About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


S. Has in Engliſh the ſame hiffing found
as in other languages.
In the beginning of words it has
invariably its natural and genuine
found: in the middle it is ſometimes uttered
with a ſtronger appulfe of the tongue
to the palate, like z ; as rofe, rofeate, rofy,
ofier, nofel, reſident, buſy. buſineſs.
In the end of monoſyllables it is ſometimes s,
as in this and ſometimes z, as in as, has ; and generally where es ſtands in verbs for eth, as gives,

SA'BBATH. ʃ. [An Hebrew word ſignifying
reſt ; fabbatum, Latin.]
1. A day appointed by God among the
Jews, and from them eftabliſhed among
Chriſtians for publick worſhip ; the ſeventh
day ſet apart from works of labour to be
employed in piety. Milton.
2. Intermiſſion of pain or ſorrow ; time of
reſt. Daniel, Dryden, Pope. .

SA'BBATHBREAKER. ʃ. [jabbath and. break.] Violator of the fabbath by labour
or wickedneſs. Bacon.

SABBA'TICAL. a. [fabbaticus, Latin.]
Reſembling the fabbath ; enjoying or bringing
intermiſſion of labour. Forbes.

SA'BBATISM. ʃ. [from fabbatum, Latin.]
Obſervance of the fabbath ſuperftitiouſly

SA'BINE. ʃ. [fabine, French, fabina, Latin.]
A plant. Mortimer.

SA'BLE. ʃ. [zibella, Latin.] Fur. Knolles.

SA'BLE. a. [French.] Black. Mealier.

SA'BLIERE. ʃ. [French.]
1. A ſandpit. Bailey.
2. [In carpentry.] A piece of timber as
long, but not ſo thick, as a beam. Bailey.

SA'BRE. ʃ. [fabre, French.] A cymetar ; a ſhort ſword with a convex edge ; a faulchion. Pope.

SABULO'SITY. ʃ. [from fabulous.] Grittineſs
; ſandineſs.

SA'BULOUS. a. [fabulum, Latin.] Gritty ; ſandy.

SACCA'DE. ʃ. [French.] A violent check
the rider gives his horſe, by drawing both
the reins very ſuddenly. Bailey.

SA'CCHARINE. a. [faccharum, Latin.]
Having the taſte or any other of the chief
qualities of ſugar. Arbuthnot.

SACERDO'TAL. a. [facerdotalis, Latin.]
Prieftly ; belonging to the prieſthood. Atterbury.

SA'CHEL. ʃ. [facculus, Latin.] A ſmall
fack or bag.

SACK. ʃ. [pW, Hebrew ; ------. ; faccus.
Latin ; Fæc, Saxon.]
1. A bag ; a pouch ; commonly a large
bag. Knolles.
2. The meaſure of three buſhels,
3. A woman's looſe robe.

To SACK. v. a, a. [from the noun.]
1. To put in bags. Betterton.
2. To take by ſtorm ; to pillage ; to plunder. Fairfax, Denham, South.

SACK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Storm of a town ; pillage ; plunder. Dryden
2. A kind of ſweet wine, now brought
chiefly from the Canaries. Swift.

SA'CKBUT. ʃ. [facabuche, Spaniſh.] A
kind of pipe. Shakʃpeare.

SA'CKCLOATH. ʃ. [fack and cloath]
Cloath of which facks are made ; coaſe
cloath ſometimes worn in mortification. Sandys.

SA'CKER. ʃ. [from fack] One that takes
a town.

SA'CKFUL. ʃ. [fack and full] Top full. Swift.

SA'CKPOSSET. ʃ. [fack and poffet] A
pofſet made of milk, fack, and ſome other
ingredients. Swift.

SA'CRAMENT. ʃ. [facramentum, Latin.]
1. An oath ; any ceremony producing an
2. An outward and viſible ſign of an inward
and ſpiritual grace. Hooker.
3. The eucharift ; the holy communion. Addiʃon.

SACRAME'NTAL. a. [facramental, Fr.
from facrament] Constituting a ſacrament ; pertaining to a ſacrament. Taylor.

SACRAME'NTALLY. ad. [from facramental.]
After the manner of a ſacrament. Hammond.

SA'CRED. a. [facré, French ; facer, Latin.]
1. Devoted to religious uſes ; holy. Milton.
2. Dedicated ; conſecrate ; conſecrated. Milton.
3. Inviolable. Dryden.

SA'CREDLY. ad. [from facred.] Inviolably ; religiouſly. South.

SA'CREDNESS. ʃ. [from facred.] The ſtate
of being ſacred ; ſtate of being conſecrated
to religious uſes ; holineſs ; fanctity. L'Eſtrange..

SACRI'FICK. a. [facrifcus, Latin.] Employed
in ſacrifice.

SACRI'FICABLE. a. [from facrificor, Lat.]
Capable of being offered in ſacrifice.^roww.

SACRIFICA'TOR. ʃ. [facrificateur Fr.
from facrificor, Latin.] Sacrificer ; offerer
of ſacrifice. Brown.

SA'CRIFICATORY. a. [from facrificor.
Latin.] Offering ſacrifice

To SA'CRIFICE. v. a. [facrifier, French. ; ſacr fico, Latin.]
1. To offer to heaven ; to immolate. Milton.
2. To deſtroy or give up for the fake of
ſomeething elſe. Broome.
3. To destroy ; to kill.
4. To devote with loſs, Prior.

To SA'CRIFICE. v. n. To make offerings
; to offer ſacrifice. Milton.

SA'CRIFICE. ʃ. [facrifice, French ; facrificium.
1. The act of offering to heaven. Milton.
2. The thing offered to heaven, or immolated. Milton.
3. Any thing deſtroyed, or quitted for the
fake of ſomething elſe,
4. Any thing destroyed.

SA'CRIFICER. f. [from facrifice.] One
who offers ſacrifice ; one that immolates. Addiſon.

SACRIFI'CIAL. a. [from facrifice.] Performing
facrifice ; included in ſacrifice. Taylor.

SA'CRILEGE. ʃ. [facrilege, French ; facrilegium
Latin.] The crime of appropriating
to himſelf what is devoted to reJigion ; the
crime of robbing heaven. Sidney, South.

SACRILEGIOUS. a. [facringus, Latin.]
Violating things ſacred ; polluted with the
critjc of ſacrilege. Pope. .

SACRILEGIOUSLY. ad. [from ſacrilegi.
cus.] With ſacringe. South.

SACKING. ʃ.>arr. Confecralirg. Shakſp.

SACRIST. ʃ/. [
fjcrijiatn, French.]

SA'CRLSTAN. ʃ. He that has the care of
the utenfils or moveables of the church.

SA'CRIVrY. ſ. [facrifie, French.] An
apartment where the conſecrated veſſels
or moveables of a church are repoſited. ^'^.

SAD. a.
1. Sorrowful; full of grief. Pope. .
2. Habitually melancholy ; henvy ; gloomy
; not pay. R^high. Pope. .
3. Serious ; not I'ght ; not volanle; grave. Spenſer, Herbert.
4. Afflicflive; calamitous.
5. Bad ; inconvenient ; vexatious. Addiʃon.
6. Dirk, c Inure i. Waltor,
7. Hfavy; weighty ; ponderous.
8. Cohefiv? ; not light ; firm ; cloſe.Afsr.

To SADDEN. v. a. Jtomf>d.]
1. To iii-^ke bA.
2. To make melancholy ; to make gloomy. Pope.
3. To make dark coloured.
4. To Biake heavy ; to make cohefive. Mortimer.

SA'DDLE. ʃ. [r^'Dl, Saxon ; fjd^l. Dutch.]
The feat which is put upon the ho fe for
the accoinmodation of the rider. Dryden.

To SA DOLE. v. a. [from the nouD.]

1. To cover with a faddle. Cleavel Prior.
2. To load ; t ' burthen. Dryden.

SA'DDL?BaCKED. o. [faddle^ndbci.]
H^T{c!,Jjdu/eijcicd, have their backs low,
and a raiffd hei^ and neck. Farrier'' s Diff,

SA'DDLFMAKER. ʃ. [frotnfaJd.'e.^ Oie

whoſe trade is to make. Digby.

SA'CLY. ad. [from fad.]
1. S rrr wfully ; mournfully, Dryden.
2. Chmitouſly; miſerably, South.

SA'DNESS. ʃ. tr>;m/.J.]
I Sorrowfulneſs ; mournfulneſs ; dcj-ſtion
of mind. Dryden.
2. MeLinchly lock. Milton.
3. Seriouſneſs ; f date gravity.

SAFE. a. [/-/, French ; /j/t«f, Latin.]
1. F-ee from '^iinger, Dryden.
2. Fr-e fnm hurt. L'Eſi-arge,
3. Conhr ng ſecurity. M /ton,
4. N 1 ^ger dangerous ; rcpoſited - ut of
th» pi wfr of doing harm. Shakʃpeare.

SAFE f, [from the adjective.] A buttery; a p.^ntry. Ainsworth.

SATECONDUCT. ʃ. [fauf condu t
1. Convoy ; guard through an enemy's
count'v. Cbrer.dsn,
2. Fafs ; warrant to paſs.

SAFEGUARD. ʃ. [faſe and guard.]
1. Dc-ence; protection ; ſecurity. Shakʃpeare.
Jprare. Atterbury.
2. Cc.nvoy ; guard through any interdidlcd
road, granted by the pofreHur.
3. Pa <. ; warrant to oafs. Clarenden.

To SATEGUARD. v. a. [from the noun.]
To gu4rd ; to protect. Shakʃpeare.

SA'FELY. ad. [from jafe]
1. la a faſe manner ; without danger. Locke. Dryden.
% Without hurt. Shakʃpeare.

SA'FEN'ESS. ʃ. [from ſcfc] Exempcioa
fr m Haoiier, South.

SATETY. ʃ. [from >/<;.]
1. F edom from danger. Prior.
2. Exemption from hurt,
3. Prefervation from hurt. Shakʃpeare.
4. Gift' 'y ; ſecurity from eſcape. Shakſ.

SA'FFLOW. ʃ. A plant. Momm^r,

SA FFRON. ʃ. [fafran, French.] A plant.

SAFFRON' B ſtard. ſ. [cartbamus, ].-^un.]
A plant. Mh'(r,

SA'FFRON. a. Yellow ; having the colour
of falTron, Chapman.

To SAG. 1;. «. To hngheavv. Shakſp.

To SAG. v. a. To load ; to burthen.

SAGACIOUS. M. ifogax, Latin.]
1. Qj^ick of ſc.-nt. Dryden.
2. Qwick <f thought; acute in naking
diſcoverifs Locke.

SAGACIOUSLY. ad. [ham fagaciouu]
1. With quick ſcent.
?. W th .cut-npfs- of penetration.

SAGACIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from fagaeiout.]
5 N a The

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


The quality of being fagacious.

SAGVCriY. ʃ. [fsgaataSfUtin.]
1. Q2''^i<^ners of ſcent.
2. A utt-neſs oſ diicoveryi South, Locke.

SAGE. f. [fat>ge, French.]
/a/i;/<2. Latin.]
A plant. ) Miller.

SAGE. a. [f-ge, French ; faggio, Italian.]
Wife ; grave: pmrienr. WalUr.

SAGE. ʃ. ' ^rojTi the adjective.] A philofopher
3. a man of gravity and w^fdjm. Sandys, Pope. .

SA'GELY. ad. [from jage.^ Wifely ; prudently,

SAGENESS. ʃ. [from jage] Gravity ; pruiieace. Ai ii^ortk.

SAGI'TTaL. a. [from Jagiita, Latin. an
1. Bel-inging to an arrow.
2. [In anatomy.] A future ſo called from
if^ reſemblance t an arr(yw. W'feman.

SAGl'TTARY ʃ. [f^gtttanus, LiX,n.] A
centaur ; an animal hijf man half horſe,
armed with a low and qu:vt'r. Shakʃpeare.

SA'GO. ʃ. A kind of e. table ^rmn Bailey.

SA'ICK. ʃ. f / tea, Ital.] A TiJ.kiITi veſſel
proper for the carriage of inerchandife.

SAID. f-^terite and purt, ^ajf, of Jay.
1. Af'ieſaid, Hale.
2. D.-chred ; ſhowed,

SAIL. ʃ. [j-ejl, Saxon ; p\hel,feyl, Dutch.]
1. The expanded ſheet which catches the
wind, and carries on the velicl on the water. Dryd<i7.
2. Wings. ^pc'fer,
3. A Hiip ; a veſſel. Addiſon.
4. Sail is a ccUtdive word, noting the
number of ſhps. Raleigh.
5. To jhikeS.MT. To lower the f^il.
Ji6ii xxvii,
6. A proverbial phraſe for abating of pomp
ctr ſupenority. Shakʃpeare.

To SAIL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To be moved by the wind with fails. Mortimer.
2. To paſs by fea, A.li.
3. To ſwim. Dryden.
4. To p:.fs ſmoothly along. Shakʃpeare.

To SAIL. v. a.
1. To paſs by means of fails. Dryden.
2. To ^'- through. Pope.

SAI LOR. ʃ. [from /.;'.] A ſeaman ; one
who practiſesor underftards navigation. Arbuthnot, Pope. .

SAILYA'RD. ʃ. [/i/7and jarJ.jThe pole
on which the fail is extended. Dryden.

SAIM. ʃ. , Jaime, lv.h?.n.] Lard.

SA'iNFOlfO./: [Juinfo.n, French.] A kind
of hci-b.

SAINT./. [/x'W, French.] A perſon eminent,
for piety and viitue. Shak.j'p:.:rs.

To S.-^INT. v. a. [from the noun.] To
number among raint. ; to reckon among
faints by a publick dcuee ; ſo canonize. Addiʃon. Popei


To SAINT. v. n. To act with a ſhow of
piety. Pope. .

SAINTED. a. [from /aiwr.]
1. Hjiy ; pious; virtuous. Shakʃpeare.
1. Holy ; ſacred. Shakʃpeare.
^/^IWr John's Wert. ſ. A plant. Millir,

SAINTLIKE. a. [faint and like.]
1. Su/tinga faint j'becoming a faint. Dryd.
2. Reſsmbling i. f^int. Bacon.

SA'INTLY. ad. [frotr. faint.] Like'a faint ; becomioj? a fa ot.- Milton.

SA'INTSHIP. ʃ. [from fjiKt.] Thechara£
l.r<r qualities of a faint. South, Pope. .

SAKE. ʃ. ſpac, Saxon.] faecke, Dutch.]
1. Finalcauſe ; end; purpoſe. Milton.
2. Account ; regard to any perſon or
thing. Shakʃpeare.

SA'KER. ʃ. [Saker^ originally lignifies an
hawk ; artillery.] Cannon,

SA'KEkET. ſ. [from jJker.] The male of
a fdker-hawk. Bailey.

SAL. ʃ. [Latin. fait.] A word often uſed
in pharmacy. Floyer.

SALA'CIOUS. a. [fa/acis, Lat'm
-^ fa/ace,
French.] Liiftful ; lecherous. Dryd. Arb.

SALA CTOUSLY. ad. [from fahcious.]
Lecherouſly ; luflfully.

S.'^LA'Cn Y. ſ. [fj/acitas, Lat. from fahci.
us.] Lull; lechery . Brown, Floyer.

SA'LAD. ʃ. [jalads, Fr. falaet, Germ.] Food
of raw herbs. Shakſp. B Johff. Watts.

SALAMA'NDER. ʃ. [fJamandre, Fr. falamandra,
Latin.] An animal ſuppoſtd to
live in the fire, and imagined to be very
poii 8OUS. ji!7nhr(f Parey has a pi£iure
of the falamanuer, with a receipt for her
bite ; but there is no ſuch creature, the
name being how given to a poor harmleſs
infei^. Bacon, Brown.

SALAMA'NDER'J H^ir. 7 / A kind of

SALAMA'NDER'j Wool. S afbeſtos. Bacon.

SALAMA'NDRINE. a. [from falamander.]
Refer:. bling a falamander. Spectator.

SA'LARY. ʃ. [fola-re, French ; falarium,
Latin.] Stated hire ; annual or periodical
payment. Swift.

SALE. ʃ. [faah Dutch.]
1. The act of 'ſelling.
2. V lit ; power of lel'ing ; market. Spetjf,
3. A publick and proclaimed expoſition of
g .ds o the market ; audlion. Temple.
4. State of beiui; venal ; price. Addiſon.
fj. Jr ſeems in Spenſer. to hgnify a wicker
baſket ; perhaps from falioiVf in which fiſh
are caught. Spenſer.

SA'LEABLE. a. [from ſale.'j Vendible ; fit
for f4s ; marketable. Carew, Locke.

SAXEABLENESS. ʃ. [fvorv^ fakable.] The
ſtate of being ſaleable.

SA'LEABLY. ad. [kom fakable.] In a ſaleable

SA'LEBROUS. a. [faldrofus, Lat.] Rough ;
uaevew I rugged.



SA'LESMAN. ʃ. [/./^ and man.] Ore who
(p!Is cloathe rcidv m;'de. S<vi/r,

SA'LEWORK. ʃ.'[W. and work.] Work
for ſale; wotk careleſly done. Shakʃpeare.

SALIENT. a. [/./.ff,. Latin.]
1. Leaping ; bounaing ; moving by leapr. Brown.
2. Beating ; panting.
3. Springing or ſhooting with a quick motion


SA'LNE 7 a. f/j/.ne/j, Latin.] C oft-

SA'LINOUS. [ing tf fak ; conf^ituting lilt.
liarify, Nt'ivi.n,

SA'LIGOTS. ʃ. A kind 0. tiiiftle. A-yf-u;.

SALIVA. ʃ. [Latin.] Every thing that is
ſpit up ; but it more ſtr.tfily ſignifies tri.t
juice which is ſeparated by thegl nds tailed
lalival. U'iJmaTi.

SA'LIVAL. la.'from fj'iva, Lat.] Re-

SA'LIVARY. S Jat'S Eu ſpictle. 0'ii>.

To SA'LIVATE. v. a. [from f.:.vj, L.]
To iirf,e by ti.e fjiiva! ^unds. IP'iJfmun.

SALIVATION. f. [from falii.ate.] A method
of cure much pradtiſedin venereal
cafes, Grew.

SALl'VOUS. a. [from f^llya.] Connra:>g
of ſpittle ; having UiC oatuic if ſpittle.

SA'LLET. ʃ. / [corrupted from ja-

SA'LLETING. ʃ. iaH.]

SA'LLIANCE. ʃ. [from faVy.] The a^ of
ifTuing forth ; fully. ^ p'rra.r.

SA'LLOW. ʃ.; [/j//x, Latin.] A tree of the
genus of willow. Dryden.

SALLOW. a. [Jalo, German, black, foul.]
S'ckly, ) 1 'V. Rowe.

SA'LLOWNESS. ʃ. [from jalloiu.] Yellownjtii,
; ſickly palenei's. jAddiſon.

SA'LLY. ʃ. [fal/ie, French.]
1. Eiuptian ; iflue from a place befieged ; quick egreſs. Bacon.
2. Rnnjie; excurſion. Locke.
3. Flight ; volatile or ſprightly exertion. Stillingfleet.
4. Eſcape ; levity ; extravagant ſtight ;
frolick. Wotton, Swift.

To SA'LLY. v. r. [from the noun.] To
reake an eruption ; to iflue ou. Tate,

SA'LLYPORT. ʃ. [faliy and ;o//.] Gate
at which u>llies are made. Denham.

SA'LMAGUNDI. ʃ. [fihn mon gout, or
Jale a nun gout -^^ A mixture of chopped
meat and pickled herrings with oil, vinegar,
pepper, and onions.

SA'LMON. f. [fjlT.o, Lu.n.] The fain on
is accousted the king of frefli-wafer hſh,
and is bred in ri\cfs relating to the Li,
yet ſo far from it as admits no tin«nure of
brackiſhneſs. Me is laid to breed or caſt
his (pawn in moſt rivers in the month of
Auguſt. They in a faſe place to the gravel
place theif eggs or ſpawn, and then leave
it to their Croatr.r's protectiion. Sir Francis
Bacon obſerve? the ajjr of a ſalmon exceeds
not ten years : his growth is veryſudden,
fo that after he is got into the fea
he becomes from a famlct, not ſo big as »-
gudgeon, 'o h<- a ſalmon, in as ſhoit a time
as a gof^jr; ſc tr.es 2 g^ofe. Walton. Blackmore.

SA'LMONTROUT. ſ. A trout th :r has
ſome reſemblanc'e to ,1 fdlmoa ; a furilet,

SALPI'CON. ʃ. A kind of farce or ſtuffing. Bailey.

SALS.AMENTA'RIOUS. a. [pifamevtarius,
Larn.] B! n.-ng to fait thing.

SA'LSIFY. ʃ. [Lat.] A plant. G^atHj-ard.

SALSOA' TD. a [fa/fus3n<i acidus, Latin.]
Having a taſte cotxjpounded of fai'^neſs nd
fournefb F/o r,

SA^^U'G]NOUS. a. [falſugo Lat.] S riITi ;
forr.ewh'.' (At. Boyle.

SAL:. ʃ. [/^.V, C>.thick; p.v t . ^ ~x. n.]
1. 5^.; IS a body whole 'wo cHtnCi.] pvoperties
u-em to be diſſoluhility in wjter,
and a p«.!- gent fapor: it is an active incor^ibuftible
ſubſtapct. There are three kinds
of fait?, fixed, volatii ', and eſſential ; fixed
fait i; 'ruwn by cai^; ing :hf rtiatter,
then boiling the aſh^? in 3 g ^ oeal of water.
Eſſential fait is that 0. wn thiefly
from the parts of animals, and fotr.e putrified
p.3rt? of vegetablea, Shakʃpeare.
2. '[a'le; frn.=ck. Shakʃpeare.
3. W.t ; merriment.

SALT. a.
1. Having the taſte of fait t zsfj/i B{h.
2. Impregnated with fait. Addiſon.
3. Abou .vii-^.g with lair. Mortimer.
4. [Saiax, Lati.T.] Ltcherous ; faiacious,Shakʃpeare.

To SALT. v. a. [from the noun.] To ſeaſon
with fslt. BrozLTt.

2. [faltons, Latin.] Jumping ; dancing.

SALTA'TION. ʃ. [pltatio, Latin.]
1. The act of il-r»ci g or jumping, ^roww.

7 / f Z.^' and ^an, or pit.]

VI. v. ʃ Pit where f^lt is got. Bucor,
2. B:^r ; p;>lp;t- ion. Wiſem-.jn,

SALTCAT. ʃ. A lump of fait. Moithrer,

SALTCELLAR./ I fait and cellar.] Vcfffl
of f?h ſet on 'he t-ble. Swift.

SA'LTER. ʃ. [from /j.r.]
1. One who iai.
2. On'= who iells fait. CdtKder},

SA'LTERN. ʃ. A i^ilt-work. Mortimer.

SAi. I'l'NB.-^N'CO. / A nuack or mountebank. Bacon.

SA'L'i 'ER r AjrJner is made in the form
ot a ^-. A .drev»'s croſs, Bejchan,

SAL'TIbH. a. [from /aiV.j Somewha fait.
A M.

SA'LTLESS. a. [from /a/r.] Inſipid; not
tafting of fait.

SA'LTLY. ad. [from /tf/^] With taſte of
fait ; in a fait manner. /'

SA'LTNESS. ʃ. [from 7^//.] Tafle of fait. Bacon.

SA'LTPEIRE. ʃ. [fa! petra, Latin ; fal
pet re, French.] Nitre. Locke.

SALVABI'LITY. ʃ. [(com fahahle.] Poffibilitjf
of being received to everlaſting life. Decay of Piety.

SA'LVABLE. a. [from faho, Ln'w.] Poffiole
to be ſaved. Decay of Piety.

SA'LVAGE. a. [fauhage, French ; felvag-
^ro, Icaiian.] Wild; rude; cnxd. Walitr.

SALVA'TION. ʃ. [from fuho, Latin.] Prefervation
from eternal death ; reception to
the happineſs of heaven. Hooker, Milton.

SA'LVATORY. ʃ. [fahatoire, French.]
A place where any thing is prefetved. Hale.

SALU'BRIOUS. a. [fi'.uhris, Lat.] VſholfaXome ;
healthful ; promoting health.
^ Philips.

SALU'BRITY. ʃ. [from /a/«3//o«j.] Wholfon-.
eneſs ; healthfulneſs.

SALVE. f. [realP' Sax. from/iZ-r/aJ, Lat.]
1. A giutinous r«atter applied to wounda
and hurts ; an einplaſter, D^nre.
2. HelD i remedy. Hammond.

To SALVE. v. a. [/j/^o, Latin.]
1. To cure with medicaments applied.
2. To help ; to remedy. Sidney, Spenſer.
3. To help or fave by ifaho, an excufs,
or refervation. Hooker.
4. To ſalute. , Spenſer.

SA LVER. ſ. A plate on which any thing is
preſented. .

SA'LVO. ʃ. [from fjk'o jure, Latin.] An
exception ; a refervation ; an excuſe. Addiſ.

SA'LUTARINESS. ʃ. [from filuiary.]
Whoifo.neneſs ; quality of contiibutJng to
health or fafety.

SA'LUTARY. a. [jalutaris,h^tm.] Wholſome; healthful ; faſe ; advantageous ;
contributing to l^^alth or fafety. Berkley.

SALUTATION. ʃ. [jalutatw, Latin.] The
after ſtileoffaluting; gieetng. Milton, Taylor.

To SALU'TE. f . a. [faluto, Latin.].
1. To greet ; to hail. Shakʃpeare.
2. To pkaſe ; to gratify. Shakʃpeare.
3. To kifs.

SALU'TE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Salutation ; greeting. Brown, South.
2. A kifs. Roſcommon.

SALU'TER. ʃ. [from ſalute.] He who ſalutes.

SALUTI'FEROUS. a. [falutifer, Latin.]
Healthy i
bringing bf alth. ^''

SAME. a. [/fl/7?o,Gothick:; fammo,^wtA\{h.]
1. Not different ; nut another ; uientical ;
being of the like kind, f^rt, or degree. Arbuthnot.

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2. That which was mentioned before. Daniel.

SA'MENESS. ʃ. [from ſame.] Identity ; the
ſtate of being nott another ; not differenr. Swift.

SA'MLET. ʃ. [ſalmonet,OT ſalmosht.] A
lirtle f.slmon. Walton.

SA'MPHIRE. ʃ. [faint Pierre^ Vrcnzh.] A
plant preſerved in pickle, Shakʃpeare.

SA'MPLE. ʃ. [from example.] Aſpecimen ;
a part of the whole ſhown that judgment
may be made of the whole. J^ddtfv. Prior.

To SAMPLE. v. a. To ſhow ſometyng
fimihr. Ainſwcnh,

SA'MPLER. ʃ. [exemplar, Latin.] A pattern
of work ; a piece worked by young
girls for improvement. Shakʃpeare.

SA'NABLE. a. [/aw3i///i, Latin.] Curable ;
fufcective of remedy ; remediable.

SANATION. f. [/<i«fl/io, Latin.] The act
of curing. Wifeman,

SA'NATIVE. a. [from /a«o, Lat.] P.werful
to cure ; healing. Bacon.

SA NATIVENESS. ʃ. [from janative.
P.ywer to cure.

SANCTIFI CATION. ʃ. [fanBijication,Yx.]
1. The ſtate of being freed, or a<rt of freeing
from the dominion of ſin for the time
to come. Hooker.
2. The act of making holy ; conſecration,
- ^ Stillingfleet.

SA'xNCTIFIER. ʃ. [from far.ehfy.] He chat
fandifies or makes holy. Denham.

To SA'NCTIFY. v. a. [farafer, Ft.]
1. To free from the power of ſin for the
time to come. Heb.
2. To make holy ; to make a means of
holineſs. Hooker.
3. To make free from guilt. Dryden.
4. To f-'cyrf frnvn violation. Pope. .

SANCTIMO'N;OUS. a. [from fanaimonia,
Latin.] Saintly ; having the appearance
offanftity. L'Eſtran^e.

SA'NCTIM'ONY. ʃ. [faraimo^ia, Lat.] Ho-
Jineſs ; ſcrupulous aufterity ; appearance
of holineſs. Raleigh.

SA'NCTION. ʃ. [/^^^/o«, French; fanaio,
1. The act of confirmation which gives to
any thing its obligatory power : ratification.
B. j'hnfon. Dryd. South, Watts, Baker.
2. A I vv ; a deiree ratified. Denham.

SA'NCTITUr^E. ʃ. [from >«<^«J, Latin.]
Holineſs , goodacfs ; faintlineſs. Milton.

SA'NCTITY. ʃ. [7j;;,57//aJ, Latin.]
1. H ;!ineſs ; the ſtate of being holy. Milton.
2. Goodneſs ; the quality of being good ;
purity ; godlineſs. Addiʃon.
3. Siint ; holy being. Milton.

To SA'NCTUARISE. «. «. [from /^«<5?«-
ary '] To ſheiter by means of facied pr^vilege^. Shakʃpeare.

SA'NCTUARY. ʃ. [fanauariiim, Lat.]
1. A holy place ; holy ground, Rogers.
2. A

SAN S A 1.
! A plarc of prote6\ion ; a ſacred afylum. Milton.
3. Shelter; protection. Dryden.
Sand. ſ. [farj, Oamſh and Dutch.]
1. Particles of flone not conjoined, or
ſtone broken to powder. Hayward, Boyle, Prior.
2. Birren country covered with lands. Knolles.

SA'NDaL. ʃ. [fur.dale, Fr. furJahurr.
Latin.] A loore ſhoe. Milton, Pope.

SA'NDARAK. ʃ. [fanJaraca, Latwi.]
1. A mineral of a bright right colour, not
much unl'ke to red arfcnick.
2. A white gum oocing out of the junipertree.

SA'NDBLIND. a. [f^rd and tUnd.] Having
a dtfctt in the eye?, by which ſmall
part'cles appear before them. Shakſp.

SA'NDBOX Tree. ſ. [bura, Lat.] A plant. Miller.

SA'NDED. a. [from ſand.]
1. Covered with ſand ; barren, Mortimer.
2. M-nked with ſmall ſpots ; variegated
with duſky ſpecks. Shakʃpeare.

SA'NDERLING. ʃ. A bird. ' Carenv.

SA'NDERS. ʃ. [jantalum, Latin.] A precious
kind of Indian wood, of which there
are three forts, red, yellow, and green. Bailey.

SA'NDCVER. ʃ. That which, our Engliſh
^lifi'vnia C3.]\ Jandever^ and the French, of
whom probably the name was borrowed,
fvindcver^ is that recrement that is made
when the materials of glaTs, having be<;n
firſt baked together, the mixture caſts up
theſuperftuous filt. Boyle.

SA'NDISH. a. [from /jni.] Approaching
to the nature of land; looſe ; not cloſe ; not cnmpatt. Evelyn.

SA'NDSTONE. ʃ. [fand and pne.] Scone
of » lool'e and friable kind. Woodward.t

SA'NDY. a. [from fjrd.]
1. Abounding with i'and ; full of ſand. Philips.
2. Confining of ſand ; unſolid. Bacon.

SANE. a. [far.us, Latin.] Sound ; healthy.

SANG. The preterite oijing. Milton.

SANGUIFEROUS. a. iJanguiſcr, Latin.]
Conveying blood. « Denham.

SANGUIFICA'TION. ʃ. [fanguisin^facio,
Latin.] The produdlion of blood ; theccnverſion
of the chyle into blood. Arbuthnot.

SA'NGUIFIER. ʃ. [jangumadfaao, Lat.]
Producer of blood. Floyer.

To SA'NGUIFY. v. a. [fanguis and j^cio,
Latin.] To produce blood. Hale.

SA'NGUINARY. a. [fanguinarius, Lat.]
Cruel ; bloody ; murtherouj. Broome.

SA'NGUINARY. ʃ. [faTiguis, Latin.] An
herb. Ainsworth.

SA'NGUINE. a. [fanguineus, Latin.]
1. Red; having ihs coioyr of blood. Dryden.
^, Abounding with blood more than any
other humour ; cheerful. Gov. of the Ton,
3. Warm; ardent; confident. Sxvifi,

SA'NGUINE. ʃ. [from fanguis.] BIood co-
Ifjur. Spfnfer,

SA'NGUINENESS. ʃ. [from farguine.]

SA'NGUINITY. i Ardour; heat of expeOstion
; confidence. D. of Piety. Swift.

SANGUINEOUS. a. [fauguinsut, Latin.]
1. Conftituting blood. Brown.
2. Abounding with blood. Arbuthnot.

SA'NHPDRIM. ʃ. [fyntdrium,h^ut\.] The
chief council among the Jews, conſiſting of
ſeventy elders, over whom the high piieft

SA'NICLE. ʃ. [fanicle, Fr.pnicu!a, Lat.l
A plant. Miller.

SANIES. ʃ. [Latin.] Thin matter; ſprous
excretion. TViien-.an,

SA'NIGUS. a. [from /antes.] Running a
thin ferous matter, not a well digeOed pus; ff'ljeman.

SATSTITY. f. [/d»;V^j, Latin.] Soimdneſs of
mind, Shakʃpeare.

SANK. The preterite oifmk. Bacon.

SANS. prep. [French.] Without. Shakſp.

SAP. ʃ. [r.pe> Saxon ; fap, Dutch.] The
vital juice of plants ; the juice that circulates
in trees and herbs. Jr'aHer. A^butb.

To SAP. v. a. [zappare, Italian.] To undermine
; to ſubvert by digging ; to mine. Dryden.

To SAP. ʃ. ſt. To proceed by mine ; to
proceed inviſibly. Tjtler,

SA'PPHIRE. ʃ. [fappbirus, Latin.] A precious
ſtor.e of a blue colour.

Woodward, Blackmore.

SA'PPHIRINE. a. [fippbinnus, Latin.]
Made of fapphire ; reiembling fjpphire. Donne, Boyle.

SA'PID. a. [fapiJus, Latin.] Tafteful i
palatable; making a powerful ſtimulation
upon the palate. Brown.

SAPI'DITY. >/. [from fapid.] Tafteful-

SA'PiUN ESS. ʃ. neſs
; power of ſtimulati.
Tg the palate. Biyle,

SA'PIENCE. ʃ. [fap-ence, Fren. fapi'ntia,
Latio.] Wifdom ; ijgeneſs ; knowledge. Wotton, Raleigh.

SA'PIENT. a. [fapiens, Latin.] Wife {
fage. Milton.

SA'PLESS. a. [faploot, Dutch.]
1. Wanting fap ; wanting vital juice.
2. Dry ; old ; huflcy. Dryden.

SA'PLING. ʃ. [from /?/>.] A young tree ;
a yi'ung plant. Swift.

SAPONA'CEOUS. v. a. [from /;;'o, Latin.

SAPONARY. i foap.] Soapy; reſembling
foap ; having the qualities of foap. Arbuthnot.

SA'POR.f. [Latin.] Tafte; power of affeaing
or ſtimulating :hc palate. Brown.


SAPORI'FICK. a. [Japorifijue, Fr. f^por
and facto, Latin.] Having the power to produce

SA'PPINESS. ʃ. [from /^/>/|>'.] The fVate or
the quality of abounding in fap ; fucculence
; juicineſs.

SA'PPy. a. [from /^/.]
1. Abounding in fap ; juicy; fucculent. Philips.
2. Young ; not firm ; weak, Hayward.

SA'RABAND. ʃ. [^arabavde^ SpanilTi.] A
Spaniſh dance. Arbuth. andPope. .

SA'RCASM. ʃ. [ſarcaſmuSyLWm.] A keen
reproach ; a taunt ; a gibe. Rogers.

SARCA'STICALLY. ad. [from fanajlick.]
Tauntingly ; ſeverely. South.

SARCA'STICAL. v. a. [from Jarcajm.]

SARCA'STICK. i Keen ; taunting ; ſevere.
<> South.

SA'RCENET. ʃ. Fine thin woven ſilk. Brown.

To SA'RCLE. v. tf. [/arf/fr, French.] To
weed corn. yzinl^worth,

SARCOCE'LE. ʃ. [_a-a^l and x4.] A fl<:fliy
excrelcence of the teiiicles, which ſometimes
grow ſo large as to ſtretch the ſcrotum
much beyond its natural ſize. ^ir.cy.

SARCO'MA. ʃ. [crapy cL^fxct.] A fleſhy excreſcence,
or lump, giowing in any part of
the body, eſpecially the noſtrils. Bailey.

SARCO'PHAGUS. a. [c-.>^ and <^ayc^.]
Fleſh-eating ; feeding on fleſh.

SARCO'PHAGY. ʃ. [^cif^ and <payoj.] The
practice of eating fleſh. Brown.

SARCOTICK. ʃ. [from a-dp^.] Medicines
which fill up ulcers with new ſtrfli ; the
fame as incarnatives. Wijman,

SARCULA'TION. ʃ. [farculus, Lat.] The
aa of weeding. i^'^.
^^'^^b'r: c, I / A. ſort of precious

SA'RDONYX. J, A precious ſtonr. Woodward.

SARK. ʃ. [r^yr^k, Saxon.]
3. A ſhark or ſhirk.
2. In Scotland it denotes a ſhlrt, Arbuth.

SARN. ʃ. A Britiſh word for pavement, or
ſtepping ffones.

SARPLlER. ſ. [/ar/>/7/;Vre, French.] A
piece of canvas for wrapping up wares. Bailey.

SA'RRAISINE. ʃ. [la botany.] A kind of
birthwort. Berkley.

SA'RSA. ʃ. / Both a tree and a

SARSAPARE'LLA. ʃ. plant. Ainſw,

SARSE. ʃ. A ſort of fine lawn ficve. Bailey.

To SARSE. v. a. [faferi French.] To lift
through a farfe. Bailey.

SASH. ʃ.
,.^. ^.
1. A belt worn by way of diſhnittion ; a
ſilken b?.nd worn by officers in the army.

2. A window ſo formed as to be let up aftd
down by puilies. Swift

SA'SHOON. ʃ. A kind of leather fluffing
put inra a boot fur the wearer's eaſe. Ai'f,

SA'SSAFRAS. ʃ. A tree : one of the ſpecies
of the cornelian cherry.

SAT. ' The preterite ot/r. Dryden.

SATAN. ʃ. The prince of hell ; any wicked
'''. Luke.

SATA'NICAL. ʃ. ^. [from Satan.^ Devil-

SATA'NICK. ʃ. iſh ; infernal. Milton.

SA'TCHEL. ʃ. [leckel,Gtiman', faceulus,
Latin.] A little bag uſed by ſchoolboys. Swift.

To SATE. v. a. [fatio, Latin.] To ſatiate
; to glut
; to pall ; to feed beyond natural
deſires. Philips.

SATE'LLIIE. ʃ. [fatelles, Latin.] A ſmall
planet revowitg round a larger. Bentlcv.

SATELLl TIOUS. a. [from fatelles, Lat ]
Conſiſting of faiellites. Cheyne.

To SATIATE 1/. a. [fatio, Latin.]
1. To ſatisfy; to fill. Philips.
2. To glut ; to pall
; to fill beyond natural
deſire. Norris,
3. To gratify deſire, King Charles.
4. To ſaturate ; to impregnate with as
much as can be contained or imbibed. New,

SA'TIATE. a. [from the verb. ; Glutted ; full to faiJety. Pope. .

SATI'E lY. ſ. [fatietas, Latin.] Fulneſs
beyond deſire or pleaſure ; more than
enough ; ſtate of being palled. Hakewell, Pope. .

SA'TIN. ʃ. ffatin, French.] A ſoft, cloſe
and ſhining ſilk. Swift.

SATIRE. ʃ. [ſatira, Latin.] A poem in
which wickedneſs or folly is cenſured.
Proper /i/iVe is diſtinguiſhed, by the generality
of the reflexions, from a lampoon
which ib aimed againſt a particular perſon. Dryden.
1. Belonging lo ſatire ; employed in writing
of invedbve. Roſcommon.
2. Cenforious; ſevere iji language. Swift.

SATI'RICALLY. ad. [from /a/xWVfl/.] With
invedlive ; with intention to cenluie or
vilify Dryden.

SATIRIST. ʃ. [from Jaiire,'\ One who
writes fa tires. Pope. .

To SATIRIZE. v. a. [ſatirizer, Fr. from
fjtire.] To cenſure as in a ſatire. Dryden, Swift.

SATISFA'CTION. ʃ. [fadsfaaio, Latin.]
; . The act of pleaſing to the full, Locke.
2. The ſtate of being pleaſed. Locke.
3. Releaſe from ſuſpenfe, uncertainty, or
uneaſineis. Shakʃpeare.
4. Gratification ; that which pleaſes. South.
5. Amends; atonement for a crime ; recompenk
for an injury. Miltnn.


SATISFACTIVE. a. [fatt'sfaa^^s, Uttn.]
GiVing Idtisfaction. Bacon.

SATISFA'CTORILY. a. [from fans/jJ:7ory.]
Toſatisfa-.Mo''. Digby.

SATISFA'CTORINESS. ʃ. [from famf.c-
>'.] Power of ſatisfying; power of giving
C'^ntenr. Boyle.

SATISFA'CTORY. a. [fatii/aS7o{re, Fr.]
i.Giving Tutisfaſtion ; giving concent.][,Ov-^<r.
2. Atoning ; making amends. Sarderſon.

To SATISFY. v. a. [
/(jr/j/^./o, Latin.; 1. To content ; to plcaſe to ſuch a Hegrce
as that nothing more isdefued. Milton.
2. To fred to the fill. Jcom
3. To recampenfe ; to pay to content.Shakʃpeare.
4. To free from doubt, perplexity, or luſptnfe. Locke.
5. To convince. Dryden, Atterbury.

To SATISFY. ly. a. To make payment. Locke.

SA'TURABLE. a. [from fiturnt^.'[Imprcg.
nablewith any thing 'till it will receive no
more. Grew.

SATURANT. a. [from ſaturans, Latin.]
Impregnating to the fill.

To SATURATE. v. a. [faiuro, Latin.]
To impregnate 'till no more can be received
or imbibed, Cheyne.

SATURDAY. f. [r^^tepj-'&aes, Saxon.]
The laſt d-.y of the week. Addiſon.

SATU'RITY. ʃ. [faturitas, from faturo,
Latin.] Fulneſs ; the ſtate of being ſaturated
; repletion.

SA^TURN. ſ. [Sjturnus, Latin.]
1. The remoteſt planet of the folar fyftem :
ſuppoſed by aſtrolugers to impreſs melancholy. Berkley.
2. [In chymiſtry.] Lead,

SATURNINE. a. [faturrir.us, Lat.] Not
light} not volatile ; gloomy ; grave ; melancholy
; ſevere of temper. Addiſon.

SATU'RNIAN. a. [faturranus, Lat.] Happy
; golden. Pope. .

SATYR. f. [fatyrusy Latin.] A fylvang-d.

SATYRIASIS. ʃ. An abundance of frn-inallymphas.

SA'VAGE. a. [fel'voggh, Italian.]
1. Wild ; uncultivated. Dryden.
2. Untamed ; cruel. Peps,
3. Uncivilized ; barbaious ; untaught. Raleigh, Milton. Straff,

SAVAGE. ʃ. [from the at^jcctive.] A man
untaught and uncivilized; a b-irbarian,
Jialfigh. Bintley,

To SA'VAGE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make barbarous, wild, or cruel. 'Th^vjon,

SA'VAGELY. ad. [{icmfavdge.] Baib.-
rouſly ; crueily, Shakʃpeare.

SA'VAGENESS. ʃ. [from f^vage.] Barbaroufocfs
; cruelty ; wildneſs. Brocmg.

SA'VAGERY. ʃ. [from Ja%'a^.]
1. Cruelty ; barbarity, Shakʃpeare.
2. Wild growth, :itakef m. ..

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S.WaNNAb>. ſ. An open mcadow withsut
v^ood. Locke.,

SAUCE. ʃ. ffaulfe, French ifjlfa, Italian.]
1. Something eaten with food to improve
its talle, Hidr.cy. divky. Taylor, Baker.
2. To ſerve ore the jam: '^Avct. A vulgar
phraſe to retaliate one injury with 2no4

To JjAUCE. v. a.' [from the noun.]
1. To accompany meat with ſomething of
higher rcliſh.
2. To gratify with rich taſtes, ' 'akeſp;,
3. To intermix or a-rompany with any
thing good, or, iron'c! y, w rh any thing
bad. Shakʃpeare.

SA'UCEBOX. ʃ. [from /j«fP, r r rather from
Jaucy.] An impertinent or petulant fellow,


SA'UCEPAN. ʃ. [jauce and pan.] A ſmall
ſkilict with a long handle, in which fauce
or ſmall things are boiled. Hivft.

SAU'CER. ʃ. [fjcicre, Fr. from/<7«ff.]
1. A ſmall pan or platter on which fauce
is fe'. on the table. Hudibras.
2. A piece or platter of china, into which
a tea-cup is fet.

SA'UCILY. ^^/. [froITifaucy.] Impudently; impertinently ; petulantly ; in a faucy
manner. Addiʃon.

SAU'CINESS. ʃ. [from faucy.] Impudence; petulance ; impertinence ; contempt of I'uperlours. Dryden. Collier.

SA'UCISSE. ʃ. [French.] In gunnery, a
lang train of powder fewed up in a roll of
pitched cloth, about two inches diameter,
in order to fire a b^mbcheil. Bailey.

SA'UCIS>0N. ſ. [French.] In militaryarchite(
flure, faggois or fafci.neo made of
Isrge houghs of trees bound to.'ether.^j;/fy.

SA'UCY. a. [/fl//«J, Latin.] ^i^ert ; pet^ilant
; contemptuous of fu.>i;riouts ; info-
Icnr. Shakʃpeare.ſp. Rficom Dryden, Addiʃon.
To Save. v. a. [U:uver^fav:r,'F[e-M.]ii
faivo, Latin.]
1. To preſerve from danger or defbruction. Milton, Dryden.
2. To preſerve finally from eternal death. Milton, Rogers.
3. Not to of end ; to hinder from being
loent. Dryden.
4. To reſerve or Ly by ;
ſpare ; to excuſe. Dryden.
To ſalve ; to reconcile. M; ion,
7. To take or embrace opportunely, ſo as
not to loſe. Swrfr,

To SAVE. c. n. To be cheao. Bacon.

SAVE. ad. [This word, adverbially uſed, is,
like excſpt, o'i^ifuHy the imperative of the
verb.] Except ; not including.
Bjcsn. Milton.

SA'VEALL. ʃ. [ſw- and ail.] A ſms.ll pan
iafer'ed into a candkittck to favc the ends
of candles.

SA'VER. ʃ. [nom fave.]
1. Fref:rver ; reſcuer, Sidrry.
5O 2.0.:,


2. One who eſcapes ioſs, though without
gain. Dryden, Swift.
3. A good huſband.
4. One who lays up and grows rich.
favin, fabir.f. Miller.

SA'VIN. ʃ. [fabina,
French.] A Cree.

SA'VING. a. [from /jw.]
1. Frugal; parcimonius ; not laviſh. Arbuthnot.
2. Not turning to Ioſs, though not gain-
Jul. Addiſon.

SA'VING. ad. With exception in favour of. Hooker.

SA'VING. ʃ. [from fave.]
1. Efcape of expence ; ſomewhat preſerved
from being ſpent. Addiſon.
2. Exception in favour. L'Eſtrange.

SAVINGLY. ad.\iiQrci Javing.] With

SA'VINGNESS. ʃ. [from Ja'vings'\
1. Parcimony ; frugality.
2. Tendency to promote eternal ſalvation.

SA'VIOUR. ʃ. \ fjwveur^ Lat.] Redeemer ; he that has laved mankind from eternal
death, Milton, Addiſon.

To SA'UNTER. v. v. yilcr a la. fainte
t:rre.] To wander about idly ; to loiter ; to Imger. Locke. Piir, Tickel,

SA'VORY. ʃ. [favoreej^t. fatureia, Lat.]
A plant. Miller.

SAVOUR. f. [/^-c'far, French.]
1. A ſcsnt ; odour. Arbuthnot.
a.' Taft^ ; power of affeſſing the palate. Milton, South.

To SA'VOUR. v. n. I favourer, I xtnch.]
1. To have any {^articular ſmell or taſte.
2. To betoken ; - to have an appearance or
taſte of ſomething. Wotton, Denham.

To SA'VOUR. v. a.
1. To like. Shakʃpeare.
2. To exhibit taſte of. Milton.

SA'VOURILY. ad. [from favoury.]
1. Withguſtj with appetite. Dryden.
2. With a pleaſing reliſh. Dryden.

SA'VOURINESS. ʃ. [Uam favoury.'.
1. Tafle pleaſing and picquant.
2. Pleaſing ſmel!.

SA'VOURY. a. [favoureux, French ; from
1. Pleaſing to the ſmell. Milton.
1. Picqnant to to the taite. Geneſis.

SAVO'Y. ʃ. [hrajfica Jabaudica, Latin.] A
ſort of colwort,

SA'USAGE. ʃ. [pK:#, French; falſum,
Latin.] A roll cir bail made commonly of
pork or veal, r.!nced very ſmall, with fait
and ſpice.

SAW. The preterite of /f^. Milton.

SAW. f. [/<?w<', Daai/li ; ra;5a, Saxon.]
1. A dentated inſtrument, by the attrition
of which wood or metal is cut.
2. [Saga, Sax. Jaegbe, Dutch.] A fay'ng; ^ Jcuitnce ; a proverb, Shakʃpeare, Milton.

To SAW. part, faived and fawfi, [fcier.
French.] To cut timber or other matter
with a faw.
Hebr. TFifd. Ray. CoUier. Moxon.

SAWDUST. ʃ. [faiv and dufi.^ Duft made
by the attrition of the faw. Mortimer.

SA'WFISH. ſ. [Jaw andfjh.] A fort of
fi^. Ainsworth.

Sa'WPIT. ſ. [faiv and pit.] Pit over
which timber is laid to be lawn by two
men. Mortimer.

SAW-WORT. ʃ. [jerratula, Lat.] A plant.

SAW- WREST. ſ. [faivzn^ivrefl.] A fort
of tool. With the faiv. loreji they ſet the
teeth of the faw. Moxor,

SA'WER. ʃ. / [fcieur, French; from

SA'WyER. S faw. I One whoſe trade is
to faw timber into boards or beams.
^ - Moxon.

SA'XIFRAGE. ʃ. [>x//r^^tf, Latin.] A

SA'XIFRAGE M^j^aw. ſ. [ft/arum, Lat.]
A plant.

SA'XIFRAGOUS. a. [faxum and frago,
Latin.] Difſolvent of the ſtone. Brown.

To SAY. v. a. preter. ſaid. [j-ec^an. Sax.
feggerj, Dutch.]
1. To ſpeak ; to utter in words ; to telL. Spenſer.
1. To allege. Ttllomfon. Atterbury.
3. To tell in any manner. Spenſer.

To SAY. v. n.
1. To ſpeak ; to pronounce ; to utter. King Charles, Clarendon.
2. In poetry, fay is often u£ed before a
quellion ; tell. Swift.

SAY. f. [from the verb.]
1. A ſpeech ; what one has to fay.

2. ffor^j^j'.] Sample. Sidney.
3. Trial by a fampie. Boyle.
4. Silk. Obſolete.
5. A kind of woollen ſtuff,

SA'YING. ʃ. [from fay.] Expreſſion ; words ; opinion ſententiouſly delivered.
Tillotf^n. Atterbury.

SCAB. ʃ. [fcaeb, Saxon ; ſcabbia, Italian |
fcabies, Latin.]
1. An incrultation formed over a fore by
dried matter. Dryden.
2. The itch or njange of hotfe?.
3. A paltry feUow, ſo named from the
Itch. L'Eſtrange.

SCA'BBARD. ʃ. [fchap,GtrTmn, Junius.]
The ſheath of a ſword. Fairfax.

SCA'BBED. a. [irQn^ ſcab.]
1. Covered or diſeaſed with ſcabs. Bacon.
2. Paltry ; forry. Dryden.

SCA'BBEDNESS. ʃ. [from ſcabbed.] The
ſtate of being ſcabbed.

SCA'BBINESS. ʃ. [from /c<»%.] The quality
of being ſcabby, .

SCA'BBY. a. [from ſcab.] diſeaſed with
Arabs. Dryden.

SCA'BIOUS. a. l[cabiofu$, Latin.] Itchy ;
Jeprous. Arbuthnot.

SCA'BIOUS. ʃ. [fcubieuff, Fr. ſcalic/a,
Latin.] A plant. MiUfr.

SCA'BROUS. a. [fcaber, Latin.]
1. Rough} rugged ; pointed on the ſurface. Arbuthnot.
2. H?.rſh ; iinmuſical. Ben. Johnson.

SCABROUSNESS. ʃ. [from jcubrous.]
Rouchneſs ; luggedneſs.

SCA'BWORT. y. A plant. Ainsworth.

SCAD. f. Akindoffiſh. Cjreiu.

SCA'FfOLD. ſ. [ejchafaut, Fr. ſchavot,
Dutch, from Johaiuen, to ſhow.]
1. A temporary gallery or Itags raiſed
either for ſhows or ſpedlators. Milton.
2. The gallery raiſed for execution of great
malefadlcrs. Sidney,
3. Frames of timber erected on the ſide of
a building for the workmen. H^zotft,

To SCA'FFFOLD. v. a. [from the noun.] To furniſh with frames of timber.

SCA FFOLDAGE. ſ. [from jcaffold.] Gallery
; hollow floor. Shakʃpeare.

SCA'FFOLDING. ʃ. [from /c^>/^.] 'liuilding
ſlightlytreded. Price.

SCALA'DE. ʃ/. [French ;/c4/a^j, Spaniſh.

SCALA'DO. i U.mfcalay Latin.] A ſtorm
given to a place by raiſing ladders againſt
the walls. Arbuthnot.

SCA'LARY. a. [from /ca/j, Latin.] Proceeding
by ſteps like thoſe of a ladder. Brown.

To SCALD. v.tf. [fcaldare,lio\\zn.] To
burn with hot liquor. Shakʃpeare, Dryden, Swift.

SCALD. ʃ. [from the verb.] Scurff on the
head. Spenſtr,

SCALD. ʃ.7. Paltry ; forry, Shakʃpeare.

SCA'LDHEAD. ʃ. [ſkjUadur, bald, lOandick.]
A loathſome difeaſe |^ a kind of
local leprofy in which the head is covered
with a ſcab. Floyer.

SCALE. ʃ. [pcale, Saxon ; Jchael, Dutch.]
1. A balance ; a veſſel ſuſpended by a
beam againſt another. Shakʃpeare.
2. The ſign Libra in the Zodiack. Creech.
3. [E}Cail:ey French; ſquama, Lat.] The
ſmall ihells or crufts which lying one over
another make the coats of fiſhes. Drayton.
4. Any thing exfoliated ordeſquamated ; a
thin lamina. Peacham.
5. Ladder; means of aſcent, Milton.
6. The act of (forming by ladders, Mtlicn,
7. Regular gradation; a regular ſents liſing
like a ladder. Addiʃon.
8. A figure ſubdivided by lines like the
fleps of a ladder, which is uſed to meaſure
proportions between pictures and the thing
repreſented. Graunt.
9. The ſeries of barmonick or muſical propox
tions. Jewpk,

10. Any thing marked at equJ diſtancees.
^ „^ Shakʃpeare. To SCALE. v. a. [fcahrf, Italian.]
1. To cjimbas by ladders. Knolles.
2. To meaſure or compare ; to weigh.Shakʃpeare.
3. To take off a thin lamina. To bt
4. To pare off a ſurface. Bumct,

To SCALE. v. n. To peel off in thin par-
^^t'^'^^- Bacon.

SCA LED, a. [from ſca!e.] Squamous ; having
fcalcs like fiſhes. Shakʃpeare.

SCALE'AE. ʃ. [French ;fcal„um, Latin.]
In geometry, a triangle that has three ſides
unequal to each other. Bjt/ev

SCALINESS. f. [frou, ſca/y.] The ſtate of
being ſcaly,

SCALL. ʃ. [Jlialhdur, bald, Iſlandick.] Leprofy
; morbid baldneſs. Lev

SCALLION. ʃ. [fcahyna, Italian.] A kind
of onion.

SCA'LLOP. ʃ. [ejcallop, French.] A fiſh
with a hollow pedinated ſhelJ. Hudibras, Mortimer.

To SCALLOP. v. a. To mark on. the
edge with ſegments of circles.

SCALP. ʃ. [Jche/pe, Dutch.]
1. The ſcull ; the cranium ; the bone that
indofes the brain. Philip.
2. The integuments of the head.

To SCALP. v. a. [from the noun.] To deprive
the ſcull of Its intruments. Shakſp.

SCA'LPEL. ʃ. [French.]'/<:fl//»f//K«, Lat.] Aninſtrument uſed to ('crape a bone.

SCA'LY. a. [from jcale, ] Covered with
'er. Milton.

To SCA'MBLE. v. n,
1. To be turbulent and rapacious ; to
ſcramble ; to get by ſtruggling with others,
2. To ſhift aukwardly. More,

To SCA'MBLE. v. a. To mangle; to maul. Mortimer.

SCA'MBLER. ʃ. [Scottiſh.] A bold intruder
upon one's gen(rjfityor table.

SCA'MBLINGLY. ad. [from ſcambling.'.
With turbulence and noiſe; with intruſive

SCAMMQ/NIATE. a. [from ſcammony.]
Made wiib ſcammony. Wiſeman.

SCA'MMONY. ʃ. [Latin.] A concret.-d refinous
ju)ce, light, tender, friable, of a
greyiſh. Drown colour and difsgrfcasle 0-
dour. It flows upon inciſion of tl e root of
a kind of convolvulus. TV vcvx.

To SCA'MPER. v. a. [jtbampen. Dutch ; ſcarr,pare, Italian.] To fly witn ,pe^d and
trepidation. Addiſon.

To SCANT. 0/. a. [ſcando, latir.]
1. To examine a verſe by c unfing tfe Teet.
2. To examine nicely. MTon. Caljviy. Addiſon, Atterbury, Prior.
5 O » SCA'N.

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SCA'NDAL. ʃ. [crxa'v^ctXov.]
1. Offence given by the faults of others, Miltoni.
2. Reproachful aſperſion ; opprobrious cenſure
; infamy, Rogers.

To SCA'NDAL. v. a. [from the noun ] To
treat opprobriuuſly ; to charge falſely with
faults. Shakʃpeare.

To SCA'NDALIZE. v. a. [<T«avJ.X;'{.;.; 1. To offend by ſome action ſuppoſed crimina!. Hammond, Clarenden.
2. To reproach ; to diſgrace ; to defame. Daniel.

SCA'NDALOUS. s. [fcsndalcuxy French.]
1. Giving publick offence. Hooker.
2. Opprobrious ; diſgraceful,
3. Shamefu; ; opeoiy vile. ,Pope. .

SCA'NDALOUSLY. ad. [hamſcandaious.]
1. Cenfariouſly; opprobriouſly. Pope. .
2. Shamefully ; ill to a degree thstgivrs
pL'h!i'.:k offence. Swift.

SCANDALOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſca:idalous.]
hfi quality of giving publick off'ecce,

SCA'NSION. ſ. [/frf«>, Latin.] The act
or pract ce or ſc'.nmng a verſe.

To SCANT. v. a. [j-pcaenan, Saxon.] To
limit ; to ſtranten. Glanville.

SCANT. a. [frnnuhe verb.]
1. Wary ; not liberal ; parcimonious,Shakʃpeare.
2. Not plentiful ; ſcarce ; leſs than what
is proper or competent. Donne. Ld^lcon,

SCANT. ad. [from the adjective.] Scarcely
; harrtly. Camden, Gay.

SCANTILY. ad. [from ſcanty.]
1. Si-^aringly; niggardly. Shakʃpeare.
2. Narrowly not plentifully.

SCA'NTINESS. ʃ. [from /^^»f>.]
1. Narrowneſs; want of ſpace ; want of
compaſs. Dryden.
2. Want of amplitude or greatneſs. Soiab.
$CA'NTLET. ſ. A ſmall pattern ; a ſmall
q-aantity; '= httle piece. Ha/e.

SCA'InTTLING. ſ. [efchannllon,Ft. ciantelhnOf
1. A quantity cut for a particular purpoſe.

<%. A certain proportion, Shakſp.
3. A ſmall quantity. Taylor, Locke.

SCANTLY. aJ. [\xomfcant.]
1. Scarcely ; hardly. Camden.
2. Narrowly ; pe:;u;iouſlyi without amplitude. Dryden.

SCA'NTNESS. ʃ. [Uamfecni.] Narrowneſs; u j^nneſs; finallneſs. Hayward.

SCA'NTY. a. [The ſame wii.h/c«z«r.]
1. Narrow; ſmall; waiitsng amplitude ;
ilio^C of qaaiuiry ſuſſicient . Locke.',
'2. Small; poor; not copious; not ample. Locke.
3. Spaiing; niggardly; parcimonious.

To SCAl'^i V a, [coatraifted from ff<-'<^J-e,;

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To eſcape to avoid ; to fiiun ; not to in-
h to fly. Miſton,

To SCAPE. v. n. To get away from hurt
«r danger. Dryden.

SCAPE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Efcape ; flight from hurt or danger.Shakʃpeare.
2. Meansof eſcape; cvafion, Donne.
3. Negligent freak. Shakʃpeare.
4. Looſe act of vice or lewdneſs. Milton.

SC^'PULrJ. f. [Latin.] The ſhoulder blade,

TV:f man,

SCA'PULAR. v. a. [fcapulaire, Fr. from

SCA'PULARY. i ſcapula,LKUn.] Relating
or belonging to the ſhoulders. Wiſem,

SCAR. ʃ. [i^X'^i^-^ A mark made by a
hurt or fire ; a cicatrix, Arbuthnot.

To SCAR. -r-'. a. [from the nouf^] To mark
as wi?h a fore or woun.^. Shakʃpeare.

SCA'RAB. ʃ. [fcarabecy French ; ſcarabaus,
Latin.] A beetle; ananfeſt with ſheathed
wingi. Denham.

SCA'r'aMOUCH. ſ. [efcarmouche, Fre^.ch.]
A buffoon in moUv dreſs. Collier.

SCARCE. a. [fcarfo, Italian.]
1. Not plentiful.
2. Rare ; not common. Addiſon.

SCARCE. ʃ. , or r J- « -1

SCARCELY. S ' ^ adjective.]
1. Hardly ; ſcantly. Hooker.
2. With difficulty. Dryden.

SCARCENESS. ʃ. r rf,-,^ fr. .

1. Smallneſs of quantity ; not plenty ; penury. Shakʃpeare, Addiſon.
2. Rareneſs ; infrequehcy ; not commonneſs. Collier.

To SCARE. v. a. [fcorare, Italian. Skinner.
'\ To fright ; to frighten ; to affright ; to terrify ; to ſtrike with ſuddefi fear. Hayward, Calamy.

SCA'RECROW. ʃ. [feare and crow.] An
image or clapper ſet up to fright birds. Raleigh.

SCA'REFIRE. ʃ. [fcare and fre.] A fnght
by fire ; a fire breaking out ſo as to raiſe
terrour. Holder.

SCAKF. ʃ. [efchurff, French.] Any thing
tt»at hangs lo fe upon the ſhoulders or dreſs. Shakʃpeare, Swift.

To SCARF. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To through looſely on. Sl-akeſpe
2. To dreſs in anylooſe veſtore. Shakſp.

SCA'RFSKIN. ʃ. [fcar/ and /r».] The
cuticle ; the epidermis. Cheyne.

SCARIFICA'TION. ʃ. [fcarifcatio, Lat.]
Inciſion of the ſkin with a lancet, or ſuch
like and rument. Arbuthnot.

SCARIFICA'TOR. ʃ. [from jcarify.] One
who ſcarifies.

SCA'RIFIER. ʃ. [from ſcarify.]
1. He who ſcanfies,
2. The

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2. The inſtrument with which ſacrlficatioas
are made.

To SCA'RIFY. v.a, [/or,/co. Lat.] To
let blood by inciſions of the ſkin, commonly
after the application of cvippingglaflcs.


SCA'RLET. ʃ. [efcar'ate, French.] A colour
deeply led, but not ſhining ; cloath
dyed with a leaflet colour. Locke.

SCA'RLET. a. [from the noun.] Of the
colour of ſcarlet ; red deeply dyed. Shakſp, Bacon, Dryden.

SCA'RLETBEAN. ʃ. [jcarUt and ^mt;.]
A plant. Mortimer.

SCA'RLETOAK. ʃ. The ilex. A ſpecies
of oak.

SCA'RMAGE. 1 r Tx: n,- -n, e. n

[For ſkirmiſh. Sp:rf.]

SCARP. ʃ. [ejcc :e, French.] The Hope on
that ſide of a ditch which is next to a fortified
place, and looks towards the fields.

SCATE. ʃ. [ſki(]or^ S;ved.!h
; ſkid, JOandick.
; A kind of woooea ſhoe on which
they fiiJe.

To SCATE. v. n. [from the noun.] To

HIde on ſcates.

SCATE. ʃ. [ſquatus, Latin.] A fiſh of the
ſpecies of thornback.

SCA'TEBROUS. a. [frow ſcateira,Latin.]
Abound;;. g with ſprings.

To SCATi'L 1/. a. [pceaSan, pcatSan, Sax.
/cha eden, Daich.] Towaſte; to damage i
to dcitr-iy. Milton.

SCATH. ʃ. [pcea«, Saxon.] Wafte ; damage
; mifttiicf. Spenſ. Krslles. Fair/.

SCA'THFUL. a. [from jcach.] M.fchievous
; deſtru^tive. Shakʃpeare.

To SCATTER. v. a. [pcatfjian, Saxon.]
Jchaiteren, Dutch.]
1. To throwr ioofely about ; to ſprinkle. Milton, Thomfon.
2. To diffipate ; to diſperſe. Frov.
3. To ſpread thinly. Dryden.

To SCATTER. v. n. To be diſhpated; to be di<f)erfed. ctator.

SCA'TTERINGLY. ad. [from ſcattering.]
Loofely ; dilp^rfediy. j^hbot,

SCA'TTERLING. ʃ. [from /cjr.'fr.] A vagabond
; one that has no home or ſettled
habitation. Spenſer.

SCATURIENT. ʃ. [fcJturiens, Latin.]
Springing ;.s a fountain, DtSi.

SCATURI'GINOUS. a. [from ſcatungo,
Latin.] Full of ſprings or fountains. Z) <.?.

SCA'VENGER. ʃ. [from j-capan, tolhave.]
A petty magiſtrate, whole province is to
keep the ſtreets clcjn. South. B>ynad.

SCE'LERAT. ʃ. [French ; jce'.eratui', Lat.]
A villain ; a wicked wretch. Cheyne.

SCENERY. ʃ. [from ſcene.]
1. The appearances of place or thing. Addiʃon.
2. The repreſentation of the place in
which an action is performed, Pope.

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3. The diſpoſition and conſecirtion of the
Icenes of a play. nrv,i,„

SCENE. f. [/.L, Latin 5.v.^]
^' 1. The ſtage; the theatre of dramatick


2. ifte general appearance of any action; the whole contexture of objeas 3 a diſplay
a ſcncs
i a regular diſpoſition. Milton, Addiʃon, Prior.
3. Part of a play. Granville,
4. So much of an act of a play a? p,fles
between the ſame perfens in the ſame place. Dryden.
5. The place repreſented by the ſtage.
/ «,L . Shakʃpeare.
6. The hanging of the theatre adapted to
^^<^ P'^y- Bacon.

SCE'NICK. a. [ſcenlcjue^ Fr. [tomjcnte.l
Dramatick ; theatrical,

SCENOGRA'PHICAL. a. [.^,,^ and
I Drawn in perſpetflive.

SCE^fOGRAPHICALLY. ad. [from ſeenograpbuaK]
In perſpective. Montmer,

SCE'NOGRAPHY-. ʃ. [a-K.v,^and v.^:.!
The art of perſpective.

SCENT. ʃ. [ftntir, to ſmel], Fr.]
1. The power of ſmeliing ; the ſmell.
_, . „ ^ ,
2. The object of ſmell ; odour good or bad. Shakʃpeare, Denham, Prior.
3. Chace followed by the ſmcli. %mbU.

To SCENT. v. a. [f-on. the noun.]
1. To ſmell
; to perceive by the nofe.
2. To perfume ; or to imbue with odour
good or b^d. Addiſon.

SCE'NTLESS. a. [from /cent. 2 Wdorous; having no ſmell.

SCE'FTRE. ʃ. [yr/>-r.«. Latin.] The eatjgo
of royalty born in the hand.

SCE'PTRED. a. [from /.^rr. ; ^Bear ng
a ſceptre. .


SCHEDULE. f. [fchidula, Litio.l
1. A (mall krolj. Hcek'r,
2. A iKtle inventory. Shakſparj.

SCHEMATISM. f. [.;.^.t.^^:c.] b.mbination
of the aſpech of heavenly b .di«.
Ct eccha SCHEMATIST./ [from /a,^r.] A projeclor; one given to forming ſchemes.

SCHEME. f. [^;t.>« ]
1. A plan
; a combination of various things
into one view, deſign, or pu-poſe,
n Atterburyt
2. A projett
; a contrivance ; a deſign.
Rcwe. Sicfr.
3. A repreſentation of the aſpeds of the
cele(»ial bodies ; any Ineal or mathematical
diagram. Hudibras.

SCHE'MER. ʃ. [from ſchme.] A p,ojector
; a contriver,


SCHE'SIS. ʃ. [a-x^o-ig,} An habitude ;
ilate of any thing with reſped to other
things. Norris.

SCHISM. ʃ. [^X'V. ; ſch'f^e, Ft.] A ſepaiation
or diviſion in the church, Sprdto

SCHISMA'TICAL. a. [{romfchifmaticL]
Implying ſchifm ;
practi(ing ſchifm. King Charles.

SCHEMATICALLY. ad. [from Jchijmatiral.]
In a ſchifmatical manner.

SCHI'SMATICK. ʃ. [from Jcktfm.^ One
who ſeparates from the true church. Bacon, Butler.

To SCHl'SMATIZE. v. a. [from ſchifm.]
To commit the crime of ſchifm ; to make
a breach in the communion of the church.

SCHO'LAR. ʃ. [fcholaris, Lat.]
1. One who learns of a mafter; a diſciple. Hooker.
2. A man of letters. Locke.
3. A pedant ; a man of books. Bacon.
4. One who has a lettered education.Shakʃpeare.

SCHO'LARSHIP. ʃ. [from ſchoiar.]
1. Learning ; literature ; knowleoge. Pope.
2. Literary education. Milton.
3. Exhibition or maintenance for a ſcholar. Ainſworth.

SCHOLA'STICAL. a. [ſholajiicus, Latin.]
Belonging to a ſcholar or ſchool.

SCHOLA'STICALLY. ad. [from ſcholaf.
^ //£,;.] According to the niceties or method
of the ſchools. South.

SCHOLA'STICK. a. [from ſchola, Latin.]
1. Pertaining to the ſchool ;
Ichools. Burmt,
2. Befittini^ the ſchool ; ſuitable to the
ſchool; pedantick. SStillingfleet.

SCHO'LIAST. ʃ. [jcholiafieiyh^i.] A writer
of explanatory notes, Dryden.

SCHO'LION. ʃ. [Latin.] A note ; an
aCliO'LlUM, ; explanatory obſcrvation.

SCHO'LY. ʃ. [fcholium, Latin.] An explanatory
note. Booker.

To SCHO LY. ʃ. ». [from the noun.] To
write expoſitions. Hooker.

SCHOOL. ʃ. [fchola, Latin.]
1. A houſe of diſcipline and inſtruction. Dryden.
2. A place of literary education. Digby.
3. A flace of inſtruction. Dryden.
4. Syftem of dpftiine as delivered by particular
teachers. Dawes. Taylor.
c. The age of the church, and form of
theology ſucceeding that of the fathers,

To SCHOOL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To inſtruct ; to train. Spenſer.
2. To teach with ſuperiority ; to tutor. Shakʃpeare, Dryden. uitterbury.

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SCHO'OLBOy. ʃ. [ſchool and boy.] A
boy that is in his rudiments at ſchool. Swift.

SCHOO'LDAY. ʃ. [ſchool and day.-\ Age
in which youth is leiK to ſchool.Shakʃpeare.

SCHO'OLFELLOW. ʃ. [ſchooUndfellow.]
One bred at the ſame ſchool. Locke.

SCHO OLHOUSE. ʃ. [ſchool and bouje.]
houſe of diſcipline and and ru^ion. Spenſer.

SCHO'OLMAN. ʃ. [ſchool and man. ;
1. One verſed in the niceties and ſubtilties
of academical diſputation. Pope. .
2. One ſkilled in the divinity of the ſchool. Pope.

SCHOOLMA'STER. ʃ. [ſchool and majier. ;
One who preſides and teaches in a ſchool. Bacon, South.

SCHOOLMISTRESS. ʃ. [fchod and miſtreſs.]
A woman who governs a ſchooi. Gay.

SCHREIGHT. ʃ. A fiſh. Ainſworth.

SCI'AGRAPHY. ʃ. [fciagraphie, French.]
1. [Ifj archite^ure.] The profile or fection
of a building, to ſhow theinſide thereof. Bailey.
2. [In aſtronomy.] The art of finding
the hour of the^lay or night by the ſhadow
of the fun, moon, or flars. Bailey.

SCI'ATHERICAL. v. a. [faaterique, Fr.

SCI'ATHERICK. ʃ. £rxia&»gijt(^.] Belonging
to a fun- dial. JD.ff. Brown.

SCIATICA. ʃ. [/«af/^Kff, French; //-

SCIA'TICK. ʃ. chiadica pajfio, Lat.] The
hip-gout. Bacon, Pope.

SCiA'TICaL. a. [from ſciatica.] Afflifting
the hip. Arbuthnot.

SCI'ENCE. ʃ. [ſciencey French ; ſci^ntia,
li Knowledge. Hammond.
2. Certainty grounded on demon/lration. Berkley.
3. Art attained by precepts, or built oa
principles. Dryden.
4. Any art or ſpecies of knowledge. Hooker, Granville.
5. One of the ſevenliberal arts, grammar,
rhetorick, logick, arithmetick, muſick,
geometry, aſtronomy. Pope. .

SCI'ENTIAL. a. [from /ae««.] Producing
ſcience. Milton.

SCIENTI'FICAL.7 a. [fcieniia and facio,

SCIENTI'FICK. ʃ. Lat.] Producing demonſtrative
knowledge ; producing certainty. South.

SCIENTI'FICALLY. ad. [from ſcientif.
cal.] In ſuch a manner as to produce
knowledge. Locke.

SCi'MITAR. ʃ. A ſhort ſword with a
convex edge. Shakʃpeare.

SCI'NEY Ch[e. f, A ſpecies of violet. Ainf.



SCINK. ʃ. Acaſtealf. Ainsworth.

To SCJN TILLATE. i'. n. [fcinn/.'o, Lat.]
To ſparkle ; to emit Iparkf,

SCINTILLATION. ʃ. [fcintillatio, Lat.
from jcintitlate.] The act of ſparkling ;
ſparks emitted. Brown.

SCIO'LIST. ʃ. [Juofus, Lat.] One who
knows th n;s I'uprrficially. Granville.

SCI'OLOUS. d. [/no/i<i, Latin.] Superficially
or impertc^iy knowing. Ihzusl.

SCIO'MACHY. ʃ. [o-kIx and fxa^ii.] Battle
with a ſhadow. Cow'ey.

SCIOM. ʃ. [Jaon, French.] A ſmall twig
taken from one tree to be engrafted into
another. Shakʃpeare.

SCIRE FACIAS. ʃ. [Latin.] A writ judicial,
in law, moſt commonly to call a
man to ſhow cauſe unto the court, why
judgment paſſed ſhould not be executed.

SCi'RRHUS. ʃ. [from rjtvfs?.] An indurated

SCI'RRHOUS. .. [from ſcirrbus. -\ Hav.
ing a gland indurated. Wtjeman.

SCIRRHO'SITY. ʃ. [from fdrrbcus.] An
induration of the glands. Arbuthnot.

SIC'iSlBLE. a. [from jafus, Latin.] Capable
of being divided ſmoothly by a ſharp
edge. Bacon.

SCI'SSILE. a. [fcijfile, Fr.fdJ/i'hs^Latin.]
Capable of being cut or divided ſmcothly
by a ſharp edge. Arbutbnvt.

SCI'SSION. ʃ. [A-#'>n, Fre;:ch ; ſcijfio,
Latin.] The act of cutting. Wiſeman.

SCI'SSOR. ʃ. A ſmall pair of ſheers, or
blades moveable on a pivot, and intercepting
the thing to be cut. Arbuthnot.

SCI'SSURE. ʃ. [jc-pm, Lat.] A cratk ; a rent ; a filTure. Decay of Puty.

SCLERO'fICK. a. [ffxX«,(^.] Hard ; an
epithet of one of the coats of the eye. Ray.

SCLERO'TICKS. ʃ. Medicines which barden
and conloiidate the parts they are applied
to. ^ircy.

To SCOAT. ʃ. -y. a. To flop a wheel

To SCOTCH ; by putting a ſtone or piece
of wood under it before. Bailey.

To SCOFF. v. V. Ifchopfer, Dutch.] To
treat with inſolent ridicule ; to treat with
contu.TneliOus language. Bacon, Milton.

SCOFF. ʃ. [from the verb.] Contcnaptuous
ridicule ; expreiiion of ſcorn ; contumelious
language. Hooker, Watts.

SCO'FFER. ʃ. [from Jcoff.] Infolent ridicuier
; faucy ſcorner ; contumelious repro3cher. Burnet.

SCO'FFINGLY. tf<^. [from ſcoffing.] In
contempt} m ridicule, Brconi?.

To bCOLD. v. a. [fcto'.den, Dutch.] To
quarrel cJamorouſly and ruoely. Shakʃpeare.fi'p.

SCOLD. ʃ. A clamorous, rude, mean,
igw, foui-niouthed woman. Swift.


SCO'LLOP. ʃ. A peainated ſhell-fiſh.

SCOLOPE'NDRA. ʃ. [crxoAITrsv^.a.]

I. A ſort of venemous ferpcnt. i
2. An herb. Ainſworth.

SCOMM. ʃ. A buffoon. L'Eſtrange.

SCONCE. f. [jdantTi, German.]
1. A fort 4 a bulwark, Shakʃpeare.
2. The head. Shakʃpeare.
3. A penfiJe candleſtick, generally, with
a lookingglaſs to reflect the light. Siotfr,

To SCONCE. v. a. To muia ; to fine.

