.]
1. To give in return. i Sam. xxiy,
2. To repay ; to recompenfe for ſomething
eood. Milton.

REWA'RD. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Recompenfe given for good. Dryden.
2. It is foHT-times uſed with a mixture of
irony, for punii^iment or recompenfo of

REWA'RDABLE. a. [from reward.] Worthy
of reward. Taylor.

REWARDER. ʃ. [from rſward.] One
that rewards ; one that recompenfes. Swift.

To REWO'RD V. 4. [re and iiord ] To
repeat in the ſame words. Shakʃpeare.

RHABA'RBARATE. a. [from rhabatbcra.
Latin.] Impregnated or tindured with
rhubarb. F'oyer,

RHABDOMANCY. ʃ. ['^d^^^ and ^av-
]Ei'a.] Divination by a wand, Brown.

RHA'PSODIST. ʃ. [from rhapfody.] One
who writes without regular dependence of To RHYME, v, n.

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One who teaches the ſcience of rhetorick.

RHETORI'CIAN. a. Suiting a mafter of
rhetonck. Blackmore.

RHEUM. ʃ. [fEu^a.] A thin watery matter
oozing through the glands, chiefty about
the mouth, Quincy.

RHEU'MATICK. a. [fey^altK'^.] Proceeding
from rheum or a peccant watery
humour, Floyer.

RHEU'MATI?M. ſ. [piv^uclt^fAlg.] A
painful diftemper ſuppoſed to proceed from
acrid humours.

RHEUMY. a. [from rkeum.] FuUofſharp
moiſture. Dryden.

RHINO'CEROS. ʃ. [fivand x?>?.] A vaft
beaſt in the Eaſt-Indies armed with a hora
in hi? font. Shakʃpeare.

RHOMB. ʃ. [rhombe, French ; po^S©'.]
A parallelogram or quadrangular figure,
having its four ſides equal, and conſiſting
of parallel lines, with two oppoſite angles
acute, and two obtuſe. Harris.

RHO'MBICK. a. [from rbcmb.] Shaped
like a rhomb,

RHO'MBOID. ʃ. ['^ofASoiih:;.] A figure
apprnaching to a rhomb. Grew.

RHOMBOI'DAL. a. [from rhmhoid.] Approaching
in ſhape to a rhomb, Woodw.

RHU'BARB. ʃ. [rhabarbara, Latin.] A medicinal
root (lightly purgative, referred by
b()tanifls to the dock. Wiſeman.

RHYME. ʃ. [pu-V^?.]
1. A harmonical ſucceſtion of ſounds.
2. The conſonance of verſes ; the correſpondence
of the lafi found of one verſe to
the laſt found or ſyllable of another. Denham.
3. Poetry; a poem, Spenſer.

RHYME or rtajon. Namber of ſenſe, Spenſer.
one part upon another. Jfatti.

RHA'PSODY. ʃ. [pavf-«Jia.] Any number
of parts joined together, without neceilary
dependence or natural cojjneilion. Hammond.

RHE'TORICK. ʃ. [p.;;cax«\]
1. The act of ſpeaking not merely with
propriety, but with art and elegance.
2. The power of pSrfuafion ; oratory.Shakʃpeare.

RHETORICAL. a. [rhetoricus, Latin.]
Pertaining to ihetorick ; oratorial ; figurative. More.

RHETO'RICALLY. ad. [from rhct:ricJ.]
Like an orator ; figuratively ; with intent
to move the paſſions.

To RHETO'RICATE. v.n [rhetoricor, low
Latin.] To play the orator ; to attack the
paſſion'. Decay of Piety.

B.HLTORI'CIAN. ſ. [rhetoridtn, French.]
1. To agree in found, Dryden.
1. To > make verſes. Shakʃpeare.

RHY'MER. ʃ. [from rhyme.] One

RKY'MSTER. S who makes rhymes ; a
verfilier. Shakʃpeare.

RHYTHMICAL. a. [pv^fxuo:.] Harmonicil
; having proportion of one found to

RIB. ʃ. [pibbe, Saxon.] A bone in the
1. Of theſe there are twenty- four in number,
'ijixi. twelve on each ſide the twelve
vertebra? of the back ; they are ſegments
of a circle. [, ii^uiriey,
zl Any piece of timber or other matter
which ſtrengthens the ſide. Shakſp.

RI'BALD. ʃ. [ribauld, Fr, ribaldo, Italian.]
A looſe, rough, mean, brutal wretch,

RIBALDRY. ʃ. [ribavdie, old French.]
Wean, lewd, brutal language, Dryden.


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. Sandys, Shakſp.

RI'BAND. ʃ. [riband-, ruban, Yt.] \^\eX.
of fiik ; a nirrow web of ſilk, which ii worn
for ornament. Glanville.

RIBBED. a. [from rih.]
1. Furniſhed with ribs.
2. Incloſed as the body by ribs.

RIPBON. ʃ. See Riband,

To RI IROAST. v. n. [ribiuA roaj}.] To
^ect fnuriHjy. Butur.

RI'BWORT. ſ. A plant.

RIC. ʃ. Ric denotes a puwerful, rich, or valijnt
maTi. Gihjon,

RICE. ʃ. [cryzj, Latin.] 0:ic of the elcu-
J( nt grains.

RICH. fl. Iriche, Fr. pica, Saxon.]
1. Wealthy; abounding in weakh ; abounding
in money or pofTcflions. Seed.
2. Valuable ; eliJmable ; precious ; ſplendid.
3. Having any ingredients or qualitit^s m a
great quantity or degree. WaUer.
4. Fertile ; fniirfui. Philips.

RI't-HED. a. [from r;ci>.] Er.riched. Obrolc'te, Shakſpeare.

RI'CHES. ʃ. [richrjfet, French.]
1. Wealth ; money or pcireſſion. JJamm,
1. Splendid fumptuou5 appearance. Milton.

RI'CHLV. ad. [from r.vi^.]
I With riches ; wealthily ; ſplendidly ; Mil or.

B''Ozvn. Addiſon. Sidney.
2. Plenteouſly,
3. Trolvj abundantly,

RICHNESS. ʃ. [from rich.]
1. Opulence ; weahh,
2. Finery ; ſplendour.
3. Fertility ; fecundity ; fruitfulneſs. Addiʃon.
4. Abundance or perfeſtion of any quabty,
e. Pampering qualities. Dryden.

RICK. ʃ.
1. A pile of corn or hay regularly heaped
up in the open field, and ſheUeied from
wet. Swift.
2. A heap of corn or hay piled by the gathfrcr. Mortimer.

RI'CKETS. ʃ. [rachitis, Latin. A name
given to the diflemper at its appearance by
Giijfon,'^ The rickctt is a diilempcr in children,
from an unequal diſtribution of nourishment,
whereby the joints grow knotty,
and the limbs uneven. iiu'm-y.

RI'CK.ETy. a. [from r;ci.'/<. ; Difeal'ed with
the rickets, Ariwhrot.

RI'CKLUS. ſ. A plant. Ainſworth.

RJ'CTURE. ʃ. [riaura, Latin.] A gaping.

RID. pret. o? ride.

To RID. v. a. [from hjii'o'Dinj Saxon.]
1. To ſet free ; to redeem. Exodus.
2. To clear ; to diſencumber. Hooker, Ben. Johnſon, Addiſon.
3. To diſpaUh. Shakʃpeare.
4. To drive away ; topretsawiy; to de-
Itroy, Shak.ft .rt,

RIDDANCE. ʃ. [from r;./]
1. Deliverance. Hooker.
2. Diſencumbrance ; loſs of ſomething one
is glad to loſe. Shakʃpeare. <uur,(.
3. Adl of clearing away any (aciunbr^rices. Milton.

RI'ODEN. the participle of r/Wr. //jV,

RI'DDLE. ſ. |n^'»:t» Saxon.]
1. An enigmi ; a puzzling quclllon ; a dark
problem. Milton.
2. Any thing puzzling, Hudibras.
3. A foa-fe or open licve. Mortimer.

To RI DDLE. v. a.
1. To ſolve ; to unriddle. Dryden.
2. To ſeparate by a coaiſe fieve. Mor(,

To Rl'DDLE. 1;. w. [from the noun.] To
foesk amb'guoiifly or obſcurely. Shakſp.

RI DDLINGLY. ad. [from riddle.] U \nc
nunner of a riddle. Dance.

To RIDE. t.'. r. preter. rid or r:de ^ parr,
rid or ridden. [jU'sin, Saxon 3 rijden,
1. To travel on horſeback. Shakſp.
2. To travel in a vehicle ; to be borne, noc
to walk. Burnet.
3. To be ſupported in motion. Shakſp.
4. To manage an hmfe. Dryden.
5. To be on the water. Knolles. Hayw.
6. To be ſupported by ſomething ſubſervient,Shakʃpeare.

To RIDE. v. a. To manage inſolently at
will. Swift.

RID2:R. ſ. [from rij0.-\
1. One who is carried on a horſe or in a
vehicle. Prior.
2. One who manages or bieaks horſef. Brown.
3. An inferted leaf.

RIDGE. ʃ. ſhpi33. Saxon ; rig^ Daniſh.]
rugge, Dutch.]
1. The top of the back. Hud'hrast
2. The rough top of any thine.

MH-or. Ray.
3. A ſleep protuberance. Dryden.
4. The graund thrown up by the plow.

PJa/ms. ^Vccdward.
5. The top of the rocfriſing to an acut«
angl?. Mix-jr.
6. Ridges of a horſe's mouth are wri.^kies
or rifitigs of the fleſh in the to it of the
mouth, running acrol's from one ſide of the
jjw to the other. Farrier's D,a.

To RIDGE. v. a. [from the noun, ; To form
a ridee. M 1 6n,

RI'DGLING. ʃ. [o'visrejicula, Lat. ^/fl/.]

RI'DGlL. ʃ. A ram half caſtrated, Dryde'm

RI'DGY. a. [from ridge.] Riſing in a ridg . Dryden.

RI'DICULX. ʃ. [ridicuhim, Latin.] Wit of
ihit ſpecies that provokes hugbter, Swift.
5 L i la

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To RI'DICULE. T.«7. [from the noun.] To
expoſe to laughter ; to tteat with contemptaous
merriment. Temph.

R-IDI CULOUS. a. [ri4i(ulus, Lat.] Worthy
of laughter ; exciting contempiuous merriment. Milton, South.

RIDJ'CULOUSLY. ad. [from ridinkus.]
In a manner worthy of laughter or contempt. South.

RIDICULOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ridici^Ious.]
The quality oF being ridirulous. Stil'ir^fl,

KVDlliQ. particip, a. Emp'ojed to travel
on any occaſion, Aylijfe.

RI'DING. ʃ. [fvomride.] A diſtria vjſited
by an ( fficer.

RI'DINGCOAT. ʃ. [riding and coat.] A
coat made to keep out weather, Swift.

RI'DINGHOOD. ʃ. [ridirgs^u^ hood.] A
hood uſed by women, when they travel,
to bear off the rain. Arbuthnot.

RIE. ʃ. An efculent g-ain.

RIFE. a. [j-iype.Saxoa; r.'?/, Dutch.] Prevalent
; abounding. It is now cnly uſed ef
epidemical diftempers. Arbuthnot.

RI'FELY. ad. [from r//>.] Prevalently ;
abundantly. Knolles.

RITENESS. ʃ. [from rife.] Prevalence; abundar,ce. Arbuthnot.

To RITLE. v. a. [rifer, Fr. njfeUn,
Dutch. ; To rdb ; to pillage ; to plunder, South.

RI'FLER. ʃ. [from rife.] Robber; plunderer
; pillager.

RIFT. f. [from f /'Of:.] A cleft ; a breaſh
; an opening, Bacon, Dryden.

To RIFT. v. a. [from the noun, ; To cleave ; to ſplit. Pope. .

To RIFT. v. n.
1. To burſt ; to Open. Bacon.
2. [ivicx'fr, Daniſh. ; To belch ; to break

RIG. ʃ. Rig, ridge, ſeem to ſignify the top
of a hill falling on each ſide \ from the
Saxon. hpijj ; and the Iſlandick, hriggur,
both ſignifying a back. Gibſon.

To RIG. v. a. [from rig or ridge.]
1. To djeſs; to accoutre. L'Eſt-range.
1. To fit with rackhne. S^ut/j.

RIGADOO'N. ʃ. [r/^We^, French.] A

RIGA'TION. ʃ. [rigJtio, Lnm.] The ad
of watering. D/i?,

RI'GGER. ʃ. [from rig.] One that rigs or

RI'GGING. ʃ. [from rig.] The fails or tacklingofaſhip. Creech.

RI'GGISH. ad. [from rig^ a whore.] Wanton
; whoriſh. Shakʃpeare.

To RI'GGLE. 'V' a, [properly to loUggle.]
To move backward and torward.

RIGHT. a. [yiij,'^, Saxon ; rfi^i),% Dutch.]
1. Fit ; proper ; becoming ; funable ; true; jiot erroneous, Holder.

2. Not miſtaken
; palTing a true judgment.Shakʃpeare.
3. Juft ; honeſt ; equitable. Ffolms,
4. Happy ; conveniepit. Addiʃon.
5. Not left. Brown.
6. Strait ; not crooked. Locke.
7. Perpendicular.

RIGHT. iiue'jcB. An expreſſion of approbation. Pope.

RIGHT. ad.
1. Pt©peily ; juſtly; exactly ; according
to truth. Roſcommon,
2. In adirect line.
3. la a great degree ; very, Ben. Johnſon.
4. It is ſtill fifed in titles: as, I'lght bcnour.
able; right reverend. Peachamv,

1. Juſtice ; not wrong. Bacon, Milton.
2. F/eedom fromQ errour. Prior.
3. Juft claim. Milton.
4. That which juſtly belongs to one. Temple.
5. Property ; intereſt, Dryden.
6. Power ; prerogative. Milton.
7. Immuuity, privilege. Clarenden.
8. The ſide not left, Milton.
9. To Rights. In a direct line ; ſtranght. Woodward.
10. To Rights. Deliverance from errour. Woodward.

To RIGHT. v. a. To do juſtice to ; to
eflabliſh in poſſ(?lfions juſtly claimed ; to
relieve from wrong. Taylor, Waller.

RI'GHTEOUS. a. [jnhtp're, Saxon.]
1. Jaft; honeſt; virluOus ; uncorrupt. Geneſis.
2. Equitable. Dryden.

RI'GHTEOUSLY. ad. [from righteous.]
Honeſtly ; virtuouſly. Dryden.

RIGHTEOUSNESS. ʃ. [from rigbteour^.]
Juſtice ^honeſty ; virtue
; goodneſs. Hooker.

RIGHTFUL. a. [right lind full.]
1. Having the right ; having the juſt claim,Shakʃpeare.
2. Honrft; juſt. Prior.

RI'GHTFULLY. ad. [hc^T^ rightful.] According
to light ; according cu juſtice. Dryden.

RI'GHT-IIAND. ʃ. Not the left. Shakſ.

RI'GHTFULNESS. ʃ. [from rightful] Mo.
ral reſt i tilde. Sidney.

RI'GHTLY. ad. [from right.]
1. According to truth ; properly ; ſuitably ;
not erroneouſly, Milton.
2. Honeſtly ; uprightly, Shakʃpeare.
3. Exactly. Dryden.
4. Straitly; directly. Ajcham,

RI'GHTNESS. ʃ. [from right.]
1. Conformity to truth ; exemption from
being wrong ; reditude. Rogers.
2. Straitneſs, Bacon.

RI'GID. a. [rigidus, Latin.]
1. Stiff; nt:\o be bent; unpliant. 7?.jj>,
2. Severe; R 1 N
a Severe ; inflexible, Denham.
3. Sharp ; cruel. Piiaps.

RI'GIDITY. ʃ. [r/^/i/V, Fierch.]
1. StiITneſs. Arbuth.nof,
2. Stift'neſs of appearance ; want of eaſy or
ai'V c-legince. jrotton,

RI'GIDLY. ad. [from rigid.]
1. St ffly ; unpliantly.
2. Severely ; inflexibly.

RI'GIDNESS. ʃ. [from r'gid.] Severity ;

RIGLET. ʃ. [r,guht,Yizr.ch.] A flat th n
ſquare piece of woud. Mox'^ti.

RI'GOL. ʃ. A circle. In Shakʃpeare. a

RIGOUR. ʃ. [rigor, Utn.]
1. Cold ; ſtifſneſs. Milton.
2. A convulſive ſhudderii^ with ſenſe of
col«J. A-lutlnt.
3. Sfverity ; flernneſs ; want of condejcenfnr,
to others. Denham.
4. Severity of conduit. Sprait,
5. Striflneſs ; unabated exactneſs. G'law.
6. R'ge; cruelty ; fury. Spenſer.
7. Hardneſs ; not tlexibility ; ſolidity ; n^C
foftneff. Dryden.

RI'GOROUS. a. [from rigour.-\ Sevfre ; allowing
no abatement. R-.gers.

RI'GOROUSLY.^i, [from rigorout.] Severely
5 without tenderneſs or mitigation.

RILL. ʃ. [riiu.'us, Latin.] A ſmalj book ;
a little ſtreamlet. Milton.

To RILL. nj. n. [from the noun.] To run
in ſmall fl:reams. Prior,

RI'LLET. ʃ. [corrupted from r'.vuLt.] A
ſmall ſt ream. Careto

RIM. ʃ. [fiima, Saxon.]
1. A b rder ; a margm. d^reiv,
2. Th^t which enciicles ſomething elſe. Brown.

RIME. ʃ. [hjiim, Saxon.]
1. Hoar frofl. Bacon.
2. A hol<r ; a chink. Brown.

To RIME. v. V. [from the noun.] To freeze
with hoar froſt.

To RI'MPLE. v. a. To pucker ; to con
tnft into corrugitions. Wiſeman.

RI'iMY. <J, [from r/V^jf.] Steamy ; foggy; mifty. Ilarvef.

RTND. ʃ. [pir.^t), Saxon ; rirdt, Duwrh.]
B»rk ; hiiſk. Boyle, Milton, Dryden.

To RIND. v. n. [from the nourn.] To decorticate
; to bark ; to huſk.

RING. ʃ. [hpms, Saxon.].
1. A circle ; in orbicular Ifne'. Newton,
2. A circle oſ g.ld or fonxe other matter
worn as an ornament. Addiſon.
3. A circle of metal to be held by.
^, A circular courſe. Sirath.
5. A circle made by perſons ſtanding
jpund, Hayward.

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6. A number of bdls harmonically tuned.
7. The found of bells or any other fonol
^''' ^^^^ Bacon. Matoa.
8. A fo'ani of any kind. Bacon.

To RI\G. v. a. put. and part. pafl. ,urg.
[Kji! ; in, 83xon.]
1. To ſhikc bells or any other fonorous
body, ſo as to make it found. Shakſp.
2. [Kromr/ff^.] Toencircie. Shakſp.
3. To fit with r^n-s. Shakſp.
4. To reſt/ain a hi g by a ring iq hU nofe.

To RING. -t. n.
2. To found as a bdl or foncrous rretal. Dryden.
2. To p^raflife the art of making muſick
withbcl's. Holder.
3. To found ; to refound. Locke.
4. To utrrr as a bell. Shakʃpeare.
5. To tinkle. Dryden.
6. To be filled with a bruit or report.

RING-BONE. ʃ. A hard callous n.bftance
growing in the hollow circle of the little
paftern of a ho.-fe : it ſometimes goes quite
round like a ring. Furrier's DiSI.

RI'NGDOVE. ʃ. [rbirgelduyve, German.]
A kind of pigeor. Mortimer.

RINGER. ʃ. [from ring.] He who rings.

RINGLEA'DER. ʃ. [r:t,g and l.ader.] The
he?dof a riotous body. Bacon.

RI'NGLET. ʃ. [diminutive of r/rp-.]
1. A ſmdl ring. ' p^pg.
2. A circle. Shakʃpeare.
3. A curl. Milton.

RI'NGSTREAKED. a. [ri'-g zrA ſtreakedA
Cuciilaily ſtrfjkcd. Cereji ,

RI'NGTAIL. ʃ. [ring and tail.] A kind of
^'^- Bailei,

RI'NGWORM. ʃ. [rmz and woftn ] A circular
tp.tttr. l^'iſeman.

To RINSE. v.d. [from rfJ.;:, German.]
1. To waſh ; to cleanſe by w.fl)np.Shakʃpeare.
2. To wa/J; the foap out of d ahs. King.

RI'NSER. ʃ. [from rinle.] One that wdiljc.
or rinlts ; a waſher.

RIOT. ʃ. [rio-te, old French.]
1. Wild and looſe .^eftivtty. Muton.
2. A fedition ; an u.rjar. Milton.
3. To run V^\oy . lo move or act without
controU or reſtraint. Swift.