SCOOP. ʃ. [Jchoep,, Dutch.]
1. A kind of liige ladle i a veffd with a
long handle uſed to through out liquor.
2. A ſweep ; a ſtroke. Shakʃpeare.

To SCOOP. v. a. [fchoepen, Dutch.]
1. To lade out. Dryden.
2. To empty by lading. Addiʃon
3. To carry off in any thing hollow,
4. To cut hollow, or deep. Arbuthnot. Phi/ips. Pope. .

SCO'OPER. ', \ fionx ſcooj}.] Oae who ſcoops.

SCOPE. ʃ. [fcipus,Lzun.]
1. Aim; intention; drift. Addiſon.
2. Thing aimed at ; mark ; final end.
Hooker. Milton.
3. Room ; ſpace; amplitude of intellcau-
-dl view. Newton.
4. Liberty ; freedom from reſtraint.Shakʃpeare.
5. Liberty beyond juſt limits; licence.Shakʃpeare.
6. A.3. of riot ; fally. Shakʃpeare.
7. Extended quantity. Davies.

SCO'PULOUS. a. [Jcopuhfui, Ln'in.] Full
of rocks. DiSl.

SCORBU'TICAL. ʃ. [fcorhutique, Fr.

SCORBU'TICK. ; frnmfcirl?utus, Lat.]
diſeaſed wfth the ſcurvy. Arbuthnot.

SCORBU'lICALLY. ad. [from Jcorbutirj/.]
With tendency to the ſcurvy. Wiſeman.

SCORCE. ʃ. This word is uſetl by Spenſ.r
for dITcourſe. Foiry ^xetn.

To SCORCH. nj. a. [fcopcDt^, Saxon.
1. To burn ſuperficially. Dryden.
2. To burn. Fairfax. Hourb,

To SCORCH. v. n. To be burnt ſuperficially; ro be- dried up, Roſcommon.

SCO'RCHING Fennel. ſ. A plant.

SCO'RDIUM. ſ. [Latin.] An herb.

SCORE. ʃ. [Jiora, iHanilck.]
1. A notch or long inciſion.
2. A line drawn.
3. An account, which, when writing was
leſs common, w?s kept by marks on tallies,
4. Account kept of ſomething paſt. Milton.
5. Debt.

5. Debt imputed. Danre.
6. Reafon ; motive. Collier.
7. Sake ; account ; reaſon referred to ſome
one. Swift.
8. Twenty. Pope. .
9. A Jong in Score. The words with
the muſical notes of a ſong danexed.

To SCORE. v. a.
1. To ſet down as a debt. Swift.
2. To impute ; to charge, Dryden.
3. To mark by a line. Sandys.

SCO'RIA. ʃ. [Latin.] Droſs ; recrement. Newton.

SCCRIOUS. a. [from /wr/j. Lat.] DiofTy ; recrementitious. Brown.

To SCORN. v. a. [jchernen, Dutch.] To
deſpele ; to flight ; to revile ; to vilify; to contemn. Job.

To SCORN. ^. n. To feoff. Crajbaiv.

SCORN. ʃ. Contempt ; feoff ; fligbt ; aft
of contumely. Milton.

SCO'RNER. ʃ. [from /«r«.3
1. Contemner ; deſpefer. Spenſer.
2. Scoffer ; ridiculcr. Frier.

SCO'RNFUL. a. [Jcorn and full.]
1. Contemptuous ; inſolent. Dryden.
2. Afting in dsiiance. Prior.

SCO'RNFULLY. ad. [from /corr/«/.] Contemptu.
iuſly ; inſolentiy. Aiteſhwy,

SCO'RPION. ʃ. [fcorpio, Lat.]
1. A reptile much reſembling a ſmall lobiler,
with a very venemous ſting. Luke.
1. One of the ſigns of the Zodiack. Dryden.
3. A ſcourge ſo called from its cruelty.
1 Kings.
4. A ſea fiſh. Ainſworth.

SCORPION Sena. ſ. [emerus, LU, ; A plant.


SCORl'ION's Tail. I f. Herbs. Ainſworth.


SCOT. ʃ. [ecrj, French.]
1. Shot ; payment.
2. Scot and Lot. Pariſh payments. Prior.

To SCOTCH. v. a. To cut with ſhallow
inciſion?. Shakʃpeare.

SCOTCH. ʃ. [from the verb.] A flight
cut ; a ſhallow inciſion. 'f4''alton.

SCO'i CH CoLopSy or Scotched Collops. J.
Veal cut into ſmall pieces.

SCOTCH I'Joip r^. ſ. A [.lay in which boys
hop over lines in the ground. Locke. .

SCO'TOMY. ʃ. [c-ii'.Ta.{ACL.] Adizzineſs
or ſwimming \n tht head, cauſing dimneſs
of ficiit. Ainſworth.

SCO'VEL. ʃ. [[ccpiy Latin.] A fort of
mop of clouts for iwecping an oven ; a
maullcin. Ainsworth.

SCO'UNDREL. ʃ. [fcondoruhlo, Italian.] A
mean lalcal ; a low petty vili^sin. Pope. .


To SCOUR. v. a. [ſkurer, Daniſh
; ſcheu.
eren, Dutch.]
1. To rub hard with any thing rough,
in order to clean the ſurface. Dryden. Arbuthnot.
2. To purge violently.
3. To cieanfe ; to bleach ; to whiten ; to
blanche. Walton.
4. To remove by ſcouring, Shakʃpeare.
5. To range in order to catch or drive
away ſomething ; to clear away. Sidney.
6. To paſs ſwiftly over. Dryden.

To SCOUR. v. r,
1. To perform the office of cleaning domeſtick
utenfils. Shakʃpeare.
2. To clean, Bacon.
3. To be purged or lax. G^aunt.
4. To rove ; to range. Knollt,
5. To run here and there. Shakʃpeare.
6. To run with great eagerneſs and ſwiftneſs
; to ſcamper. Shakʃpeare, Collier.

SCO'URER. ʃ. [from ſcour ]
1. One that cleans by rubbing.
2. A purge. .
3. One who runs ſwiftly.

SCOURGE. ʃ. [ejcourgee, French ; ſcoreg.
gia, Italian.]
1. A whip i
a laſh ; an inſtrument of diſcipline. Milton.
2. A puniſhment ; a vindiftve affliction,Shakʃpeare.
3. One that afflicts, harraffes, or deſtroys. Atterbury.
4. A whip for a top. Locke.

To SCOURGE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To laih with a whip ; to whip. Watts.
2. To puniſh
; to chaſtiſe ; to chaſten
; to caſtigate. 2 Mac,

SCO'URGER. ʃ. [from Jcourge.] One
that ſcourges ; a puniſhcr or chafliſcr.

To SCOURSE. nj. a. To exchange one
thino; for another ; to ſwap. Ainſworth.

SCOUT. ʃ. [e'cout, Fr. from ejcouter.] O ic who is ſcnt privily to obſerve the motions
of the enemy. Wilkins.

To SCOUT. v. n. [from the noun.] To
go out in order to obſerve the'motions of
an enemy piivately. Dryden.

To SCOWL. v. n. [f'yian, to ſcjuint.
Sax.] Fo frown; to pout ; to look an«
gry, four, or fulleo. Sidney.

SCOWL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Look of fullenneſs
or diſcontent ; gliom. Crajha'w,

SCO'WLINGLY. ad. [from ſcoiol.] With
a frowning and fullen look.

To SCRA'BBLE. v. a. [k-abbelen, jcraffe.
ien, to ſcrape or ſcratch, Dutch.] To paw
with the handc, i Sam,

SCRAG. ʃ. [Jcragbe, Dutch.] Any thing
thin or lean.

SCRA'GGEDo a. Rough ; uneven ; full
of protuberances or aipericks. Berkley.




1. Leanneſs ; marcour.
2. Unevenneſs ; roughneſs ; ruggedneſs.

SCR A'G G Y. ſ. f from Jcrag,]
1. Lean; marcid ; thin. /^Arbuthnot.
2. Rough; rugged ; uneven.

To SCRAMBLE. v « (The ſame with
Jcrabble\ ſcrafcUn, Dutch.]
1. To catch at any tiling eagerly and tumuJtuouſly
with the hands ; to catch with
hafle preventive of another. Stillingfleet.
2. To climb by the help of the hands.

SCRAMBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Eager conteſt for ſomerhing. Locke.
4. AtX of climbing by the help of the

SCRA'MBLER. ʃ. [from ſcramble.
1. That k rambles. Milton.
2. One that climbs by help of the hands.

To SCRANCH. v. a. [fbrantxer, Dutch.]
To grind ſomewhat crackling between the

SCRA'NNEL. a. Grating by the foimd. Milton.

SCRAP. ʃ. [from ſcrape, a thing ſcraped or
rubbed off.]
1. A ſmall particle ; a little piece ; a fragment.

2. Crumb; ſmall particles of meat left at
the table. Bacon. Grani'iUe.
3. A ſmall piece of paper. Pope.

To SCRAPE. v. a. [rc|i?cJJ3n, Saxon ; ſchrapen, Dutch.]
1. To deprive t)f the ſurface by the light
action of a ſharp inſtrument. Moxon.
2. To take away by ſcracing ; to eraze.
3. To act upon any ſurface with a haiſh
noiſe. Pope. .
4. To gather by great efforts, or p?nu-ious
or trifling diligence. South.
£. To Scrape Acquaintance. A low
phraſe. To curry favour, or infinuate into
one's familiarity.

To SCRAPE. v. n.
1. To inske a harſh norfe,
2. To play ill on a £jdle.
31 To make an aukward bow. Ainſworth.

SCRAPE. ʃ. [J^^-p, Swediſh.j D.fikuhy ; perplexity; diſtreis.

SCRA'PER. ʃ. [from Jcrape.]
1. Inſtrument with which any thing is
ſcraped. ^'loft.
2. A miſer ; a man intent on getting money
; a ſcrapepenny. llerbi't.
3. A vile fiddler. Cow'cy.

SCRAT. ʃ. [fcpitra, Saxon;] A hermaphrodite.

To SCRATCH. v. a. [kratxen, Dutch.]
1. To tear or mark with flight (ncilions
ragged and uneven. G'tW,
2. To tear with the nails. Al^rf-,

1. To wound nightly.
4. To hurtſlightly with any thing pointed
or keen. Shakʃpeare.
5. To rub with the nails. Camdeitm
6. To write or draw aukwardly, Swift.

SCRATCH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An inciſion ragged and ſhaliow.
2. Laceration with the nails, Prior.
3. A flight wound. Sidney.

SCRA'TCllER. ſ. [from ſcratch. ; H«
that frratchcs,

SCRA'TCHtS. ſ. Cracked ulcers or ſcabi
in 3 horſe's foot. Ainſworth.

SC.lA>TCHrNGLY. ad. [from ſcratehtng.]
With the a(f\ionof catching. Sidney.

SCRAW. ʃ. [Infli and £rfc. ; Suiface or
fcurf. Swift.

To SCRAWL. v. a.
1. To draw or mark irregularly or cluinfily.
2. To write unſkilfully and inelegantly. Swift.
3. To creep like a reptile. Ainsworth.

SCRAWL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Unſkilful
and ineleaant writing. Arbuthnot.

SCRA'WLtR. ſ. [from /irra7y/.] A cibmfy
and inelegant writer.

SCRAY. ʃ. A bird called a ſca-ſwallow. Ainſworth.

/fr;<7^//r, Latin.] That
which may be ſpit out. Bailey.

To SCREAK. v.71. [creak, or ſhriek.] To
make a ſhrijl or hoarſe noiſe. Bailey.

To SCREAM. v. ſt. I hfitrnzn, Saxon.]
1. To cry cut ſhriliy, as in terrour ot
agony. Swift.
2. To cry ſhrilly. Shakʃpeare.

SCREAM. ʃ. [from the verb, ] A ſhrill
qu.ck ioud cry of terrour or pain. Pope. .

To SCREECH. v. n. [ſkrakia, to cry,
1. To cry out as in terrour or anguiſh. Bacon.
2. To cry as a night owl.

SCREECH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Cry I'f horrour and anguiſh.
2. Hdr.Hi horrid ciy. Pope. .

SCREE'CHOWL. ʃ. An owl that hoots in
the night, and whoſe voice is ſuppoſed ta
betoken dinger, or death, Drayton.

SCREEN. ʃ. [cf^ran^ Fr.]
1. Any thing that affords shelter _or eon.
cealment. Bacon.
1. Any thing uſed to exclude cold or light. Bacon.
3. A riddle to fift ſand.

To S JREEN. V. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſtieker ; to conceal ; to hide. Rowe.
2. To fift ; to riddle. Evtym.

SCREW. f. [/tr^^Tf, Daf:h.] Oae of the
mechanical powers, which is defined a right
cyiiuder cut into a ſcrrcwtd ſpiral : of thii
5 i. Wief«

there are two kin(^s, the male and female
the former being cut convtx ; but the latter
channelJed on its concave ſide.

. Quincy. f'Fi.'k'ns.
To SCREW. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To turn by a (crew. Philips.
2. To taſten with a ſcrew. Moxon.
3. To dtfojm by contoiſions. Cowlry.
4. To foice; to bring by violence,
5. To ſqueeze ; to pteſs.
6. To oppref^ by extortion. Swift.

SCREW Trte, ʃ. [,>^, Lat.] A pLnt of
the T'dies.

To SCRI'BBLE. ^. a. [ſcrib.lio, Latin.]
1. To iſh with artleſs or worthleſs writing. Milton.
2. To write without uſe or elegance.

To SCRI'i3BLE. v. n. To write without
care or beauty. Berkley, Pope. .

SCRIBBLE. f. [from the verb.] Worthleſs
wiitng, Boyle.

SCill'BBLER. ſ. [from Jcribbh.] A petty
; a writer without worth,

SCRIBE. ʃ. [ſcriba, Lat.]
1. A writer. Grew.
2. A publick notary.

SCRI MER. ſ. [.Jcfimeur, Fr.] A gladi-
aiQi-. Shakʃpeare.

SC.UNE. ʃ. [fc-inium, Lat.] A place in
which willings or curioſities are repoſited. Spenſer.

SCRIP. ʃ. [ſk„eppa, Idandick.]
1. A linaJi bag ; a fatchel. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
Zi A ſchedule; a ſmdli writing.Shakʃpeare.

SCRI'PPAGE. ʃ. [from ^'ly;^.] That which

IS cont-ined in a ſcrir.

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T- SCRUB. v. a. [fchrobben, Dutch.] To
rub hajrd with ſomething coaſeand rough.

SCRUB. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A mean fellow, either as he is ſuppoſed
to ſcrub himſelf for the itch, or as he
is employed in the mean ofnces of ſcour-
2. Any thing mean or deſpecable, SiV'fi,
3. A worn out broom.

SCRU'BBED. v. a. [ſcruhet, DamOi. ]

SCRU BBY. i Mean ; vile ; worthleſs ;
dirty ; foiry, Shakʃpeare.

SCRUFF. ʃ. The ſame, I ſuppoſe, with

SCRU'PLE ʃ. [fcnfule, Trench I ſcri^pw
Itis, Lar.]
1. Doubt ; difficulty of determination; perplexity : generally ab'ut minute things. Taylor, Locke.
2. Twenty grains ; the third part of a
dram. Bacon.
3. Proverbsally, any ſmall quantity.Shakʃpeare.

To SCRU'PLE. v. n. [from the noun.] To
doubt; to hefitate. Milton.

SCRU'PLER. ʃ. [from ſcrvple.] A doubter
; one who has ſcruples. Graunt,

SCRUPULOSITY. ʃ. [ITomſcrupuhus.l
1. Doubt ; minute and nice doubtfulneſs. South.
2. Fear of afling in any manner ; tenderneſs
of conſcience. Decay of Piety.

SCRU'PULOUS. a. [ſcrupalofus, Lat.]
1. Nicciy doubtful ; hard to ſatisfy in determinations
of conſcience. Locke.
2. Given to objections \ captious.Shakʃpeare.
3. Nice ; doubtful. Bacon.
4. Careful ; vigilant ; cautious. Woodw.

SCRIPTOllY. a. [ſcriptorias, Latin.] SCRUPULOUSLY, ai. [from /c/'K;,r./oKi.]
Wtitten ; ni t orally delivered

SCKl'PTURAL. a. [kom ſc-ipture.] Conti.
inrd in the Bible; biblical. Atterbury.

SCRIPTURE. ʃ. iJcriptura, Lat.]
1. Writing.
2. Sacred writiig; the Bible.
Il'-oker, Shakʃpeare, South. Seed,

SCRI'VENER. ʃ. [fcn^ano, Lat.]
1. One w ho draws contrads. Shakʃpeare.
2. One whoſe buſineſs is to place money
at inter- ſt. Dryden.

SCROFCLA. ʃ. [from ſcnfa, Latin.] A
depravation of the humours of the body,
which breaks cut in fores cummonly called
thr king's j'vil. I'FifLTnan.

SCROFULOUS. a. [from ſcrofula.] D.feaff
; va h the ſcrrfula. Arbuthnot.

SCROLL. ʃ. A writing wrapped up. Shakʃpeare. K'-olles. Prior.

SCROYLE. ʃ. A mean fellow ; a rafcal ; a WJretth,! Shakʃpeare.
Carefully ; nicciy ; anxiouſly. Taylo

SCRU'PULOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſcrtfuious.]
The ſtate of being ſcrupulous.

SCBU'TABLE. a. [from ſc^utor, Latin.]
Difcoverable. by inquiry. D^ay of Piety.

SCRUTA'TION. ʃ. [ſcrutor, Lat.] Search ;
examination; inquiry. Di&,

SCRUTATOR. ʃ. [ſcrutateur, Fr. from
ſcruior, Lat.] Enquirer ; ſearchcr ; examiner.

SCRU'TINOUS. a. [from ſcrutiny.] Captious
; full of inquiries. Denham.

SCRUTINY. ʃ. [ſcrutiniwv, Lat.] Enquiry
; ſearch ; examination. Taylor.

To SCRUTINIZE.? v. a. [from ſcrutiny.]

To SCRUTINY. ʃ. To ſearch ; to examint-. Ayliffe.

SCRUTOI'RE. ʃ. [for frritoire, of efcntoire,
Fr.] A cale or drawers for writings. Prior.
To oCRU.
prels, -
To ſquceze ; to comtpenſer.

To J.C^D.
s c u

To SCUD. v. n. [ſkutta, Swediffi.] To fly
; to run away with precipitation, S.vtf[.

To SCU'DDLE. i/. n. [from ſcuJ.] To run
with a kind of atTeded haHe or precipitation.

SCUFFLE. ʃ. A confuſed quarrel ; a tnmiiltucus
broiJ. Dicay of Fie'w

To SCUFFLE. v. n [from t)ie noun.] to
figſet contufcdly and tumuiiuouſly,

To.SCULK. v. ſt. [fcuLke, Diniſh.] ToJurk
in h'rtii)}^ places; to lie cloſe. Prior.

SCU'LKER. ʃ. f from jculk.] A lurkcr ;
one that hides himſelf for ihaxne or miſchief.

[ſkola in inandick.]
1. The boae which incaf<;s and defends the
brain ; the arched bone of the htad. Shakſp.
Z, A ſmall boat ; a corkSoat.
3. One who rows a cockboat. Hudibras.
4. A ilioal of fift). Mi.lon,

SCU'LLCAP. ʃ. [jculUn6c<if{\
1. A headpiece.
2. A nightcap,

1. A cockboat ; a boat in which there is
but one rower. Dryden.
2. One that rows a cockb-«at.

SCU LLERY. ſ. [from jk.ola, a veſſel, I<L
Jandick.] The place where common uienfils,
as kettles or diſhes, are cleaned and
kept. Peacham.

SCU'LLION. ʃ. [from efcueillc; French, a
diſh.] The loweſt dcmeſtick fervanc, that
waſhes the kettles and the d'llif-s in the
kitchen. Shakʃpeare.

To SCULP. v. a. [jculpo^ Lat.] To carve ;
to engrnve. Sandys.

SCU'LFTILE. a. [fcu'f>tllis, Latin.] Made
by carvinii. Bacon.

SCU'LPTO;i. ſ. [f'^iptorj Latrn.] A tar-
Ter ; one who cuts wood or ſtone into
images. Addiſon.

SCULPTURE. ʃ. [fculptura, Latin.]
1. The art of carving wood, or hewing
ſtone into images,
2. Carved work. Dryden.
3. The act of engraving.

To SCU'LPTURE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To cut ; to engrave. Pof.e.

SCUM. f. [efcume, French; /%r7, Dutch.]
1. That which nfes to the top of ar.y liquor. Bacon.
2. The droſs ; the refuſe ; the recrement. Raleigh. Rcjiommon. Addiſon.

To SCUM. ʃ. a. [frtm the noun.] To near
off the ſcum. Loc.

SCU'MMER. ʃ. [/fcuwoir, French.] A vef~
fel with which liquor is ſcummed,

SCUPPER /;c/r5. ſ. [f.h.eptn, Dutch, To
draw oli.] In a ſhip, ſmall holes of the
tJeck, ihtou^h which water is catried into
th« lea.


SCURF. ʃ. Cr^'iPP i xon , Jlyr/r, Dini/K; ſk^rf, Swertiſh ; j'^orfi, D'.t<h.],
1. A kind of dry mllia y Icab. S.::/(.
2. A foil or flLiin adhcitnt. Dryden.
3. A(<y thing flicking on the ſurface.
Addp 1.

SCU'RFINESS. ʃ. [from jcrf.^ The U te
of bei. g ſcurfy.

SCU'RRIL. a. [furrilis^ Latin ] Low ; mein ; groſly oppiobrii us. Ben. Johnſon.

SCURRl'LITY. ʃ. [f.urr,!ras, L>t.] Groſneſs
of reproach
; loudncls of jocularity.Shakʃpeare.

SCURRILOUS. a. [furrilii. Latin ; Cro(.
ly opprobrious ; ii|ing fich hnguagc as only
thcliccnfe of a bufloon can warrant.
Ifool r.

SCU'RRILOUSLY. ad. [fu^m ſcurrihu^.]
With grols reproach ; with low ouffoorery.

SCU'RVILY. ad. [from fawy.^ V,,eJv ;
bafely ; coaſely. Sowb.

SCUR'VY. ʃ. [from /c^r/.] Adiflsmperoſ
the inhabitants of cola countriei, and acnongſt
thoſe ſuch as inhabit marſhy, rat,
low, moiſt foils. Jlrhuthr-Qf.

SCU'RVY. a. [from ſcurfy //. ./^'.v.
1. Scabbed
; covered with icaos ; diiea'led
with the ſcurvy. Lev. x«i.
2. Vile ; bad ; forry ; worthleſs ; contemptible.

SCU'RVYGRASS. ʃ. [/«rr,^. and ^-:/.]
The ſpoonwort. Muhr,
'SCUSES. For exruſes, Shakʃpeare.

SCUT. ʃ. [fiott, Iſlandick.] The ia.] of
thok animals whoſe tails are very ſhort.

SCU'TCHEON. ʃ. [fcuecione, Italian ] The
ſhield reprefen ed in heralcirv. Sid-ev.

SCU IL'LLATED. a. [fcutcib, Lv\n | Divided
into rmall fur..^acej. h'csdfvard,

SCU'TIFORM. a. [fcutiformii, Latin ]
Shaped i;ke a ſhield,

SCU'TTLE. ʃ. [f.utella, Latin.]
1. A wide fna.low baſket, ſo named front
a diſhor platter which it reſembles in furm.
2. A ſmall grate. Ahrtim-r,
3. [Vio-.n jcud.] A quick paof ; a ſhort
run ; a pai;e of affeded precipitation. Spenſer.

To SCUTTLE. v. n. [from feud or /cuddle.]
To run with aft'efted precipitati.>n.

To SDIIGN. v. a. [Sdegncre, UAun, lor

SDf/IGNFUL. a. Contracted for dirda-fiful. Spenſer.

SEA. ʃ. [r^, Saxon ; fre, or xef, D luh]
1. The ocean ; the water opp' -.ed to the
land. Da^ es. Milton.
2. A collfflion of water ; a Jake,
Mat. w. 18.
5 f ' 3- i'roSEA

j; PſOrerbiaHy for any large gwantlty. SEAFA'RING, a. [J^eaanifarf,'] Travel-. King Charles. ling by fea. Shakſpeare.
4. Any thing rough and tempeſtuous, SEAFE'NNEL, The ſame with Samphire, Miltav. which fee.
1. Half SzA$ over. Half drunk. Spea. St'AFIGHT. ſ. [fea and fght.] Battle of
-'Aot: .on - r r. jt L. i t-./i.j k. K- fjjjp, , hattlc OH the fea. Wiſeman.

SEAFO'WL. ʃ. [fea and /ow/.] A bird that
lives at fea. Denham.

SE'AGIRT. a. [/-a and^/Vr.] Girded or
encircled by the ſt'a. Milton

SE'AGULL. ʃ. [fea and gull.-\ A water
fowl. Bacon.

SE'AGREEN. a. [fea and gree7i.] ReſembJing-
ihe colour of the diſtant ſea ; cerulean.
A plant.
At nſworth.

SE'AHEDGE'HOG. ʃ. [fea, hedge and hog.]
A kind of ſea ſhell-fiſh^ Caretvi

SE'AHOG. ſ. [fea and hog.] The porpus.

SE'AHOLM. ſ. [fea and holm.]
1. A ſmall uninhabited iſland.
2. Sea-hilly. A kind of ſea-weed. Carew.

SE'ABEaT. a. [fea and beat.] Daſhed by the
waves of the fea. Pope. .

SEABO'AT. ʃ. : [fea and boat.] Veflel capable
to bear the fea, Arbuthnot.

SEABO'RN. a. [fea and hom.] B?rjnofthe
; produced by the fea. Wal/er.

SEABO'Y. ʃ. [fea and boy.] Boylennpjoyed
on ſhipboard. Shakʃpeare.

SEABRE'^CH. ſ. [(fa and breach.] Irruption
of the ſea by breaking the banks.

SEAGREEN. ſ. Saxifrage

SEABREE'ZE. ʃ. [fea and breexe.] Wind SE'AGULL. ſ. A ſea bud
blowing from the fea. Mortimer.

SEABU'lLT. a. [fea and built,] Built for
the fea. Dryden.

SE'AHOLLY. ʃ. [eryrgium, Latin.] A

SE'ACALF. ʃ. [fea and calf] The feal
The ſeacalf, or feal, is ſo called from the SE'AHORSE. ſ. [fea and horſe.]
nojfe he makes like a calf: his head comparativeiy
not big, ſhaped rather like an
ctrer's, and muftaches like thaſe of a cat
; his body long, and all over hairy : his
forefeet with fingers clawed, but not divided,
yet fir f.r going; h-.s bindci feet,
morft properly fins, a^.d ſiſter ior ſwim-
Ths feaborſe is a fiſh of a very ſingular
form, it is about four or five inches in
length, and nearly half an inch in diameter
in the broadeft part. ^ /
2. The morfe. Woodward.
3. By the feahorſe Dryden means the hippopotamus.
ming, as being an amphibious ammal. The. SE'AMAID. ſ. [fea and maid.] Mermaid,
female gives luvk. Cuiv. Shakʃpeare.

SE'ACAP. ʃ. [fea and cap.] Cap made to SE'AMAN. ſ. [fea and man,;
be worn on (hipboard. Shakʃpeare.

SE'ACHART. ʃ. [fea and chart.] Map on
which only xh'- courts are delineated.

SEACOA'L. ʃ. [fea and coal.] Coal, fo
called, Decauſe brought to London by fea. Bacon.

SE'ACOAST. ʃ. [fea and coafl.] Shore ; edge of the fea. M^'timer.

SE'ACOMPASS. ʃ. [fea and compajs.] The
card and needle of mariners. Caimdtn,

SE'ACOW. ʃ. [fea and ccw.] The mana
1. A bailor ; a navigator 3 amarmer. Evelyn, Dryden.
2. Merman ; the inale of the mermaid. Locke.

SEAMA'RK. ʃ. [fea and mark.] Point or
conſpicuous place diſtinguiſhed at fea. Bacon.

SEA ME'W. ſ. [fea and wſw.] A fowl that
nequent? the fea. Pope.

SE'AMONSTER. ʃ. [fea and moTifier.]
Strajoe animal of the fea. Milton.
tee, a very tulky animal, of the cetaceous SE'AlvYMPH. ſ. [/;^ and »yw/i.] Goddeſs
kind. It grows to fifteea feet long, and to of the fea. B'oome.
ieven or eight in circumference : its head is SE.AONION. ſ. An heib. Ainsworth.
like that of a hog, but longer, and more SE'AOOSE. ſ. [fea and ovfe.] The mud in
cylindriqk : its eyes are ſmall, its hearing the ſea or A ire. Mortimer.
is very quick. Its lips are thick, and it SE'APIECE>. ʃ.
\fa and piece.] A pi<tlurc
has two long tufKS ſtanding out. It has reperenting any thing at fea. Addiʃon.
two fins, which ſtand forward on the breaſt SE'AFOOL. ſ. [fea &nd pool,} A lake of
like hands. The female has two round fajt water. Spfnfro
breaſts placed between the peroral fins- SL'APORT ʃ. f fa and fort.] A haibcur.
The ſkin is very thick and hard, and not SH'ARISQUE. ſ. [fea and riſqu^.] Hazard
fcaly, but hairy. This creature lives prin- atfta. A^b^^'crtot.
cipally about the mouths of the large rivers, SE AROCKET. / A plant. MiLer.
and feeds upon vegetables. Its fle^ is SE'AROOM. ſ. yfa and roctn.] Open ſea ; white like veal, and very well taſted. HiiL

SEADO'G. ʃ. [fea and dog.] Perb-.ps the
{h?.Tk. Roʃcommon.

SEAFA'RER. ʃ. [/fjand/^r'.] A uavell
b;y fee ; a mariner^ Pope.
ſpacious mam. Bacon.

SEARO'VER. ʃ. ^ faandrot'e,} A prate.

SE'ASHARK. J, [fea and ſhari.] A ravenous
leahflj, Shakʃpeare.


SE^ASHELL. ʃ. [feanniſhelL] Shells found
on the ſhore. Mortimer.

SEASHORE. f. [fcaztxAfrJore.] The coaft
of the lea. Dryden.

SE'ASICK. a. [fedini^ek.] Sick, as new
voyagers on the Tea, Knolles.

SE'ASIDE. ʃ. [ffa and ſide.] The edge of
the fra. Jud. vii. 12.

generated in the water.

SEASE KVICE. ſ. [fea and firvice.] Naval
war. Swift.

SEASU'RGEON. ʃ. [fea and furg^on.] A
chirurgeon empi' yed on ſhipHoard. fyijim,

SEASURROUNDED. a. [/« and fur.
rcu'd.] Enciicled by the fea, tcpr,

SEAlE'KM. ſ. [feci and term.] W.rd of
art uſed by the feamen. Pope. .

SEAWA'TER. ʃ. [fj and water.] The
fait witer of the fea. Wfcman.

SEAL. ʃ. [peel, i^de, Saxon
; fel^Diwſh ]
The feu all. Canzu.

SEAL. f [rijeJ, Saxon.]
1. A flainp engraved with a particular impreſſioa,
«thich is fixed upon the \\/ix that
cicies lecte-s, or a&Xii as a teſtimonv.
2. The impreſſinn made Ih wax, Knolles.
3. Any af?- of confirmation. MiuOrJ,

To SEAL. v. a. [f.'om the noun.]
1. To fallen with a ſcal. Shakʃpeare.
2. To confirm or atteſt by a fea!. Shakʃpeare.
3. To confirm ; to ratify ; to ſettle.
Rom. XV,
4. To ſhut ; to cloſe,Bacon.
5.. To mark with a f^amp. Shakʃpeare.

To SEAL. 1'. n. To fix a feal Nib.]x. 3S.

SE'ALER. ʃ. f >-,m y^c^/.j One that ſcais.

SE'ALINGWAX. ſ. [feal and -zi;^..] H.rd
wax maaeof roiin uſed to feal letters.j^ty/lf.

SEAM. f. [j'eam, Saxon ; z'^om, Dutch.]
1. The eoge of cloath where the threads
are doubled ; the future where the two
edges are fewed together. Addiʃon.
2. The j'.mfiure of plaoks in aſhip. Dryd.
3. A cicatrix ; a fear.
4. A mtrafuiC ; a veſſci in which things
are held ; eight buſheis of corn.
5. Tallow ; greafcj hog's hrd. Dryden.

To SEAM. v. a. [from the noun.]
t. To join together by future, or otherwiſe.
2. To mark ; to fear with a long cicatrix. Pope.

SE'AMLESS. a. [Uotd fam.] Having no

SE AMRENT. ſ. ,'/ j^ and rent.] A ſeparation
of any thug where it Jsjoiiied; a
breach of the Ait^hc5.

SE'AMbTRFSS. ʃ. [j-iam^j-tjie, Saxon.]
A wriman whole tr^ce is to few. Cleavel.
§E'AMY. a. [from /fflw.j Having ^ f^<im; AcwifJg the ſcam, Upakſpeare,


S-EAN. ʃ. rF;^^% Saxon.] A n«t.

SEAR. a. [r-afiiin, Saxon. to dry.] Dry ; not any longer green. Shakʃpeare.

To SEAR. v. a. [r''P'2n> Saxon.] To
burn; to cauterize. Rowe.

SE'ARCLOATH. ʃ. fr n<^l-^, Saxon.] A
plaſter ; a large plaſter. M'.rti'mer,

To SEARCE. v. a. [j:ffer,Ttttich.] To
fift finely. BiyU,

SEARCE. ʃ. A fieve; a bolter.

SEA'RCER. ʃ. [from farce.] He \frho

To SEARCH. v. a. [che' chrr, Trench ]
1. To examine; to try ; to explore ; to
look through. AUffon.
2. To inquire ; to f:ek. Ulilton.
3. To probe as a chirurgeon. Shakʃpeare.
4. To Search out. To find by ſcekicg. Watts.

To SEARCH. v. n.
1. To make a ſearch. Mil on,
2. To make inq'jiry. Locke.
3. To feck ; to try to find, Locke.

SEARCH. ʃ. [frorh the verb.]
1. Inquiry by looking into every ſuſpect?ed
place. Milton.
2. Inquiry ; examination ; act of feeking. Addisſon.
3. Quell ; purſuit. Dryden.

SE^4RCHER. ſ. [from fearcl.]
1. Exaii;iner
; i.oquirer ; trier. Pn'cr.
2. Officer i;j London appointed to exnmine
the bodies of the dead, and report the cauſc
cf'^eath, Gruunt,

SE-^ASON. f. [ffif, French.]
1. One of the four parts of the year, Sprfn»,
Summer, Autumn, Winter. Addiſon.
2. A time as dillingu.(hed from others. Milton.
3. A fit time ; an opportune concurrence.
4. A time not very long. Shakʃpeare.
5. Thwt which gives a h ^h relilTi.Shakʃpeare.

To SE'ASON. v.a, [afJiJfanner.¥^'tnzh.]
1. To mix with food any thing that gives
a high reiiſh. Brown.
2. Jo give a reliſh to. Dryden. Tilio'fon,
3. To qualify by admixture of another ingredient. Shakſpeare.
4. To imbue ; to tinge or fain.-. Taylor.
5. To fie far any uſe by time or habit ; to
mature. Addisſon.

To SE'ASON. X'. V. To be rr^ture ; to grow
fit for any purpoſe.^ IWcxon,

SE'ASONABLE. a. [fifon, French. ; O)-
poctune ; happening or dune at a prober
time. S-i^ri-

SE'ASONABLENESS. ʃ. [from fesfonai.'.]
Or'pnrtoricneſs of time ; propriety wi.hre-
gard to tme. Adaron,

SE'ASONaBLY. ad. [from JcjfnjbU.]
^r-:>perfy With reffcit to time. Hp-^in:,

SE^ASONER. ſ. [from To fe^for.] He who
ſeaſons or gives a reliſh to any thing.

SEASONING. ʃ. [from fafon, ] That
which is added to any thing to give it a re-
]iſh. Sen. Johnſ.n.

SEAT. ʃ. [fdt, old German.]
1. A chair, bench, . any thing on which
one may fir. Dryden.
2. Chair of ſtate ; throne ; .poſt of authority
; tribunal. Hakrwill.
-I. Manſion: reſidence ; dwelling; abode.
^ Raleigh.
4. Situation ; ſite. Raleigh.

To SEAT. -y. a. [from the noun.]
1. To place on feats ; to cauſe to fit down. Arbuthnot.
2. To place in a port of authority, or place
of diftinaion. Milton.
3. To fix in any particular place or fitua.
tion ; to ſettle. Rahtgb,
4. To fJ; to place firm. Milton.

SE'AWARD.^^. [pa and peaji^, Saxon.]
Towards the fea. P^F.

SE'CANT. ʃ. [Jccam, Utin i fecarte, Fr.]
In geometry, the right line drawn from
the centre of a circle, cutting and meeting
with another line, called the tangent without
it, DiS}.

To SECE'DE. v.t}. [ſecedo, Latin.] To
withdraw from feilowſhip in any affair.

SECE'DER. ʃ. [from ſecede.] One who diſcovers
his diſſpprobation of any proceedings
by withdrawing himſelf.

To SECE'RN. -y. ^. [Jecerro,h^tin.] To
ſeparate finer from groſſer matter ; to make
the reparation of ſubſtaoces in the body. Bacon.

SECE'SSION. ʃ. [>f#o, Latin.]
1. The act of departing. Brown.
2. The act of withdrawing from councils
or actions.

SE'CLE. ʃ. [feculm, Latin.] A century. Hammond.

To SECLV'DE. v. a. [fecludo, Latin.] To
confine from j to ſhut up apart ; to exclude.

SE'COND. ʃ. [ſecond, French ; Jecundus,
1. The next in order to the firſt ; the ordinal
of two.
_. Dryden.
2. Next io value or dignity ; inferiour.
jf Addiſsn.

SE'COND HAND. ſ. Popeflion received
from the firſt poſſelTor.

SECOND-HAND [uſed adjectively.] Net
original ; not primary. _
^t Second-hand. In imitation; in the
V ſecond place of order ; by tranſrnſſion ; not primarily ; not originally. b.'unft.

SECOND. f. [/^cW, French ; from theadjcaive.]
; ,
1. Ofie who accompanies another m a duel
ditea or defend him, Vrjyton.

2. One who ſupports or maintains; aſupporter
; a maintainer. Wotton.
3. The fixtieth part of a minute. Wilkins.

To SE'COND. v. a. [Jeconder^ Fitnch.]
1. To ſupport; to forward ; to aſſiſt ; to
come in after the act as a maintainer. Roſcommon.
2. To follow in the next place. Raleigh.

SE'COND Sight. y. The power of feeing
things future, or things diſtant : ſuppoſed
inherent in ſome of the Scottiſh inlanders. Addiʃon.

SE'COND ſighted. a. [from Juond fight.]
Having the ſecond fight. Addiſon.

SE'CONDARILY. ad. [from Jccotidary.]
In the ſecond degree ; in the ſecond order ;
not primarily ; not originally. ^ig^y-

SE'CONDARINESS. ʃ. [from jecondary.]
The ſtate of being ſecondiry. l^irr.

SECONDARY. a. [founderius, Latin.]
1. Not primary ; not of the firſt intention
; not of the firſt rate. Berkley.
2. Ading by tranſmillion or deputation. Prior.
3. A ſecondary fever is that which arifes
alter a crifis, or the diſcharge of ſome morbid
matter, as after the declenſion of the
ſmall pox or meafles, Quincy.

SE'CONDARY. ʃ. [from the adjective!] A
delegate ; a deputy,

SE'CONDLY. ad. [from ſecond.] In the
ſecond place. Hwiſc,

SE'CONDRATE. ʃ. [/f^Wandrd/^.]
1. The ſecond order in dignity or value, Addiſon.
2. It is ſometimes uſed adjectively.Z)r)'<s/ew.

SE'CRECY. ʃ. [{romſecret.
1. Privacy; ſtate of being hidden. Shakſ.
2. Solitude; retirement. South.
3. Forbearance of diſcovery. Hooker.
4. Fidelity to a ſecretj taciturnity inviolate
; dole ſilence.

SE'CRET. a. [ſecretus, Latin.]
1. Kept hidden; not revealed ; concealed
; private. D ut,
2. Retired; private; unſeen. Milton.
3. Faithful to a fecrptentruſted. Shakſp.
4. Unknown^ not diſcovered : as, a/t»
crtt remedy,
5. Privy ; obCcene.

SECRET. ʃ. [jecret, French; ſecretum,
1. Something ſtudiouſly hidden, Shakſp.

2. A thing u- known ; ſomething not yet
diſcovered. Milton.
3. privacy ; ſecrecy. Milton.

To SE'CRET. v. a. [from the noun.] To
k'-ep private. Bacon.

SECRETARISHIP. ʃ. [/?crffa»W, French]
from ſtcre'ary.] The office of a ſecretary.

jecretanui, low Latin.]
One entruſted with the management ot

buſineſs; one who writes for another.
.A Clarendon.

To SECRE'TE. v. a. [furetui,hjiUn.]
1. To put aljde
; to hide.
2. [In the anima»l ccconomy.] To ſecern ;
to ſepiratp.

SECRETION. ʃ. [Uomf cretui, Latin.]
1. TIiat part of the animal uicunumy chat
confirts in ſeparating the vari«u« fiujds of
the body.
2. The tluid ſecreted.

SECRETITIOUS. a. [from /rrf/«j, Lat.]
Partrd by animal ſecretion. F''}.

SE CRETIST. ſ. [from ſcref.] A dealer
in ſecre's. Boyle.

SECRETLY. aJ. [from ſtere t.] Privately;
privjjy ; not openly ; not publicklv. Addisſon.

SECRETNESS. ʃ. [from furet]
1. State of being hidden.
1. Qu^ality of keeping a ſecret. Donne.

SE'CRETORY. a.]uom fecrttus, Latin.]
Ferforming the office of ſecretion. Ray.

SECT. ʃ. [p^a, Lat.] A body of men following
ſome particular maftir, or united
in ſome ten'^ts. Dryden.

SE'CTARISM. ʃ. [from /«<??.] Diſpoſition
to petty fetls in oppolition to things eftabli/
hed. King Charles.

SE'CTARY. ʃ. [feaaire, French.]
1. One who divides from publick eft::b!iſhment,
and joins with thoſe diſtinguiſhed by
ſome particular whims. Bacon.
2. A follower; a pupii. Sp:rfer.

SECTATOR. ʃ. [faator, Latin.] A follower
; an imitator ; a diſciple. Raleigh.

SECTION. ʃ. [faio, Latin.]
1. The act of cutting at dividing. Wottor.
2. A part divided from the reſt.
3. A ſmall and diſtinct part of a writing or
book. Boyle.

SE'CTOR. ʃ. [/.<?? Kr, French.] In geometry,
an inſtrumcn: made of w od or metal,
with a joint, and ſometimes a piece to
turn out to make a true foviare, with lines
of fines, tarigents, fecants^ equal pa;ts,
rhumbs, pclvgons, hours, latitudes.

SE'CULAR. a. [Jecular,i,Uttn.]
1. Not ſpirirual ; relating to af^djrs of the
preſent world ; not holy ; worldly,
7. [In the church of Rome.] Not bound
by monaſtick rule, Temple,
3. Happening or coming once in z fec^e or
century. /Addiſon.

SECULA'RITY. ʃ. [from ſtcular.] World-
Jineſs; attention t.> the thiugs of the preſent
life. Burret.

To SE'CULARIZE. v. a. [fecuLn/.r, Fr.
from Jicuiur.; 1. To convert from ſpirltual appropriati.
ons to comm n uſe.
2. To m ikc wQiUly,

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SE'CULARLY. ad. [from fuular.] In a
urrldjy manner.

SE'CULARNESS. ʃ. [from fuuLr.] Worldlineſs.

SE'CUNDINE. ʃ. The membrane in which
the embryo is wrapped ; the after- birth.

SECU'RE. a. [fesurui, Latin.]
1. Free from fear ; exempt from terrour ; eaſy ; airured. Mi.tor,
2. Careleſs ; wanting caution ; wanting
3. Free from danger; faff. Mibort,

To SECURE. v. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To make certain ; to put out of hazard
; to afcertain. Dryden.
2. To protect ; to make fafe, /^m.
3. To infure.
4. To make faſt.

SECU'RELY. ad. [from frcure.] Without
fear; carcleſly ; without danger ; fafely.

SECU'REMENT ʃ. [from f^curi.]'\he
cauſe of fafety
; protection ; defence.

SE'CURITY. ʃ. [ſecuritas, Latin.]
1. Careleſsneſs
; freedom from fear. Hayward.
3. Villous carelefſneſs ; confidence; want
of vigilance, Shakʃpeare, Davies.
3. Proteſtion ; defence, Itliotjov.
4. Any thing given as a pledge or caution ; Jnfurance. Arbuthnot.
5. Safety; certainty. 6'ici/t,

SEDA'N. ʃ. A kind of portable coach ; a
chair. ^Arbuthnot.

SEDA'TE. a. [fedatus, Latin.] Calm ; quiet ; ſtill ; unruffled ; undiſturbed ; fereoe. Watts.

SEDA'TELY. ad. [from fedate.] Calmly ;
without diſturbance. Locke.

SEDA'TENESS. ʃ. [from ſcd^te.] Calmneſs
; tranquillity ; ferenily ; freedom from

SE DENTARINESS. ſ. [from fedinfary.]
Th ſtate of being f^^dentary ; inadivity-

SEDENTARY. a. [fedentario, lalhn i fidentarius,
1. PafTed in fitting ſtill ; wanting motion
or a<ſtion, ^ Arbuthnot.
2. Terpid ; inactive ; ſluggiſlp^j motion-
1. Milton.

SEDGE. ʃ. frascj, Saxon.] A growth of
narrow Hags ; a narrow flag, Sandys.

SE'DGY. a. [from f.dge.l^ Overpmwn with
narr.-.w fijgs. Shakʃpeare.

SE'DLMENT. ʃ. [ſedimentum, Latin.] That
which ſubſidcs or ſettles at the bottom. Woodward.

SEDITION. ʃ. [f^dUio, Utin.] A tumuh,
an infurrection ; a popular commotion.Shakʃpeare.


SEDFTIOUS. a. [fedltiofui, Latin.] Faaious
with tumult ; turbulent. Clarendon.

SEDI'TIOUSLy. ad. [from Jeditious.] Tumultuuully
5 with factious turbulence.

SEDl'TIOUSNESS. ſ. [from feditiout.]
Turbulence ; diſpoCtion to fedition.

To SEDU'CE. -z'. a. f/^rt'r/fo, Latin.] To
draw aſide from the right ; to tempt ; to
corrupt : to deprave ; to mifljad ; to deceive.'Shakʃpeare.

SEDU'CEMENT. ʃ. [honxfeduce.] Praaice
of feduaion ; art or means uſed m order to

UAnce. Pope. .

SEDU'CER. ʃ. [from feduce.] One who draws
afjde from the ri^ht ; a tempter ; a corrupter.Shakʃpeare.

SEDU'CIBLE. a. [from ſtduce.] Corruptible
; capable of being drawn aſide. Brown.

SEDU'CTION. ʃ. [fjuctusy Latin.] The
aa of feducing ; the act of drawing aſide.

SEDU'LITY. ʃ. [fcdulitas, Latin.] DiUgent
sffiduity ; iabariouſneſs ; induſtry ;
application. South.

SE'DULOUS. a. [fniulus, Latin.] Arduous
induſtrious ; laborious ; diligent ;

SE'DULOUSLY. ad. [from fedulous.] Afllduouſly
; induſtriouſly ; labofiouſly ; diligently
; painfully. Philips.

SE'DULOUSNESS. ʃ. [frow fedulor^s.] Affiduity
; sfliduouſneſs ; induſhy ; diligence.

SEE. ʃ. [/(des, Latin.] The feat of epilcopai
power ; the dicceſs of a biſhop. Shakʃpeare.

To SEE. v. a. prefer. / fa'iv ; part. pafT,
Jeer, [feon, Sax. fien, Dutch.]
1. To perceive by the eye. Locke.
2. To obſerve ; to find. Milton.
3. To diſcover; to deſcry. Shakſp.
4. To converſe with. Locke.
5. To attend ; to remark. Addiſon.

To SEE. v. n.
1. To have the power of ſight ; to have
by the eye perception of things diſtant. Dryden.
2. To diſcern without deception. Milton.
3. To enquire ; to diſtinguiſh. Shakſp.
4. To be attentive, Shakʃpeare.
5. To ſcheme ; to contrive, Shakſp.

SEE. interjuiion, Lo ; look ; obſerve ; behold, Halifax.

SEED. ʃ. [r.^, Saxon; Jaed, Dutch.]
1. The organiſed particle produced by plants
and animals, from which i.ew plants and
animals are generated. ' Mc>e.
2. Firſt principle ; originaL Hooker.
7. Principle of production. Walker.
4. Progeny ; offspring ; deſcendants. Spenſer.
5. Race ; generation ; birth. Waller.

To SEED. v. n. [from the noun.] To grow

to perfect maturity ſo as to ſhed the fe«3. Swift.

SE'EDCAKE. ʃ. [feed and cake,-] A ſweet
cake interſperſed with warm aromatick
feeds. buffer.

SEEDLiP. ?/. A veſſel in which the

SEEDLOP. i fower carries his feed.

SE'EDPEARL. ʃ. [Jeed ^ni pearl.^ Sijiall
g'ams of DearJ. Boyle.

SE'EDPLOT. ʃ. [feed aiiA plot.] The ground
on which plants are ſowed to be afterwards
trenſplanted. Ben. Johnſon. Harrati. Clarend.

SE'EDTIME. ʃ. [feed ^itiA time.] The fea.
fon of fowing. Bacon, Atterbury.

SE'EDLING. ʃ. [iramjeed.] AyoungplarjC
juſt rifeh from the feed. Evelyn.

SE'EDNESS. ʃ. [from feed.] Seedtime ; the
time of fowing. Shakʃpeare.

SE'EDSMAN. ʃ. [JeedITi6wav.] The fower
; he that ſcatters the feed. Shakſp.

SEE'DY. a. [from feed.] Abounding with

SEE'ING. ʃ. [from /«.] Sight; viſion.Shakʃpeare.

SEE'ING. lad. [from fee.] bmce ;

SEE'ING that. [fith ; it being ſo that. Milton.

To SEEK. -y. a. pret. Ifought ; part. pafl'.
fought. [I'ecan, Sax. j.e.ken, Dutch.]
1. To look for ; to ſearch for. Clarendon, Herbert.
2. To ſolicit ; to endeavour to gain. Milton.
3. To go to find. Dryden.
4. To purſue by ſecret machinations. Shakʃpeare.

To SEEK. v. n.
1. To make ſearch ; to make inquiry ; to
endeavour. Milton.
2. To make piufuif. Deut,
3. To apply to ; to uſe felicitation. Deutt
4. To enoeavour after. Knolles.

To SEEK. At a loſs ; without meaſures,
knowledge, or experknce.Milt.Roſcommon.

SEE'KER. ʃ. [{wmfeeL] One that feeits; an inquirer, GlanvHie.

SEE'KSORRdW. ſ. [feek^niforro'w.]Oris
who contrives to give himfeU vexation. Sidney.

To SEEL. v. a. [fceller, to feal, French.]
To cloſe the eyes. Atterm of falconry,
the eyes of a wild or haggard hawk being
for a time feeled. Sidney, Bacon.

To SEEL. v. n. [ſyllan, Saxon.] To lean
on one ſide. Maleigh.

SEE'LY. a. [from peel, lucky time, Sax.]
1. Lucky ; happy. Spenſer.
2. Silly; foclilh ; ſimple. Spenſer.

To SEEM. v. n. [ſembier^ French.]
r. To appear ; to mnke a ſhow ; to have
2. To

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2. To have the appearance of truth. Dryden.
3. In Shakʃpeare. to be beautiful.
4>. ʃ. 'Seems. There is an appearance,
though no reality. Blackmore.
5. It is ſometimes a flight affirmation.
6. It appears to be. Brotor.

SEE'MER. ʃ. [from /^;w.] One ſhat carries
an appear<ince. Shakʃpeare.

SEEMING. f. [hrmfeem.]
1. Appearance ; ih.w ; ſemblanrc. Shakʃpeare.
2. Fair appearance. Shakʃpeare.
3. Opinion. Milton.

SEE'MINGLY. a. [from ſteming.] In appearance ; in ſhow ; in lemblance. Glanville.

SEE'MINGNESS. ʃ. [from ſeeming:\ Pjaufibility
; fair apoearance, Digby.

SEE'MLINESS. ʃ. [from /ſw.>.] Decency ;
handſomeneſs ; comeiineſs ; grace; beau
tv, Cjmden.

SEEMLY. a. [f ommeJ;ght,'Din\(h.] Decent
; becoming ; proper ; fit. Hooker, Philips.

SEE'MLY. ad. [from the adjeeuve.] In a
decent manner ; in a proper manner. Pope. .

SEEN. a. [from fee.] SkUied ; verſed.

SEER. ʃ. [from /-f.]
1. One who fees. Acld!f:n.
7. A prophet; ene who forefees future
events. Prior.

SEE'RWOOD. ʃ. See Bearwood. Dry
wood. Dryden.

SEE'SAW. ʃ. [from /jw.] A reciprocating
motion. Fopf.

To SEE'SAW. v.r. [frnm/aw.] To move
with a recipioodting motion, Arbuthnot.

To SEETH. v. a. ^itttTat I fod or fedhed ',
part. f^IT. fodden. [pechan, Saxf n j/s^trj,
Dutch.] To boil ; to decod iu hot liquor.

To SEETH. v. n. To be in a ſtate of ebulliti< n ; to be hot. Shakʃpeare.

SEE'THER. ʃ. [froni/.'/i>.] A boiler ; a
P t. Dryden.

SE'GMENT. ʃ. [fcgmn:.m, Lat.] A figure
contiined becween a chnd atid an arch of
the circle, or ſo much of the circle as is
cut off by that chord. Bacon.

SE'GNirV. ſ. [from /fj-«/i, Latin.] Sluggiſhneſs
; inai^^ivity. Diif.

To SEGREGATE. v. a. [fegrego, Latin.]
To ſet apart ; to ſeparate fr,m others.

SEGREGATION. ʃ. [from ferregad.] Separation
from others. Shak^ʃpeare.

SEIGNEU'RIAL. a. [from ſcignior.] Inveſted
with large powers ; indepenHant. Temple.

SEIGNIOR. ʃ. [from /^B;or, Latin
; y^/^.
neur^ French.] A Icrd, The tide of hoaour
given by Italians.

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SE'IGNIORY. ʃ. [fagneuric, French ]- from
jilgnlor.^^ A iordſhip ; a tfrritry,
Sp'nfr Davies

j\igrcur:agi, French ; from fugrir.] Autliority ; acknowledgment
of power. Locke.

Ti' ^ErONORISE. v. a. [from figrar.]
To lord over. Fairfax.

SEINE. ʃ. [j-e^ne, Saxon.] A net nfed m
filliin^. C^rctv,

SE'INER. ʃ. [jrcmfeinc] A fiſhcr with nrts.

To SEIZE. v. a. [faifir, Ytenth.
1. To rake p.-fTeſtion of ; to graſp ; to lay
holJ rn ; to faſten on. Pi^pt.
2. To take forcible poſſe.fion of by law. Camden.
3. To make poſſeſſed. Addiſon.

To SEIZE. v.n. To fix the graſp or 'the
poupr on any thing. Shakʃpeare.

SE'IZIN. ʃ. [p'y;>^ French.]
1. [In law.] iicfm in faITt. is when a corporal
ponVſtion is taken : fefi» in law, is
when f^mething is dene which the la-,v
scccunteth zjafm.^ as an inrolment. This
is as much as aright to lands and tcnemen s.
2. The act of taking pofiefii'm.
Dicay of Piety.
3. The things pofieHed, HjU.

SEIZURE. f. [from /e/z.'.]
1. The act of feizing.
2. The thing ſcized. Milton.
3. The act of taking forcible poſſe.'hon.
4. Gripe ; poſſeflicn. Dryden.

X. Cdtch. py'atts,

SE'LCOUTH. a. [fe'^O, rare, Saxon ; and
couth, known.] Uncommon. Spenſer,

SELDOM. ad. [flD^n, Saxon ; jelder.
Dutch.] Rsrcly ; not often ; not frequently,

SE'LD0MNESS. ʃ. [from /Wow.] Uccommonneſs
; infrequency ) rareneſs ; rarity. Hooker.

SE'LDSHOWN. a. [feldanip'iuu.] Sel-.
dorr exhibited to view. Shakʃpeare.

To SELE'CT. v. fl. [//<S^r, Latin.] To
chuſe in preference toothers :eje6led.

SELE'CT. a. Nicely chofen ; cho'rce ; culled
out on account of ſupenour excclJeace.

SELu'CTION. ʃ. [fi'edio, Latin ; from /.-

IS}.] The aifl.^ tf culing or chufing ; choice.' Bo'iva.

SELE'CTNE'S. ʃ. [from /'<f<f7.] The state
of bfing felecl.

SELE'CTOR. ʃ. [from Z/ff/.] HewhoTe-

SEUENOGRA'PHICAL 7 a. [ftkro^_ra.

SELENOGRATHICK. ʃ. pb:'^u , Ficn.]
Bdc-nging to fslanogr.phv.
5 (^ ' SELE'-

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SELE'NOGRAPHY. ʃ. [^bX/,-,.
A deſcription of the moon. B

SELF. fronoun. p\\ir, JelviS. [fy n, Saxon .
fJf,felve, Dutch.]
S. Its piimary ſignificauon ſeems ^o he
that of an adjedtive : very ;
particular; this above others. / Dryden.
2. It is, united both to the pe(f.)n:ii j^rono; ins, and to the neutral pronoun /'/, and
is alwa;s added when they areuſed reciprocally
: 2S, I did rot hurt him, he hurt himſelf
(bs pio^k hi'fs xncx but I chp v.r\\c'X. Luke.
3. Compounded with him. a pronoun ſubſianrivie,
_/>//' is in appearnnce an adjechve :
joined to my. tby-y cur. your, pronoun ?,d.
jectiveSj it ſeems a ſubrTantive,
- 4. It is much uſed in ccinpoiition.

SE'LFHEAL. ʃ. [^r.vj.W/.', Latin.] A plant.
The farne with Saniclj!:.

SE'LFISH. a. [from ///:] Attentive only to
one's ſwn intert/t ; void of regard for ethers,

SE'LFISHMES'^. ʃ. [frotr/.^T/^^.] Att(=mion
to his own'irstersft, without any regard to
others; felflove. Boyle.

SE'LFISHLY.' ^^. [h:>mfc[ſp.] With regard
only to his cWninteiclt ; without love
ofothi'Ys. Foje.

SE'LFSAME. a. [f.lf and ſame.l^ Numerically
the fsme. Milton.

SE'LIOM. ʃ. [fciio, low Latin.] A rid^^e of
land, ylin worſh,

SELL. p-oi

SELL. ʃ.


SE'MBLATIVE. a. [from ſembla tit.] SuU-
own. able; accommodate ; fit j' reſembling.Shakʃpeare.

To SE'MBLE. v. n. [fmlhr, French, ; To
le-reient ; to make a likeiieCs. Prior.

SE MI. ʃ. [Latin.] A word which, uſed in
compcfi'i' n, ſignifits half.

SE'MIANNULAR. a. [fmi and ar.vu/m,.
ring.] PJ:ilf round. Gre%v,

SE'MiBREF. ʃ. [pmibrave, French.] A
note m muſick relating to time. Dor,ne»

SEMICIRCLE. ʃ. [Jmiclrculm, Latin.] A
half round ; p;^rC of a circle divided by the

SEMICI'RCLED. v. a. [fml and circu.

SEMICi'RCULAR.S lc.r.] Half round.

SEMICO'LON. ʃ. [ſemi and k^Kov.] Haifa
colon ; a point made thus [;] to note a
pr?.-jt<;r pauſe than that of a comma.

SEMIDIA'METER. ʃ. [ſemi and diameter.]
Half ths iiae, which, drawn though the
centic of a circle, divides it into twJ equal
~ parts. More,

SEMTDIAPHANE'ITY. ʃ. [ſemi and dia.
ſhaniity.] Half tranſparency ; imperfect

SEMIDIA'PHANOUS. a. [ſemi and di'apha.
oi'!.] Huf tranſparent, Woodward.

SE'MIDOUBLE. ʃ. [ſemi and doubk.] la
the Romiſh br^v^ary, ſuch offices and fjafts
as are celebrated with leſs folerr.nity than
the dviuble ones. Bailey.

SEMIFLU'ID. a. [ſemi and fuid.] Imperfect
iy fiuid. Arbuthnot.

SFMILU'NAR. ʃ. a. [ſemilutjaire, Fr.]

SEMILU'NARY. ʃ. Reſembling in form a
hoV moon. Creiu,

SE'MIMETAL. ʃ. [ſemi and metal.] Haif
me';vl ; imperfectl: meta-.

SEMiNA'LITY. ʃ. [from /c»;e», Latin.]
1. The nature of ſhed. Bror^r,
2. The power of being produced. B,-civ»,

SE'MINAL a. [Latin.]
1. Belonging to ſce^.
2. Contsined in ths feed
\_Ja::inalf French ; f minis / 1/mi;
radical. Swift.
Fr. Jeminari-
1. [f^rfelf.] Ben. Johnſon.
He, F.-ciich ; fe'la, Latin.] A
2. [ryiian, Saxon.] To give; for a price. Swift.

To SELL. v. a. To have commerce or fraf.-
ſick with fine,, Shakʃpeare.

SE'LLANDER. ʃ. - A dry ſc=b in ahorſe's
hoiSjih Oi piftern, Jlirjzooitb.

SE'LLER. ʃ. [from /e/7.] The pe^ion that
ſellss ; vender. Shakʃpeare.

SE'LVAGE. ʃ. The edge of cloaih wr eie
it is cloſed by complicating the threas.
- SELVES. The plural nf/c'^/. Locke.

fejr.bhl/j, Fr.] Like; 4»?f>nribling. Shakʃpeare.

SE'MBLABLY. a. [fvomſembUdde.] With
remblance. ^-h 'k f-.ejre,

SE'MEL ANCE. ʃ. [ffnblaxc, French i from'
1. Lkeneſs ; reſemblance f ſimilitude ; reprerentati-.'
n. Milton. fVsod'U). Rogers.
1. A.-^pear.^n^e ; ſhow ; figure. Fairfax.

SE'MBLANT. a. [/mi^/azrf, French.] Like ; SEMINA'TION>. ʃ.
reſtmbling ; having the appearance of any The act of fowing.
thing. Little uſed. Prior. SEMINl'FICAL. v. a. [fcmen and fac'o,

SE'MBLANT. ʃ. ' Show ; figure ; re frm- SEMIi'^I'FICK. , Latin.] Produaive of
fciaiiCw!, Spenſer. feed, Bro'zvrt,


«.'?2. Latin.]
1. Th^ ground where any tjiing i? ſown to
be sflerwards tranſplanted. Mortimer.
2. The place or original (lock whence'any
thing is brought. PFcodiva'rd,
3. Seminal ſtate. Brown.
4. Original; fir^l principle.!. IIarvy»
5. Breeding place ; place of educatii.n,
from whence ſcholars are tranſplanted into
life. Swift.
[from ſmino, Latin.]
imjti/edly tranſpa-
7 ʃ. [In ai'.ronomy.]
^ An aſpeil orthe

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SEMINIFICATION. ʃ. The propaprjrn
from the leert or ſeminal parts. /v'j/tf.

SEMiOPA'COUS. a. [J.mi and c^-^ri/i,
Latin.] Haifa. rk. Jiol^.

SliVJIPE'J>AL. a. [/fn:iinip:di!,LaUii.]
Cop.t inine halt a fuyt.

[fmi and per.ſpiciu!, Latin.] H_If t.-af;ſp3rtnt ; iniper-
Jedrly c)e»r. Gretu,

SEMIO'RDIMATE. ʃ. [In rcn'tk ia\.
ors ; A ]:n£ drawn at rjjht anoirs to and
bifltfcyed by the axis, and ie.chini;fr.;rr. one
ſide o.^ the ſcf^icn to another. Hams.

SEMLELLUCID. a. [far, and pe!:ucious,
Latin.] Half clear; rent.


planets where cii-'ant from each nher forty
rive degrees, or one lign and a hra. Ba-lY.

SEMIQITA'VER. ʃ. [Inrruſtrk.] A note
containing half the quantity at the q uvcr.

SEMIQUI'NTILE. ſ. [In aſtronomy.] An
alpeſt of the planets when at the diftence
of thirty-fix cu^recs fi om one another. i>^ i'ey.

SEMISE'XTILE. ʃ. [In aſtronomy.] A fennifixth
; an zi'^ect oſ the plinets when they
arec ſtar.t from each other one twelfth pait
of 3 cirrie, or thirty degrees.

SEMI HE'ilICAL. a. [Jemi and ſphcri.
est ] Belonging to half a ſphere.

SEMI'PHEROlDAL. 'a. [fmi ir.d fftero-
da'.] Fo njed iik^' a half fuheific.

SEMI'I E'KTIAN. ʃ. [[from ?nd tertiar.] An
ague Cvrnpounutd of a tertian arid a quotidian.

SEMIVOWEL. ʃ. [fmi and vczv^f.] A
ccnſonant which makes an irrperfecl lound,
or does not demand a tttai occiufion oſ the
niiuth. Brown.

SE'MPERViVH. ʃ. Ap!3n% B/cok.

SEMPIlE'KNAL. a. [/w,'iV<rrtf.t, Latin.]
1. EteinaP in futurity ; havi.-.g Lej;inraat! ;
but no end. Hal::.
7. In poetry it is uft-d fin-.ply for etp na',

SEMPnERNITY. ʃ. > f.rrfi::rni:js, Lat.]
Future duration without tnd.' IJa ,

SE'MPSTRESS. ʃ. [rcameptne, Saxon.]
A woman whoTo buCneſs is ſo iew ; a woman
who hve by I er necd.'e. Gul'.jijfr.

SENAKY. a. [ffa-ius, L:i!in.] Belonging
to the number Ix ; c: ntiining fix.

SE'N'ATE. ʃ. r//;>/'/i, Lvin.] An -.fTerrbiy
of counfeliyrs ; a body of men fetapaic
to confult for the p'iblick good. Drham,

SE'NATEHOUSE. ʃ. [fnateimiujt.]
Place <t puohck C' uncil. Shakſp.

SE'NATOR. ʃ. [/c-;j.'er, Latin.] Apubiuk
counfeilor. Grjntilli.

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SENATOOlIAL. 1 a. [ftnaferiw, iM'm.]

SENATO'R[AN. ^ Beionging to ſcnators ;
bthtting fenarors.

To SEND. v. a. [rerosn, Saxon ; fird.rt,
1. To diſpatch j^Ti one pbce to ano'hfr.
C.n.jh. Tihl'or, Dryden. tizoift,
2. To c miiiiiiion by juih.rity to go and
a<it. Shakʃpeare.
3. To grant ?s from a dirt n' place. G'tr.
4. To infiiO, as from a diliance. Deutr,
5. To emit ; to immit ; toproduce. Cheyne.
6. To di/Fuff ; to propagate. tue.

To STIND. v. V.
1. 10 ceiivcr or diſpatch a mtfi-ſp.

2. T->SEND/or. To require by mtffage
to romt., or cauſe to be hronghr, Dryden.

SE'NDER. ʃ. [XTomfer.d.] He that f-nds.
^ hakeſpeare.

SENE'SCENCE. ʃ. [/.^^^/l-. Latin.] The
ſtate cl glowing old ; acca. by tini'.-.

SE'NESCHAL. ʃ. [fenef,k.-l, French.] One
viho had ir^ great houſes the care of tead-s,
or rtnmcKick ceremcnits. Mi 'ton,

SE'NGREEN. ʃ. a plant. Ainsworth.

SE'NILE. a. [fcniſh, Latin.] Edonging to
old age ; crnicquent on old age, Boyle.

SE'NIOR. ʃ. [jcnioT, Latin.]
1. One older than 59 ither ; one who cr
account of longer time has ſome ſuperiority.

t. An aged perſon. Dryden.

SENIO'RITY. ʃ. [from ſenior.] Elderſhip ; Priority of bitth. Broome.

SENNA. f. [fer.a,Lmr.] A rhyfica! tree.Shakʃpeare.

SE'NNIGHT. ʃ. [ConTafled from yf^fnmgh;.]
Th^ ſpace of ſeven nights and d^s ; a weſk. Shakʃpeare.

SENO'CULAR. a. [fem and cculus,tnyn.]
Having i<x eyes. Denham.

SENSATION. ʃ. [ferfar-o, Latin.] Perception
by means of u ; ſenfes. Rogers.

SENSE. ʃ. [f^r'fus, Latin.]
1. Faculty or power by which external object:
are perceived. Davies.
2. PeUeption by the Tenfes ; ſenſation-. Dryden.
3. Perception of intellect ; apprehenfi-n of
mind. Milton.
4. Senfibility ; quickneſs or keenneſs of
perception. Shakʃpeare.
5. Underſtanding ; ſoundneſs of faculties ; f^rcna^h of natural rcafcn. P'.pf,
6. Reaſon ; reaſonable meaning. Dryden.
7. Ot>inion ; notion ; judgnien, Roſcom.
8. C !)kiouſneſs ; conviction. Dryden.
9. Moral perception. L'Eſtrange.
10. Meaning; import, T'Uktfor. Wu^tit,



SE'NSED. fart. Perceived by the ſenſes.

SE'NSEFUL. a. [from /»> and >//.] R^^'
f 'nable ; judicious.

SE'NSELESS. a. [from /^r/f.]
1. Wanting lenfe} wanting life; void of
all life or percept!<-n. Locke.
2. Unfeeling ; wanting perception. Rowe.
3. Unrtalonable ; ſtupid ; doltiſh; blockiſh. Clarendon.
4. Contrary to true judgment ; contrary
to reaſon. South.
5. Wan':ing ſenſibility ; wanting quicknffs
or keenneſs of perceptii n. Fejcham.
6. Wanting knowledge ; unconfcious. !>outhirne,

SENSELESSLY. ad [from fe^p'rfs.] In a
finf:le!s manner ; ſtupidly ; unitafonably. Locke.

SE'NSELES NESS. ʃ. [from Pr/tWi.j Folly; unreaſondbieneſs ; abfurdiiy ; /tupidify. Grew.

SENSIBI'LITY. ʃ. [ferifibiUte, French.]
1. Quickneſs of i'enfation. Addiʃon.
2. Q 1 -kneſs of perceptii n.

SE'NSIBLE. a. [fn/ible, French.]'
1. Having the power of perceiving by the
Itn^es. Raleigh.
2. Perceptible by the fLnTes, Hooker.
^. Perceived by the mind. Temple.
4. Pſrceiving by either mind or ſenſss; having perception by the mind or ſenſes. Dryden.
5. Having moral perception ; having the
quality of being affected by mural good or
ill. Shakʃpeare.
6. Having quick intellectual feeling ; being
eaſily or ſtrongly affected. Dryden.
7. Convinced ; perſuaded. AddiJm.
3. In low converfation it has ſometimes
the ſenſe of reaſonable ; judicious ; wife.

SE'NSIBLENESS. ʃ. [hovn ſenſible.]
i, Pi;fiibi]ity to beperct-iveo uy the ſenſes.
2. Attu^l perception by mind or body.
3. Quickneſs of perception ; ienfibihty. Shakſp.
4. Painful confciouſneſs. Hammond.

SE'NSIBLY. ad. [from ſcrjible. ;
1. Perceptibly to the ſenſes.
2. With peicepaoii of either mind or body.
3. Externally ; by impreflion on the ſenſes. Hooker.
4. With quick intellectual perception.
3. In low language, judiciuully; reaſonably

SENSITIVE. a. [ſtrfnif, French.] Having
knic or peiception^ but not reafjn. Hammond.

SE'NSITIVE Flunt. ʃ. [mimoja, Latin.] A
Of 'hs plant the humble plints are a ſpecies,
which are ſo called, becauſe, upon

being touched, the pedicle of their leaves
falls downward ; but the leaves oſ tht Jenfiti'vp.
plant are only contracted. Miller.

SE'NSrnVELY. ad. [from fer>fti've.-\ In
a ſcmltive manner. Hammond.

SENSO'RIUM.] r n . n

SE'N.OKT. J/ t^'^'^l
1. The part wiiere the ſenſes tranſmit their
perceptions to the mind ; the feat of ſenſe. Bacon.
4. Organ of ſenſation. Berkley.

SENSUAL. a. [ſenſud, French.]
1. Conſiſting in ſenſe ; depending on ſenſe
; affecting the ſenſes. Pop/!,
2. Pleaſing to the ſenſes ; carnal ; not ſpiritual. Hooker.
3. Devoted to ſenſe ; lewd ; luxurious. Milton, Atterbury.

SE'NSUALSIT. ʃ. [from ſtnjuaL] A carnal
perſon ; one devoted to corporal pleaſures. South.

SENSUAXITY. ʃ. [hiim fr,fual.-\ Addict.
on to b tital and corpor.-l pkafures. Dav,

To SE'N'SUALIZE. v. a. [tiomfevfual.] To
ſink to ſenſual pleaſuies; to degrade the
mind into ſubjection to the ſenſes. Pope. .

SENSUALLY. ad. [from feK/ual.] In a
ſenſual manner.

SE'NSUOUS. a. [from ferfe.] Tender ; pathetick
; full of paſſion. Milton.u,

SENT. The participle pafllye of/nJ. Ezr.

SE'NTENCE. ʃ. [fentence, French.]
1. Determination or deciſion, as of a judge
civil or criminal. Hooker, Atterbury.
2. It, is uſually ſpoken of condemnation
pronounced by the judge. Milton.
3. A maxim ; an axiom, generally moral. Broome.
4. A ſhort paragraph ; a period in writing. Daniel.

To SE'NTENCE. v. a. [fsntencier, Fr.]
1. To paſs the laſt judgment on any one. Milton.
2. To condemn. Ten^pU,

SENTENTIO'SITY. ʃ. [from ſententioui.]
Comprehenſion in a ſentence. Brown.

SENTENTIOUS. a. [Jentencieux, French.]
Abounding with ſhort ſentences, axioms,
and maxims, ſhort and energetick. Crapaiv.

SENTE'NTIOUSLY. ad. [^xo;r, ^tntentioui..
In ſhort ſentences ; v^fith llriking brevity. Bacon.

SENTE'NTIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from /c»rf»//-
cKi.] Pithineſs of ſentences ; brevity with
ſtrength, Dryden.

SE'NTERY. ʃ. One who is ſet to watch
in a garrifon, or in the outlines of an army. Milton.

SE'NTIENT. a. [fentiem, Latin.] Perceiving
5 having perception. Hale.

SE'NTIENT. ʃ. [from the adjective.] He
that has -perception. Glan'vi'U.


SE'NTIMENT. ʃ. [fentlmtnt, French.]
1. Thought; notion; opinion. Locke.
2. The ſenſe conſideied ciltinttly from the
language r things ; a ſtriking ſentence in
a compoſition.

SENTINEL. ʃ. [ferrhel/e, F.-ench] One
who watches or keeps guard to prevent
furpii'e. Daiia,

1. A watch ; a ſentinel ; one who watches
in a garrifoii, or army. Dryden.
2. Guard ; watch ; the duty of a iVntry,

SEPARABI'LITY. ʃ. [from f^f arable.] 1 he
quality of admitting oiluniori or difecrptiMi.


SE'PARABLE. a. [ſeparabk, Fr. fjarebilis,
3. Suſceptive of difunion ; diſcerptible.
2. Piifibieto be disjoined from ſomethipg. Arbuthnot.

SE'PARABLENESS. ʃ. [from ffarab/e.]
Capableneſs of being ſeparable. Boyle.

To SEPARATE. v. a. [f^^aro, Ut.n ^ fifarer.
1. To break ; to divide intopjrts.
2. To dITunite ; to dif-j in. Milton.
3. To fever from the reſt. Boyle.
4. To ſet apart ; tofegreg-ite. AlU.
5. To withdraw, Geneſis.

To SE'PARATE. i; n. To part ; to be
diſunited. Locke.

SE'PARATE. a. [from the verb.]
1. Divided from the reſt:. BurK:t,
2. Difunited from the body ; diſen';^:ged
from corporeal nature. Locke.

SEPARATELY. ad. [from ff>arate.] Apart ; ſingly ; not in union ; diſtinctly. Dryden.

SE'PARATENESS. y. [from /'/.^rjre.] The
ſtate of being ſeparate.

SEPARA'TION. ʃ. [ſeparatio^hzu ffaration.
1. The act of ſeparating ; disjunflion. Abbot.
2. The ſtate of bein^ ſeparate ; difunii n, Bacon.
3. The chymical analyfs, or operation of
disuniting things mingled. Bacon.
4. Divorce ; disjunction from a rrarried
ſtate. Shakeſpeare.

SE'PARATIST. ʃ. [f^toratljte, F.en. from
jcfarate, ; One wh 1 divides from the
church ; a ſchifmatick. South.

SEPARATOR. ʃ. [ficm ſeparate.] One
who divides ; a civider.

SE'PARATORY. a. [from /r/>jrd/^.] Uftd
in ſepnrition. Cheyne.

SEPILI'DLE. a. [ſpio, Latin.] Thit may
be buried. Bailey.

SE'PIMENT. ʃ. [Jpimertum, Latin.
; A
hedge ; a fence. Bailey.

SEPO->I'fK.N. ʃ. f//>ow, Latin.] The att
ef fettifig apart ; ffgrcgatioo.

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SEPT. ʃ. [j^ptum, Latin.] A clan ; a race; a generation. Boyle.

SEPiA'NGULAR. a. [f^pum and angulus,
Laitn. jHaving evtn'comcis or ſides.

SEPTE'MBER. ʃ. [Latin.] The ninth
month of the year ; the fevrnrh from
M-rch. Pcaibam,

SEPTENARY. a. [ftftenarius, Ln.] Conſiſtintr
of ſeven. Wain.

SEPTE'NARY. ʃ. The number ſeven. Brown.t

SEPTE'NMAL. a. [fcftcKnis, Latin.]
1. LaAing ſeven years,
2. Happening once in ſeven yeaf. HnveL

SEP-JE'mmON. f. [French.j The norch.Shakʃpeare.

SEPTENTRION. v. a. [f.pttrtriznalis,

SEPTE'NTRIONAL. ʃ. Lat.j Northern.

tencrional.^ N 'rrh^rlinf-ls.