To RI'OT. v. r. [riottir, old French.]
1. To revel ; to be difllpated in luxurious
enjoyments. Daniel.
2. To luxuriate ; to be tumultuouf. Pope. .
3. To banquet li xuriouſly.
4. To raiſe a fediti n or uproar.

RIOTER. ʃ. [from riot.]
1. One who is dilFipated in luxury.
2. One who rnifcs an' uproar.

RI'OTISE. ʃ. [from mr.j a/Tolutencf. -
luxury. Spenſer.

RPOTOUS. a. [riotteux, French.]
1. Luxurious ; wanton ; licentiouſly feilWe. Brown.
t. Seditious; turbulent.

RI'OTOUSLY. ad. [from riotous.]
1. Luxuixouſly ; with licentious luxury.
1. Seditiouſly; turbulently.

RI'OTOUSNESS. ʃ. [from riotous.] The
ſtate of being riotous.

To RIP. v. a. [hpypan, Saxn.]
1. To tear ; to literate ; to cut aſunder by
a continued 3d of the knife. Dryden.
2. To take £way by laceration or cutting.
-». To diſcloſe; to ſearch out ; to tear up ; to bring to view. lioo^^r. Clarenden.

RIPE. a. [nipe, Sa3Ccn; ry;, Dutch.]
1. Brought to perfection in growth ; mature.
cc ^'
2. Reſembling the ripeneſs of fruit.Shakʃpeare.
3. Complete ;
proper for uſe. Sta>-^Jp> 4. Advanced to the perfection of any quality.
5. Finiſhed ; confummate,
6 Brought to the point of taking effect ;
fully matured. jidaifon.
7. Fully qualified by gradual improvement. Dryden.

To RIPE. v. w. [from the adj.] To ripen ; to gr.^w ripe ; to be matured. Donne.

To RIPE. v. tf. To mature ; to make ripe,Shakʃpeare.

RI'PELY. ad. [from ri>.] Maturely ; at
the fit time.

To RI'PEN. «. ». [from rtpe.^ To grow. Bacon.

To RI'PEN. ^»a

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7. To aſcend ; to move upwards. Ntr.vtoif,
8. To break out from below the horizon,
as the fun. Milton.
9. To take beginning ; to come into exiſtence,
or notice.
10. To begin to aft. Milton, Dryden.
11. To appear in view. Addiſon.
12. To change a flation ; to quit a fiege. Knolle.
13. To be excited; to be produced. Otway.
14. To break into military commotions ; to make infurredlions. Pope. .
15. To j?e rouſed ; to be excited to af^ion.
16. To make hoſtile attack. Deut.
17. To grow more or greater in any reſpe6l. Milton.
18. To increaſe in price. Locke.
19. To be improved. Tatler.
20. To elevate the ſtile, Roſcommon.
at. To be revived from death. Mhtt,
22. To come by chance. Spen'e-,
23. To be elevated in ſituation. Dryden.

RISE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of riſing.
2. The act of mounting from the ground. Bacon.
Eruption ; afcfnt. Bacon.
Place that favours the z€t of mounting. Creech, Locke, Denham.
6. Appearance of the fun in the eaſt.
7. Eflcreaſe in any reſpect.
8. Encreaſe of price, 7emplet
9. Beginning ; original. Locke.
10. Elevation ; encreaſe of found. Bacon.
To mature ; to make RI'SER. ſ. [from rz/i-.] One that rifes. Dryden.
5. Elevated place.
ipe. Pope. , Swift.

RI'PENESS. ʃ. [from r;>e.]
1. The ſtate of being npe ; maturity. Shakſp, Denham.
2. Full growth.
- Perfection; completion. Hooker.
Firneſs ; qualification. Shakſp.

RI'PPER. ʃ. [from r//).] One who rips
; one
who tears : one who lacerates. Chapman.

RISIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from rijihle.] The qua.
lity of laughing. Arbuthnot.

RI'SIBLE. a. [rifihiVn, Latin.]
1. Having the faculty or power of laughing.
Gov, of the longue,
2. Ridiculous; exciting laughter.

RISK. ʃ. [rifyue, Fr, riefgo, Spaniſh.] Hazard
; danger ; chance of harm^ South.

To RI'PPLE. .. «. To fret on the ſurface,

To RISK. v. a. [rifyuer, Fr.] To hazard ; as water ſwtftly running. ' '
^' ' ^ '''' '

RI'PTOWELL. ʃ. A gratuity, given to
tenants, after they had reaped their lord's

To RISE. .' « P'^^.- ''J » P^'.' ''v'^'
fivra> Saxon; reifen, Dutch.]
1. To change a jacent or recumbent, t# an
eicft poſture, Shakſp.
2. To get up from reſt. DaniePs Civ. fr,
3. To get up from a fall. Milton.
1. To ſpring ; to grow up. Milton.
r. To gain elevation of rank or fortune.
r Otway.
^, To ſwetl. UvUicuu
to put to chance ; to endanger, uAddiſon.

RI'SKER. ʃ. [from r//^. ; He who riſks. Butler.

RITE. ʃ. [«V, Fr. r;Vtf.«, Latin.] Solemn
act of religion ; external obſervance. Hammond.

RI'TUAL. a. [r;Va</, French.] Solemnly
ceremonious ; done according to ſome religious
inſtitution. Prior.

RI'TUAL. ʃ. [from the adj.] A book in
which the rites and obſervances of religion
are ſet down. Addiſon.

RI'TUALIST. ʃ. [froror;r«tf/.] Oneſkilled
in the ritual,

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KryAGE. ʃ. [French.] A bank ; a coaft.Shakʃpeare.

RIVAL. ʃ. [rivalii, Latin.]
1. One wh. is in purſuit. of the ſame thing
which another man purfucs ; a competitour. Dryden.
2. A competitour in lovf, SiJnty.

RI'VAL. a. Standing in competition ; making
the ſame claim ; cmulou'. Shak^.P'

To RI'VAL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To rtand in competition with another \
to oppoſe. South.
2. To emulate ; to endeavour to pqual or
excel. Dryden.

To RI VAL. v. n. To be competitours. Shakʃpeare.

RIVA'LITY. ʃ. [rivalitatf Latin.] Com-

RI'VALRY. ^ petition ; emulation.

RI'VALSHIP. ʃ. [from rival.] The ſtate or
chara^er of a rival.

To RIVE. v. a. part, rifen. [pypt, broken,

To range ; to Saxon riji Dutch.] To ſpiit ; to
cleave ; to divide by a blunt inſtrument.

To RIVE. v. a. To be ſp lit ; to be divided
by violence. Woodward.

To RIVE. for dttive or direct. Shakſp.

To RI'VEL. v. a. [jepiplt'o, Saxon.] To
contract into wrinkles and ccrtugations. Dryden.

RIVEN. part, of rive.

RI'VER. ʃ. [rivi^re, French.] A land current
of water bigger than.a brook. Addiſ.

RIVER-DRAGON. ʃ. A crocodile. A
name given by Milton to the king of Egypt,

RIVER-GOD. ʃ. Tutelary deity of a river.

RIVER-HORSE. ʃ. Hippopotamus. Milton.

RI'VET. ʃ. A failening piq clenched at
both end?. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

To RI'VET. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To faflenwith rivets. Ben. ychnjor.
2. To faſten ſtrongly ; to make immovebbip.

RI'VULET. ʃ. [ri'vulut, Latin.] A ſmall
river; a brook ; a fireamlet. Berkley.

RIXDO LLAR. ʃ. A German coin, worth
about four ſhilhn^s and fix-Dence ſtcrling.

ROACH. ʃ. A fiHi: he is 'accounted thwater
ſheep, for his fimpiicity and fooJlOineſs

ROAD. ʃ. [rade, French.]
1. Large way ; path, Suck'ing.
2. [R^idyFr.] Ground where ſhips may
anchor. S^^dys.
3. lorode; incurſion. Kt.r.llts,
4. Journpy. li'Iiltvn.

To ROAivI. v. n. [rcm'z.yrt^ Italian.] To
Yvaaacr without any tſcruin purpoſe ; to. Prior.

To RO.^M. v. a. wander
over. Milton.

ROA'MER. ʃ. [from rod/w.] A rover ; 4
r?n)bier ; a wanderer.

ROAN. a. [rou Tiy French.] Bay^ forrel, or
black, withg:ey or white ſpotsinterſperfed
very thick. Farrier i DtSI,

To ROAR. t: n. [piran, Saxon.]
1. To cry as a lion or other wild beaſt. Dryden.
2. To cry in diſtreſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To found as the wind or ſca. Pope. .
4. To make a loud n')ife, Milton.

ROAR. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The cry of the lion or other beaſt,
2. An outry of diſtreſs.
3. A clamour of merriment. Shakʃpeare.
4. The found of the wind or ſca.
5. Any loud noiſe. Dryden.

ROA'llV. a. [better rory ]
rer^J, Latin.]
Dsviy. Fairfax.

To ROAST. v. a. [rcjien^ German ; 3 p T.
t 5, Saxon. roaſted.]
1. To dreſs meat, by turning it round before
the fire. Swift.
%, To impart dry heat to f^efli. Swift.
3. To dreſs at the fire without water. Bacon.
4. To heat any thing violently, Shakſp.

ROAST. for roiſhd. Prior.
'To rule the ROAST. To govern ; to manage
; to preſide. Shakʃpeare.

ROB-. ʃ. Inſpiirated juices. Arbuthnot.

To ROB. v. a. [r^ber^ old Ff, robbare,
1. To deprive of any thing by unlawful
force ; to plunder. Addiſon.
2. To itt free ; to deprive of ſomething
bad. Shakʃpeare.
3. To take away unlawfully. Bacon.

ROBBER. f. [from roi.] A thief ; one that
robs oy force, or ſtcals by ſecret m-ans.Shakʃpeare.

ROBBERY. ʃ. [roberie, old French.] Theft
ncrpe rated by force or with privacy. Temple.

ROBE. C {rohbe,YT.robba,\tz]:\in.] A gown
of ibte ; a dreſs of dignity. Shakſp.

To ROBE. v. a. [from the noun.] To dreſs
pompoully ; to invefb. Pope.

RO BERT. ʃ. An herb.

ROSF/RSMAN. ʃ. In the old ſtatutes,

ROBt'ilTSMAN. ʃ. a ſort of bold and
f.our robbers or night thieves, ſaid to be fa
c:illed ſt om Rob:nhood.

RO'!^lN. ʃ. / [ruherula\

fo named from his red breaſt. Huckirg,

ROBO'REOUS. «J. [ra^Br, Latin.] Made of

i.Strong; Z a, [foh'^Jius, Latin.]

1. Strong ; ſinewy ; vigorous ; forceful.
2. Boiſterous; violent ; unwieldy. Dryd.
3. Requiiing ſtrength. Locke.

ROBU'STNESS. ʃ. [from robuft.]Stxcnv^i^ i
vigour, Arbuth

ROCAMBO'LE. ʃ. A ſort of wild ga.lick. Arbuthnot.

ROCKE-ALUM. ʃ. \_rcche, F<. a rocli.] A
purer kind of a!um.

RO'CHET. ʃ. [^odtt, Fr. rocvs, low Lat.]
1. A furplice ; the white upper garriKnt
of the prieſt officiating. Clea've'ar.d.
2. A fiſh. Ainsworth.

ROCK. ʃ. [roc, roche, French.]
1. A vaft inals of ſtone. Pope. .
% Protedli jd ; defence. A ſcriptural I'enff.
5. A diſtaff held in the ha'.d, from which
the wuol was ſpun by twirling a bail beiow.
Ben yohr.jcn.

To ROCK. v.a, [ref^wfr, French.]
1. To ſhake ; to ajove backwards and forwards.
B'^yl' .
2. To move the cradle, in order to procure
flee p. Dryden.
3. To lull ; to quir-', Shakʃpeare.

To ROCK. v. a. To be violently agitated ; to reel to and fro. J'-jung,

ROCK- DOE. ʃ. A ſpecies of deer. Crew.

ROCK ruby. ſ. The garner, when it is
of a very (Irong, but not deep red, aed has
a fair caſt of the b!ue. //'//.

ROCK-SALT. ʃ. Mineral f.dr. Wondi.v.

RO'CKER. ʃ. [from rcc/i.] One who recks
the cradle. Dryden.

RO'CKET. ʃ. [r(,cl:etto, Italian.] An'artificial
firework, being a cylindrical caſe of
paper filled with nitre, charcoal, and fulphur,
and which nnounts in the air to a
conſiderable height, and there burſts. Add.

RO'CKET. ʃ. A plant. Muler.

ROCKLESS. fl. [from «a.] Being without
rocks. Dryden.

RO'CKROSE. ʃ. [;?5t-tand ro/^.] Aplant.

RO'CKWOllK. ſ. [r'jck and wor/t.] Stones
fixed in mortar, in imitation of the alperi'.
ies of rocks. Addiſon.

RO'CKY. a. [from reck]
1. Full of rocks. Sandys.
2. Reſembling a rock. Milton.
3. Hard ; ſtony ; obdurate, Shakſp.

ROD. ʃ. [roede, Dutch.] [
s. A long twig. ' Boyle.
2. A kind of ſcepter. Shakſp.
3. Any thing long and flender. Granx-ii/r,
4. An inſtruiuent ror meaſuring. Arbuſh.
5. An inſtrument of correction, made of
twigs. Spenſer.

RODE pret.nfr/Vc. Muton,

RODOMONTA'DE. ʃ. [from a h<ro of
Arioſto, called Rodomonte.] An empty
noify blufteror bjalr ; a rsnt. Dryden.

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To RODOMONTA'DE. ^. ».- [from the
noun.] To brag thrafonically ; to boali
like Rodomonte.

ROE. ʃ. fji3. pa toeip, Saxon.]
1. A ſpecies of deer. Arbuthnot.
2. The female of the hart. Sandys.

ROE. ʃ. [properly rojn or rone ; rann, Dan. ;
The egi-s of fiſh. Shakʃpeare.

ROGA'; ION. ʃ. [legation, VrtnzW.] Litany
; fnpDlicatior, tkoker. 'fayl.r,

ROGATION-WEEK. ʃ. The week imir.
cdutely preceeding Whitfunday : the
Monday, Tuefday, and Wednefday, called
rogation days, becauſe of the extraordinary
prayers and proceſſions then made for the
fruits of the earth, or as a preparation for.
the devotion of holy thurfday. DSi.

ROGUE. ʃ. [of uncertain etymology.]
1. A wandering beggar ; a vagrant ; a vagabond. Bacon.
2. A knave ; a diſhoneſt fellow ; a villain ; a thief. South.
3. A name of flight tenderneſs and endear.
ment. Shakʃpeare.
4. A vv.-g.

To ROGUE. v.fi. [from the noun.]
1. To wander ; to play the vagibond. Car,
2. To piiy knaviſh tricks.

RO'GUERY. ʃ. [from rogue.]
1. The life of a vagabond. Donne.
2. Knaviſh tricks. Shakʃpeare.
3. W.ggery ; arch tricks.

RO'GUESHIP. ʃ. [from rogue.] The qua-
Jirics or perſonage of argue. Dryden.

RO'GUISH. a. [fro,-n rogue.
1. Vagrant ; vagabond. Spenſer.
2. Knaviſh; fradulent. Swift.
3. W:iggiſh ; wanton ; ſlightly miſchievous. Addiʃon.

RO'GUISHLY. ad. [from roguiſh.] Like a
rogue ; knaviſhly ; wantonly.

RO'GUISHNESS. ʃ. [from rogwjh.] The
qusii'ies of a rogue.

RO'GL'Y. a. [ham rogue.] Knaviſh ; wanton.


To ROI'ST. [v.n. [r/>r, I Hand ick, a

To ROI'STER. ʃ. vioL^ntman.] To behave
turbulently ; to act at dilcretion ; to
be at r'rre quarter ; to biuller. ^huhlp,

ROI'Sl'EK. or roifterer. ſ. [from the verb.]
A turbulent, brutal, lav;leſs, bluftsring

To ROLL. v. a. [roubr,Yt. ro//.w, Dutch.]
1. To move any thing by vclutation, or
fucceffive application of the different parts
of the farface, to the ground. Mark.
2. To move any thing round upon its axis. Milton.
3. To move in a circle. Milton.
4. To produce a periodical revolution.
5. To wrap round upon itſelf.
6. To enwrap ; to involve in bandage. Wiseman.
7. T»

7. To form by rolling into round mafTes.
8. To pour in a ſtrcam or waves. To pt.

To ROLL. v. n.
1. To be moved by the ſucceffive applicacation
of all parts of the ſurface to the
ground. Temple.
2. To lun on whcelr. Dryden.
3. To perform a periodical revolution. Dryden.
4. To move with appearance of circular
direction. Milccn. Dryden.
t;. To float in rough water. Pope. .
6. To move as waves or volumes of water.
7. To fluſtoate; to move tumultuouſly.
FrierPope. .
8. To revolve on its axi?. S-indys.
q. To be moved tumultuouſly. Milton.

ROLL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of rolling ; the ſtate of being
2. The thing rolling. Thomfon.
3. Mafs mace round. Addiſon.
4. Writing rolled upon itſelf. Spenſer.
5. A round body rolled along, Mortimer.
6. [HqIuIus, Latin.] Publick writing.
Ezra. Hale.
7. A regifter ; a catalogue. Sidney, Davies.
8. chronicle. Dryden.
9. Warrant. Shakʃpeare
10. Part ; f.ffi:e. L'Eſtrange.

RO'LLER. ʃ. [from ro//.]
1. Any thing turning on its own axis, as a
heavy ſtone to level walks. Hamm. Ray.
2. Bard^ge ; fillet. Shakſp.

RO'LLINGPiN. ʃ. [rolling in6 pin.] A
round piece of wood tapering at each end,
with which paſte is moulded. Wiseman.

ROLLYPOGLY. ʃ. A ſort of game, in
which, wheu a ball rolls into a certain place,
it wins. Arbuthnot.

RdMAGE. ʃ. [ramage, French.] A tumult
; a buftle ; an attive and tumultuous
ſearch for any thing. Shakſp.

ROMa'NCE. ʃ. [rcwan, French ; TO}nanz,a,
1. A military fable of the mid<lle ages ; a
tale of wild adventures in war and l«vf. Milton. ff'^alUr. Dryden.
2. A lie; a fi(flion.

To ROMANCE. v.n. [from the noun.]
To lie ; to forge.

ROMA'NCER. ʃ. [from rcm^««.] A lier; a forgfr of tales. 7ate.

To RO'MANIZE. v. a. [from roman, Fr.]
To latinize ; to fill with modes of the Roman
ſpcech. Dryden.

ROMA'N'TICK. a. [from romance.
1. Reſembling the talcs 0! romances ; wild.
2. Improbable ; fair«.

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3. Fanciful; full of wild ſcencry. Thomfon.t

ROMISH. a. [from Rome.] PopiOi. jiyhffe,

ROMP. ʃ.
1. A rude, awkward, boiſterous, untaught
girl. ./Arbuthnot.
2. Rough rude play. [from ion,

To ROMP. v. n. To phy rudely, lioifily,
iM boifte'ouſly. Hivi/t,

RO N DEAU. ʃ. A kind of ancient poetry,
commonly conſiſting of thirteen verſes ; of
which eight have one rhyme and five another:
it is divided into three couplets, and
at the end of the ſecond and third, the beginning
of the rondeau is repeated in .an
equivocal ſenſe. Trtvoux,

RONT. ʃ. An animal ſtinted in the growth. Spenſer.

RO'NDLES. ʃ. [from round.] A round
mafs. Peacham.

RO NION. ʃ. A fat bulky woman.Shakʃpeare.

ROOD. ʃ. [from rod.]
1. The founh p^rt of an acre in ſquare
meaſure, Swift.
2. A pole ; a meaſure of fixteen feet and a
half in long meaſure. Milton.
3. The croſs. Shakʃpeare.

ROOF. ʃ. [hjarp, Saxon.]
1. The cover of a houſe. Sidney.
2. The vault; the inſide of the arch that
covers a building. Hooker.
3. The palate
; the upper part of the
mouth. Bacon.

To ROOF. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover with a roof. Creech.
2. To inclcfe in a houſe. Shakʃpeare.

ROO'FY. a. [from roc/.] Having rooſs. Dryden.

ROOK. ʃ. [hfxnc, Saxon.]
1. A bird rſſembling a crow : it feeds not
on carrion, but grain. Dryden.
2. A mean man at cheſs. Dryden.
3. A cheat ; a trickiſh rapacious fellow.

To ROOK. v. n. To rob ; to cheat.

ROO'KERY. ʃ. [from rook.] A nurſsry of
ro(;ko. Pope:

ROOKY. a. Inhabited by rooks.Shakʃpeare.

ROOM./ [pum,Saxon; raw., Gothick.]
1. Suace; i x;<'nt of place. Mlun.
Z- Space or place unoccupied, Berkley.
3. Way unobibuded. Creech.
4. Place of another ; ſtead. Calamy.
5 UnobſtruOed opp'.rtunity. Addiʃon.
6. An apartment in a houſe. Suckling, Stillingfleet.