SEPI'E'N^KION.-.LLY. cd. [from ſpten.
tnonai.] Toward the north ; northerly. Brown.

To SEPTE'NTRIOMATE. t'.r. [from
ſpuntno, Latin.] To tend northerly. Brown.

SETTICAL. a. [<rr;7r1j«o;.] H3ving power
to promote or produce putrefaction. Brown.

SEPTILA'TERAL. a. [f,putn and latent,
Latin.] Having Jeven ſides. Bnivn.

SEPTUA'GENARY. a. [feptuagmariui,
Latin.] Confilling of ſeventy. Brown.

SEPTUAGE'SIMAL. a. [ſptuagejimui,
Latin.] Conliliinp of ſeventy. Brown.

SETTUAGINT. ʃ. [ftpuaghta, hzxir^J]
The old Greek verſion of the Old Teftarr.
ent, ſo called as being ſuppoſtd the work
of ſeventy-two inlerpiete'rs. Bur net.

SE'PTUPLE. a. [f'piufux, Latin.] Seven
times as much.

SEPULCHlIAL. a. [frptikbralis, frQrr\ ſtpu
chran, Latin.] Relating to burial ; relating
to the crave ; monumental. Donnt.

SEPULCHRE. f. [ſpu<drurrt,'L^^^'^.^ A
gr?ve; a tonib. Sandyt. Dryden.

To SE'PULCHRE. v. a. To bury ; to entomb. Ben. Johnſon, Prior.

SEPULTURE. ʃ. [fcpu.tura, Lat.] Literment
; burial. Dryden.

SEQUA'CIOUS. s. [f'juo-ci!, Latin.]
1. F.;lli)\Mng ; attendaiit. Dryden.
1. Dudile; pliant. Ray.

SEaUA'CITY. ʃ. [from fe^uax, Latin.]
Durtility; toughneſs. B'Cw.

SE'OyEL. ʃ. [Jequrlh; Fr. foue^j, Latin.]
1. Cmcluficn ; ſucceedin^ port. South.
2. Conſequence ; event. Milton.
3. Conſequence inferred; conf qnentiilneſs.

SE'QUENCE. ʃ. [from /-^tſcr, Latin.]
1. Oidec of lucceiBn, Shakſp.
2. Serici ;
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2. Series ; anangerDent ; method. Bacon.

SE'QL'ENT. fl. [jequeKs, Lat.]
1. Fojiowing ; ſucceeding. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
Z. Coxjlequential.

SE'QITENT. ʃ. [from the adjective.] A
ftiſhHver. Shakſpeare.

To SEQUE'STER. v. a. [[equefi.r, Fr. Je.
qutfiro, low Latin.]
1. To ſeparate from others for the fake of
privacy. ~ Milton.
2. To p'jt afi(ie ; to remove. Bacon.
3. To withdraw ; to ſcgtegate. Huker.
4. To ſet afi'de from the uſe of the owner
to that of others.
5. To deprive of poſſeſhons. South.

SEQUE'STRABLE. a. [from fequefirate, ]
1. Subject to privation.
2. Capable of ſeparation, Bciy!f,

To SEQUE'STRATE. v. a. To fequeſter ;
to ſeparate from company. Arbuthnot.

SEQUESTRA'TION. ʃ. [fequejiration, Fr.]
1. Separation ; retirement. South.
2. Dil'unicn ; disjunction. Boyle.
3. State of being ſet aſide. Shakʃpeare.
4. Dfjprivation of the uſe and profits of a
pofffflion, Swift.

SEQUESTRA'TOR. ʃ. [from fequeſtrate.]
One who takes from a man the prefit of
his prHcflions, Taylor.

SERA'GLIO. ʃ. A houſe of women kept
fos dtbauchery. - Norris.

SE'RAPH. ʃ. [.311^] One of the orders
ofanfjels. Locke, Pope. .

SERA'PHICAL. ʃ. a. [/^rtf/^%ae, French

SERA'PPICK. ; from [era^h, ] Ange-
Jick ; angeiical. Taylor.

SE'RAPH] M. ſ. Angels of one of the hea-
- venly orders, Milton.

SERE. a. [j-s;?]aian, Saxon. to dry.] Dry ;
withered ; no longer green. Muton.

SERENA'DE. ſ. r/fr.««5, Latin.] Muſick
or foDgs with which ladies are entertained
by their lovers in the ni_ght. Cowley.

To SERENA'DE. ^. a. [from the auun.]
To entertain with nodlurnal muſick.

1. Calm; pbcid ; quiet. Pope. .
2. Unru.lled ; undiſturbed : even of temper.

To SERE'NE. v. a. [ſcrener, Fr. /era-o,
1. To calm ; to quiet,
2. To clear ; to brighten. Philip:.

SERE'N|I-Y. ad. [UGin ferene.]
1. CDia-ily ; quietly. Pope.
2. With unrufrljd temper ; coolly. Loch'.

SERE'KENESS. ʃ. [from ferene.] Serenity.

SERE'NITUDS. ʃ. [from ferem ] Calmneſs
; cor.lneſs of mind. Wottan,

SERE'NITY. ʃ. [/tr.'«;//, Fr.]

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1. Calmneſs ; temperature. / Berkley.
2. Peace ; quietneſs ; not difiurbance. Temple.
3. Evenneſs of temper ; coolneſs of mind. Locke.

SERGE. ʃ. [xcrga, Spaniſh.] A kind of
cloath. Bale,

SE'RGEANT. ʃ. f^^f^rf, Italian.]
1. An officer whoſe buſineſs is to execute
the commands of magiſtrates. Shakʃpeare. A^li.
2. A petty officer in the army.Shakʃpeare.
3. A lawyer of the higheſt rank under a
a judge. Bacon.
4. It is 3 title given to ſome of the king's
fervants : as, fergear.t chiiurgecns,

SE'RGEANTRY. ʃ. Grand fe'g-antry is
that where one holdeth lands of the king
by ſervice, which he ought to do in his
own fierfon unto h.m ; as to bear the king's
banner or his ſpear, or to blow a horn,
when he feeth his enemies invade the land
; or to find a man at arms to fight within
the four feas, or elſe to do it himſelf. Petit
frgeantry is where a man holdeth land of
the king, to yield him yearly ſome ſmall
thing toward his wars : as a ſword, dagger,
bow, knife, ſpear, pair of gloves of
mail, a pair of ſpur:;, or ſuch like. C'^wc/.

SE'RGEANTSHIP. ʃ. [from jergeant.] The
office of a ſcrgeant.

SERIES. ʃ. [Jcrici, Lat.]
1. Sequence ; order. Ward,
2. Succeſſion ; courſe. Pope. .

SERIOUS. a. [fertus, Lat.]
1. Grave ; ſolemn ; not volatile ; not light
of behaviour,
2. Important; weighty; not trifling.Shakʃpeare.

SE'RIOUSLY. ad. [from ſcrious.] Gravely
; foiemnly ; in eaineP. ; without levity. South.

SE'RIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ferious.] Gravity
; ſalemnity ; earnsft attention.

SERMOCINA'^nON. ʃ. [fermocinatio,
Latin.] The act or practice of mdking

SERMOCINA'TOR. ʃ. [/emoaVor, Lat.]
A preacher ; a ipcechmaker. Htive!.

SE'RMON. ʃ. [fern.sn, Fr. jirmo, Lat.] A
diſcoutfe of inltruction projjounced by a divine
for the edification of the people. Hooker. CrajJjHll\

To SE'RMON. v. a. [j:rmomr,Yu'\
1. To diſcourſe as in a fermon. Spenſer.
2. To tutor ; to teach dogmatically ; to
leflun. Shakʃpeare.]

SE'RMOUNTAIN. or SeJcJi, ʃ. [JiUx,
Lat.] A plant. MilUr.

SERO'SITY. ʃ. [feroſite'y Fr.] Thin or
watery pait of the blood. Arbuthnot.


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SE'ROUS. a. [feroſus, Lat.]
1. Thin ; watery.
1. Adapted to the fenim. Arbuthnot.

SE'RPL'NT. ſ. [f >ptns,Lzi\n.] An animal
that rnrvts by undulation without
Jegs. They arr divided into two kinds ;
the njtper, which hiings y> ung, «nd the
J-^ak, that lays eggs. Spenſer. Milon.

SE'RPENTINE. a. [ſcrperai^us, Lat.]
1. Reſembling a ferpcTit, t^idmy,
2. Winding like a ficrpent ; an/rafluous.

SFRPEN'TINE. ʃ. An herb. A'nfzvo/ih.

There were thrre
ſpecies of this ſtone, all of the marble
kini. The ancients tell us, thif it w.^s a
ceain remedy againſt the poiſon of the
bif- of fe-rpents ; but it is nowjuſtlyre-
]a\ Hill.

SE'RPEr^TS Tongue. f An herb. Anſw.

SER .T. ſ. A bsjTceJ. Alrf-aonh.

SERPl'GINOUS. a. [from /«r;,/_^5, Latin.]
D f -afed with a ferpigo. t^nf man.

SERPrCO. j: [Latin.] A kind of retter.


To SERR. v. a. [ſcrrer, Fr.] To drive
hard together ; to croud into a little ſpace. Bacon.

SE'RRATE. v. a. [f^rratus, Latin.]

SE'RRATED. S Formed with j^gs or
inaeatures like the edge of a faw. Denham.

SERRATION. ʃ. [tn^a.ferra, Lat.] Formati.
n in the ſhape of a faw.

SE'RRATURE. ʃ. '[from/jr^a, Latin.] Indenturr
'ike teeth of faws.

To SE'RRY.'w. d, r/mr, Fr] To preſs
clof; ; todiiv!.- ii rd \g.-thcr. Milton.

SE'RVANT.'/. [ſtrvjrj, Fc]
1. One who attends another, and afls at
his command. Milton.
2. One in a ſtate of ſubjectlion. Unafoai.Shakʃpeare.
3. A word of civility uſed to ſuperiuurs or
equals, <hvift.

To SE'RVANT. i>. a. [from the noun.]
To ſubjef^. Not in -ife. Shakʃpeare.

To SERVE. nj. a. [faznr, Frencii
; ferv':
o, Lat.]
1. To attend at command. Milton.
2. To obey ſcrvilely or meanly. Denham.
3. To ſupply with to 'd ceremoniouny. Dryden.
4. To bring as a menial attendant. Bacon, Taylor.
r. To be ſubſervient or ſubordinate to.
6. To ſupply with any thing.
7. To obey in military a<!!lions.
8. To be ſuſſicient to. Locke.
9. To be of uſe to f^oaſſiſt, Taylor.
10. To promote. Milt.n,

XI. To comply wi th, Hooker.

11. To ſatisfy ; to content. S-iuth,
jj. To fland inſtcad of any thing to oae.
14. To Serve bir>:frl/ oj. To make
uſe of. J^ig'^y- Dryden.
15. To requite : as, \\i: Jmed u.e ungratefully.
16. [In divinity.] To worſhip the Supremr
Bsirg. I\Iilton,
jj. To SERVE a wirrant. To ſc.Zi aa
offeider, and Cijry him to juſtice.

To SERVE. v. n.
1. To be a fervant, or nave. i/o/. Geneſa,
2. To be in fuSrj-aion. Iſaiah.
3. To jttend; to wait. Luke.
4. To act in war. Knolles.
5. To produce vhe end deſired. Sidney.
6. To be ſuſſicient fur a purpoſe. Dryden.
7. To ſuit ; to be convenient. Dryden.
8. To conduce ; to be of uſe. Hdrcxvs.
9. To officiate or minifler.

SE'RVICE. ʃ. f/ervicey Fr. f^rviiiuw, Lat.]
1. Menia! office ; low builneſs don.'; at the
comnr.anJ of a mafter. Shakʃpeare.
2. Attendance of a fervant. Shakʃpeare.
3. Place ; rllireof afewant. Shakʃpeare.
4. Any thing done by way of duty to a
ſuptriour. Shakʃpeare.c,
5. Attendance on any ſuperlaur.Shakʃpeare.
6. Profclfion of reſpect uttered or ſcnt.Shakʃpeare.
7. Obedience ; ſubmiſh 'n. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
8. Aft on the performance of which poſſeſtion
depends. Davies.
9. Actualduty; office. licgers,
10. Employment ; buſineſs, Swift.
11. Milit?ry duty. Waton,
12. A military atchievement. Shakſp.
13. P .rpoſe ; uſe. Spenſer.
14. Uleful office
; advantage. Pope. .
15. Favour. Shakʃpeare.
16. Publick office' of devotion. Hooker.
17. Courſe; order of diſheJ. Hakewell.
iS. A tree and fiuit, [from ^ Lat.]. Peacham.

SERVICEABLE. a. [f^rn^iſuble, old Fr.]
1. Active ; diligent ; officiouF. Sidney.
2. Uſeful ; beneficial. Atterbury.

SE'RVICEABLENESS. ʃ. [from /<:rt;;c.tf-
1. Officiouſneſs ; adivity. Sidn?\\
2. Uſefulnef: ; bencficialnef?. Nurris.

SE'RVILE. a. [f.rvilii, Latin.]
1. Slaviſh ; dependant ; mean. Milton.
2. Fawning; cringing. tldney,

SE'R VILELY. ad. [from ſerviU.^ Meanly
; navifnlv. S':i::fr,

SE'RVILENESS.7 . re r 1 i

SERVI'LITY. i / U^omſcr.le.]
1. Slaviſhneſs ; involuntary obedience.
Government of the Torraf.

2. Meanneſs ; dependance ; bafcneſs.
3. Slavery, the condition of a five.Shakʃpeare.

SE^RVING-MAN. ʃ. [frv: and man.] A
menial fervant. Shakʃpeare.

SE'RVITOR. ʃ. [fervheur^Tt.]
1. Servant; attendant. Davies.
2. One of the lowelt order in the univerſity. Swift.

SE'RVITUDE. ʃ. [Jerv'ttus, Lat.]
1. Slavery ; ſtate of a ſlave ; dependance. South.
2. Servants colIectiveIy. Milton.

SE'RUM. ʃ. [Utin ]
1. The thin and Wdtry part that ſeparates
from the reſt in any Jiqucr.
2. The part of the biood, which in coagulation
ſeparates from the grume. Arbuthnot.

SESQUIA'LTER. v. a. [fef^ui^lter.

SESQUIA'LTERAL. ^ Lat.] In geontietry,.
is a rativ>, where one quantity or
number contains another once and half
as much more; as 6 and g,

SE'SQUIPLICATE. a. [In mathcmaticks.]
Is the proportion one quantity or number
has to another, in the ratio of one half. Cheyne.

SE'SQUIPEDAL. v. a. [feſqu-peda-

SESQUIHEDA'LIAN. ʃ. /;j, Lav. I Containing
a foot and a half. Arbuthnot.

SESQUi rE'R.TIAN. ʃ. [In mathematicks.]
Having ſuch a ratio, as that one quantity
or number contains another once and' one
third part more ; as between 6 and 8.

SESS. y. [for ojjeſs, ceſs, or cenfe.] Rate; ceſs charged ; t^x. David,

SE'SSION. ʃ. [fjſton, Fr. f£io, Lat.]
1. The act of ntting. Brown.
2. An aſſembly of magiſtrates or fenators. Chapman, Milton.
3. The ſpace for which an airembly fits,
without intermiſſion or receſs. Stillingfleet.
4. A mieeiing of juſtices: aSfX.hef/'JJi'jns of
the peace.

SE'STERCE. ʃ. [feſtertiuv7, Lat.] Among
the Remans, a fum of about 81. is. 5d.
half-penny _/?677z';|r. Addiʃon.

To SET. v. a. preterite Iſet ; part. psiF.
lam jet. [pett-m, ^.xon\ jettcn^ Dut.]'
1. To place; to put in any ſituation or
place ; to put. Job:!.
2. To put into any condition, ſtate, or
poſturc. Hooker.
3. To make motionleſs ; to fix immoveably.
4. To fix ; to ſtate by ſome rule, Addiſon.
5. To regulate ; to adjuſt.
Suckling. Locke, Prior.
6. To fit to muſick ; to adapt with notes. Dryden, Donne.
7. To plant, not fow, £6com.

8. To lnterſperſe or mark with any thing. Dryden.
9. To reduce from a fractured or diflocated
ſtate. Herbert.
10. To fix the affection ; to determine the
reſolution. Milton.
11. To predetermine ; to ſettle. Hooker.
12. To eftabliſh ; to appoint ; to fi:?. Bacon.
13. To exhibit ; to diſplay ; to propoſe. Bacon.
14. To value ; to eſtimate ; to rate. Locke.
15. To ſtake at play. Prior.
16. To offer a wager at dice to another. Shakʃpeare.
17. To fix in metal. Dryden.
j8. To embarraſs ; to diſtreſs ; to perplex. Addiʃon.
19. To fix in an artificial manner, ſo as to
produce a particular effect. Pſalws,
20. To apply to ſomething. Dryden.
21. To fix the eyes. Jeremiah.
22. To ofier for a price. Eccluſ.
23. To place in order ; to frame. Knolles,
24. To ſtation ; to place. Dryden.
25. To oppoſe. Shakʃpeare.
26. To bring to a fine edge: as, to ſet a razor.
27. To set fl^?tt^ To apply to. Locke.
28. To set againſt. To place in a ſtate
of enmity or oppoſition. Duppa.
29. To Set againſt. To oppoſe ; to place
in rhetorical oppoſition. Burnet.
30. to Set apart. To neglect for a fealon, Knolles.
31. To Set aſide. To omit for the preſenſ. Milton.
ji, To ^YLT aftde. To rejefV. Woodward.
33. To Set aſide. To abrogate ; to annul. Addiʃon.
34. To Set ^_y. To regard ; to eſteem.
I Stim.
35. To Set by. To reject or omit for
the prefeiot. Bacon.
36. To Set Wowff, To mention; to explain
; to relate in writing. Clarendon.
37. To Set donvn. To regifter or note
in any book or paper ; to put in viriting.Shakʃpeare.
30. To Set down. To fix on a reſolve.
39. To Set down. To fix; to eftabliHi. Hooker.
/^o. To S-ET forth. To publiſh ; to pr.^-
mulgate ; to make appear. Shakʃpeare.
41. To ^E-T forth. To raiſe ; to ſend
cut. Abbot. Knolles.
42. To Set forth. To diſplay ; to explain. Dryden.
43. To Set forth. To arrange ; to plice
jn order. ,^,, Shakʃpeare.
44. To Set forth. To ſhow ; to exhibit.
45. To

45. To Set forward. To adrance; t9
promote. J-b,
46. To Set ;«. To put in a way to begin. Collier.
47. To Set off. To decorate ; to recommend
; to adorn ; to embelliſh. Pſ^alUr.
48. To Set on or w^O'j, To animate ; to
inſtigate; to incite. Clarenden.
49. To Set o/z »r i/^o». To attack ; to
aiJaulr. Taylor.
50. T(?Seto». To employ as in a talk,Shakʃpeare.
51. To SzT'ow or vptn. To fix the attention
; to determine to any thing with ſettled
and full reſolution. Sidney.
J2. To Set out. To aſſign; to allot. Sp,
53. To Set «t<r. To pubiiſh. ^'^'f:.
54. To Set out. To mark by boundaries
or diftin^tions of ſpace. Locke.
55. To Set o«r. To adorn ; toembelliſh. Dryden.
56. To Set oar. To raiſe ; to equip. Milton.
57. To Set eK^ To fLow ; to diiplay ;
to recommend. Atterbury.
58. To SsT «/. To ſhow ; to prove. Atterbury.
59. To Set up. To erect; to eftabliſh
jiewly. Atterbury.
60. To Set «/. To build ; to erca. Ben. Johnson.
6r. To Set «/>. To raiſe ; to exalt ; to
put in power. buckling.
6z, To Sz T up. To place in view. Addiſon.
63. To SzT up. To place in repoſe ; (o
fix-f to reſt. ^-/Jf.
64. To Set up. To raiſe with the voice. Dryden.-
6c. To Set up. To advance ; to propoſe
to reception. Burnet.
66 To Set up. To raiſe to a ſuſſicient
fortune. L'Eſtrange.

To SET. ʃ. «.
1. To fall below the horizon, as the fun
at evening. Brown.
2. To be fixed hard. Bacon.
3. To be extinguiſhed or darkened, as the
lun at night. I Kings.
4. To fit muſick to words, Shakʃpeare.
5. To become not fluid. Boyle.
6. To begin a journey. Shakʃpeare.
7. To go, or paſs, or put one's felf into
any ſtateor pcflure. Dryden.
8. To catch birds with a dcg that fets
them, that is, lies down and points them
out. Boyle.
9. To plant, not fow.
10. It is commonly uſed in convcrfation
fox Jit, Shakʃpeare.ar:,
21. To apply one's felf. Hammond.
iz. To Set about, ^ofall to ; to begin.

23. To Set in. To fix la a partFcahi
ſtate. Addiʃon.
14. To Set o« or i//5n. To bcgin a m-rch,
journry, or^entcrprize. Locke.
15. To Set ob.^To make an attack. Br. Shakʃpeare.
16. To Set oar. To have beginning.
27. 7'o Set out. To begin a journey. Bacon, Hammond.
18. To Set cut, T« begin the world.
rr- r.
19. To Set t^. To apply himſelf to.
Goxiernment of the Tongue.
io. To Set up. To begin a trade openly. Swift.
21. To Set up. To begin a proj;ft of advantage. Arbuthnot.
az. To Set up. To profeſs publickly.
j ; Dryden.

SET. part. a. [from the verb.] Regular; not Ux ; made in confeque nee of forae
formal rule. Knolles, Rogers.

SET. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A number of things ſuited to each other. Broome.
2. Any thing notfown, but put in a ſtate
of ſome growth into the gronnd. Mc timer,
3. The fall of the fun below the hor zon«Shakʃpeare.
4. A wager at dice. Dryden.
5. A game. Shakʃpeare.

SETA'CEOUS. a. [/.w, Latin.] Baftly ;
fee with ſtrong hairs. Durham,

SETON. ʃ. Afetcn is made when the ſkin
is taken up with a needle, and the wound
kept open by a twiſt of fiik or hair, that
humours may vent themfelve?. Farriera
call this operation in cattle rowelling. ff^if,

SETTE'E. ʃ. A large long feat with a back
to it.

SETTER. ʃ. [from fet.]
1. One v.-ho fets. A/chants
2. A dog who beats the fiel<?, and points
the bird for the ſporefmcn.
3. A man wlio performs the office of a
letting dog, or finds outperſonsto be plundered.

SE'TTERWORT. ʃ. An herb ; a ſpecies
of hellebore.

SE'TTING Dog. ʃ. [cane ſentacchiorre, Ital.]
A dog taught to find game, and point it
out to the ſportCman. Addiſon.

SETTLE. ʃ. [pitol, Saxon.] A feai ; i
bench. Ezekiil,

To SETTLE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To pLcc in any certain ſtate aſcr a
time of fiuduation or diſturbance. Ez: k eL
2. To fix in any way of life. Dryden.
3. To fix in any place. Milton.
4. To enabl.ſh ; to confirm. Prior.
5. To determine; to affirm ; to free f.wnl
ambiguity. Addiſon.

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6. To fix
; to make certain or unchangeable. Dryden.
7. To fix; not tpfiiffer to continue doubtful
in opinion, or defuhory and wavering
in c nduſt. Swift.
8. To make cloſeor compafl. Mortimer.
9. To fix unaljenably by legal fani^ions.
10. To fix inſeparablv. Boyln.

II To atteſt io as that the dregs or impurities
ſink to the bottom. D'J'vies.
17. To compoſe; to put into a ſtate of
calmneſs. Duppa.

To SETTLE. v. n.
1. To lubſide ; to ſink to the bottom and
repoſe there, Milton.
2. To ioſe motion or fermentation. Addiʃon.
3. To fix one's felf ; to eftabliſh a reſidenc^. Arbuthnot.
4. To chuſe a method of life ; to eftabliſh
a domeſtick ſtate. Prior.
5. To become fixed ſo as not to charge. Bacon.
6. To quit an irregular and defoltory for
a methodical life.
7. To take any laſting ſtate. Burnet.
8. To reſt
; to repoſe. Pope. .
9 To grow calm, Shakʃpeare.
10. To make a jointure for a wife.

TT. To crack as work ſinks. Mortimer.

SE'TTLEDNESS. ʃ. [from ſetth.] The
i?ate of being ſettled ; confirmed ſtate. King Charles.

SE'TTLEMENT. ʃ. [from jettle.]
1. The ad: of fettling ; the ſtate of being
2. The act of giving poſſeſllorf by legal
fanſtion Dryden.
3. A jointure granted to a wife. iSwift.
4. Subſidence ; drrgs. Mortimer.
5. A''t of quifting a roving for a domeſtick
and methodical life. L'Eſtrange.
6. A colony ; a place where a colony is

SE'TWAL. ʃ. An herb. D B.

SE'VEN. a. [p-pn, Saxon.] Four and
three ; one more than fix. Gtnejis, Raleigh.

SE'VENFOLD. a. [fewn ioifo/d.] R-peated
ſeven times ; having ſeven doubles. Donne.

SE'VENFOLD. ad. Seven times, GemJIs.

SE'VENNIGHT. ʃ. [fet^en and night.]
1. A week ; the rime from one day of the
week to the next day of the ſame denomination
preceding or following. Sidney.
2. It happened on Monday was ſevenni^hty
that is, on the Monday before laji Monday ; it will be done on Monday ſevennight, that
is, on the Monday after mxt Monday. Addiʃon.

SE'VENSCORE. c, [Seven and/c^r-r.] Seven
times twenty. Bacont

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SE'VENTEEN. a. [j-e^pontyoe, Saxon.]
Seven and ten.

SEVENTEENTH. a. [recpsnteopa, Sax.]
The ſeventh aftei the tenth. Hale.

SE'VENTH. a. [ref>F^^a, Saxon.]
1. The ordinal of ſeven ; the firſt after
the fixth. Dryden.
2. Containing one part in ſeven.Shakʃpeare.

SE'VENTHLY. ad. [From ſeventh,-]
In the ſeventh place. Bacon.

SEVENTIETH. a. [From ſeventy.] The
tenth ſeven tim«s repeated^,

SEVENTY. a. [Han-tjj-coFonzis, Saxon.]
Seven times ten. Taylor.

To SE'VER. v. a. [ſparo^ Lat.]
1. To part by violence from the reſt,
2. To divide ; to part ; to force aſunder,Shakʃpeare.
3. To ſeparate ; to put in different orders
or places. Dryden.
4. To ſeparate by chemical operation. Bacon.
5. To disjoin ; to diſunite, Boyle.
6. To keep diftina ; to keep apart.Shakʃpeare.

To SE'VER. v. n. To make a ſeparation ; to make a partition. King Charles.

SE'VERAL. a. [from fvsr.]
1. Dfferent ; diftindt ; unlike one another. Davies.
2. Divers; many. Addiſon.
3. Particular; ſingle. Dryden.
4. Diſtincfl
; appropriate. Milton.

SE VERAL. ʃ. [from the «.]
1. A ſtate of ſeparation : or partition. Tuſſer.
2. Each particular ſingly taken. Hammond.
3. Any incloſed or ſeparate place. Hooker.
4. Incloſed ground. Bacon.

SE'VERALLY. ad. [from fveral.] Diſtinctly
; particularly ; ſeparately. Hooker, Newton.

SEVERALTY. ʃ. [from ſeveral.] State
of ſeparation from the reſt. Wotton.

SE VERANCE. ʃ. [from fever.] Separation ; partition, Carew.

SEVE'RE. a. [f.v.rus,hn.]
1. Shakſp. apt to puniſh ; cenforious
; apt to blame ; hard ; rigorous.N Taylor.
2. R^gid ; auftcre ; moroſe ; harſh ; not
indulgent. Milton.
3. C.uel ; inexorable. Wifdom,
4. Regulated by rigid rules; ſtrift. Milton.
5. Exempt from all levity of appearance ;
grave ; ſober ; fed ate. Wailer.
6. Not lax ; x).t airy ; cloſe ; ſtricty methediral
; rigidly exact. Milton.
7. Painful ; aiifeive.
5. cloſe ; conciſe ; not luxuriant. Dryd.


SEVE'RELY. ad. [from J^vert.]
1. Painfully ; affliaively. Swift.
2. Fernci ?uſly ; horridly. Dryden.

SEVERITY. f. [jrv.niis^ Lat.]
1. Cruel treatment ; ihaipneſs of puniſhment. Bacon.
2. Hardneſs ; power of diſtreſſing. Hall.
3. Striftneſs ; rigid accuracy. Dryden.
4. Rig'^ur ; aufterity ; harihneſs ; wane
of mildncfi.

SEVOCAnON. ʃ. [>vjf(J, Lat.] The
ad of calling uſide.

To SEW. for fue. Spenſer. To follow.

To SEW. v. V, [fuo, Lar.] To join any
thing by the uſe of the needle, Eccluſ.

To SEW. v. a. To join by threads drawn
with a needle. Murk.

To SEW B/>. To incloſe in any thing ſcwed,Shakʃpeare.

To SEW. v. a. To drain a pond for the
fiſh. Ainsworth.

SEW'ER. ʃ. [ajcour, old Fr.]
1. Ati officer who ſerves up a feaſt. Milton.
2. [From {([ut, ijfuer,] A paſſage for
water to run through, now corrupted to
Jhtre. Bacon.
3. He that uſes a needle.

SEX. ʃ. [ſexe, French ; Jexui, Latin.]
1. The property by which any animal is
male or female, Milton.
2. Womankind ; by way of cmphalis. Dryden.

SEXAGENARY. a. lfixagenarius, Lat.]
Aged fixty years.

SEXAGE'SIMA. ʃ. [Latin.] The ſecond
Sunday before Lent.

SEXAGESIMAL. a. [from ſexagejimus,
Lat.] S.xtiech ; numbered by fixties.

SEXA'NGLED 7 .. ( from ffx anc^ an-

SEXA'NGULAR. S S^'''h Lat.] Having
fix corners or angien ; hexagonal. Dryden.

SEXA'NGULARLY. ad. [from ſexangular .]
With fix argies ; hexagonally.

SEXE'NNIAL. a. [px and anrw, Latin.]
Laſting fix years ; happening once in fix

SEXTAIN. ʃ. [from ſextam, ſex, Latin.]
A ſtanza of fix lines.

SEXTANT. ʃ. [fxtart, Trench.] The
fixth part of a circle.

SE'XT.ARY. ʃ. A pint and a half.

SE'XTARY. ʃ. The ſame ae ſacrifty ; a

SE'XTRY. ʃ. veſtry. Da.

SE'XTILE. M. [jexti/is, Latin.] Is a
pofici'jii ( r a<'pect of two planets, when
60 deg'-ecs diſtant, or at the diſtancee of two
ſigns^from one another. Milton, Granville.

SOCTON. ʃ. [corrupted from jacrfian.] An under-officer of the church, whoſe buſineii
is to dig gtavei. Craunt,

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SEXTONSHIP. ʃ. [from ſexton.] The
office of a ſexton. Swift.

SEXTUPLE. a. [f^xtuplus,Ux.] Sixfcld ;
fix times told. Brown.

To SHAB. v. n. To play mean trick..

SHABBILY. ad. [from ſhibhy.] Meanly ;
rcproachfully ; deſpecaoiy.

SHA'BBINESS. ʃ. [from '/babby.] Meanneſs
; paltrineſs- uAddiſon.

SHA'BBY. a. Mean ; paltry. 6«y//>.

To SHA'CKLE. v. a. [jhaeckthu,T>^Uh.]
To chain i 10 fetter ; t > bind. South.

SHA'CKLES. ʃ. Wanting the ſingular.
[j-eacu', Saxon ; Jchaecklety Dutch.] Fetters; gyves; chains. South.

SHAD. ʃ. A kind of fiſh.

SHADE. ʃ. [fcabu, Saxon ; ſchade, Dut.]
1. The cloud or opacity made by interception
of the light. Milton.
2. Darkneſs ; obſcurity. Roſcommon.
3. Cooineſs made by interceptioa of the
luo. Milton.
4. An obſcure pbce, properly in a grove
crdoſe wood by which the light is excluded, Milton.
5. Screen cauſing an exclufion of light or
heat ; umbrage. Arbuthnot.
6. Protection ; ſhelter.
7. The par»s of a piflure not brightly coloured. Dryden.
8 A colour ; gradation of light. Locke.
9. The figure formed upon any ſurface cor-.
reſpo^iding to the body by which the light is intercepted. Pope. .
10 The foul Teparated from the body ; fa
caJled as ſuppoſe^ by the ancients to be perceptible
to the fighr, not to the touch ; «
ſpirit ; a ghuft ; manes. Tickcll.

To SHADE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To overlpread with opacity. Milton.
2. To cover from the light or heat ; to
overſpresd. Dryden.
3. To ſhelter ; to hide. Shakʃpeare.
4. To protect ; to cover ; to ſcreen.
5. To mark with different gradations of
Colours, Milton.
6. T<^ paint in obſcure colours.

SHA'DINESS. ʃ. [Uomjhady.] The ſtate
of being ſhady ; umbrageouſneſs.

SH A'DOW. ʃ. [fcatou, Saxon ; ſchadwue,
1. The repreſentation of a body by which
the light is inteicepted. Shakʃpeare.
1. Oi><icity ; darkneſs ; ſhade. Addiſon.
3. Shelter made by any thing that infercepts
the light, heat, or influence of the
air. Shakʃpeare.
4. Obſcure place. Dryden.
5. Dark part of a p«ſtore, Peacham.
6. Any thing perceptible only to the fight.Shakʃpeare.
5 Rz 7. A»

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7. An imperfect an. faint repreſentati«n :
oppoſed to ſubſtance. Raleigh.
8. Inſeparable companion. Milton.
9. Type of myftica| repreſentation. Milton.
10. Protection ; ſhdter ; favour.

To SHA'DOW. To tf. [from the noun.]
1. To cover with opacity. Ezikiel.
2. To cloud ; to darken. Shakʃpeare.
3. To make co 1 or gently glouiny by interception
of the light or heat. Sidney.
^ To conceal under cover ; to hide ; to
ſcreen. Shakʃpeare.
5. To protect ; to ſcreen from danger ; to
ſhroud. Shakʃpeare.
6. To mark with vaiious gradations of colour,
or 1 g!n. Addisſon.
7 To paint in obſcure colours. Dryden.
S To repreſent imperfectiy. Mdton
9 To repreſent typically. Hooker.

SHADOWY. a. [from pado-a;.]
1. Full of ſhade; gloomy. Fenton.
2. Not brightly luminous. Milton.

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3. To weaken ; to put in danger, Atterbury.
6. To drive from reſolution ; to depreſs ; to make afraid. % Thef,
7. To Shakʃpeare. from
the action uſed among friends at meeting
and parting, ſignifies to jom with^ to taki
leave of. Shakʃpeare, King Charles.
8. To Shake. To rid himſelf of ; to
free from ; to diveſt of.
WaJUr. Stillingfleet.

To SHAKE. v. n.
1. To be agitated with a vibratory motion.
2. To totter.
3. To tremble ; to be unable to keep the
body ſtill. Shakʃpeare.
4. To be in terrour'; to be deprived of
firmneſs. Dryden.

SHAKE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Concuiiion, Herbert.
2. Vibratory motion, Addiſon.
3. Motion given and received, Addiʃon. Addic
3. F^ntly ceprefeotative ; typical, it^/^o. SHA'KER ʃ. [from pake.] The perſon or
thing that ſhukes. Pope. .
SHale. ſ. (Corrupted for ſhell.] A huſk ;
the caſe of feeds in filiquous plants.Shakʃpeare.

SHALL. v. defeaive. [pceal. Sax.] It
has no tenfcs but ſhall tntMXC, and pould

SHA'LLOON. ʃ. A flight woollen ſtuC. Swift.
^, Unſubllantial ; unreali
5 Dark i opake.

SHA'DY. a. [from ſhade.]
1. Full of ſhade ; mildly gloomy. Dryden.
2. >cciire from the glare of light, or
ful'rine s of heat. Bacon.

SHAFT. ʃ. [ſcr-ft, Saxon.]
1. An arrow ; a miffive weapon. Waller.
2. [^bafty Dutch. ; A narrow, deep,
perpendicular pit.
Any thing ſtrant ; the ſpire of a church. Peacham.

SHAG. ʃ. [pccacja, Sax.]
1. Rough wnoUy hair. Grenv,
2. A kind of cloth.

SHAG. ʃ. A ſea bird. Carew.
1. Ruggedly ; h'ify. Dryden.
2. R ueh ; rugged. Milton.
Shagreen ʃ. [chagrin, ^xt^et\.] 7he
ſkin of a kind of fiſh, or ſkin made rough
in imitation of it.

To SHA'GREEN. v. .. [chagriner, Fr.]
To irritate ; to provoke.

To SHAIL. v. n. To walk ſideways ; a
low W'nd, L'Eſtrange.

To SHAKE. v. a. preterit, _y^50/t} part, paff,
jhikety ox Jbook. [fceacan^ Sax. jhechn.
1. To put into a vibrating motion; to
jnove with quick returns backwards and
forwards ; to agitate. Shakʃpeare. Neb.
4. To make to totter or tremble,
3. To throw down by a violent motion. Tatler.
\t To tliow away ; to drive ofT. Shakʃpeare, Arbuthnot. SHA'LLOP. ſ. [chaloupe, French.] A ſmall
boat. Raleigh.

1. Not deep ; having the bottom at n«
great diſtancee from the ſurface. Bacon.
2. Not inteiledually deep ; not profound; trifling; futile ; ſilly. Milton, Addiſon.
3. Not deep of found. Bacon.

SHA'LLOW. ʃ. A ſhelf ; a ſand ; a flat i
a ſhoai
; a place where the water is not
deep. Berkley.

SHA'LLOWBRAINED. a. [(hallozv and
brain.] Fooliſh ; futile; trifling. Seuth,

SHA'LLOWLY. ad. [from /a/Zow.]
1. With no great depth. Carew.
2. Simply fooliſhly. Shakʃpeare.

SHA'LLOWNESS. ʃ. [from /^//ow.]
1. Want of depth.
2. Want of thought ; want of underſtanding; futility. Herbert.

SHALM. ʃ. [German.] A kind of muſical
pipe. Knolles.

SHALT. Second perſon oiſhall.

To SHAM. v. n. [pommiyVi/elih, to cheat.]
1. To trick ; to cheat; to fool with a
fraud ; to delude with falſe pretences. L'Eſtrange.
2. To obtrude by fraud or folly. L'Eſtrange.


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SHAM. ʃ. [from the verb.] Fraud ; trick ;
delufion ; falſe pretence ; impoſturc. L'Eſtrange.

SHAM. a. FaJfe ; counterfeit ; fiditious ;
pretended. Gay.

SHAMBLES. ʃ. [ScarragUa, Ita!.] The
place where butchers kill or ſells their
meat ; a butchery. Shakʃpeare.

SHA'MBLING. a. Moving aukwardly and
irregularly. Smith.

SHAME. ʃ. ſpceam. Sax. ſchaemte, Dut.]
1. The palfion felt when reputation is
ſuppoſed to be loft. Locke.
ft. The cauſe or reaſon of ſhame ; diſgrace
; ignominy. South.
3. Reproach. Eccuf,

To SHAME. v. «. [from the noun.]
1. To make aftiamed ; to fill with ihame. Shakʃpeare. Cleaveland. Dryden.
2. To diſgrace. Spenſer.

To SHAME. v. n. To be aſhamed. Spenſer, Raleigh.

SHA'MEFACED. a. [Jb^me and fac^.]
M«deft i baflifui ; eaſily put out of countenance. Sidney, Addiſon.

SHAMEFA'CEDLY. a. [from pamefaced.]
Modeitiy ; baſhfully.

SHAMEFA'CEDNESS. ʃ. [from ſhamefa.
ced.^ Modefty ; baſhtulneſs ; timidity. Dryden.

SHA'MEFUL. a. [Jhame and full.] Difgraceful
; ignominious ; infamous ; reproachful.
« MiltoT}.

SHA'MEFULLY. ad. [from ſhameful.]
D.fgracefully ; ignominiouſly ; infamouſly. South.

SHA'MELESS. a. [from />JWf.] Wanting
ihame ; wanting modefty ; impudent ; frontleſs ; imraodeft ; audacious. South.

SHA'MELESSLY. ad. [from JbameleJ:.]
Impudently ; audaciouſly ; witnout ſhame. Hale.

SHA'MELESSNESS. ʃ. [from ſhamdcji.]
Impudence ; want of ſhame ; immodefty. Taylor.

SHA'MMER. ʃ. [ixQm pam.] A cheat ;
an impoſtor.

SHAMOIS. ʃ. [c/jjr7o/i, French.] See
Ch-ambis. A kind of wild goat. Sha.

SHA'MROCK. ʃ. The Iriſh name for
thrte leaved grals. Spenſer.

SHANK. ʃ. [pceanca, Saxon ; ſctenckel,
1. The rraddle joint of the leg; that paH
which reaches from the ankle to the knee. L'Eſtrange.
2. The bone of the leg, Shakʃpeare.
3. The long part of any inſtrument. Mox,

SHA'NKED. «. [Uomjbank.] Having a

SHA'NKER. ʃ. [chaticre^Fr.] A venereal

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To SHAPJE. v. a. ^xtitT.Jbaped ; part, paff-
Jhapedit\6 ſhipen, [pfyppan, Saxon jfchtp
pifl^ Dut.]
1. To form ; to mould with reſpect to external
dimenſions. 7hom;oit,
2. To mould ; to caſt
; to regulate ; to
adjuA. Prior.
3. To image ; to conceive, Shakʃpeare.
4. To make ; to create. Pſdlmx,

SHAPE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Form ; external appearance.Shakʃpeare.
2. Make of the trunk of the body. Addiʃon.
3. Being, as moulded into ſhapc. Milton.
4. Idea ; pattero. Milton.

SHA'PELESS. a. [from p:ipr'\ Wanting
regularity of form ; wanting lymmctry ot
dimenſions. Dome.

SHA'PESMITH. ʃ. [Jbape andfmitb.] One
who undertakes to improve the form.

SHA'PELINESS. ʃ. [from Jbipely.] Ecaaty
or proportion of form.

SHA'PELY. a. [from /bap/.] Symmetrical
; well formed.

SHARD. ʃ. [fchaerde, Friſick.]
1. A fragment of aa earthen veſſel.Shakʃpeare.
2. A plant, Dryden.
3. It ſeems in Spenſer to ſignify a fn th or
Itrait, Fd-.ry S^ueen,
4. A ſort of fift.

SHA'RDBORN. a. [/>^ri and ^cr«.] Bora
or produced among broken flones or pots,Shakʃpeare.

SHA'RDED. a. [from ſhard.] Inhabiting
ſhards, Shakʃpeare.

To SHARE. v. n. [pceafian, pcyfian,Sax.]
1. To divide; to part among many.
2. To partake with others. Spenſer.
3. To cut ; to ſeparate ; to iheer. Dryden.

To SHARE. v. n. To have part ; to have
a dividend. Dryden.

SHARE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Part ; allotment ; dividend. Temple.
2. A part. Brown.
3. [Scea/i, Saxon.] The blade of the
plow that cuts the ground, Dryden.

SHA'REBONE. ʃ. [foare and bone.] The

OS pubis ; the bone that divides the trunk
from the limbs. Denham.

SHARER. ʃ. [from jh're.]
1. One who divides, or apportions to others
; a div der.
2. A partaker ; one who participates any
thing with other?, Dmiel,

SHARK. ʃ. [canii tharchariai, Lat.]
1. A voracious fea-fifti, Thomfon,
2. A

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4. A greedy artful ſclWj one who fills
fcis pockets by fly tricks. South.
5. Trick ; fraud ; petty rapine. South.

To SHARK. v. a. To pick up ha-ftily or
flily, Shakʃpeare.

To SHARK. v. n.
1. To play the petty thief, L'Eſtrange.
2. To cheat ; to trick. South.

SfHARP. a. fi-cea,'.p, Sax. /ci^r^^, Dutch.]
1. Keen ;
piereing ; having a keen edge ;
having an acute point. Moxon.
«. Terminating in a point or edge ; not
btufc. More,
3. Acute of mind ; witty; ingenious ; inrentive.
4. Quick, as of fight or hearing. Davies.
5. Sour without aſtringency ; four but not
auftere ; acl.d. Dryden.
f, Shrill ; piercing the ear with a quick
Boife ; not fiat. Bacon, Ray.
7. Severe ; harih ; biting ; farcaſtick. South.
8. Severe ; quick to puniſh ; cruel ; ſeverely
rigid. Shakʃpeare.
9. Eager ; hungry ; keen upen a queſtr. Milton.
30. Painful; afflidivc. Knolles. TtHomfon,
; I. Fierce ; ardent ; fiery. Dryden.
iz. Attentive; vigilant. CoUier. Swift.
3. 3. Acrid ; biting ; pinching ; piercing, as
the cold. Ray.
14. Subtile ; nice ; witty ; acute. Hooker, Digby.
15. [Among workmen.] Hard. Moxon.
j6 Emaciated; lean. Milton.

SHARP. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. A ſharp or acute found. Shakʃpeare.
2. A pointed weapon; ſmall ſword ; ra-
|>ier. Collier.
To Sharp, v.a, [from the noun.] To
make keen. Ben. Johnſon.
To Sharp, v. fi. [from the nouR.j To
play thieviſh tricks. L'Eſtrange.

To SHA'RPEN. -r/. c. [from /'^rf ]
1. Te) make keen ; to edge; to point. South.
2. To make quick, ingenious, or acute.
3. To make quicker of ſenſe, Milton.
4. To make e?ger or hungry. THioffn.
5. To make fierce or angry. Job xvi. 9.
6. To make b'tinp, or farcaſtick. South.
7. To make leſs flat ; more piercing to the
ears. Bacon.
8. To make four.

SHA^RPER. ( [from /.^r/,.] A tricking
fellow ; a petty thief; a rafcal. Pope. .

SHA'RPLY. fl^. [irorr, ſharp.]
1. With kecnneſs ; with %ooi edge or
2. Severely ; rigorouſly ; roughly. Spenſer.
3. Keenly ; acutely i
Ben. Johnſov,

4. A/Hiaively ; painfully. HaytvttrJ.
5. With quickneſs. Bacon.
6. Judiciouſly; acutely; wittily,

SHARPNESS. ʃ. [from parp.]
1. Kcenneſs of edge or point. Dryden.
2. Not obtuſeneſs. Wetton,
3. Sourneſs without auftereneſs. Watts.
4. Severity of language ; ſatirical ſarcaſm. Spratt.
5. Painfulneſs ; afilidliveneſs. South.
6. Intellectual acutcneſs ; ingenuity ; wit. Dryden, Addiſon.
7. Quickneſs of ſenſes. Hooker.

SHARP-SET. [ſharp and ſet,'] Eager; vc-
Jlemently deſirous. Sidney.

SHARP-VISAGED. a. Having a ſharp

SHARP-SIGHTED. <». [Jharp and fight. .
Having quick fight. Davies, Clarenden, Denham, L'Eʃtrange.

To SHA'TTER. v. a. [fchetteren, Dutch.]
1. To break at once into many pieces ; to
break ſo as to ſcatter the parts. Boyle.
2. To diſhpate; to make incapable of cloſe
and c^^ntinued attention. Norris,

To SHA TTER. v. n. To be broken, of
to fall, by any force, into fragments. Bacon.

SHATTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] One part
of many into which any thing is broken aC

SHA'TTERBRAINED. v. a. [from ſhatter,

SHA'TTERPATED. ʃ. ^'''» .^ ^^'^' ;
Inattenfive ; not conſiſtent,

SHATTERY. a. [from ſhatter.] Difunited
; not compact ; eaſily falling into many
parts. Woodward.

To SHAVE. v. a. preterit. ſhaved, part.
Pavi'd or jbaven. [pceapan, Saxon. jcha eiJen, Dutch.]
1. To pare off with a razor. Knolles.
2. To pare cloſe to the ſurface. Milton.
3. To ſkim by paffing near, or ſlightly
touching. Milton.
4. To cut in thin flicef. Bacon.
5. To firip ; to oppreſs by extortion ; t»

SHAVELING. ʃ. [froth fiave.] A man
ſhaved, a friar, or religious. Spenſer.

SHA'VER. ʃ. [iremfoave.]
1. A man that practiſes the act of ſhaving,
2. A man clefilr attentive to his own intereſt. Swift.
3. A robber, a plunderer. Knolles.

SHA'VING. ʃ. [from ſh<i've,'\ Any thin
fl;c,' parefi off from any body. Mortimer.

SHAW. ʃ. ſpcua. Saxon.
; /ci)^w^, Dutch.]
A thicket ; a ſmall wot.d. A tuft of trees
near Lichfield is called Gentley^flw.

SHA'BANDER. ʃ. [among the Perfians.] A
great offict.! , a viceroy. Bailey.

SHA'WFOWL. ʃ. [j^wand/oW.] An

art'ificial fowl made by fowlers on purpoſe
to ſhoot at.

SHA'WM. ʃ. [from ſchawme, Teatonick.]
A hautboy ; a coroet. Pſalm.

SHE. prsfioan. In oblique cafes her. [/?,
Gothick; feo, i,t. Jchr, Old Engliſh.]
1. The female pronoun demonſtrative : the
woman ; the woman before mentioned.
2. It is ſometimes uſed for a woman abſolutely.Shakʃpeare.
3. The female , not the male. Bacon, Prior.

peavet plural, [fecaj:, Saxon ;
Jchoof, Dutch.]
3. A bundle of ſtalkj of corn bound together,
that the ears may dry, Fairfax.
2. Any bundle or collection held together. Locke.

To SHEAL. v. a. To ſhell, Shakʃpeare.

To SHEAR. preter. /bore, 01 ſheareJ ,
^iff.Jh»rn. [pceapm, |-cyji»n, Saxon.]
1. To clip or cut by interception bftween
two blades moving on a rivet, Bacon.
2. To cut. Grew.
1. An inſtrument to cut, confif^ingof two
blades moving on a pin. Shakʃpeare.
2. The denomination of the age of ſheep. Mortimer.
3. Any thing in the form of the blades of
4. Wings, in Spenſer.

SHEA'RED. ʃ. [r'-eap'S, Saxon.] A frag.
ment. Ifa. xxx.

SHEARER. ʃ. [from fjear.^ One that
clips with ſhears, particularly one that
fleeces ſheeo. Ffgers,

SHEA'RMaN. ʃ. [Jhear and mat.] He ihat
jhtart. Shakʃpeare.

SHEA'RWATER. ʃ. A fowl, ^ir/worth.

SHEATH. ʃ. [rca;«e, S.^on.] The caſe of
any thing ; thefcabbard of a weapon.

CUavebrd, Addiʃon.
1. To incloſe in a fotath or ſcabbard ; to
incloſe in any cafe. Boyle.
2. To fit with ijbea'h. Shakʃpeare.
3. To defend the main body by an outward
covering. Raleigh.

SHEATHWI NGED. a. [ptath and icivg.l
Having hard cafes whi^i are folded over
the wings.

SHEA'THY. a. [from jhsatb.] Forming a
ſheath. Brtr.Vfi,

SHE'CKLATON. ʃ. Gilded leather. Spenſer.

To SHED. v. a. [pce'Dir), Saxon.]
1. To effule ; to pour out ; to ipill.
2. To ſcatter; to let fall. Prior.

To SHED. v. n. To let ixi\ its parts.


SHED. ʃ.
1. A flight temporary covering, Sandy.
2. In compoſition. Efl^'ufioa : ai,bk>od-

SHE'DDER. ʃ. [from jbade.'l Aſpilkr;one
who ſticds. ETuk.

glittering i ſtewy. Shakʃpeare, Fairfax. Mikon%

SHEEN. ʃ. [from the adjective.] Brightncl's
; ſplendour. Milton.

SHEEP. ʃ. plural likewiſe ſitep, [r«.P.
Saxon ; ſchaepy Dutch.]
1. The animal that bears wool, remarkable
for its uſefulneſs and innocence. Ltc^^,
2. A fooliſh ſilly fellow. Ainſworth.

To SHEEPBI'TE. v. n. [peep an ; iite,;
To uſe petty thefts. Shakʃpeare.

SHEE'PBITER. ʃ. [from peepbite.] A petty
thief. %jjer,

SHEE'PCOT. ʃ. [/^e'f> and «/.] A little
indofure for ſheep, Milton.

SHEEPFOLD. ʃ. [peep and /o/J.] The
place where ſheep are incloſed. Prior.

SHEE'PHOOK. ʃ. [prp and book.] A
hotkfaſtened to a pole by which ſhepherd.
lay hold on the legs of their ihtcp.Dryden.

SHEE'PISH. a. [from peep.] Baihfol^ over-
m.deft ; timofouſly and meanly d.ffident.

SHEE'PISHNESS. ʃ. [ficm peepip.] Biſhfulneſs
; mean and timorous difſidence. Herbert.

SHEE'PMASTER. ʃ. [ptep and mjpr.]
An owntr of ſhfep. Bacon.

SHEEPSHEA'RING. ʃ. [peep and ſhejr.]
The t me of ſhearing ſheep ; the ſcaſt made
when ſhrep are ſhorn. South.

SHEEP EYE. ʃ. [Jhtep and eye.] A modeft
diffident look, ſuch as luvers caſt ac
their imſtreſſes. Dryden.

SHEEPWA'LK. ʃ. [jbecp 2.ni MU'L] Pafture
for ſheep. MiUsn,

SHEER. a. [fcyp, Saxon.] Pure; clear ;
unmingled. Atterbury.

SHEER. ad. [from the adjeffive.] Clean ;
quicK ; at once. Milton.

To SHEER. -p, a. See SHEAR.

To SHEER off. v. a. To ſteal away ; to fUf


SHEET. ʃ. [pceat, Saxon.]
1. A broad and large piece of linen.
A^tt. II.
2. The linen of a bed. Dryden.
3. [fchitetiy Dutch.] In a ſhip are rope.
bent to the clews of the fails, which ſerve
in all the lower fails to hale or round off
the clew of the f»il ; but in topfails they
draw the fail cloſe to the yard arms, Et3.
4. As much' paper as is made io one boay.
5. A fing'e coHjplication of fuld of p-per
m a b9ok«
«. Aryr

(b. Any thing expanded. Dryden.

SHEET. anchor, ʃ. [Jheet and archor.] In a
ſhip, is the largeſt anchor.

To SHEET. v. a. [from the noun.]
2. To furniſh with /jf^a,
2. To enfold in a/^e^r.
3. To cover as with zjheet, Shakʃpeare.

SHE'KEL. ʃ. [bplS^] An ancient Jewiſh
coia equal to four Attick drachms^ in value
about 2s, 6d, Cowley.

SHE'LDAPLE. ʃ. A chaffinch.

SHE'LDRAPE. ʃ. A bird that preys upon

SHELF. ʃ. frcylp, Saxon ; ſcelfy Dutch.]
1. A board hxed againſta ſupporter, fothat
any thing may be placed upon it. Swift.
2. A ſand-bank in the ſea ; a rock under
ihallow water. Boyle.
3. The plural is analogically yK/^/fW ; but Dryden has J^elfs,

SHE LFY. a. [from pe!f.] Full of hidden
rocks or banks ; full of dangerous ſhallows. Dryden.

SHELL. ʃ. [fcyll, recall, Saxon ; ſchak,
fchelle, Dutch.
1. The hard covering of anything; the
external cruft. Locke.
2. The covering of a teſtaceous or cruftaceous
animal. Ben. Johnson.
3. The covering of the feeds of filiquous
plants, Arbuthnot.
4. The covering of kernels. Dome.
5. The covering of an egg, Shakʃpeare.
6. The outer part of art houſe. Addiſon.
7. It is uſed for a muſical inſtrument in
poetry, Dryden.
8. The ſuperficial part. Ayliffe.

To SHELL. v. a. [from the noun.] To
take out of the ſhell ; to ſtrip off the ſhell.

To SHELL. v. n,
1. To fall off as broken ſhells. Wiſeman.
2. To caſt the ſhell.

SHE'LLDUCK. ʃ. A kind of wild duck. Mortimer.

SHE'LLFISH. ʃ. [Jheilinifjh.] Fiſh inveſted
with a hard covering, either teſtaceous,
as oyſters, or cruftaccous, as lobſters, Woodward.

SHE'LLY. a. [from jhell.l
1. Abounding with ſhells. Prior.
2. Conſiſting of ſhells. Berkley.

SHE'LTER. ʃ. Lfcyl'^, a ſhield, Saxon;]
1. A cover from any external injury or violence. Dryden.
2. A prote^Sor ; a defender ; one that gives
ſecurity, Pſal.h], 3.
3. The ſtate of being covered ; protection ;
ſecurity, Denham.

To SHE'LTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover from external violence. Milton.
2. To defend ; to protect ; to fuccour with
lefuge ; to harbour, Dryden.

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3. To betake to cover. Atterbury.
4. To cover from notice. Priori

To SHE'LTER. v.n.
1. To take ſhelter, Milton.
2. To give ſhelter. Thomfon.

SHE'LTERLESS. ^. [from >2.^//^r.] Harbourleſs
; without home or refuge. Rowe»

SHELVING. a. [from ſhelf.] Sloping} inclining
; having declivity. Shakʃpeare.

SHE'LVY. a. [from ſhelf.] Shallow ; rocky; full of banks, Shakʃpeare.

To SHEND. v. a. preter. and part, pafT,
Jbent. [j-cenftan, Saxon
; ſcendtn, Dutch.]
1. To ruin ; to ſpoil. Dryden.
2. To diſgrace ; to degrade ; to blame. Spenſer.
3. To overpower ; to cruſh ; to ſurpaſs. Spenſer.

SHE'PHERD. ʃ. [fceap, ſheep, and hypty,
a keeper, Saxon. pceapahyfib.]
1. One who tends ſheep in the paflure. Milton.
2. A ſwain ; a rural lover. Raleigh.
3. One who tends the congregation ; a
paflor. Prior.

SHE'PHERDESS. ʃ. [from frepberd] A
woman that tends ſheep ; a rural lafs. Dryden.

f. [ſcandix, Latin.]
Venus-comb, An herb,

SHEPHERDS Purſe, or Pouch. ſ. [iurfa
pafiorisy Latin.] A common weed,

SHE'PHERDS Rod. ſ. Teaſel, of which
plant it is a ſpecies,

SHE'PHERDISH. a. [from Jbepberd.] Reſembling
a ſhepherdj ſuiting a ſhepherd ; pafloral ; ruflick, Sidney.

SHE'RBET. ʃ. [ſharbat, Arabirk.] The
juice of lemons or oranges mixed with water
and ſugar,

SHERD,/. [pccajife, Saxon.] The fragment
of broken earthen ware. Dryden.

SHE'RIFF. ʃ. [rcyn^S^pcpa, Saxon. from
pyjie, aſhire, and fieve, a ſteward.] An
officer to whom is intruded in each county
the execution of the laws. Bacon.


SHE'RRIS. ʃ. ſt [from Xeret, a town

SHE'RRIS 5d[<r-^. > of Andalufia in Spain.'.

SHE'RRY. 3 A kind of ſweet Spaniſh
wine, Shakʃpeare.

SHEW. See Show.

SHIDE. ʃ. [from j'ceatao, to divide. Sax.]
A board ; a cutting.

SHIELD. ʃ. [pcyb. Saxon.]
1. A buckler i
a^broad piece of deſenſive
armour held on the left arm to ward off
blows, Shakʃpeare.^,

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2. Defence ; protciSion.
3. One that gives protection or ſecurity. Dryden.

To SHIELD. 1/, a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover with a fliield.
2. To defend ; to protect ; to ſee u re. Smith.
3. To keep off; to defend againſt. SptrJ.

To SHIFT. v. n. [ppta, Runick, to
1. To change place. Woodward.
2. To change ; to give place to otjier
things. Locke.
3. To change deaths, particularly the
Jinen. Teung.
4. To find ſome expedient ; to act or live
though with difficulty. - DanieL
5. To practiſe indirect methods. Raleigh.
6. To take ſome method for fafety. L'Eſtr.

To SHIFT. v. a.
1. To change ; to alter. UEIir. Swift.
2. To transfer from place to place. TuJJ'er.
3. To put by ſome expedient out of the
way. Bacon.
4. To change in poſition, Raleigh.
5. To change, as cloaths. Shakʃpeare.
6. To dieſs in freſh cloaths. Shakʃpeare.
7. To Shit T off. To defer ; to put away
by ſome expedient. Rogers.

SHIFT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
/. Expedient found or ufgd with difficulty
; s difficult means. - More.
2. Indirect ex^:;edient ; mean refuge ; laſt
recourſe. Bacon.
3. Fraud; artifice; ſtratagem, Denham.
4. Evafion; elufory practice. South.
t;. A woman's linen.

SHIFTER. f. [from jhift.] One who plays
tricks; a man of artifice. Milton.

SHIFTLESS. a. [from />//>.] Wanting
expedients ; wanting means to act or live. Denham.

SHI'LLING. ʃ. [r^yllinj, Sax. and Erfe
; ſchelling^ Durch.] A coin of various value
indlft'crert t:mcs. it is now twelve pence. Locke.

SHILL I SHALL I. A corrupt reduplication
of/^a// /.? To R and pilUI-Jha'l-I, is
to contmue hefitating. Congreze.

SHI'LY. ad. [from /.^j:.] Not familiarly; not frankly.

SHIN. f. [pina, Sxon ; ſctien, Gerrn?n.]
The forepart of the leg. Shakſp, Hudibras.

To SHINE. v.n. preterite I jhore, I haxt
Jhonc -^ ſometimes I ſhined, 1 kaie foiiied,
[peman. Saxon ; ſch-.jnen^ Dutch.]
1. To have bright relplendence ; ſo clitter
; t'> gliften ; to g!»am. Denham.
2. To be without clouds. Bacon.
3. To be gloHy. Jcr. v. :8.
4. To be gay.; to he ſplendid, Spenſer.
5. To be bitautiſhi, Vurciad,

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6. To be cniinrnt or conſpicuouj, . ^dd!f,
7. To be p.'- pitious. Numbers,,
S, To enlighten corporeally andextej.nally,

SHINE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Fair weather. Locke.
2. Brightncfij ſplendcur ; luſtre. Decay of Piety.

SHI'NESS. ʃ. [from ſhy.] Unwiſhi fineſs to
be tracta'uleor farToiJjar. Arbuthnot.

SHI'NGLE. ʃ. [f.hi,del, Germ.] A thia
board to cover h.uſes. Mortimer.

SHI'NGLES. ʃ. [c/n^a/aw, Latin.] A kind
of tetter or herpes that ſpreads itfilf round
the loin?. Arbuthnot.

SHI'NY. a. [hcmjline.] Bnght ; ſplendid ; luminous. Dryden.

SHII.. [pcip, p-yp, Saxon ; ſchap, Dutch.]
Atterminati^ n noting quality or anjunft, as
lordſhip ; or ofiice, zifiſwardjh p.

SHIP. ʃ. [pa?, Saxon ; ſchippe-^ Dutch.]
A ſhip may bedefined a large h-llow building,
made to paſs over the ſea with fails.

To SHIP. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To put into a.ſhip. Knolles,
2. To tran'port in a ſhip. Shakʃpeare.

SHI'PBOARD. ʃ. [ſhip and board.] '
1. This word is l^coui uſed bur in adverbial
phraſes : a ſhipboard, onjiapicard/ni
a ſhip. Dryden.
2. The plank of a ſhip. Ezek.

SHI'PBOY. ʃ. [/;>and.^^j.] Boy that
ſerves in a ſhip. Shakʃpeare.

SHIPMAN. f. [/>/> and»rj«.] Sailo'r; fea> man. Shakʃpeare.

SHI'PMASTER. ʃ. Mafier of the ſhip.

SHI'PPING. ʃ. , [from
1. VelTels of navigation. Ra'-i^b,
2. Palfage in a ſhip. ^chn.

SHI'P WRECK. ʃ. [ſhip and wreck.]
f. The delhuXtion of ſhips by locks or
ſhelves. Arbuthnot.
2. The parts of a fliattered ſhip. Dryden.
3. Deſtruction ; mifcarriage. i -Tim.

To SHI'PWRECK. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To dellrcy by dathingon rocks or ſh-'l~
lov.'S. Shakʃpeare.
2. To make to fufter the dangers of a
wreck. Prior.
3. To throw by loſs of the veſſel. Shakſp.arr.

SHI'PWRIGHT. ʃ. [ſhip and ivrighr.] A
builder of ſhips. Shakʃpeare.

SHIRE. ʃ. [pop, from r^'P^. to divide,
Snoi.] A civifi.n of the kingdom ; a
cniinry. Spenſer. Pri r.

SHIRT.'. ʃ. [JJji^rt, Dnniſh ; p ypc, pcyjaic,
Saxon.] The under linen gaiii-ent of a
man. Dryden.

To SHIRT. v. a. [from the noun ; To
cover : to clothe as in a ſhirt, Dryden.
c s SHr:<.T.

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SHIRTLESS. a. [from ſhirt.] Wanting a
ſhirt. To pe.

SHI'TTAH. ʃ. A ſort of precious wood,

SHI'TTIM. ʃ. of which Mojes made the
greateſt partof the tables, altars, and planks
belonging to the tabernacle. The wood is
hard, tough, ſmooth, without knots, and
extremely beautiful. It grows in Arabia.

SHI'TTLECOCK. ʃ. A cork ſtuck with
feathers, and driven by players from one to
another with battledoors. Collier.

SHIVE. ʃ. [/%i;f, Dutch.]
1. A flice of bread. Shakʃpeare.
2. A thick ſplinter, or lamina cut off from
the maio ſubſtance. Boyle.

To SHI'VER. v.n. [fchaivrftjy Germdn.]
To quake ; to tremble ; to ſhudder, as with
cold or fear. Bacon. Cleanjiland.

To SHI'VER. To «. [from y7:)/w.] To fall at
once into many parts or ſhives. Woodw.

To SHI VER. V a. To break by one aft
into many parts ; to iliatter, PIilips.

SHIVER. f. [from the verb.] One fragment
of many into which any thing is
broken, Shakʃpeare.

SHI'VERY. a. [from fji'ver.] Looſe of coherence
; incompact ; eaſily falling into
many fragments. Woodward.

SHOaL. ʃ. [pcole, Saxon.]
1. A croud; a multitude: a throng.
2. A ſhallow ; a ſand bank. Albot.

To SHOAL. i\ n. [from the noun.]
1. To croud ; to throng. Chapmav.
2. To be ſhallow; to grow ſhallow. Milt.

SHOAL. a. Shallow ; obittuded or incumbered
with banks.

SHOA'LINESS. ʃ; [from jhoaly.] Shallowneſs
; frequency of ſhallow places-

SHOA'LY. a. [Uoru jh,aL\ Full of ſhoals ; foil of ſhallow [laces. Dryden.

SHOCK. ʃ. [ci'oc, French.]/Li'Pf^^w, Dutch.]
1. Conflii> ; mutual impreliion of violence ;
violent concr'nris. Milton.
2. Concuſſion ; external violencei Half,
_3. The conflivit of enemies. Milton.
4. Offence; imprciliou of difg'ift. Young,
5. A pile of fiieaves of corn. 'Job, Sandys.
A rough dog. Locke.

To SHOCK. v. a. [fchocken, Dutch.]
I I. To Hiike by violence. Shakʃpeare.
2. To offend ; to diſgurt. Dryden.

To SHOCK. v. n. To be offenſive. Aidrf.

To SMOCK. v. n. [from the noun.] To
b-)iid uo piles of flicaves. y'u^er.

SHOD. Uy jhod, the preterit and participle
p ,nive of t.; j'hot'. T'^fer.

SI-IO!'. ſ. plural I'boeSj unctentlyjhoon. [pceo,
rcoe, S-axon ; ſchoe, Dutch.] The cover of
the foot. Boyle.

To SHOE. . nretprif, I/Wj partidp'e
1 aff. ve /bo^. [ro n the nou

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1. To fit the foot with a/'oe. Shakſp.
2. To cover zt the bottom. Drayton.

SHOE'BOY. ʃ. [poe and boy.] A boy that
dt?nspoa. Swift.


JI?oe 3T>d bom.]
1. A horn uſed to Jacilifate the admiffioa
of the foot into a nzrtow ſhoe.
2. Any thing by which a tranſaction is facilitated.

SHOEMA'KER. ʃ. [Jhoe and maker. '] One
whoſe trade is to make ſhoes.

SHOE'TYE. ʃ. [froe3.nAtye.] Th- ribband
with which women xytſhoes. Hudibrou

SHOG. f. l^io-mpock.] Violtntconcuſſion. Berkley.

To SHOG. v. a. To ſhake ; to agitate by
ſudden interrupted impuifes. Cceiv.

SHONE. The preterite oſ pine, Milton.

SHOOK The preterite, and in poetry participle
paſſive, oſpake. Dryden.

To SHOOT. nj. a. preterite, Ip'^t-^ participle,
/?Jot 01 potter,, [yceotan, Saxon.]
1. To diſcharge any thing ſo as to make It
fly with ſpced or violence. JMiltoK,
2. To dilcharge from a bcw or gun. Shakʃpeare.gt
3. To let off. Abbot.
4. To ſtrike with any thing 77:'or. Exodus.
5. To emit new parts, as a vegetable. Ezekiel.
6. To emit ; to dart or thruſt forth. Addiʃon.
7. To puHi ſuddenly. Dryden.
8. To puſh forwaid. FJji'vis,
To fit to each other by planing ; a wcrkmm's
term. Moxon.
10. To paſs through with ſwiftneſs. Dryden.

To SFfOOT. To «.
1. To perform the act oſ pjooting. Temple.
2. To germinate ; to increaſe in vegetable
growth. Cleaviland,
3. To form itſelf into any ſhape. Burnet.
4. To be emitted. Watts.
5. To protuberate ; to jet out. yibbot.
6. To paſs as an arrow. Addiſon.
7. To become any thing ſuddenly. Dryd.
8. To move ſwiftly along. Dryden.
0. To feel a cjuick pain.

SHOOT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act or impreſſion of any thing
emitted from a diſtancee. Bacon.
2. The zSt of ſinking, or endeavouring so
ſtrike with a miffive weapon diſchargsd by
any infl:rument. <-hakeſprore.
3. [iWSta/f/j, Dutch.] Branches liiumg
from the main flock. Mittor. Evelyn.

SHOOTER. ʃ.; [from pjooi.] One that
ihoots ; an atcher ; a gunner.
Faitpx. Herbert.

SKO?. ʃ. [r^'eop, Saxon.]
1. A place where any thing is fold.Shakʃpeare.
- S H O

s. A room in which manufaflures are carried
on. Bacon.

SHOPBOA'RD. ʃ. [Jbop zm loarJ.] B' nch
on which any work is done. Houth.

SHO'l'BOOK. ʃ. [pop<ir>6UrJ.] Book in
which a traddman keeps his accounts. Locke.

SHO?KEE'PER. ſ. [fjop and X«/.] A
trader who ſellss in a ihop; not a mffrthant
-who only deals by wholefalc. jAddiſon.

SHO'PMAN. ʃ. [/>a/> and war.] A petty
trader. Dryden.

SHORE. the prptoiteofy^'^'ar. HbArff,.

SHORI-. ʃ. [rcopsSaxon.]
1. The coart of the ſca. Milton.
2. The bank of a river. Spenſer.
3. A drain ; properly y^-ry-r.
4. [fi boorer ^ Du'chy to pi.->p.] The ſuppirc
of a building ; a buttreſs, H'otion,

To SHORE. v. a. [ſchoonn, Dutch.] .
1. To orop; to ſupport, fi'^ults.
2. To ſet on ſhore. Not in uſe. Shakſp.

SHO'RELESS. a. [from Jbore.] Having no
coalh Boyle.

SHORN. The participle paſſive of /x-ar. Dryden.

SHORT. a. [pceort, Saxon.]
1. Not long ; commonly not long enoueh. Pope.
2. Not long in ſpace or extent. Pope. .
3. Not long in time or duration. Dryden.
4. Repeated by quick iterations. i^mtb.
5. Not attaining an end ; not reaching the
purpoſed point ; not adequnc. South, Locke, Addiſon, Newton.
6. Not far ditlant in time. Clarenden.
7. Defective; imperfect.
8. Scanty ; wanting, Hayward.
9. Not fetching a compaſs. L^Eprange.
10. Not going ſo far asw as intended. Dryd.
11. Defeclive as to quantity. Dryden.
12. Narrow ; contracted. Burnet.
13. Brittle ; friable, Walton.
34. Not bending. Dryden.

SHORT. ʃ. [from the adjective.] A fummary
account. Shakʃpeare.

SHORP. ad. Not long. Dryden.

To SHO'RTEN. v. a. [from port.]
1. To make ſhort, either in time or ſpace.
2. To contract ; to abbreviate. Sucklf^^.
3. To confine ; to hinſer from pri greſſion.Shakʃpeare.
4. To cut oft'; to defeat. Spenſer.
5. To lop. Dryden.

SHO'RTHAND. ʃ. [port and band.] A
method of writing in compendious characters. Dryden.

SHO'RTLIVED. a. [/I.ort and li've.] Not
living or ialiing long. Addiʃon.

SHO'RTLY. ad. [from port.]
1. Quickly ; ſoon ; in a liUle tin?.

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1. In a few words ; brieily. Pofif,

SHO'RTNESS:. ʃ. [from p.-t.]
1. '1 he quality of being ſhjrr, cither in
time or ſpace. Bj »n.
2. Fowneſs of words ; brevity ; concifei of .
3. Want of retention. B coi,
4. Dſhcirnce ; imperfection. Chniill-,

SHO'RTRIBS. ʃ. f/jor/ and r/'^i ; The
baft^rd ribs. fVfeman,

SHO'RTSIGHTED. a. [Port zr.djigbt, ]
1. Unable by the convexity of the eye to
fee far. Newton.
2. Unable by intellectual fight to ſee far. Denham.

SHO'RTSIGHTEDNESS. ʃ. [short and
M( ]
1. Defect of fightj proccedng from the
convexity of the eye.
2. Defect of intrlleaual flghr. Addiʃon.

SHO'RTWAISTED. a. [p. rt and luaiji.]

HIvir.p a ſhort body. Dryden.

SHORTWINDED. a. [port and wind.]
Short breathed ; aflhmatick ; breathing by
quick and ta'nt reciprocations. May.

SHO'RTWINGED. a. [port and wtrg ;
Having ſhort wings. So hawks are divided
into long and po^t luirged. Dryden.

SKO'RY. a. [JxQmſh.ri.] Lying near the
C'lall. Burnet.

SHOT. The preterite and participle paſſive
of poot. Spenſer.

SHOT. ʃ. [fch^t. Ditch.]
1. The 3(ct of ſhoJting, Sidney.
2. The fiightof a ſhot. G-nefit.
3. [Z/for, French.] A fum charged; a
reckoning. Shakſp, Dryden.

SHOTE. ʃ. [pcsftJ, Sax.] A hfli. Canic,

SHO'TFREE. a. [pot and free.] Clear of
the reckoning. Shakʃpeare.

SHO'TTEN. a. [from y2»3cr.] Having ejetled
the ſpawn. Shakʃpeare.

To SHOVE. v. a. [pc pin, Sax. fbuj'van,
1. To puHi by main ſtreng'h. Shh'f,
2. To drive a boat by a pole that reaches
to the bottom of the water.
3. To puſh ; to ruſh againſt. Arbuthnot.

To SHOVE. t'. r.
1. To puſh forward before one. Gulliver.
2. To move in a boat, not by oars but a
pole. Girths

SHOVE. ʃ. [from the verb.] The >a of
flicvi g ; a piiſh. Gulhver.

SHOVEL./ Ipcrpl, Sax. /c^f^c^;^^/, Dutch.]
An inſtrument conCjfting of a lacg handle
and broad blade with raiſed edge ,

To SHO'VEL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To throw or heap with a fbovcl. Shakʃpeare.f,
2. To gether in great quantities. Denham.

SHOVELBOARD. ʃ. [/-.v./ and board..
5 S i A lon.

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Along board on which they play by Aiding
metal pieces at a mark. Dryden.

SHO VELLER. or Shovelard. ſ. [iwmjho-
V I.] A bird, G''^'^'

SHLOUGH. ſ. f iorfjod.] A ſpecies of ſhaggy
; a ſhock. Shakʃpeare.

SH,>»JLD. I ſcude, Dutch ; ſceoltoan,
Saxon.] This is a kind of auxiliary verb
uſed in the ci njunflive mood, of which the
ſignification is not eaſily fixed. Bacon.

SHOULDER. ʃ. [rcuJ&jie, Saxon ;
1. The joint which connects the arm to
the body. Shakʃpeare.
2. The upper joiut of the Toreleg. Addiſ.
3. The upper part of the back. Dryden.
4. The ſhoulders are uſed as emblems of
ſtrength. Shakʃpeare.
5. A riiing pirt ; a prominence. Moxon.

To SHO'ULDER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To puſh with infolence and violence. Spenſer.
1. To put upon the ſhoulder. Granville.

SHO'ULDEP.BELT. ſ. [Jhoulder and belt.]
Aobelt that comes acroſs the ſhoulder. Dryden.

clap.] One who affects familiarity.Shakʃpeare.

SHOULDERSHOTTEN. a. [ſhoulder and
Jbot.] S'rained in the ſhoulf^er. Shakʃpeare.fſp.

SHOU'LDERSLIP. ʃ. [ſhoulder and flip.]
Dllocatioa of the ſhoulder. Swtfc.

To SHOUT. v. ». To cry in triumph or
exhortation. WalUr,

SHOUT. ʃ. A loud and vehement cry of
triumph or exhortation. Knolles, Dryden.

SHO UTER. ſ. [from /oa^j He who ſhouts. Dryden.

To SHOW. -3. a. pret. pozved ^ndfroiun ;
part, ^dlpown. [rceapan, Sax. Jchowcn,
1. To exhibit to view. L'Eſtrange.
2. To give proof of ; to prove, Dryden.
3. To publiſh ; to make publick ; to proclaim.
4. To make known. Milton.
5. To point the way ; to d:re^. Swift.
6. To oft'er ; to afford. Acis. Deuter.
7. To explain,; to expound, Daniel.
8. To teach; to tell. Milton.

To SHOW. v. V.
1. To appear ; to look ; to be in appearance. Dryden, Philips.
2. To hive appearance. Shakſp.

SHOW. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Alpedacle; ſomething publickly expoſed
to view for money, ^idifun.
2. Superficial appearance, Milton.
3. Oftentatious diſplay. Granvillei
4. Obiedl attr^aing notice, yAddiʃon.

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6. Semblance} likeneſs. Milton.
7. Speciouſneſs ; plaufibility, Whitgifte,
8. External appearance. Sidney.
9. Exhibition to view^ Shakʃpeare.
10. Pomp ; magnificent ſpectacle. Bacon.
11. Phantoms ; not realities. Dryden.
12. PvCpreſentative action, Addiſon.

SHO'WBREAD. or Shewbread.
1. [pew
and bread.] Among the Jews, they thua
called loaves of bread that the prieſt of
the week put every Sabbath-day upon the
golden table which was in the fanclum before
the Lord. They were covered with
leaves of gold, and were twelve in number,
repreſenting the twelve tribes of IfraeL
They ſerved them up hot, and at the ſame
time took away the ſtate ones, and which
could not be eaten but by the prieſt; alone.
This offering was accompanied with frankincenſe
and fait. Caln:et,

SHOWER. ʃ. [Jcheure, Dutch.]
1. Rain either moderate or violent. Bacon.
2. Storm of any thing falling thick. Pope. .
3. Any very liberal diſtribution. Shakſp.

To SHO'WER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To wet or drown with rain. Milton.
2. To pour down. Milton.
3. To diſtribute or ſcatter with great liberality.


To SHO'WER. v. n. To be rainy.

SHO'WERY. a. [Ucm power.] Rainy.
B<^con, Addiſon.

SHO'WISH. or Sh.nvy. a. [from /^ow.]
1. Splendid; gaudy. Swift.
2. Oftentatious. Addiſon.

SHOWN. pret. and part. paſt. oITopow,
Exhibited. Milton.

SHRANK. The preterite of ſhrun^. Gen,

To SHP.ED. v. a. piet. pred. [Pope. aban,
Saxon.] To cut into ſmall pieces. Hooker.

SHRED. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſmall piece cut off. Bacon, Pope. .
2. A fragment. Shakʃpeare.

SHREW. ʃ. [Jibrey'en, German, to clamour.]
A pee VI ſh, malignant, clamorous,
Ipiteful, vexatious, turbulent woman.Shakʃpeare.

SHREWD. a. [Contraaed from/r^wf^.]
1. Having the qualities of a ſhrew ; malicious
; troubleſome. Shakʃpeare.eʃpeare,
2. Maliciouſly fly ; cunning. 1i h:Jon,
3. Bid ; ill-betokening. South.
4. Painful ; pinching; dangerous ; miſchievons. South.

SHRE'WDLY. ad. [from ſhr('wd.]
1. Miſchievouſly ; deſtrudtively, Wcttcn,
2. Vexatiouſly. South.
1. With ſtrong ſuſpicion. Locke.

SHRE'WDNESS. ʃ. [from jhreivd,']
1. Sly cunning ; archneſs. Shakʃpeare.
Z, Mirchievouſneſs ; petulance.

SHR.S'WISri. a. [from ^z-^w.] Having the

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rujfer. Locke.
qualities of a ſhrew ; forward ;

To SHRI'VEL. v.n, ^fchrompelr.y'Daich.]
clamorous. Shakʃpeare.earr,

SHREWISHLY. ad. [from /jr,rw//5!».] Petulantly
; peevij]ily ; clamorouſly ; fro.
wardly. Shakʃpeare.

SHRE'WISHNESS. ʃ. [from ſhre^.c,p.]
The qualities of a ſhrew ; frowardneſs; petulance
; clamoroi ſneſs. Shakʃpeare.

SHRE'WMOUSE. ʃ. [prjicapa, Saxon.] A
mouſe of which the bite is gtntrally ſuppoſed
vcnemous : which is f aiſe, her teeth
being equally harmleſs with thoſe of any
other mcuſe.

To SHRIEK. v. n. [ſkriegar^ Da^^'h ; jerkciolare,
Italian.] To cry out inarticulately
with anguiſh or horrour ; to ſcream. Dryden.

SHRIEK. ʃ. [ſkrieg, DaniHi yjcriccio, Itil.]
An inarticulate cry of anguiſh or horrour. Dryden.

SHRIF;r. ſ. [rfPF^j Saxon.] Confeinon
nnsde to a prieſt. Rcii'e.

SHRIGHT. io:Jhrieked. Spenſer.

SHRILL. Sounding with a piercirg, tremulous,
or vibratory f iund. Shakʃpeare.

To SHRILL. v. n. [from the adjective.]
To pierce the ear with quick vibratims of
found. Spenſer, Fenton.

SHRI'LLY. ad. [from ſhn/l.] With a ſhr.ll
n. fe.

SHRi'LLNESS. ʃ. [from jhrii:.] The qu2-
S'cy of being ſhriil.

SHRIMP. ʃ. [jchrumpe, a wrinkle, Germ]
1. A ;mall cruftaccous veriniculaied fiſh. Carew.
2. A little wrinkled man ; a dwarf. Shakʃpeare.

SHRINE,/. [prflin, Saxon ^ſcrinium, Lat.]
A caſe in which ſomething ſacred is repopo'> fd. Watts.

To SHRINK. v. ff. preterite, ſprunk, or
Jhrank ; participle, ſhrurken. l^j-cjiincan,
klaxon.; 1. iocon'rafl itſelf into Icfs room ; to
ſtrivel ; to be drawn together by forne internal
powe-^. Bacon.
2. To with iraw as from danger. Dryusr,
3. To expreſs ietr, horr<--ur, or pain, by
fiirugging, of cootracting the body.Shakʃpeare.
4. To f-!i back as from danger. South.

To SHRANK. 1,. a. participle paſt. /&r:/r^,
ſk ar.ky > I ſhntnken. To malce to ih-.nk.
Shakdfeare, 'ijylor,

SHRINK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Corrugation ; contraction into leſs compaſs.

2. C ntraction of the body from fear or
horrour. Daniel.

SHRI NKER. ʃ. [fr<Jm ſhrink.] He who

To SHRIVE. v. <j. [j-cj-iipan, Saxon.] To
k&M a: gonfeiſion. Cleavchr.d,
To contract itſelf into wrinklee. Arbuth.

To SHRI'VEL. v. a. To contra<5t into
wrinkles. Dryden.

SHRI'VER. ʃ. [from forive.^ A confelFor. Shakſpeare.

SHROUD. ʃ. [rcpub, Saxon.]
1. A Shelter ; a cover. M./ton,
2. The dreſs of.thc dcad'^ a winding-Zhsw. Shakʃpeare.m
3. The fail ropes. Shakʃpeare, Pope. .

To SHROUD. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſhelter ; to cover from danger,
Kncl'.es. Raleigh. praller,
2. To dreſs for the grave. Donne.
3. To clothe: to dreſs.
4. To cover or conceal. Dryden. Addiſ.
5. To defend ; to protefl.

To SHROUD. -y. n. To harbour ; to take
ſheiter. Milton.

[f^on^ ſhrove,

SHRO'VETUESDAY. ʃ. the preterite of
Jhrfjf.] The time of confeflion ; the day
before Aſh-wedneſday or Lent.

SHRUB. ʃ. [rcjaibbe, Saxoa.]
1. A buſh ; a ſmall tree.
2. Spirit, acid, and ſugar mixed.

SHRU'BBY. a. [from jhrui?.]
1. Reſembling a ſhrub. Mortimer.
7. Full of flirubs ; bulhy. Milton.

To SHRUG. v.r. [/c£)//WJf», Dutch, to
trennble.] To expreſs horrour or difTatiffaſtion
by motion of the ſhoulders or whole
body. Dome. Swift.

To SHRUG. ʃ. a. To contract or draw up. Hudibras.

SHRUG. ʃ. [from the verb ] A motion of
the ſhoulders uſually expreiſing diſhke or
aveiſion, Ocaveland. Swift.

SHRUNK. The preterite and part. paff. of
prink. 1 Maccabees,

SHRUNKEN. The part, paſſive of />r/r..
^ Bacon.

To SHU'DDER. v. a. [Jchudren, Dutch.]
To quake with fear, or with averſion. Dryden, Smith.

To SHUFFLE. v. a. [rypeliog, Saxon. a
buftle, a tumult. ; 1. To throw into diſorder ; to agitate tumultu'uſly,
fo as that one thing takes the
place of another. Blackmo-e,
2. To remove, or put by with ſome artifice or fraud. Locke.
3. To ſhake ; to diveſt, Shakʃpeare.
4. To change the poſition of cards with reſpeCt
to each other. Bacon.
5. To form tumultuouſly, orfiaudulently. llowel.

To SHUFFLE. v. n.
1. To throw the cards into a new order. Granville.
2. To play mean tricks ; to pra^ife fraud ;
10 evd«e fs'r quefliooJ. South.
3. To ſtruggle ; to ſhift. Shakʃpeare.
4. To move with an irregular gair.Shakʃpeare.

SHUFFLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of diſordering things, or making
them take confuſedly the place of each
other. Berkley.
«. A trick ; an artifice, L'Eʃtrange.

SHU'FFLECAP. ʃ. [frjffit and f^/>.] A
ſky at which money js ſhaken in a hat. Arbuthnot.

SHU'FFLER. ʃ. [from ſhuffli.] He who
plays tricks or ſhuffles.

SHU'FFLINGLY. ad. [from /mffie.] With
an irregular gait. Dryden.

To SHUN. v. a. [apcuntan, Saxon.] To
avoid ; to decline ; to endeavour to eſcape ;
to efchew. Walk-.

SHU'NLESS. a. [from Jbu».'} Inevitable; anavoidable. Shakʃpeare.

To SHUT. v. a. preterite, I ſhut ; part,
paſſive, Jbut, [pcittm, Saxon ; Jchutten,
1. To cloſe ſo as to prohibit ingreſs or rcgreſs
; to make not open. Milton.
2. To incloſe ; to confine. GjU
3. To prohibit ; to bar, Milton.
4. To exclude, Dryden.
5. To contract ; not to keep expanded. Deut.
6. To Shut out. To exclude ; to deny
admiſſion. Locke.
7. To Shut up. To cloſe ; ta confine. Raleigh.
S. To Shut a^. To conclude. Knolles.

To SHUT. v. n. To be doled: to cloſe itſelf.

SHUT. Participial adje^ive. Rid ; clear ; free. L'Eſtrange.

SHUT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. cloſe ; act of ſhutting. Dryden.
2. Small door or cover. Wilkim,

SHU'TTER. ʃ. [from /^«?.]
1. One that ſhuts.
2. A cover ; a door. Dryden.

SHU'TTLE. y: [fchictſpoek, Dutch ;/«f«/,
Iſlandick.] The inſtrument with which the
weaver ſhoots the croſs threads. Sandys.

SHUTTLECOCK. ʃ. [See ShittleeocK.]
A cork ſtuck with feathers, and
beaten backward and forward. Spenſer.

SHY. a. [fchotve, Dutch ; ſchifo, Italian.]
1. Reſerved ; not familiar- not free of behaviour. Addiſon.
2. Cautious; wary; chary, Hudibras.
3. Keeping at a diſtance ; unwilling to approach.
4. Suſpicious ; jealous ; unwilling to fuft'er
near acquaintance. Southern.

SI'BILANT. a. [fibilans, Latin.] Hiſhng.

SIBILA'TION. ʃ. [itQwflih, Latin.] A
iai/Jing found, Bacon.


SI CAMORE. ʃ. [ficamorus, Latin.] A tree.

To SI'CCATE. v. a. [ficco, Lapn.] To dry.

SICCA'TION. ʃ. [from ^fu^.] The act of

SICCI'FICK. a. [Aſwand>, Lat.]Cauf.
ing drineſs.

SI'CCITY. ʃ. [ficcite, Yr. ficcitas, from
^rci<i, Latin.] Drineſs; aridity; want of
moi ſtui e. Wiſeman.

SICE. ʃ. [/x, French.] The number {\x at
dice. Dryden.

SICH. a. Such. See Such. Spenſer.

SICK. a. [reoc, SaMon ; ſuck^ Dutch.]
1. Afflicted with diſeaſe. Cleaveland.
2. Diſordered in the organs of digection ; ill in the ſtomach.
3. Corrupted, Shakʃpeare.
4. Diſguſted. Pope. .

To SICK. v. n. [from the noun.] To lieken
; to take a diſeaſe. Shakʃpeare.

To SI'CKEN. ʃ. a. [from /c..]
1. To make ſick ; to diſeaſe. Prior.
2. To weaken ; to impair, Shakſp.

To SI'CKEN. v. n.
1. To grow ſick ; to fall into diſeaſe. Bacon.
2. To be ſatiated ; to be filled to difgnft.Shakʃpeare.
3. To be diſguſted or diſordered with abhorrence.
4. To grow weak; to decay ; to languiſh. Pope.

SICKER. a. [ſiccer, Welſh ; /eyier, Dutch.]
Sure ; certain ; firm. Spenſer.

SICKER. ad. Surely; certainly. Spenſer.

SI'CKLE. ʃ. [picol, Saxon
; ſickel, Dutch, ftcmjeca/e, or Jicula, Latin.] The hook
with which corn is cutj a reaping hook. Spenſer, South.

SI'CKLEMAN. ʃ. [from Jickk.] A reaper.

SI'CKLER. ʃ. Shakſp, Sandys.

SI'CKLINESS. ʃ. [from ſickly.] Diſpoſition
to ſickneſs ; habitual diſeaſe. Shakʃpeare. Graunt,

SI'CKLY. ad. [from ſick.]' Not in health.Shakʃpeare.

SI'CKLY. a. [from ſick.]
1. Not healthy ; not found ; not well ; ſomewhat diſordered. Shakſp, Dryden.
2. Faint; weak; languid. Prior.

To SI'CKLY. v. a. [from the adjective.]
To make diſcafed ; to taint with the hue
of diſeaſe. Shakʃpeare.

SI'CKNESS. ʃ. [from yfa]
1. State of being diſeaſeii. Shakſp.
2. diſeaſe; malady. Matthew, Watts.
3. Diſorder in the organs of digeſtion,

SIDE-. ʃ. [ri^e, Saxon ; fijde, Dutch.]
1. The parts of animals fortified by the
ribs. Spenſer.
2. Any part of any body oppoſed to any
other part, Wilkins.

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3. The right or left.
4. Margin; edge; verge. Roſcomrmon.
5. Any kind of i(.ca! rrſpcdl. Milton.
6. Party ; iaterea ; faction ; ſcO. Shakʃpeare. Spra't.
7. Any part placed in contradictinf^i. n or
oppofuion to another. Knolles. TtLotſon.

SIDE. a. [from the noun.] Lateral ; obiiquc
; not direct ; being on either ſide. Hooker. Exodui.

To SIDE. v. n. [from the noun.] To take
a party ; to engage in a failion. King Charles. Digby. Swift.

SIDEBOARD. f. [/td^ and 6oard.] the
ſide table on which conveniencies are placed
for thoſe that eat at the other table. Dryden.

SI'DEBOX. ʃ. [Jide and box.] Seat for the
ladies on the ſide of the theatre. Pope. .

SI'DEFLY. ſ. An infea. Denham.

To SI'DLE. v. «. [from ſide.] Togo with
the body the narroweſt way. Swift.

SIDELONG. a. [Mand/sn^.] Lateral; oblique ; not in front ; not direct. Dryden, Locke.

1. Laterally; obliquely ; not in pii'ſuit ; not in oppoſition. D'-yder,.
2. On the ſide, Eveiyr.

SI'DER. ʃ. See Cider,

SIDERAL. a. [from JiduSf Latin.] Starry ; aſtral. Milton.

SI'DERATED. a. [from ſideratus, Latin.]
B! '-rted ; planet-ſtruck. Brown.

SIDERA'TION. ʃ. [Jideraficn, Fr. ſiderai:
o, Lat.] A ſudden mortification ; a blalt; or a ſudden deprivation of ſenſe. Kay,

SIDESADDLE. f. [ſide and fadd/e.] A woman's
feat on horſeback.

SI'DESMAN. ʃ. [^de and r?!jn.] An afTiftto
the church-warden. '^y''jfi'

SI'DEWAYS. ʃ. ad. [from 7?^? and w<7, or

SI'DEWISE. ʃ. wife.] Laterally ; on oris
ſide. Nt-HKon.

SIEGE. f. fyj^^f, French.]
1. The act of befctting a fortified pbce ; a leaguer. Knolles.
2. Any continued endeavour to gain poſſeſſion. Dryden.
3. [Siege, French.] Seat ; throne, ^ptnf.
4. Place ; dafs ; rank, Shakſp.
5. Stool, Bro<Zi.r.

To SIEGE. v. a. [Ji-ger, French.] To befieee. Spenſer.

SIEVE. ʃ. [from ///.] Hair or lawn (trained
upon a hoop, by which flower is ſeparated
from bran ; a boulter; a fearce. Dryden.

To SIFT. v. a.
[pipran, Saxon ; pfttn.
1. To ;ep?.rate by a fieve. TJ'oUnn,
2. To ſeparate ; to part. Dryden.
3. To examine ; to try. Hooker.

SIFTER. ʃ. [from ///.] Hewhofifts.

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SIG was uſed by the Saxon. for viflory : a?,

HIgbirt, famous for victory ; Sigiuard. victorious
preſerver. Cibfvn,

To SIGH. v. n. ſpican, picettan, Saxon ; ſuchien, Dutch.] To emit the breath audibly, as in grief,
Mark. Prior, Arbuthnot.t and Pc^,

To SIGH. v. a. To lament ; to mourn. Prior.

SIGH. ʃ. [from the verb] A violent and
audible emiſſion of breath which has been
long retained. Taylor

SIGHT. ʃ. [z-Y^^^y Saxon ; ficht, gefid-t, Dutch.]
1. Perception by the eye ; the ſenſe of feeing. Bacon.
2. Open view ; a ſituation in which nothing
obſtructs the eye. Dryden.
3. Act of feeing or beholding. Dryden.
4. Notice; knowledge. Wake,
5. Eye; inſtrument of fiieing. Dryden.
6. Aperture pervious to the eye, or other
point fixed to guide the eye : as, the jigbtt
of a quadrant, Shakʃpeare.
7. Spectacle ; ſhow ; thing wonderful t»
be ſeen, Sidney, Exodus.

SIGHTED. a. [from fight. '\ Seeing in a
particular manner. It is uſedonly incotmpoſition,
as quickfighted, ſhortfighted. Clarendon.

SI'GHTFULNESS. ʃ. [from /^^r and/«//.]
Perſpicuity ; clearneſs of fight. Sidney.

SI'GHTLESS. a. [from figbt.]
1. Wanting fight ; blind. Pope. .
2. Not fightly ; ortenfive to the eye ; unpieaſing
to look at. Shakʃpeare.

SRiHTLY. a. [from figbt.] Pleaſing to the
eye; ſtriking to the view. Addiſon.

SI'GIL. ʃ. [Jigillum, Latin.] Seal. Dryden.

SIGN. ʃ. [Jigne, French ; ſignum, Latin.!
1. A token of any thing; that by which
any thing is ſhown. Hooker, Holder.
2. A wonder ; a miracle. Ezek, Milton.
3. A picture hung at a door, to give notice
wl. .It is fold within. Donne.
4. A monument ; a memorial. Numb,
<;. A conRellation in the zodiack. Dryd.
6. Note of reſemblance.
7. Enſign. Milton.
8. Typical repreſentation ; ſymbol.
9. A ſubſcriptlon of one's name : as, a
Jign manual.

To SIGN. v. a. [fgnoy Latin.]
1. To mark. Shakʃpeare.f,
2. [/^»jfr, French.] To ratify by hand or
leal. Dryden.
3. To betoken; to ſignify ; to repreſent
typically. Taylor.

SIGISTAL. ʃ. [fgral, French; fennale,
Spaniſh.] Notice given by a figoal ; a figa
that E>vc8 notice. Dryden.


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SI'GNAL. a. [ſignal, French.] Eminent
; memorable ; remarkable. Clarendon.

SIGNA'LITY. ʃ. [from /^na/.] Quality of
ſomething remarkable or memorable. Granville.

To SI'GNALIZE. v. a. f7J^»a/Vr, French.]
To make eminent ; to make remarkable. Swift.

SIGNALLY. ad. [from ſignal] Eminently
; remarkably ; memorably. South.

SIGNA'TION. ʃ. [from /^«o, Latin.] Sign
given ; act of betokening. Bacon.

SI'GNATURE. ʃ. [ſignature, French.]
1. A ſign or mark impreſſed upon any
thing ; a ſtamp ; a mark. Watts.
2. A mark upon any matter, particularly
upon plants, by which their nature or medicinal
uſe is pointed out. More.
3. Proof ; evidence. Rogers.
4. [Among printers.] Some letter or figure
to diſtinguiDi difj'erenc fla^ets.

SI'GNATURIST. ʃ. [from jignature.] One
who holds the doctrine of ſignatures. Brown.

SI'GNET. ʃ. [fgnette,- French.] A feal
commonly uſed for the feal-manuai of a
king. Dryden.

SIGNI'FICANCE. ʃ. . r. „ .-r T

SIGNIFICANCY. V' ^^'^ J^'f^ '.
1. Power .of ſignifying ; meaning. Stilling.
2. Force ; energy ; power of impreſſing the
mind. Swift.^.
3. Importance ; moment} conſequence. Addiʃon.

SIGNI'FICANT.. a. [ſignifiant, Fr. ſtgni.
jicanSf Latin.]
1. Expreſſive of ſomething beyond the external
mark. Shakʃpeare.
2. Betokening ; ſtanding as a ſign of ſomething. Raleigh.
3. Expreſſive or repreſentative in an eminent
degree. Hooker.
4. Important ; momentous.

SIGNI'FICANTLY. ad. [from ſignijicant,']
With force of expreſſion. South.

SIGNIFICATION. ʃ. [fio-nificatio, Lat.]
1. The act of making known by ſigns. South.
2. Meaning expreſlTed by a ſign or word. Holder.

SIGNITICATIVE. a. [fgnificatif, Fr.
from ſignify.]
1. Betokening by an external ſign.
2. Forcible ; ſtrongly expreſſive. Camden.

SIGNI'FICATORY. ʃ. from ſignify.] That
which ſignifies or betokens. ^[ayhr.

To SI'GNIFY. v. a. [/^«//co, Latin.]
1. To declare by ſome token or ſign. Dryd.
2. To mean ; to expreſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To import ; to weigh, Taylor.
4. To make known. Swift.

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To SIGNIFY. v. n. To expreſs meaning
vi^ith force. Ben. Johnson.

SIGNIORY. ʃ. [fcignoria, Italian.] Lord-
^ip ; dominion. Daniel.

SI'GNFOST. ʃ. [/^«and/-c/?.] Thatupoa
which a ſign hangs. Ben. Johnson.

SI'KER. ad^ The old word for fure^ or
/«''^'>- Spenſer.

SIKERNESS.'. ʃ. [from //Jfr.] SureneCs ;

SI'LENCE. ʃ. [ftlence, French ; fikntium.
1. The ſtate of holding peace. Milton.
2. Habitual taciturnity ^ not_Ioquacity. Shakʃpeare.t
3. Secrecy,
4. Stilneſs ; not noiſe. Pope. .
5. Not mention, Mtlcon.

SI'LENCE. inter]. An authoritative reſtraint
ofſpeech. Shakʃpeare.

To SI'LENCE. T.^. .[from the noun.] To
; to oblige to hold peace. Shakʃpeare, Clarenden.

SILENT. a. [//.';7j/Latin.]
1. Not fyeaking; mute. Pſalms.
2. Not talkative ; not loquacious,
3. Still ; having no rioife. Milton.
4. Wanting efficacy. Milton.
5. Net mentioning. Milton.

SI'LENTLY. ad.^'[from flent.]
1. Without ſpeech. Dryden.
2. Without noiſe. Dryden.
3. Without mention, Locke.

SILI'CIOUS. a. [from cilicium.] Made of
hair, Brown.

SILI'CULOSE. a. [7?//Wj, Latin.] Huſky ; fuiloſhuſks. Dia,

SILI'GINOSE. a. [flginofus, Lat.] Made
of fine wheat. Di^,

1. A carat of which fix make a ſcruplc,
2. The feed- vefirlj hu'ft;, cod, or ſhell of
ſuch plants as are of the pulfekind. DiEl.

SI LIQUOSE. v. a. [froni fliqua, Latin.]

SI'LIQUOUS. ʃ. Having a pod, or capfula. Arbuthnot.

SILK. ʃ. [peolc, Saxon.]
1. The thread of the worm that turns afterwards
to a butterfly. Shakʃpeare.
2. The flufl-made of the worms thread. Knolles.

SI'LKEN. a. [from //^.]
1. Madeof//^. Milton.
2. Soft
; tender. Dryden.
3. Dreſſed in ſilk. Shakʃpeare.

SILKME'RCER. ʃ. [ſilk and mercer.] A
A dcsier in ſilk.

SILKWEA'VER. ʃ. [flk and weaver.] One
whoſe trade is to weave ſilken fluffc. Dryden.

SI'LKWORM. ʃ. [flk&niivorm.] The
worm that Ipins ſilk, Dryden.


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CrLKV. a. [from //^.]
1. Made of ſilk.
2. Soft y pliant. Shakʃpeare.

SILL. f. [pyl, Saxon ; >.'/f, Dutch.] The
timber or ilone at the toot of the dnor. Swift.

SI'LL.^BUB. ʃ. Curds made by milkmp upon
vifjegar. fVatcn,

SI'LLILY. ad. [from /AV.] Ia a ſilly manner
; ſimply ; fboli.'hiy. Dryden.

SI'LLINESS. ʃ. [from >^>.] Simplicity; wedlcnef: ; harmleſs folly. L'Eſtrange.

SI'LLY. a.. fy>%, German.]
1. fiarmleſs ; innocent ; inoiſenfive ; plain ;
2. Wc.^k; helpleſs. Spenſer.
3. Fooliſh ; witleſs. Watts.

SI'LLYHOW. ſ. [jvlij, happv, and her pc.]
The membrane that coveis the head of the
fa'lus. Brown.

SILT. ʃ. Mud ; flime. Hu/?.

SIXVAN. fl. [from /T/c^, Latin.] Woody ;
full of woods. Dryden.

SI'LVER. ſ. [pcljrep, Sax. /Wr, Dutch.]
1. Silver is a white and hard metal, next
in weight to gold. Watts.
2. Any thing of ſoft ſplendour. Pope.
3. Money made of iiivcr.

1. Made of ſilver, Gemjis.
2. White like ſilver. Spenſer.
3. Having a pale lullre. Shakʃpeare.
4. Soft of voice. Spenſer.

To SI LVER. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To cover ſuperlicialiy with ſilver,Shakʃpeare.
t. To adorn with mild luſtre. Pope. .

SI'LVERBEATER. ʃ. [ſilver and beat.] One
that foliates ſilver. B')y!e,

SI'LVERLY. ad. [from fil'ver.] With the
appearance oſ ſilver, Shakʃpeare.

SI'LVERSMITH. ʃ. [fiher and Jmith.]
One that ^-orks in ſilver. Ads,


SI'LVERWEED. [^' ^^^'''

SI'LVERTREE. ʃ. [c^nocirpiidctedren,hzt.]
A olant. Mi:/:r,

SI'LVERY. a. [from //x/er.] Beſprinkled
with ſilver, Dunciad.

SI'MAR. ſ. [fmarre, French.] A woman's
robe. Dryden.

SI'MILAR. v. a. [ſimilaire, Fren. from

SI'MILARY. S fimii, Latin.]
1. Homogeneous ; having one part like
anoTner. Boyle.
2. Reſembling ; having reſemblance.

SIMILA'RITY. ʃ. [from jimilar.] Likeneſs.

SI'MILE. ʃ. [y7/;;/\-, Latin.] Acompariſon
by which giiy ^-feinj is >iluſtrited or aggrandized,

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SIMI'LITUDE. A Ifttraliiudo, Latin ]
1. Likcneſs ; reſemblance, £jc:n. Souths,
1. Comparifon ; ſimile. If otten.

SI'MITAR. ʃ. A crooked or falcated ſword
with 1 convex edge.

To SI'M.MER. v. n. To boil gently ; to
boil with a gentle hiſhng. Boyle.

SI'MNEL. ʃ. [fimnedui, low Latin.] A kmd
--f ſwrer bead or c^ke.

SI'MONY. ʃ. [^moric. Trench ^ Jjmoria,
Latin.] The ciime of buy ng or Idling'
church preferment. Card.

To SI'MPER. v. n. [from pymbclan, Saxon.
to keep holiday. Skrnf.] To fnaile i
generally to ſmile fooliſhly. Sidney.

SI'MPER. ʃ. [f.orr, the verb.] Smile ; ge.
nerally a fooliſh ſmile. Pope. .

SIMPLE. a. [Jin:p X, Latin.]
1. Plain ; artlcli ; unik lied ; undeſigning ; fincere ; hirmleſs. Hooker.
2. Uncompounded ; unmingled ; ſingle ; only one ; plain ; not complicated, f-y^tts,
3. Silly ; not wife ; not cunning. Prov,

SIMPLE. ʃ. [ſimple, French.] A ſingle ingredient
in a medicine; a drug ; an herb.

To SIMPLE. v. n. To gather ſimples.

SI'MPLESS. ʃ. [ſimple, French.] Simplicity; fillmeſs ; fohy. Spenſer.

SI'MPLENESS. ʃ. [from ſimple.] The qualit
of being fin. pic. Shakſp. Digbyu

SI'MPLER. ʃ. [i(om ſimple.] A fimpiift ;
an herbarift.

SIMPLETON. ʃ. [from fiwple,} A ſilly
mortal ; a triflcr ; a fouliſh fellow.


SIMPLICITY. ʃ. [fimpUcitai, Latin.]
1. Plainneſs ; artlelſneſs ; not ſubtilty ;
not cunniig ; not deceit. Sidney.
2. Plainneſs ; not ſubtilty ; not abllruſe
neſs. Hammond.
3. Plainneſs ; not finery. Dryden.
4. Singleneſs ; not compoſition ; ſtate of
being uncompounded. Brown.
5. Weakneſs ; fillineſs. Hooker. Prov.

SI'MPLIST. ʃ. [fion'. ſimple] One ſkilled
in ſimples, Brown.

SI'MPLY. ad. [from frKple.]
1. Without art ; withuut ſubtilty ; plainly
; artleſsly. Milton.
2. Ofirielfj without addition. Iteoker,
3. Merely ; foleiy, Rjoker,
4. Fooliſhly ; filiily.

Sl'MULAR. ſ. [from //ri//a, Latin.] One
that counterfeits. Shakʃpeare.

SIMULA'TION. ʃ. [fmulatio, Lat.] That
part of hypocrily which pretends that to
be which is not. Bacon.

SIMULTA'NEOUS. at [fnul'arcus, Lat.]
mWv? together ; exiſing at the ſame time,
- Chnfjiile,

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SIN. f. [rya, Sav.]
1. An act againit the laws of God ; 3 v'o-
Jadon of the i ws of religion, Shakſpea'e,
2. Hsbitual negligence of religion. Daniel, Watts.

To SIN. v. n. [from the r.oon.].
1. To nt-gledl the laws of religion ; to violate
the laws of rcjigi'>'. Pjiilms,
1. To offend againd right. Shakʃpeare.

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2. Wicked; not obſervant of reh'giC3n~5
contrary to rel gion. Milton. Soutl»

SINFULLY. ad. [fr<.m»/.j Wickedly ;
not piouſly
; not accoroing to the oroin nee
of God. > South.

SI'NFULNESS. ʃ. [from /mful] Alienation
horn Gort ; negkd o vioiation of the
duties of reiigion ; contrariety to religious
goodneſs. Milton. Vk'ake.
Since. ad. [f-imed by contraction from To SInG. v. n. preterite/ janT, or fung .
^thence, or juh thence, ſtoin
1. Becauſe that.
2. From the time that.
5. Ago ; before this.
i5 Sax.]. Locke, Pope, Sidney.

SINCE. pr pofvaon. After ; reckoning from
ſome time paſt to the time preſent. Dryden.

SINCE'RE. a. [fmccrus, Lat. /ulcere, Fj.^]
1. Un-u t; uninjured. Dryden.
2. Puie ; unmingied. Atterbury.
3. Hcnett ; undiliembling ; uncorrupt. Milton.

SINCE'RELY. ad. [from fircere.^ Honeltly
; without hypocr.fy. Watts.

SINCERITY. ʃ. ^' U^^^ ''''. i-f'J
1. H;.neſty of inientitn
; purity of mind. Rogers.
2. Freedom from hypocrify. Pope.

SIfNDON. ʃ. [Luiin.] A ioid ; a wrapper. Bacon.

SFNE. ʃ. [fifus, Latin.] A righr Jl^e, in
geometry, is a ; giit iine draw:, tiom one
Ciid of an arch perpendiculari v upon the diameter
drawn from the other end of that
arch. Harris.

SI'NECURE. ʃ. [fine, without, andcuia,
care, Lat.] A^-- i ffice which has revenue
wi hmt a y employrr;ent. Cwth,

SI'NEW. ʃ. [r p-, Sax. f.miven, Dut.]
1. A tend ;>ii
; ine iigament by which the
; iints are mi ved. Dryden.
2. Applied to whatever gives ſtrength or
compadnefai as, muney 1% the fineivs oi
war. Dryden.
3. Mu^'cle or nerve. Davies.

To SI'NEW. z/.tf. [from the noun.] To
knit as by ſmcws. Not in uſe, Shakſp.

SI'NEWED. a. [from fir,e<zu,'\
1. Furniſhed with ſinews. Dryden.
2. Strong ; firm ; vigorous. Shakʃpeare.
particle ^^IT. Jung, [finj-n, Saxon
gia, III naick; Jingben^ Dut.]
1. To form the voice to melody ; to articulate
muſicaljy. ^ Dryden.
2. To utter ſweet ſounds inarticulately.
3. To make any ſmall or ſhri'l noiſe. Shakſpeare.
4. To tell in poetry. Prior.

To SING. ʃ. a,
1. To relate or mention in poetry. Milton.
2. To celebrate ; to give praiſes to.
3. To utter harmoniouſly, Shakʃpeare.

To SINGE. v. a. [raenjan, Sax. Jenghen,,
Dutch.] To ſcorch; to burn (lightly or
ſuperficially. L'Eſtrange.

SI'NGER. ʃ. [from fing.^ One that fings ; one whoſe profeſſion or buſineſs is to fing,

SI'NGING MASTER. ſ. [fi'ig and majhr.]
One who teaches to ling. Addiſon.

SI'NGLE. a. [pgu'us, Lat.]
1. One ; not double ; not more than one. South.
Particular ; individual. Watts.

N'.'t compounded. M'^atis.
Alone: having no companion ; having
D nbatn. Dryden.
6. Not complicated
; not duplicated. Bacon.
7. Pure ; uncorrupt ; not double mii-ded ;
limple. A ſcriptural ſt-nfe. Matt,
8. That in which one is oppoſed to one. Dryden.

To SI'NGLE. v. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To chuſe out from among others. Brown, Milton.
2. To fequeſter ; to withdraw. Hooker.
3. To take alone. Hooker.
4. To ſeparate. Sidney.
4. no afliifant.
5. Unmarried.

SINEWSHRUNK. ^. f>tw and/,- a«^\] SI'NGLENESS. ſ. [from /»^/..] Simj>h-
A horſe is ſaid to ht Jincu'JJj'unk when he
has been over- ridden, and ſo fatigued that
he becomes gaunt-bellif.d. Farrier's Did.

SI'NEWY. a. [from finc-.v.]
1. Confining of a linew ; nervous. Donne.
2. Strong} nervous i vigorous ; forcible. Shakʃpeare, Hale.

SI'NFUL. a. f>J«and/a//.]
1. Alien from God ; not holy ; unfandtified
» Milton.
city ; fincerity ; hofieft plamneſs. Hooker.

SI'NGLY. ad. [from ^rg/e.';
1. Individually ;
pat ticuiarjy. Taylor.
2. Only ; by h^mfelf. Shakʃpeare.
3. Wilhout partners or afTociates, Fopte,
4. Honeſtly ; ſimply ; fincereiy.

SI'NGULAR. a. [p-gulnr, Bx. ſingularis,
ii Single ; not complex ; not compound. Watts.

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C [In grammar.] Expreſſing only one ; not plurai. Locke.
3. ParcicuUr ; unexampled. Denham. Fim'ne S^ixotte.
4. Hiv ng fomc-hing not CLimm in to othfc-
s. TtHot'on,
5. Aione ; that of which there is biitorir-.

SINGULARITY. ʃ. [Jirg.ant/, fr. ;
1. Snrne character (^f q.U'.ty by which one
is diſtinguiſhed. from v^ihers 'Till tjbn.
2. Any thing .cmark^b.e ; a curioſity. Shakʃpeare.
3. Particular privilege or prerogative. Hooker.
4. Cbir3(fler er manreis cl;fterent from
thole t'f others. South.

To SING ULARIZE. v. tf. [/ /.gu'.anfer,
Fr ] To make ſingle.

SINGULARLY. <irf. [.^rom/f/;^B/ar.] Partcul:
»-iy ; in a manner rijt common to
oher«. South.

SI'NGULr. ſ. [/;7^t^//«;, Lat.] A figh.

SINISTER. a. [fir>p-, Lat.]
1. Being on the left hand ; leh ; not right ;
not dexter. Dryden.
2. Bii ; perverf- ; corrupt ; dev atifjg
fn-m h;nc(ly ^ unfair^ South.
3. Unluckv ; m-iuſpici' us. Ben. Johnson.

SI'VB'i ROU.S. a. [Jinijier, L-t.] Abfo d ; pe ve !«
i vr'ng hejdrd. B nthy.

SI'NISTROUSLY. act [Worn fimji ouu
1. With a tenJency to the le't. Brown.
2. Perverlely; abmrdly.

To SINK. ti. n. prt-t. I junk. 9r\6tnt\y fark]
part, funk or Junker. [p;ncan, Saxon ;
fenkcn, German.]
1. To fjJl d'wn through any medium ; not to ſwim ; to gc» to the bottom. Milton.
2. To fail gradually. Kings.
3. To enter tr p^netrate into any body.
; Sam,
4. To loſe height ; to fall to a level. Addiſon.
5. To loſe or w?.nt prominence, Dryden.
6. To be overwhelmed or depreſſed,
» Milton.
7. To be received ; to be impFcflcd. Locke.
8. To det-line ; to decreaſe ; to decay. Addiſon.
9. To fall mto reſt or ind.-lence. ^adijov,
10. To tall into any ſtace worſe tb.<n the
fo mer ; to (end to ruin. Dryden.

To SINK. v.o.
1. To put under water ; to diſable from
ſwinr.ming or floating. Ba:r>n.
2. To delve ; to make by delving. Boyle',
3. To deptcls ; to degrade. Pr.or.
4. To plunge into oeitrudtion. Shakſp.
To make to fall. Woodward.
b. To bring low ; 10 diminiſh in quantity. Addiſon.

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7. To cruſh ; to overbear ; to depreſs.
8. To ItOen ; to diminiſh. /? ^,,1,
9. To I mbkir to dsclj/ic. kiave,
10. To ſuppreſs
; to conceal ; to intrrvert.

SINK. ʃ. [nnc, S xm.]
1. Adraio; aj^kes. Shakʃpeare.
2. Any place whirc corruption is gan.ered. Ben. Johnſon.

SINLESS. a. [from ſin ; Exempt frm
^'n- Addiʃon, Rogers.

SI'NLESSNESS. ʃ. [fiOm>/c/i.j Exemption
from ni. Boyle.

SI'NNER. / <Jic.m Jlri.]
I One St enmity wjUj G^d ; one not truly
or religiouſly good. South.
2. An orfender
; a criminal. I^ pe,

SI'NO' FERING. ʃ. [>; and oſcrwf.] An
ex ii:i n or fac-ihce for fin. Exoius,

SINO.^ER. or Sinople. ſ. A ſpecies of
earth; rudJie. Anſworth,

To Sl'NUArE. v. a. [Jinuo^hzun.] To
beno in and out. Woodward.

SINUA'TION. ʃ. [ii^mfir.uater^ A bending
m and out. Half,

SI NUOUS. a. r fimu'ux, Fr. from ſmu,,
Latin.] Bending in and out. Brown.

f. [Latin.]
1. A bay of the ſca ; an opening of 'he
^an<l. Burnett.
2. Any foid or opening,

T . SIP. v. a. {.Mpan, Si^on ; f.ppen^ Dit. ;
1. To d if.k y ſmall drau^^h s t^ope,
2. To drink n m.ll qaanciues. M ton,
3. To drink nt f. Dryden.

To SIP. v. n. To d ink a ſmall quant ly,

SIP. ʃ. [from the v^rb.] A ſmall d. ^u^hc ;
is ITjuch ds the m -uth will hoia. AJ t't

SI'PHON. ʃ. [c-:4>:v.
; A pipe tln,>Lgh
w^hi. h iiquors i<te conveyed. TtOffJcnm

SI'PPSR. [trm/z^J One that ſtps.

from 7?. | A imi^ll fop.

SIR. [Ji-e, Ft. feign or, laL/wor, S ^mſh.]
1. The woro cJ r-ij.ect in vOmpfl foo. Shakſpeare.
2. The title of a kn ^ht or bdronet
3. It IS ſometinws uſed for miv.Shakʃpeare.
4. A title given to the loin of h- et, which
one of our ki '^s kmgiited in a fit .t ^ od
humour. yiuation,

SIRE. ʃ. r/'-^F'-- >'6r, La- ]
1. A father, inpoe'ry. Fri^r.
2. It is uſed of bcafu : as, the horſe hoi a
goo<i _/7' e
3. It IS uf-dk in rcmpofiticm : as, grand.

SI'REN. ſ. fL^f.] A g-ddcfs vho enticed
men by finding, and devoured th-.m Hha.

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SIRI'ASIS. ʃ. [o-i^iaa-ij.] An inflammation
of the brain and its membrane, through
an ejtcective heat of the fun. Di^.

SIRIUS. ʃ. [Latin.^ The dogftar.

SIRO'CCO. ʃ. [Italian.] The fouſh-eaſt
or Syrian wind. Milton.

SI'RRAH. ʃ. [/^, ka ! Mifjbeiv.] A compellation'of
le^jroaLh and laſuit. L'Eſtrange.

SI'ROP. ʃ. [Arabick ] The juice of

SIRUP. ^ vegetables boiled with fogar.

SI'Ruſed. a. [from fi^pl Sweet, like
firup ; bedewtd with ſweets. Drayton.

SI'KUPY. a. [from firup.] Reſembling
firup. Mortimer.

SISE f. Contrafled from ajſize. Donne.

SI'SKIN. ʃ. A bird ; a green finch.
1. A w man born of the ſame parents ;
coriebtive to brother. Job.
2. O'le of the ſame faith ; a chriftian.
One of the ſame nature, human being. James..
3. A woman of the ſame kindShakʃpeare.
4. One of the ſame kind ; one of the
lame , ffi e. r'op-'.

SISTER /» .'aw.
f. A hufijand or wife's
ſiſter. Ruih.

SI'STERHOOD. ſ. [from //?^r.]
1. The office or duty of a iifter. Daniel.
2. A ſet f ſiſters.
3. A number of women of the ſame order. Addiſon.

SISTERLY, a. [from ſtfier.] Like a ſiſter; becoming a ſider. Shakʃpeare.

To SIT. v. n. preterite, Ijat. [fitan, Gothiſk ;
j-ittan, Sax. fettet:, Dutch.]
3. To I eft upon the buttocks. M^j.
2. To perch. Bjurd,
3. To be in a ſtate of reſt, or idleneſs. Milton.
4. To be in any local poſition. Milton.
5. To reſt as a wtightor buithen. Taylor.
6. To fe-tle; t abide. Milton.
7. To brood ; to incubate. Bacon.
8. To be odjuſted ; to be with reſpect to
ifitneſs or unfitneſs. Shakʃpeare.
Q. To be placed in order to be painted.
3o. To be in any ſituation or condition. Bacon.
51. To be fixeci, as an aſſembly,
52. To be placed at the table. Luke.
33. To exerciſe authority. Milton.
J4. To be in any ſolemn aſſembly as a
member. I Mac,

JJ5, To sit down. To begin ? fi ge.
?6. To sit dQIVHi To reſt ; to ceaſe fa-

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17. To Sit down. To ſettle ; to nx a.
bo«^e. Spenſer.
18. To Sit out. To be without engagement
or employment. Sanderſon.
19, To Sit «/>. To riſe from iying to
^ Luke.
20. To S|T »/>. To watch ; pot to go
to bed. Ben. Johnson.

To SIT. v. a.
1. To keep the feat upon. Prior.
2. To place on a feat. Bacon.
3. To be fsttled to do buſineſs. Addiſon.

SITE. ʃ. [fitus, Lat.] Situation ; local pofitian. Berkley.

SI'TFAST. ʃ. [fit and/^y?.] A hard knob
g-ovt-ing under the faddie.

SITH. cd.
[p^e, Saxon.] Since ; feeing
that. Hooker.

SITHE. ʃ. [j-.^e, Saxon.] The inſtrumenc
of mowing ; a crooked blade joined atinghi
angles to a long pole. Peacham. Ctajhaiv,

SITJrIENCE. ad. Since ; in latter times. Spenſer.

SITHES. ʃ. Times. Spenſer.

Sl'IHNESS. ad Since. Spenſer.

SI'TTER. ʃ. [from /.'.]
1. One that fits. Bacon.
2. A biid that brood'. Mortimer.

SI'TTING. ʃ. [from /u]
1. The ponure of fiiting on a feat.
2. The ad> of reſting on a, feat. Pſalms.
3. A time at which one exhibits himſelf
to a painter, Dryden.
4. A meeting of an aſſembly, Bacon.
5. A courſe of ſtudy unintermitted. Locke.
6. A time for which one fits without riſing. Dryden.
7. rnrubation. Ai'-S-'jon,

SI'TUATE. ʃ.>ar^ a. [from /m, Latin.]
1. Placed withreſpect to any thing elſe. Bacon.
2. Placed ; conſiſting. Milton.

SITUATION. ʃ. [from //tfj/^.]
1. Local reſped ; pofitioa. Addiʃon.
2. Condition ; ſtate. Rogers.

SIX. ʃ. [fix, French.] Twice three ; one
more than five. Brown.

SIX and /even. ſ. To be at fix and ſeven.
is to be in a ſtate of diſorder and confuſion.Shakʃpeare.

SIXPENCE. ʃ. [fix and fence.] A coin ;
half a ſhilling. Pope. .

SIXSCO'KE. a. [fix inifcore,} Six times
twenty. Sandys.

SIXTEE'N. a. [j-ixtyne, Sax ] Six and ren. Taylor.

SI'XTEENTH. a. [px«o)s3. Sax.] The
fixth After the tenth. i Chron.

SIXTH. a. [p'xca, Sax.] The firſt after
rhe fifth ; the ordinal of fix. Bacon.

SIXTH,/. [from the adjective.] A fixth
part, Cheyne.

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br />

SIXTHLY. ad. [from /x.] la the fixth
place. Bacon.

SIXTIETH. a. [pxteojopj, Sax.] The
tenth fix times repeated. ^'S^y-

SI'XTY. a. tp'ttiS, Sax.] Six times ten.

SIZE. ʃ.
1.Bulk ; ouantity of ſuperficies ; compalative
magn tude, Raleigh.
2. A fetiisd ijuantity. Shakʃpeare.',
3. Figurative bulk ; condition. Hwiſ',
4. Any viſcous or glutinous ſubſtance.

To SIZE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To adjuſt, or arrange according to ſize,
2. To ſettle ; to fix. Bacon,
3. To cover with glutinous matter ; to besmear
with ſize.

SIZED. a. [from Jix.e ] Having a particular
magnitude. Shakʃpeare.

SI'ZEABLE. a. [from /^f.] Rcalonably
bulky. Arbuthnot.

SIZER. or Servitor. ſ. A certain rank of
Anden»s in the univerſities. Corbet,

SI'ZERS. ʃ. SeeScissARs.

SI'ZINESS. /, [from fiz.y.] Glutinouſneſs
; viſconty. Floy<r.

SI'ZY. a. li'iQtnJize.] Vifecus ; glutinous. Arbuthnot.

SKA'DDLE. ʃ. [rceaS.rj-p-, Sax.] Hurt; damage. Diet,

SKA'DDONS. ʃ. The embryos of b?e?. Berkley.

SKEIN. ʃ. [efca'gne, French.] A knot of
thread or fijk w.und. Ben. Johnson.

SKAI'NSMATE. ʃ. A meflir.ate. Shakʃpeare.

SKATE. ʃ. [|'ce:v,t)a, Ssson.]
1. A fldtfca fiſh; 2. A ſort of ſhoe armed with 'ron, for fl'd
ing on the ice. Joonijor,

SKE'AN. ʃ. A ſhort ſword ; a kniie. Bacon.

SKEG. ʃ. A wild plum.

SKE'GGER. ʃ. Skeggen, are bred of ſuch
ſick ſalmv-a that migtit not go to the fea. Walton.

SKE'LETON. ſ. [^K=>.:r-, Greek.]
1. The bones of the body preſerved together
as much as can be in their natural ſituation. Dryden.
2. The compages of the principal ports.

SKE'LLUM. ʃ. [/.'w, German.] A villain
; aſtounoKi. bkirtt.er,

SKEP. ʃ. [fcephen, lower Sax. to craw.]
Skep is a furt of bsſke:, narrow at the
bottom, and wide at the top, to fetch corn
in, 'iujfer,

SKE'PTICK. ʃ. [rx^cxV^' ] One who
doubts, or preteids to doubt of every thing.
DiCJj of Piety. Blackmore.

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SKEPTICAL. c. [from /lf{.tick.] Doubtlul
1. prelrnding to univcrial doubt. Berkley.

SKE'PTICISM. ʃ. Univerfal doubt; pretence
or prefeflion of univerſal doubt. Dryden.

SKETCH. ʃ. [[ihdula, Latin.] An outline
; a tough draught ; a firſt plan. Addiʃon.

To SKETCH. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To draw, by tracing the outline.
2. To plan, by giving the firſt or principal

SKE'WER. ʃ. [ſk^re, DaniHi.] A wooden
or iron pin, uſed to keep meat in form.

To SKE'WER. v. a. [from the neun.] To
faſten with ſkewers.

SK'IFF. ʃ. [ejqiafe.Yt. ſcaſha, Lat.] A
ſmall 1 ght bo^t. Brown. tiwift,

SKI'LFUL. a. [/^// and /«//.] Knowing; qualified with ſkill. Tatler.

SKILFULLY. ad. [from ſkilful.] With
ikiil ; with art ; with uncommon ability; dexterouſly. Broome.

SKI'LFULNESS. ʃ. [from ſkilful.] Art ;
abiliiv ; dextrouſneſs. Pſalms.

SKILL. [///, iHandick.]
1. Knowledge of any practice or art ; readineſs
in any practice ; knowledge ; dexterity. Milton.
2. Any particular art. Hooker.

To SKILL. v. 77. [////a, inandick. ;
jfc To be knowing in ; to be drxtrou. at,
2. To differ ; to make difference ; to .ntereſt; ; to matter. HoaktKm

SKI'LLED. a. [from ////.] Knowing; dextrous^ acqua-ntea with. Milton.

SKI'LLESS. fl. [from ////.] Wanting art.Shakʃpeare.

SKI'LLET. ʃ. [efcuellette, Fr.] A ImaU
kettle or boiler. Shakʃpeare.

To SKIM. v. a. [properly to ſcum ]
1. To clear off from the upper part, by
paffing a veffe. a little below the ſurface. Prior.
2. To take by ſkimming, Addiſon.
3. To bruſh the ſurface ſlightly ; to paſs
very near the ſurfjre. Dryden.
4. To cover fj(.''-hrially. Dryden.

To SKIM. v. n. To p.fs lightly ; to elide
'Inm. P pt,

SKl'MBi-ESKAMBLE. ad. Wander, ng; \v.;d. Shakʃpeare.

SKi'iVirvIER. ʃ. ffrm/,w. ; A ſhlljwr
veffei with which the i< um i- t;)ken ff.

SKIMMILK. ʃ. \ ſkim nd m/Y.] Miik
from which the f.e m has Dvcn uk^n.

SKIN. ʃ. [ſktna, DaniA.]
1. Th?

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1. The natural covering of the fleſh. It
confifls of the cuticle, ou'.ward ſkin, or
fcarf ſkin, which is) thin and infe.-ſible,
and the cutis^ or inner ſkin, exrremfly
ſenſiblf. Dryden.
2. Hide ; pclr ; ſhat which is takrn from
animals to make parchment or lesthfr.
3. The body ; the perſon. L'Eſtrange.

To SKIN. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To flay ; CO ſhip or diveſt of the ſkin.
2. To cover with the ſkin, Dryden.
3. To cover ſuperficialiy. Addiſon.

SKIN^K. ʃ. [p;enc, Say.]
1. Drink ; any thing potab'e,
2. P i-ta-fie. Bacon.

To SKiNK. «/, «. [ſcencan, Sax.] To ſerve

SKi'NKER. ʃ. [from /;«/i.] One that
fer- ts firink. Dryden.

SFv:NN'.D. a. [from /;??.] Having the
d'or- o.' ſkiri or ieaLher. Sharp.

SKrNNP:R. ſ. [from ſkm.] A dealer m

SKI'NNINESS. ʃ. [from //«»>;.] The
cu;lil- oſ bein^ ſk' .ny,
Sis.VN:VY. 'tn-ni ///!.] Confi^'ng only
ot lk> ; w rjting fi.-lh. Shakʃpeare.

To bKIP. V r. [f^mvtife, Italian.]
3. To fetch quick bounds ; to paſs by
quick le^-ps ; to bouna Jjgh'ly and joyfully. Dryden, Hudibras.
1. To paſs without notice.- Baconn,

To SKI:. v. a. [ejquirer^ Fr.] To mils ; to palf. Shakʃpeare.

SKIP. ʃ. [from the verb.] A light leap or
bound. Sidney. More,

SKi'PjACK. ſ. [/;> and jack.] An
uoftarc. U Eſtrange.

SKIPKENN^L. ſ. [ſklp and hnnd, ; A
i.^.<^key ; a footboy.

SKIPPER. f. [/c/f);^^r, Dutch.] A ſhipm?
fte?' or ſhioboy. Congre've,

SKJ'Pi'ET. ʃ./ [Probably from /'J] A
ſmall bo>t. Spenſer.

SKrRMISH. ʃ. f from _j;j and farm, Weiſh,
the ſti'K.t t wu ; ejcai mouche, Fr.]
1. A /l.^ht fight ; leſs th.n a fee battle.
2. A conteſt ; a contention,
Dcay of Piety.

To SKI'RMISH. v. n. [ejcarmoucher , Fr.]
To tight ioofejy ; to tigh. in parties before

OT after the ſhjck of !,he main battle. Atterbury.

SKI'RMISHER. ʃ. [from /rm//5b.j He who
ſkirm ſhfs.

To SKI.RRE. v. a. [This word ſeems to
be derived from f'fl, Saxon. pure, clean.]
To ſcour ; to ramble over in order to clear.

To SKIRRE. v. n. To ſcour ; to feud ; to
rpn in hafte, Shakʃpeare.f^caret


SKFRRET. ʃ. [fiJurum^h^K.-^ Aplanf. Miller.

SKIRT. ʃ. [porte, Swediſh.]
1. The looſe edge of a garment; ihaj:
part which hangs looſe below the wai/i.Shakʃpeare.
2. The edge of any part of the dreſs.
3. Edge; margin ; border ; extre-me part. Spenſer.

To SKIRT. ». a. [from the noun.] To
border to run along the edge. Addiſon.

SKITTISH. a. [/jr, Daniſh ; Jchenv,
1. Shy ; eaſily frighted. L'Eſtrange.
2. Wanton ; volatile ; haHy ; precipitate. Hudibras.
3. Changeable ; ſickle. Shakʃpeare.

SKl'TTISHLY. ^J. [from //Wy/^.]' Wantonly
; uncertainly
; ſickly

SKI'TTISHHESS. ʃ. [from /«/;>.] Waatonneſs
; fi.kiencis.

SKONCE. ʃ. [See Sconce.]

SKREEN. ʃ. [ecrien, Fr.]
1. Riddle or coarſe fievr. I'^f/'r,
2. Any tiling by which the fun or weather
13 kept off.
3. Shelt-r ; concealment. Dryden.

To SKREEM. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To riddie ; to fif',
2. To f>j de fr->m fun or light, or weather.
3. To keep iffaght or weather, Dryden.
4. To ſhelter; to protert, SptEtator,

SKUE. a. O lique ; ſidelong, Berkley.

To SKULK. i/.w. To hide; to lurk ja
fear or maiice. Dryden.

SKULL. ʃ. [
jAio/a, mni-.ck.] ,
1. The bone that mciofes the head ; it 'is
made up of ſeveral pieces, which, being
joined together, form a conſiderable cavity,
which contain the brain as in a box,
and it is proportionate to the bignef?. of the
brain, Slutncy. Shakʃpeare.
2. [Sceoie, Saxon, a company.] A ITioal.

SKU'LLCAP. ſ. A headpiece,

SKU'LLCAP. ʃ. [cr.jpja, Lat.] A plant.

SKY. ʃ. [fiy, Danſh.]
1. The region which furrounds this earth
beyoad the fitmotphere. It is taken f ^r the
whole region without the earth. Roſcommon.
2. The heaver^. D-i'vics,
3. The weather. Shakʃpeare.

SKY'EY. a. [from ſky.^ Ethereal,Shakʃpeare.

SKY'COLOUR. ʃ. [/;; and colour.]
azure colour ; the colour of the ſky. Boyle.

SKY'COLOURED. a. [ſk/zn^ colour. .
Blue ; azure i like the ſky^ Addiʃon.

SKY'DYED. a.' [ſky and dye.] Coloured
iike liie ſky. Pope.



SKY'ED. a. [from ſky, ] Envelloped by
Cf.c ſkics. Thomfon.

SKY'I.H. tf. [from //.] Coloured by the
ether. Shakʃpeare.

SKY'LARK. ʃ. [Jiyinilark.] A iaik
triat rP' ur.ts and li.gs. Spectator.

SKY'LIGHT. ʃ. [ſky ixnA light.] A window
pidced 111 a loom, noi Jateralljr, but
in th-; cichng. yirbuthnot and Fopt,

SKY'ROCKET. ʃ. [ſky and rocket.] A kind
of Hrework, which tlics high and burns as
it flics. Addiſon.

SLAB. ʃ.
1. A puddle. Ainsworth.
2. A pla«c of flone: as, a marblcyL^,

SLAB. ʃ. Thick ; viſcous ;

To SLA'BBER. ». ». [Jlabbtn, fiabbercn,
1. To ſet the ſpittlc fall from the mouth ;
to drivel.
2. To ſtied or pour any thing.

To SLABBER. v. a.
1. To ſmear with ſpittle. Arbuthnot.
2. To ſhed ; to IpiU. ^ujj'er.

SLA'BBERER. ʃ. [from TJ^^^^r.] He who

SLA'BBY. a. [The ſame \\\\\ijlabj]
1. Thick ; vilc'^us. kyijetn^n.
2. Wet; floody. Gay.

SLACK. o, (pleoc, Saxon.]
1. Not tenle ; not hard drawn ; looſe. Arbuthnot.
2. Rcmiſs ; not diligent ; not eager. Hooker.
3. Not violent ; not rapid. Mortimtr,
4. Relaxed ; weak ; not holding faſt.

To SLACK. ʃ. 1;. ». [from the adjective.]

1. To be remiſs ; to neg!e«f>.- Deutercnomy.
2. To loſe iht power 0^ cohelio.j, Ahxcn.
3. To abate. Milton.
4. To languifll; to fail ; to flag. Airjw,

To .SLACK. 7

To SLACKEN. ʃ. 1. To loolen ; to make Itfs fight. Dryden.
2. To reLx i ſo remit. l?jous.
'3. To eale ; to nmig.t^. Spenſer. fbl ipi.
4. To remit for wai.] of ca^e i,e!?.
5. To cauſe to be remitted. L^mmord.
6. 'io relieve ; to unbend. Denhum.
7. To with-hoid ; to uſe leſs liberally.
i\h ke pejre,
8. To cruncible ; to deprive of ihr p,wer
of cohefion. Mortimer.
9. To neglect. Dwael.
10. To rep^^^-? ^0 make leſs quick cr
forcible. Addiʃon.

SLACK. ʃ. Small coal j. coal brokea in
;rmail obCCs.


SLA'CKLY. ad. [iioxx^ flack.-.
1. Loolely ; not tightly ; not cloſely.
2. Negligently ; rcmiſs ly. Shakʃpeare»

SLACKNESS. ʃ. [from jLck.]
1. Looleneſs ; not tightucfs.
2. Negiigeoce ; inattention ; remiH'neff.
3. Want of tendency. iiharp,
4. Weakneſs ; not force ; not intcnlcneſs,

SLAG. ʃ. The droſs or recrement of metal. Boyle.

SLAIE. ʃ. A weaver's reed. Ainf^orthm

SLAIN. The participle paſſive of Jlay.

To SLAKE. v. a. To quench ; to extinguiſh.

To SLAKE. v. n. To grow Itfs lenfe ; to
be relaxed. Davies.

To SLAM. v. a. [fchlagen^ Dutch.] To
flaughter ; to cruſh.

To SLA'NDER. v. a. [efdaundrie, French.]
To cenkirc falſely ; to belie. Wbitgijte,

SLA'NDER. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Fahe inveſtive. Ben. Johnson.
2. Difg ace ; reproach, Shakʃpeare.
3. Difreputation ; ill name, Shakʃpeare.

SLANDERER. ʃ. [from f.ar.d.r. ; One
who belies another; one who lays faiſe imputations
on ar.other. Taylor.

SLA'NDEKOL^S. a. [from ſlander,-\
1. Uttering reproachtul faitho .ds. Shakſp.
2. Containing reproachful talſhuods ; calumnious,

SLA'NDEROUSLY. ad. [from Jlirdnui.]
Calumniouſly ; with ia.fe reproach.

SLANG. The preterite of Jl^rtg. i :Sat7i,

SLANK. ʃ. An herb.

SLANT. la. [from Jl^ngbe, a ſcr-

SLA'NTING. ʃ. pent, D^tch. Skinner.]
Oblique ; not oiredt ; not perpendicular. Blackmore.

SLA'NTLY. ʃ. ad. [from fljnt.] Ob-

SLANTWISE. ʃ. liqucly; not ^frper.dicuiarly
; llope. Tuſſer.

SLAP. ʃ. [Jch.'jp, Germari.] A blow.

SLAP. ai. [ff^m the noun.] W h a ſudden
and violent blow, Arb^tbot.

To SLAP. v. a. [from the noun.] To Hiike
with a flap, Prto'.

SLA'PDASH. inttrj. [from Jl^p and d,.Jb.]
All at once. Prior.

To SLASH. v. a. [Jl-fj, to fir ke, Jilan.]
1. To cut ; to cut wih long ruts.
2. To larti. 5^^7/6 IS imp(op?r. Ki-g.

To SLASH. v. n. To ſtrke at random with
a ſword. tcpe.

SLASH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Cut; wound. Clarenden.
2. A cut in cloath. Shakʃpeare.

SLATCH. ʃ. [A ſea term.] The middle

SL i.
part of ?. rope or cable that hangs down
looſe. . Bailey.

SLATE. ʃ. [from ſlit : flute is in ſome counties
a crack ; or from efclate, a tile, Fr.]
A grey foflil ſtone, eaſily broken into thin
plates, which are uſed to cover houſ<'5:, or
to write upon. Grew.

To SLATE. v. a. [from the noun.] Tocover
the roof ; to tiJe. Swift.

SLA'TER. ʃ. [from fljte.^ One who covers
with ſlates or tiles.

SLA'TTERN. ʃ. [fl,iettiySwt&iſh.] A woman
negligent, not elegant or nice. Dryd.

SLATY. a. [from /^f^.] Having the nature
of ſlate. Woodward.

SLAVE. ʃ. [enclave, Frpnch.] One mancipaied
to a mailer ; not a freeman ; a dependant. South, Addiſon.

To SLAVE. v. n. [from the noun.] To
drudge ; to moil ; to toil. Swift.

SLA'VER. ʃ. [falivz, Lat. fljsfa, lf]indick.]
Spittle running from the mouth ; d:ivel. Brown.

To SLA'VER. v. «. [from the noun.]
1. To be ſmeared with ſpittle. Shakſp.
2. To emit ſpittle. Sidney.

To SLA'VER. v. a. To ſmear with drivel. Dryden.

SLA'VER-ER. ſ. [flabhaerd, Dutch ; from
ſlaver.] One who cannot hold his ſpittle ;
a driveller ; an ideot.

SLAVERY. ʃ. [fiotnſlave.] Servitude; the condition of a fla\e3 the offices of a
ſlave. ^'S Charles,

SLA'UGHTER. ʃ. [onplausr, Sax.] Mal.
f ere ; deſtruction by the ſword. Dryden.

To SLA'UGHTER. v. a. [from the noun.]
To maffacrei to flay ; to kill with the
ſword. Shakʃpeare.

SLA'UGHTERHOUSE. ʃ. [{Jji^ghter and
bouje.'l Hiuſe in which bealts are killed
for the butcher, . Shakʃpeare.

SLA'UGHTERMAN. ʃ. [fljughter and
man.] One employed in killing. Shakſp.

SLAUGHTEROUS. a. [from flaughter.]
Deſtru>^ive ; murderous. Shakſp.

SLA'VISH. a. [from flive,'] Servile ; mean ;
baſe ; dependant. Milton.

SLA'VISHLY. ad. [from flaviſh.] Servilely
5 meanly.

SLA'VISHNESS. ʃ. [hem flav'p.] Servility
; meanneſs.

To SLAY. f . a. preter. (Isw ; part. palT.
Jlain. [ftahan,Goih\ckj plean, Saxon ;
fljchter, Dutch, to ſtrike. ; To kill ; to
butcher ; put to death. Gtnefn, Prior.

SLA'YER. ʃ. [from /j;-.] Killer ; murderer
; deſtroyet. Mbot.

SLE'AZY. a. Weak ; wanting ſubſtance.

SLED. ʃ. [fl^d, Daniſh \fldn,^, Dutch.] A
cnniiiee drawn without wheels. Dryden.

SLEDlDD. ad. [(foi-ofl.d.j Mounted on a
(led, Shakʃpeare.
L e

SLEDGE. ʃ. [j-Iee^, Saxon ; fl^ggia, IOarr%
dick. ;
1. A large heavy hammer. Moxon.
2. A carriage without'wheels, or with very
low wheels. Mortimer.

SLEEK. ʃ. [j%f^, Dutch.] Smooth ; nitid ;
gloOv. Ben. Johnson. Draytofi,

To SLEEK. nj. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To comb ſmooth and even. Milton.
2. To render ſoft, ſmooth, or glofly. Boyle.

SLEE'KLY. ad. [from fliek.] Smoothly ;
gloflily. Shakʃpeare.

To SLEEP. I'-ff. [j'leepan, Saxon.]
/ Dutch.]
1. To tike reſt, by ſuſpenſion of the men.
tal power. Shakſp. Crapaiv,
2. To reſt ; to be motionleſs. Shakſp.
3. To l.ve thoughtleſsly. Atterbury.
4. To be dead ; death being a llate from
which man will ſometime awake.

5. To b.-! inattentive ; not vigi-lant. Shakſ.
6. To be unnoticed, or unattended. Shakſ.

SLEEP. f. [from the verb.] Repoſe ; reſt^; ſuſpenſion of the mental powers ; [lumber,

SLIE'PER. ʃ. [from yji!-;.]
1. One who ſleeps ; one who is not awake,Shakʃpeare.
Z, A lazy inaftive drone,
3. That which lies dormant, or without
effeſh Bacon.
4. A fiſh. Ainsworth.

SLEE PILY. ad. [from ſleepy.]
1. Drowfily ; with deſire to ileep.
2. Dully ; lazily. Raleigh.
3. Stupidly. Atterbury.

SLEEPINESS. ʃ. [from /'f^iy.] Drcwfineſs
; diipoſition to llsepj inability to keep awake. Arbuthnot.

SLEETLESS. a. [from fle^p.] Wanting
deep. Milton.

SLEE'PY. a. [from ſleep.]
1. Drowfy ; diſpoſed to ileep.
2. Not awake. Dryden.
3. Scporiferous ; fomniferous ; cauſing
ileep. Gulliver.

SLEET. ʃ. [perhaps from the DiniiJi, fl(t.]
A kind of ſmooth ſmall hail or fnow, noc
falling in flakes, but ſingle particles. Dryden, Cheyne.

To SLEET. v.TJ, [from the noun.] To
fnow in ſmall particles, intermixed with

SLEE'TY. a. [from the noun.] Bringing

SLEEVE. ʃ. [flip, Saxon.]
1. The part of a garment that covers the
arms. - Spenſer.
2. Sleeve^ in ſome provinces, ſignifits a
knot or flcein of ſilk.
3. A hCa, Ainſworth.


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SLEE'VED. a. [from JJe^vf.] Having flecvcs.

SLEE'VELESS. ,,. [t, on^ Jl .ve.]
1. Wanting lleevcs ; having no ll eves.
2. Wanting reaſonableneſs ; wanting propriety
; wanting ſolidity. HaL'.

SLEIGHT. ʃ. [jjjgj, curn'u^,\{\.ndi^:k.]
Artful trick ; cunning artifice ; dexterous
practice. Hooker, Shakſp. Chafm. Sij/c.

SLENDER. a. lJh„der,'DiUch.]
1. Thin ; ſmall in circumference compared
with the length ; not thick. Milton.
2. Small in the waill ; having a fine Hi^pe. Dryden.
3. Not bulky ; flight ; not ſtrong. Pope.
4. Small ; inconſiderable ; weak. Tiltoif.
5. Sparing; leſs thin cno ugh, Arbuth.
6. Not amply ſupplied. Philips.

SLE'NDERLY. ad. from jlerMr.]
1. Without bulk.
2. Sliehtly ; meanly. 2 Mac,

SLE'NDERNESS. ʃ. [from /^wAr.]
r. Thinneſs ; ſmallneſs of circumference.
2. Want of bulk or ſtrength. Arbuthnot.
3. Slightocfs
; weakneſs ; inconſiderableneſs.
4. Want of plenty,

SLEPT. The preterite oſpep. Pope. .

SLEW. The preterite ofyya^. Knolles.

To SLEY. v. fi, [See to Sleave] To part
or twiſt into threads. Shakʃpeare.

To SLICE. w. ». ffliran, Saxon.]
1. To cut into flat pieces. Sandys.
2. To cut into parts, Cleaveland.
3. To cut off. Gay.
4. To cut ; to divide. Burnet.

SLICE. ʃ. [flite, Saxon.]
1. A broad piece cut oft. Swift.
2. A broad piece. Pope. .
3. A broad head fixed in a handle ; a peel ;
a foatula. HakewtH.

SLICK. a. [Jlickt, D^xich. See Sleek]. Brown.

SLID. The preterite of //^f. Dryden.

SLl'DDEN. The participle paſſive ofjlide. Jeremiah.

To SLIDDER. v. n. [Jlldderer^ Dutch.]
To n de with interruption. Dryden.

To SLIDE. v. 71. Jlid, preterite ; Jlidden,
participle palT [p-'om, pli'b:n't>-, Saxon.]
jhjddn, Dutch.]
1. To paſs along ſmoothly ; to flip; to
glide. Bacon.
2. To move without change of the foot. Milter:.
3. To paſs inadvertently. Eccluſ.
4. To paſs unnoticed. Sidney.
5. To paſs along by ſilent and unobſerved
progreſſion. Shakʃpeare.
6. To paſs ſilently and gradually from good
to bad. South.
7. To paſs without difnculty or obſtruction.

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8. To move upon the ice by a ſingle impuife,
without change oſ feet. n'aiUr.
9. To fall by errour. Ba<.on,
10. To be not firm. Thomſon.
17. To paliVith a free and gentle courſe cr

To SLIDE. v. a. To put ionperceptibly.

SLIDE. f. [from the verb.]
1. Smooth and eaſy paſſage, Bacon.
2. Flow ; even courſe. Bacon,

SLI'DER. ʃ. [from /-<^^.] He who Aides.

SLIGHT. a. [Jlcht, Dutch.] '
1. Small ; worthleſs; inconſiderable. Dryden.
2. Not important ; not cogent ; wcik, Locke.
3. Negligent; not vehement; not done
with effect. Ali'tcn.
4. Fooliſh; weak of mind. Hudibras.
5. Not ſtrong; thin ; as a/^£/ ſilk. .

SLIGHT. f. [from the adjective.]
1. Negletl; contempt ; act of ſcorn.
2. Artifice ; cunning practice. Arbuth.

To SLIGHT. v. a. [from the adjective.]
1. To neglect; to diſregard. Locke.
2. To throw careleſsly. Shakʃpeare.
3. To overthrow; to demoliſh. Junius.
4. To Slight over. To treat or perform
careleſly. Bacon.

SLIGHTER. ʃ. [from JJigbt.] One who

SLI'GHTINGLY. ad. [from Jlgbting.]
Without reverence ^ with contempt. Boyle.

SLI'GHTLY. ad. [from Jl'gbt.]
1. Negligently; without regard. Hooker.
2. Scornfully ; contemptuouſly. Philips.
3. Weakly; without force. Milton.
4. Without worth.

SLIGHTNESS. ʃ. [from Jl-gbt.]
1. Weakneſs ; want of ſtrength.
2. Negligence ; want of attention. Decay of Piety, Dryden.

SLIM. ad. Slender ; thin of ſhape. Addiſ.

SLIME. ʃ. [r'lm, Saxon; /f^w, Dutch.]
Viſcous mire ; any glutinous ſubſtance. Raleigh.

SLI'MINESS. ʃ. [from /wy.jVifcoGty ; glutinous
matter. Ftoyer,

SLI'MY. a. [frorx^Jl'we.]
1. Overſpread with flimc. Shakʃpeare.
2. Viſcous ; glutinous. Milton.

SLI'NESS. ʃ. [from j!Zy.] Deſigning art fice. Addiʃon.

SLING. fr^if^'X^. Saxon ; fingen, Dutch.]
1. A miirive weapon maoc by a ſtrap r. -id
two firings ; the ſtone is lodged in the fix. p,
and thrtwn by loofing one of the ſtriri's.
2. A throw ; a ſtrcke. Mili^n,
3. A kind of hanging bandape.

To SLING. v. a. [from 'he noun.]
1. To throw by a fling.
5 U 2. Te

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2. To throw ; to caſt. Addiʃon.
3. To hang looſely by a firing. Dryden.
4. To move by niears of a r^pe- Dryden.

SLl'NGER. ſ. [ſtotn Jlivg] One who lings
or uſef the lliug. 1 Kings.

To SLINK. v. «. preter, Jlunk, [r^5'> Saxon. to creep.] To fncak ; to Iteal cut
of the way. Milton.

To SLINK. v. a. To caſt ; to mifcHrry of. Mortimer.

To SLIP. v. n. [|-'ipao, Saxon ; pſp^n,
1. To Aide ; not to tread firm. South.
2. To ſhde ; to glide. Sidney.
3. To move or fly out of place. Wiſeman.
4. To fneak ; to (link. Spenſer.
5. To glide ; to paſs unexpectedly or Imperceptibly. Sidney.
6. To fall into fault or errour. Eccluſ.
7. To creep by overfight. Adv. to Dunciad,
8. To eſcape ; to fall away out of the memory. Hooker.

To SLIP. v.a.
1. To convey ſecretljr. jArbuthnot.
2. To loſe by negligence. Ben. Johnſon.
3. To part twigs from the main body by
laceration, Mortimer.
4. To eſcape from ; to leave ſlily. Shakſp.
5. To let looſe. Dryden.
6. To let a dog looſe. Dryden.
7. To throw off any thing that holds' onp. Swift.
8. To paſs overnegiigendy, Atterbury.

SLIP. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of flipping ; a falſe ftep,
2. Errour; miſhke ; fault. Wotton.
3. A twig torn from the main ſtock.
Huoker. Shakʃpeare, Bacon, Milton, Dryden, Ray.
4. A leaſh or ſtring in which a dog is held.
5. An eſcape ; a deſertion. Hudibras.
6. A long narrow piece. Addiſon.

SLI'PBOARD. ʃ. [JlipzuA board.] Aboard
Aiding in grooves. CuUiver,

SLIPKNOT. ʃ. [fip and knot.] A bowkn'.
t ; a knot eahly untied. Moxon.

SLIPPER, or Slipjhoe.f. [from //^.] A ſhoe
without leather behind, mto which the
foot flips eaſily. Raleigh.

SLIPPERINESS. ʃ. [from JJ,/>f>ery.]
1. St ite or quality of being Hippery ; ſmooth.
neſs i glibneſs. Sharp.
2. Uncertainty ; want of firm footing.

SLl'PPER'Y. a. [r'lpup, Saxon ; jliperig,
1. Smooth ; glib. Arbuthnot.
2. Not affording firm footing, Cowley.
3. Hard to hold ; hard to keep. Dryden.
4. Not ſtanding firm. Shakʃpeare.
5. Uncertaiia ; changeable ; mutable; inſtable. Shakʃpeare.
6. Not ceitarn in its oftcft. L'Eſtrange.

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7. Nof chaſte. Shakʃpeare.

SLIPPY. oJ. [from jlip.] Slippery ; eaſily
fi'ding, Floyer.

SLIPSHOD. ^. [ſlip and ſhod.] Having the
ſhoes not pulled up at the heels, but barely
flipped on. Sii»fl.

SLI'PSLOP. ʃ. Bad liquor.

SLISH. ʃ. A low word formed by reduplirsit\
ni Jliiſh. Shakʃpeare.

To SLIl. V. a» pref. and part, jiit and
Jlitted, [pIitiH, Saxon.] To cut lung wife. Brown, Newton.

SLIT. ʃ. [r'lt, Saxon] A long cut, or narrow

To SLIVE. ʃ. v. a. ſp'iF'n, Saxon.] To

To SLI'VER. ʃ. ſplit ; to divide lontwife ;
to tear off loagwife. Shakʃpeare.

SLI'VER. ʃ. [from the verb.] A branch
torn oft'. Shakʃpeare.

SLOATS. ʃ. Of a cart, are thoſe underpieces
which keep the bottom together. Bailey.

SLO'BB:ER. ʃ. [glavoerio, Welſh.] Slaver.

To SLOCK. v.n, [y75cji<?«, to quench, Swedish
and Scottiſh] To fl ke ; to quench.

SLOE. ʃ. [rla, Saxon.] The fruit of the
blackthorn. Blackmore.