ROO'MAGE. ʃ. [from r««w.] Space , pl^ce.

ROO'MINESS. ʃ. [from ro.my.] Space ;
quantity of extent,

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ROO'MY. a. [from rcoOT.] Spacious; w'lde
; large. Dryden.

ROOST. f. [hpoj-c, Saxon.]
1. That on which a bird fits to ſleep. Dryden.
2. Theaſt of ſleeping. Denham.

To ROOST. v. n. [roy^<:«, Dutch ; r<?/.]
1. To ſleep as a bird. L'Eſtrange.
2. To ) lodge. In burleſque.

ROOT. ʃ. [rot, Swediſh ; roed, Dmiſh.]
1. Thit pait of the plant which reſts in the
ground, and ſupplies the rtems with nouli/
hmeat. Evelyn, Bacon.
2. The bottom ; the lower part. Milton.
<?. A plant of which the root is efculent. Watts.
4. The original ; the firſt cauſe. Davies.
<;. The firſt: anceflor. Shakʃpeare.
6. Fixed reſidence. Dryden.
7. Impreſſion ; durable effeſt. Hooker.

To ROOT. v. n. [from the noun]
1. To fix the root ; to ſtrike far into the
earth, Shakʃpeare.
2. To turn up earth.

To ROOT. -y. a. [from the noun.]
1. To fix deep in the earth. Dryden.
2. To impreſs deeply. South.
3. To turn up out of the ground ; to radicate
; to extirpate. Raleigh.
4. To deſtroy ; to baniſh. Granville,

ROO'TED. a. [from roo/.] Fixed ; deep ; radical. Hammond.

ROO'TEDLY. <i<^. [from roo^^^. ; Deeply; ſtrongly. Shakʃpeare.

ROOTY. ad. [from roor.] Full of roots.

ROPE. ʃ. [pap. Sax. reep, roop, Dutch.]
1. A cord ; a (tring; a halter. Hudibris.
1. Any row of things depending: as, a
rope of onions


RORI'FLtJENT. a. [roj and y/«o, Latin.]
Flowing with dew. D £i.

RO'SARY. ʃ. [rofatrum, Latin.] A bunch
of beads, en which the Romanifls number
their prayers. Cleaveland. Taylor.

RO'SCID. a. [rofddus, Latin.] Dewy ; abounding
with dew. Bacon.

ROSE. ʃ. [refe, Fr. rofa, Latin.] A flower.

To ſpeak under the Rose, To ſpeak any
thing with fafety, ſo as not afterwards to
be diſcovered. Brown.

ROSE. pret. of rife. Milton.

RO'SEATE. a. [from ro/e.]
1. Raly; fuUofrofes. Pope. .
2. BIooming, fragrant, purple, as a rofe.

RO'SED. a. [from the noun.] Crimfoned ; fluſhed. Shakʃpeare.

RO'SEMARY. ʃ. [rofmarifius, Latin.] A
pbnt. Miller.

ROSE-NOBLE. ʃ. An EngliHi gold coin,
in value anciently fixteen ſhillings. Camden.

RO'SEWATER. ʃ. [roje and water.] Water
diſhiled from rofes. Wiſemar,

RO'SET. ʃ. [from rofe.] A red colour for
painters. Peacham.

ROSIER. ʃ. [rofier, French.] A rofebuſh. Spenſer.

RO'SIN. ʃ. [rejine, Fr. rejina, Latin.]
1. Inſpifl'ated turpentine ; a juice of the
pine. Garth.
2. Any inrpiffated matter of vegetables that
diITolves in ſpirit, Arbuthnot.

To RO'SIN. v. a. [from the noun.] To
rub with rofin. Gay.

RO'SINY. a. [from rojin.] Reſembling

RO'SSEL. ʃ. Light land, Mortimer.

To ROPE. v. a. [from the noun.] To draw RO'STRATED. a. [rofiratus, Lat.] Adorned
with beaks of ſhips. Arbuthnot.

ROSTRUM. ʃ. [Latin.]
1. The beak of a bird.
2. Thebeakof a ſhip,
3. The ſcaffold whence orators harangued. Addiʃon.
4. The pipe which conveys the diſtilling
liquor into its receiver in the common alembicks,

RO'SY. a. [rofeus, Latin.] Reſembling a
rofein bloom, beauty, colour, or fragrance. Dryden. Priir,

To ROT. v. n. [fiotap, Saxon ; rotten,
Dutch.] Toputrify; to Joſe the cohefion
of its parts. M'^ood'ward,

To ROT. v. a. To make putrid ; to bring
to corruption. Dryden.

ROT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A diftemper among ſheep, in which
their lungs are waſted. Ben. Johnson.
2. Putrefaction ; putrid decay. Philips.
out into viſcoſities ; to concrete into glutinous
filaments. Dryden.

RO'PEDANCER. ʃ. [rope and dancer.] An
artiſt who dances on a rope. Wilkins.

RO'PINESS. ʃ. [from ropy.] Vifcofity ; glutmouſneſs.

RO'PEMAKER. or roper. ſ. [rope and maker.]
One who makes ropes to ſells.Shakʃpeare.

RO'PERY. ʃ. [from rope.] Rogue's tricks.Shakʃpeare.

RO'PETRICK. ʃ. [rope and trick.] Probably
rogue's tricks ; tricks that defetve
the halter. Shakʃpeare.

RO'PY. a. [from ropi

for roen.]
Viſcous ; tenacious; Dryden.
[French.] A cloak. Gay.

RORA'TION. ʃ. [roris, Latin.] A falling
of dew.

RORID. ʃ. [roridus, Lat.] Dewy. Brown.

RORI'FEROUS. a. [rof and/fr.?, Latin.] RO'TARY. (7, [re/j, Latin.] Whirling as
Pioducing dew. ^^<^^ a wheel. Dia,


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ROTATED. a. [rotatus, Latin.] Whirled

ROTA TION. ʃ. [rotation, Fr. rotJtIo,
-Latin.] The act of whirling round like a
wheef. Newton.

ROTA'TOR. ʃ. [Latin.] That which gives
a circular motion. Ifijemin.
Rote. ſ. [p.r, Saxon. merry.]
1. A harp ; a lyre. Spenſer.
2. Words uttered by mere memory with.
out meaning} memory of words without
comprehenlion of the ſenſe. Hudibras, Swift.

To ROTE. v. a. To fix in the memory,
without informing the underAanding.Shakʃpeare.

RO'TGUT. ʃ. Bidbcer. Harvey.

ROTHER NAILS. ʃ. Among ſhipwnghts,
nails with very full heads uſed for /afl«ning
the rudder irons of ſhips. Bailey.

ROTTEN. a. [from rat.]
1. Putrid; Cirious; putreſcent. Sandys.
2. Not firm ; not truſty. Shakſp.
3. Not found ; not hard. Knolles.

ROTTENNESS. ʃ. [from r^r^.'?.] State of
being rotten ; cariouſneſs; putrefaſtion. Wiseman.

ROTU'ND. a. [rotundus^hmn.] Round ; circular ; ſpherical. Addiſon.

ROTU'NDIFOLIOUS. a. [rotundus ^nifoiluwy
Latin.] Having round leaves.

ROTU'NDITY. ʃ. [rotunditas, Lat. rotondite\
Fr, from rotund.^ Roundoeſs ; ſphericity
; circularity. Berkley.

ROTU'NDO. ʃ. [rotondo, Italian.] A building
formed round both in the inſide and
outlide \ ſuch as the Pantheon at Rome.

To ROVE. v. V, [roffvtr^ Daniſh.] To
ramble ; to range ; to wander. Watts.

To ROVE. v. a. To wander over. Milton, Gay.

RO'VER. ʃ. [from TOve.]
1. A wanderer ; a ranker.
2. A ſickle inconſtant man,
3. A robber ; a pirate. Bacon.
4. At RovKKS. Without any particular
aim. South.

ROUGE. ʃ. [rouge, Fr.] Red painf,

ROUGH. a. [hpuh, bjiuhje, Saxon ; nuiv,
1. Not ſmooth ; rugged ; having inequalities
on the ſurface. Burnet.
2. Auftere to the taſte : as, rough tvine.
3. Harſh to the ear. Pope. .
4. Rugged of temper ; inelegant of man-
ners ; not loft. Convky.
5. Not gentle ; not proceeding by eai'y
operation, Clarendon.
6. Harlh to the mind ; ſevere, Locke.
7. Hard featured ; not delicate. Dryden.
8. Not polished ; not finiſhed by art.
9. Terrible ; dieadfai, Milton.

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10. Rugged ; diſordered in appearanc \
ccarfc. Ps/i'tr,
; I. TempeHuous ; flormy ; bniſterous.Shakʃpeare.

To ROU'GHCAST. v. a. [roughi^nd caſt.]
1. To mould without mcety or clegance ;
to form with alpcrities and inequalities.

2. To form any thing in its fiift ndiments. Dryden.

ROU GHCAST. ſ. [rcugb and caj}; 1. A lude model ; a form in its rudiments.
2. A kind of plaiHer mixed with peb: lef,
or by ſome other cauſe very unfvrn en he
Surface. Shakʃpeare.

ROU'GHDRAUGHT. ʃ. [rougtj and
draugbt.] A draught in its rudiments. Dryden.

To ROU'GHDRAW. v. a. [rcugb and
draw.] To trace coaſely, Dryden.

To ROU'GHEN. I', d. [from roa^£>.] To
make rough. Swift.

To ROU'GHEN. v. v. To grow rough.

To ROUGHHEW. via, {roughzvi^b:^.]
To give to any thing thefirſt appearance of
form. Hudibras.

ROUGHHEWN. paſtk'p. a.
1. Rugged ; unpolilliea
; uncivil ; unrefined. Bacon.
2. Not yet nicely fini/Tied. liowcl.

ROU'GHLY. ad. [from ro:-^^.]
1. With uneven futtace ; with aſperitiM
on the ſurface.
a- Harftiy ; uncwilly ; rudely. Spenſer.
3. Severely ; without tenderneſs. Dryden.
4. Aurtcrely to the t.^fle.
5. Boifterouſly ; tempeſtuouſly,
6. Harſhly to the car,

ROUGHNESS. ʃ. [from ro-^gk.]
1. Superficial alperity ; unevenneſs of furnace. Boyle.
2. Auſtereneſs to the taſte, Brown.
3. Taſte of aſtringency. Spectator.
4. Harſhneſs to the ear. Dryden.
5. Ruggedneſs of temper; coaſeneſs of
manners ; tendency to ludeneſs. Denham.
6. Abſence of delicacy. Addiſon.
7. Severity ; violence of diſcipllne.
S. Violence of operation in medicines.
9. Unpoliſhed or unfiniſhed ſtate,
10. Inelegance of creſs or appearance,
11. Tempeltuouſneſs ; ſtormineſs,
12. Coarfcneſs of features.

ROUGHT. old pret. of reach. Reached.Shakʃpeare.

To ROU'GHWORK. v. a. [rc.gb ^nd
ivcrk] To work coaſeiy over without the
leaſt nicety. Moxon.

ROU'NCEVAL. ʃ. SeePFA. Tujer.

ROUND. a. [rand^ Fr. rondo, Italian.
1. Cylindrical. Mhcn»
5 M a 2. UircU
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2. Circular. Milton.
3. Spherical ; orbicular. Milton.
4. Smooth ; without defect in found. Peacham.
5. Not broken, Arbuthnot.
6. Large ; not inconſiderable. Addiſon.
7. Plain ; clear ; fair ; candid ; open. Bacon.
8. Quick; briik. Addiſon.
9. Plain ; free without delicacy or ttſerve
; almoſt rough. Bacon.

%. A circle ; a ſphere ; an orb. Shakſp.
2. Rundle ; ſtep of a ladder.
Governmetit of the Tongue.
3. The time in which any thing has palfed
through all hands, and comes back to the
firſt. Prior.
4. A revolution ; a courſe ending at the
point where it began. Smith.
5. A walk performed by a guard or officer,
to furvey a certain diftndl.

ROUND. ad.
1. Every way ; on all ſides. Geneſn,
2. In a revolution. Addiſon.
3. Circularly. Milton.
4. Not m a direct line. Pope.

ROUND. p^ef>.
1. On evc^-ry ſide of, Mtlfon,
2. About ; circularly about, Dryden.
3. All ever. Dryden.

To ROUND. %>. a.
1. To (urround ; to encircle, Prior.
2. To make ſphericsl or tiicubr. Cheyne.
3. To raiſe to 4 relief. Addiſon.
4. To move about any thing, Mitton,
5. To mould into ſmoothneſs, Swift.

To ROUND. -y. n.
1. To grow round in form, Shakʃpeare.
2. To whiſpc', Ba^on,
3. To go refunds. MlIter.

1. Ample ; txtenfive, Locke.
2. Indired ; looſe. FeltiU.

ROU'NDEL. ʃ. .

1. ^Ronddet^ French.] A kind of ancient
poetry. Sp''nſcr.
2. A round form or fig;ue. Howel.

ROU'NDER. ʃ. [from round.] Circumteience; inci fure. Shakʃpeare.

ROU'NDHEAD. ʃ. [round and head.] A
puritan, ſo named from the practice once
pievalent among them of cropping their
h-ir round. Upectator.

ROU'NDHOUSE. ʃ. [round and houje.] The
conftable's prITon, in which diſorderly
perions, found in the ſtreet, are co-fined. Pope.

ROU'NDISH. a. [irov^ round] Somewhat
round \ approaching to roundneſs. Boyle.

ROU'NDLY. ad. [from round.]
1. l.-i a lound foroi 3 in a round manner.

2. Openly ; plainly ; without reſcrvp. Hayward.
3. Briſkiy ; with ſpeed. Locke.
4. Com^iletely
; to the purpoſe ; vigorouſly
; in earneſt. Davies.

ROUNDNESS. f. [from ro««^.]
1. Circularity ; ſphericity ; cylindrical
form. Watts.
2. Smoothneſs. Spenſer.
3.Horfeſty ; cpenneſs ; vigorous meaſures.

To ROUSE. v. a.
1. To wake from reſt. Pope. .
2. To excite to thought or action. Addiʃon, Atterbury.
3. To put into action. Spenſer.
4. To drive a beail from his laire. Shakʃpeare.

To ROU ^E. v. n.
1. To awake from flumber, Pope.
2. To be excited to thought or sft'f^n.Shakʃpeare.

ROUSE. ʃ. [rufch, German.] A d oſe of
iiquor latho too large. Shakʃpeare.

ROU'SER. ʃ. [from rouſe.] One who rouſes.

ROUT. ʃ. [rot, D-»tch'.]
1. A c:amarou!> multitude ; a rabble ; a
tumultuous croud. Roſcommon.
2. Confuſion of any army defeated 01 riiſper'ed. Daniel.

To ROUT. v. n. To diſhpate and put into
contyiſion by defeat. Clarenden.

To ROUT. v. «. To aflſemble in clamorous
and tumultuous croud?. Bacon.

ROU rE. ʃ. [route, Fr.] Road ; way. Gay.

ROW. ʃ. [reih, German.] A rank or file; a number of things ranged in a line. Spenſer.

To ROW. v. 71. ſpcpan, Saxon.] To impel
a veſſel m the water by oars. Gay.

To ROW. v. a. To drive or help forward
by oats. Milton.

RO'WEL. ʃ. [rouelle, Fr.]
1. The points of a ſpur turning on an axis. Peacham.
2. A feton ; a roll of hair or ſilk put intp
a wound ti» hinder it from heahng, and
provoke a diſr harge.

To RO'WEL. v. a. To pierce through the
ikin, and keep the wound open by a rowel. Mortimer.

RO'WEN. ʃ. A field kept up till after Michaelmas.

RO'WER. ʃ. [from roio.] One that manages
an oar. Addiſon.

RO'YAL. a. [roial, Fr.]
1. Kingly ; belonging to a king ; becoming
a king; regal. Granville,
2. Noble ; illurtrious. Shakʃpeare.

RO'YAUST. ʃ. [from royal'] Adherent
to a king. South.

To RO'Y.


To RO'VALIZE. v. a. [from royji.] To
make royal. Shakʃpeare.

RO'VALLY. ad. [from royal ] In a kingly
manner ; rcgaJly ; as becomes a king. Dryden.

RO'YALTY. ʃ. [roia!tr\?r.]
1. Kingſhip ; charadlcr or office of a king. Shakʃpeare, Locke.
2. State of a king. Fnor.
3. Emblems of royalty. Milton.

To ROYNE. v. a. [rogner^Tt.] To gnaw ;
to hire. Spenſer.

RCVNISH. a. [rogneaux, Fr.] Paltry ; forry ; mean ; rude. i)hakſpeare.

To RUB. v. a. [riubio, Wdſh ; reiben,
German, to wipe.]
1. To clear, or imooth any thing by paffing
ſomething over ix. ; to ſcour ; to wipe ;
to petfricate.
7. To touch ſo as to have ſomething of
tha^ which touches behind. Addiʃon.
3. To move one body upon anothtr.
4. To chſtrufl by colliſion. Shakſpeare.
5. To poii.Ti ; to retouch. South.
6. To ren'.ove by fridlicn. Collier.
7. To to'ach hard, Sidney.
8. To rub down. To clean or curry a
hone. Dryden.
9. To Rub up. To excite ; to awaken. South.
10. To Rub up. To poliſh ; to retjuch.

To RUB. a;, w,
1. To fret ; to make a fr:6^ion. Dryden.
2. To get through difficulties.


RUB. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Colliſion ; hindrance ; obnruction. Shakʃpeare. Crjjhatu,
2. Frication ; act of rubbing.
3. Inequality of ground, that hinders the
motion of a bowl. Shakʃpeare.
4. Difficulty ; cauſe of uncafineſs.Shakʃpeare.

RUB-STONE. ʃ. [r«^and/o«^.j A ſtone
to ſcour or ſharpen. lujfer,

RU'BBER. ʃ. [from rub..
1. One that rubs.
2. The inſtrument with which one rubs. Swift.
3. A coarſe file. AUxon.
4. A game ; a conteſt ; two garnet out of
three, Ccllier.
5. A whetHone.

RUBI'CAN. a. [rubrcan, Fr.] Rubicon co-
Jour of a horſe is one that is bay, forrcl,
or black, with a light, grey, or white
upon the flunks. Farrier'' s Diff.

RU'BBAGE. ʃ. . _. ,.

RU'BBISH. ʃ. / [f^fomry^.]
1. Ruins of building ; fragments of matter
uſed in building. H^otton. Dryden.
%, Confuficn ; mingled mafs. Arbuthnot.

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3. Any thing vile and worthleſs.

RUBBLE STONE. ʃ. Stones rubbed and
worn by the water, at the Jattcr end of
^^^ ^^5?e. Jy.odward.

RU'BICUND. a. [rubiro.de, Fr. rub^cundus
Lat.] Iiiciining to redneſs,

RU'BIED. a. [from Tuby,j Red as a ruby.

RUBITICK. a. [ruber and facio, Latin.]
Making red. q.

To RUBIFY. i.:a. To make red. Brown.

RU'BIOUS. a. [rub.ui, Lat.
; Ruddy ; red. Not uſed. Shakʃpeare.

RU/BRICATED. a. [from r.3r;V^, Latin.l
Smeared with red.

RU'BRICK.y. [rubr:que, Fr. rubrica, Lat.T
Directions printed in books of law and in
prayer books ; f , termed, becauſe they
were originally diſtinguiſhed by being m

RU'BRJCK. R,d. iv/^,„;

To RU'BRICK. v. a. [from the aoun.] To
adrn with icd.

RU'BiFORM. a. [raber, Lat,zn^form-\
Having the form of red. Newton RUBY. y. [from ruhir, Lat.]

I. A p:cci.-u£ ſtone of a red colour, next
in hardneſs and value to a diamond. Peacham.
Rf^^neſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. Any thing red. Milton.
4. A blain ; a blotch ; a carbuncle.

RU'BY. a. [from the noun.] Of a red co-

'«'. Shakʃpeare.

RUGTA'TION. ʃ. [ruHo, Lat.] A belching
ar:ling from wind and indigestion.

To RUD. v. a. [jiu&u, Sax.] To make

RU'DDER. ʃ. [roedr,Tyut.] ^ .
1. The i.nitrument at the ſtern of a veſſel,
by which Its cuurle is governed. Raleigh.
2. Aiy thing that guides or governs the

RUDDINESS. ʃ. [from ruddy.] The quality
nt approaching te redneſs. Wiseman.

RUDDLE. ʃ. [ruduL Kl.nd.ck.] R.d earth.

RU'DDOCK. ʃ. [ruhecula, LaT.] A kind of
^'^- Care^,

RU'DDY. a. [jiubn, Saxon.]
1. Approaching to redneſs
; pale red.
2. Yellow. Dryden.