SLOOP. ʃ. A ſmall ſhip.

To SLOP. v. a. [from Zap, lop, pp.] To
drink groſly and greedily,

SLOP. ʃ. [from the verb.) Mean and vile
liquor of any kind. L'Eſtra Dryden.

SLOP. ʃ. [r''^P» Sax.Jloove, Dutch, a covering,
; Trowfers ; open breeches. Shakſp.

SLOPE. a. Oblique ; not perpendicular.

SLOPE. f. [from the adjective.]
1. An oblique direction ; any thing obliquely
2. Declivity ; ground cut or formed with
declivity. Pope. i

SLOPE. ad. Obliquely ; not perpendicularly. Milton.

To SLOPE. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
form to obliquity or declivity ; to direct
obliquely. Pope.

To SLOPE. v. n. To take an oblique or
declivous direction. Dryden.

SLO'PENESS. ʃ. [inmjlope.] Obliquity ;
declivity ; not perpendicularity. Wotton.

SLO'PEWISE. a. [Jhpe and idfe.] Obliquely
; not perpendicularly. Carezv,

SLO'PINGLY. ad. [from ſhping.] Obliquely
; not perpendicularly. Dtgiy,

SLO'PPy. a. [from jlop.] Miry and wet.

To SLOT. 1'. a. [pghen, Vntch.] To
ſtrke or claſh hard,

SLOT. ʃ. [Jl.d, Iflaodick.] The track of a

SLOTH. ʃ. [flaeptJ, jrlf|j«, Saxon.]
1. Slowneſs ; tardmeſs. Shakʃpeare.
2. Lazineſs ; fluggiſhneſs ; idleneſs.Shakʃpeare.
3t An animal of ſo flow a motion, that

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he will be three or four days at leaſt in
ciimb np up and coming down a trre.

[fl,fb and fufl.]
Idle; lazy ; fluggiſh ; in-ttive ; indolent ; dull
'^f moticD. Proverbs.

SLO'THFULLY. ad. [from phju/.] With

SLOTHFULNESS. ʃ. [from piful] Idleneſs
; lizincisj fluggiſhneſs ; in^ftivity. Hooker.

SLOUCH. ʃ. [Jlofi, Dinirti, ſtupid.]
1. A downcaſt look ; a depieflion of the
head. S'u^ifr.
2. A man who looks heavy and clowniA. Gay.

To SLOUCH. v. .. [from the noun.] To
havp ^ downcaſt clowniſh bck.

SLO'VEN. ʃ. [Jl,e/, Douh iyUyvr:, Welſh]
A man ind»>ceiitly negligent or clcanltneſs; a man dir'Hy dreired. tierberc.

SLOVENLINESS. ʃ. [hovnJt>v€Kly.] Indecent
negligence ufdieſs ; neglect of cleanlineſs. Wotton.

SLOVENLY. a. [from jlovtn ] Negligent of
dreſs ; negligent of nedtneſe ; not neat; not clearlly. L'Eſtrange.

SLO'VENLY. ad. [from Jlover.] Inaconrfc
intieg-int manner. Ps^>^.

SLO'VENRY. ʃ. [from Jl^vcn.] Dirtineis
; want or neatneſs, Shakʃpeare.

SLOUGH. ʃ. [plos, Saxon.]
1. A deep miry place ; a hole full of dirt. Hayw.ird,
2. The ſkin which a ſcrpent cacts off at
his periodical renowation. Shakʃpeare. Gre\o.
3. The part that ſeparjtes from a fvil fore.

SLO'UGHY. a. [fron.Jl>ugb.] May;bog.
gy ; moddy. Swift.

SLOW. a. [p]?p, ph.p, Saxon ; Jleuiv,
1. Not ſwift; not q;i!ck of motion ; not
ſpeedy ; not having vflority ; wanting celeiity. Locke.
1. Late; not happening in a ſh-rt time. Milton.
3. Not ready ; not prompt ; not quick. Md,pn.
4. Dull ; in-'f^ive ; t^rdy ; fluggiſh. Dryd.
5. No» haily ; idling With deliberation ; not vehement. Common Frjyer,
6. DuIIj h!i»yinwit. Pope. .

SLOW. m comj'oſition, is an adverb,_y?Sw/)'. Donne, Pope. .

To SLOW. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
or.]: ty dilatcrineſs ; to delay ; to procraftiv'te.Shakʃpeare.

SLO'WLY. ad. [from Jliiv.]
1. Not ſpeedily ; not with celerity; not
with velocity. Pope. .
2. Not ſoon ; not early; not in a Lttle
tim?. Dryden.
3. Not haftily ; not rdſhly.

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4. Not promptly ; not readily.
5. T-rd.ly ; ſluggiſtly. jCdJIfofls

SLOWNESS. ʃ. [froni>w.]
1. Soalr.tfs of motion; not ſpeed ; want
of velocity ; abſence of celeiity or ſwift-
4. Length of tiſhe in which any thing ads
or is brought to paſs ; not 4uickneſs. Hooker.
3. Dulneſs to admit conviſſion or affection. Berkley.
4. Want of promptneſs ; want of readiners,
5. Dc-libsration ; cool dcUy,
6. Dilatorineſs ; procraftination.

SLO'WORM. ʃ. [riapypm, Saxon.] The
blind worm ; a ſm«ll vjper, venomous, but
fcarcely mortal. Brown.

To SLU'BBER. v. a. [Probably from /«^-
1. To do any thing liz ly, imperfectly, or
wi;h idle hurry. Sidney.
2. Tjft-^in; to daub. Shakʃpeare.
1. To c^vrr roiifely or careleſly. PFotton,

SLU'BBERDEGULLION. ʃ. A paltry, dirty,
Toi/y wretch. Hudibras.

SLUDGE. ʃ. Mire ; diſtmix;tſwith water. Mortimer.

SLUG. ʃ. [yl:/jr, DiDiſh, and/./^; Dgtch,
ſignify a glutton.; 1. An idler ; a drcna ; a i'l-^w, heavy,
fl-epy, lazy wretch. Shakʃpeare.
1. An hindrance; an obſtruction. Bacon.
3. A kind of flow creeping fnul.
4. [Slccj, an hammerhead, Saxon.] A
cylinarical or oval piece of metal ſhot from
a gun. Pope.

To SLUG. f.Tt. [from the noun.] To lie
idle ; to pldy the drone ; to move fliAvly. Spenſer.

SLU'GGARD. ʃ. [iton-pg.] Anidlerja
drone ; an jna£\ive hzy fellow. Drydenr,

To SLU GGARDIZE. v. a. [from fluggard.]
To make idle; to make drcniſh. Shakſp.

SLU'GGISH. a. [from flug.] Dull ; drowſy ; Lzy; n.thfiil. ffjUer,

SLU'GGISHLY. ad. [from fluggiſh.] Dully; not mmbly ; hzily; idly; ſlowly.

SLU'GGISHNESS. ʃ. [from fluggiſh.] DaU
neſs ; Jloth ; laz, neſs ; idleneſs ; inertneſs. Locke.

SLUICE. ʃ. [Pyp, Dutch ; efcLp: French ; ſclufa, Italian.
; A Watergate ; a floodgate ; a vent for water. Milton.

To SLUICE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
emit by floodgates, Milton.

SLUaCY. a. [from yJuc.] Falling in ſtream.'
as from a fluice or fl )Oogare. D'-yder,

To SLU MBER. y.n. [rlumejian, Saxon ;
Jluymeren^ Dutch.]
1. To flcep lightly ; to be not awake nor
in profound flecp. Milton.
2. To \\t.t\-> ; Lo repefe, SI of and Jl^n'
hit are oft-n confounded. y-^.
5 U » 3. To
,S M A

3. To be In a ſtate of negligence and fopincneſs.

To SLU'MBER. v^a.
1. To lay to ſleep.
2. To ſtupify ; to ſtun. Spenſer.

SLl/'MBER,/. [from the verb.]
1. Light flsep ; ſleep not profound. Pope. .
2. Sleep ; repofc. Dryden.

SLU'MBEROUS. ʃ. or n i -%

1. Inviting to ſleep ; foperiferous ; cauſing
ſleep. Pope. .
2. Sleepy ; p.ot waking. Shakʃpeare.

SLUNG. The preterite and participle paſſive

SLUNK. The preterite and participle paſſive
ofJlink, Milton.

To SLUR. v. a. Ipong, Dutch, nafty ;
Jloore, a flut.]
1. To fully ; to foil ; to contaminate.
2. To paſs lightly ; to balk ; to anifs. Cudworth.
1. To chsat ; to trick. Hudibras.

SLUR. ʃ. [from the verb.] Faint reproach ;
flight diſgrace. South.

SLUT. ʃ. [pdde, Dutch.]
1. A dirty woman. King.
2. A word of ſlight contempt to a woman. L'Eſtrange.

SLU'TTERLY. ʃ. [from ſlut.] The qualities
or practice of a ſlut. Shakſp. Drayt.

SLUTTISH. a. [from //c.] Naſty; not
nice ; not cleanly ; dirty ; indecently negligent
of cleanlineſs. Raleigh.

SLU TTISHLY. ad. [from pttipj.] In a
fluttilh manner ; naftily ; dirtily.

SLU'TTISHINESS. ʃ. [from jhttip.] The
qualities or practice of a flut ; naftineſs
; dirtineſs, Sidney, Ray.

SLY. a. [phX, Saxon j/^^ar, Iſlandick.]
Meanly artful ; ſecretly inlidious. Fairfax, Watts.

SLY'LY. ad. [from jly.] With ſecret artifice
; Infidiouſly.

To SMACK. v. n. [fmsckan. Sax. ſma-c.
ken, Dutch.]
1. To have a taſte ; to be tindlured with
any particular taſte,
2. To have a tincture or quality infuſed.Shakʃpeare.
3. To make a noiſe by ſeparation of the
iips ſtrongly preflect together, as after a taſte.
4. To kiſs with a cloſe compreſſion of the
lips. Gay.

To SMACK. v. a.
1. To kifs. Donne.
2. To make any quick ſmart noiſe.

SMACK. ʃ. [fmaeck, Dutch.]
1. Tafte ; favour,
2. Tindlure ; quality from ſomething mixed.
3. A pleaſing Ufle. ^v^cr.

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4. A ſmall quantity ; a taſte. Dryden.
5. The act of parting the lips audibly, as
after a pleaſing taſte.
6. A loud kifg. Donne.
7. [Snacca, Saxon.] A ſmall ſhip.

SMALL. a. [pmall, Saxon ; //»«/, Dutch.]
1. Little in quantity ) not great. Dryd.
2. Slender ; exile ; minute, Deuter.
3. Little in degree. ASt.
4. Little in importance ; petty ; minute. Geneſis.
5. Little in the principal quality, as ſmall
beer ; not ſtrong ; weak. Swift.

SMALL. f. [from the adjective.] The ſmall
or narrow part of any thing. Sidney.

SMA'LLAGE. ʃ. A plant. It is a ſpecies
of parfley. Miller.

SMA LLCOAL. ʃ. [f'nali and coa!.] Little
wo >d coals uſed to light fires. Spectator.

SMA'LLCRAFT. ʃ. [ſmall and craft.] A
little veflcl below the denomination of ſhip. Dryden.

SMALLPO'X. ʃ. [fmall and pox.] An eruptive
d.ftemper of great malignity ; variola. Wiſeman.

SMA'LLY. ad. [from /WA] In a little
quantity ; with minuteneſs ; in a little or
low degree. /ifcham,

SMA LNESS. ʃ. [from ſm^l.]
1. Littleneſs; not greatneſs. Bacon.
2. Littleneſs ; want of bulk ; minuteneſs ;
exility. Bacon.
3. Want of ſtrength ; weakneſs,

SM ALT. ʃ. A beautiful blue ſubſtance, two
parts of zaffre being fuſed with three parts
common fdlr, and one part potafli. Hilt.

SMA'RAGDINE. a. [fmaragdinus,'L\<\u..
Made of emerald; reſembling emerald,

SMART. ʃ. [rmeojita. Sax. ſmerly Dutch ; ſmarta, bwediſh. ;
1. C^uick, pungent, lively pain. Sidney.
2. Ham, corporal or intellectual. Atterb.

To SMART. v.n, [pmeofitan, Sax./werten,
1. To feel quick lively pain. South. Arb.
2. To feel pain of body or mind. Proverbs. Pope.

SMART. a. [from the noun.]
1. Pungent ; ſharp ; cauſing ſmart.Shakʃpeare.
2. Quick ; vigorous ; active. Clarenden.
3. Producing any effect with force and vigour. Dryden.
4. Acute ; witty. Milton.
5. Briſk ; vivacious ; lively. Addiſon.

SMART. ʃ. A fellow affecting brilkneſs and

SMA'RTLY. ad. [from ſmart.] After a
fmart manner ; fiiarply; briſkly ; vigorouſly. Clarendon.

SMARTNESS. ʃ. [from ſmart.]
1. The quality of being Inaart ;
quickneſs ; vigour. Boyle.
2. LiveS
3. L^velineſs ; briſkneſs ; wittineſs. Swift.

SMATCH. ʃ. [corrupted from ſmack.]
1. Tafte ; tind\ure ; twang. Holder.
2. A bird.

To SMA'TTER. v. r.
1. To have a ſlight taOe ; to have a fight,
Superficial, and imperfctt koowledge.

1. To talk ſuperficlally or ignorantly. Hudibras.

SMATTER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Superficial
or flight knowledge. Temple.

SMA'TTERER. ʃ. [Irom [matter.] One
who has a flight or ſuperficial knowledge. Swift.

To SMEAR. v. a. [pmejian, S^t, Jmeren,
Dutch.] t/-'
1. To overſpread with ſomething viſcous
and adheſive; to beſmear. Milton.
4. To foil ; to contaminate. Shakſp.

SMEA'RY. a. [from /wwr.] Dawby ; adhefive.

SMEATH. ʃ. A ſca fowl.

To SMEETH, or ſmutch. v. a. [pmiSbe,
Saxon.] To ſmoke ; to blacken with fmoke.

SMEGMATICK. a. [a-[A.^yfxix.] Soapy; deterfive. Dia.

To SMELL. v. a. [from ſmoel, warm,
Dutch, becauſe ſmells are encreaſed by
heat. Skinner.]
1. To perceive by the nofe. Collier.
1. To find out by mental fagacity. L'Eſtr.

To SMELL. v. n.
1. To ſtrike the noſtrils. Bacon.
2. To have any particular ſcent. Brown.
3. To have a particular tincture or ſmack
of any quality. Shakʃpeare.
4. To practiſe the z€t of ſmeJling. MdiJ.

SMELL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Power of ſmelling ; the ſenſe of which
the noſe is the organ. Davies,
a. Scent ; power of affccting the nofe. Bacon.

SME'LLER. ʃ. [from ſmell] He who ſmells.

SME'LLFEAST. ʃ. [fmell and fea/i,} A paraſite
; one who haunts good tables. L'Eſtr.

SMELT. The preterite and participle paſt.
of fn,el/.

SMELT. ʃ. [pmelt, Saxon.] Aſmallfeafiſh.

To SMELT. v. a. [fmeften, Dutch.] To
melt ore, ſo as to extract the metal. Woodward.

SME'LTER. ʃ. [from >f/f.] One who melts
ore. M^^odzuard,

To SMERK. v. a. [pmercian, Saxon.] To
fmiie wantonly. Swift.

SME'RKY. v. a. Nice ; ſmart ; jaunty.

SMIRK. ʃ. Spenſer.

SMERLIM. ʃ. A ſtih. Ainſ-u.-erth.

SMI'CKEr. ʃ. The under gaiment of a
TeSMlGHT. T.rfmite. SSenC.r,

To SMILE. t/. w. [jmuylen, Twitch.]
1. To contrail the face with pleaſure ; t»
expreſs giadneſs by the countenance.
^ Tatler.
2. To f xpreſs fl ght contempt. Camden.
3. To louk gay or jr.yous. Miltoni,
4. To be favourable ; to be propitious. Milton.

SMILE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A fl ght contrailion
of the face ; a look of oleaſure
or kindneſs. Wotton.,

SMI'LINGLY. cd, [from ſmiling.] With a
look of pleaſure.

To SMIRCH. v. a. [from m-jrk, or murcky.!
To cloud ; to duik ; to foil. Shakʃpeare.

SMIT. The participle pafllye of ſmite.

To SMITE. v. a. prateMte/zwar?; participle
pzff.fmitf ſmitten. [r-Titan, Sax. /w/Vr/?.
1. To ſtrike ; to reach with a bfow. Ezekiel.
2. To kill ; to deſtroy ; Samuel,
3. To aiſhcf ; to chaſten. ^yah.
4. To blaſt.
5. To affect with any paſſion. Milton.

To SMITE. v. n. To ſtrike ; to collide.

SMI'TER. ʃ. [from {mUe.-\ He who ſmites.

SMITH. ʃ. [rm'5, Saxon j/OTe-ri., German :
Jmid, Dutch.]
1. One who forges with his hammer ; one
who works in metals, Tate.
2. He that makes or effsflg any thing,

SMI'THCRAFT. ʃ. [rmXcjaipt, Sa^on.]
The art of a ſmith. Raleigh

SMITHERY. ʃ. [from >;»r^.] The ſhop of
a ſmith.

SMI'THING. ʃ. [from ſmitb.] An art manual,
by which iron is wrought into an
intended ſhape. Moxon.

SMITHY. ʃ. [j-miſhSe Saxon.] The fl^op
ofafonith. Dryden.

SMITTEN. The participle paſſive offm:te.

SMOCK. ʃ. [rmoc, Saxon.] The under
garment of a woman ; a fl}ift. Sandys.

SMOCKFA'CED. a. [fmci 2nd face.] Pilefaced
; maidenly. Fentcn.

SMaKE. ʃ. [porjoec. Sax. ſmooci:, Dutch.]
The viſible effluvium, or footy exhalation
from any thing burning. Cowley,

To SMOKE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To emit a dark exhalation by heat. Milton.
2. To burn ; to be kindled. Dtuier.
3. To move with ſuch ſwiftneſsas to kindle. Dryden.
4. To ſmell, or hunt out. Hudib.at.
5. To uſe to bjcc«.

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6. To offer to be puniſhed. Shakſp.

To SMOKE. v. a.
1. To ſcent by ſmoke, or dry in ſmoke. Arbuthnot.
2. To ſmell out ; to find out. Shakʃpeare.

To SMOKE Jry, v.a, [fmoke and dry.] To
dry by ſmoke. Mortimer.

SMOKER. ʃ. [from ſmoke.]
t. One that dries or perfumes by foioke.
1. One that uſes tobacco.

SMOKELESS. a. [ſtom ſmoke.] Having no
fmoke. Pop€,

SMOKY. a. [from ſm^ke.]
1. Emitting ſmoke ; fumid. Shakʃpeare.
2. Having the appeatance or nature of
fmoke. Harvay.
1. Noiſome with ſmcfce. Milton.

SMOOTH. frmtX, rmoe«, Saxon ; mtvytb,
1. Even on the ſurſece ; not rough ; level. Milton.
2. Evenly ſpread ; glofff. Pope. .
3. Equal in pace ; without ſtarts or ob-UruAioR, Milton),
4. Flowing ; ſoft} not harffi. Milton.
5. Bland ; mild ; adulatory. Milton.

To SMOOTH. v. a. [from the adjective.)
1. To level ; to make even on the ſurface.Shakʃpeare.
2. To work into > ſoft uniform mals. Ray.
3. To make eaſy; to rid from obſtructions. Pope.
4. To make flowing ; to free from harihneſs. Milton.
5. To palliate ; to ſoften. Shakʃpeare.
6. To caJm j. to mollify, Milton.
7. Tb eaſe. Dryden.
8. To flatter ; to ſoften with blan'diſhments; Shakʃpeare.

To SMOO'THEN. tt. a. To make even
and ſmooth. Moxon.

SMO'OTHFACED. a. [fmoth and fuce.]
Mild looking i having a ibft air. Shakſp.

SMO'OTHLY. ad. [from ſmtetb,;
1. Not roughly ; evenly,
44 With even glide. Pope. .
3. Without obſtruction ; eaſily ; readily.
4. With ſoft and bland language.

SMOOTHNESS. f. [from jmoott.]
1. Evenoeſs 00 the ſurface ; freedom from
aſperity. Bacon.
%, Softneſs or miidneſs on the palate. Philips.
3. Sweetneſs and ſoftneſs of numbers. Dryden.
4. Blandneſs and gentleneſs of ſpeech.Shakʃpeare.

SMOTE. The preterite of //«»>(?. Milton.

To SMOTHER. v. a. f rmoyiao, Saxon.]
1. To fuffocate with lanoke, or by exclufion
of the air. Sidney.
2. To ſuppreſs. Hooker.


SMOTHER. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſtate or ſuppreſſion, Bacon.
2. Smoke} thick duſk. Co/lier,

To SMOTHER. v. r. [from the noun.]
l« To ſmoke without vtnt. Bacon.
2. To be fuopreſſed orkeptcloſe. Collter,

SMO'ULDERING. ʃ. [rmopan, Sax. to ſmo-

SMO'ULDRY. ʃ. ther
; /wo./, Dutch,
hot. ; Burning and ſmoking without verct. Dryden.

SMUG. a.' [/«r«c^>.dreſs, /wm.(=it,. to dreſt,

EKitch.] Nice ; ſpruc^ ; dreſſed w^ith affectarion
of niceneſs. Spectator.

To SMUGGLE. v. a. [/«ocW<f«, Dutdh.]
To import or export goods without paying
the cuſtoms,

SMUGGLER./ [from fr.MggU.] A Wretch,
who imports or exports goods without payment
of the cudMni.

SMUGLY. ad. [from /»«fi^, ] Nfeatly ;
ſp'ucely. Gaf,

SMUGNESS. ʃ. [from ſmug.] Spruceneſs ;

SMUT. ʃ. [rmittJ, Sax. ſmette, Diittſh.]
1. A ſpot made with foot or doal.
2. Muft or blackneſs gathered on corn
; mildew. MortlnkY.
3. Obſcenity,

To SMVT. t>, a. [from the noun.]
1. To ftainj n> mark with foot or coal.
t. To taint with mildew. Bacon.

To SMUT. . n. To gjther muft. Mort,

To SMUTCH. v. a. [from /w.?.] To Hack
with ſmoke. Ben. Johnson.

SMUTTILY. ad. [from ſmutty.]
1. Blatkly ; ſm'okily.
2. Obfeeriely.

SMU'TTINESS. ʃ. [from ſmutty.]
1. Soil from ſmokei. Ttniple,
2. Obſcefieneſs.

SMU'TTY. a. [from ſmt.]
t. Black with fniſke or coal, Shakſp.
1. Tainted with mildew. Locke.
3. Obſcene; not modeft. Collier.

SNACK^ ʃ. [from /«a/c-6.] A ſhare ; apart
taken by compact. Dryden.

SNA'COT. ʃ. A fifll. Ainsworth.

[navel, Dutch, the nofe.]
A bridle which croffes the nofe. Shakſp.

To SNATFLE. v. a. [from the noun, ; To
bridle; to hold in a br die ; to manage.

SNAG jr.
1. A jag or ſharp protuberance. Spenſer.
2. A tooth left by itſelf, or (landing beyond
the reſt. Prior.

SNA'GGED. 1 a. [from fnag.] Full of

SNA'GGY. ʃ. fnags ; full of ſharp protuberances
; ihootiog into ſharp points.

SNAIL. ʃ. [pncejl, Sax^nj /rc^./, Dutch]
1. A fltoiy animal which creeps on plants,
ſome with fljcUs on their backs, Donne.
2. A

9. A naone givcD to a drone from the (low
motion of a fnail. Shakʃpeare.

SNA'JL CJ^AVER, or SaaiUtre/.U f. An
herb. Ainsworth.

SNAKE. ʃ. Tr.' S»ion ; ſnake, Du'ch.]
A ſerpent of the otiparous kind, diſhnguiſhed
from a viper. The ſnake's bite is
harmleſs. Shakʃpeare.

SNA'KEROOT. ʃ. [frak^ tnd root.] A ſpedes
of birthwort growing in Virginia and

SNA'KESHEAD ir/j. [Hermodcaylus, Lat.]
A plant, Mn'Ier,

SNA'KEWEED. or Bi^ar:. ſ. [hſtorm,
Latin.] A plant.

SNAKEWOOD. ʃ. The ſm>ller branches
of the ro.)t of a tall ſtrant tree growing in
the ifl'nd of Tinnor, and other parts of the
Eafl. It has no remarkable im%\\ ; but is
of an intenfely bitter taſte.

SNA'KY. a. [from V...]
1. Serpentine ; belonging to a ſnake ; re-
Cembling a ſnake. Milton.
1. Having ſerpents. Ben. Johnſon.

To SNAP. v. a. [the ſome with knaf..
1. To break at once ; to break fbort.
BrambaU. Digby.
%, To ſtrike with aknacking noiſe, fnap,
or ſharp knap. Pope. .
3. To bite. Wiſeman.
4. To catch ſuddenly and unexpectedly.
WottQti. Dryden.
5. To treat V.th Aarp language. Granv,

To SNAP. v. n.
1. To break ſhort ; to foil aſunder. Donm.
2. To make an effort to bite with eagerncf
«. Shakʃpeare.

SNAP. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of breaking with a quick motion,
2. A greedy fellow. L'Eſtrange.
3. A quick eager bite. CarcWt
4. A catch ; a theft,

1. A plant.
2. A kind of play, in which brandy is fet
tm fire, and raiſins thrown into it, which
thoſe who are unuſed to the ſport are afraid
to Ukt out ; but which may be fafely
foatched by a quick motion, and put blazing
into the iriouth, which being cloſed,
the fire is at once extinguiſhed.

SNA'PPER. ʃ. [from fiiap.] One who fnaps.Shakʃpeare.

SNAPPISH. a. [from fnap.]
1. Eager to bite. Spectator.
2. Peeviſh ; ſharp in reply.

SNA'PPISHLY. ad. [from /nappijb.] Pee.
viſhly ; tarilv.

SNA'PPISHNESS. ʃ. [from fnapfij2,.] Peeviſhneſs
; tartneſs.

SNA'PSACK. ʃ. [fnappfack, Swediſh.] A
folditt'6 bag.

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SNARE. ʃ. [fiara, Swediſh and IflindUk ; fnoor, Dutch.]
1. Any thing ſet to catch an animal ; a
gin ; a net. Milton.
1. Any thing by which one is intrapped or
inrannied. Taylor.

To SNARE. v. a. [from the noun.] To intrap ; to inrangle. Milton.

To SNARL. v. ». [/narren, Dutch.]
1. To growl as an angry animal ; to goarre.Shakʃpeare.
1. To ſpeak roughly ; to talk in rude term..

To SNARL. v. a. To intangle ; to erobarraſs. Decay of Piety.

SNA'RLER. ʃ. [from fnarl.] One who
fnarls ; a growling, ſurly, quarrelſome, infiiJting
fellow. Swift.

SNA'RY. a. [ixoxn fnare.] InUnglin^jj infidious. Dryden.

SNAST. ʃ. The fnuff of a csndle. Bacon.

To SNATCH. v. a. [Jnackfn, Dutch.]
1. To ſeize any thing haftily. Hooker.
1. To tranſport or carry ſuddenly. Ciar,

To SNATCH. v. a. To bite, or catch
eagerly at ſomething, Shakʃpeare.

SNATCH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A hally catch,
2. A ſhort fit of vigorous action. Tuffer,
3. A ſmall part of any thing ; a broken
part. Brown.
4. A broken or interrupted a^Uoii ; a ſhorc
fit, Wilkins.
5. A quip ; a ſhuffling anſwer. Shakſp.

SNA'TCHER. ʃ. [from jnaub.^ One that
fnatches. Shakʃpeare.

SNA'TCHINGLY. ad. [from Jnatibing.]
Haftily ; with interruption.

To SNEAK. v. n. [rracan, SaxoiJ-j fnigf,
1. To creep flily ; to come or go as if afraid
to be ſeen. Dryden, Watts.
2. To behave with meanneſs and lervility {
to crouch. South, Pope.

SNE'AKER. ʃ. A Urge vcflel of drink.

SNEAKING. principial a, [from /«««..]
1. Servile} mean ; low.
2. Covetous ; niggitdly ; naeanly parcimonious.

SNE'AKINGLY. ad. [from fneaiing..
Meanly; ſervilely. Herbert.

SNE'AKUP. ʃ. [from fneak.] A cowardly,
creeping, infidious ſcoundrell Shakſp.

To SNEAP. v. a.
1. To reprimand ; to checks
2. To nip. Shakʃpeare.

SNEAP. ʃ. [from the verb.] A reprimand ; a check. Shakʃpeare.

To SNEB. «. A [Preperly to f'ib. See
Sn E A p.] To ckeck ; to chide ; to reprimand. Spenſer.

To SNEER. 1.. ».
2. To

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1. To ſhow contempt by looks,
2. To infinuatc contempt by covert exw
preflionf, .
3. To utter with grimacp. Covgreve.
4. To ſhow aukward mirth. Tatlc , .

SNEER. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A look of contemptuous ridicule. Pope.
2. An fxpreſſion of ludicrous ſcorn. Watts.

To SNEEZE. v. H. [niepan, Saxon ; «/>/?»,
Dutch.] To emit wind audibly by the
nofe. Wiſemjr.

SNEEZE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Emiſſion of
wind audibly by the nofe. Brown.

SNE'EZEWORT. ʃ. ſpearrrica, Latin.] A

SNET. ʃ. [Among hunters.] The fat of a

SNEW. The old preterite of Tojnow.

To SMB. v. a. [jnibhiy Daniſh] To check ;
to nip ; to repiimand. Spenſn,

SNICK and Snee. ſ. A combat with knives. Wiſeman.

To SNI'CKER. or Snigger. v. n. To laugh
flily, wantonly, or contemptuouſly.

To SNIFF. 'o, n. [jniffa, Swediſh.] To draw
br<ath audibly up the nofe. Swift.

To SNIGGLE. v. n. Sniggling is thus performed
: take a ſtrong ſmall hook, tied to
a ſtring about a yard long ; and then into
one of the holes, where an eel may hide
herſelf, with the help of a ſhort ſtick put
in your bait leiſurely : if within the fight
of it, the eel will bite : pull him out by
degrees. Walton.

To SNIP/ 1/. a. [fnippen, Dutch.] To cut
at once with ſcifiar. Arbuthnot.

SNIP. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſingle cut with ſcilFars, Shakʃpeare.
2. A ſmall ſhred. Wiſeman.
3. A ſhare ; a fnack. L'Eſtrange.

SNIPE. ʃ. [fneppe^ German ; pnite, Sax.]
1. A ſmall fen fowl with a long bill. Floyer.
2. A fool
; a blockhead, Shakʃpeare.

SNI'PPER. ʃ. [from /«>.] One that fnips.

SNIPPET. ʃ. [from /«/>.] A ſmall part ; a
ſhare. Hudibras.

SNl'PSNAP. ʃ. Tart dialogue. Pope. .

SNITE. ʃ. [j-nita, Saxon.] A fnipe. Carew.

To SNllE. v. a. [pnyr-in, Saxon.] To
blow the nofe. Grew.

SNl'VEL. ſ. [fnevel, German.] Snot ; the
running of the nofe.

To SNl'VEL. v. w. [from the noun.]
1. To run at the nofe.
2. To cry as children. L'Eſtrange.

SNI'VELLER. ʃ. [from /«/t;e/.] A weeper ;
a weak lamenter, Swift.

To SNORE. v. n. [/«arfi5f», Dutch.] To
breathe hard through the nofe, as men in
flee p. Roſcommon, Stillingfleet.

SNORE. f. [fnopa, Saxon.] Audible reſperation
of flecpers through the nofe. Shak.

To SNORT. v. ». [/«ffrf^f«, Dutch.] To

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blow through the noſe as a high mettled
horſe. Je'tmiah,

SNOT. ʃ. [rn'te, Saxon ; /«oc, Dutch.]
The mucus of the nofe. Swift.

SNO'TTY. a. [from /no/.] Fulloffnot. Arbuthnot.

SNOUT. ʃ. [fnuyt, Dutch.]
1. The noſe of a bea ſt. Dryden.
2. The noſe of a man, in contempi.
3. The nofel or end of any hollow pipe.

SNO'UTED. a. [from fnout.] Having a
fnout. Grew.

SNOW. ʃ. [fnap, Saxon ; fnee, Dutch.]
The ſmall particles of water frozen before
they unite into drops. Locke, Sandys.

To SNOW. v. n. [j'oſpan. Sax. fneeu€ven,
Dutch.] To have fnow fall.

To SNOW. v. a. To ſcatter like fnow. Donne.

SNO'WBALL. ʃ. [fnsio and ball.] Around
lump of congelated fnow. Hayward.

SNO'WBROTH. f:[Jnoiu indbrotb.] Very
cold liquor, Shakʃpeare.

SNO'WDROP. ʃ. [narelffoUucoiumy Latin>.]
An early flower. Boyle.

SNOW-WHITE. a. [Jnow and white.]
White as fnow. Dryden.

SNO'WY. a. [from fnow.]
1. White like fnow. Rowe.
2. Abounding with fnow. Milton.

SNUB. ʃ. [from fnehbe, Dutch, a nofe, or
kfiubely a joint ,of the finger.] A jag ; a
fnag ; a knot in wood. Spenſer.

To SNUB. v. a.
1. To check ; to reprimand.
2. To nip. Ray.

To SNUB. v. n. [fnuffen, Dutch.] To fob
with convulfion.

To SNUDGE. v. a. [fniger, Daniſh.] To
lie idle, cloſe, or fnug. Herbert.

SNUFF. ʃ. [fnuf, Dutch, fnot.]
1. Snot.
2. The uſeleſs excreſcence of a candle.
3. A candle almoſt burnt out. Shakſp.
4. The fired wick of a candle remaining
after the flame. Addiſon.
5. Refentment expreſſed by fnifting ; perverſe
refentment. L'Eſtrange.
6. Powdered tobacco taken by the nofe. Pope. .

To SNUFF. v. a. [fnuffen ^ Dutch.]
1. To draw in with the breath. Addiʃon.
2. To ſcent. lickell,
3. To crop the candle. Taylor.

To SNUFF. v. n.
1. To fnort ; to draw breath by the rofr. Dryden, King.
2. To fnift in contempt. Mai. 11.

SNU'FFBOX. ʃ. [fnuff and box.] The box
in which Inuflf is carried. Pope. .

SNU'FFERS. ʃ. [from /nr//.] The inſtrument
with which the candl« is dipped, Swift.

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To SNU'FFLE. v. n. [fnuffehn, Dutch.]
To ſpeak through the nole ; to breath hard
through the nofc. Suirey. Dryden.

To SNUG. v. 71. [fn'iger, Dutch.] To lie
; to fnudge. L'Eſtrange.

SNUG. a. [from the verb.]
1. Clole ; tree from any inconvenience. Prior.
2. cloſe ; out of notice. Swift.
3. Silly or infidiouſly cloſe. Dryden.

To SNU'GGLE. v. n. [from fnug.] To lie
cloſe ; to iic warm.
So. ad. [;-pa, Sax. foo, Dut.]
1 In ijke manner. It .mſwers to ai either
preceding or following.
2. To ſuch a degree. Ben. Johnſon.
3. In ſuch a manner.
4. In the ſame manner. Milton.
5. Thus ; in this manner. Berkley.
6. Therefore ; for this reaſon ; in conſe-
quence of this. Hammond.
7. On theſe terms ; noting a condiiiLnal
petition. Rave,
8. Provided that ; on condition thar.
9. In like manner ; noting conceſſion of
one pr<pofuion and affumptionof a.TJther ;
anſwering to as, Swift.
10. Thus it is ; this is the ſtate. Dryden.
11. At this i«int ; at this time.Shakʃpeare.
11. It notes a kind of abiupt bfgi.-ining.
Well, Ben. Johnson.
13. It ſometime is little more .han a.-- expletive,
though it implies ſame litent or
furd companfon. Arbuthnot.
14. A word at afTumprion ; tFusbe it.Shakʃpeare.
iij. A form of petition. i,i akſpeare,
16. So ʃ. An exclamation a/tci f nic
thing di ne or known. Shakʃpeare.
17. So fo. Indift'ercntly ; not mued amiſs
nor v.c i Fclton,
18. So then. Thus then it is that ; therefore. Bacon.

To SOAK. v. n. [r-cjany Sax.]
1. To lie ſleeped in moiſture. Shakʃpeare.
2. To enter by degrees into pores. Bacon.
3. To drink glutlonouſly and inttmperately. Locke.

To SOAK. To a.
1. To macerate in any moiſture ; to ſteep; to keep wet till menture is ia.bibed ; 10
drench. Dryden.
2. To drain ; to exhauft. haion,

SOAP. f. [fipe, Sax /d/'O, Lat.] A luoitance
uſed in wathing, made of a iixivmcn
of vegetable alkaline aſh^s and undutus
ſubſtance. Ntwur.

SOAPBOl'LER. ʃ. [fosp and M, ; One
whole trade is to m.kr fs -p. Addiſon.
.^OAPWORT. ſ. [s a ſpecies of campijij.

To SOAR. ʃ. «. I
jorarcj Italian.]

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1. To fly aloft ; to tower ; to moiint ; properly to fly without viſible action of the
wings. MlIt Oft,
2. To mount intellectually ; to tower with
the mind. AddiſoTK
3. To riſe high. Milton.

SOAR. ʃ. [from the verb.] Towering flight. Milton.

To SOB. v. n. freob, Saxon.] To heave
auii;bly with convuJfive foriow ; to figh
w:th CLiivuifior. Foirfiixt

SOB. ʃ. [from the verb ] A convulſive figh ; a convulſive act of leſperation obſtru<fied by
f'frcjw. Swift.t

To SOB. I.-, a. To fo3k. A cant word. Mortimer.

SO'BER. a. [fdrius, Lat. f:.>?re, French.]
1. Temperate, particularly in ii^uours ;
not drunken. Taylor.
2. Not overpowered by drink. Booker.
3. Not mad ; right in the underſtanding. Dryden.
4. Regular ; calm ; free from inorcinate
padioq. ^bot,
5. Serious f folcmn ; grave. Shakʃpeare.

To SO'BER. v. a. [fr> m the adjectivc.] To
make foher. to^e,

SO'BERLY. ad. [from jober.-\
1. Without inlemperince.
2. Without madueſs.
3. T-^mperately ; m.derately. Bacon.
4. Coolly ; calmly. Locke.

SO'BERNESS. ʃ. [from fber.]
1. Teniperani-e in diifik. Corrmon Prayer.
2. Calmnefb ; freedom from enthuſufm ; roolnffs, Dryden.

SOBRI'ETY. ʃ. [foirius, Lat.]
1. Temperance in dnnic ; ſoberneſs. Taylor.
2. Preſent freedom from the power of
iHong Itquour.
3. G'?nc'.al temperance. Hooker.
4. Freedom from inordinate paſhen. Rogers.
5. Calmn-'fs ; cOoIneſs. Dryden.
6. S.-nouſneſs
; gravity, D.bjm,

SOCCAGE. ʃ. [joc, French, a piough-
ſhare.] A tenure of lands for certain mferuiuror
huſbandly ſervices to bep'rformcd
to the loid of the fee. All ſervices due
for land being kftlght's ſervice, or foccjge
; ſo that whatever is not knight's ſervice, is
foccpge. CoiVcU

SO'CIABLE. a. [ſociable, French i fjau.
bihi, i^.u.]
1. Fit to be conjoinrd. Hooker.
2. Ready to unite in a general interert. Addiſon.
1. Friendly; ſimiliar. Milton.
4. Inclm'd to company. l^ution,

SO'CIABLENESS. ʃ. [from ſociall-.]
1. inclination to conip-iny and converfi.
5 X '2. Frcod--m

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2. Freedom of converfation ; good fe'low-
ſhip, Hayward.

SOCIABLY.ai. [^from ſociable.] Converfibly
; as a companion. Milton.

SO'CIAL. a. [/oc/tf/a, L5it.]
1. Relating to a general or publick intereſt. Locke.
2. Eaſy to mix in friendly gaiety. Pope.
3. Confining in union or converſe with another. Milton.

SO'CIALNESS. ʃ. [from ſocial. The quality
of being ſocial.

SOCI'ETY. ʃ. [foctete, French ; /oaWdf,
1. Union of many in one general intereſt.
2. Numbers united in one intereſt ; community. Milton.
3. Company; converſe, Shakʃpeare.
4. Fartnerſhip; union on equal terms. Dryden.

SOCK. ʃ. [Joccus, Lat. poor. Sax. Jocke, Dutch.]
1. Something put between the foot and SOFT, inter].
ihoc. Bacon.
2. The ſhoe of the ancient comick afl;ors. Milton.

SO'CKET. ʃ. [fouchette,Yt.-\
1. Any hollow pipe ; generally the hollow
of a candteſtick. Collier.
2. The receptacle of the eye. Dryden.
3. Any hollow that receives ſomething inferled. Bacon.

chil'els. Moxon.

SOCLE. ʃ. [with architeas.] A flat ſquare
member, under the bales of pedeſtals of ſtatues
and vales. Bailey.

SO'CMAN. or Soccager. ſ. [pjcapman.
Sax.] A ſort of tenant that Holds lands ,
and tenements by loccage. Cozvel,

SO'COME. ʃ. A cutlorn of tenants being
obliged to grind their corn at their lord's
mill. Bailey.

SOD. f. [Joed, Dutch.] A turf ; a clod. Collins.

SOD. The preterite of ſcetbe. Chapman.

SODA'LITY. ʃ. [/od.;//Vfl5, Lat.] A fellowſhip; a trateinity. Stillingfleet.

SODDEN. [The participle paſſive of/eff-6e.]
; feethed. Dryden.

To SO'DER. 1'. a. [fouder, French ; fouderen,
Dutch.] To cement with ſome metullick
matter. IJaiub.

SO'DER. ʃ. Metallick cement. OMiir.

SOE. ʃ. A large wooden vellei with hoops,
for holding water; a cowl. Moie,

SOE'VER. id. [jo and cvcr.] A word
properly joined with a pronuun or adverb,
3S whoſoever ; whatſoever ; howſoever.

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SO'FA. ʃ. [I believe an eaſtern word.] A
ſplendid feat covered with carpets. Guar,

SOFT. a. [rcpt, Sax. faſt, Dutch.]
1. Not hard. Bacon.
2. Not rugged ; not rough. Matthew.
3. Duftile; not unchangeable of form. Milton.
4. Facile ; flexible ; not reſolute ; yielding. King Charles.
5. Tender ; timorous. Pope. .
6. Mild ; gentle ; kind ; not ſevere. Milton.
7. Meek ; civil ; complaifant.Shakʃpeare.
8. PIacid ; ſtill ; eaſy. Milton.
9. Effeminate ; viciouſly nice. Davies.
10. Delicate ; elegantly tender. Milton.
11. Weak; ſimple. Granville.
12. Gentle ; not loud ; not rough. Dryden.
13. Smooth ; flowing. Pope. .
14. Not forcible; not violent, Milton.
Hold ; flop ; not ſo faſt.

To SO'FTEN. v. a. [from ſoft.]
Suckling. Bacon.
2. To intenerate ; to make leſs fierce or obſtinate. Addiʃon.
3. To make eaſy ; to campoſe ; to make
placid. Pope. .
4. To make leſs harſh. Dryden.
A ſtronger ſort of To SO FTEN. v. n.
1. To grow leſs hard. Bacon.
2. To grow leſs obdurate, cruel, or obſtinate.Shakʃpeare.

SO'FTLY. ad. [from fofc]
1. Without hardneſs.
2. Not violently ; not forcibly.
3. Not loudly.
4. Gently ; placidly,
5. Mildly
; tenderly.

SO'fTNER. ʃ. [from ſoft.]
1. That which makes ſoft,
2. One who palliates.

SOFTNESS. ʃ. [from ſoft.]
1. The quality of being foit.
2. Qu^ality contrary to hardneſs. Bacon.
3. Mi.'dneſs ; kindneſs. -' Watts.
4. C vility
; gentlencls. Dryden.
5. Effeminacy; vicious delicacy. Taylor.
6. Thnorouſneſs ; pufill<inimity. Grew.
7. Qual ty contrary to harſhneſs. Bacon.
8. Facility; gentleneſs ; candour; eaſineſs
to be affected. Hooker.
9. Mildneſs ; meekneſs. Waller.

SOflO. interj, A form of calling from a
diſtant place.

To SOIL. v. a. [filian, Sax. fouilltr, Fr.]
1. To foul
; to dirt ; to pollute ; to ſtain ; to fully. Bacon.
2. To . Bacon, Dryden, Swift.

To duDg ; to manure. South.

SOIL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Dirt) Tpot ; pollution; fouſneſs. Shakſpeare.
2. Ground ; earth, conſidered with relation
toils vegetative qualities. £jc^n.
3. Land ; country. M-lton.
4. Dung ; comport. Mortimer.

SOi'LINESS. ʃ. [from foil] Stain; fouſneſs. Bacon.

SOI'LURE. ʃ. [from /o/V.] Stain ; pollution. Shakʃpeare.

To SO'JOURN. v.n. [fejourner^ French.]

To CiWtll any where for a time ; to live as
not at home ; to inhabit as not in a ſettled
habitation. Donne.

SO'JOURN. ʃ. [A/Wr, French ; from the
verb.] A temporary reſidcace; a caſual
and no ſettled habitation. Milton.

SO'JOURNER. ʃ. [from fojourn.] A temporary
dweller. Milton.

To SO'LACE. v. a. [fdacler, old French ; folazTiarey Italian ;
jolatium, Latin.] To
comfort ; to cheer ; to amuſe, Milton.

To SO'LACE. v. n. To take comfort.Shakʃpeare.

SO'LACE. ʃ. [fo/jtium, Lat.] Comfort ;
pleaſure ; alleviation ; that which gives
comfort or pleaſure. Hooka-. Milton.

SOLA'NDER Jt [Joulandrei, Fr. ; A diſeaſe
in horſes. DiB,

SO'LAR. v. a. [fclaire,Fienzh ; jo/a-

SOLARY. ʃ. rts, Lat.]
1. Being of the fun. Boyle.
2. Belonging to the fun. Brown.
3. Born under or in the predominant influence
of the fun. Dryden.
4. Meaſured by the fun. Holder.

SOLD. The preterite and participle paſſive
of ſells.

SOLD. ʃ. [fou/dee, old Fr.] Military pay; warlike entertainment. Spenſer.

SO'LDAN. ʃ. [for fuhan.] The emperor
of the Tutks. MIton.

SO'LDANEL. ʃ. [foUanella, Lat.] A plant.

To SO'LDER. v. ſ. [fuler, Fr. foldare,
ItaU jolidarty Lat.] See Soder,
1. To unite or fallen with any kind of
metallick cement. Newton.
2. To mend ; to unite any thing broken.

SO'LDER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Metallick
cement, Swift.

SO'LDERER. ʃ. [from folder.] One that
folders or mendf.

SO'LDIER. ʃ. [folda-iui, low Lat.]
1. A fighting man ; a wartiuur,Shakʃpeare.
2. It is generally uſed of the common
men, as diſtinct from the commanders.

SO'LDIERLIKE. v. a. [fMunM like.]

SO'LDIERLY. ʃ. Mart.ai ; warlike ; military
; becoming a ſoldier. Clarenden.


SO'LDIERSHIP. ʃ. [from >/^/>r.] Military
charadter ; martial qualities 3 behaviour becoming
a foId;er. Shakʃpeare.

SO'LDIERY. ʃ. [from /c/Z/Vr.]
1. Booy of military men ; ſoldiers collect'.
ely. ,s.^;y>.
^^ Shakſp. martial ſkill, Sidney.

SOLE. ʃ. [folum,Ln.-\
1. The botiim of the foot, Shakſpeare.
2. The foot, Spenſer.
3. The bottonaof the ſhae. Arbuthnot.
4. The part of any thing that touches the
ground. Moxon.
5. A kind of fea.fiſh. Carew.

To SOLE. v. a. [f/om the noun.] To furniſh
with foles : as, to fole a pair of ſhoes.

SOLE. a. [fol, old French ; foim, Lat.l
1. Single ; only. Raleigh.
2. [In law.] Not married. ^'/'/^.

SOLECISM. ʃ. [3-c^3;xicr^aj.] Untitneſs
of one word to another. Mdfon,

SO'LELY. ad. [from fole.] Singly ; only.

{ flemn's, Lat.]
1. Anniverſary ; obſerved once a year.
2. Religiouſly -rave. Muton,
3. Awful; ſtnking with ſcriouſneſs.
4. Grave ; affectedly ferious. Swift.

SO'LEMN ESS. 1 r ,, ,, T

SOLE'MNITY. £ ^' ' ^ '.
1. Ceremony or rite annually performed. Pope.
2. Religious ceremony.
3. Awful ceremony or proceſſion. Bacon.
4. Manner of ading awfully ferious. Sidney.
5. Gravity ; fleady feriouſncG. Addiſon.
6. Awful g andeur ; grave ſtateilneſs ; ſubcr
dignity. ^'ottan,
7. Afteded gravity. Shakʃpeare.

SOLEMNIZA'TION. ʃ. [from fJar.nsif. ;
The act of fokmnizing ; celebration. Bacon.

To SO'LEMNIZE. v. a. [from fo'cmn.]
1. To dignity by particular fonnalitie,<!
; to celebrate. lioohr,
2. To perform religiouſly once a year. Hooker.

SO'LEMNLY. ad. [from fohmn.]
1. With annu.] religious ceremonie.-;.
2. With formal grayity and itatelineſs.
3. With formal ſlate. Shakʃpeare.
4. With aiVeded gravity. Dryden.
5. With religious fenouſneſs, Hwiff,

To SOLI'ClT. v. a. [ſolicito, Lat.]
1. To importune ; to intreat. Milton.
2. To call to action ; to ſummon ; to awake
; to excite. Rogers.
3. To implore ; to aſk, Sidney.
5X2 4. To

4. To attempt ; to try to obtain. Pope. .
5. To diſturb; to diſquiet. Milton.

SOLICITA'nON. ʃ. [from /o''Wr.]
1. Importunity ; act of importuiKng.
2. Invitation ; excitement. Lc.cke,

SOLrCITOR. ʃ. [from jolidt.]
1. One who petitions fur another,
2. One who does in Chancery the bufmeſs
which is done by attorneys in other courtf,

SOLI'CITOUS. tfo [ſolicitus, Lat.] Anxi.
ous ; carefulj concerned. Ttf^ /or. Clarenden.

SOLICITOUSLY. ad. [from jdicitout.]


SO'LTTAPINESS. ʃ. [from Jolitary.] Solitude
; forbearance of company ; habitual. Donne.
[folitaire, Fr. JolitariuSf
Anxinuſly ; carefully. Boyle.

SOLI'CIIUDE. ʃ. IjolicitudofLat.] Anxiety
; carefulneſs. Tiltoffon.

SOLI'CITRESS. ʃ. [Feminir^eof/o//nV^.r.]
A woman who pelitions for another. Dryden.

SOLID. a. [foUdus, Latin; Jolide^Fr.]
1. Not liquid ; Tint fluid, M'l/on.
2. Not hollow ; full of matter ; cnmpad ; denfe, Dryden.
3. Having all the geometrical dimenlions. Arbuthnot.
4. Strong; firm. Addiſon.
5. Sound ; not vircakly. l^Vatti.
6. Real; not empty; true; not f.llaci-

OUF. King Charles.
7. Not light ; not ſuperficial ; grave ; profound. Dryden.

SO'LID. ʃ. [in phyſick.] The part containing
the fluids. Arbuthnot.

SOLI'DITY. ʃ. [from ſolid.]
1. Fuliiifs of marter ; not hoilowneſs.
2. Fi'mneſs; hardueſs ; compactneſs ; denſity.

3.' Truth ; not falhciouſneſs ; intellectual
ſtrenfSth ; certainty. Addiʃon, Prior.

SP'LIDLY. ad. [from >/.-</.]
1. Firmly ; denfely ; cjmpactly,
2. Truly ; on good grounds Digby.

SOLIDNESS. ʃ. [from /c.W.] Solidity; firmneſs ; denſity. Howel.

SOLIDU'NGULOUS. a. [JoHdus nn^ u^gu-
/.', Lat. ) Wholehooſed. B-o'Wn.

SOLIFl'ni AN. ʃ. [
joius and /J<?s, Latini.]
One vho fiipp^'fes only faitti, not wori<s,
neceſl'ar^y to juitificaliorj. Hammcrd.

SOLl'LOQyy. ʃ. [
jo'ui and loqucr, Latin.]
A d.fcOiir;e made by one infoliturie ti> himfrH.

SG'LIFEPF. ʃ. [join Tiwi pede%,'L^x:\ An
animal whrMp feet r,rc not d 'Vrn. Brown.

SOL! ' A'IPvE. ſ. [jolhairt, French.]
1. AreJu'.ej a hermit. Pouf.
1. A'l ornament for the neck.
Sp LITAlllLY. ad. [from (olita-y.] In
j.>iitude: Vk'ith lonciineſs ; without romp.
' Mc,

1. Living alone ; not having company. Milton, Dryden.
2. Retired; remote from company.
3. Gloomy ; diſmal. Job,
4. S ngle. Brown.

SO'LITARy. ʃ. [from the adjective.j One
that lives alone; an hermit. Pope. .

SO'LITUDE. ʃ. [joUtudo, Lat.]
1. Lonely life ; ſtate of being alone. Bacon.'
2. A lonely place ; a deſert.

SO'LLAR. ʃ. [joiarium, low Lat.] A garret.

SOLO. ʃ. [Italian.] A tune piayed by a
ſingle inſtrument.

SO'LOMON'j Loaf. ſ. A plant.

SO'LOMON'i Seal. ſ. [polygonatum, Lat.]
A plant,

SOLSTICE. ʃ. [folflitium, Lat.]
1. The point beyond which the fun does
not go ; the tropical point ; the point at
which the day is longeſt in Summer, or
ſhorteſt in Winter.
2. It is taken of itſelf commonly for the
Summer folflice. Brown.

SOLSTITIAL. a. [from /#>-'.]
1. Btlonging to the foHiice. Brown.
2. Happening at the ſolſtice. Philips.

SO'LVIBLE. a. [from /o/i;^] PofTible to
be cleared by reaſon or inquiry. Hale.

SO'LUBLE. a. [fo!ubilii,Lu.] Capable of
diflclution or ſeparation of parts. Arbuthnot.

SOLUBI'LITY. ʃ. [from fohble.] Suſceptive-
icfs of reparation of parts, Granville.

To SOLVE. v. a. [Jolvo, Lat.] To clear ; to ejipiaiu ; to untie an intellectual knot.

SO'LVENCY. ʃ. [from fJi'ent.]^ Ability to

SO'LVENT. ff. [fjlvens.hit.l
1. Having the power to cauſe difTolution. Boyle.
2. Able to pay debts contracted.

SO'LUND-GOOSE. ʃ. A fowl in bigneſs
anO feather very like a tame gocfe, but his
bill longer ; his wi,igs aifo rhuch longer.
Gre-w. Cleaveland.

SOLU'TION. ʃ. [:'olurio, Lat.
1. Diltijſſiiou ; breach; diijuriction ; ſepa
ation. Bacon.
2. Mif.er diſſolved ; that which contains
any thing diiſhv-J. Arbuthnot.
3. Rcfoiuti.n of a doobt ; removal of an
intellet'roal diffijn'ry. M/«9«.

SO'LUTIVE. <3. [from /(7/ro, L't.] Lsxative
; caiſhoR itlaxatioD,Bacon.

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SOMATO'LOGY. ʃ. [9-%« and \}y<c.]
The doctrine of bodies.

SOME. Attermination of many adjeffives,
which denote quality or property of any
thing: 2i% gamijitne, [/jam, Dutch.]

SOME. a.
[fom, pum, Sax. /&m, /(.»»»R/^,
^ I. More or leſs, noting an indtterminate
quantity. Raleigh.
2. Mere or fewer, noting an indetenmnate
number. Bacon.
3. Certain perſons. i'o'n.? is often iiled abiolutely
for ſome people. Daniel.
4. Some ii oppoſed 10 f:mey or to others. Spenſer.
5. One ; any without determining which. Milton.

SOMEBODY. ʃ. [feme arjd body.
; 1. One; not nobody; a perfuc indiſcriminate
and undetermined. Bacon.
2. A perſon of ctnſideration. ABs.

SO'.MEDZAL. ad. [pjtnbeil, Sax.] In feme
degree. Spenſer.

SOMERSAULT. ʃ. Sommer, a beam,

SOMERSET. ʃ. and fault, Fren'b, a
leap.] A leap by which a jumper throws
himſelf from a beam, and turns over his

SO'MEHOW. a. [ſome and bozv.] One
way or other. Cheyne.

SOMETHING. ʃ. [funiSinj, Sax.]
1. Not nothing, thocgh it appears not
what; a thing indeterminate. Pope. .
2. More or leſs. Pope. .
3. Part. Watcs.
4. Dirtance not great. Shakʃpeare.

SO'METHING. ad. In ſome degree. Temple.

SO'METIME. ad. [ſome md time.] Once; formerly. Shakʃpeare.

SO'MtITIMES. ad. [feme irA times.]
1. Not never ; now and then ; at one
time or other. Taylor.
2i At one time, oppoſed to ſometimes, or
to another time. Burr.ct.

SO'MEWHAT. ʃ. [ſome and what.]
1. Something ; not nothing, though it be
uncertain vhat. Atterbury.
2. More or leſs. Grew.
3. Part greater or leſs. Dryden.

SOMEWHAT. ad. In ſome degree. Dry.
bOiVfEWHiiRE. ad. [ſome and where.]
In one place or other ; not ncwhcr?;.


SO'MEWHILE. ʃ. [ſome and wti'e.j Once; f(;r a rime. i-p'rfir.

SOMNi'FEROUS. a. [fownifer, Latin.; C'lufing ſleep ; procuring flcep ; foporiter
cus ; dormitiwe. Walior,.

SDMNIFICK. a. [/owhm. and/jc/o, Lat.]
Caufing' ſleep.

SO'iMNOLENCY. ʃ. [fmnolentia, Latin.]
Sleepineſs ; inclination to flccp.
s o o

SON. f,
[/wwtti, Gothick ; r°na, Saxon |
fohn, German ; frn^ Swtdiſh
; fne Dutch ;
fyn, Sclavoiwan.]
1. A male born of one or brgctCrn by one ;
correlative to father or m'^^^rt1. Shak^b,
Z- Dcſcendant however diſtaic. I,a'ah,
3. Compcllat;cm of an old to a yivng man,Shakʃpeare.
4. Nitive of a country. Pope. .
5. The ſecond pcrlon of the Trinity.
6 Produſt of any tiling. Brown.
7. Ill ſcripeare, fora of pnde, and font of
light, denotingiome quality.

SON.IM-LAW. ʃ. 0<i€ maniedto one's
d< ugl.ter, Dryden.

SO'N^IP. ʃ. [fiam>.] F.hation.
Decay of piety,

SONA'TA. f [Italian.] A tune. Prior.

SONG. ʃ. [from ; p^^lS' «. Sax.]
1. Any ſhIT>g nivdttiactJ in the uttfrsmce. Milton.
2. A poem to be Riodul,Jted by the voice; a belied. Shakʃpeare.
3. A poem ; lay ; ſtrafn. Dryden.
4. Poetry ; pocfy. Pope. .
5. Notes of Dirds. Dryden.
6. j-in old%.-^G. A trifle. More,

SO'NGISH. a. [from j^g.] Containing
fones ; conſiſtingof longs. Dryden.

SONGSTER. ʃ. [from /;n^.] A finger.

SO'NGSTRESS. ʃ. [from /s^^J A female
finger. Ihorrfon,

SO'NNET. ʃ. [fonnety French 3 fonidto,
1. A ſhort poem corfifting: of fourteeo
lines, of which the rhymes are adjuſted
by a particular rnie. It has not b?en uſed
by any man of eminence fince Milto^.
2. A ſmall poem. Shakʃpeare.

SO^^NETTt'ER. ʃ. [ſwneiier^ Fr. from
fornet ; A ſmall poet, in contempr. Dry.

SOM'FEKOUS. a. [fonuizn^fe,o, Lat.]
Giving or bringing f'und, DerLjm.

SONOrVfICK. a. [fonoras and facto, Lat.]
Producing found. Watts.

SONO'ROUS. a. [/a«5rz/i, Lat.]
1. Loud foundiagj giving loud <w fliriU
lound. Miit OK,
2. High founding ; magnificent of found. Addiʃon.

SONO'ROULSY. ad. [from fontircus] Wi'h
h eh found ; witn magnificence of found,

SONO'ROUSNESS. ʃ. [from for.orcm.]
1. The Quality '.f gi'ing found. Boyle.
2. MagniiiLcnce of found.

SOON. ad. frona. Sax. facv^ D-Jtch.]
1. Before iong time be paſt ; ſhortly after
any time alTigned. Dryden.
2. E'rly; btforeany time ſuppoſed : oppoſed
to late. Bacon.
1. Readily;

5. Readily ; willingly. Addiſon.
4. Soon ai. Immediately. Exodits.

SOONLY. ad. [from joor.] Quickly ; ſpeediiy. More.

SO'OPBERRY. ʃ. [Japindus, Lat.] A plant. Miller.

SOOT. ʃ. [ret, Sax. foot, inandick ; foet,
Dutch.] Condenfed or embodied ſmoke.

SO'OTED. a. [from /oo.'.] Smeared, manured,
or covered with foot. Mortimer.

SO'OTERKIN. ʃ. A kind of falſe birth
fabled to be produced by the Dutch women
from fitting over their ſtoves. Swift.

SOOTH. ʃ. [fovS, Sax.] Truth ; reaiuy.Shakʃpeare.

SOOTH. a. [j-ctS, Saxon.] Pleaſing ; delightful.

To SOOTH. v. a. [j^p^jan, Saxon.]
1. To flatter ; to pleaſe. Dryden.
ss. To calm ; to ſoften ; to mollify. Dryden.
3. To gratify ; to pleaſe, Dryden.

SO'OTHER. ʃ. [from foQtb.-\ A flatterer; one who gains by blandiſhments.Shakʃpeare.

To SOOTHSA'Y. v. n. [footh andfay.]
To predia ; to foretell, ^Si.

SOOTHSA'YER. ʃ. [from footbjay.] A
foreteller ; a predifter ; a prognofticator.Shakʃpeare.

SOO'TINESS. ʃ. [from fjoty.] The quality
of being footy.

SOO'TY. a. [from foot.]
1. Breeding foot. Milton.
2. Conſiſting of foot. Wilkim.
3. Black ; dark ; duſky. Milton.

SOP. ʃ. [rop, Sax. ſcſpe^ Dutch.]
1. Any thing ſtceped in iiquour to be eaten. Dryden.
m,. Any thing given to pacify. Swift.

To SOP. v. a. To {ieep in liquour.

SOPE. ʃ. [See Shakſp.]

SOPH. ʃ. [from j.ph:jla, Latin.] A young
man who has been two years at the uni-

VTfuy. Pope. .

SO'Pni. ʃ. [Perfian.] The emperor of
P'^fii. Coigre've.

SO'l^HlSM. ʃ. [jophiJ>r.a,hzx.] A fallacious
argument ; an unfound ſubtilty.

SO'PHIST. ʃ. [fophijia, Lat.] A profcffar
of philofophy. Temple.

SOPHIST ER. ʃ. [fophifte, French.]
1. A diiputant fjiijciouſly ſubtle ; an artful
but infidious i.gician. Rogers.
2. A profeflor of philofophy ; a ſophin.

SOPHI'STICAL. a. [Jophijiique, Fr. from
jophij}.] Fiilaciouſly fuotle ; Jcgically deceilful.

SOr^HI'STIC.ALLY. ad. lisom fopb-.pua!.]
Wilh fallacious ſubliity.
''. Swift.

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To SOPHI'STICATE. v. a. [fophiſhquer,
Fr. from ſophij}.] To adulterate ; to corrupt
with ſomething ſpurious. Shakʃpeare, Boyle.

SOPHFSTICATE. part. a. [from the verb.]
Adulterate ; not genuine. Granville.

SOPHISTICA'TION. ʃ. [fopbijiication, Fr.]
Adulteration ; not genuineneſs. Granville.

SOPHISTICA'TOR. ʃ. [from fopbifticate.]
Adulterator ; one that makes things not

SO'PHISTRY. ʃ. [from fopbiji. 2 Fallacious
ratiocinatim. Sidney.

To SO'PORATE. v. n. [foporo, Lat.] To
lay afltep.

SOPORITEROUS. a. [fopor and fero. ;
Predudive of ſleep ; cauſing ſleep ; narcotick
; opiate. Bacon.

SOPORI'FEROUSNESS. ʃ. [from foporifercus.]
The quality of cauſing deep.

[fcpor and facio.] Caufing
; opiate ; narcotick. Locke.

SO'PPER. ʃ. [iromfop.] One that ſteeps
any thing in liquour.

SO'RBILE. a. [from forbeo, Latin.] That
may be drunk or fipoed.

SORBITION. ʃ. [ſcrbitio, Lat.] The act
of drinking or fipping.

SORBS. ʃ. [forbum, Lat.] The berries of
the forb or ſervicetree.

SO'RCERER. ʃ. [forcur, Fr.] A conjurer ;
an enchanter ; a magician. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RCERESS. ʃ. [Female of forcerer.] A
female magician ; an eachantreſs. Bacon.

SO'RCERY. ʃ. Magick ; enchantment; conjuration. Tatler.

SORD. y. [from ſward.] Turf ;
ground. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RDES. ʃ. [Latin.] Fouſneſs ; dregs. Woodward.

SORDET. ʃ. [fourditie, French ; for-

SO'RDINE. ʃ. t//'«a, Italian.] A ſmall pipe
put into the mouth of a trumpet. Berkley.

SO'RDID. a. [ſordidus, L2it.]
1. Ful; groſs ; filthy ; dirty. Dryden.
2. [Sordtde, French.] Intellectually dirty ; mean vile ; baſe. South.
3. CvVetous; niggardly. Denham.

SO'RDIDLY. ad. [from ſordid.] Meanly ;
poorly ; covetouſly.

SO'RDIDNESS. ʃ. [from ſordid.]
1. Meanneſs ; bafeneſs. Coioley,
1. Naſtin-fs ; not neatneſs. Ray.

SORE. f. ſp ji, Sax. A place tender and
paintui} a place excoriated ; an ulcer. Berkley.

SORE. a. [from the noun.]
1. Tender to the touch. Locke.
2. Tender in the mind ; eaſily vexed.
3. Violent with pain ; affliſhvely vehe-
Je^^t- Common Prayer.
4. Criminal. Shakʃpeare.


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SORE. ad. With painful or dangerous vehemence'
Cuinmon Prayer,

SO'REHON.? ʃ. [IriHi and Scotufn.] A

SORN. ʃ. ^'l of arbitrary exaction ur
ſcrvile tenure, formerly in Scotland, as
likewiſe in Ireland ; whenever a chieftan
had a trjind to revel, he came down among
the tenants with his foilowers, and lived
on free quarters. When a perſon obtrudes
himſelf upon another, for bed and boird,
he is ſaid to forn. Machean.

SOREL. ʃ. The buck is called the firſt
year a fawn ; the third z Jorel, Shakʃpeare.

SO'RELT. ad. [from fore..
1. With a grea-t degree of pain or diſtreſs, Shakʃpeare.
2. With vehemence dangerous or altiidtive. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RENESS. ʃ. [from fore.] Tenderneſs
of a hurt. Temple.

SORI'TES. ʃ. [<r»gEIT»)5, properly an heap.]
Aa argument where one propoſition is accumulated
on another. Wotti,

SORO^RICIDE. ʃ. [/. or and cado.] The
murder of a fiftcr.

SO RRAGE. ʃ. The blades of green wheat
or barley. DiEl.

SO'RRANCE. ʃ. [In farriery.] Any diſeaſe
or fore in horſes. DiB.

SORREL. ʃ. [j-ajie. Sax. forel, French, ; A plant like dock, but having aa acid tailc.

SO'RRILY. ad. [from /orry] Meanly;
poorly ; deſpecably
; wretchedly 3
pitiably. Sidney.

SO'RRINESS. ʃ. [from /orr;r.] Meanneſs ;
wretchedneſs ; pitiableneſs ; deſpecablenelf.

SORROW. f. [/5^^, Damſh. ; Gnof ;
pain for ſomething palt ; ſadneſs ; mt.uming. Milton.

To SO'RROW. v.r. [r rvjun, Sax.] To
grieve ; to be fad ; to be ocjeded. Mil m.

SORROWED. a. [from ybrr&w.] Accompanied
with fotrow. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RROWFyL. a. [forroio zrA ſuit ]
1. Sad for ſomethixig p<ift ; niuurntul ;
grieving. To b.
2. Deeply ferious. i Sam.
3. Exptcfling grief} accompanied with
grief. yd^.

SO'RRY. a. [rJJiiS, Saxon.]
1. Grieved t-jT ſomething paſt. Sicifi.
2. Vile
; worthleſs ; vexatious.
GlaKvilU, Milton.

SORT. f. [/.r/f, Fr]
1. A kind ; a ſpecies, Ti'/oifon. WalJh.
2. A manner ; a form of being or ading. Spenſer.
3. A degree of any quality. U.w. Dryuca.
4. A claſs, or order of perſons. Hooker. Aderbury.
5. A company ; a knot of people. St. jk.
<6. Rank ; condition above the vulgar. SLi,

7' A lot. Shakʃpeare.
8. A pair ; a fet. Mibon,

To SORT. v. a. [fortiri^ Lat.]
1. To ſeparaie into diftjn£t and proper claff
«. Hooker.
2. To reduce to otder from a ſtate of confuſion.Shakʃpeare.
3. To conjoin ; to put together in d;ltribution. Davies.
4. To cull ; to chuſe ; to ſcled. Chapman.

To SO:<T. v.n.
1. To be joined with others of the fam»
%cies. Woodward.
2. To conſort; to join. Bacok,
3. To ſuit; to fit. Pope. .
4. To terminate ; to iſſue. Bacon.
5. To have ſucceſs. Abbci,
6. To fall out. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RTANCE. ʃ. [from /.rf.] Suitableneſs
; agreement. Shakʃpeare.

SO'RTILtGE. ʃ. [fortilegiuvty Lat.] The
act of drawing lots.

SO'RTMENT. ʃ. [from fort..
1. The act of forting ; diſtribution,
2. A parcel forced or diſtributed.

To SOSS. v. n. [A cant word.] To fall
at once into a chair. Swift.

SOT. ʃ. [r^z. Sax. ſt, Dutch.]
1. A blockhead ; a dull ignorant ſtupii
fellow ; a colt, South.
2. A wretch Itupified by drinking. Roſcom.

To SOT. v. a. To ſtupify; to befot. Dry.
To iiOT. V. «. To tipple to ſtupidity.

SO'TfISH. a. [from /or.]
1. Dull ; ſtupid} ſenſeleſs; infatuate; doltiſh. Hayward.
2. Dull with intemperance.

SOTTISHLY. ad. [from ſcottiſh] Stujridly
; duliy ; f?nklcl.-iy. EertUy.

SOTTBHNESS. ʃ. [from /om/r.] Dullneſs
; (Cupidity ; inJenfibility. South.

SO'VERtlGN. a.
[/;:/rvra//r, Fr.]
1. Sypteme in power ; having no ſuperi-
»;our. Dryden.
2. Suoremely efficaciou?. Hooker.

SOVEREIGN. ʃ. Supreme lord. Dryden.

SO'VliREIGNLY. ad. [imm ſoveregn.]
Supremely ; in the higheſt degree. Boyle.

SOVEREIGNTY. ʃ. [jcwv-rainttc, Fr.]
Supremacy ; higheit place ; higheſt degree
of excellence. Daviej,

SOUGH. ʃ. [from /fi.v:, Fr.] A ſubtcrraneous
dram. Rjy.

SOUGHT. The preterite and particle p;ff.
of fed. laiah,

SOUL. ʃ. ſpap?!, Sax.fiel, Dutch.]
1. The immaterial and imnjortal ſpirit of
man Daties,
2. Vital princJfl^. Shakʃpeare.
3. Spirit} clisnce ; quintcflence ; principal
part. Shakʃpeare.
4. liUricur power. Shakʃpeare.
5. A
5. A familiar appellation expreſſing the
qualities of the mind. PI^afts,
6. Human being. Addiſon.
7. Active power. Dryden.
8. Spirit ; fire ; grandeur of mind.
9. Intelligent being in general. Milton.

SOU'LED. a. [from JouL\ Fuminied with
mind. Dryden.

SOU'LLESS. a. [from foul,'] Mean ; low ;
ſpiritleſs. Shakʃpeare.

SOU'LSHOT. ʃ. [foul and Pot.] Some.
thing paid for a foul's requiem «mong the
Rumaniſh. -^y^'ff^'

SOUND. a. [funb, Sax.]
1. Healthy ; hearty ; not morbid, Dryden.
2. Right ; not erroneous. Hooker.
3. Stout ; ſtrong ; luſty. Abbot.
4. Valid ; not tailing. Spenſer.
5. Faft ; hearty. Milton.

SOUND. ad. Soundly ; heartily ; completely
faſt. Spenſer.

SOUND. ʃ. [fonde, French.] A ſhallow
fea, ſuch as may be founded. Camden, Ben. Johnson.

SOUND. y. [/oK^e, Fr.] A probe, an inſtrument
ukd by chiruigeons to feci what
is out of reach of the fingers. Sharp.

To SOUND. v. a.
1. To ſearch with a plummet ; to try
depth. Shakʃpeare.
2. To try ; to examine. Addiʃon.

To SOUND. v. n. To try with the founding
line. A^s, Locke.

SOUND. f. Thecuttie-fiſh. Ainſworth.

SOUND. [fonmy Lat.]
1. Any thing audible ; a noiſe ; that which
is perceived by the ear. Bacon.
2. Mere empty noiſe oppoſed to meaning. Locke.

To SOUND. v. n.
1. To make a noiſe ; to emit a noiſe. Mil.
2. To exhibit by likeneſs of found. Shakʃpeare, Ben. Johnſon.

To SOUND. n). a.
1. To cauſe to make a noiſe; to play on. Milton.
2. To betoken ordirect by a found. Wd,
3. To celebrate by found. Milton.

SO'UNDBOARD. ʃ. [found and board.]
Board which propagates the found in organ'-. Milton.

SO'UNDING. a. [from found.] Sonorous ; having a magnificent found. Dryden.

SO'UNDLY. ad. [from found.]
1. Healthily ; heirtily.
2. Luftily ; ſtoutly ; ſtrongly. Chapman, Swift.
3. Truly ; rightly, Bacon.
4. F-tft ; cloſely. Locke.

SOU'NDNEiS. ʃ. [from found.]
1. Health ; hc^rtineſs. Shakʃpeare.C'
2. Truth ; rei^Jrudg ; incorrupt ſtate. Hooker.

3. Strength; ſolidity. Hosken

SOUP. f. [/o«;>f, French.] Strong decoction
of f5eſh for the table. Swift.

SOUR. f. [rop,Sax.]
1. Acid ; aufterej pungent on the palate
with aſtringency. Dryden.
2. Harſh of temper ; crabbed ; peeviſh. Tatler.
3. Affliaive ; painful. Shakʃpearea
4. Expreſſing diſcontenti Swifta

SOUR. ʃ. [from the adjective.] Acid ſubſtance. Spenſer.

To SOUR. v. a.
1. To make acid. Decay of Piety, Dryden.
2« To make haiſh. Mortimer.
3. To make uneaſy ; to make leſs pleaſing. Dryden.
4. To make diſcontented, Shakʃpearea

To SOUR. v. n.
1. To become acid. Arbuthnot.
2. To grow peeviſh or crabbed, Addiſon.

SOURCE./ [fource,lT.]
1. Spring ; fountain ; head, Addiſon.
2. Original ; firit courſe. Milton.
3. Firſt producer. Waller.

SO'URISH. a. [jfrom/oKr.] Somewhat four. Boyle.

SO'URLY. ad. [from four.]
1. Wirh acidity,
2. With acrimony. Dryden.

SO'URNESS. ʃ. [from four.]
1. Acidity ; auftereneſs of taſte. Denhartii
2. Aſperity ; harſhueſs of temper. Addiʃon.

SO'URSOP. ʃ. Cuftard-apple. Miller.

SOUS. ʃ. [//, French.] A ſmall denomination
of money.

SOUSE. ʃ. [fout, fdlt, Dutch.]
1. Pickle made of fait,
2. Any thing kept parbuiled in a fait pickle,

To SOUSE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To parboil, and ſteep in pickle. Pope. .
s. To throw into water. Sheakſpeare.

To SOUSE. v. n. To fall as a bird on its
prey. Dryden.

To SOUSE. v. a. To ſtrike with ſudden
violence, as a bird ſtrikes his prey. Shak.

SOU-5E. ad. With ſudden violc-ice. Alow

SO'UTERRAIN. ʃ. [fouterrain, French.]
A grotto or cavern in the ground. Arbuthnot, South. ſ. [pu^, Sax. fuyd, Dutch.]
1. The pare where the fun is to us at noon. Bacon.
2. The ſouthern regions of tha globe. Milton.
3. The wind that blows from the South.Shakʃpeare.

SOUTH. a. [from the noun.] Southern ; merictional. Jch,

SOUTH. ad.
Ji To sow
1. To wards the Couth. Shakʃpeare.
4. From the fuuih. Bacon.

SO'UTHING. a. [from the noun.] G-ng
towards the ſouth, Dryden.

SOUrHEA'ST. ʃ. [fouth and eaſt.] The
point bp'ween the eaſt and Ituth. Bacon.

SOUTHERLY. a. [ho^fou-h.]
1. Belonging to any of the pan:s denominated
from the foulh ; not ebfoluttly ſouthern.
2. Lying towards the ſouth. Graunt.
3. Coming from abouc the fonth. Shakʃpeare.

SOUTHERN. a. [futS fine, iiaxon ; from
1. Belonging to the ſouth ; merictional.Shakʃpeare.
2. Lying towards the ſouth,
3. Conning from the ſouth. Dryden.

SO'UrHERNWOOD. ʃ. [puSfiir.pu'fcu,
Saxon.] This phnt agrees m moſt parts
with the wormwood. M.ll r.

SOUTHMOST. a. [from /ott/i] F^rtheft
toward the ſouth. Milton.

SOUTHSAY. ʃ. [properly /oo/-&>>. ; P^edichon. Spenſer.

To SO'UTHSAY. v. «. [Sec Soothsay]
To predicfl. Car:d n,

SOUTHS AYER. ʃ. [^xo^exly ſoothfjycr.]
A prediftcr.

SOUTHWARD. ad. [fiotn ſouth.] Towards
the fouch, Raleigh.

SOUTHWEST. ʃ. [fouth and weji.] Pomt
between the ſouth and wefJ, Bacon.

SOU^'ENANCE. ʃ. [French.] Reaiembrmce ;
memory. Spenſer.

SOW. ʃ. [pu^n, Sax. ſceg,fou'w:y Dutch.]
1. A female pig ; the female of a boar. Dryden.
2. An oblong maſs of lead.
3. An inf-ct
; a millepede.

SO'WBREAD. ʃ. [cyclamen, Latin.] A

To SOW. v. n. [papan, Saxon ; faeyen,
Dutch. ; To katter feed in order to a harveſt. Leviticus.

To SOW. v. a. part. paflT. favn.
1. To ſcatter in the ground in order to
growth. Bacon.
2. To ſpread ; to propagate. Milton.
3. To impregnate or Itock with feed, Jfj,
4. To belprinkle. Milton.
To .^OW. v. a. For /'ly.

To bOWCE. v. a. To throw into the water,


SO'WER. ʃ. [from /aw.]
1. He that ſprinklcs the feed. Matthew.
2. A ſcattcrcr. Hakewell.
3. A breeder ; a promoter. Bacon.

SO'WINS. ʃ. Flanmcry, ſomewhat four'd
and ro^de of oatmeal, Swift.

To SOWL. v. a. To cull by the ears.Shakʃpeare.

SOWN. The particip'e of/jw.


SO'WTHISTLE. ʃ. a we- d. Bacon.

SI'AAD. ʃ. A kind of n ineral. Woodw,

SPACE. ʃ. [ff>atium Laur.]
1. Room ; I Cil extcnriun. Locke.
2. Any quantity of place. Buret,
3. Quantity of time. W ukins,
4. A ſmall time; - whie. Spenſer.

SPA'CIOl'3. a. [ſp crux Fr. ffa.'.'fut,
; Wide ; extenlive ; rof my ; n ic

SPA CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſpacious^ Ruomu
reſs ; wine extenhon

SPA'DDLE. ʃ. [diminutive oſ Jpadf ] A
ii tie ſp.<de. Mortimer.

SPADH. ʃ. [p; b, Saxon; ſpade, Dutch. |
1. The inſtruiii-nt of d'gging. Brown.
Z, A deer three ye^rs old. Ainsworth.
3. A fii.r of Cards.

SPA'DICEOUS. a. [ſpadiceuSyUu] Light
red, Bacon.

SPADl'LLK. ʃ. [ſpadUle, or eſpudiLe^ Fr.]
The ace of fuades dt ombre.

SPAGYRICK. a. [ſpjgy'icus,Lzi.] Chymicai.

SPA'GYRIST. ʃ. A chymift. Bx'e,

SPAKE. The old preterite of peik. Mdt,

SPALL. ʃ. [^eſpauU, French.] Sh-ulder. Fairfax.

SPALT. or ^p'lt, ʃ. A white, ſcaiy, naming
ſtone, frequently uſed to promote the
fuſion of metalr. Bailey.

SPAN. ʃ. [ppan, ppcnne, Saxon ;
jpanria. Italian ; Span. Dutch]
1. The ſpace from the end of the thumb
to the end of the hltlc finger extended. Holder.
2. Any ſhort duration. H^aller,

To SPAN. v. a.
1. To meaſure by the hand extended.
2. To meaſure. Herbert.

SPAN. The preterite ofſpirt. Drayttr,

SPA'NCOUNTER. ʃ/ [from pan, cuun-

SPA'NFARTHING. ʃ. ter, and f^nting.]
A play dt which money is thrown within
a ſpan or mark. Donne.

SPA'NGLE. ʃ. [ſp.2nge, German, a Ickcc ]
1. A ſmall plaie or boſs of ſhm-ng metal,
2. Any thing ſparkling and ſhining. Glanville,

To SPA'NGLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
beſprinkie with ſpangles or ſhming bodies.

SPA'NIEL. ʃ. [hiſpaniolusy Latin.]
1. A dog uſed for ſpoitin the field, remarkable
for fagacity and obedience. Dryden.
1. A low. mean, fneaking fellow. Shakʃpeare.f'p,

To SPA'NIEL. v. r. [from the noun.] To
fa.n en ; to play the ſpaniel. Shakſp.

SPA'NISH Broom. ʃ. A plant ſo called.'

SPA'NISH Nut. f.
[Jifjrinchium, Lann.]
A plant. Milton.

SPA'NKER f, A small coin. Denham.

SPA'NNER. ʃ. The lock of a ſuſpe or
Carabine. Howtl.

SPAR. ʃ.
1. Marcaſite. Newton.
2. A ſmall beam ; the bar of a gate.

To SPAR. v. t. To fight with preluſive

To SPAR. v. a. fſpi'pnin, Saxon ; ſp^rmeti,
German.] To ſhut ; to cloſe ; to bar. Shakſp, Spenſer.

SPARABLE. ʃ. [rpril\.n, Saxon. to faſten.
; Small n;iils,

SPA'RADRAP. ʃ. [In pharmacy.] A cerecloth. Wiſeman.

To SPARE. i>. a. Crn^n''' S'X. ^l^aenn,
Dutch \ ^jP'^Z^'^^f French.]
t. To life frugally ; not to waſte ; !io«- to
confume. Milton.
2. To have unemployed ; to fave for Jny
particular uſe. hirolli.
3. To do without ; to loſe willingly.
Ben. Johnſon.
4. To omit ; to forbear, Dryden.
5. To uſe tenderly ; to forbear; to treat
with pity. Common Prayer.
6. To grant ; to allow ; to indulge. Roſcommon.
7. To forbear to inflict or impoſe. Dryden.

To SPARE. «. ».
1. To live frugally ; to be parcimonious
; to be not liberal. Otnvay.
2. To forbear ; to be ſcrupulous. KkcIUs.
3. To uſe mercy ; to forgive ; to be tender. Bacon.

1. Scanty; not abundant; parcimonious. Bacon.
2. Superfluous ; unwanted. Bacon.
3. Lean ; wanting flcrti ; macilent. Milton.

SPARE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Parcimony ;
frugal uſe ; huſbandry. Bacon.

SPA'RER. ʃ. [iron^ ſpare,'\ One who avoids
expence. Wotton.

SPA'RERIB. ʃ. [ſpare and rib.] Some part
cut off from the ribs.

SPARGEFA'CTION. ʃ. [Jp^rgo, Latin.]
The act of ſprinkling.

SPARING. o. [from ſpare..
1. Scarce ; little. Bacon.
2. Scanty ; not plentiful. Pope.
3. Parciirjt)nious ; not liberal. Dryden.

SPA'RINGLY. ad. [from //)^r/«^.]
1. Not abundantly. Bacon.
2. Frugally; pdrcimoniouſly ; notlaviſhly. Hayward.
3. With abftinence, Atieibury.
4. Not with great frequency, Atterbury.
5. Cautiouſly ; tenderly.

SPARK. /- [ppeapca, Sax. /jOar/Je, Dutch.]
1. A {vmW paicidc of fire, or kindled
matter. Shakʃpeare.
2. Any thing ſhining. Locke.

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3. Any thinp vivid or active. Shakʃpeare.
4. A lively, ſhowy, ſplendid^ gay man. Collier.

To SPARK. v.n. [from the noun.] To
emir pnrcicles of fire ; to ſpa'kle. t^pe>ſcr.

SPA'RKFUL. a. [ſpark2.nAfuli.] Lively ;
briſk ; airy. Camden,

SPA'RKISH. a. [from ſpark.]
1. Airy ; gay, Waljbt
2. Showy ; well dreſſed ; fine. L'Eſtr.

SPA'RKLE. ʃ. [ix(^Tr^ſpark.]
1. A ſpark ; ai ſmall particle of fire. Dryden.
2. Any luminous particle. Hooker, Davies, Pope. .

To SPA'RKLE. w. ». [from the noun.]
1. To emit ſparks.
2. To iſſue in ſparks. Milton.
3. To ſhine ; to glitter. Watts.

SPA'RKLINGLY. ad. [from ſparkling. ;
With vivid and twinkling luſtre. Boyle.

SPA'RKLINGNESS. ʃ. [from ſparkhrg..
Vivid and twinkling luſtre. Boyle.

SPA'RROW. ʃ. [rpcsppa, Saxon.] A ſmall
bird. Watts.

SPA'RROWHAWK. or^ ſparhaivk. f.
[j-pea|\h;ipoc, Saxon.] The female olvthe
mufleet hawk. 4

SPA'RROWGRASS. ʃ. [Corrupted from
aſparagus.] ^i^S'

SPA'RRY. a. [from ^jr.] Conſiſting of
ſpar. Woodward.

SPASM. ʃ. f<r7ra<r/ua.] Convuiſion ; violent
and involuntary contraction. Arbuth.

SPA'SMODICK. a. [ſpajmod^^ue, French.]

SPAT. The preterite of ſplt, Co/pel,

SPAT. ʃ. The young ofſhell-fiſh. Pſ^oodw,

To SPA'TIATE. v. n. [ſpatior, Lat.] To
rove ; to range ; to ramble at large. Berkley.

To SPA'TTER. v. a. [rp8«» ''P't. Saxon.]
1. To ſprinkle with dirt, or any thing vifen
five. Addiʃon.
2. To throw out any thing offenſive. Shakʃpeare.
3. To aſperſe ; to defame.

To SPA'TTER. v. n. To ſpit ; to ſputter
as at any thing nauſeous taken into the
mouth. Milton.

SPA'TTERDASHES. ʃ. [[patter and Jap.]
Coverings for the legs by which the wet i> kept off.

SPA'TTLING Poppy. f. White behen.^ A
plant. Miller.

SPA'TULA. ʃ. A ſpattle or flice, islVd by
apothecaries and ſurgeons inſpicading plailters
or ſtirring medicines. Quincy.

SPA'VIN. ʃ. [eſpa'vent, French ; ſpat'ano,
Italian.] This oifeaſe in horſes is a bony
excreſcence or cruft as hard as a bone, that
grows on the inſide of the hough.
farrier's Dia,


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SPAW. ʃ. A place famous for mineral waters
; any mineral water,

To SPAWL. v.v. ſpjent'iin, to ſpit, Sax.]
To throw moiſture out ut the mouth.

SPAWL. ʃ. frpa^'. Saxon ] Spittle ; mo;fture
ejcded from the mouth. Dryden.

SPAWN. ʃ. [ff>er.eſpeam, Dutch.]
1. The eggs of fiſh ox of frogs. Shakſp.
2. A f^y Drodiid or ofTspring. Ti'Ltj.n,

To SPAWN. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To produce at fiſhrs do t^pgs. ^haifjp.
2. To generate ; to bring forth. Hivije.

To SPAWN. v. fi.
1. To iſſue as eggs from fiſh,
2. To iſſue ; to proceed. Locke.

SPA'WNER. ʃ. [from Jpityn.] The female
fiſh. ff^jften.

To SPAY. v. a. [/jl>ado, Latin.] To caſtrate
female animals, Mortimer.

To SPEAK. v. «. [Preterite, ^pake or ffioie ;
pjniciple palHve, y]t)«U/7
; ppccan, Saxon ; ffreken, Dutch.]
1. To utter articulate ſounds ; to expreſs
thoughts by words. Holder.
1. To harangue ; to make a ſpeech.
3. To talk furor againſt ; to diſpute.Shakʃpeare.
4. To diſcourſe ; to make mention,

5. To give found. Shakʃpeare.
6. To SPEAK with. To addreſs ; to converſe
with. Knolles.

To SPEAK. v. ^.
1. To utter with the mouth ; to proac'ince.
1. To proclaim ; to celebrate. Shakʃpeare.'ſp.
3. To addreſs ; to accoſt. Eccluſ.
4. To exhibit. Mitcri.

SPEA'KABLE. a. [from ſpeak]
1. P^lFible to be ſpoken.
2. Having the power --f fot ech. Milton.

SPEA'KER. ʃ. [from jpeak,\
1. One that ſpeaks. Wain,
2. One that ſpeaks in any particular manrier. Prior.
3. One that celebrates, proclaims or ment:
oas. Shakʃpeare.
4. The prolocutor of the commons. Dryd.

SPEA'KING Trumpet. J: A ſtentoroi;honick
inſttument ; a trumpet by which the
voice may be propagated to a great diſtancee. Dryden.

SPEAR. ʃ. [rP<^n«> Saxon; ſptre^ Dutch.]
1. A long weapon '.]:th a ſharp point, uſed
in thruſting or throwing ; a lance. C&ii /._y.
2. A lance generaljy with prongs to kill
fiſh, Cdretu.

To SPEAR. v. a. [from the noun.] To kill
or pierce wih a ſpear.

To SPEAR. v. n. To ſhjot or ſprout.

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SPEA'RXDRASS. ʃ. [ſpear2.nA^ror,.] Long

SPEA'RMAN. ʃ. [/ptjrini>,.u'.j One
who ufrc, launce in nght. Prior

SPEA'RMINT. ʃ. A plant; a ſpecies of

SPEA'RWORT. ʃ. An herb. Ainsworth.

SPE'CIAL. a. [l'pdu/,FT.ffec-Jis,Ux.]
1. Noting a fort or ſpecies. Wattt,
2. Particular; peculiar, fleck r. Autrb,
3. Appropriate ; deſigned for a particular Purpoſe- Davies.
4. Extraordinary ; uncommon. Spratt.
5. Chief in excelience. Shakʃpeare.

SPE'CIALITY. ad. [from >f./«/. ;
1. Particularly above other.'. DuUr,
2. Not in a common way ; peculiarly.

SPECIALTY. If lſpeciah-f/, Fr. from

SPECIALIiY. ʃ. ſp.ca/.] P^aicuiarity. Hooker.

SPE'CIES. ʃ. f//)^r,V», Latin.]
1. A Ion ; a ſubdiviſion of a general term, Watts.
2. Clafs of nature ; ſingle order of beings. Bentley,
3. Appearance to the ſenſes ; any viſible
or feiiſible icprtfentatinn. Ray.
4. Repreſentation to the mind, Dryden.
5 Show ; viſible exhibition. Bacon.
6 CircuLtifg money. Arbuthnot.
7. S-mplrs that have place in a compound,

SPECi'FICAL. ʃ. ^ r/v. _ T

SPECI'f ICK. [' f Z/.'^'-^?^' F^]
1. Thac which makes a thtng of the ſpecies
of which It is. Newton. Morris,
2. Appropriated to the cure of ſome part+
ciibr diftemprr. Wiſeman.

SPECI'FICALLY. aJ. [from ſpeaſick.] In
fnch a mannrr as to conſtjtute a ſpecies; according to the nature of the ſpecies. Berkley.

To SPEC.'FICATE. v. a. [from /;>^f»Vr and
facto.] To mark by notation of diftuiguiftiing
parricolarites. HjU,

SPECIFICA'TION. ʃ. [from ſpeciſick ; ſpeciJicJtitn,
1. Dif^in.'t notation ; determination by a peculiar mark. Watts.
2. Particular mention. As iffe.

To SPE'CIFY. v. a. [from ſpecies
i ſpecU
fit' ^ French.] To mention; to li.o. by
foir.f parritular marks of diſtinction. Pope. .

SPE'CIMEN. ʃ. [ſpcimen, Latin.] A fample
; a part of any thing exhibited that the
reſt may be known Addiʃon.

SPE'CIOUS. a. [Ipecitux, Fren. ſptciofut,
1. Showy ; ple»fing to ſhe view. Mi tor.
2. PIauſible i ſuperfici<)lly, not fjlidly right. Dryden. Rogers /]ltrlur\i

SPE'CIGUSLY. ad. [from 7/>.<:;ci/i.] With
fair appearance. Hammond.

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SPECK. ʃ. [rpecce, Sa»on.] Aſmall diſco-
]orjn«Mi ; a Ipot, Dryden.

To SPECK. v. a. To ſpot; to ſtain in
diops. Milton.

SPECKLE. f. [from ſpeck.] Sm.ai ſpeck ;
little foot.

To SPECKLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
ITnik with ſmall ſpots. Milton.

SPECK T, or [ft'ght. ſ. A woodpecker. Ainſworth.

SPE'CTACLE. ʃ. [ſp.ajcle, Ff. jpeBaculuwy
1. A ſhow; a gazing flock ; any thing
exhibited to the view as eminently remarkable.Shakʃpeare.
2. Any thing perceived by the ſight. Denham.
3. [In the plural.] Glaſſes to aſſiſt the
ſight. Bacon.

SPE'CTACLED. a. [from the noun.] Furni/
hed with ſpectacles. Shakʃpeare.

SPECTA' nON. ʃ. [ſpe^athyhHin:] Regard ; jeſpett. Hurvey,

SPECTA'TOR. ʃ. [JpeSIateur, Tr. ſpcaator,
Latin.] A looker on ; a beHolder.Shakʃpeare.

SPECTA'TORSHIP. ʃ. [from ſpectator.]
Act of beholding. Shakʃpeare.

SPECTRE. ʃ. [ſpectre, Fr. ſp.a,um, Lat.]
Apparition ; appearance of perſons dead, Stillingfleet.

SPE'CTRUM. ʃ. [Latin.] Animageiaviſible
form. Newton.

SPE'CULAR. ʃ. [ſpicularii, Latin.]
1. Having the qualities of a mirrour or
looking glaſs. Donne.
2. Aſſiſting fight. Philips.

To SPECULATE. v. n. [Jpeeukr, Tr.jpe.
culor, Lat.] To meditate ; r.o contemplate ;
to take a view of any thing with the mind.

To SPE'CULATE. v. a. To conſider attentively
; to look through with the mind.

SPECULATION. ʃ. [ſpecuJation, Fr. from
1. Examination by the eye ; viſw.
2. Examiner ; ſpy. Shakʃpeare.
3. Mental view ; intellectual exaxanation
; contemplation. Hooker.
4. A train of thoughts formed by meditation. Temple.
5. Mental ſcheme not reduced to practice.
6. Power of fight. Shakʃpeare.

SPE'CULATIVE. a. [from ſpeculate.]
1. Given to ſpeculation ; contemplative. Hooker.
2. Theoretical ; notional ; idea! ; not practical. Bacon.

SPE'CULATIVELY. ad. [from ſpecu/ative.]
1. Contemplatively ; with meditation.
2. Ideally ; notionaily ; theoretically
; not

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SPECULA'TOR. ʃ. [from ſpeculate.-.
1. One who forms the: ries. JHore.
2. ISpeculateur ^Fteuch.'j An obſerver ; a
contemplator. £rown,
3. A ſpy ; a watcher. Broome.

SPECULATORY. a. [from ſpeculate.] Exerc
fiig ſpeculation.

SPECULUM. ʃ. [Latin.] A mirrour ; a
looking glaſs. Boyle.

SPED. The preterite apd part, paſſive of
/peed. Knolles.

SPEECH. f. [from [peak.]
1. The power of articulate utterance; the
power of expreſſing thoughts by vucal
words. TFatts,
2. Language ; words conſidered as expreſſing
thoughts. Milton.
3. Pat ticular language as dirfinſt from flthers. Common Prayer.
4. Any thing ſpoken. Shakʃpeare.
5. Talk ; mention. Bacon.
6 Oration ; harangue, Swift.
7. Liberty to ſpeak. Milton.

SPE'ECHLESS. a. [fr.m//>e^fi.]
1. Deprived of the power of ſpe-»king ;
made mute or dumb. Raleigh.
2. M''te ; dumb. Shakʃpeare.

To SPEED 1/. n. pret, and part. pafl. Jifcd
and ſpeeded. [ſpo'den, Dutch.]
1. To make hafte; to move with celerity,
Mit'^n. Philips.
2. To have ſucceſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To have any condition good or bad.
/ Waller.

To SPEED. v. a.
1. To diſparch in hafte, Fairfax.
2. To furniſh in haile.
3. To diſpatch; to deſtroy ; to kill. Dryden.
4. To miſchief; to ruin.
5. To haſten ; to put into quick motion.Shakʃpeare.
6. To execute ; to diſpatch. ^y^'ffe.
7. To afTift ; to help forward, Dryden.
g. To make proſperous. St, Paul,

SPEED. ʃ. [ſpood, Dutch.]
1. Quickneſs ; celerity. More,
2. Hafte ; hurry ; diſpatch. Decay of Piety.
3. The courſe or pace of a horſe.Shakʃpeare.
4. Succeſs ; event. Shakʃpeare.

SPEEDILY. ad. ikon^/peedy.] With hafle; quickly. Dryden.

SPE'EDINESS. ʃ. [from ;;^.W>'.] The quality
of being ſpeedy.

SPEEDWELL. ʃ. [veronica, Latin.] Flu-
^llin. A plant. Milton.

SPE'EDY. a. [from ſp^ecT.] Quick ; ſwift ;
nimble; quick of dilpatch. Dryden.

SPELL. ʃ. [ppei, Saxon. a word.]
1. A charm conſiſting of ſome words of
occult power. Milton.
^, A turn of work, Carew.

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To SPELL. .. «7. [ſpellen, Dutch.]
1. To write with the proper letters. Dryden.
2. To read by naming letters ſingly.
3. To charm. Dryden.

To SPELL. v. n.
1. To form words of letters. Locke.
2. To re^d. Milton.
3. To re^d uriſkilfuMy. South.

To SPELT. v. n. To ſplit ; to bresk. Mortimer.

SPE'LTHR. ʃ. a kindoffcmi-mftaJ. Newt.

To SPEVD. v. a. [j-pef&^n, Saxo'.]
1. To confume ; to exhauft ; to l»y oiit.
^,,,. Mtiion,
?. To beſtow as expence ; to expend, x
3. To clFuſe. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ſquander; to laviſh. Pſ'^.ke.
5. To p.rs. >^.
6. To w'rte; to wear out. Burnet.
7. To f^titue; to harrdfs. Addiſon.

To SPEND. '1/. ».
1. To make expence. South.
2. To : rove in the uſe. Temple.
3. To be loft or wofted. Bacon.
4. To be employed to any uſe, Bacon.

SPE'NDE'i. ʃ. [from ſend.]
1. O 'C who ſpends. Taylor.
7. Apr'dig^l; a laviſher. Bacon.

SPENDTHxRIFT. ʃ. [ſpend and r;)ff/r. i A
pmdigal ; a layiſher. S'zufr,

SPiLRABLE. ^ lff,eraI>ilis,Lit\a.] Soch
as may be hoped. Bacon.

SPERM. ʃ. [ſperme. Ft. ſperma, Latin.]
Sec^ ; that by which the I'pecies is continued.

SPE'RM^ICETI. ʃ. [Latin.] Corrui. edly
pj onounct d parmajitty. S^uinc^,

SPERMA'TICAL. 1 a. [ ipTtmatiqut, Fr.

SPERM A'TICK. S fromjferm. ;
1. Seminal; conhrting of feed. More.
2. Belo-iginn to the ſperm. i?jy.

To SPL'RMATIZE. v. n. [from ſperni.]
To vie d fe-d. Brown.

SPERMATOCE'LE. ʃ. [cnricf^a and x„v:.]
A niptuie cauſed by the contraction of the
femina! vffTeis. Bailey.

SPERMO'LOGIST. ʃ. [o-7r£^,a:Xo>(^.] One
who gathers or ireafs of feeds.

To SPERSE. v.a, [/fery«x, Latin.] To
ciſperſe ; to ſcatter. Spenſer.

To SPET. v. a. To bring or pouj abundantly.

To SPEW. v. a. [rpe|>ao, Saxon ;
1. To vomit ; to eject from the ſtomach,
2. To eject; to caſt forth. Dryden.
3. To eject with loathing. Bacon.

To SPEW. v. n. To vomit ; to eaſe the
f ſtomach, Ben. Jthr.fttit

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To SPHA'CELATE. v. a. To jffeſt with
a gangrene iſharp.

To SPHA'CELATE. v. n. To mortity ; to iiifſcr the gangrene. Shakſp.

SPHA'CL:LU>». ſ. [cr^::xsX^.] A gang.fnes
a morrification. Wiſeman.

SPHERE. f. [f:f.ar<t,LzUn.]
1 A globe ; an orbicular budy ; a b dy ef
which the center is at the ſame diſtancee
from every point of the circumference. Milton.
2. Any globe of the mundane fyftcm. Spenſ.
3. A globe repreſenttng the earth or ſky. Dryden.
4. Oibj circuit of motion, Milton.
5. P ovince ; compaſs of knowledge or acti6n.]Shakʃpeare.

T«> SFHERE. v. a. f from the noun.]
1. To pI^ce in a ſphce. Shakʃpeare.
2. To frm into round neſs. Milton.

SPHERICAL. ʃ. ,. .

'' V'^^IP'^re.]
1. Route ; tirbrcular; globular, Kcif.
2. PIanetary ; relating to orbs of the planets.Shakʃpeare.

SPHE'RICALLY. ai. [ficm ſphencal.] In
ſcrm < / a ichere.

SPHE'RICALNEbS. ʃ. /, [from ſphire.]

SPHERICITY. i Roundneſs; rotundity. Digby.

SPHE'ROID. ʃ. [r<p»i^«. and n?(^ ; ſphc.
rode, F.] A body oblong or oblate, approoch.
ns to the form of a ſphere. Cheyne.

SPHEROI'DICAL. a. [from ſphcroid.] Having
the turn of ſt A hf roid, Cheyne.

SPHE'RULE. ʃ. [ſpharu.a, Latin.] A iitt.'c
globe. Cheyne.

SPHI^1X. ʃ. r^t>^] The ſphinx was a fam

HIS monfter 'n E^ypt, hav ng the face of
a virgin and the bcoy of a lion. Peacham.

SPI'AL. ʃ. [eſpfal, French.] A ſpy ; a ſcout
; a watcher. Oololete. Fairfax.

SPICE. ʃ. [efficn, French.]
1. A vegetable t>rodu6tion, fragrant to the
fmeJl ?nd pungent to th? palate ; an aromatick
ſubHance uſed in fauces. Itmfle,
2. A ſmall quantity, as of ſpice to the thing
fesfiined. Brown.

To SPICE. v. a. [from the noun.] T«ſeaſon
with ſpice. Donne.

SPI'CER. ʃ. [from ſpics.] One who deals in
fo ce, Camden.

SPICERY. ʃ. [^-//.'V^rrVi, French.]
1. The commodity of ſpices. Raleigh.
2. A repcfttory of fPices, Addiſon.

SPICK and SPAN. Quite new ; now ſtrft
uſed. Burnet.

SPI'CKNEL. ʃ. Th^ herb maldmony or

SPICY. a. [hcmſptce.]
1. Producing ſpice ; abounding with aromaticks. Dryden.
9., AroS
2. Aromatick ; having the qualities of ſpicf. Pope.

SPI'COSITY. ʃ. [ſpica, Latin.] The quality
of being ſpiked like ears of corn ; fulneſs
of ears.

SPI'DER. ʃ. Theanimal that ſpins a web for
flie», Drayton.

SPI'DERWORT. ʃ. [phalar,glum,LM.] A
plant with a lily-flower, compoſed of fix
petals. MlHer,

SPI'GNtL. ʃ. [meum, Latin.] A plant.

SPrGOT. ʃ. [ſprjck(r, Dutch.] A pin or
peg put into the faucet to keep in the liquor.Shakʃpeare.

SPIKE. f. [//>;Vc>, Latin.]
t, An ear of corn. Di:nham.
2. A long nail of iron or wood ; a long rod
rf iron ſharpened. Addiʃon.
Spike. ſ. a ſmallet ſpecies of lavender.


To SPIKE. v. a.
1. To faſten with long nails. Moxon, Mortimer.
2. To ſet with ſpikes, Wiſeman.

SPIKENARD. ʃ. [ſpica mrdi, Latin.]
There are three forts of ſpikenard, whereof
the Indian ſpikenard is moſt famous: it is
2. congeries of fibrous ſubſtances adhering
t& the upper part of the root, of an agreeable
aromatick and bitieriſh taſte : it grows
pfentifully in Java. It has been known to
the medical writers of all ages, Htll.

SPILL. ʃ. [ſpijlen, Dutch.]
1. A ſmall ſhiver of wood, or thin bar of
iron, Mortimer.
2. A ſmall quantity of money. yiyliffe.

To SPILL. v. a. [j-pillan, SsxJn ;
s. To ſhed ; to loſe by Aedding.
DanieVi Ci'vilPf^ar.
2. To deſtroy ; to miſchief. Davies.
3. To throw away. TickelL

To SPILL. v.n.
1. To waſte
; to be laviffi. Sidney.
2. To be ſhed ; to be loft by being ſtied. Watts.

SPI'LLER. ʃ. fl know not whence derived.]
A kind of fithing line. Carew.

SPILTH. f. [from ſpiU.] Any thing poured
out or wafled. Shakʃpeare.

To SPIN. v. a. ^xtX.tt, ſpun or Jpan \
jpun. [p'.mn^n, S~'x. (pinnen, Dutch.]
1. To draw out into threads. Exodus.
2. To form threads by drawing out and
twiſting any filamentous matter. Dryden.
3. To protractj fodiawout. Collier, Addiſon.
4. To form by degrees ; to draw out tediouſly. Digby.

To SHIxM. V. r,
1. To exerciſe the art of ſpinning. M<^rc,

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2. To ſtream out in a thread or ſmall current. Drayton.
5. To move round as a ſpindle. Milton.

SPI'NACH. ?/. I jpinachia, \.zxmr[A

SPi'N.4GE. ʃ. plant. Milton.

SPI'NAL. a. [ſpina, Latin.] Belonging 10
the back bone. Philips.

SPI'NDLE. ʃ. [rpinbl, ppmbel, Saxon.]
1. The pin by which the thread is formed,
and on which it is conglomerated.
Dr. Jajfer Maine,
2. A long flender ſtalk. Mortimer.
3. Any thing flender, Dryden.

To SPI'NDLE. v. n. [from the noun ; To
ſhoot into a long ſmall ſtalk. Bacon.

SPINDLESHA'NKED. a. [ſpindle and
Jhank.] Having ſmall legs. Addiſon.

SPI'NDLETREE. ʃ. Prickwood. A plant.

SPINE. ʃ. [ſpma, Latin.] The back bone. Dryden.

SPI'NEL. ʃ. A ſort of mineral. Woodw.

SPI'NET. ʃ. [eſpenette, ?itnch.] A ſmall
harpfKOrd, an inſtrument with keys. Swift.

SPINI'FEROUS. a. [ſpina and fero,L^i.]
Bearing th'irns.

SPINNER. ʃ. [from /z-m.]
1. One ſkilled in ſpmn ng. Gniunt,
2. A garden ſpider with long jointed legs,Shakʃpeare.

SPINNING Wheel. ſ. [from j'pin.] The
wheel by which, fioce the diluſe of the
rock, the thread is drawn. Gay.

SPINO'SITY. ʃ. [ſpinojus, Latin.] Crabbedneſs
; thorny or briary perplexity. Granville.

SPI'NOUS. a. [ſpincfui, Latin.] Thorny ;
full of thorns,

SPI'NSTER. ʃ. [from ſpin.]
1. A woman that ſpinsi Shakʃpeare.
2. The general term for a girl or maiden
woman. Shakʃpeare.

SPI'NsTRY. ʃ. [from ſpinfier.] The work
of ſpinning.

SPI'NY. a. [Jpina, Latin.] Thorny ; briary ; perplexed. Digby.

SPI'RACLE. [ſpiracuturn, hitin.] A breathing
hole ; a vent ; a ſmall aperture. Woodward.

SPIRAL. tf, [from ^rVj, Latin.] Curve ;
winding; circularly involved. Blackmore.

SPIRALLY. ad. [from J'piral.] In a ſpiral
form, Kay,

SPIRE. ʃ. [Jpira, Latin.]
1. A curve line ; any thing wreathed or
contorted ; a curl ; a twiſt ; a wreath. Dryden.
2. Any thing growing up taper ; a rouad
pyramid ; a ſtecple. Hale.
3. The top or uppermoſt point, Shakſp.

To SPIRE. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To flicot up pyramidicaily. Mortimer.
2. To

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1. To breathe. Spenſer.

SPI'RIT. ʃ. [/^/W/«i, Latin.]
1. Breath ; wind in motion. Bacon.
2. An immaterial ſubſtance. Davies.
3. The foul of man, Bihie. Shakſp.
4. An apparition. Luke.
5. Temper ; habitua] diſpoſition of mind. Milton. Thiomfon.
6. Ardour; courage; elevation; vehehcmence
of mmd. Shakʃpeare.t,
7. Grnius; vigour of mind, Temple,
8. Turn of mind ; power of mind moral or
intellectual. Cowley.
9. Inceliectii3l powers dii^in^ from the
body. Clarenden.
10. Sentiment ; perception. Shakʃpeare.
11. Eagerneſs ; deſire. South.
12. Man of activity; man of life.Shakʃpeare.
13. Perſons diſtinguiOied by qualities of
the mind. Dryden.
14. That which gives vigour or chcerfulneſs
to the mind« Shakʃpeare.
15. The likeneſs ; cHential qualities.

16. Any thing eminently pure and refined. Shakʃpeare.
17. That which hath power or energy. Bacon.
^%. An inflammable liquor raiſed by diſtil-
Jation. Boyle.
19. In the old poets, ſpirit was commonly
a monol'y liable. Spenſa,

To SPI'RIT. v. a.
1. To animate or afluate as a ſpirit. Milton.
2. To excite ; to animate ; to encourage. Swift.
3. To draw; to entice. Brown.

SPI'RITALLY. ad. [from j5>;WV«j, Latin.]
By means of the breath. Hooker.

SPIRITED. a. [from ſpirit.] Lively; vivacious
; full of fire. Pope. .

SPI'RITEDNESS. ʃ. [from ſpinted.] D.ſpoſition
or make of mind. JAddiʃon.

SPI'RITFULNESS. ʃ. [from ſpint and
/«//.] Sprightlincfe ; live!ineis. Harvey.

SPIRITLESS. a. l\xnxnſpirtt.] D?jeaed ;
low ; deprived of vigour ; depreired. Smith.

SPIRITOUS. a. [frotr^ ſptrit ]
1. Refined ; defecated ; advanced near to
ſpirit. Milton.
4. Fine ; ardent ; a6\ive.

SPIRITOUSNES^. ſ. [from Jpiritout.]
Fmeneſs and adiviry of parts. Boyle.

SPI'RITUAL. fl. [j|>;'r/'z/^.', French ; from
1. Diſhntfl from mjtter; immaterial ; incorporeal. Bacon.
2. M-Tital ; intellectual. Soueb,
3. Not gtcfs; I efined from external things ; rtlktive only to the miai, Calamy.

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S P 1

4. Not temporal ; relating to the things of
hoven. Hooker. Swift.

SPIRI'TUALITY. ʃ. [from jpnitual.]
1. Incorporeity ; immatcriaiiiy ; eflence
diſtinct from matter,
2. Intellectual nature. Southi
3. Ads independent of the b;dy ; pure
acts of the foul ; mental refinement. South.
4. That which belongs to any one as an
eccleſiaſtick. Ww/#<u

SPIRITUALTY. f. [from ſpiritual.] Ecclefiaflical
body. Shakʃpeare.

SPIRITUALIZA'TION. ʃ. [from ^fritua.
hze.] The act of ſpintualizing.

To SPI'RITUALIZE. r. a. To refine the
intellect ; to purify from the feculenciesof
the world. Hammond. Roieri.

SPIRI'TUALLY. ad. [from ſp,rituat.]
Without corporeal groſlneſs ; with attention
to things
purely intellectual. Taylor.

SPIRPTUOUS. a. [Jpiriiueux, Fr. txoai
1. Having the quality of ſpirit, tenuity .ni
activity of parts. Arbuth.mn,
2. Lively ; gay ; vivid ; airy. Wotton.

SPIRITUO'SITY. ʃ/. [from ſpiritucuu\

SPIRITUOU'SNESS. [The quality of being
ſpirituous; tenuity and activity.

To SPIRT. v. n.
\ ſpruyten, Dutch.] T«
ſpring out in a ſudden ſtream ; to ttream
out by intervals, PoAi,

To SPIRT. v. a. To throw out in a let. Dryden.

To SPI'RTLE. v. a. [A corruprion of
ſptrt.] To diſhpate. Denhaat,

SPl'RY. a. [iramſpiit.]
1. Pyramidal. Pope.
2. Wreathed ; curled. Dryden.

SPISS. a. [
ſpij'ut, Uiin.] cloſe^ firm; thick. Brerewood.

SPI'SSITUDE. ʃ. [from ſpjfut^ Lat.] Grofſneſs
; thkkneſs. Baconu,

SPIT. ʃ. [ppitan, Saxon ; ſpit, Dutch.]
1. Along prong oil which meat is drveit
to be turned before the fiic. Iftlkinu
2. Such a dspth of earth at is pierced bjr
one act ion of the ſpade. Mortimer.

To SPIT. v. a. Preterite ſpat ; participle
pair, ſpit, or ſpitted,
1. To put upon a ſpit, Shakʃpeare.
2. To thruſt through. Dryden.

To SPIT. v. a. [ſpttt^n Saxon ; ſpytter,
Daniſh.] To eject from the mouth. Shakʃpeare.?.

To SPIT. v. ». To throw out ſpittle or
moiſture of the mouth. South.

SPITTAL. ʃ. [Corrupted from ioJ^/Vij/.j A
charitable foundation.

To SPl'TCHCOCK. x/. a. To cut an eel
io pieces and roait him. K'^»

SPITE. f. [ſp'jt, Dauh]
1. Malice ; rancour i hate ; malignity;
malevolence. Sidney.
X, Sp.jtk

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Sp I T E P/, or Jfl S P I T E. o/. Notwithſtanding
; in defiance of. Ro-we.

To SPITE. i;. a. [from the noun.]
1. To miſchief ; to treat maliciouſly i,
to vex ; to ihwart malignantly. Shakſp.
2. To fill with ſpite ; to offend, Tem^/f.

SPI'TEFUL. a. [;5&;V^ and////, ; Malicious;
malignant. Hooker.

SPI'TEFULLY. ad. [from ſpheful.] M^liciouſly
; mal gnantly. Waller.

SPI'TEFULNESS. ʃ. [from ſpiteful.] Malignity; deſire of vexing. Kcil.

SPI'TTED. a. [from j>/>.] Shot out into
length. Bacon.

SPI'TTER. ʃ. [from ſpit.]
1. One who puts meat on a ſpit,
2. One who ſpits with his mouth.
3. A young deer. Ainsworth.

SPITTLE. ʃ. [Corrupted from hoſpital.]. Shakʃpeare. Cleaveland.

SPITTLE. ʃ. [ppcetlian, Saxon.] Moifturc
of the month. Arbuthnot.

SPr 1 VENOM. ʃ. [//>> and ve/:OOT.] Poi-
{on ejt^ed from the moulh. Hooker.

SPLANCHNOLOGY. ʃ. [a-'Tr-Kiyx^cL and
Xoy^.] A treatife or deſcription of the
Troubled with the ſpleen ; fretful ;
peeviffr; ratUr,

SPLE'NICK. a. [Jptenifue,¥r. ſplen, Lat.'i
Belonging to the ſpleen. liarvfy.

SPLE'NISH. a. ^ from ſpleen.] Fretful; peeviſh. Drayton.

SPLE'NITIVE. a. [from Jpl. en.] Hot ; fiery ; p.?ſſionate Not in uſe. Sh ikeſp.

SPLENT. ʃ. SpJent is a callous hard ſubſtance,
or an inſenſible ſwelling, which
breeds on or adheres to the ſtank.bone.
and when it grows big ſpoils the ſhape of
the Ify;. Farrier'' i DiSt,

To SPLICE. v. a. [ſp'ijjen, Dutch ; plko,
Latin. To join the two ends of a rcpe
withf^ut a kn t.

SPLINT. ʃ.. f />//«fer, Dutch.] A thin piece
of wood or other matters uſed by chirurgeons
to hold the bene newly fet. Wiſem»
1. To ſecure by ſpljnts. Shakʃpeare.
2. To fliiver ; to break into fragments.

SPLI'NTER. ʃ. [//)//«ffr, Dutch.]
1. A fragment of any thing broken with
violence. Dryden.
4. A thin piece of wood. Grew.

To SPLASH. v. a. [/>/^/fl, Swediſh.] To ToSPLINTER. 1^, «. [from thenoun.] To
daub with dirt in great quantities,

SPLA'SHY. a. [from ſplap.] Full of dirty
water ; apt to daub.

SPLA'YFOOT. a. Having the foot turned
inward. Pope. .

SPLA'YMOUTH. ʃ. [ſpUy and mouth.]
Mouth widened by deſign. Dryden.

SPLEEN. ʃ. r>^'«. Latin.]
1. The milt; one of the viſcera. It is
luppoſed the leat of anger and melancholy. Wiſeman.
2. Anger; ſpite; ill-humour. Donne.
3. A fit of anger. Shakʃpeare.
A, Melancholy ; hypochondriacal vapours. Pope.

SPLETNED. a. [from ſpleen.] Deprived of
the ſpleen. Arbuthnot.

SPLE'ENFUL. a. [ſpleemnifuiL] Angry
; peeviſh ; fretful. Shakſp.

SPLE'ENLESS. ». [from ſpleen.] Kind; gentle; mild. Chapman.

SPLE'ENW'ORT. /, [ſpleen and 'wort.] Miltwaſte. A plant.

SPLE'ENY. a. [from ſp'.een.] Angry; peey'l.
h. Shakʃpeare.

SPLE'NDENT. a. [^V»4/e»J, Latin.] Shining; gloffy. Newton.
he broken into fragments.

To SPLIT. v.a, ^xzt.ſplit. [ſphtten,ſplitten,
1. To cleave ; to rive ; to divide longitudinally
in two. Cleavchr.d,
2. To divide ; to part. Atterbury.
3. To da4h and break on a rock. Decay of Piety.
4. To divide ; to break into diſcord. South.

To SPLIT. v. n.
1. To burſt in funder ; to crack ; to fufſcr
difruptlon. Boyle.
2. To be broken againſt rocks. Addiʃon.

SPLITTER. ʃ. [h-omſplit.] One who ſplits. Swift.

SPLU'TTER. ʃ. BuRIe ; tutx^ult. A low

To SPOIL. v. a. [ſpolio, Latin.]
1. To rob ; to take away by forcr. Milton.
2. To plunder ; to ſtrip of goods. Pope. .
3. To corrupt ; to mar ; to make uſeleſs.

To SPOIL. v. n.
1. To practice robbery or plunder. Spenſer.
2. To grow uſeleſs ; to be corrupted. Locke.

SPLE'NDID. a. [ſpLndidus, Lat.] Showy; SPOIL. ʃ. [^oZ/ttffz, Latin.]
magnificent ; fumptuou?,

SPLENDIDLY. ad. [from j'plendid. Pope.
Magnificently; fumptuouſly. Taylor.

SPLE'NDOUR. ʃ. r^V;7<for, Latin.]
1. Luſtre ; power of Aiming. Arbuthnot.
2. Magnificence ; pomp. South.

SPLE'NETIC^K. a, lJpl(nelifue,fi€nzh.]
1. That which is taken by violence ; plunder
; pillage ; b'^oty,
2. The act of robbery. Shakʃpeare.
3. Corruption; cauſe of corruption.Shakʃpeare.
4. The flough ; the caſt-ofi:ſkin at a ferpcnt. Bacon.


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SPOI'LER. ʃ. [from ſpcil]
1. A robber ; a plunderer ; a pillager.
Ben. ychnforr,
2. One who mars or corrupfs any thing.

SPOl'LFaL. d. [^i/7 and//// ; Wartcful ;

SPOKE. ʃ. [ppaca, Saxon.] The bar of a
wheel that paflcs from the njvc to the
feJly. Shakʃpeare.

SPOKE. The preterite of y^fj/i. i<pratf.

SPOKEN. Participle paſſiveofJ>.<>^. Holder.

SPOKESMAN. ʃ. [Jpokt and man.] One
who ſpeaKs for another. Exoiu!.

To SPOLIATE. v. a. [//0//0, Latin. ' To
rob ; to plunder. DiJf.

SPOLIATION. ʃ. [y>o/;a.';o, Lat.] The
act of robbery or privation, Ayliffe.

SPO'NDEE. ʃ. [ffiordaus, Latin.] A foot of
two long ſyllabies. Broome.

SPO'NDYLE. ʃ. [^TrevS-i/X^.] A vertebra ; a joint of the ſpine. Brown.

SI'ONGE. ʃ. [ff>ongia,Uun.] A ſoft porous
ſubſtance Juppoſed by ſome the nidus
of animals. It is remarkable for ſucking
up water. Sandys.

To SPONGE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
blot ; to wipe away as with a ſponge. Hook,

To SPONGE. v. n. To ſuck in as a ſpnnge; to gain by mean arts. Swift.

SPO'NGER. ʃ. [from ſporge.] One who
hangs for a maintenance on others. L'Eſtr.

SPO'NGINESS. ʃ. [from jf>ongy.] Softneſs
and fulneſs of cavities like a ſponge. Harvey.

SPO'NGIOUS. a. [from ſporge.] Full of
ſmall cavities like a ſponge. Cheyne.

SFO'NGY. a. [from jponge.]
1. Soft and full of ſmall interftitial holes. Bacon.
1. Wet ; drenched ; ſoakcd. Shakſp.

SPONK. ʃ. To uchwood.

SPO'NSAL. a. [jforfalis, Latin.] Relating
to marriage.

SPO'NSION. ʃ. [ſpon/;o, Latin.] the act of
becoming ſurety for another.

SPO'NORS. ʃ. [Latin.] A ſurety; one who
makes a promife or gives ſecuriiy for another.

SPO'NTANEITY. ʃ. [ſponfaneitas, Lat ]
Voluntarineſs ; willingneſs ; accord uncompelled.

SPONTANEOUS. a. [from ſponte , Lat.]
Volunatary ; not compelled ; idling without
compulfion. Hale.

SPONTANEOUSLY. ad. [from ſpontane-
0V5.] Voluntarily ; of its own accord.

SPONTA'NEOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſpontaneous.]
Voluntarineſs ; freedom of will ; accord
unforced. Hale.

SPOOL. ʃ. [ſp'ybf, Dutch.] A ſmall piece
of cane or reed, with a knot at each end ;
or a piere of wood turned in ifca: form to
wind yarn upo ; a (imli.

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To SPOOM. v. n. To paſs ſwiftly. Dryd.

SPOON. f. [ſpaen, Tonxch.] Aconravevef.
fcl with a handle, uſed in cat ug liquids.

SPO'ONRILL. ʃ. [ſpoon 2nd bill. [A hird.
The end of its bill is broad. Denham.

SPO'ONFUL. ʃ. [ſpcor, in<i full.]
1. As much as it generally taken at c nee
in a ſpuon. Bacon.
2. A^v ſmall quantity of I'qni'^. yjrbuth,

SPO'ONMEAT. ʃ. [Jpoon and meat.] Liquid
food ; nouriſhment taken with a ipcon. Dryden.

SPO'ONWORT. or Scur^ygrafi. f.

To SPOON. i/.n. In ſea language, is when
a ſhip being under fail in a ſtorm cannot
bear it, but is obliged to put right before
the wind. Bailey.

SPORa'DICAL. a. [s-'sr^ahKli.] A ſpi'
radical d.feaſe is an cnaemial diſcafe,
what in a particular ſeaſon affects but a few
people. Arbuth.not.

1. PIay ; diverſion ; game ; frolick and
tumultuous merriment, Sidney.
2. Mock ; contemptuous mirth. TiHorfc/it
3. That with which one plays, Dryden.
4. PIay ; idle gingle. B'oome,
5. Diverſion of the field, as of fowl ng,
hunting, fithing. Clarenden.

To SPORT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To divert ; to make merry. Sidney.
2. To repreſent by any kind of play. Dryden.

To SPORT. i>. n.
1. To pliy; to frolick; to game; to
wanton. Broome.
2. To trifle. Tiltoifon,

SPORTFUL. ʃ. [/pert and full.] Merry ;
frolick; wanton ; ludicrous; donemjeft. Berkley.

SPO'RTFULLY. ad. [fi^mſport/ul] War.-
tonly ; merrily.

SPO RTFUI.NESS. ʃ. [from ſport/ul] Wantonneſs
; play ; merriment ; frolick. Sidney.

SPO'RTIVE. a. [from ſport.] Gay; merry
; frolick ; wanton ; playful ; ludicrous.

SPO'RTIVENESS. ʃ. [from ffortive] Ga»-
ety ; plav. fVa/ton,

SPORTSMAN. ʃ. [ſportinifran.] One
who purſues the recreations of the field, Addiſon%

SPO'RTULE. ʃ. [^portu^e, Teench-fjportula,
Litip.] An ajmi i a dole. Aylifff,

SPOT. ʃ. [j'pette, Daniſh ; ſpotte, Flemiſh.]
1. A blot ; a mark made by diſcoloration. Drydenn
z, A taint ; a di''grace ; a reproach,
3. A ſcandalous W'TT.an. Shakʃpeare.
4. A ſmall extent of place. Addiſon.
5. Any particular place. Olway.
6. I nITi'^diately ; without changing place.
5Z ' T«

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To SPOT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To mark with dircolorations ; to maculate,
2. To corrupt ; to diſgrace ; to taint. Abbot.

SPO'TLESS. a. [from ſpot..
1. Free ſmm ſpots,
2. Free from reproach 'or impurity ;^ immjculate ;
pure. Waller.

SPOTTER. f. [from y]&or.] One that ſpots ;
one that maculates.

SPO'TTY. a. [from ffot.] Full of ſpots ; maculated. Milton.

SPOU'SAL. a. [from ſpouſe.'l Nuptial ;
isammonial ; conjugal ; connubial; bridal.

SPOU'SAL. ʃ. [eſpoujailki, Ff. Jponjalia,
Lat.] Marriage ; nuptials. Dryden.

SPOUSE. ʃ. UP°''I<'> ^3f- ^(P^!'' F.-.] ^.
joined in marriage ; a hulbana or wile.Shakʃpeare.

SPOU'SED. a. [from the noun.] Wedded; eſpouſed ; joined together as in matrimony. Milton»

SPOU'SELESS. a. [from ſpouſe.] Wanting
a bufband or wife. Pope. .

SPOUT. f. [from //)«j;r, Dutch.]
1. A pipe, or mouth of a pipe or veſſel cut
of which any thing is poured. Brown.
2. Water falling in a body ; a catarad. Burnet.

To SPOUT. v. a. [from the no(in.] To
pour with violence, or in a collected body
as from a ſpout.

To SPOUT. v» «. To iſſue as from a ſpout.

To SPRAIN. v. a. [Corrupted from /rfl/.]
To ſtretch the ligaments of a joint without
diflocation of the bone. Gay.

SPRAIN. ſ. [from the verb.] Extenſion
of ligaments without diflocation of the
jokit. Temple.

SPRAINTS. ʃ. The dung of an otter.

SPRANG. The preterite of //>r/»^.

SPRAT. f. [//>ror, Dutch.] A ſmall fea
fiſh, Sidney.

To SPRAWL. v. n. [ſpradle, Daniſh ; jparteler,
; . To ſtruggle as in the eonvulfions of death.
2. To tumble with agitation. Dryden.

1. the extremity of a branch. Dryden.
2. The foam of the fea, commonly written
'ſpj Arbuthnot.

To SPREAD. v. a. [pppeban. Sax. jpreyderty
1. To extend ; to expand ; to make to
cover or fill a larger ſpace. Bacm.
a To cover by extenſion. Granvile.
3. To cover over» Iſaiah.
4. To ſtretch ; to extend, Milton.
5. To publiſh ; to divulge ; todineminate. Matthew.
6. To emit as effiuvia or emanations. Milton.

To SPREAD. v. n. To extend or expand. Bacon, Addiʃon, Bacon. Booker.

SPREAD. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Extent} compaſs.
1. Expanſion of parts.

SPREA'DER. ʃ. [from ſpread.'i
1. One that ſpreads.
2. Publiſher ; divulger ; diffeminator. Swift.

SPRENT. part, [ſpficnan. Sax. ſp'engen,
Dutch.] Sprinkled. Sidney.

SPRIG. ʃ. [ſprig, Welfli.] A ſmall
brarjch ; a ſpray. Bacon.

SPRIG. Chryjlal. ſ. Chryfial found in
form of an hexangular column, adhering
at one end to.the ſtone, and near the other
leflTcning gradually, till it terminates
in a point. Woodward.

SPRI'GGY. a. [from ſprig.] Full of ſmall

SPRIGHT. ʃ. [Contraction of ſpirit, ſpiritus,
1. Spirit; ihade ; foul ; incorporeal agent. Spenſer, Pope. .
2. Walking ſpirit; apparition. Locke.
3. Pcwer which gives cheerfulneſs or courage. Sidney.
4. An arrow. Bacon.

To SPRIGHT. v. a. To haunt as a ſpright.Shakʃpeare.

SPRI'GHTFUL. a. [ſpright and /a//.]
Lively; briſk; gay; vigorous. Otway.

SPRI'GHTFULLY. ad. [from ſprlgbtful.]
Briſkly ; vlgorouſly. Shakʃpeare.

SPRI'GHTLINESS. ʃ. [from Uprightly.]
Livelineſs ; briikneſs ; vigour ; gaiety; vivacity. Addiſon.

SPRIGHTLY. a. [from ſpright.] Gay; bnſk ; lively ; vigorous ; airy ; vivacious. Prior.

To SPRING. v. n. frcterittſprung or ſprang,
anciently ſprong. [rpjimgan, Sax./pringen,
1. To arife out of the ground and grow by
vegetative power, P/^P^.
2. To begin to grow. Ray.
3. To proceed as from feed. Milton.
4. To come into exiſtcnce; to iſſue forth. Pope.
To raiſe ; to appear. Judgeu
To iſſue with effect or force. Pope.
To proceed as from anceſtors.
Ben. JohnſoTIm
To proceed as from a ground, cauſe, or
reaſon. Milton.
9. To grow ; to thrive, Dryden.
10. To bound ; to leap ; to jump. Black,
11. To

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II. To fly with claſtick power. Mortimer.
Xl> To riſe from a covert. Otway.
13. To iſſue from a fountain. Gtneju,
14. To proceed as from a fource. Crajhaiv.
15. To ſhoot
; to illue with ſpeed and violeace. Dryden.

To SPRING. v. a.
1. To ſtart ; to rouſe game. Donnet
2. To produce to light. Dryden.
3. To make by ſtarting a plank. Dryden.
4. To dilcharge a mine. Addiʃon.
5. To contrive as a ſudden expedient, to
offer unexpei>cdly, Swift.
6. To produce haftily.

SPxRING. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. The ſeaſon in which plants ſpring and
vegetate. Shakʃpeare.
2. An claſtick body ; a body which wrhen
diſtorted has the power of reſtoring itſelf. Moxon.
3. Elaſtick force. Newton.
4. Any active power ; any cauſe by which
motion is produced or propagated. Rymer,
5. A leap ; a bound ; a jump ; a violent
effort ; a ſudden ſtruggle. Addiſon.
6. A leak 3 a flart of a plank. Ben. Johnſon.
7. A fountain ; an iſſue of water from
the eauh. Davies.
8. A fource ; that by which any thing is
ſuppiied, Dryden.
9. Rife ; beginning. I Sam,
10. Courſe i original. Swift.

SPRING. ad. [from the noun.] With claſtick
vigour. Spenſer.

SPRl'NGAL. / A youth. Spenſer.

SPRINGE. ʃ. [from ſpring, ] A gin ; a
ncolc which catches by a ſpring or jerk. Dryden.

SPRI'NGER. ʃ. [from ſpringy.] One who
rouſes game.

SPRI'NGINESS. ʃ. [from Jf^ringy.] Elaſticity
; power of reſtoring itſelf. Boyle.

SPRI'NGHALT. ʃ. [ſpring and holr,'\ A
lameneſs by which the horſe twitches up
his legs, Shakʃpeare.

SPRI'NGTIDE. ʃ. [Jpring2nAtide.] Tide
at the new moon ; high tide. Grew.

SPRI'NGLE. ʃ. [from ſpring.] A ſpringe ;
an elaſtick noofe. Carew.

SPRINGY. a. [from ffringe.]
1. Elaſtick ; having the power of reſtoring
itſelf. Newton, Berkley.
2. [Prom ſpring.] Full of ſprings or fountains. Mortimer.

To SPRl'NKLE. v. a. [ſprinhkn, Dutch.]
1. To ſcatter ; to diſperlc m ſmall mafles.
2. To ſcatter in drops. Numbers.
3. To beſprinkle ; to wali, wet, or duſt
by Iprinkling, Dryden.

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To SPRI'NKLE. v. a. To perform the aft
of ſcattcring in ſmall drops. Ayliffe.

To >PRIT. v. a. [ſpyntran. Sax. ſpruyten.
Diitth.j To throw out ; to ejcct
with force.

To SPRIT. v. n. [rPny^.^» Sax. ſpruyten,
Dutch] To ſhoot ; to germinate ;
to (prout.

SPRIT. f. [from the verb.] Shoot; ſprout. Mortimer.

SPRI'TSAIL. ʃ. [ſprit and fail.] The fail
which belongs to che bol;ſprit-maft.

SPRITE. ʃ. fContraaed from ſpirit.] A
ſpirt ; an incorporeal agent. Pope.

SPRITEFULLY. ad. Vigorouſly ; with
life and ardour. Chapman.

SPRONG. The preterite oiſpring Obſolete. Hooker.

To SPROUT. v. n. [rppyt^ao, Sax.ſpruyten,
1. To ſhooi by vegetation ; to germinate. Prior.
2. To ſhoot into ramifications. Bacon.
3. To grow, Ttckell,

SPROUT. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ſhoot of
a vegetable. Bacon.

SPRUCE. a. Nice; trim; neat. Donne, Milton, Boyle. Taller,

To SPRUCE. 0/. «. [from the noun.] To
dreſs with affected neatneſs,

SPRU'CEBEER. ʃ. [ixovu ſpruce , a kind of
fir.] Beer tiodlured with branches of fir. Arbuthnot.

SPRU'CELEATHER. ʃ. [Corrupted for
PruJJian leather.] Dryden.

SPRU'CENESS. ʃ. [from ſpruce.] Neatneſs
without elegance.

SPRUNG. The preterite and participle paf- ,
five of ſpring. Pope. .

SPRUNT. ʃ. Any thing that is ſhort and
win not caſily bend.

SPUD. ʃ. A ſhort knife. Swift.

SPU'LLERS of Tarn. ſ. Are ſuch as are
employed to ſee that it be well ſpun, and fit
for the loom, Di^,

SPUME. ʃ. [ſpuma, Lat.] Foam ; froth. Brown.

To SPUME. v. n. [ſpumo, Lat.] To foam ;
to froth,

SPU'MOUS.7 a. [ffumeut.Ui.] Frothy;

SPUMY. ʃ. foamy. Browm

SPUN. The preterite and part. paff. of
lt>tn. Addiſon.

SPUNGE. ʃ. [ſpongia, Lat.] A ſponge. Shakʃpeare.t,

To SPUNGE. v. a. [Rather To ſporge.]
To hang on others for maintenance. Swift.

SPU'NGINGHOUSE. ʃ. [ſpurge and touſe.]
A houſe to which debtors are taken before
commitment to priſon.

SPU'NGY. a. [flom ſpunge.

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1. Full of ſmall holes, and ſoft like a
ſpunge. Dryden.
2. Wet ; moiſt ; watery. Shakʃpeare.
3. Drunken; wet with liquor. Shakſp.

SPUNK. ʃ. Rotten wood ; touchwood. Brown.

SPUR. f. [j-pupa. Sax./J&or^ Dutch.]
1. A ſharp point fixed in the rider's heel,
2. Incitement ; inſtigation. Bacon.
3. AlHmulusj a pnck ; any thing that
galJs and teazes, Shakʃpeare.
4. The ſharp points on the legs of a cock. Ray.
5. Any thing landing out ; a fnag.Shakʃpeare.

To SPUR. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To prick with the ſpur ; to drive with
the ſpur. Col/ier,
2. To inſtigate; to incite ; to urge forward, Locke.
3. To drive by force. Shakʃpeare.

To SPUR. v. fi.
1. To travel with great expedition. Dryden.
2. To preſs forward. Grew.

SPU'RGALLED. a. [ſpur and gall.] Hurt
with che ſpur. Shakʃpeare.

SPURGE. ʃ. [eſpurge, French ; Jpurgu,
Dutch.] A plant violently purgative.

SPURGE Laurel, or Muzereon, ʃ. [tbymelan,
Lat.] A plant. MtlUr,

SPU'RIOUS. a. [ſpurius, Lat.]
1. Not genuine ; counterfeit ; adulterine. Swift.
2. Not ifgitimate ; baflard. AddiſoTi.

SPU'RLING. ʃ. [ejptrlan, French.] A
fml. (ea-fiſh. Tiff'^r,

To SPURN. v. a. [rprnnan. Sax.]
1. To kick
; to Itnke or drive with the
foot. Shakʃpeare.
2. To reject ; to ſcorn ; to put away with
contempt ; to diſdain. Shakʃpeare.
3. To treat with contempt. Locke.

To SrURN. v. n. '
1. To make contemptuous oppoſition.Shakʃpeare.
2. To toſs up the heels ; to kick or rtruggle. Gay.

SPURN. ʃ. [from the verb.] Kick ; inſolent
and contemptuous treatment.Shakʃpeare.

SPU RNEY. / A plant.

SPURRER. ʃ. [from //,«r.] One who ufts

SPU'RRIER. ʃ. [from //)r.r.] One who
makes f^ur?.

SPU'KRY. ʃ. [jpergula, Lat.] A plant. Mortimer.

To SPURT. 1;. «. [See To Spirt.] To
Wy out- with a quick ſtrcam. Pſ^ifiman,

SrU'RWAY. ſ. [//'^r and uay.] A horſe-
way ; a bridle-road ; diſtinct from a road
for carriag-s,

SPU TA'TION. ſ. [ſputum.Ln.] The act
of ſpitting. H^rvy,

To SPUTTER. v. n. [ſputo, Lat.]
1. To emit moiſturein ſmall flying drops. Dryden.
2. To fly out In ſmall particles with ſome
noiſe. Dryden.
3. To ſpeak haftily and obſcurely.

To SPU'TTER. v. a. To throw out with
noiſe. Swift.

SPU'TTERER. ʃ. [frow ſputter.] One that

SPY. ʃ. [yſpio, Welſhj ejp'on^ French.]
ſpie, Dutch.] One lent to watch the conduit
or motions of others. Clarendon, Atterbury.

To SPY. v.a, [See Spy./]
1. To diſcover by the eye at a diſtancee, Donne.
2. To diſcover by cloſe examination,
Dicay of Piety
3. To ſearch or diſcover by artific.

To SPY. v. n. To ſearch narrowly.Shakʃpeare.

SPY'BOAT. ʃ. [ſpy and boat.] A boat
ſent {iqt for intelhgence, Arbuthnot.

1. Urjfeathered ; newly batched. King.
2. Fat ; thick and ſtout ; aukwardly bulky.

SQUAB. ʃ. A kind of fofa or couch ; a
Itufied cuſhion. Swift.

SQUAB. ad. With a heavy ſudden fall.

SQUA'BPIE. ʃ. Iſquab zvApie.] A pie
made of many ingredients. King.

To SQUAB. v'n. To fall down plump or

SQUA'BBISH. a. [{tom ſc^uab.] Thick ;
heavy fleſhy.

To SQUA'BBLE. v. r, [kiabla, Swediſh.]
To quarrel ; to debate peeviſhly ; to wrangle. Collier.

SQUA BBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A low
b;awl ; a petty quarrel. Arbuthnot.

SQUA'BBLER. ʃ. [from ſquabble.] A quarrelſome
fellow ; a brawler.

SQUA'DRON. ʃ. [efcadronj Fr, fjuadrone,
1. A body of men drawn up ſquare. Milton.
2. A part of an army ; a troop, Knolles.
3. Part of a fleet, a certain number of
ibips. Arbuthnot.

SQUATJRONED. a. [from ffuadron.] Formed
into ſquadrons. Milton.

SQUA'LID. a. [ſqualidm, Latin.] Foul ; nafty ; filthy, Dryden.

To SQUALL. v. ti. [ffuala, Swediſh.] To
ſcream out as a child or woman frighted. Swift.

SQUALL. ʃ. [from the verb ]
1. Loud Icream. Swift.
2. Sudden guſt of wind,

SQUA'LLER. ʃ. [from ſqua.'l.] Screamer ;
one that ſcreams.

SQUA'LOR. ʃ. [Latin.] Coarfeneſs ; naftineſs. Burton.

SQUA'LLY. a. [from fjuall.] W.ndy ;

SQUA'MOUS. a. [fjuameus, Lat.] Scaly; covered with ſcales. PFoodward,

To SQUA'NDER. v. a. [verjchwenden,
Teutonick. ;
1. To ſcatter lavi/Wy ; to ſpend profofely. Savage.
2. To ſcatter ; to diſhpate ; to diſperſe. Dryden.

SQUA'NDERER. ʃ. [from ſquander.] A
ſpeadthrift ; a prodigal ; a waſter. Locke.

SQUARE. a. lyfgivSr, Welſh ; quadratut,
1. Cornered ; having right angles. Prior.
2. Forming a right angle. Moxon.
3. Cornered ; havii.g angles of whatever
content. Wiſeman.
4. Parallel ; exactly ſuitable. Shakʃpeare.
5. Strong ; ſtout ; well fet.
6. Equal ; exact ; 'ooneſt ; fair. Shakſp.
7. ! In geometry.] Square root of any
number is that which, multiplied by itfelt,
produces th'5 jquare, as 4. is the ſquare
root 0^ 16.

SQUARE. ʃ. [qundra, Lat.]
1. A figure with right angles and equal
ſides. Milton.
2. An area of four ſides, with houſes on
each ſide. Addiſon.
3. Conrent of an angle. Brown.
4. A rule or inſtrument by which workmen
meaſure or form their angles.
5. Rule ; regularity ; exact proportion. Spenſer.
6. Squadron ; troops formed ſquare.Shakʃpeare.
7. Quaterni:>n ; number four, Shakʃpeare.
8. Level, eqaaiity. Dryden.
^. Quaitile
; the aſtrological fituaikn of
planets, diſtant .ninety degrees from each
other. Milton.
10. Rule ; conformity. L'Eſtrange.

II. Sq^uares^o. The game prceeds.


To SQUARE. v. a. [quadro, Lat.]
1. To form with right angles. Boyle.
2. To reduce to a ſquare. Prior.
3. To meaſurc ; to reduce to a meaſure.Shakʃpeare.
d. To adjuſt ; to regulate ; to mould ; to
wape, Shakʃpeare.
5. To accommodate
; to fit. Mi'utti,
6. To reſpect in quartile. South.

To SQUARE. v. n.
1. To luit with ; to fit with. Woodward.
2. To quatrel; to go to oppofitc ſides.Shakʃpeare.

SQUA'RENESS. ʃ. [from ſquare, ; The
Itdte of being ſquare. Moxon.

SQUASH. ʃ. [from quajh ]
1. Any thing ſoft and eaſily crushed.Shakʃpeare.
2. [Meloprpo.] A plant. Boyle.
3. Any thing unripe ; any thing ſoft.Shakʃpeare.
4. A AiddeH f^ll. Arbuthnot.,
5. A ſhock of fofc bodies. Swift.

To SQUASH. v. a. To cruſh into pulp.

To SQUAT. v. n. [quattare, ]t,ilian.] To
fit cowering ; to fit cloſe to the ground.

SQUAT. a. [from the verb.]
1. Cowering; cloſe to the ground. Swift.
2. Short and thick ; having one part cloſe
to another, as thoſe of an animal contracted
and cowering. Grew.

1. The pollure of cowering or lying cloſe. Dryden.

2. A ſudden fall. Herbert.

S^AT. ſ. A ſort of mineral. Woodward.

To SQUEAK. v. n. [ſquakj, Swediſh.]
1. To ſet up a ſudden dolorous cry.
2. To cry with a drill acute tone.Shakʃpeare.
3. To break ſilence or ſecrecyi,for fear or
pain. Dryden.

SQUEAK. ʃ. [from the verb. ; A Arill
quick cry. Dryden.

To SQUEAL. v. V. [fqwala, Swediſh. ;
To cry with a ſhnil ih^rp voice ; to or ;
with pain.

SQUEA'MISH. a. [for quamiſh or qualmiſh,
Irom quulm.] Nice ; fartidik,us ; eaſily
di''^guſted ; having the rtomach eaſily turnet^. Sidney. Southfrn,

SQUEA'MISHNESS. ʃ. [from ſqueawiſh.]
Niceneſs ; delicacy ; faaidiouſneſs.

To SQUEEZE. v. a. [cpipn, Sax.]
1. To preſs ; to cruſh between two bodies. Dryden.
2. To oppreſs ; to cruſh ; to haraſs by extortion. L'Eſtrange.
3. To force between cloſe bodies.

To SQUEEZE. v. n.
1. To act or paſs, in conſequence of compreſſion. Newton.
2. To force way through cloſe bodies.

SQUEEZE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Compreſſion
; preliute. Phi'ipt,

SQUELCH. ʃ. Heavy fall. Hudibras. L'Eſtrngi,

SQUIB. ʃ. [fctieben, German.]
1. A

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2. A ſmall pipe qf paper filled witli- wU<J-
stre. Bacon.
2. Any petty fellow. Tatler.

SQUILL. ʃ. [fjuiUa, Jcilla, Lat.]
; , A phm. -.A Roſcommon.
2. Afiſh. V
3. An infeſt. Cr»w,

SQUI'NANCY. ʃ. [Jqu'tnancie, Fr.] An
inflammation in the throat ; a quinfey.

SQUINT. a. [ſquinte, Dutch.] Looking
obliquely ; looking not directly ; looking
ſuſpiciouſly. Milton.

To SQUINT. v. n. To look obliquely ; to
look not in a direct line of viſion. Bacon.

To SQUINT. w. a.
1. To form the eye to oblique viſion.Shakʃpeare.
2. To turn the eye obliquely. Bacon.

SQUINTEYED. a. [ſquwt &nA eye.l
1. Having the fight directed oblique. Knolles.
2. Indirect ; oblique ; malignant. Denham.

SQUINTIFE'GO. a. Squinting. Dryden.

To SQUINY. v. ». To look aſquint. Shakʃpeare.

SQUIRE. ʃ. [Contraction of e/^«;re ; efcujer.
Trench.; 1. A gentleman next in rank to a knight.Shakʃpeare.
2. An attendant on a noble warnour. Dryden.
3. An attendant at court. Shakʃpeare.

SQUI'RREL. ʃ. [ejcurueil, French ; Jciurui,
Lat.] A fn-jell animal that lives in woods,
leaping from tree to tree. Drayton.

To SQUIRT. v. a. To throw out in a quick
'frream. Arbuthnot.

To SQUIRT. v. «. To prate ; to let fly.


SQUIRT. f. [from the verb.]
1. An inlhu.Tient by which a quick ſtream
is ejected. Pope. .
2. A ſmall quick ſtream. Bacon.

SQUI'RTER. y. [from f^uirt.] One that
piies a ſquirt. Arbuthnot.

To STAB. v. a. [ſlaven, old Dutch.]
1. To pierce with a poinced weapon. Shakʃpeare.-ſpeaTC.
2. To wound moi tally or miſchievouſly.

STAB. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A wound with a ſharp pointed weapon.
2. A dark injury ; a fly miſchief.
3. A ſtroke ; a blow. South.

STA'BSER. ʃ. [from ſhi.] One wko flabs; a privy murderer.

STABI'LIMENT. ʃ. [from /^ivY/i, Latin.]
Support- ; fiimneſs i act of making firm. Denham.

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STABILITY. ʃ. [fiahi^ite, Fr.]
1. Stableneſs ; ſtcadiqcfs ; ſtrength to ffan<J. Blackmore. Cotton,
2. Fixedneſs; not fluidity. B^ylt.
3. Firmneſs of reſolution,

STA'BLE. a. [Jiaiſhs, hit.]
1. Fixed ; able to ſtand.
2. Steady ; conſtant. Davies.
3. Strong ; fixed in ſlate. Hogers,

STA'BLE. ʃ. [Jiabulumt Lat.] A houſe for
bearts. £»rtf.

To STA'BLE. v. n. [/^.«/<7, Latin.] To
kennel ; to dwell as beaſts. Milton.

STA'BLEBOY. ʃ. [ftable and boy, or

STA'BLEMAN. i man.] One who attends
in the ſtable. SwiJ}»

STA'BLENESS. ʃ. [from able.]
1. Power to ſtand.
2. Steadineſs ; conſtancy ; lability.Shakʃpeare.

STA'BLESTAND. ʃ. [In law.] Is one of
the four evidences or preſumptions, whereby
a man is convinced to intend the ſtealing
of the king's deer in the foreſt : and
this is when a man is found at his ſtanding
in the foreſt with a croſs bow bent, ready
to ſhoot at any deer ; or with a I ng bow ;
or elſe ſtandiag cloſe by a^ree with greyhounds
in a leaſh. Cowel.

To STA'BLISH. v. a. [ejiablir, Fr.] To
eftabliſh ; tofTx; to ſettle. Donne.

STACK. f. [//aaa, Italian.]
1. A large quantity of hay, corn, or wood. Wotton. Newton,
2. A number of chimneys or funnels.

To STACK. v. a. [from the noun.] To
pile up regularly in ricks. Mortimer.

STACTE. ʃ. An aromatick ; the gum thac
diſtills from the tree which produces myrrh. Exodus.

STA'DLE. ʃ. [fti'&el. Sax.]
1. Any thing which ſerves for ſupport to
1. A ſtaff; a crutch. Spenſer.
3. A tree ſuffered to grow for coarſe and
common uſes, as poſts or rails. Bacon.

To S TA'DLE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
furr>;ſh with ſtadles. Tuffer,

STA'DTHOLDER. ʃ. [Jlact and houden,
Dutch.] The chief magiſtrate of the United

STAFF. ʃ. plur. ſtava. [ftsF, Sax. Jlaff,
Daniſh ',ftaf, Dutch.]
1. A ſtick with which a man ſupports
hin)('c;lf in walking,
2. A prop ; a ſupport, Shakʃpeare.
3. A ſtick uſed as a weapon ; a club.

4. Any long piece of wood, Addiſon.
5. An enſign of an office. Hayward.
6. £ iitij, Iſlandick, ; A ſtanza ; a ſeries

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of verſes regularly diſpoſed, ſo as that,
when the ſtanza is concluded, the ſame
order begins again. Dryden.

STA'FFISH. a. [from ſtaff.] Stiffj harſh.

STATFTREE. ʃ. A ſort of evergreen privet.

STaC. ʃ. The male red deer ; the male of
the hind. Milton.

STAGE. ʃ. [epage, Frertch.]
1. A floor raiſed to view on which any ſhow
is exhibited.
2. The theatre ; the place of ſcenick entertainments.
Knolt s.
3. Any place whtre any thing is publickly
tranſa£^ed or performed. Shakʃpeare.
4. A place in which reſt is taken on a
journey. Hammond.
5. A ſingle ſtep of gradual proceſs. Rogers.

To STAGE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
exhibit publickly. Shakʃpeare.

STA'GECOACH. ʃ. [ftjge and cojch.] A
coach that keeps its Rages ; a coach that
paflcs and repaſſes on certain days for the
accommodation of paſſengers. Gay.

STA'GEPLAY. ʃ. [ſtage aod^/jj?.] Theatrical
entertaioment. Dryden.

STA'GER. ʃ. [from >^^]
1. A player. Ben. Johnson.
2. One who has long acted on the ſtage of
life ; a praftitioner. Swift.

STA'GEVIL. ʃ. A diſeaſc in horſes.

STA'GGARD. ʃ. [from ;?^^.] A four year
old flag. Ainsworth.

To STA'GGER. v. n. [ſtaggerev, Dutch.]
1. To reel ; cot to ſtand or walk ſteadily. Boyle.
2. To faint ; to begin to give way. Addiʃon.
3. To hefitate ; to fall into doubt. Bacon.

To STAGGER. v. a.
1. To make to ſtagger ; to make to reel. Shakʃpeare
a- To ſhock ; to alarm. L'Eſtrange.

STA'GGERS. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A kind of horſe apoplexy. Shakʃpeare.
2. Madneſs ; wild condu^, Shakʃpeare.

STAGNANCY. ʃ. [from ſtagnaAt .-[The
ſtate of being without motion or vcntilalatioij.

STA'GNANT. a., [fiagnans, Latin.] Motioaleſs ;
ſtili ; not agitated ; not flowing ; not running. Woodward.

To STAGNATE. v. ». [fiagnum, Latin.]
To lye mouonleſs ; to have no courſe or
fiream. Arlu.-Bncr.

STAGNArTION. ſ. [from Pgnaie.] Stop
of courſe ; ccfTation of motion. Addiſcr.

STAID. pjrt. adj. Ifrom ſtay.] Sober ;
grave; regular, Aliiton,

STA'IDNESS. ʃ. [from fiaid, ] Sobriety ;
gravity ; regularity. Dryden.

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To STAIN. v. a. [yfiaemo, Welfli.]
1. To blot ; to ſpot ; to maculate.Shakʃpeare.
. To diſgrace ; to ſpot with guilt or jofamy,

1. BIot; ſpot ; diſcoloration. Addiſon, Pope.
2. Taint of guilt or infamy. Broome.
3. Cauſe of reproach ; ſhame. Sidney.

STAI NER. ſ. [from ſtain.] Oae who
ftains ; one who blots.

STAINLESS. a. [from y?^/«.]
1. Free from bK-ts or Ipots. Sidney.
2. Free from ſin or reproach. Shakʃpeare.

STAIR. [r^x^efi, Saxon ifteghe, Dutch.]
Steps by which we riſe an alcent from the
lower part of a building to the upper.

Clarendon. MiltoTt%

STA'IRCASE. ʃ. [ftair and cafe.] The part
of a fibrick that contains the ſtairs.

STAKE. ʃ. [rrica, Saxon-^ ſtaeck, Dutch.]
1. A poA or ſtrong ſtick fixed in the ground. Hooker.
2. A piece of wood. Dryden.m
3. Any thing placed as a palifade or <ence-
4. The poſt to which a beaſt is tied to be
baited. Shakʃpeare.
5. Any thing pledged of wagered. Cowley.
6. The ſtate of being hazarded, pled^ged.
or wagered. Hudibras.
7. ſht ftake is a ſmall anvil, which ſtands
upon a ſmall iron foot on the work bench,
to remove as occaſion offers ; or elſe it hath
a ſtron^ iron ſpike at the bottom let into
ſome place of the work-bench, not to be
removed. Moxon.