RUDE. a. ſpe'oe, Saxon ; rudis^ Lat.]
1. Rough ; lavage
; coarſe of manners; uncivil ; brutil. Shakʃpeare.
2. Violent
i tumultuous ; boiſterous ; turbulent.
3. Harſh ; inclement. ff'alur,
4. Ignorant ; raw ; untaught. Wotton.
5. Rugged ; uneven ; ſhapdtfs.
6. Artielsj inelegant, Spenſer.
7. Such

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7. Such as may be done with ſtrength without
art. Dryden.

RU'DELY. ad. [from rude.]
1. la a rude manner. Shakʃpeare.
2. Without exactneſs ; without nicety ; coaſely, Shakʃpeare.
3. Unſkilfully. Dryden.
4. Violently ; boifterouſly. Spenſer.

RU'DENESS. ʃ. [rudeje, Fr.]
1. Coarfeneſs of manners ; incivility. Swift.
2. Ignorance ; unſkilfulneſs. Hayward.
5. Artlefſneſs ; inelegance ; coaſeneſs. Spenſer.
4. Violence ; boifterouſneſs, Shakʃpeare.
5. Stormineſs ; rieour. Evelyn.

HU'DERARY. a. [rudera, Lat.] Belonging
to rubbiſh. „ Did,

EUDERA'TION. ʃ. [In architecture, the
laying of a pavement with pebbles or little

RU'DESBY. ʃ. [from rude.] An uncivil
torbulent fellow. Shakʃpeare.

RWDIMENT. ʃ. [rudimentum, Lat.]
1. The firſt principles ; the iirſt elements
©f a ſcience. Milton.
2. The fifft part of education. Wotton.
3. The firſt, inaccurate, unſhapen begmning. Philips.

RUDIME^NTAL. a. [from rudimerie.] Initial
5 relating to firſt principles. Spsclator.

To RUE. v. a. [jiecppan, Saxon.] To
grieve for ; to regret ; to lament. Donne.

RUE. ʃ. [ruta, Lat.] An herb called herb
©f grace, becauſe holy water was ſprinkled
with it. More.

RUETUL. ^. [ra^and /a//.] Mournful;
woful ; ſorrowful. Dryden.

SUE'FULLY. ad. [f/om rap/w/.] Mournfully
; ſorrowfully. More,

RUE'FULNEiS. ʃ. [from rueful.] Sorrowtuluers
; mournfulfjeſs.

RUE'LLE. ʃ. [French.] A circle^ an af.
ſembly at a private houſe. Dryden.

IvUFF. ʃ. A puckered linen ornament,
formerly woin about the neck. Drayton.
2. A ſmall river fiſh. Walton.
5. A ſtate of roughneſs. Chapman.
4. New ſtate. L'Eſtrange.

RUFFIAN. ʃ. [ruffiano, Italian.] A brutal,
boiſterous, miſchievous fellow ; a cutthroat
; a robber ; a murderer.
Wayward. Addiſon.

RUFFIAN. a. Brutal ; ſavagely boilterous. Pope.

To RU'FFIAN. v. n. [from the noun.] To
rage ; to raiſe tumults ; to play the ruffian,Shakʃpeare.

To RU'TFLE. ». a. [ruyffekn, Dutch, to
1. To diſorder; to put Out of form ; to
m:kke leſs ſmooUi. Boyle.

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2. To diſcompoſe ; to diſturb; to put out
of temper. Glanville.
3. To put out of order ; to ſurpriſe. Hudibras.
4. To throw diſorderly together. Chapman.
5. To contraa into plaits. Addiſon.

To RU'FFLE. v. n.
1. To grow rough or turbulent.Shakʃpeare.
2. To be in locfe motion ; to flutter. Dryden.
3. To be rough ; to^jar ; to be in contention.Shakʃpeare.

RU'FFLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. PIaited linen uſed as an ornament. Addiʃon.
2. Difturbance ; contention ; tumult. Watts.

RU/FTERHOOD. ʃ. [In falconry, a hood
to be worn by a hawk when the is firſt
drawn. Bailey.

RUG. ʃ. [rugget, Swediſh.]
1. A coarſe nappy woollen cloath. Peacham.
2. A coarſe nappy coverlet uſe for mean
beds. Stvtfr,
3. A rough woolly dog. Shakʃpeare.

RU'GGED. a. [ri^ggit, Swediſh.]
1. Rough ; full of unevenneſs and aſperity. Berkley.
2. Not neat ; not regular, Shakʃpeare.
3. Savage of temper ; brutal ; rough. South.
4. Stormy ; rude ; tumultuous ; turbulent
; tempeſtuous, Shakʃpeare.
5. Rough or harſh to the ear. Dryden.
6. Sour ; ſurly ; diſcompoſed. Shakʃpeare.
7. Violent; rude ; boiſterous. Hudibras.
8. Rovgh ; ſhaggy. Fairfax.

RU'GGEDLY. ad. [from rugged.] In a
rugged manner.

[from rugged.]
t. The A..te or quality of being rugged.
2. Roughneſs ; -ſpeiity. Ray.

RUGIN. ʃ. A nappy cloth. Wiſeman.

RU'GINE. ʃ. [rugine, Fr.] A chirurgeon.s
raſp. Sharp.

RUGO'SE. a. [ri/^o/wi, Lat.] Full of wrinkles.


RU'IN. ʃ. [ruine, Fr. ruina, Lat.]
1. The fall or deſtruction of cities or edifices.
2. The remains of building demoliſhed. Prior.
3. Deſtruction ; loſs of happineſs or fortune
; overthrow. Dryden.
4. Miſchief ; bane, Milton.

To RU'IN. v. a. [ruiner, Fr.]
1. To ſubvert; to demoiiſh, Dryden.
2. To deſtroy ; to deprive of felicity or
fortune. Wake.„
3. To

3. To impoverirti. Addiſon.

To RU'IN. v. n.
1. To fall in ruin?. Milton.
2. To run to ruin. Sandys.
3. To be brought to poverty or miſery. Locke.

To RUI'NATE. v. a. [from ruin.]
1. To I'ubverc ; to demolifti. Shakʃpeare.
2. To bring to meanneſs or miſery irrecoverable. Bacon.

RUINA'TION. ʃ. Subverſion ; demolition.

RU'INOUS. a. [ruinofut, Lat. ruir.eaux,
1. Fallen to ruin ; dilapidated ; demoliſhed,
2. Miſchievous; pernicious ; baneful ; deſtrud\
ive. Swift.

RU'INOUS LY. ad. [from ruinous.]
1. In a ruinous manner.
2. Miſchievouſly ; deſtructively.
Dec->y of Piety.

RULE. ʃ. [r^gula, Lat.]
1. Government ; empire ; ſway ; ſupreme
command. PU if>s.
1. An inſtrument by which lines are drawn. South.
3. Canon; precept by which the thoughts
or actions are directed. Tillotſon.
4. Regularity ; propriety of behaviour.Shakʃpeare.

To RULE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To govern ; to control ; to manage
with power and authority. Dryden.
2. To manage. l Mac.
3. To ſettle as by a rule. Atterbury.

To RULE. v. n. To have power or command. Locke.

RULER. ʃ. [from rule.]
1. Governour ; one that has the ſupreme
command. Raleigh.
2. An inſtrument, by the direction of
which lines are drawn. Moxon.

RUM. ʃ.
1. A country parfcn. Swift.
1. A kind of ſpirits diſtilled from molofles.

To RU'MBLE. v. a. [romme/en, Dutch.]
To make a hoerſe low continued noiſe. Shakʃpeare, Suckling. Roſcommon.

RU'MBLER. ʃ. [from rumble.] The perſon
or thing that rumbles.

RU'MINANT. a. [rutninans, Latin.] Having
the property of chewing the cud.

To RU'MINATE. v. a. [rumino, Lat.]
1. To chew the cud. ArbuthrGt.
2. To muſe ; to think again and again.
Fairf.x. Watrs.

To RU'MINATE. t/, a. [rumwo, Lat.]
1. To chew over again.
2. To muſe on ; to meditate over and
over again, Shakʃpeare.


RUMINA'TION. ʃ. [ruminatio, Lat, from
1. The property or act of chewing the
cud. Arbuthnot.t.
2. Meditation ; reflectirn. Shakʃpeare, Thomfon.

To RU'MMAGE. v. a. [ranmen^ German ; rimari, Lat.] To ſearch ; to plunder ; Co

To RU'MMAGE. v. n. To ſearch places. Swift.

RU'MMER. ʃ. [reſw^r, Dutch.] Aglaſs ;
a drinking cup, Phtlipt,

RU'MOUR. ʃ. [rum'ur, Fr. rumor^ Lat.]
Flying or popular report ; bruit ; ſame. Milton, Dryden.

To RUMOUR. v. a. [from ihenrun.] To
report abroad ; to bruit. Dryden.

RU'MOURER. ʃ. [from rumour.] Reporter ;
ſpreader of news. Shakʃpeare.

RUMP. ʃ. [r:<m/^, German.]
1. The end of the backbone. Spenſer, Swift.
2. The buttocks. Shakʃpeare.

To RU'MPLE. v. a. [rtmpekn, Dutch.]
To cruſh or contrac^ into inequalities and
corrugations. Blackrmre,

RU'MPLE. ʃ. [hpympelle, Saxon.] Pucker
; rude plait. Dryden.