To STAKE. v.ai [from the noun.]
1. To faſten ; ſupport, or defend with poſt.
ſet upright. Evelyn.
2> To wager ; to hazard'; to put to hazard. South.

STALACTI'TES. ʃ. [from raX«^a;.] Sta.
larriret is only ſpar in the ſhape of an ickle.


STALA'CTICAL. a. Reſembling an ickle. Denham.

STALAGMI'TES. ʃ. Spar formed into the
ftjape of drops. ff'oodicdrd,

STALE. a. [/?f//f, Dutch.]
1. Old ; long kept ; altered by tirre. Prior, Spenſer.
2. uſed 'till it is of no uſe or ofttem.

STALE. ʃ. [from j-tsl^n, Sax. tolteal.]
1. Something e.xiubited or offered as an
allurement to draw others to any place or
purPope. , Sidney.
2. In Skchſpedn it ſeems to ſignify a proſticute.
3. [From yJtf'e, adj.] Urine; old urine.
A. O.'i beer s beer fofnewhat acidMlatetJ.
5. iSte!u

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5. [Sfele, Dutch, a ſtick.] A handle. Mortimer.

To STALE. v. a. [from the adj^aive.]
To wear out ; to make uld, Shakʃpeare.

To STALE. v. n. [from the noun.] To make
water. Hudtbtai.

STA'LELY. ad. [from fak.] Of olH ; long
time. Ben. Johnſon.

STA'LENESS. ʃ. [from y?j/<r.] Oldneſs; ſtate of being long kept ; ſtate of being
corrupted by tirre. Bacon.

To STALK. 1;, «. |i-t!alcan, Saxon.]
1. To walk with high and ſuperb ſteps. Dryden, Addiſon.
2. To walk behind a ſtalking horſe or cover. Bacon.

STALK. f. [from the verb.]
1. H gh, proud, wide, and (lately flep. Addiſon.
2. The ſtem on which flowers or fruits
grow. Dryden.
3. The ſtem of a quill. Grew.

STA'LKINGHORSE. ſ. [J}a!kir,g and
i>orfe.] A horſe either real or fiftitious by
which a fowler ſhelters himſelf from the
fight of the game ; a maſk. HahivHL

STA'LKY. a. fromJialk.] Hard like a ſtaik. Mortimer.

STALL. ʃ. [pteal, Saxon ; J^all, Dutch ;
Jialla, I aiian.]
1. A crib in which an ox is fed, or where
any horſe is kept in the ſtable. Chapmin.
2. A bench or form where any thing is
fetfcofale. Sui/t.
3. A ſmall houſe or ſhed in which certain
trades are practiſed. Spenſer.
4. The feat of a dignified clergyman in the
choir. Watburton,

To STALL. v. a.
1. To keep in a ſtall or ſtable. Dryden.
2. To inveſt. Shakʃpeare.

To STALL. nj. V.
1. To inhabit ; to dwell. Shakʃpeare.
2. To kennel.

STA'LLFED. a. [fiall zv\Afed.] Fed not
with graſs but dry feed. Arbuthnot.

STA'LLION. ʃ. [^/J^/zwyA, Welfli ; eflallion,
French ; fialbengft, Dutch.] A horſe
kept for mares. Temple.

STAmiNA. ſ. [Latin.]
1. Thefirſt principles of any thing.
2. The ſolids of a human body.
3. Thoſe little fine threads or capjllaments
which grow up within the flowers of plants,
encompsfling round the ſtyle, and on which
the apices grow at their extremities.

STA'MINEOUS. a. [y?a/OTne«j, Latin.]
1. Confuting of threads.
2. Stamineous flowers are ſo far imperfect
as to want thoſe coloured leaves which are
called petala, and conſiſd only of the ſtylus
and the llamma ]
and ſuch plant's as theſe
conſtitute a large genus of plants.

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To STA'MMER. «/, ». [j-tamefi, Saxon ; Ji3nieUn,Jlameren, to ſtammer, Dutch.] To
ſpeak with unnatural hefitation ; to utter
words with difficulty. Sidney, Shakſp.

STA'MMERER. ʃ. [from jiawmer.] One
who ſpeaks with hefitation. Taylor.

To STAMP. v. a. [fian-pen, Dutch.]
1. To ſtrike by prefITing the foot haftily
downwards. Dryden.
2. To pound ; to beat as in a mortar. Bacon.
3. To impreſs with ſome mark or figure. South.
4. To fix a mark by impreſſing it. South.
5. To make by impreſſing a mark. Locke.
6. To mint ; to form ; to coin. Shakſp.

To STAMP. v. n. To ſtiikc the foot ſuddenl)
downward. Dennis.

STAMP. ʃ. [epawpe, Fr. Jlatnpay Italian.]
1. Any inſtrument by which a hollow impreſſion
is made. Waller.
2. A mark ſet on anything; Impreſſion, Locke.
3. A thing marked or ſtamped. Shakſp.
4. A picture cut in wood or metal. Addiſ.
5. A mark ſet upon things that pay cuſtoms
to the government. Swift.
6. A character of reputation good or bad. South.
7. Authority ; currency ; value, L'Eſtr.
8. Make ; caſt ; form. Addiſon.

STA'MPER. ʃ. [from /flw^.] An inſtrument
of pounding. Careio.

STAN. amongſt our forefathers, w'aS this
termination of the ſuperlative degree : fo
Athcljian^ moſt noble ; Betjian, the beſt ; Wiſeman. the wifeſt. Gibfon.

To STANCH. v. a. [ejlgncher, French.] To
ft ^p biood ; to hinder from running. Bacon.

To STANCH. v. n. To flop. Luke.

1. Sound ; ſuch as will not run out. Boyle.
2. Firm ; found of principle ; truſty; hearty ; determined. Addiſon.
3. Sfri;ng; not to be broken. Locke.

STA'NCHION. ʃ. [«/2a«^o«, French.] A
Drop ; a ſuppcrr. '

STA'NCHLESS. a. [from ſtattch,'] Not to
be flopped. Shakʃpeare.

To STAND. v. ſt. preterite ; flood, ; have
flood, [f ran&an, Saxon ; ſtaen, Dutch.]
1. To be upon the feet ; not to fit or lie
2. To be not demoliſhed or overthrown. Milton.
3. To be placed as an edifice. Addiſon.
4. To remain erect ; not to fall, Milton.
5. To become erect. Dryden.
6. To flop ; to halt ; not to go forward.Shakʃpeare.
7. To be at a ſtationary point without progreſs
or regreſſion. Pope. .
2. Xfl

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9. To be in a fate of firmneſs, not vacillation. Davies.
9. To be in any poſture of refinance or
defence. Shakʃpeare.
10. To be in a ſtate of hoſtility. iiayw.
11. Not to yield
; not to fly ; not to give
^^J' Bacon.
12. To flay ; not to fly. Clarenden.
13. To be placed with regard to rank or
order. Arbuthnot.
14. To remain in the preſent ſtate.
I Corin,
15. To be in any particular f!;te. Milton.
16. Not to become void ; to remain in
force. Hooker.
17. To conſiſt; to have its being or effence.
18. To be with reſpect to terms of a contrail. Carew.
19. To have a place. Clarenden.
20. To be in any ſtate at the time preſent. Clarendon.
afl. To bs in a permanent ſtate. Shakſp.
22. To be with regard to condition or fortune. Dryden.
23. To have any particular reſpeil. South.
24. To be without action.
arj. To depend ; to reſt ; to be ſupported.
a6. To be with regard to ſtate of mind.
47. To ſucceed; to be acquitted; to be
fafe. Addiſon.
28. To be with reſpect to any particular.Shakʃpeare.
29. To be reſolutely of a party. Pſalms.
30. To be in the place ; to be repreſentative. Locke.
31. To remain ; to be fixed, Milton.
32. To hold a courſe. Pope. .
33. To have direction towards any local
point. Boyle.
34. To offer as a candidate.
35. To place himſelf ; to be placed. Knolles.
36. To ſtagnate ; not to flow. Dryden.
37. To be with reſpect to chance. Riive,
38. To remain falisfied. Shakʃpeare.
39. To be without motion, Shakſp.
40. To make delay. Locke.
41. To inſiſt ; to dwell with many words.
a Maccabees.
42. To be expoſed. Shakʃpeare.
43. To perfift; to perſevere. Taylor.
44. To perfift in a claim. Shakʃpeare.
45. To adhere ; to abide, Daniel.
46. To be conſiſtent. Fti:crj.
47. To Stand Ay. To ſupport ; to defend
; not to deferr. C^limy,
48. To Stand by. To be preſent without
being an actor. Shakʃpeare.
49. To Stand, by. To repoſe on ; to
wfft b. Pope. .

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50. To Stand for. To propoſe one'a
fdf a candidate. D:nms,
51. To Stand for. To maintain; ro
profeſs to ſupport. Ben. Johnſon.
52. To Stand off. To keep at adifiance. Dryden.
53. To Stand (P^. Not to comply.Shakʃpeare.
54. To Stand off. To forbear frieiioITup
or intimacy. Atterbury.
55. To Stand off. To have relief; to
appe-.r protuberant or prominent. Wouon.
56. To Stand out. To hold reſolution ;
to hold a poſt. Roger,
57. To Stand out. Not to comply ; to
Recede. Dryden.
58. To Stand o«r. To be prominent or
protuberant. Pſalms.
59. To Stand to. To ply ; to perſevere. Dryden.
60. To Stand to. To remain fixed in a
Purpoſe. Herbert.
61. To S T A N D a«^fr. To undergo; to
fuſtain. Shakʃpeare.
62. To Stand »^. To arife in order to gair ;
notice. AeJt,
63. To Stand up. To make a p^rty.Shakʃpeare.
64. To Stand upon. To concern; to,
intereſt. Hudibras.
65. To Stand £//ioff. To value; to take
pride. Rcy,
66. To Stand vp'.n. To inſiſt.

To STAND. v. a.
1. To endure; to reſiſt without flying or
yielding, Smith.
2. To await ; to abide ; to fuffsr. Addiſon.
3. To keep ; to maintain yNiX.]\ ground. Dryden.

STAND. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſtation ; a place where one waits
ft^nding, Adduer,
2. Rank ; poſt ; ſtation. Daniel.
3. A flop ; a halt. Clarenden.
4. Shakſp. interruption. TV^cd^vard,
5. The act of oppofing. Shakʃpeare.
6. Higheſt mark ; ſtationary point. Dryd.
7. A point beyond which one cannot proceed. Prior.
8. Difficulty ; perplexity ; embarraſsment ;
hefitation. Locke.
9. A frame or table on which veſſels are
placed, Dryden.

STA'NDARD. ʃ. [f/?^r^.7rr, French.]
1. An eYiſign in war, particulacly the enſign
of the horſe. Milton.
2. That which is of undoubted authority ; that which is the teſt of other things of the
fame kind. Spenſer.
3. That which has been tried by the proper
teſt. Srafi.
4. A ſettled rare. Ba en,
c. A rt'nding ſtcm or tree, Ei-r'vfi,
fe A STA r^-

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STA'NDARDEEARER. ʃ. [ſtandard ^.ni
6ear.] One who beais a ſtandard or er ſign.

STA'NDCROP. ʃ. An herb.

STA'NDEL. ʃ. [from ſtand.] A tree of long
ſtanding. Howel.

STA'NDER. ʃ. [from ſand.l
3. One who ſtands.
2. A tree that has flood long. u^Jcham.
3. Sta'nder ^_y. One preſent ; a mere. Spectator, Shakʃpeare.

STA'NDERGRASS. ʃ. An herb. yiir.J%v,

STA'X3;ING. fart, a. [from ſtand.]
1. Settled ; eftabliſhed. Temple.
2. L;iſing ; not tranſitory. Addiſon.
3. Stagnant ; not running. Milton.
4. Placed on feet. Shakʃpeare.

STA'NDING. ʃ. [from fiard.]
1. Cononuauce ; long polleflion of an office.
2. Station ; place to ſtand in, Knolles.
3. Pwerto ſtand. Pſalms.
4. Ra:.k ; condition, Shakʃpeare.
5. Competitian ; cand'dateſhip. fVation.

STA'NDISH. ʃ. [fiar.d and diff:,'] A cafe
for pen and ink. Addiſon.

STANG. ʃ. [rtseng, Saxon.] A perch. Swift.

STANK. a. Weak ; worn out. Spenſer.

STANK. The preterite offiink. Exodus.

STA'NNAR. a. [from jiannum, Lu;n.]
Relating to the tinworks. Carcw,

STA'NZA. ʃ. [fiar.z-a, Ital. /?^.yr^, Fr.]
A number of lines regularly adjuſted to
each other ; ſo much of a poem as contains
every variation of meaſure or relation of
rhyme. Dryden.

STAPLE. ʃ. [(M^e> Fr. Ppe!, Dutch.] A
ſettled mart ; an eftabliſhed emporium.

STAPLE. a. [from the noun.]
1. Settled ; eftabliſhed in commerce. Dryden.
2. According to the laws of commerce. Swift.

STA'PLE. ʃ. [ftapul, Saxon. a prop.] A
loop of is on
a bar bent and driven in at
both ends. Peacham.

STAR. ʃ. [ptecſkjia, Saxon ]fierre, Dutch.]
1. Die <f the luminous bodies that appear
in the nocturnil ſky. Watts.
2. The pole ſtar. Shakʃpeare.
3. Coniiguration of th€ planets ſuppoſed to
influence fortune, Shakʃpeare.
4. A inark of referfnce. Watts.

SPAR of Bethhhm. f, \^ornithr,galum^ Lat.]
A plant, it hath a lily-flower, compoſed
of fix petals, or leaves ranged circularly,
whoſe centre is poſſeted by the pointal,
which afterwards turns to a roundiſh fruit. Miller.

STA'RAPPLE. ʃ. A plant. Miller.

STARBOARD. ʃ. [pterpboji't., Saxon.] Is

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the right-hand ſide of the ſhip, as W.
board is the left. Harris. Bramhall,

STARCH. ʃ. [from y?^rf, Teutonick, ſtiff.]
A kind of viſcoas matter made of flower or
potatoes, with which linen is ſtiflfened.

To STAr^CH. v. a. [from the noun.] To
fliffen with ſtarch. Gay.

STA'RCHAMBER. ʃ. [camera ſellsata,
Latin.] A kind of criminal court of equity.Shakʃpeare.

STA'RCHED. a. [from flarcK~.
1. Stiffened with ſtarch,
2. Stiff; preciſe ; formal. Swifta

STA'RCHER. ʃ. [from y?ſtrci>.] One whofe
trade is to ſtarch,

STA'RCHLY. ad. [from ſtarch.] Stiffly ;

STA'RCHNESS. ʃ. [from /arc^.] Stifſneſs ;
^ preciſeneſs.

To STARE. v. n. [ptapian, Sasr, ſterren,
1. To look with fixed eyes ; to look with
wonder, impudence, confidence, ſtupidity,
horrour, Spenſer.
2. To Stare ;a the face. To be undeniably
evident. Locke.
3. To ſtand out. Mortitnert

STARE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Fixed look. DrydeMt
2. [Sturnus, Latin.] Starling.

STA'RER. ʃ. [itoTCifiare.] One who looks
with fixed eyes, Pope.

STARFISH. ʃ. [ftar and //.] A fiſh
branching cut into ſeveral points. Woodw.

STARGA'ZER. ʃ. [ftar and gax.^.'^ An
afttonome r, or aſtrologer, L'Eſtrange.

STA'RHAWK. ʃ. [^/ar, Latin.] A fort of
hawk, Ainsworth.

STARK. a. [ftejic, rtajic, Saxon ; fierck.
1. Stiff; ſtrong; fugged, Ben. Johnson.
2. Deep ; full, Ben. Johnson.
3. Mere ; ſimple ; plain ; groſs. Collier.

STARK. ad. Is uſed to intend or augment
the ſignification of a word : as ſtark ntad,
mad in the higheſt degree. Abbot.

STA'RKLY. ad. [from ſtark.] Stiffly ; ſtrongly. Shakʃpeare.

STA'RLESS. a. [from ſtar,^ Having na
light of ſtars, Milton.

STA'RLIGHT. ʃ. [ftar and hght.] Luſtre
of the ſtars. Milton.

STA'RLIGHT. a. Lighted by the ſtars. Dryden.

STA'RLIKE. a. [ftar and like.]
1. Stellated ; having various points reſembling
a ſtar in luſtre, Mortimer.
2. Bright ; illuſtrious. Boyle.

STA'RLING. ʃ. [ftaepling. Sax.] Aſmall
finging bird. Shakʃpeare.

STA'RPAVED. a. [/ar and/a-i/f.] Studded
with flars. Milton.

STA'RPROOF. a. [ftar and proof.] Impervious
to ſta, light. Milton.

STAR-READ. ſ. [ftar and read.] Doahoe
of the ſtars.

STA'RRED. a. [from /?jr.]
1. Influenced by the liars with reſpect to
fortune. '. Shakʃpeare.?,
1. Decorated with ſtars. Milton.

STA'RRY. a. [from y7<;r.]
1. Decorated with ſtars. Pope. .
2. Conſiſting of ſtars ; ſtellar. Dryden.
3. Reſembling ſtars.

STA'RRING. a. [from y?jr.] Shining with
ftelhr light. CrJjhaw.

STA'RSHOOT. ʃ. [y?:2r and /oar.j Ai
emiſſion from a (lar, BoyU,

To START. v. n. [ftartz'tt, German.]
1. To feel a ſudden and involuntary twitch
or motion of the animal frame. Bacon.
2. To riſe ſuddenly. Roſcommin,
3. To move with ſudden quickneſs.
I Cleaveland.
4. To Hirink ; to win-.h, Shakʃpeare.
5. To deviate. Creech.
6. To ſet out from the barrier at a race.
7. To ſet out on any purſuit. fValUr,

To START. v. a.
1. To alarm ; to diſturb ſuddenly. SLahef,
Z' To make to ſtart or fly haftily from a
hiding place. Shakʃpeare.
3. To bring into motion ; to produce to
view or notice, Sprait.
4. To diſcover ; to bring within purſuit.
5. To put ſuddenly out of place. Wi\.m,

START. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A motion of terrour ; a ſudden twitch
or contraction of the frame. Dryden.
2. A ſudden roufing to action ; txcirement.
3. Sally
; vehement eruption ; AjJden offuſion,

4. Sudden fit ; intermitted a£iion. Ben. Johnſon.
5. A quick ſpring: or motion. Griiv.
6. Firll emiſſion from the barrier ; sft of
fetting out. Bacon.
7. To get the St AKT. To begin before
another ; to obtain advantage over another. Bacon.

STA'RTER. ʃ. [from fiart.] One that
ſhrinks from his purpoſe. Hudibras.

STA'RTINGLY. ad. [from /?^r/m-.] By
ſudden fitsj with frequent intermiHi n.Shakʃpeare.

To STA'RTLE. v. n. [from flat
r, 'j To
; to move on feeling a ſudden impreſſion.
- jAddiſon.

To STA'RTLE. v. a. To fright ; to /liock ;
to impreſs with ſudden terrour.

STA'RTLE. ʃ. [froui the verb.] S-jdden
Fuirf.-x. Locke.
Sa' dys. Pope.
f/^Oidw. Prior.

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; ſhock ; ſudden impreſſion'of tCT-

STARTUP. ʃ. [yy^rr and ./>.] One that
c<mes fa.:den!y intonnice. Shakpejre.

To STARVE. x:n. [r^-'^nF', Saxon ;
Jterven, Dutch, to die.]
1. To periſh ; to be deſtroyed.
2. To periſh with hunger.
3. To be k-ilifd with cold.
4. To futVpr rx.remc poverty,
5. To be dedrovej with cold.

To STARVE. ,-. a.
1. To kill with hunger.
2. To ſubdiie by famine.
3. To kill with cold.
4. To deprive of force or vigour. Locke.

STA'RVLING. ʃ. [from /ſtr-^.] An ara-,
mal thin and we^k for wantof nouriſhment.

STA'RWORT. ſ. [after, Latin.] Ekc^mpane.

STA TARY. a. [from ſtjius, Lat.] Fixed ; titled.
- .

STATE. ʃ. [/jr«T, Latin.]
1. Condicion ; circumftances of nature or
fortune. Mction.
2. Modification of any thing. Boyle.
3. Stationary point ; crifis ; height. Wiſeman.
4. Eſtate ; ſigniory ; pofleſhon. Daniel.
5. The community ; the publick ; the
commonwealth, Shakʃpeare.
6. A republick ; a government not monarchical. Temple.
7 Rank ; condition ; quality, Fairfax.
8. Sole.mnpompj appearance of greatneff, Roſcommon.
9. D'gnity ; grnndeur. Milton.
ic. A f.-at of dignity. Shakʃpeare.
11. A canopy ; a covering of dignity. Bacon.
12. A perſon of high rank. Laiymer,
13. The principal perſons in the governri'ent.

i^. Joined with another word it signifies
publick. Bacon.

To STATE. v. a. [cor.ſtater^ French.]
1. To ſettle ; to regu'.are. Coilier,
2. To repreſentin all th; circumftances of
mndification. Hammond.

STA'TLINESS. ʃ. [from ſtatdy.]
1. Grandeur ; m?jertick appearance ; auguſt
manner ; dignity. A'ore,
2. Appearance of pride ; aſſeſled dignity.

STA'TELY. ad. [from flatf.]
1. Auguſt ; grand ; lt.fty ; elevated. Raleigh.
2. Elevated in mien or ſentiment. Dryd.

STA'TELY. ad. [from the adje<ftive.] Majeflically. Milton.

STA'TESrvlAN. ſ. [Jiute sad stjr^;
6A^ i^\
S t A S t E
s. A pol tkian ; one verſed in the arts of To STAY. v. v. Iftaen, Dutch.]
government. Ben. Johnſon.
2. One employed in pu'olick affairs. South.

STA'TESWOMAN. ʃ. [flat ^^^ '^voman..
A woman who nacddles with publick affairs. Ben. Johnſon.

STATICAL. v. a. [from the noun.] Re-

STA'TICK. 3 lating to the ſcience of
weighing. Arbuthnot.

STA'TICKS. ʃ. [caliJtr.] The ſcience which
confiddis the weight of bodies. Berkley.

STA'TION. ʃ. [Jiatio, Latin.]
1. The act of ilanding. IJocker.
2. A ſtate of re.t. Brown.
3. A place where any one is placed.
Hdyward. Creech.
4. Poft aſſigned ; office. Milton.
^, Situation ;
poſition. Prior.
6. Empioymeat ; office. Swift.
7. Charaaei} ſtate. Milton.
8. Rank ; condition of life. Dryden.

To STA'TION. w. a. [from the noun.] To
place in a certain poſt, rank, or place.

STA'TIONARY. a. [from y?tf«on.] Fixed ;
not progreirivc. Newton.

STA'TIONER. ʃ. [from jiation.]
1. A bookſellseV. Dryden:.
1. A ſeller of paper.

STA'TIST. ʃ. [from yJ-2/f.] A ſtateſman ; a politician. Milton.

STA'TUARY. ʃ. [from flatua, Latin.]
1. The art of carving images or repreſentations
of life. Temple.
2. One that practiſes or profeſſes the art
of making ſtatues. Swift.

STA'TUE. ʃ. [flatua, Latin.] An image ;
a ſolid repreſentation of any living being.

To STA'TUE. v. a. [from the noun.] To
place as a ſtatue. Shakʃpeare.
1. To continue in a place ; to forbear de-Shakʃpeare, Dryden, Dryden, Bacon, Dryden.
2. To continue in a ſtate,
3. To wait ; to attend.
4. To flop ; toſtandftill.
5. To dwell ; to be long,
6. To reſt confidently.

To STAY. v. a.
1. To flop ; to withold ; torepreſs. Rah
2. To delay ; to obſliuft ; to hinder from
progreſſion. Spenſer.
3. To keep from departure, Dryden.
4. To prop ; to ſupport ; to hold up. Hooker.

STAY. ʃ. [eftaye, French.]
1. Continuance in a place ; forbearance of
departure. Bacon.
2. Stand ; ceffation of progreſſion. Haynv,
3. A flop ; an obſtruction ; a hindrance
from progreſs. Fairfax.
4. Reſtraint ; prudence ; caution. Bacon.
5. A fixed ſtate, Donne.
6. A prop ; a ſupport. Milton.
7. Tackling. Fo^e,
8. Boddice.
9. Steadineſs of conduct,

STA'YED. part. a. [from yZ^y.]
1. Fixed ; ſettled ; ferious
; not volatile. Bacon.
2. Stopped.

STA'YEDLY. ad. [from ſtayed.] Compoſedly
; gravely ; prudently ; ſoberly.

STA'YEDNESS. ʃ. [ITomfiayed.';
1. Solidity ; weight. Camden.
2. Compofure ; prudence
; gravity
; judiciouſneſs.

STA'YER. ʃ. [from ſtay.] One who flops,
holds or ſupports. Philips.

STA'YLACE. ʃ. [flay and lace.l^ A lace
ith which women faſten boddice. Swift.

STA'TURE. ʃ. [/?a/«rfl, Latin.] The height STAYS. ſ. Without ſingular
of any animal. Brown.

STA'TUTABLE. a. [^rom Jlatute.] According
to ſtatute, Addiʃon.

STA'TUTE. ʃ. [flatutum^'Lzim,'] A law ;
an edidl: of the legiflature. Shakʃpeare, Tillotſon.

To STAVE. v. a. [from ſtaff.]
1. To break in pieces. Dryden.
2. To pufti OIT as with a ſtaff. Ben. Johnson.
3. To pour out by breaking the caflc.
4. To furniſh with rundles or ſtaves.

To STAVE. v. n. To fight with ſt^vcs. Hudibras.

To STAVE and Tail v. a. To part dogs
by interpofing a ſtaff, and by pulling the

STAVES. ʃ. The plural offtaff. Spenſer.

STA'VESACRE. ʃ. Larklfji, A plant.
1. Boddice ; a kind of ſtiff waiftcoat worn
by ladies,
2. RopeSj in a ſhip to keep the maft from
falling. Sidney.
3. Any ſupport ; any thing that keeps
another extended. Dryden.

STEAD. ʃ. [rttb, Saxon.]
1. Place. Spenſer.
2. Room ; place which another had or
might have. 1 Chron.
3. Uſe ; help. Atterbury.
4. The frame of a bed, Dryden.

STEAD. fed, being in the name of a place
that is dirtant from any river, comes from
the Saxon f tefe, ſty.?), a place ; but if it be
upon a river or harbour, it is to be derived
from }.t-tSe, a ihore or ſtation for ſhips.

To STEAD. v. a.
1. To help ; to advantage ; to ſupport; t©afiul. Sidney. Powe.
2. Tq

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S T E<

br />

2. To fill the place of another. Shakſp.

STEA'DFAST. a. [Jleadzn6fa(i..
1. Faft in place ; firm ; fixed, Spenſer.
2. Conftartt; reſolutr. Eccluſ.

STEA'DFASTLY. ad. [from Jieadfaji.]
Firmly ; conſtantly. fi^akc,

STEA'DFASTNESS. ʃ. [from jleadfjji..
1. Immutability ; fixedneſs. Spenſer.
2. Firmneſs ; conſtancy ; reſolution.

STEA'DILY. ad. [from peady,
1. Without tottering ; without iliak'ng. South.
2. Without variation or irregularity. Blackmore.

STEA'DINESS. ʃ. [from y?^;^.]
r. State of being not tottering nor ea(:]y
2. Firmneſs ; conſtancy. Arbuthnot.
3. Conſiſtent unvaried conduct. Ccllter,

STEA'DY. a. [ftcefeij, Saxon.]
1. Firm ; fixed ; not tottering. Pope. .
2. Not wavering ; not ſickle ; not changeable
with regard to reſolution or attention. Locke.

STEAK. ʃ. [Jiyck, Iſlandick.] A flice of
fleſh broiled or fried ; a collop. Swift.

To STEAL. v. a. preterite 1 fiole, part.
paſt. ſtoUn. [j-telan. Sax. ſtekn, Dutch.]
1. To take by theft ; to take clandeſtinely
; to take without right. Shakʃpeare.
X, To draw or convey without notice. Spenſer.
3. To gain or effeſt by private means. Calamy.

To STEAL. v. n.
1. To withdraw privily ; to paſs ſilently. Sidney.
2. To practiſe theft ; to play the th ef.

STEA'LER. ʃ. [from fteal.] One who ſteals; a thief. Shakʃpeare.

STEA'LINGLY. ad. [from ſtealing.] Slily ;
by inviſible motion. Sidney.

STEALTH. f. [from jleal.]
1. The act of ſtealing; theft. Shakʃpeare.
2. The thing ſtolen. Raleigh.
3. Secret act ; clandeſtine practice. Dryden.

STEA'LTHY. a. [from fiealth.] Done
dandellinely ; performed by ſtealth.Shakʃpeare.

STEAM. ʃ. [ſteeme, Saxon.] The ſmoke or
vapour of any thing moiſt and hot. Dryden. tWoodward.

To STEAM. v. a. fj-teman, Saxon.]
1. To ſmoke or Vi.pour with moiſt heat. Dryden.
2. To ſend up vapours. Milton.
3. To paſs in vapours, Boyle.

STEAN iorfior.e.

STEATOMA. ʃ. [r£:i7^.Yx«.] Matter in a
wen compoſed of Ui, Sharp.

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STEED. ʃ. ſpte&a, Saxon.] A horſe for
ſtate or war. Pope. .

STEEL. ʃ. [rtal, Saxon iJiael, Dutch.]
1. Steel is a kind of iron, refined and purified
by the fire with orher ingredients,
which renders it white, and its grain cloſer
and finer than common iron. Steel, of
all other metals, is that fuſecptible of the
greateſt degree of hardneſs, when well tempered
; whence its great uſe in the making
of tools and inſtruments of all kinds. ,
2. It is often uſed for weapons or armour. Dryden.
3. Chalybeate medicines. Arbuthnot.
4. It uſed proverbially for hardneſs: as
heads oijleel.

To STEEL. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To point or edge with ſteel, Shakʃpeare.
2. To make bard or firm, Addiſon.

STEE'LY. a. [from Pel.-\
1. Made of ſteeJ. Gay.
2. Hard ; firm. Sidney.

STEELYARD. ʃ. [^eehniyard.] A kind
of balance, in which the weight is moved
along an iron rod, and grows heavier as it
is removed farther from the fulcrum.

STEEN. or Siean. ſ. A fiftitious veſſel of
- clay or ſtonc. Ainſworth.

STEEP. a. [pteap, Saxon.] Riſing or deſcending
with little inclination. Addiʃon.

STEEP. ʃ. Precipice} aſcent or deſcenC
approaching to perpendicularity. Dryden.

To STEEP. v. a. [ftippen, Dutch. ; To
ſoak ; to macerate ; to imbue ; to dip. Bacon.

STEE'PLE. ʃ. [r'^eopl, ynj^t], Saxon.] A
turret of a church generally furniſhed with
bells. Shakʃpeare.

STEE'VLY. ad. [from ſteep,'] With precipitous

STEE'PNESS. ʃ. [from y?«/).] Precipitous
declivity, Addiſon.

STEE'PY. a. [itoniJieep.] Having a precipitous
declivity. Dryden.

STEER. ʃ. [ftjie, Saxon.] flicr^ Dutch.]
A young bullock. Spenſer.

To STEER. v. a. of zeojtan, j-zyjian, bax,
fiieren, Dutch.] To direct ; to guide in a
paſſage. Spenſer.

To STEER. x/. n. To direct a courſe. Locke.

STEE'RAGE. ʃ. [Ucmftter.]
1. The act or practice of ſtsering.
2. Direction ; regulation of a courſe. Shakʃpeare.
3. That by which any courſe is guided.
4. Regulation or management of any thing, Swift.
5. The ſtern or hinder part of the ſhip.

STEE'RSMATE. ʃ. [fiecr and rr.an^ er

STEE'RSMAN. ʃ. mau.] ix oiU ; one
who ſtcers a ſhipi L'Eſtran9,.


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STEGANO'GRAPHY. ʃ. [^i^yavh and
y^d^oo.] The art of ſecret writing by
characters or cyphers. Bailey.

STEGNO'TICK. a. [rsyva/Itxa?.] Binding
; tendering coftive. Bailey.

STE'LE. ʃ. [psela. Sax. Jide, Dutch.]
A ſtalk ; a handle,

STE'LLAR. a. [ivomJldla,'] Aſtral ; relating
to the ſtars. Milton.

STE'LLATE. a. [fieUatus,'L9.].m.] Pointed
in the manner of a painted ſtar, Boyle.

STELLA'TION. ʃ. [from plla.] Emiiſion
of h'iſht as from a ſtar.

STELLI'FEROUS. a. [pila and fero.]
Having ſtars. , DiSI.

STE'LLION. ʃ. [fie/lio, Latin.] A
newt. Ainſworth.

STE'LLIONATE. ʃ. [Jldlionatus, Latin.]
A kind of crime which is committed by
a deceitful ſelling of a thing otherwiſe
than it really is : as, if a man ſhould ſells
that for his own eſtate which is actually
another man's. Bacon.

STEM. ʃ. [Jiemma, Latin.]
1. The ſtalk ; the twig. Waller
2. Family ; race; generation, ShakeC.
3. [Stamneny Swediſh.] The prow or
forepart of a ſhip. Dryden.

To STEM. nj. a. [Ji^mnta, IHandick.]
To oppoſe a current ; to paſs croſs or forward
notwithſtanding the ſtream. Dryden.

STENCH. ʃ. [from fzencan, Saxon.]
A ſtink ; a bad ſmell. Bacon.

To STENCH. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make to ſtink. Mortim.

STENO GRAPHY. ſ. [rcvo; and y^a<pm.]
Short-hand. Cleaveland,

STENTOROPHO'NICK. a. [from Stentor,
the Homerical herald.] Loudly ſpeaking
or founding. Denham.

To STEP. -y. n. [pzoeppan, Saxon ; fiap-
\ pen, Dutch.]
1. To move by a ſingle change of the
place of the foot, Wilkins.
2. To advance by a ſudden progrclfion.Shakʃpeare.
3. To move mentally. Watts.
<o . To go ; to walk. Shakſ.
5. To take a ſhort walk. ShalieJ.
6. To walk gravely and ſlowly. Knolles.

STEP. ʃ. [rzasp> Saxon ; fiap, Dutch.]
1. Progreſſion by one removal of the
foot, Addiſon.
2. One remove in climbing. Knolles.
3. Quantity of ſpace paſſed or meaſured
by one removal of the foot. Avbuthnot.
4. A ſmall length ; a ſmall ſpace. i Sam.
5. Walk; paſſage. Dryden.
6. Progreſſion; act of advancing. A^twf.
7. Footſtep
; print of the foot. Dryden.
^' Gait; manner of walking.
9. Action ; inſtance of conduct, Pope.

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STEP. in compoſition, ſignifies one whi
is related only by marriage. Hooker, Dryden, Arbuthnot.

STE'PPINGSTONE. ʃ. [Jlep and ſtone.-\
Stone laid to catch the foot, and fave it
from wet or dirt. Swift.

STERCORA'CEOUS. a. [ftercoraceus,
Latin.] Belonging to dung. Arbuthnot.

STERCORA'TION. ʃ. [from Jlercora,
Latin.] The act of dunging. Evelyn, Ray.

STEREO'GRAPHY. ʃ. [rage^c and
y^dtpM.] The art of drawing the forms
of ſolids upon a plane. Harris.

STEREO'METRY. n. ſ. [g-B^tk and ^.s-
T5E«.] The art of meaſuring all forts of
fohd bodies. Harris.

STE'RIL;. a. [fterile, Fr. ſterilisy Lat.]
Barren ; unfruitful ; not productive ;
wanting fecundity,Shakʃpeare.

STERI'LITY. ʃ. [ferilitas, Latin.]
Barrenneſs ; want of fecundity ; unfruitfulneſs. Berkley.

To STE'RILIZE. n^. a. [from ſteril.] To
make barren ; to deprive of fecundity. Savage.

STE'RLING. a. [from the Eajierlings,
who were employed as coiners.]
1. An epithet by which genuine Engliſh
money is diſcriminated. Bacon.
2. Genuine ; having paſt the teſt. Swift.

STE'RLING. ʃ. [Jlerlingunty low Lat.]
1. Englifti coin ; money. Garth.
2. Standard rate.

STERN. a. [yiyp^n, Saxon.]
1. Severe of countenance ; truculent of
aſpect, Knolles.
2. Severe of manners ; harſh ; unrelenting. Dryden.
3. Hard; affliaive. Shakſp.

STERN. ʃ. [i-secfi, Saxon.]
1. The hind part of the ſhip where the
rudder is placed. Watts.
2. Poft of management ; direction.Shakʃpeare.
3. The hinder part of any thing. Spenʃ.

STE'RNAGE. ʃ. [from /er«.] The
fteerage or ſtern. Shakſp.

STE'RNLY. ad. [from ſtern.] In a ſtern
manner ; ſeverely. Milton.

STE'RNNESS. ʃ. [from >r«.]
1. Severity of look. Spenſer.
2. Severity or harſhneſs of manners. Dryden.

STE'RNON. ʃ. [rEf.oy.] The breaſtbone.


STERNUTA'TION. ʃ. [fiernutatio, Lat.]
The act of ſneezing. Quincy.

STERNUTATIVE. a. [ftemutatif, Fr.
from fiernuto, Latin.] Having the quality
or ſneezing.


STERNU'TATORY. ʃ. [Jlernutafchc,?:.]
Medicine that provokes to ſneeze.

STE'VEN. ʃ. [rzepen, Saxon.] A cry,
or loud clamour. Spenſer.

To STEW. v. a. [c/Iwvcr, French ; Jicvcn,
Dutch.] To feeth any thing in a flow
moiſt heat. Shakeʃ.

To STEW. v. ;;. To be fecthed in a How
moiſt heat.

STEW. ʃ. [ejlwvc, Fr. pfa^ Italian; ejlufay Spaniſh.]
1. A bagnio ; a hot-houſe. Abbot.
2. A brothel ; a houſe of proſtitution. Afcham.
3. A ſtorepond; a ſmall pond where fiſh
are kept for the tabic.

STE'WARD. ʃ. [ptipajito, Saxon.]
1. One who manages the aftairs of another. Swift.
2. An officer of ſtate. Shakſ.

STEWARDSHIP. ʃ. [from finvard.]
The office of a ſteward.

STI'BIAL. a. [from jibiiwi, Latin.] Antimonial. Harvey.

STI'CADOS. ʃ. [Jlicadis, Latin.] An
herb, Ainsworth.

STICK. ʃ. [pncea. Sax. ficcco, Italian; feck, Dutch.] A piece of wood ſmall and
long. Dryden:,

To STICK. v. a. preterite Jiuck-^ participle
paff. ſtuck, [pzican, Saxon.] To faſten
on ſo as that it may adhere. Addiſon.

To STICK. v. n.
1. To adhere ; to unite itſelf by its tenacity
or penetrating power. Raleigh.
2. To be inſeparable ; to be united with
any thing. Sanderſon,
3. To reſt upon the memory painfully. Bacon.
4. To flop ; to loſe motion. Smith.
5. To reſiſt emiſſion. Shakſ.
3. To be conſtant ; to adhere with firmsieſs. Hammond.
7. To be troubleſome by adhering. Pope.
8. To remain ; not to be loft. Watts.
9. To dwell upon; not to forſake. Locke.
10. To cauſe difficulties or ſcruple. Swift.
11. To ſcruple; to hefitate. Bacon.
12. To be ſtopped ; to be unable to proceed. Clarendon.
13. To be embarraffed ; to hz puzzled.

14. To STICK out. To be prominent
with deformity. Job.
15. To STICK out. To be unemployed.

To STICK. v. a. [rtician. Sax. Ileken.
1. To Itab
; to pierce with a pointed inſtrument.
Crew, ^ To fijif upon 3 pointed body.

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3. To faſten by transfixion. Dryd.
4. To ſet with ſomething pointed. Dryden.

STI'CKINESS. ʃ. [from /;V,^;;.] Adhefive
quality; vilcofity
; glutinoufncls; tenacity.

To STICKLE. v.n.
1. To take part with one ſide or other,

2. To conteſt ; to altercate ; to contend
rather with obſtinacy than vehemence. Cleaveland.
3. To trim ; to play faſt and looſe. Dryd.

STI'CKLEBAG. ʃ. [Properly /u/iA^urX-.]
The ſmalleſt of frtſh- water fiſh. Walton.

STl'CKLER. ſ. [from //V>^/^.]
1. A ſideſman to fencers; a ſecond to a
duellift. Sidney.
2. An obſtinate contender about anything.

STI'CKY. a. lixovn ſtick.-\ Viſcous ;''^iidhefive
; glutinous. Bacon.

STIFF. a. [ptip, Saxon; fiiff, Daniſh ;
fiijfy Dutch.]
1. Rigid ; inflexible ; reſiſting flexure; not flaccid. Milton.
2. Noifoft; not giving way; not fluid,
3. Strong ; not eaſily reſiſted. Denham.
4. Hardy ; ſtubborn ; not eaſily ſubdued. Shakſ.
5. Obftinate; pertinacious. Taylor.
6. Harfti; not written with eaſe ; conſtrained.
7. Formal ; rigorous in certain ceremonionies. Addiʃon.

To STIFFEN. v. a. [rtipian. Sax.]
1. To make ſtiff; to make inflexible ; to
make unplaint. Sandys!
2. To make obſtinate, Dryden.

To STITFEN. v. n.
1. To grow ſtitV; to grow rigid; to become
unplaint. Dryden.
2. To grow hard ; to be hardened. Dryden.-
3. To grow leſs ſuſceptive of impreUion ;
to e;row obſtinate. Dryden.

STIFFflEA'RTED. a. [fiff and heart.'[
Obftinate ; ſtubborn ; contumacious.

STITFLY. ad. [from Jiiff.] Rigidly ; inflexibly; ſtiibbornly. Hooker.

STi'FFNECKED. a. [fiff and ncek.]
Stubborn ; obſtinate ; contumacious. Spenſer.

STIFFNESS. ʃ. [from y?/J.]
r. Rigidity; inflexibility; hardneſs ; ineptitude
to bend. L'Eſtrange.
2. Ineptitude to motion. Denham.
3. Tenſion ; not laxity. Dryden.
4. Obftinacy: ſtubbojuneſs ; conturxiaciouijn.
jis, LoQ\t,
5. Unpleaſing formality ; conſtralnt. Atterbury.
6. Rigorouſneſs ; harſhneſs. Spenſer.
7. Manner of writing, not eaſy but harſh
and conſtrained. Felton,

To STIFLE. v. a. [eſtouſer, French.]
1. To oppreſs or kill by cloſeneſs of air
; to fuffocate. Milton, Baker.
s. To keep in ; to kinder from emiſſion. Newton.
3. To extinguiſh by hindering communication.
4. To extinguiſh by artful or gentle means. Addiʃon.
5. To ſuppreſs ; to conceal. Otway.

STI'GMA. ʃ. [ftigma, Latin.]
1. A brand ; a mark with a hot iron.
3. A mark of infamy,

STIGMA'TICAL. v. a. [ixoTCi fi'igma.]

STI'GMATICK. ʃ. Branded or marked
with ſome token of infamy. Shakſ,

To STI'GMATIZE. v. a. [Jiigmaujer,
French.] To mark with a brand} to
diſgrace with a note of reproach. Swift.

STI'LAR. a. [from 7?//^.] Belonging to
the ſtile of a dial. Moxoij.

STILE. ʃ. [ftijele, from ſtijan. Sax.
to climb.]
2. A ſet of ſteps to paſs from one encloſure
to another. L'Eſtrange.
2. A pin to cafi: the ſha^ow in a fun dial. Moxon.

SrVLErTO. ſ. [Italian ; ///ff, Fr.]
A ſmall dagger, of which the blade is not
edged but round, with a ſharp point. Hakewell.

To STILL. v. a. [j-ttllan, Sax. Jiilkf:,
1. To ſilence ; to make ſilent. Shakſp.
2. To quiet ; to appeaſe. Bacon.
'^. To make motionleſs. Woodward.

STILL. a. [Jiil, Dutch.]
1. Silent} uttering no nolfe. Addiſon.
2. Quiet ; calm. Donne, South.
3. Motionleſs. Locke.

STILL. ʃ. Calm ; ſilence. Bacon.

SI ILL. ad. [rtille, Sax.]
1. To this time; till now. Bacon.
2. Nevertheleſs ; notwithſtanding. Add.
3. In an increaſing degree. Atterbury.
4. Always ; ever; continually. Ben. Johnson.
5. After that. Whitgifte.
6. In continuance. Shakſp.

STILL. ʃ. [from diſ}il.] A veſſel for
diſtillation} an alembick. Ckav. Newt.

To STILL. v. a. [from diſtil.^ To diſtil;
to extract or operate upon by diſtillation;

To STILL. v.n. [y?/7/c, Latin.] To drop ;
to fall in drops. Crajhaiv,

STILLATI'TIOUS. a. [Jiillathius, Lat.]
falling in drops ; drawn by a ſtill.

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STI'LLATORY. ʃ. [from //// or diJlil.X
1. An alembick ; a veſſel in which diſtil-.
iation is performed. Bacon.
2. The room in which ſtills are placed ;
laboratory. Wotton.

STI'LLBORN. a. [Jiill and ^o;-«.] Bora
lifeleſs ; dead in the birth. Graunt.

STI'LLICIDE. ʃ. [jiillicldlum, Latin.] A ſucceſſion of drops. Bacon.

STILLICI'DIOUS. a. [from jiillicide.]
Falling in drops. Brown.

STI'LLNESS. ʃ. [from ////.]
1. Calm} quiet. Dryden.
2. Silence ; taciturnity. Shakſp.

STI'LLSTAND. ʃ. [jmUniJiand.-\ Abſence
of motion. Shakſp.

STi'LLY. ad. [from 7?///.]
1. Silently ; not loudly. Shakſp.
2. Calmly ; not tumultuouſly.

STILTS. ʃ. [piten, Dutch.] Supports
on which boys raiſe themſelves when they
walk. More,

To STI'MULATE. v. a. [Jiimulo, Latin.]
1. To prick.
2. To prick forward ; to excite by ſome
pungent motive.
3. [In phyſick.] To excite a quick {enfation,
with a derivation towards the
part. Arbuthnot.

STIMULATION. ʃ. [fimulatio, Lat.]
Excitement ; pungency. Watts.

To STING. v. a. preterite, I JIung, participle
i^affiyc Jiajjgf and Jiung. [ytmjan,
1. To pierce or wound with a point darted
out, as that of waſps or ſcorpions. Brown.
2. To pain acutely. Shakſp.

STING. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſharp point with which ſome animals
are armed. Drayton.
2. Any thing that gives pain. Forbes.
3. The point in the laſt verſe. Dryd.

STI'NGILY. ad. [from fingy.] Covetouſly..

STI'NGINESS. ʃ. [from y?/«^j;.] Avarice ; covetouſneſs ; niggardlineſs.

STI'NGLESS. a. [from ///«^.] Having no
fting. Decay of Piety.

STI'NGO. ʃ. Old beer.

STI'NGY. a. Covetous ; niggardly ; avaricious. Arbuthnot.

To STINK. v. n. preterite IJiunk or Jiank.
[ptmian, Sax. fiinckeny Dutch.] To emit
an offenſive ſmell, commonly a ſmell
of putrefaction. Locke.

STINK. ʃ. [from the verb.] Oft'enfive
fmell. Dryden.

STINKARD. ʃ. [from fiink.] A mean
ftinking paltry fellow.

STI'NKER. ʃ. [from ſtink.] Something
intended to offend by the ſmell. Harwy..


STI'NKINGLY. ad. [from Jlinking.]
With a ſtink. Shakſp.

STI'NKFOT. ʃ. [Jimk and fot.] Ar.
artificial compolition offenſive to the ſmell.

To STINT. v. a. [Jiynta, Swed. ; To
bound ; to limit ; to cojifine ; to reſtrain; to flop. Hooker, Dryden, Addiſon.

STINT. ʃ. [from the verb]
1. Limit ; bound ; reſtraint. Hook. Dryd.
2. A proportion 3 a quantity afligned.
Denhjtn. HSwift.

STI'PEND. ʃ. [Jiipendium, Latin.] Wages
; ſettled pay. Ben. Johnſ. Taylor.

STIPENDIARY. a. [J}ipendiariu:, Lat.]
Receiving falaries
; performing any ſervice
for a ſtated price. Knolles, Swift.

STIPENDIARY. ʃ. One who performs
any ſervice for a ſettled payment. Abhot,

STl'PTICK. v. a. [ryT^rlj^a?.] Having

STl'PTICAL. ʃ. the power to ſtaunch
blood; aſtringent. Boyle, Wiſeman.

To STI'PULATE. v. n. [Jiipulor, Latin.]
To contrail ; to bargain ; to ſettle terms. Arbuthnot.

STIPULATION. ʃ. [from //>«/«/(r.] Bargain.

To STIR. v. a. [ptifjian, Saxon ;
y?c/erfff, Dutch.]
1. To move ; to remove from its place. Temple, Blackmore.
2. To agitate ; to bring into debate. Bacon, Hale.
3. To incite; to inſtigate ; to animate. Shakſp.
4. To STIR up. To incite ; to animate; to inſtigate. Spenſer.
5. To STIR K/>. To put in action.


To STIR. t/. n.
1. To move one's felf ; to go out of the
place ; to change place. Clarenden.
2. To be in motion ; not to be ſtill. . Addiʃon.
3. To become the objt:<il of notice. fVatn.
4. To life in the morning. Shakſ.

STIR. ʃ. [Jtur, Runick, a battle.]
1. Tumult; burtle. Bram. South.TH.Locke..
2. Commotion; publick diſturbance ; tumultuous
diſorder. Abbot. Dai'les. Milton.
3. Agitation; conflifting paſſion.Shakʃpeare.

STI'RIOUS. a. [froxnjiiria, Latin.] Reſemblinq
ickles. Brown.

STIRP. ʃ. [Jiirps, Latin.] Race ; family
; generation. Bacon.

STI'RRER. ʃ. [from ;?/>.]
1. One who is in motion; one who puts
in motion.
2. A rifer in the morning. Shakſ.
1. Aa inciter ; aji inltigatojr.

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4. STIRRER ^Z'. An inciter: an In/^i.
gator. Raleigh.

Sll'RRUP. ſ. frriJl^P, Saxon.] An
iron hoop ſuſpended by a ſtrap, in which
the horſeman lets his foot when he mounts
or rides. Camden.

To STITCH. v. a. [ſtickcn, Dutch.]
1. To ſt:w ; to work on with a needle.
2. To join; to unite. Wotton.
3. To STITCH up. To mend what was
rent. Wiſeman.

To STITCH. a/. «. To pradlife needlework.

STITCH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A paſs of the needle and thread through
any thing.
2. A Hiarp lancinating pain. Harvey»

STl'TCHERY. ſ. [from ;?;Vf^.] Needlework.Shakʃpeare.

STITCHWORT. ʃ. Camomile. Ainsiv.

STI'THY. ʃ. [rziX, hard, Saxon.] An
anvil ; the iron body on which the frtiith
forges his work. Shakʃpeare.

To STIVE. v. a.
1. To ſtuft up cloſe. Sandys.
2. To make hot or ſuitry. lf^otton»

STOAT. ʃ. A ſmallftinking animal.

STO'CAH. ʃ. [luih ; pchky Erfe.] An
attendant ; a wallet-boy ; one who runs
at a horſeman's foot. Spenſer.

STOCCA'DO. ʃ. [from pcco, a rapier,
Italian.] A thrull with' the rapier. Shakʃpeare.

STOCK. ʃ. [rzoc, Saxon; Jiock, Dutch ;
ejiockj French.]
1. The trunk ; the body of a plant. Joh.
3. The trunk into which a graft is inserted. Bacon, Pope. .
3. A log ; a poſt. Prior.
4. A man proverbially ſtupid. Spenſer.
5. The handle of any thing.
6. A ſupport of a ſhip while it is building, VrydcK.
7. A thruſt ; a ſtoccado. Shakſ.
8. Something made of linen; a cravat ;
a cloſe neckcloth. Anciently a ſtocken.Shakʃpeare.
9. A race ; a lineage ; a family. Wulhr. Denhem,
10. The principal ; capital llore ; fund
already provided. hen. Johnſon. Bacon.

II. Quantity ; ſtore ; body. Dryden, Arbuthnot.
12. A fund eftabliftied by the government,
of which the value riles and falls by arti.
fice or chance. Pope.

To STOCK. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſtore ; to fill lufficienlly. Soub,
2. To lay in ſtore.
3. To put in the ſtocks. Shakſp.
4. To STOCK up. To extirpate. Decay of Piety.
6 ^ iITO'C^-

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STO'CKDOVE. ʃ. Ringdove. Dryden.

STOMA'CHTCK. ʃ. [from //sw^ci.] A mc-

STOCKFISH. ʃ. [flochvijch, Dutch.] dicine for the ſtomach.
Dried cod, ſo ti^lled from its hardneſs.

STO'MACHOUS. a. [t'xomſtomach.] Stout

STOCKGI'LLYFLOWER. ſ. [hucoiuttit angry ; lulleir ; obſtinate. Spenſer.
L-t.] A plant, The flowers are ſpecious, STOND. ſ. [for J^and.]
and ſweet ſmeliing. They are commonly i, ]Poft ; ſtation. Sperfe
biennial plants, and of many different (pedes,
including the various forts of wall
flowers, of which the common fort grow?
on the walls of ruinous houſes, and is uſed
in medicine- ^'»'
2. Stop ; indiſpoſition to proceed. Bacon.

STONE. ʃ. fi-tan. Sax. /teen, Dutch.]
1. Stones are bodies inſipid, hard, not

STO'CKING. ʃ. The covering of the leg. Clarendon, More, Swift.

To STO'CKING. v. a.- [from the noun.]
To dreſs in llockings. Dryden.

STOCKJOBBER. y. [y?oc. and joi..] A
low wretch who gets money by buying and
ſelling in the funds. Swift.

STO'CKISH. a. [from /od.] Hard ; blocki/
li. SShakʃpeare.

STO'CKLOCK. ʃ. [Jiock and hck ; Lock
fixed in wood. Moxon.

STOCKS. ʃ. Prifon for the legs. Peacham, Locke.

STOCKSTIL. a. Motionleſs. Addiʃon.

STO'ICK. ʃ. [ra-jxo; ;
Jtoiijue^ Fr ] A phidudile
or malleable, nor foluble in water.
1. Piece of ſtone cut for building. Zech.
3. Gem ; precious ſtone. Shakʃpeare.
4. Any thing made of ſtone. Shakʃpeare.
5. Calculous concretion in the kidneys or
bladder. Temple.
6. The caſe which in ſome fruits contains
the feed. Bacon.
7. Tefticle.
8. A weight containing fourteen pounds,
9. Stone is uſed by way of exaggeration
; as, ſtone ſtill, Jtone dead, Sh. Hu.
10. To leave no Stone unturned. To do
every thing that can be done. Dryden.

STONE. a. Made of ſtone. Shakʃpeare.
lofopher of the fed of Zeno, holding the To STONE. v. a. [from the noun.]
neutrality of external things, Shakʃpeare.

STOKE. fioaky ſeem to come from the Sax.
j-zocce, the body of a tree. Gibfon.

STOLE. ʃ. [fiolay Latin.] A long veſt. Spenſer.

STOLE. The preterite of yZ^a/. Pope. .

STOLEN. Participle paſſive of ſteai.

STOLI'DITY. ʃ. [/oWrW, French.] Stupidity
; want of lenfe. Berkley.

STO'MACH. ʃ. [ejiomach, Fr. Jtomachus,
1. The ventricle io which food is digeſted. Pope.
2. Appetite : deſire of food. Shak. Bam.
3. Inclination ; liking. Bacon. L'Eſtran.
A. Anger ; reſolution, Spenſer. ButUr.
SuUenneſs ; refentment. Hooker, Locke.
6. Pride ; haughtineſs. Shakʃpeare.
1. To pelt or beat or kill with ſtones.
Stephens'' i Serm,
2. To harden. Shakʃpeare.

STO'NEBREAK. ʃ. Ap herb. Ainsworth.


STO'NECROP. ʃ. A ſort of tree. Mortimer.

STO'NECUTTER. ʃ. One whoſe trade is
to hew ſtones. Swift.

STO'NEFERN. ʃ. A plant. Ainsworth.

STO'NEFLY. ʃ. An infect. Ainsworth.

STO'NEFRUIT. ʃ. [ſtone andJruit.] Fruit
of which the feed is covered with a hard
ſhell enveloped in the pulp. Boyle.

STO'NEHAWK. ʃ. A kind of hawk. Ainsworth.

STO'NEHORSE. ʃ. [from e and borfc] A
borſe not caſtrated. Mortimer.

To STO'MACH. v. a. [ftemacher, hnin.]

STO'NEPIT. ʃ. [Jlone and pit.] A quarry ; To reſent ; to remember with anger and a pit where ſtones are dug. Woodward.
malignity. Shakʃpeare.
STO'NEPITCH. ſ. Hard inſpiſlated pitch.

To STOMACH. v. n. To be angry. Bacon, Hooker.
STO'NEPLOVER. ſ. A bird. Ainsworth.

STO'MACHED. a. Filled with paſſion&of STO'NESMICKLE. ſ. A brd. Ainsworth.
refentment. Shakʃpeare.
STO'NEWORK. ʃ. [/oK«and wtr.. | Build-

STOMACHER. ʃ. [from ſtcmach.] An ing of rtone. Mortimer.
crnamental covering worn by women on STO'NINESS. ſ. [from fiony.] The qualithe
breaſt. Iſaiah. Donne. jy of having many ſtones, Hearne»

STOMACHFUL. a. [from ach and full.] STO'NY, a. [from ſtone.]
Sullen; ſtubborn ; perverk. L'Eſt. Locke.

STO'MACHFULNESS. ʃ. Stubbo.rnner5; fullenneſs ; obſtinacy


; pertaining to the &QiMch,Ha. Fl<^,
7 a. [ftcmachique, Fr.
5 Rftlating to the ſto-
Made of ſtone. Milton, Dryden.
2. Abounding with ſtones. Milton.
3. Petriſick. Spenſer.
4. Hard ; inflexible ; unrelenting. Hooker. Swift.


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STOOD. The preterite of T(7y?j«. ʃ. Milton.

STOOL. ʃ. [prol, Saxon ; Jia/^ Dutch.]
1. A feat without a back, ſo diſtinguiſhed
from a chair. Prior.
2. Evacuation by purgative medicines. Arbuthnot.
3. Stool of Repentance^ or cutty Jiool, in
the kirks 'A Scotland, is ſomewhac analogous
to the pillory. It is elevated above
the congregation. In Come places there
may be a feat in it ; but it is generally
without, and the perſon ſtanas therein who
has been guITty of fornication, for three
Sundays in the forenoon ; and after fermnn
is called upon by name and furname, the
beadle or kirkofficer bringing the offender,
ifrefradlory, forwards to his port ; and then
the preacher procee-ls to admonition. Here
too are ſet to publick view adultererF, in a
coarſe canv. , analogous to a h^iry veff,
with a huod to ir, which they cail the
fack or fackcloth, and that every Sunday
throughout a year.

STO'OLBALL.'/. [ſtooUnAball] A play
where balls are driven from ſtool to ſtool. Prior.

To STOOP. v. n. [j-zupianjSaxon ; fiuypen,
1. '?o bend down ; to bend forward. Raleigh.
2. To lean forward (landing or walking. Stillingfleet.
3. To yield ; to bend ; to ſubmit. Dryden.
4. To deſcend from rank or dignity. Boyle, Bacon.
5. To yield ; to be inferiour. Milton, Addiʃon.
6. To ſink from reſolution or ſuperiority ;
to condeſcend. Hooker.
1. To come down on prey as a falcon.
8. To alight from the wing. Milton, Dryden.
9. To ſink to a lower place. Milton.

SI OOP. ſ. [from the verb.]
1. Act of (looping ; inclination downward,
2. Deſcent from dignity or ſuperiority. Dryden.
3. Fall of a bird upon his prey.
Waller, L'Eſtrange.
4. A vcdel of liquor. Shakʃpeare. Denh.

STO'OPINGLY. ad. [itotnpoping.] With
inclination downwards. Pp'otton,

To STOP. v. a. [floffarey Ital. jioppefiy
1. To hinder from ptogrefljve motion.
Shakʃpeare Dorfet,
2. To hinder from any thinge of ſtdte,
whether to better or worfe.
3. To hinder from attion, 2 Co',
4. To put an end to the motioa or av.-iun
of any thing. Dryden.
5. To (uppieſs. South.

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6. To regulate muſical firings with the
fingers. Bacon.
7. To cloſe any aperture.
% Kings. King Charles, Arbuthnot.
8. To obſtrud ; to encumber. Milton.

To STOP. v. n. To ceaſe to go forward. Locke, Gay.

STOP. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. CclFation of progreffive motion.
Cl:ave!and. L'Eſtrange.
jfc. Hindrance of progreſs i obſtruction. Hooker. Graune,
3. Hindrance of action. Locke.
4. Celfation of action, Shakʃpeare.
5. Interruption. Shakʃpeare.
6. Prohibition of ſale. Uemple,
7. That which obſtructs ; obſtade ; impediment. Spenſer.
8. Inſtrument by which the ſounds of
wind muſick are regulated, Shakʃpeare.
9. Regulation of muſical chords by the fingers. Bacon.
10. The act of applying the flops in muſick. Daniel.

II. A point in writing, by which ſentences
are diſtinguiſhed. Crajhaiv,

STO'PCOCK. ʃ. [flop and cock.] A pipe
made to let out liquor, (lopped by a turning
cock. Crete.

STOPPAGE. ʃ. [from /lop.] The act of
flopping ; the ſtate of being flopped,

STOPPLE. or Sicpptr, ʃ. That by which
any hole or the mouth of any veffei is filled
up. Bacon, Ray.

STORAXTREE. ʃ. [fyrax, Lat.]
1. A tree,
2. A refinous and odoriferous gum. Ecciuf,

STORE. ʃ. [/for, Runick, much.]
1. Large number ; large quantity ; plenty. Bacon. MlIton. Dryden.
2. A flock accumulated ; a ſupply hoarjded. Dryden, Addiſon.
3. The Hate of being accumulated ; hoard, Deuteronomy. Dryden.
4. Storehouſe ; magazine. Milton.

STORE. a. Hoarded ; laid up ; accumulated. Bacon.

To STORE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh ; to repleniſh. Denham, Prior.
2. To flock againſt a future time. Knolles, Locke.
3. To lay up; to hoard. Bacon.

STOREHOUSE. f. [fiori:ini bouje.] Magazine
; iiealury. Hooker. Getfjis, Davie:, South.

STO'RER. ʃ. [from >,^.] One who lays

STO'RIED. [from /sry.] a-.
ra'lorical ; ::o PS. Mi.

STOkK. ʃ. [pt jic, Sax.] A bih

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fag« famous for the regularity of its departufC.

StO'RKSBILL. ſ. An hejb. Ainſworth.

STORM. ʃ. [yſtormy Welſh ; yzoiwn. Sax.
Jiorm^ Dutch.]
1. A tcmpeſt ; a commotion of the eleITicnts. Shakʃpeare, Milton.
2. Airault on a fortified place. Dryden.
3. Commotion ; ſcdition ; tumult 4 clamour
; buftle. Shakʃpeare.
4. Affliaion ; calamity ; diſtreſs.
5. Violence ; vehemence ; tumultuous
force. Hooker.

To STORM. v. a. [from the noun.] To
attack by open force. Dryden, Pope. .

To STORM. v. n.
1. To raiſe tempeſts. Spenſer.
», To rage ; to fume ; to be loudly angry. Milton, Swift.

STO'RMY. a. [from prm,']
1. Tempeſtuous. Philips.
2. Violent ; paſſionate. Irene,

STO'RY. ʃ. [r«cep, Sax. 7?c)r/V, Dutch.]
1. Hiſtoiy ; account of things part.
1 EJdras, Temple, South.
«. Small tale ; petty narrative.
3. An idle or trifling tale ; a petty fiction. Shakʃpeare, Denham, Swift.
4. A floor
; a flight of rooms. Wotton.

To STO'RY. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To tell in hiſtory ; to relate.
mikim. Pope. .
2. To range one under another. Berkley.

STO'RYTELLER. ʃ. [ſtory and tell,\ One
who relates tales ; an hiſtorian. Dryden, Swift.

STOVE. ʃ. [ſlco, Iſlandick, a fire place; Jiovey Dutch.]
1. A hot houſe ; a place artificially made
warm, Carew, Woodward.
2. A place in which fire is made, and by
^-hich heat is communicated. Evelyn.

To STOVE. «y. a. [from the noun.] To
keep warm in a houſe artificially heated. Bacon.

To STOUND. r. n. [(lundcy I grieVed,
1. To be in pain or ſorrow,
2. Yoxjiun'd, Spenſer.

STOUND. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Sorrow ; grief} miſhap. Spenſer.
2. Aſtoniſhment ; amazement. Gay.
3. Hour ; time} ſeaſon. Spenſer.

STOUR. ʃ. [y?«r, Runick, a battle.] Afla,
ultj incurſion ; tumult. Obſolete. Spenſer.

STOUT. a. [ſtoutt Dutch.]
1. Strong i
luſty ; valiant. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. Brave ; bold ; intrepid. Pſalms, Clarenden.
3. Obftinate ; pcrtinacjous ; reſolute
; proua, Dinjdt

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4. Strong; firm. Dryden.

STOUT. ʃ. A cant hame for ſtrong beer. Swift.

STOUTLY. ad. [from flout.] Luftily ; boldly ; obſtinately,

STOU'TNESS. ʃ. [from j?o«r.]
1. Strength ; valour.
2. Boldneſs ; fortitude. Afcham.
3. Obftinacy ; ſtubbornncfj. Shakʃpeare.

To STOW. v. a. [yzcp, Sax.flozven, Dut.]
To lay up ; to repoſite in ordef ; to lay in
the proper place. Addiſon, Pope. .

STOWAGE. f. [from y?o-a».]
1. Room for laying up. Addiſon.
1. The ſtate of being laid up. Shakʃpeare.

STOWE. floe. The lame with the Saxon
yzop, a place. Gibfon^i Camden.

STRA'BISM. ʃ. [ſtrabiſme, Fr. t^^aZi^fxoq.l
A ſquinting i act of looking aſquint.

To STRA'DDLE. v. n. To ſtand or walk
with the feet removed far from each other
to the right and left. Arbuthnot. and Pope.

1. To wander without any certain direction
; to rove ; to ramble. Suckling.
2. To wander diſperſediy. Clarenden. Tate,
3. To exuberate ; to ihoot too far. Mortimer.
4. To be diſperſed ; to be apart from any
main body. Dryden.

STRA'GGLER. ʃ. [from ſtraggle.]
1. A wanderer ; a rover ; one who forſakes
his company. Spenſer,Pope. , Swift.
2. Any thing that puſhes beyond the reſt,'
or ſtands ſingle, Dryden.

STRAIGHT. a. [ſtrack, old Dutch.]
1. Not crooked ; right. Bacon, Dryden.
2. Narrow ; cloſe. This ſhould properly
htſtrant. Bacon.

STRAIGHT. ad. [ſtrax, Daniſh ; ſtrack,
Dutch.] Immediately ; directly. Shakʃpeare, Bacon, Addiſon.

To STRAI'GHTEN. v. a. [from ſtranght.]
To make not crooked ; to make ſtranght,

STRAI'GHTNESS. ʃ. [from ſtranght.] Rectitude
; the contrary to crookedneſs. Bacon.

STRA'IGHTWAYS. ad. [ſtranght and
way.] Immediately ; ſtranght.
bpenf. Shakſp, Knolles, Bacon, Woodw.

To STRAIN. <r. a. [eſtreindre, Fr.]
1. To ſquceze through ſomething. Arbuthnot.
2. To purify by filtration. Bacom
3. To ſqueeze in an embrace, Dryden.
4. To ſprain ; to weaken by too much violence. Spenſer.
5. To put to its utmoſt ſtrength. Dryden, Addiſon.
6. To make ſtralt or tcnfr. Bacon.
7. To pufti beyond the proper extent. Swift.
8. To

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8. To force ; to conſtrain ; to make uneaſy
or unnatural. Shakʃpeare.

To STRAIN. v. n. To make violent efforts.
2. To be fikred by comprection. Bacon.

STRAIN. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. An injury by tco much violence. Grew.
2. Race ; generation ; defecnt. Chapman.
3. Hereditary dil'^joſition. Tillotſon.
4. A ſtilc or manner of ſpeaking. Tiltomfon.
5. Song ; note ; found. Pope. .
6. Rank ; character. Dryden.
7. Turn -y tendency. Hayward.
8. Manner of violent ſpeech or action. Bacon.

STRAI'NER. ʃ. [from JJrain.] Aninſtrument
of filtration. Bacon. Blackmort,

STRAIT. a. [eſtroit, French ; ſtretto, Ital. ;
1. Narrow ; cloſe ; not wide, Hudibras.
2. Cioſe ; intimate. ^idrey.
3. Strifl ; rigorous. Pſalms, Shakʃpeare.
4. Difficult ; diſtreſsfu!. Shakʃpeare.
5. It is uſed in oppoſition to crooked, but

IS then more properly written ſtranght. Newton.

1. A narrow paſs, or frith. Shakʃpeare. Judith.
2. Diſtreſs ; difficulty. ' OarerJun,

To STRAIT. -y. fl. [from the noun.] To
put to difficulties. Shakʃpeare.

To S i RAI'TEN. v. a. [from Jirait.]
1. To make narrow. Sandys.
2. To contract ; to confine. Clarenden.
3. To make tight ; to intend. Dryden.
4. To deprive of neceſfary room. Clarendon, Addiſon.
5. To diſtreſs ; to perplex. Ray.

STRAl'TLY. ad. [from /rc/V.]
1. Narrowly.
4. Stri£tly ; rigorouſly. Hooker.
3. Ciofely ; intimately.

STRAITNESS. ʃ. [hoin firait.]
1. Narrowneſs. ^'fg Charles.
2. Stndineſs ; rigour. Hale.
3. Diſtreſs ; difficulty.
4. Want i ſcarcity. Locke.

STRAITLA'CED. a. [Jiralt and lace.] Stiff ;
conſtrained ; without freedom. Locke.

STRAKE. The obſolete preterite of ſinke. Spenſer.

STRAND. ʃ. [pjjian'b, Saxon ; prande.
Dutch.] The verge of the ſea or of any
vater. Prior.

To STRAND. tCj. [from the noun, ; To
drive or force upon the ſhallows.

Woodward, Prior.

STRANGE. a. [fſtrargc, French.]
1. Foreign ; of another country.
^fcham. Boeon,
2. Not domeſticki Davies.

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3. Wonderful ; cauſing wonder, Milton.
4. Odd ; irregular. Suckling.
5. Unknown ; new. Mi/tan,
6. Rcmato Shakʃpeare.
7. Uncommonly good or bad, 'lillotſon,
8. Unacquainted. Bacon.

STRANGE. intirj. An ejtpreſſion of wonder. Waller.

To STRANGE. v. v. [from the adjeaive.]
To wonder ; to be aſtoniſhed. Granville.

STRA'NGELY. ad. [from ſtrange .-\
1. With ſome relation to foreigners.Shakʃpeare.
2. Wonderful ; in a way to cauſe wonder,
Sprjit. Cjiamy,

STRA'NGENESS. ʃ. [from Jlrarge.]
1. Foreignneſs ; the ſtate of belonging to
another country. Spratf,
2. Uncommunicativeneſs ; di/lance of be> haviour. Shakʃpeare.
3. Remoteneſs from common appreherGvn. South.
4. Mutual diſlike. Bacon.
5. Wonderfulneſs ; power of raiſing wonder. Bacon.

S TRA'NGER. ſ. [fji-arger, Fr.]
1. A foreigner ; one of another country. Shakʃpeare, Swift.
2. One unknown. Pope. .
3. A gueſt ; one not a domeſtick. Milton.
4. One unacquainted. Dryden.
5. One not admitted to any communication
or ſellowſhip. Shakʃpeare.

To STRA'NGER. v. a. [from the noun.]
To eſtrange ; to alienate. Shakʃpeare.

To STRA'NGLE. v. a. [Jlrargulo, Lat.]
1. To chcak ; to fuffocate ; to kill by intercepting
the breath. Nehemiah. Ayliffe.
2. To ſuppreſs ; to hinder from birth or
appearance. Shakʃpeare.

STRA'NGLER. ʃ. [from ſtrangle.
; One who ſtrangles. Shakʃpeare.

STRA'NGLES. ʃ. [from ſtrangle.
; SwclU
ine? in a horſe's throat.

STRANGULA'TION. y. [from Jirangle.]
The act of ſtrangling ; Jfaffocaticq. Brown.

STRA'NGURY. ʃ. [cr^xtyuiU.] A difficulty
of urine attended with pain.

STRAP. ʃ. [Jiroppe, Dutch.] A narrow
ling flip of cloath or leather, Addiſon.

STRA'ITADO. ſ. Chaftifement by blows.Shakʃpeare.

STRA'PPING. a. Vaft ; Isrge ; bulky.

STRATA. ʃ. [The plural of y/rtfrww, Lat.]
Beds ; layers. Woodward.

STRA'TAGEM. ʃ. [riMynua.]
1. An artifice in war ; a truk by which
an enemy is deceived. Shakʃpeare.
2. An artifice ; a trick. Pope. .

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To STRATIFY. v. a. [ſtrat'tſtr, Fr. from
liratum, Lat.] To range in beds or layers.
m'RA'-rUM, J, [Latin.] A bed ; a layer.

STRAW. ʃ. [rzjaeop, Saxon ; Jiroe, Dut.]
1. The ſtalk on which corn grows, and
from which it is threſhed. Bacon. lickell.
2. Any thing proverbially worthleſs. Hudibras.

STRA'WBERRY. ʃ. [Jragart'a, Latin.] A
plane. The ſpecies are ſeven.
MilUr. Dryden.

STRA'WBERRY rree. f.
It is ever green,
the fruit is of a fleſhy lubftance, and very
like a ſtrawberry, MilUr,

STRA'WBUILT. a. [Jiraw and built.]
Made up of ſtraw. Milton.

STRA'W. OLOURED. a. [Jiraiv and colour.]
Ot'-i iight yellow. Shakʃpeare.

STRA'WWORM. ʃ. [Jiraiv and wot f». ;
A wonn bred in ((raw.

STRA'WY. a. [from Jlraiv.] Made of
iliaw ; conſiſting of ſtraw.
oh^'hff'eyre. Boyle.

To STRAY. v. n. [Jiroe, Djniſh, to ſcatter,
1. To wander ; to rove. Pope. .
2. To rove out of the way. Spenſer, Dryden.
j« To err ; to deviate from the right.
Common Freyer.

STRAY. ʃ. [from , the verb.]
J» Any creature wandering beyond its linaits ;
any thing loft by wandering. Hudibras, Dryden, Addiſon.
-Z. Act of wandering, Shakʃpeare.

STREAK. ʃ. [rini^«> Sax. fr.ke, Dutch.]
A line of colour different from th;it of the
ground, Milton, Dryden.

To STPv-EAK. v. a. [from the noun.] 1
1. To ſtripe; to variegate in hues ; to
dapple. Sandys, Prior.
2. To ſtretch. Chapman.

STREAKY. a. [from Jlreak.] Striped ;
varieg2tea by hues. Dryden.

STREAM. ʃ. f j-ijieam, Sax. jiroom, Dut.]
1. A running w^ter ; the cojrſe of running
water ; current. Raleigh, Dryden.
2. Any thing iffuing from a head, and
moving forward with continuity of parts. Dryden.
3. Any thing forcible and continued. Shakʃpeare.

To STREAM. v. ». [Jireyma, Klindick.]
1. To flow ; to run in a continuous current. Pope.
7. To flow with a current ; to pour out
water in a ſtrcim. Pope. .
3. To iſſue forth with continuance.Shakʃpeare.

To STREAM. v. a. To mark with colours
or embroidery in long tracks, Bacon.

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STRE'AMER. ʃ. [from fiream.] An enſign
; a flag ; a pennon. Dryden. Pricr„

STRE'AMY. a. [from Jiream.]
1. Abounding in running water. Prior.
2. Flowing with a current. Pope. .

STREET. ʃ. [f tjiaez. Sax. Jiraet, Dutch.]
1. A way, properly a paved way. Sandys.
2. Proverbsally, a publick place. Addiʃon. Rogtri,

STREETWALKER. ʃ. [ſtreet and walk.]
A common proſtitute that offers herlelf to

STRENGTH. ʃ. [rtnen^S, Sax.]
1. Force ; vigour ; power of the body. Dryden.
2. Power of endurance ; firmneſs ; durab.
lity. Milton.
3. Vigour of any kind. ^^'ifZ/oa.
4. Power of mmd ; force of any mental
faculty. Locke.
5. Potency of liquours.
6. Fortification ; fortreſs. Ben. Johnſon.
7. Support ; maintenance of power. Spratt.
8. Armament ; force ; power, Chrendon,
9. Perluafive prevalence ; argumentative
turce. Hooker.

To S TRENGTH. t>. a. To ſtrengthen. Daniel.

To STRENGTHEN. v. a. [from ^rength.]
1. To make ſtrong.
2. To confirm ; to eftabliſh. Temple.
3. To animate ; to fix in reſolution, Deuteronomy.
4. To make to increaſe in power or ſecuriry.Shakʃpeare.

To STRE'NGTHEN. v. n. To growſtrong,
1. That which gives ſtrength ; that which
makes ſtrong. Temple.
2. [In medicine. ; Strengthencrs add to
the bulk and firmneſs of the folio?, Quincy.

1. Wanting ſt rength ; deprived of ſtrength.Shakʃpeare.
2. Wanting potency ; weak. Boyle.

[[firenuui, Lat.]
1. Brave ; bold ; active ; valiant, Milton.
2. Zealous ; vehement. Swift.

STRE'NUOUSLY. ad. [from ſtrenuous..
1. Vigorouſly ; actively. Brown.
2. Z-dlouſly ; vehemently ; with arduur. Swift.

STRE'PEROUS. <a. [y2rf^o, Lat.] Loud ;
noify. Brown.