To RUN. v.n. pret. ran. [y/inan, Saxon |
rennen, Dutch.]
1. To move ſwiftly ; to ply the legs ia
ſuch a manner, as that both feet are at
every ſtep off the ground at the ſame time ; to pifi with very quick pace. Dryden, Swift.
2. To uſe the legs in motion. Locke.
3. To move in a hurry. Ben. Johnſon.
4. To pace on the ſurface, not through
the air. Exodus.
5. To ruſh violently. Dryden, Burnet.
6. To take a courſe at fea. Arts.
7. To contend m a race. Swift.
8. To fly; not to ſtand. Shakʃpeare.
9. To ſtream ; to flow. Bacon, Milton.
10. To be liquid ; to be fluid. Bacon. AddiſoH,
11. To be fuſible ; to melt. Moxon.
12. To paſs ; to proceed. Temple, Luke.
13. To go away ; to vamft. Addiſcr,
14. To have a legal courſe ; to be practiſed.
15. To have a courſe in any direction. Addiʃon.
16. To paA in thought or ſpcech. Fehon,
17. To be mentioned curfoniy or in few
words. Arbuthnot.
18. To have a continual tenour of any
kind. Suunderjin.
19. To be bufied upon, Swift.
20. To be popularly known. Temple; 21. To hjvc receptign, lucceſs, or continuirKe,
22. To

12. To go on by ſucceſſion of partf,
23. To proceed in a tfain of condiif^.Shakʃpeare.
24. To paſs into ſome charge. Milton.
25. To proceed ma certdin order. Dryden.
26. To be in force. Bacon.
27. To be generally received. Knolles.
28. To be carried on in any manner.
29. To have a track or courſe. Bvyle,
30. To paſs progreffively. Cheyne.
31. To make a gradual pjogreſs. Pope. .
32. To be predominant. lVi)odward,
33. To tend in growth. Felton.
34. To excero pus or matter, Lei'it. xiii.
35. To become irregular ; to cliange to
ſomething w^ld. Granville.
36. To get by artifice or fraud. Hudibras.
37. To fall by hafre, paliion, or foJiy into
fault or misfortune. Knolles.
3S. To fall ; to paſs. Vy'otti.
39. To have a general tendency. Swift.
40. To proceed as on a ground or pnncipie. Atterbury.
41. To go on with violence. t'lvi/r.
1^.2. To RuK afs£r. To ſearch for ; to
endeavour at, though cut of the way. Locke.
43. i'oKvti awaywith. To hurry w^ithout
conſent. Locke.
44. To Run in with. To cloſe ; to of mply. Baker.
45. To Run on. To be continued. Hooker.
46. To Run over. To be ſo full as to 0-
veiflow. Dryden.
47. To be ſo much as to overflow. Digby.
48. To Run out. To be at an end. Swift.
49. To RuNtftf. To ſpread exuberantly. Hammond, Taylor.
50. To Run Oft/. To expatiate. Broome.
51. To Run out. To be waſted or txha
lifted. Ben. Johnson, Swift.

To RUN. v.a.
1. To pierce ; to ſtab, Shakʃpeare.r,
2. To force ; to drive. Locke.
3. To force into any v^ay or form. Febon.
4. To drive with violence. Kno'aes.
5. To melt. Feiton.
6. To incur. Calamy.
7. To venture ; to hazard. Clarenden, Dryden.
8 To import or export without duty.
9. To profecute in thought. Collier. Feiton.
10. To puſh. Mdif-ir.

XI. To Run down. To chaſe to wearinefi. L'Eſtrange.
iz. To Run down. To cruſh ; to overbear,
13. To Run o'vir. To recount curſtriiy.

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14. To Run over. To conſider curforily. Wotton.
i<;. To run through. South.

RUN,/. [from the verb.]
1. Act of running. L'Eſtrange.
2. C'jurſe ; motion. Bacon.
3. Fiow ; cadence. Brcome,
4. C^)urſe; proceſs,
5. Way of management ; uncontrolled
courſe. Arbuthnot.
6. Long reception ; continued fuceeſs.
7. Modiſh clamour. Swift.
8. ^t the long Run. In fine ; in conclufion
; at the end. Wiseman.

RU'NAGATE. ʃ. [revrgat, French.] A fugitive
; rebel ) apoſtate. Sidney, Raleigh.

RU'NAWAY. ʃ. [run and away.] One
that files from danger ; a fugitive. Shakſp.

RU'NDLE. ʃ. [oi round.]
1. A round ; a ſtep of a ladder, Duppa.
2. A pcritrochium ; ſomething put round
an axis. fVilkins,

RU NDLET. ſ. A ſmall barrel. Bacon.

RUNG. pret. and part. pafl. of ring. Milton.

RU'NNEL. ʃ. [from run.] A rivulet ; a
ſmall brouk, FairfaX'

RU'NNER ʃ. [from raw.]
1. One that runs.
2. A racer. Dryden.
3. A mefienger. Swift.
4. A ſhooting ſprig. Mortimer.
5. One of the ſtones of a mill. Mortimer.
6. A bird. Ainsworth.

RU'NNET. ʃ. [jefiunnen, Saxon. coagulated.]
A liquor made by ſteeping the ſtomach
of a calf in hot water, and uſed to
coagulate milk for curds and theefe. More,

RU'NNION. ſ. A paltry ſcurvy wretch. Shakʃpeare.

RUNT. ʃ. [runte, in theTeutonick diaieds,
ſignifits a bull or cow.] Any animal ſtnali
below the natural growth of the kind, Cleaveland.

RU'PTION. ʃ. [tuptui, Latin.] Breach ;
fi iution of continuity. Wiseman.

RU'PTURE. ʃ. [r»/>/«r^, -French, from rt/^.
/«->, Latin.]
1. The act of breaking; ſtate of being
bitken ; foiuti^n of continuity. yfr/'://i6«or.
2. A breach of peace ; open hoſtility.-. Swift.
3. Bu'ftenneſs; hernia ; preternatural erupi
ion of the gur. Shakſp.

To RU'PTURE. v. a.; [from the noun.]
To break ; to burſt ; to lufſcr diſruption. Shakſp.

RUPTUREWORT. y. [herniaria, Latin.]
A plai.t. Miller.

RU'RAL. a. [}ural, French; ruralis, Latin.]
C untry ; exiſing m the country, not in
Cities ; ſuiting the country ; reſembling the
country, Sidney, Thomfon.

RURA'Liry. 7 ʃ. [from rural.] The qua.

RU'RALNESS. ʃ. Jicy of being lurJ. Da.

RURJCOLIST. ʃ. [ruricolj, Latin.] An
inhabitant of the country. Diff,

RU'RIGEN'OUS. a. [rura zaiglgno.Lat,
B -rn in the country. D £i.

RUSE. ʃ. [French.] Cunning ; artifiof ; little ſtratagem. Ray.

RUSH. ʃ. [pij-c, Saxon.]
1. A plant: they are planted wth gre^t
care on the banks of the Tea in Holland in
order to prevent the water from waſhmg
away the earth ; for the rots if theſe
rujhes fallen themſelves very deep in the
ground, and mat themſelves near the ſurface,
fo as to hold the earth clufdy together. Miller, Dryden.
2. Any thing proverbially worthleſs. Arbuthnot.
RUSH- CANDLE. ſ. [rujh and candie.] A
ſmall blinking taper, made by Gripping a
rufti. Milton.

To RUSH. v. Tt. [liri?opan, Saxon.) To
m-jve with violence
; to go on with tumultuous
rapidity. Sl^rctt.

RUSH. ʃ. [from the verb.] Violent courſe.

RU'SHY. a. [from rujh.]
1. Abounding with ruſheJ. H'hom^on,
2. Made of ruſhes. Tickel.

RUSK. ʃ. Hard bread for ſtores. Rauigh.

RU'SMA. ʃ. A brown and light iron fjbftance
to take off hair. Crtiv.

RU'SSET. a. [roujfet^ French ; rujfus^ Lat.]
1. Reddiſhly Brown.
2. Neuton ſeems to uſe it for grey.
3. Coarfe; homeſpnn ; ruſtick. Shakſp.

RU'SSET. ʃ. Country drei's. Dryden.

RU'SSET. ʃ. A name given to feve-

RU'jSETING. ; ral forts of pejrs or apples
from their colour. Mortimer.

RUST. ʃ. [pupr, Saxon.]
1. The red delquamation of old iron. Hooker. Miy.
2. The tarniſhed or corroded ſurface of any
metal. Dryden.
3. Loſs of power by inaftivify.
4. Matter bied by corruption or degeneration, King Charles.

To RUST. v. «. [from the noun.]
1. To gather roft ; to have the ſurface tarniſhed
or corroded. Dryden.
2. To degenerate in idlenefr.

To RUST. nj.a.
1. To make rurty. Shakʃpeare.
2. To impair by time or inactivity.

RUSTICAL. a. [rufticusy Latin.] rw/?/^a',
French.] Rough ; ſavage ; boiAerous ;
brutal ; rude. Brown.

RUSTICALLY. ad. [from ru/iical.] Sa-

vagely; rudely; inrlegjntJv. DrydeH,

RU'STICALNESS. ʃ. [from 'rujiicjl.] The
quality of being ruUiCJi ; rudeneſs ; ſavageneſs.

To RUSTICATE. v. n. [rupi.or, Latin.]
To reſide in the C' untrv. Pj/^.

To RU'STICATE. v. a. To bin^th nto the
country. SpeUtzr.

RUKTI'CITY. ʃ. [rujlcie', French ; ruftidt.
i, Latin.]
1. Q^^alitcs of one tha^ lives 'n the country
; ſimplicity
; artlcfineL ; rudc-ncA ;
ſavagene/s. Woodward.
2. Rural appearance.

RU'SilCK. a. [ru/ious, Latin.]
1. Rural; country. S'dnry,
2. Rude ; untaught ; inelegant. ff'atn.
3. Brutal ; fav3g^. Pope. .
4. Artieſs
; honeſt ; ſimple.
e: PI^io; unadorned. M'l'err,

RU'STICK. ʃ. A clown ; a ſwain ; an inhabitant
of the country. South.

RU'STINESS. ʃ. [from ruſty.] The ſtate of
being ruſty.

To RUSTLE. ʃ. n. [hpirtlan, Saxon.] To
make a low continued rattle. Shakʃpeare.

RU'STY. a. [from ruji.]
1. Covered with ruft ; infected with ruft.
2. Impaired by inafll', ity. Scaie^pe^rcm

To RUT. v.r:. [ruit, French.] To dcliie
to come together. uſed of deer,

RUT. ʃ. fr«', French.]
1. Copulation of deer. Bacon.
2. The track of a cart wheel,

RUTH. y. [from rue.] Mercy; pity; tenderneſs
; ſorrow for the miſery of another. Fairfax. Milt.n.

RU'THFUL. a. [ruth ind/uH.j Rueful; wnful ; forriwful, Cjrew,

RUTHFULLY. ad. [from ra.'^/./.]
1. Wofully; fadly. J^W/rr.
2. Sorrowfully; mournfully. Spenur.
3. Wofully. In irony. Chapman.

RUTHLESS. a. [from ruth.] Cruel; pitileſs; unc'jmpaſſionate
; birbarous. Sandyt,

RU'THLESSNESS. ʃ. [from ruttlef:.] Wint
of OltV,

RUTHLESLY. ad. [from ruchUfs.] Without
pity ; cruelly; barbarouſly.

RUTTIER. ʃ. [routure, French.] A direction
>,i the road or cc.uifi at Tea.

RU'TTISH. a. [from rv'.] Wanton;, libidinous; Ulacious; luftful ; lecherous. Shakʃpeare.

RYE. ʃ. [pyje, Saxon.] A coarſe kind of
bread-rorn. Arbuthnot.

RYE'GRASS. ʃ. A kind of ſtrong eraſs. Mortimer.