STRESS. ʃ. rj-iece. Sax.]
1. Importance i important pa.t, Locke.
2. Violence ; force, either acting or ſuffergd. Dryden.

To STRESS. v. a. To diſtreſs ; to put to
hdrdſhips, Spenſer.

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To STRETCH. v. a. [j-zriscao, Sa». fireckcTiy
1. To extend ; to ſpread out to a diſtarice. Exodui,
2. To elongate, or ſtrain to a greater ſpace.
3. To expand ; to diſplay. Tti/ctjort,
4. To ſtrain to the utmoſt. Shakʃpeare.
5. To make tenl'c. Smith.
6. To carry by violence farther than is

To STRETCH. v. n.
1. To be extended. Whitgiſtr. Cr.vlty,
2. To bear extenſion without rupture. Boyle.
3. To fally beyond the truth.
Governmcnc of the Tergue,

STRETCH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. ExtenQon ; reach ; occupation of more
ſpace. Ray.
2. Force of body extended. Dryden.
3. Effort i ſtruggle : from the z(\ of running. Addiʃon.
4. Utmoſt extent of meaning. Atterbur-^.
5. Utmoſt resch of power. GrantiLe,

STRE'TCHEr. ſ. [hem ſt
1. Any thing uſed for exrenſion. Moxon.
2. The timber againſt which the rower
plants his feet. Dryden.

To STREW. v. a.
1. To ſpread by being ſcattered. Spenſer, Pope. .
1. To ſpreid by ſcatrering. S'^^keſp.
2. To ſcarter looſely. Exorlut.

[from Jirtiv.] Any
thing ſcattered in decoration. Shakſp.

STRlM. ſ. [Latin.] Smail channeſs in the
ftiells of cockles and ſcollop^ boyle.

STRIATE. v. a. [from ſtria, Latin.]

STRI'A'iED. ʃ. Formed in ſtji;e. Ray. TV.od'wird.

STRI'ATURE. ʃ. [from /r/^ -.Jirir.re, Fr.]
Diſpoſition of ſtriae. PFoodward,

STRICK. ʃ. [rfV^] A bird of bad omen. Spenſer.

STRT'CKEN. The ancient participle of
ſtrike, Si-dney. Geneſis.

STRICKLE. or Striik'eſs.
f. That which
ſtrikes the corn to level it. Ainſworth.

STRICT. a. [Jinaus, Latin.]
1 Exa£^ ; accurate ; rigorouſly nice. Milton.
2. Severe ; rigorous ; not mild. Milton, Locke.
3. Confined; notextenfive. H-cker.
4. Cloe ; tight. Order,
5. Tenie; not relaxed. Arbuthnot.

STRI'CTLY. ad. [from ſtria.'.
1. Exaftly ; with rigorous accuracy.
2. Rigorouſly ; ſeverely; without remiſſion.
3. Cloſely; with teofeneſs.

STRl'CTNESS. ſ. [from /ir;ff.]

1. Exa^loeſs i rigorous accuracy ; nice rca
gularity. South, Rogers.
2. Severity ; rigour. Bacon.
3. Cli'feneſs ; tightneſs ; not hxity.

STRI'Cl URE. ſ. [from /nVZurfl, Latin.]
1. A ſtroke ; a touch. Haiu
2. Contraction ; cloſure by contraflicn. Arbuthnot.
3. Anight touch upon a ſubject
; not a ſet diſcourſe.

STRIDE. ʃ. [rrpi'D?, Saxon.] Alongſtep; a ſtep taken with great vioiLuce ; a wide
divarication of the legs. Shakʃpeare, Milton, Swift.

To STRIDE. v. n. prcter. I[trade qxfind .
part palT. ſtridden.
1. To walk with long ſtep?. Dryden.
2. To ſtand with the legs far from each

To STIDE. v. a. To paſs by a ſtep. Arb.

STRIDULOUS. a. [ft'idulus,Lzi.] Making
a ſmall noiſe. Brown.

STRIFE. f. [from y?r7W.]
1. Contention; conteſt ; diſcord. Judgetm
2. Oppoſition of nature or appearance. -. Shakʃpeare. B. jfohnforta

STR:'FEFUL. a. [firifein^fut;.] Contentiou=
\ diſcordant. Dr. Mairu\

STRIGMENT. ʃ. [fir-gmentuw, Latin.]'
Scrapinf-rj recrement. Brown.

To STRIKE. v. a. preter. IJiruck or ſtrcok .
part. ^di(i. ſtruck, firucken,firicken, [apzjilcan,
Saxon ; firickcr^ Daniſh.]
1. To act upon by a blow ; to hit with a
blow. Shakʃpeare.
2. To dafti ; to throw by a quick motion,
3. To notify by the found of a hammer oa
a bell. Ccllicr.
4. To ſtamp ; to impreſs, Locke.
5. To puniſh; to afflift. Proverbs.
6. To contract; to lower ; to vale: as,
lofiriki jail, or 10 fir ike a flag.
7. To alarm : to put into emotion. WalUr,
8. To make a bargain. Dryden.
9. To produce by a fudt^en action. Bacon.
10. To &iledl luddenly in any particular
manner. C^Hier,
11. To cauſe to found by blows. Knolles.
12. To forge; to mint. Arbuth.noti
13. It is uſed in the participle for advan.
ced in years. Shakʃpeare.
14. 7 ; Strike off. To eraſe from a
reckoning or account. Pope. .
15. To Strike off. To ſeparate as by
a bl'ivi-. Hooker. KndUu Hakev.'. Burnet.
16. To Strike «a/. To produce by colli
ſwn. Dryden.
17. To Strike oar. To blot ; to efface. Brown.
18. To Strike out. To biing to light.

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19. To Strike oa/. To form at once by
a quick effort. Pope. .

To STRIKE. v. ».
1. To make a blow. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.
2. To collide ; to claſh. Bacon.
3. To act by repeated percuſſion. Waller.
4. To found by the ſtroke of a hammer. Grew.
5. To make an attack. Dryden.
6. To act by external influx. Locke.
7. To found with blows. Shakʃpeare.
8. To be daſhed upon ſhallows ; to be
ſtranded. Knolles.
9. To paſs with a qtjick or ſtrong effect. Dryden.
10. To pay homage, as by lowering the
fail. Shakʃpeare.
11. To be put by ſome ſudden act or motion
into any ſtate. Gov. of the Tongue.
12. To Strike in with. To conform ;
to ſuit itſelf to. Norris.
13. To Strike oar. To ſpread or rove ;
to make a ſudden excwtfion, Burnet.

STRIKE. ʃ. A buſhel ; a dry meaſure of
capacity. Tuffer.

STRI'KEBLOCK. ʃ. [s a plane ſhorter than
the jointer, uſed for the ſhooting of a ſhort
joint. Moxon.

STRI'KER. ſ. [from Jlrike.^ One that
ſtrikes. Sandys, Digby.

STRI'KING. part. a. [from ſtrike.] Afteſting
; ſurpriſing.

STRING. ʃ. [r'^ri.^. Saxon ; Jlreng^ Getman
and Daniſh.]
1. A flender rope ; a ſmall cord ; any flender
and flexible band. Wilhins.
2. A thread on which any things are filed. Stillingfleet.
3. Any ſet of things filed on a line. Add'^Qif.
4. The chord of a muſical inſtrument. Rowe.
5. A ſmall fibre. Bacon.
6. A nerve ; a tendon. Shakſp, Mark.
7. The nerve of the bow. Pſalms.
8. Any concatenation or ſeries, as a firing
pf prDpoJitiom,
9. To have two Strings to the boiu. To
have two views or two expedients. Hudibras.

To STRING. v. a. Preterite IJirurg, part.
fiff.Jirung. [from the noun.]
1. To furniſh with firings. Gay.
2. To put a ilringed inſtrument in tune. Addiʃon.
3. To file on a firing, St'eEtator,
4. To make tenfe. Dryden.

STRI'NGED. a. [from y?r/»^.] Having
firings; produced by firings, tjaimi. Milt.

STRI'NGENT. a. [ſtringcm, Lat.] Binding
; contracting.

STRI'NGHALT. ʃ. [Jinng and bak.^ A
ſudden twitching and fnauhing up of the

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hinder leg of a horſe much higher than thtf
other. Farrier's Dril.

STRI'NGLESS. a. [from Jiring.] Having no
firings, Shakʃpeare.

STRl'NGY. a. [from ſtring.] Fibrous; conſiſtingof ſmall threads, Grew.

To STRIP. v. a. [peopen, Dutch.]
1. To make naked ; to deprive of covering. Sidney, Hayward.
2. To deprive ; to divefl. Duppa.
3. To rob ; to plunder ; to pillage. South.
4. To peel ; to decorticate. Brown.
5. To deprive of all. South.
6. To takeoff covering. Watts.
7. To caſt off. Shakʃpeare.
8. To ſeparate from ſomething adhelivc or
connected. Locke.

STRIP. f. [Probably for ;2r/>tf.] A narrow
ſhred. Swift.

To STRIPE. v. a. [Jirepen, Dutch.] To
variegate with lines of difl^ereat colours,

STRIPE. ʃ. [pepe, Dutch.]
1. A lineary variation of colour. Bacon.
2. A flired of a different colour. Arbuth.
3. A weal, or diſcolouration made by a iaſh or blow. Thomfon.
4. A blow ; a laſh. Hayward.

STRI'PLING. ʃ. [Of uncertain etymology]
a youth ; one in the ſtate of adoleſcence. Dryden. Arbuthnet,

To STRIVE. v. ». Preterite I firove^ anciently

IJirived'y part. faIT.Jiriveti. [fire wen, Dutch.]
1. To ſtruggle; to labour ; to make an
effort. Hooker. Romans.
2. To conteſt ; to contend ; to ſtruggle in
cppoſition to another. L'Eſtra. Tillotſon.
3. To vie ; to be comparable to ; to emulate. Milton.

STRI'VER. ʃ. [from ſtrive.] One who labours
; one who contends.

STRO'KAL. ʃ. An inſtrument uſed by glaſsmakers. Bailey.

STROKE or Strook. Old preterite of ſtrike,
now commoniy^^rac^.

STROKE. ʃ. [from firook, the preterite of
1. A blow ; a knock ; a ſudden act of one
body upon another. Shakʃpeare.
2. A hoflilc blow. Bacon. Swift.
3. A ſudden diſeaſcor affliction. Shakſp.
4. The found of the clock. Shakʃpeare.
5. The touch of a pencil. Pope. .
6. A touch ; a mafterly or eminent effort. Dryden, Baker.
7. An effect ſuddenly or unexpectedly produced.
8. Power ; ffBcacy. Hayward, Dryden.

To STROKE. v. a. [pzjlacan, Saxon.]
1. To rub gently with the hand by way of
kindneſs or endearment. Ben. Johnſon, Bacon.
2. Ta

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2. To rub gently in one d!rectinn. Gay.

To STROLL. v. n. To wander ; to ramble ;
to rove. Pope, Swift.

STRO'LLER. ʃ. [fromjiro'i] A vagrant; a wanderer ; a vagabon!, Swift.

STROND. ʃ. [from jlrand.] The beach ;
the bank. Shakʃpeare.

STRONG. a. [ppu^ Saxon.]
1. Vigorous ; iorcctui ; of great ability of
Lody. PJaltni.
2. Fortified ; ſecure from attack. Bacon, Locke.
5. Powerful ; mighty. Bacon, South.
4. Supplied with tortcs. Bacon. Tickeh'.
5. Hale ; healihy. EcchJ,
6. Forcibly acting in the imagination. Bacon.
7. Ardent ; eager ; poſitive ; zealous. Addiʃon.
8. Full ; having any quality in a great degree. Newton.
9. Potent ; intoxicating. Swift.
10. Having a deep tincture. King Charles.
11. Affedting the ſmell powerfuiiy. Hudibras.
12. Hard of digeſtion ; not eaſily nutrijnental.
13. Furniſhjed with abilities for any thing. Dryden.
14. Valid ; confirmrd. i-yt/ditr.
15. Violent; vehement ; forcibley. Corhe t.
16. Cogent ; concluſive. Shakſpeare.
17. Able ; ſkilful ; of great force of mind.Shakʃpeare.
18. Firm ; compact ; not ſoon broken. Fops.
19. Forcibly written.

STRONG FI'STED. a. [ftrong andJ fji.]
Stronghanded. Arbuthnot.

STRO'NGHAND. ʃ. [ſtrong and bavd.
Force ; violence, Raleigh.

STRO'NGLY. ad. [from y?rp«^.]
1. Powerfully ; forcibly. Bacon.
2. With ſtrength ; with firmneſs ; in ſuch
a manner as to laſt. Shakʃpeare.
3. Vehemently; forcibly; ergrrly.Shakʃpeare.

STRO'NGWATER. ʃ. [ſtrong and water..
Diftilled ſpirits. Bacon.

STROOK. The preterite of ſtrike, uſed in
poetry for y?r4c^. Sandys.

STROPHE. ʃ. [ri=pr,.] A ſtanza.

STROVE. The preterite of Jirii-e. Sidney.

To STROUr. v. n. [ſtrujjcn, German.]
To ſwell with an appearance of greatneſs ; to walk with affected dignity.

To STROUr. v. a. To ſwell out ; to p-jff
out. Bacon.

To STROW. T, n. [See to St RE w.l
1. To ſpread by bring ſcattered. Milton.
2. To ſpread by ſcatlcring ; to beſprinkie. Dryden.
3. To ſpread, Swift.

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4. To ſcatter ; to throw at randotrit

To STROWL. v. n. To range ; to wandeiv,

To STROY. v. a. [For d'/Iroy.] Tu}er\

STRUCK. The preterite and participle p affive.'
fy?';^. Vopr,

STRU CKEN. The old participle paHive or
ſinkf. Fairfax.

STRU'CTURE. ſ. [y? uBure, Ft. jirua.ru,
1. Atl of building ; practice of building. Dryden.
2. Manner of building ; form ; make.

3. Edifice; building. Fafe,

To STRU'GGLE. v. n.
1. To labour; to act with effort.
2. To ſtrive ; to contend ; to -onl'^ft.rsmple,
3. To labour in difficalties ; to ſce in iioa-
/jics or diſtreſs. Dryden.

STRUGGLE. f. [from the verb.]
1. Libour ; etfort.
2. C:nteſt; contention. Afarh r%
3. Agony ; tumultuous diſtreſs.

STRU'MA. ʃ. [Latin.] A glandular fuelling
; the king's t?il. Wijnnan.

STRU'MOUS a. [from fruma.] Having
ſwelling in the glands. lyiſemant

STRU'MPET. ʃ. A whore ; a proſtitute. L'Eſtrange, Dryden.

To STRUMPET. v. a. To Hi?ke - wi o.e; t> debauch. Sh 'keſpear :,

STRUNG. The preterite and participle ^^i^,
of ſtrins;. Cay.

To STRUT. v. n. ipruffen, German.]
1. To walk with aflicted ((i^nity. B Johnſ.
2. To ſwell ; to protuberate, Dryden.

STRUT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Anafteaajt^on
of ſtat^Iineſs in the walk. Swift.

STUB. ʃ. [r^b, Sax. poh, Dutch.]
1. A thick ſhort flock left when the reſt i»
cut oft. Sidney, Dryden.
2. A log ; a block. Milton.

To STUB. ʃ. a. [from the noun.] To force
up ; to extirpate. Grew. Sifi/t,

STU BBED. a. [from ^ub.] Truncated ; ſh'^tr and thick. Drayton.

STU'BBEDNESS. ʃ. [from Jiuhbed.] The
ſtate of being fli.>rc. ;bick, and truncated,

STU'BBLE. ʃ. [^Jimble, Yr.Jiopp,!, Dutch.]
The ſtalks of corn left in the tield by the
Temper. Uacon,

STU'BBORN. a. [from /iub]
1. Obftinate; inflexible; contumacious. Shakʃpeare. Claredon,
2. Perfifting ; perfvering ; ſteady. Locke.
3. Stiff; not pliable ; inflexible. D'^yd-n.
4. Flardy ; firm. Swift.
5. Harfli ; rough ; rueg''d. Burret.

STU'BBORNLY. ad. [fmr^ /lu^hm.] Obfl.
naely ; conturi^.ac;(.Any ; inH«c.Uy.

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STU'BBORNNESS. ʃ. [from Ji.^ hoot p.] Obftinacy
; vicious ſtou cm. fs ; con:iimacy.
L^c^e. Swift.

STU BBY. a. [from jlub.] Short and thick ;
fiiort and ſtrong. Grew.

STU'BNAIL. ʃ. [from and nail.] A nail
bro'ce-i 01^'.

STU'CCO. ſ. [Italian.] A kind of fine phfter
h-r wail. Pope.

STUCK. The preterite and participle paſt.
or Itick. Addiſon.

STU'CKLE. ʃ. A number of Hicsves kid
tof e'hcr in the field to dry.

STUD. ʃ. [rtuftu, SXon.]
1. A poll ; a (lake.
2. A nail with a large head driven for ornament.
3. ſpz.fee, Saxon.] A collection of breeding
horſes and msrt!-. Temple.

To STUD. v. a. [from the noun] To adorn
with Iruds or knob?. Shakʃpeare.

STU'DENT. ʃ. [Jiudemy Latin.] A man
given to books ; a bookiſh man. Jf'aUs.

STU'DIED. a. [from ſtudy.]
1. Learned; verſed in any ſtudy ; qualified
by ſtudy. IShakʃpeare.ſp. Bacon.
2. Having any particular inclination.Shakʃpeare.

STU'DIER. ʃ. [from yJz^^^.] One .^ho Itu
dies. Milton.

STU'DIOUS. a. [JludUux, French ; fiudiofuiy
1. Given to books and contemplation ; given to learning'. Locke.
2. Diligent ; buſy. Tukell.
5. Attentive to ; careful. Dryden.
4. Contemplative ; ſuitable to meditation. Milton.

STU'DIOUSLY. ad. [from fi'dioui.]
1. Contemplatively ; with cloftj application
to literature.
2. Diliijently ; carefully ; attentively. Atterbury.

STU'DIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſtudious.] Addi6fion
to ſtudy.

STU DY. ʃ. [Jiudium, Latin.]
1. Application of mind to bcioksand learning.
Tiniple. Watts.
1. Perpltxity ; deep c-gitation. Bacon.
3. Atttntion ; meditation ; contrivance.Shakʃpeare.
4. Any particular kind of learning. Bacon.
5. Apartment ſet off for literary employin
fnt. Wvtton. Clarenden.

To STUDY. v. «. [ftudeo, Latin.]
1. To thn-k with icty cLle application ; to muſe. Swift.
2. To endeavour diligeiKly. I Tbrffal.

To STU DY. v.a.
1. To apply the mind to. Locke.
2. To con/ider attentively. VrydcT.
3. To iearn by appiic^tivo. Shakʃpeare.


STUFF. ʃ. [Jioffe. Dutch.]
1. An» matter or body. Daviet.
2. Materials out of which any thing is
made. Roſcommon.
3. Furnifure ; goods. Hayward, Cowley.
4. That which fills any thing. Shakſp.
5. Edlnce ; elemental part. Shakſp.
6. Any mixture or meoic;ne. Shakſp.
7. Cloth or texture of any kind.
8. Textures of wool thinner and flighter
than cloth. Bacon.
9. Matter or thing. Dryden.

To STUFF. v. a. [from the nrun.]
1. To fill very full with any thing. Gay.
2. To fill to uneaſineſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To thruſt into any thing, Bacon.
4. To fill by being put into any thing. Dryden.
5. To ſwell out by ſomethin^ thruſt in. Dryden.
6. To fill with ſomething improper or ſuperflluous. Clarendon.
7. To obſtrudl the organs of ſcent or reſpe-
Jafion. Shakʃpeare.
8. To fill meat with ſomething of high
reliſh. King.
9. To form by fluffing. Swift.

To STUFF. v. «. To feed gluttonouſly,

STU'FFING. ʃ. [from /./.]
1. That by which any thing is filled. Ilale,
2. Reiithing ingredients put into meat. Mortimer.

STUKE. or 5/«ciJ. ſ. [/a<r^c, Italian.] A
compoſition of line and nririble, powdered
very fine, commonly called pl^fter of Paris.

I STULTI'LOQUENCE. ſ. [/«-«. and ^0-
quentia-, Latin.] Fooliſh talk.

STUM. ʃ. [y?z,w, Swedifl).]
1. Wine yet unfermented. Addiſon.
2. New wine uſed to raiſe fermentation in
dead and vapid wines. Ben. Johnson.
3. Wine revived by a new fermentation. Hudibras.

To STUM. v. a. [from the noun.] To renew
wine by mixing freſh wine and raiſing
a new fermencarion. flayer.

To STUMBLE. v. n. [from tumbk.]
1. To trip i.T walking. Prior.
2. To (lip
; to err ; to flide into crimes or
blunders. Milton.
3. To ſtrike againſt liy chance ; to light on
by chance. Ray.

To STU'MBLE. v. a.
1. To obſtrudt in progreſs
; to make to tiip
ox flop.
2. To make to boggle ; to offend. Locke.

STU'MBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A Clip in walking.
2. A blunder ; a failure. L'Eſtrange.

STU'MBLER. ʃ. [UQmJlumble.] One that
ftuHlblcS. Herbert.


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STU'MBLINGBLOCK. If. [horrftumble..

STU'MBLINGSIONE. ʃ. C^ulcof HunhJ:
ni , cauſe of oft'dnce. [Cor , Burnti.

STUMP. ʃ. [jl^mp; Dutch.] The part of
any loJid body rcmaiſhng «fier the left is
taken away. Draytor.

STUMPY. a. [from Jluivp.] Fall of r^un.ps ;
hard ; ſt.tf. Mi^rtim.r.

To STUJsJ. -y. a. [j'lunan, Saxon ]
1. To Confound or djzzy wuh noir?,
Cheyn^. Swift.
2. To make ſenſ::ltfs or dizzy with a bl-w. Dryden.

STUNG. The preterite and participle paſt.
ot ſtin^. Shakʃpeare.

STUNK. The preterite of Jiink.

To STUNT. -y. a. [Junta, Iflaadick.] To
h'.nder from growth. Pope. .

STUPE. f. [Jupa, L2tm.] Cloath or flax
d ppfd in Warn) medicaments, and applied
tj a hurt or fore. lJ':fcman.

To STUPE. v. a. [from the noun.] To ſoment
; to dreis with ſtupcs. ?F,f.TT:an»

STUPEFACTION. ʃ. [Pptfaaui.Liim.]
Inſenſibility ; dulneſs ; iiopidity. South, Pope. .

STUPEFA'CTIVE. a. [ho:n ſtupefact us,
Latin.] Caufing in.'isrifibsJUy ; CiiJii..g; obſtru
fling the ſenſes. Bacon.

STUPENDOUS. a. [fiuber.dus, Lat.] Wonderful; amazing; Eſtonithing. Caret:do>i,

STU'PID. a. [fi^pidus, Latin.]
1. Dull ; wanting ſenſibility ; wanting apprehenſion
3. heavy ; fluggiſh of underſtanding. Dryden.
2. Performed withoutfI:ilIorgcniuE. Hir-ft.

STU'PIDITY. ʃ. [7?u^;^;.'j;, Latin.] Dul-
B°fs ; heavineſs of mind ; ſluggiſiineſs of
underſtanding. Dryden.

STU'PIDLY. ad. [from /lupU.]
1. With fufuenſion or inactivity of underſtanding.
1. Dully ; wTſhnut ap^rehenſion. Dryd.

STU'PIFIER. ʃ. [from jiu^ify.] That which
cauſes ſtupdity.

To STU'PIFY. v. a. [Jiup-f co, Lat.] To
moke liupid ; to deprive of ſenſi^ilify.
Bacon South, Collier.

STU FOR. ſ. [Latin.] Suſpenſion or diminution
of ſenſibility. A-buthn'it.

To STU'PRArE.' «. tf. [/«/rj, Lat.] To
rav Hi ; to violatf.

STUPR.A'TION. ſ. [ftutratio, ixovr.fijpro,
Latin.] Rape ; violation. Brown.

STU'RDILY. ad. [from Jiurdyl
1. Stoutly ; hardily,
2. Obftinately ; reſolutely. Donne.

STU'RDINESS. ʃ. [from (i^rdy..
1 Sruutncls ; haramcfs. Locke.
2. Brutal (iiengch.

STURDY. ad. [rjiourdi. Trench.
1. Hardy ; ſtnit ; brual ; chlhaaie. Dryd.
2. Strung ; forcible^ Sidney.

3. Stffj ſtoi.t. rroto,

SrURGEuN. ʃ. _ A ſea fiſh. U'cod-ivara.

SrURK. ʃ. [j-ryiic, Saxon.] A young ox . r

To STUT. 1 V. n \Jiutttn, to hin-

To STUTTER. ʃ. der, Dutch.] To ſpc.k
with heacation ; to ſt.-nsmer. Bacon.

STU T I ER. X f. [from /?«/.] One ih t

STUTTERER. I ſpt.ks with heAta.
Oil a ihmn.cier. Bacon.

STY. ʃ. [rrjj. Saxon.]
1. A cabbiii to keep hogs in. Gay, King.
2. Any place of beftial debauchery. M/f.

To STY. v. a. [from the noun.] To ſhtc
3 in a fiy. Shakʃpeare.

To STY. ij. n. To f>ar ; toaſcen!..

STY'GIAN. a. [fy^it-s, Latin.] Htlliſh
; infernal ; pertaining to Styx, one of the
poetical river;. Mi-ton

STYLE. f. [py!u, Latin.]
1. Manner of writing with regard to language. Swift.
2. Alanner of ſpeaking appropriate to partjcular
charadlcrs. Shakʃpeare.
3. Title ; appel'ation. Clarendon.
4. Courle of writing. Dryden.
5. A pointed ironuſed anciently in writing
on tables of wax.
6. Any thing with a ſharp point, a? a gra-'
ver,- the pin of a dial. Bacon.
7. The ſtjlk which riſes from amid tl;c
leaves of a flower, Ray.
3. Style of Court, is properly the practice
obſerved by any court in its way of
proceeding. A/f.

To STYLE. v. a. To call ; to term ; Uy
ramc. Clorendon. Locke. Swifc.

STYPTICK. a. [r.TT'J.x^?.] Tr.e ſame as
aſtringent ; but generally expreſſes the mofl
efficacious ſort of aſtringents, or tiio e wh.cii
are applied to flop ha:morrhages.
iQuincy, Arbuthnot.

STYPTI'CITY. ʃ. [Properly 7?;^r;V;Vj.] The
power of fl^anching blood. Floyer.

To STY'THY. v. a. [SeeSrITHY.] To
force on an anvil. Shakʃpeare.

SUA'SIELE. a. [from /wj^«, Latin.] Ea!y
to be perſuaded.

SUA'cJiVL. a. [from fujdco, Latin.] Flavin ;
piwer to perfu^de, ' you!v.

SUASOS.Y. a. [fu^forius,LzUn.] Hiiin.
tendency to pfrfjade.

SU.WITY. ʃ. [fuj-ait,n, Latin.]
1. Sweetneſs to the ſenſes. Bn'zvy.
2. SAcstneſs to the mind,

SUB. in compoſition, ſignifies a fai)ordinite

SUBA'CID. a. [Jub zra acidu:, Latin.] Sour
in d ſmall deg'ce. yJ-'^utbrzt,

SUBA'CRID. a. [//aand-Jcr/W.] Sh rp and
puntent in a ſmall liegrte. Fifr^er,

To SUBA'CT. v. a. [jLtuSfus, Latin ] 'T ;
reduce ; to futdu:, Baoi,
6 C z iUSSUB

SUBA'CTION. ʃ. [fuhau^tUxln,} The
act of reducing to any ſcale. Bacon.

SUBALTERN. a. [ſubalterr,c,Yr.] Interiour; iut> ;idinate ; thatw'nich ind:ficient
reſpeds is both ſuperiour and inferjour.
Vrior. Swift, Watts.

SUBALTE'RNATE. a. [Jubalumus, Lat.]
S C'ecding by tti'^ns. Dial.

SUEASTRI'NGENT. a. [ſub and a/inng<''
t.] Aſtringentin a ſmall degree.

SUDBE'ADLE. ʃ. [ſubandbsjdu^] An under
beadJe. yiyljfe.

SUBCELE'STIAL. a. [ſub and celjij/, ]
Pbced beneath the heavens. Gljr.vi'ie.

SUBCHA'NTER. ʃ. [ſub and chamer -^fuccentor,
Latin.] The deputy of the precentor
jn a cathedra],

SURCLA'VIAN. a. [ſub and davus, La?.]
Uuder the armpit or ſhoulder. Quincy, Brown. Arbuthni'A.

SUBCONSTELLA' TION. ʃ. [ſub zM con.
JlMatiorf.^ A ſubordinate or ſecondary coalie.
Mation, Brown.

SUBCO'NTRARY. a. Contrary in an inferiour
degree. 'WaHi.

SUBCONTRA'CTED. pert. a. [ſub and
contiaSicd.] Contracted after a former contractShakʃpeare.

SUBCUTA'NEOUS. a. [ſub and cutaneous.]
Tying unc'er ttie ſkin.

SUBDEA'CON. ʃ.: [ſubdeaconui, Latin.] In
the Romi/li chjrch^ is the deacon's fervant.

SyBDE'AN. ſ. [f:!hd:Cjnus,L^un.] The
viot^gercnt of a dean. Ayliffe.

SUBDECU'PLE. a. [ſub and decuplus, Ur.' ;
Containing une part of ten.

SUBDERISO'RIOUS. a. [ſub and derifor.]
Scoffing or ridiculing wiiii tenderneſs. More.

SUBDITi'TJOUS. ff. [f.b^intlus,Uxin.]
Put ſecretly in the place of ſomething elſe.

To SUrD.VE'RSIFY. v. a. [ſub -^nd di-
'verfify.yT^o diverſify again what is already
diverſifi?d. lJa!e.

To SU'EDIVIDE. v. a. [ſub ard divide.]
To divide a part into yet mure parts. Roſcommon.

SUBDM'SION. y. [ſubdi-jifi:n, 'French.]
1. Thea:>;f ſubdividing. Watts.
2. V.He parts diſtinguiſhed by a ſecond dswiſion. Addiſon?.

SUTDOLOUS. a. [f.>bdoU,hrdn,\ Cunning
iub'is ; Jl}.

To SUBDU'CE. ʃ. v. a. [f.Lduco, ſubduc-

X.GUBuUCT. i /^i, L ti.]
1. To W'i hoiaw; to take away. Milton.
2. To ſubrtract bj anthmeucal oper; ion.

SUBDU'CnON. ʃ. [Uon-.ſubdtS.I
1 The ^ct oſ t2J:;np away. H.'7k.
2. Arithmetical ſubſtrafvio.-;, ii'^iA,


To SUBDU'E. v. a.
1. To cruſh ; to oppreſs ; to ſink. Milton.
2. To conquer ; to reduce under a new dominion.
Geneſu, SpraSt,
3. To tanrie ; to ſubaft. May.

SUBDU'MENT. ʃ. Conqueſt. Shakſp.

SUBDU'ER. ʃ. [from >^^«:.] Conquerour ;
tsmer. Philips.

SUBDU'PLE. v. a. [ſub and d-.plus,

SUBDU'PLICATE. ʃ. Latin.] Containing
o; e part of two. Ntivtor,

SUBJA'CENT. tf, [/«^;>f^/75, Latin.] Ly?
ing under.

To SUBJE'CT. t/. a. [fuhjeBu^, Latin.]
1. To put under. i'opCt
2. To reduce to ſubmifilon ; to make ſub-
<.rc':nate ; to make ſubrniffive.
5'. Dryd.
To enOave; tci make obnoxious, Locke.
To expoſe ; to make Jiable. Aduth.
To ſubmit ; to make accountable. Locke.
6. To make ſubſervient. Milton.

SU'BJECT. a. [jubjiBus, Latin.]
1. Placed or' fituated under. Shakſp.
2. Living under the dominion of another. Locke.
3. Expoſed ; liable ; obnoxious. Dryden.
4. Being that on which any action operates,

SU'BJECT. ʃ. [fujet, French.]
1. One who lives linder the dominion of
another, Shakʃpeare.
2. That on which any operation either
mental or material is performed. More,
3. That in which any thing inheres or exills. Bacon.
4. [In Grammar.] The nominative cafe
to a verb, is called by grammarians theſub.
j.B of the verb. Clarke,

SUBJE'CTION. ʃ. [from ſubjca.]
1. The act of ſubduing. Hale.
2. The ſtate of being under government. Spenſer.

SUBJE'CTIVE. a. Relating not to the object
but the ſubject, Watts.

SUBINGRE'SSION. ʃ. [ſub and if>grejus,
Latin.] Secret entrance. Boyle.

To SUBJOI'N. v. ſ. [ſubjungo, Lit,} To
add at the end ; to add afterwards. South.

SUBITA'NEOUS. v. [ſubiianeu-.tLatin.]
Sudden ; haſty.

To SU'BJUGATE. v. a. [ſubjigo, Latin.]
To conquer ; to ſubdue ; to bring under dominion
by foite. Prior.

SUBJUGATION. ʃ. [howjubjugate ] The
«£c of ſubdning. Hale.

SUBJU'NCTION. ʃ. f f. om ſubjungo, Lat.]
Tr.e ſtate of being ſubjoined ; the ad of
ſubjoi'ning, Ctatke,

SU'BJUNCTIVE. a. [ful>jur;aivus, Latin.]
Subjoined to ſomething eJfe.

SU'BLAPSARY. a. [ſub and lapfus, Lat.]
Done after the fall of man.



SUBLATION. ʃ. [ful!auo,Ul\n.] The
ai\ of talcing a\v.»y.

SUSLEVA'TION. ʃ. [ſublevo, Lat.] The
ad of riifinf; on high.

SUBLI'MABLE. a. [lVom/«i//W.] Pofſible
to be f'lM Tied.

SUBLI'M'ABLENESS. ʃ. [from ſubimjll^.]
Qual.tvc. aimidng ſublimation. Boyle.

SU'CLIMATE. ʃ. [from fyUme.]
1. Any t.«!i)g raiſed by liic in the retort.
2. Qu ckſilver raiſed in the retort. Newt,

To SU'BLIMATE. v. a. [from fuMirrf.]
1. To raiſe by the force of chemical fire.
2. To exalt ; to heighten ; to elevate. Decay of Piety.

SUBLIMATION. ʃ. [from .Jtion, French.]
1. A chemical operation which raiſes bodits
in the ve/Tel by the force of fire. SuHi.
motion differs very little from diſhllation,
excepting that in diſtillation, only the fluid
parts of bodies are raiſed, but in this the
ſolid and dry ; and that the matter to be
diſtilled may be either fohd or fluid, but
ſub imation is only concerned about ſolid
ſubſljnces. iQuincy.
2. Exaltation ; elevation ; aſtof heiphthing
or improving. Daties,

SUBLI'ME. a. [/«^i/wn, Latin.]
1. H gh in place ; exalted aloft. Dryden.
2. High in excellence ; exalted by nature.
3. High in ſtile orfentiment ; lofty ; grand. Prior.
4. Elevated by joy. Milton.
;. Haughty; p:oud, fi'^o'tcr.

SUBLI'ME. ʃ. The grand or lofty ſtile. Pope. .

To SUBLIME. v. a. [>^//w£r, French.]
1. To raiſe by a chemical fire. Donne.
2. To raiſe on high. Denham,
3. To exalt ; to heighten ; to improve. Glanville.

To SUBLI'ME. v. n. To riſe in the chemical
veſſel by the force of fire. Arbuth.

SUBLI'MELY. ad. [from ſublime.] Loftily ; grandly. Pope. .

SUBLI'MITY. ʃ. [ſublimitas, Latin.]
1. Height of place ; Iccal elevation.
2. Height of nature ; excellence. Raleigh.
3. Loltineſs of ſtile ^r lentiment. Addiſon.

SUBLI'NGUAL. a. [ſub and lingua, Lat.]
Puced under the tongue. Harvey.

SUBLU'NAR. v. a. [ſub»niluna, Latin.]

SU'BLUNARY. ʃ. Situated beneath the
mccn ; earthly ; terie'.tria). Swift.

SU'BMARINE. a. [ſub and mare. ^ Lyng
or ading under the fea, M-^Hkint.

To SUBME'RGE. v. a. [ſubmergo, Lat.]
To drown; to put under water. Shakʃpeare.

SUBME'RSION. ʃ. [ſubrnerjui, Lat.] The
act of drowning ; date of being drowned.
/ Hale.


To SUBMI'NISTER. 1 v. a. [fuhm'm.

To SUBMINI'STR'ATE. ʃ. ſtro^ Lu. ) To
ſupply ; to afford. Halim

To SUBMI'NISTER. v. n. To ſubſrrve.

SURMI'SS. a. [fjrm Juirrifjus, Latin
; HimiMe ; fnbmilT.ve-j ooirquions. Mi/ior»

SUBMl.^bION. ʃ. [iiowf4Uij/ui,Lu\n.]
1. Delivery of hJmfelf to rhs j,ower of another.Shakʃpeare.
2. Acknowledgment of infLriority or dcpendancr.
3. Acknowledgment of a fault ; confeflioa
oferrour. iShakʃpeare,
4. Oolecjuiouſneſs ; reTgnationj obedience,

SUBMI'SSIVE. a. [ftih,mjfu^, L»f.-^ Humble i
feſtifying ſubmiſhcn or infericrity. Prior.

SUBMI'SSIVELY. ad. [{rom Jubrnfive.]
Humbly ; with confeflion of inferiority. Pope.

SUBMI'SSIVENES?. ſ. [from JubmiJ/i've.]
Humility ; confcllion of fault, or inferiority. Herbert.

SUBMI'SSLY. ad. [from ſubmiſs.] Humbly ;
with ſubmiITjon. Taylor»

To SUBMI'T. v. a. [fulMitto, Latin.]
1. To let down ; to ſink. Dryden.
2. To ſubject ; to reſign to authority. MiltoTt,
3. To leave to diſcretion ; to refer to judgment. Swift.

To SUBMI'T. v. a. To be ſubject ; to acqiiicfce
in the authority of another ; to
yield, Rogirt,

SUBMU'LTIPLE. ʃ. A jubrr.ultipk number
or quantity is that which is cjutained in
anather number, a certain numbt.r of times
txi(X\y : thus 3 is ſubmultiplt of 21. Harris.

SUBOCTA'VE. v. a. [ſub and oBavur,

SUBOCTU'PLE. I Ln.andc,S.^/'.]Con.
taining one part of eigh'. Arbuthnot.

SUBO'RDINACY. If. [from Jubordi-

SUBO'RDINANCY. ʃ. njte. ;
1. The ſtate of being ſubject. Spe5tator,
2. Series of ſubordmation. Temple.

SUBO'RDINATE. a. [ſub and crdinatus,
1. Inferiour in order. Addiʃon.
2. Deſcending in a regular ſeries. Bacon.

To SUBORDINATE. v. a. [fuh and ordifio,
Latin.] To range i:nder another.

SUBO'RDINATELY. ad. [fom ſubordiraff.]
In a ſeries regularly deſeending.
Decay of Piety

SUBORDINATION. ʃ. [fi^b.rdination,
1. The ſtate of being inferiour to another. Dryden.
2. A ſeries regularly defecndiog. Swift.


To SUBO'RN. -r. a.
[fuhorncr, French.]
ſuborncy Latin.]
1. To procure privately; to procure by
ſecret ccliufion. Hooker, Prior.
2. To procure by indireci: means.

j'ub-jmation, French
from ſuborn.'j The crime of procuring
any to do a bad action. Spenſer, Swift.

SUBO'RNER. ʃ. [jiibernctir, Fr from>-
born.] One that piocures a bad action to
be done.

SUBPOE'NA. ʃ. [Jub and pcsna, Latin.]
A writ commanding attendance in a court
under a penalty.

SUBQUADRUPLE. a. [ſub and quadruple.]
Containing one part of four.

SUBQUINTU'PLE. a. [ſub-j and quintuple.]
Containing one part of iivc. Wiikim.

SUBRE'CTOR. ʃ. [;«^ and recPor.] The
redtor's vicegerent. Walton.

SUBRE^PTION. ʃ. [jubreptm, Lat.] The
act of obtaining a favour by ſurprize or
unfair repreſentation.

$UBREPTrTIOUS. a. [Jhrreptitius, Lat.]
Fraudulently obtained. Bailey.

To SUBSCRI'BE. v. a. [ſubſcribo, Latin.]
1. To give conſent to, by underwriting
the name. Clarenden.
2. To atteſt by writing the name.
3. To contract; to limit. Shakſp.

1. To give conſent. Hooker, Milton.
2. To promife a flipulated fum for the
promotion of any undertaking.

SUBSCRIBER. ʃ. [from ſubjeriptie, Lat.]
1. One who fabſcribes.
2. One who contributes to any undertaking. Swift.

SUBSCRIPTION. ʃ. [from ſubjeriptio,
1. Any thing underwritten. Eaeon.
2. Conſent or atteflation given by underwriting
the name.
3. The act or ſtate of contributing to any
undertaking. Pope. .
4. Submiſſion ; obedience. Shakſp.

SUBSE'CTION. ʃ. [fnb and fu^io, Latin.]
A ſubdiviſion of a larger ſection into a
leſſer. A ſection of a ſection. Di&.

SU'BSEQUENCE. ʃ. [from ſubſequor, Lat.]
The ſtate of following ; not precedence. Grew.

SUBSE'CUTIVE. a. [from ſubſequor, Lat.]
Following in train.

SUBSEPTU'PLE. a. [ſub and ſeptuplus,
Latin.] Containing one of ſeven parts.

SU'BSEQUENT. a. [ſubſequens, Lat.] Following
in train ; not preceding. Bacon, Prior.


SUBSEQUENTLY. ad. [from ſubſeque»t.]
Not ſo as CO go before ; ſo as to follow in
t'-^in- . South.

To SUBSE'RVE. n^. a. [ſubſer^-io, Latin.]
To ſerve in ſubordination ; to ſerve inltru-
^^en tally. y^^^j^j^.

SUBSE'RVIENCE. ʃ. [from ^W,1

SUBSE'RVIENCY. ^ Inſtrumental fitneſs
or uſe. Bentley.

SUBSE'RVIENT. a. [ſubſerviens, Ladn.]
Subordinate ; inſtrumentally uſeful.

SUBSE'XTUPLE. a. [Jub and ſextuplus,
Lat.] Containing one part of !:x.

To SUBSIXE. 1: n. [ſubjido, Latin.] To
ſink ; to tend downwards. Pope. .

SUBSIDENCE. ʃ. [from ſubſide.] The

SUBSI'DENCY. s act of ſinking ; tendency
downward. Arbuthnot.

SUBSIDIARY. a. [ſubſidiariu^, Latn.]
Affiſtant broueht in aiu. Arbuth.

SU'BSIDY. ʃ. [ſubſidmm, Latin.] Aid,
commonly ſuch as is given in money. Addiʃon.

To SUBSI'GN. v. a. [ſubſigno, Latin.]
To ſign under. Camden.

To SUBSI'ST. v. a. [ſubſtflo, Latin.]
1. To continue ; to retain the preſent
ſtate or condition. Milton, Swift.
2. To have means of living ; to be mamtained. Atterbury.
}. To adhere ; to have exiſtence. South.

SUBSISTENCE. or Subjijiency.f. [from ſub-
1. Real being. Stillingfeet.
2. Competence ; means of ſupporting
life. Addiſon.

SU'BSISTENT. a. [ſubJiJlensM^^in. ) Having
real being. Berkley.

SUBSTANCE. ʃ. [ſubjlantia, Latin.]
1. Being; ſomething exiſting ; ſomething
of which we can fay that it is. Davies.
2. That which ſupports accidents. Watts.
3. The eſſential part. Addiſon.
4. Something real, not imaginary ; ſomething
fjlid, not empty. Dryden.
5. Body ; corporeal nature. Newton.
6. Wealth ; means of life. Swift.

SUBSTA'NTIAL. a. [irorA ſubſtance.]
1. Real; actually exiting, Berkley.
2. True ; ſolid; real; not merely ſeeming. Denham.
3. Corporeal ; material. Watts.
4. Strong ; ſtout ; bulky. Milton.
5. Reſponſible ; moderately wealthy. Addiʃon.

SUBSTA'NTIALS. ʃ. [Without ſmvuiar^]
Eſſential parts. Ayliffe.

SUBSTANTIALITY. ʃ. [ixQVS^ſubſ,arAial.]
1. The

T, The ſtate of real exigence.
2. Corporeity ; materiality. Glanv.

SUBSTA'NTIALLY. ad. [from Jubjlautial.]
1. In manner of a ſubſtance ; with reality
of exiſtence. Milton.
2. StroPKly ; ſolidly. Clarenden.
3. Trjly; ſolidly ; really; with fixed
purpuſe. Tilktj'on.
4. With competent wealth.

SUBSTA'NTIALNESS. ʃ. [from fManiiaL]
1. the ſtate of being ſubſtantial.
2. Firmneſs ; ſtrength ; power of holding
or laſting. ff^otton.

To SUBSTA'NTIATE. v. a. [from ſub-
Jiance.] To make to exiſt. -4)'^'^'^'

SU'BSTANTIVE. ʃ. [ſubſlantivutn, Lat.]
A noun betokening the thing, not a quality. Dryden.

SU'BSTANTIVE. a. [fiiJJanU'vus, Lat.]
1. Solid
; depending only on itſelf. Bacon.
1. Betokening exigence. jArbuth.

To SUBSTITUTE. a;, a. [fuhJILwus, Lat.]
To put in the place of another.
Governm. of the Tongue.

SU'BSTITUTE. ʃ. One placed by another
to act with delegated power. Shakſp, Addiſon.

SUBSTITUTION. ʃ. [from ſubjtituti.] The
afl of placing any perſon or thing in the
room of another. Bacon.

To SUBSTRA'CT. v. a. [from ſhaSIicn,¥T.]
1. To take away part from the whole,
2. To take oae number from another.

SUBSTRA'CTION. ʃ. [foubfraire, Joub-
JiraElion, French.]
1. The act of taking part from the whole. Denham.
2. The taking of a lefler number out
of a greater of like kind, whereby to find
out a third number. Cocker.

SUBSTRU'CTION. ʃ. [JubfiruEiio, Lat.]
Underbuilding. Wotton.

SUBSTY'LAR. a. [ſub and Jlylus.] Sub-
Jtylar line is, in dialing, a right line,
whereon the gnomon or ſtyle of a dial
is credled at right angles with the plane. Moxon.

SUSU'LTIVE. v. a. [ſubſuhui,hzt\iu]

SUBSU'LTORY. ʃ. Bounding ; moving
by ſtarts.

SUBSU'LTORILY. ad. [from ſubſu/to,y.]
In a boundinij manner. Bacon.

SUBTA^S1GENT. ʃ. [In any curve, is the
line which determines the intcrfcction of
the tangent in the axis prolonged.

To SUBTEND. v. a. lſubnndtendo,L:xt.]
Tobeextenotd under. CrucJj.

SUi.TE'Ni£. ʃ. [fb and nnfus, Latin.]


ERFLU ENT. v. a. [Jubtcrfiuo, Lat.]

E'RFLUOU^. S Running under.
The chord of an arch ; that which is extended
under any thing.

SU'LTER. [Latin.] In compoſition, ſignifies


SUBTE'RFLUOU^. > Kunning

SUBTERFU'GE. ʃ. [ſubtcrfvgc, French.]
A ſhjft ; an cvation ; a tr;ck.
Glannr. Watts.

[ſub and

SUBTERRA'NEAM. ʃ. terra, Latin.

SU'BTERRANEOUS. f Lying under

SU BTERRANY. 3 the earth
; placed below the ſurface. Bacon, Milton. Norrh.

SUBTERRA'NITY. ʃ. [ſub and terra,
Lat.] A place un'der ground. Brown.

SUBTILE. a. [ſubtilis, Latin.]
1. Thin ; not denfe ; not groſs. Newton.
2. Nice ; fine ; delicate ; not coaſe. Davies.
3. Piercing; acute. Prior.
4. Cunning; artful; fly; ſubdolous. Hooker, Fairfax, Proverbs, Milton.
5. Deceitful. Shakʃpeare.
6. Refined; acute beyond exactneſs. Milton.

SU'BTILELY. ad. [from ſubtile.;.
1. Finely ; not groſsly. Bacon.
2. Artfully ; cunningly. Tillotf.

SU'BTILENESS. ʃ. [from /«.///.]
1. Fineneſs ; rareneſs.
2. Cunning ; arlfulneſs.

To SUBTI'LIATE. v. a. [from ſubtile..
To make thin. Harvey.

SUBTILIA'TION. ʃ. [ſubtiliation, Fr.]
The act of making thin. Boyle.

SU'BTILTY. ʃ. [J'uhtilue, French.]
1. Thinneſs ; fineneſs; exility of parts. Davies.
2. Nicety. Bacru
3. Refinement ; too much acuteneſs. Boyle.
4. Cunning; artifice; flyneſs, K.Char.

SUBTILIZA'TION. ʃ. [from ſubtil:ze.]
1. Subtilization is making any thing fo
volatile as to riſe readily in fleam or vapour,
2. Refinement ; ſuperfluous acuteneſs.

To SU'BTILIZE. v. a.
[ſubtilizer, Fr.]
1. To make thin; to make leſs groſs or
coaſe. Ray.
2. To refine ; to ſpin into uſeleſs niceties. Glanville.

To SU'BTILIZE. v. n. To talk with too
much refinement. Jl^'gl^'

SU'BTLE. a. Sly; artful; cunning. Spenſer. Spralt.

SU'BTLY. ad. [from ſubtle..
1. Slily V artfully ; cunningly. Mtkon,
2. Niccly ^ dejicatej^'. Pope. .


To SU'BTRACT. <z/. a. [ſubtraalo, Lat.]
To withdraw part from the reſt. Hale.


SU'BTRAHEND. ʃ. [ſubtrahendunri Lat.]
The number to be taken from a larger

SUBTRI'PLE. it. [ſub and triplus, Latin.]
Containing a third or one part of three.

SUBVENTA'NEOUS. a. [ſub'ventancus,
Latin.] Addle ; windy. Brown.

To SU'BVERSE. v. a. [juhverjm, Latin.]
To ſubvert. Spenſer.

SUBVER'SION. ʃ. [ſub-uerſwn, French; jub'vcyfi's, Latin.] Overthrow ; ruin ; deſtruction. Shakeʃ, King Charles, Burnet.

SUBVE'RSIVE. a. [from Ji'.b'ucrt.] Having
tendency to overrurn. Rogers.

To SU'BVERT. v. a. [ſubwrto, Latin.]
1. To overthrow; to overturn; todeſtroy; to turn upſide dov.-n. Milton.
2. To corrupt ; to confound. 2. Tim.

SUBVE'RTER. ʃ. [ivoxn Jubvert.] Overthrower
; deſtroyer. Dryden.

SU'BURB. ʃ. [ſuburblum, Latin.]
1. Building without the walls of a city. Bacon.
?. The confines; the out part. Clccv.

SUBU'RBAN. a. [ſuburbanusyl.TiUn.] Inhabiting
the ſuburb. Dryden.

SUBWO'RKER. ʃ. [jub and worker.]
Underworkcr ; ſubordinate helper. South.

SUCCEDA'NEOUS. a. [fuccedanetiS,l.?iU]
Supplying the place of ſomething eJfe. Brown. Boylg,

SUCCEDA'NEUM. ʃ. [Latin.] That
which is put to ſerve for ſomething elſe.

To SU'CCEED. v. a. [fucceder, French
; ſuccedo, Latin.]
1. To follow in order. Milton.
2. To come into the place of one who
ha^ quitted. Digby.
3. To obtain one's wiſh ; to terminate
an undertaking in the deſired effect. Dryd.
4. To terminate according to with. Dryd.
5. To go under cover. Dryden.

To SU'CCEED. To a.
1. To follow ; to be ſubſsquent or conſequent
to. Bacon.
1. To proſper ; to make ſucceſsful. Dryden.

SUCCE'EDER. ʃ. [from /wſwJ.] One
who follows ; one who comes into the
place of another. DaracL Suckling.

SU'CCESS. ʃ. [juccpjfus, Latin.]
1. The termination of any affair happy
or unhappy. Milton.
1. Succeſſion. Spenſer.

SUCCE'SSFUL. a. Proſperons ; happy; lortunate,
ibvutk. Frier,

SUCCE'SSFULLY. ad. [from ſucceſsful.]
Proſperouſly ; luckily ; fortunately. Hammond, Atterbury.

SUCCE'SSFULNESS. ʃ. [from ſucceſsful.
f] Happy conclufion ; deſired event
; ſeries of good fortune. Hammond.

SUCCE'SSION. ʃ. [fucccfflo, Latin.]
1. Confecution ; ſeries of one thing or
perſon following another. Locke.
2. A ſeries of things or perſons following
one another. Bacon, Newton.
3. A hneage; an order of dependents. Milton.
4. The power or right of coming to the
inheritance of anceſtors. Dryden.

SUCCE'SSIVE. a. [fuccefjtf, French.]
1. Following in order ; continuing a
courſe or conſecution uninterrupted. Daniel.
2. Inherited by ſucceſſion. Raleigh.

SUCCE'SSIVELY. ad. [fuccejfn>ement, Fr.
from ſuccej/i'ue.] In uninterrupted order ; one after another. Bacon. Newton.

SUCCESSIVENESS. ʃ. [from ſucceftye.]
The ſtate of being ſucceffive. Hale.

SUCCE'SSLESS. a. [from ſucceſs.] Unlucky
; unfortunate ; failing of the event
deſired. Dryden.

SU'CCESSOUR. ʃ. [fucceſhur, French; ſuccejfor, Latin.] 'One that follows in
the place or character of another ; correlative
to predecejjotir. Clarendon, Dryden.

SUCCI'NCT. a. [fuccinBus, Latin.]
1. Tucked or girded up ; having the
cloaths drawn up. Pope. .
2. Short ; conciſe ; brief. Ben. Johnſ. Roſc.

SUCCI'NCTLY. ad. [from fuccina.] Briefly; concifely. Boyle, Roſcommon.

SU'CCORY. ʃ. [cichorium, Latin.] A
plant. Miller.

To SU'CCOUR. v. a. [fuccurro, Latin.]
To help ; to aſſiſt in difficulty or diſtreſs
; to relieve. L'Eſtrange.

SU'CCOUR. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Aid ; affiſtance; relief of any kind; help in diſtreſs. Shakʃpeare.
2. The perſon or things that bring help. Dryden.

SU'CCOURER. ʃ. [from fuccour.] Helper ; alnftant ; reliever. Romans.

SU'CCOURLESS. a. [from fuccovr.]
Wanting relief ; void of friends or help. Thomfon.

SU'CCULENCY. ʃ. [from fucculent.]

SU'CCULENT. a. [fuccuhnt, French.]
fuccukntus, Latin.] Juicy ; moiſt. More, Philips.

To SUCCU'MB. -9 n. [fuccumbo, Lat.] To
yield ; to ſink under any difficulty. Ht'dib.

SUCCU'SSATION. ʃ. [fuccujo, Latin.]
A trot. Brown.

SUCCU'SSION. ʃ. [fuccuffloy Latin.]
1. The act of ſhaking
2. [In phyſick.] Sucii a ſhaking of the
nervous parts as is procured by ſtrong flimuli.

SUCH. pronoun, [fulki Dutch ; ſpilc,
1. Of that kind ; of the like kind.
pnttg:f;c. Stillingfleet. laiomfon.
2. The ſame that.- Vf\xh as. Knolle.
3. Comprehended under the term premifcd. South.
4. A manner of expreſſing a particular
perſon or thing. Shakʃpeare, Clarenden.

To SUCK. v. a. [pucan, Saxon
; jugoy
juEiui'fiy Latin.]
1. To draw by making a rarefaction of
the air.
2. To draw in with the mouth. Dryden.
3. To draw the teat of a female, Locke.
4. To draw with the miJk. Shakſp.
5. To empty by ſucking. Dryden.
6. To draw or drain. hurmt.

To SUCK. v. 7i.
1. To draw by rarefjing the air. Mortimer.
2. To draw the breaſt. Job.
3. To draw; imbibe. Bacon.

SUCK. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of ſucking. Boyle.
2. Milk given by females. Dryden.

SU'CKER. ſ. [Juccur, French.]
1. Any thing that draws.
2. The embolus of a pump. Boyle.
3. A round piece of leather, which laid
wet o;i a ſtone, and drawn up in the middle,
rarefies the air within, which preſſing
upon its edges, holds it dswa upon the
ſtone. Grcio,
4. A pipe through which any thing is
ſucked. Philips.
5. A young twig ſhooting from the ſtock. Bacon, Ray.

SUCKET. ʃ. [from ſuck.] A ſweet meat.


SU'CKINGBOTTLE. ʃ. [juck and bottle.] A
bottle which to children ſupplies the want
of a pap. Locke.

To SUCKLE. v. a. .[{Tom fi^ck.] To nurſe
at the breaſt. Dryden.

SU'CKLING. ʃ. [from ſuck.] A young
creature yet fed by the pap. Arbuth.

SU'CTION. ʃ. [{xQm ſuck -.
juceion, Fr.]
The act of ſucking. Boyle.

SUDA'TION. ʃ. [judo, Latin.] Sweat.

SU'DATORY. ʃ. [fudo, Latin.] Hot
houſe ; ſweating bath.

SUDDEN. a. [fsiuiair:, French ; j-o'cen; Saxon.]

1. Happening without previous notice; coming without the common preparatives ; Shakʃpeare. l^lton,
2. Hafty ; violent ; rafli
; paſſionate ; precipitate. Shakʃpeare.

1. Any unexpected occurrence ; ſurpriſe.

2. C)« a Sudden. Sooner than was ex-
peſted. Baker.

SUDDENLY. ad. [from ſudden.] In aa
unexpected manner; without preparation ;
haftily. Dryden.

SU'DDENNESS. ʃ. [fxQm ſudden.] State
of being ſudden ; unexpected prefence ; manner of coming or happening unexpectedly. Temple.

SUDORPFICK. a. [fudor &nd facio, Latin.]
Provoking or cauling ſweat. Bacon.

SUDORIFICK. ʃ. A medicine promoting
ſweat. ArbuthnotA

SU'DOROUS. a. [from fudor, Latin.]
Conſiſting of ſweat. Brown.

SUDS. ʃ. [hem j-eo'oan, to feeth.]
1. A lixivium of foap and water.
2. To be in the Suds. A familiar phrafa
for being in any difficulty.

To SUE. v. a. [fiiiier, French.]
1. To profecute by law. Matt,
2. To gain by legal procedure. Calamy.

To SUE. v. n. To beg ; to entreat ; to petition.

SU'ET. ʃ. [an old French werd.] A hard
fat, particularly that about the kidneys. Wiſeman.

SU'ETY. ʃ. [from fuet.] Conſiſting of
fuet ; reſembling fuet. Sharp.

To SU FFER. ʃ. a.
[ſuffero, Latin.]
1. To bear ; to undergo; to feel with
ſenſe of pain. Alark.
2. To endure; to ſupport ; not to finlc
under. Milton.
3. To allow ; to permit ; not to hinder. Locke.
4. To paſs through ; to be affected by. Milton.

To SUFFER. v. n.
1. To undergo pain or inconvenience. Locke.
2. To undergo puniſhment. Clarenden.
3. To be injured. Tempos.

SUTFERABLE. a. [from ſuffer.] Tolerable
; ſuch as may be endured. TVaton.

SU FFERABLY. dd. [from fuſtrable.]
Tolerably ; ſo as to be endured. Add.

SU'FFERANCE. ʃ. [fouffrance, French.]
1. Pain ; inconvenience ; miſery. Locke.
2. Patience ; moderation. Taylor. Otway.
3. To leration; permiITioJi ; not hindrance. Hooker.

SUTFERER. ʃ. [from /#r.]
6D '
1. ©as

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


1. One who endures or undergoes pain or
inconvenience. Addiſon.
2. One who allows ; one who permits.

SU'FFERING. ʃ. [from fujer.] Pain ; uf-
fered. Atterbury.

To SUFFICE. v. n. [ſuſſicio, Latin.] To
be enough ; to be fuificient ; to be equal
to he end or purpoſe. Locke.
To su'Ffi::e. v. a.
1. To aftbrd ; to ſupply. Dryden.
1. To ſatisfy. Ruth. Dryden.

SUFFICIENCY. ʃ. [from ſuſſicient.]
1. State of being adequate to the end propoſed. Boyle.
2. Qualification for any purpoſe. Tem^/e,
3. Competence ; enough.
4. Supply equal to want.
5. It is uſed by Temple for that conceit
which makes a man think himſelf equal
to things above him.

SUFFI'CI-ENT. a. [ſufficiem, Latin.]
1. Equal to any end or purpoſe ; enough ; competent ; not deficient. Locke, Swift.
2. Qualified for any thing by fortune or
otherwiſe. Shakʃpeare.

SUFFI'CIENTLY. ad. [from ſuficient.]
To a ſuſſicient degree ; enough. Rogers.

SUFFISANCE. [French.] Exceſs ; plenty. Spenſer.

To SU'FFOCATE. 1;. a. [ſuffoco, Latin.]
To choak by exclufion, or interception of
air. Collier.

SUFFOCA'TION. ʃ. [fuffocation, French ;
from fuffoccite.] The act of choaking;' the
ſtate of being choaked. Cheytie.

SUFFOCATIVE. a. [from ſtfffocate.]
Having the power to choak. Arbuthnot.

SUFFRAGAN. ʃ. [fuffr'aganeus, Latin.]
A biſhop conſidered as ſubject to.his metropolitan. Ayliffe.

To SUFFRAGATE. v. a. [Juffragor,
Latin.] To vote with ; to agree in voice
with. Hale.

SUTFRAGE. ʃ. [/v^-^^t/«;;;, Lat.] Vote; voice given in a controverted point. Ben. JohnſonAtterbury.

SUFFRA'GINOUS. a. [juffrago, }.2X\ri.]
Belonging to the knee joint of beaſtsi. Brown.

SUFFUMIGA'TION. ʃ. [fufftimgo, Lat.]
Cpcrauon of tunnies niiieJ by fire. Wiſeman.

SLTFU'MIGE. ʃ. \J'-iffnmlgo, Latin.] A
medical fume. Harwy.

To SUFFU'SE. 1'. a. [fufulut, Lat.] To
ſpread over with ſomething expanſible, as
with a vapour or a tindure. Pope.

SUFFU'SION. ʃ. [from /,/^/^.]
1. The act of overſpreading with any
2. That which is fufiuſed or ſpread. Dryden.
g U I

BUG. ʃ. A kind df worm like a clove osf .
uiu. Wottorii

SU'GAR. ʃ. [jucre, French.]
1. The native fait of the/a^^r-cane, obtained
by the expreſſion and evaporatioa
of its juice. _ Crapaiv.
2. Any thing proverbially ſweet. Shak.
3. A chymicaldry chryftallization. Boyle.

To SU'GAR. nj. a. [from the noun.]
1. To impregnate or ſeaſon with ſugar.
2. To ſweeten. Fairfax.

SU'GGARY. a. [from jugar.] Sweet ;
tafi:ing of fugir. Spenſer.

To SUGGEST. nj. a. [fuggejlunii Latin.]
1. To hint ; to intimate ; to infinuate
good or ill. Locke.
1. To feduce ; to draw to ill by infinuation. Shakſp.
3. To inform ſecretly. Shakſp.

SUGGE'STION. ʃ. [froih fuggeji.] Private
hint ; intimation ; infinuation ; feeret
notification. Shakſp, Locke.

To SU'GGILATE. v. a. [fuggillo, Lat.]
To beat black and blue ; to make livid by
a bruiſe. Wiſeman.

SUICIDE. ʃ. [fuicidium, Lat.] Self-murder
; the horrid crime of deſtroying one's
felf. Savage.

SUI'LLAGE. ʃ. [fouillage, French.] Drain
of filth. Wotton.

SU'ING. ʃ. The act of ſoaking through
any thing. Bacon.

SUIT. ʃ. [fitte, French.]
1. A ſet ; a number of things correſpondent
one to the other. Dryden.
2. Cloaths made one part to anſwer another. Donne.
3. Confecutlon; ſeries ; regular order. Bac,
4. Out of ^xii-xz. Having no correſpondence. Shakſp.
5. Retinue ; company. Sidney.
6. A petition 3 an addreſs of entreaty. Shakʃpeare, Donne.
7. Courtſhip. Shakſp.
S. purſuit. ; profecutlon. Spenſer.
9. [In law.] Suit is ſometimes put ſpr
the inſtance pf a cauſe, and ſometimes
for the cauſe itſelf deduced in judgment. Ayliffe, Taylor.

To SUIT. v. a. [from the nou'?.]
1. To fit ; to adapt to ſomething elſe.Shakʃpeare.
2. To be fitted to ; to become. Dryden.
3. To dreſs ; to clothe. Shakſp.

To SUIT. ʃ. n. To agree ; to accord. Dryd.

SUI'TABLE. a. [from /vr^.] Fitting ; according
with ; agreeable to. - Milton.

SUI'TABLENESSr. ʃ. [i^ova ſuitable.] Fi'tneſs
; agreeableneſs. Glanville, South.

SUFTABLY. ad. [from ſuitable.] Agreeably
; according to» South.


Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


SUIT Co'ver.ant, [In law.] Is where the
anceſtor of one man has covenanted with
the anceflor of another to ſue at his court.

SUIT Cciirt. [In law.] Is the court in
which tenants owe atlendnnce to their
lord. V BciUy,
^XiVX Scr'vke. [In law.] Attendance which
tenants owe to the court of their lord. Bailey.

SUI'TER. 1 r r: r i

SUI'TOR. [f' U^^rnfmt..
1. One that fues ; a petitioner ; a ſupplicant.
Ilcoker, Denlcw:. Rowc,
2. A wooer ; one who courts a miſtreſs.

JFotton. Pope. .

SUI'TRESS. ʃ. [from /wV^r.] A female
ſupplicant. Rcnoe.

SU'LCATEOr. a. [fuliuh Latin.] Furrowed. Woodward.

SULL. ʃ. A plough. Ainsworth.

1. Gloomily ; angry ; fluggiſhly diſcontenced.
2. Miſchievous ; malignant. Dryden.
3. Intractible; obllrinate. liltomfon.
4. Gloomy ; dark ; cloudy ; dirmal.'P&^^.
5. Heavy ; dull ; ſorrowful. Shakſp.

SU'LLENLY. ad. [from fulUn.] Gloomi-
Iv ; malignantly ; intractably. M'^f'e.

SULLENNESS. ʃ. [from >/^«.] Gloomineſs ;
morofeneſs; fluggiſh anger; malignity. Donne.

SU'LLENS. ʃ. Moroſe temper ; gloomincls
of mind. Shakſp.

SU LLIAGE. ʃ. [from /w//v.] Pollution ;
filth; ſtain of dirt ; fouineis. Gov. ofT,

To SU ELY. v. a. [jcuilhr, Fr.] To foil; to tarniſh ; to dirt; to ſpot. Roſc.

SULLY. f. [from the verb.] Spil ; tirnift
; ſpot. Addiſon.

SU'LPHUR.J. [Latin.] Brimſtone. Milton.

SULPHU'REOUS. v. a. [Julphureus, Lat.]

SU'LPHUROUS. ʃ. [Made of bnmſtone ;
having the qualities of brimſtone ; containing
fulphur. Newton.

SULPHU'REOUSNESS. ʃ. [from fulphureoui.
\ The ſtate of being fulphureous.

SU'LPHURWORT. ʃ. ^The ſame with


SU'LPHURY. a. [from fulpbur.] Partaking
of fulphur.

SU'LTAN. ʃ. [Arabick.] The Turkish
emperour. Shakſp.

SU'LTANA. ʃ. [from fuhan.] The

SULTANESS. ^ queen of an Eaſtern emperour.

SU'LTANRY. ʃ. [from fu!tan.^ An Eaſtern
empire. Bacon.

SU'LTRINESS. ʃ. [from fultry. I The
fiate of being faitryt


SULTRY. a. Hot without ventilation ;
hut and cloſe ; hot and cloudy. Han.Md,

SUM. ʃ. [fumtf:a, Latin.]
1. The whole of any thing; many particulars
aggregated to a total. Hooker.
2. Quantity of money. Shakſp.
3. Compendium; abridgment; the whole
abſtracted. Hooker.
4. The amount; the reſult of reaſonlcg
or computation. Ti/.'otfc?:.
5. Height; completion. Mihcu.

To SUM. ʃ. a. [foTjima-y French.]
1. To compute ; to collect particulars into
a total. Bacon, South.
2. To compriſe ; to comprehend ; to
collect into a narrow compafi. Dryden.
3. To have feathers full grown. Mjhon.

SU'MACH-TREE. ʃ. The flowers are uſed
in dying, and the branches for tanning,
in America. Mi.'/er.

SU'MLESS. a. [from >«. ; Not to be
computed. Pope.

SU'MMARILY. ad. [from fummary. ;
Briefly ; the ſhorteſt way. Hacker,

SU'MiMARY. a. Short; brief: compendious. Swift.

SU'MMARY. ʃ. [from the adj.] Compendium
; abridgment. Rogers.

SU'MMER. ʃ. [pumcji, Saxon ; ſctna,
1. The ſeaſon in which the fun arrives at
the hither folfticc. Shakſp.
2. The principal beam of a floor.
Wottjn. Herbert.

To SU'MMER. v. a. [from the noun.]
To paſs the furr.rner. Iſaiah.

To SU'MMER. ʃ. a. To keep warm.Shakʃpeare.

SU'MMERHOUSE. ʃ. [from fuv.mer and
hoifc.'^ An apartcient in a garden uſed
in the fummer. Watts.

SU'MMERSAULT. ʃ. ^ foulrefault, fr.]

SU'MMERSET; ; a high leap in
which the heels are thrown over the
head. Wali::r.

SU'MMIT. ʃ. [fumniitai, Latin.] The
top; the utmoſt height. Shakſp.

To SU'xMMON'. 'J. tXi. [fumtr.oneo, Lat.]
1. To call with authority ; to admoniſh
to appear ; to cite. Bacon, Pope.
2. To excite ; to call up ; to raiſe, Shakſp.

SU'MMONER. ʃ. [from fu;nmcn.] One
who cites, Shakʃpeare.

SU'MMONS. y. A call of authority ; admonition
to appear ; citation. Hayw-Milf,

SU'MPTER. ʃ. [fcmimer, French ; ſcmar:,
Italian.] A horſe that carries the c.loaths
or furniture. Shake-ſp. Dryden.

SU'MPTION. ʃ. [from y^/wZ-rw, Latin.]
The act of taking, Tji'.-/-.
6 P a SU'MP.

[fumptuarius.Litm.'i SU'NSET. ſ. [fan and fet.] cloſe of the
; reeuUtinc the coft of day ; evening. Raleigh, Pope.
- SUNSHINE>. ʃ. [/«« and /-//j^.] Aſtion of
the fun ; place where the heat and luſtre
of the fun are powerful. Clarenden.

1. Bright with the fun, Boyle.
a Bright hke the fun. Spenſer.
%V'U?T\50VSLY. ad.]_Uom[uniptuous.]tx- To SUP. v. a. [yu^^n, Sax. /3e/>e», Dnt.]

Relating to expence
life. Bacon.

SUMPTU0:S1TY. ſ. [from fumptuous.]
Expenfiveneſs ; coftlineſs. Raleigh.

SU'MPrUOUS. a. [
pmptuofus, from fumptu^,
Lat.] Coftly ; expenfive ; ſplendid.
penfively; with great coft. Bacon, Swift.

SU'MPTUOUSNESS. ʃ. [t'rom fumpiuou:.]
Expenfiveneſs i
cofllineſs. Boyle.

SUN. ʃ. [I'unne, Saxon ; fon, Dutch.]
1. The luminary that makes the day. Lo'c
2. A funny place ; a place eminently
warmed by the fun. Milton.
3. Any thing eminently ſplendid. K.Charles,
4. Undr the Sun. In this world. A proverbial
expreſſion. Ecciuf.

To SUN. v. a. [from the noun.] To it)folate
; to. expoſe to the lun. Dryden.

SUNBEAM. ʃ. [fun and beam.] Ray of
the Jun. Shakʃpeare, South.

SU'NBEAT. part, a, [/««and beat.] Shone
o.> Lv the fun, Dryden.

SU'NBRIGHT. a. [fun and bnghi.] Refenibjrig
the (un rn brigbtneff. Mil on,

SUNBU'RNING. ʃ. [fun and burning.] The
effect of the lun upoa the la.e loyie.

SU'NBURNT. part, a, [<un and turr.t.]
Tanne. ; diſcoloured by the fun. Chcve,

SU'NCLaD part. a. [//<« and <:W.] Clothed
in radi<<nc<; ; oright.

SU'NDAY». ʃ. The day anciently dedicated
to the I'u!, ; the Chr'^ian Jabb.^th Shak.

To SU'NDFR V. a. [pyn'^rii^^n, Saxon ] To
part ; to ſepaidte ; to divide. Dorr.e. Gran,

SU'NDER. ʃ. [punVja, Sax.] Two ; two
p^rts. PIa'mu

SU'NDEW. ʃ. An herb. ^ir.J-worth.

SU'NDIAL. ʃ. [i:.-i/ and /«r.] A marked plate
on wt^ch the ſhadow paiats the hour. Don'.
Several :

SU ND'^y. a.
[fuiifec^p, Sax ]
more than one. Hooker. Sa

SU'NFLOWER. ʃ. [eoroftafolis, Lat
pl-nr. Milter,

SU'N FLOWER. Little. ſ. [he'aanihtnK^my
Lat.] A plant. R^'iller.

SUNG. The preterite and participle prtITive
of ſtig. Pope.

SUNK. The preterite and participle p- ffivc
of Jiik. Prior.

SU'NLESS. <2. [from /an.] Wanting fun ;
wanting warmth. Tiomfoiu

SU'NLIKE. a. [fun and like.] Re(embling
the fun. Cheyne.

SU'NNY. a. [from //«>]
1. Rilembling the fun ; bright.
a Expoſed to the fun ; bright with i
fun. jAddiſon.
3. Coloured by the fun. Shakʃpeare.

SU'NRISE. ʃ. [fun and rf/ing.]
I ii.e

SUNRI'ING. ʃ. auce of the fun.
Maining; the appeareyalion. Berkley.
To drink by mouthfuls ; to trink by little
at a time. Crajhito,

To SUP. v.-n. [fouper, French.] To eat
the evening meaj. Shakſp. T'ob. Dryd.

To SUP. v. 4. To treat with ſupper. Shakʃpeare, Chapman.

SUP. f. [from the verb.] A ſmall draught ; a mo_uthful of liqueur.- Swift.

SUPER. in compoſition, notes either more
than another, .r more than enough, or on
the top.

SU'EERABLE. a.-[ſuperabilis, Lat.] Conquerabl
Inch as may be overcome.

SU'PERABLENESS f. [ fuym ſuperable.]
Qual: y of beng conquf-rable.

To SUPER- BoU'ND. v. n. [ſuper and ab.
jur.u.] Ta be. fxnberan.] to be ſtored
\ii.uh m' 'f th 'H en ugh. ^^oweli.

SUFiiRABU NDAN( E. ʃ. [fup r uni abundance,
; More ^h-!^ t.nough ; great quantity. Woodward.

SUPER A^U'ND ANT. a. [fup.r and abun.
d.-.r ; fj< 1 g m'-rc than enough, Swift.

SUPERABU'NDANTLY. a./, [ix.xnji^pera'
; More than ſuſſiciently. Cheyne.

To SUPERA'DD. v. n. , [ſuperaddo, Lat.] To and over aid sbov.e j^ to join any thing
fo 35 to wakf It more. South.

SUPERADDI'TION. ʃ. [ſuper and additi-
1. The act of adding to foipethicg elſe. More,
2. That which is aHded. Hammond.

SUPERADVE'NIENT. a. [ſuperadvtniem,
1. Corj)ing to the increaſe or affiſtance of
ſomething, Mqre,
S, Coming uneYpectedly.

To SUPERA'NNUATE. v. a. [ſuper and
ar.nuSy Lat.] To impair or diſqualify by
2ge or length of life. Brown.

To SUPERA'NNUATE. v. n. 'To laſt beyond
the veaj. Bacon.

SUPERi^NNUA'TION. ʃ. [from ſuperan.
nuate.] The ſtate of bein^ diſquaiified by

SUPE'RB. a. [ſuperbus, Lat.] Grand; ponipr.u<; ; lofty ; auguſt ; ſtately.

SUPERB- LI ^.Y.'/. [tmthonica.Utin.] A

SUl'ERCA'RGO. ʃ. [ſuper and cargo.] Ara
officfr in the ſhip whoſe bufsneſs is to majjags
the trade. Pope.



SUPERCELE'STIAL. a. [f^.pennicelfflial.]
Placed above the rirmaroent. Raleigh.

SUPERCI'LIOUS. a. [from ſp<rcilium,
Lat.] Haughiy ; dogmatical ; dictatorial
; arbitrary. South.

SUPERCI'LIOUSLY. ad. [from ſuperciltous,.
; dogmatically ; contemptuouſly. Clarendon.

SUPIERCILIOUSNE^S. ʃ. [from ſupercilious.]

HIUghtineſs ; contemotuoufiicfs,

SUPERCONCE'PTION. ʃ. [ſuper and concpiion,']:
A conception made aft«r another
conception. Bacon.

ccnUquence /^ Remote conſecjuence. Bacon.

SUPERCRE'SCENCE. ʃ. [ſuper and crs^co,
Lat.] That which grows upon another
growing thing, Brown.

SUPERE'MINENCE. ʃ. [ſuper and emi-

SUPERE'MINENCY. S »'<>, Latin.] Uncommon
df-eree of commence. Jjyliff:.

SUPERE'xMINENT. a. [fupennd eminent.]
Enninent in a high degree. Hooker.

To SUPER E'ROGATE. v. n. [fuptr m.
erogat'o, Lat.] To do more than duty requires, Cleaveland.

SUPEREROGATION. ʃ. [from ſupertrogate.]
Performance of more than duty re
qu'res. Milton.

SUPERE'ROGATORY. a. [from fi^pfzero.
gate.] Performed beyond the ſtri£t demands
of duty. Ho'tvcl.

SUPERE'XCELLENT. a. [ſuper and excellent.]
Excellent beyond commnn deg-.
ees of excellence. Decay of Piety.

SUPEREXCRE'SCENCE. ʃ. [ſuper and excreſcence.]
Something ſupciiluouſly growing.

To SUPERFE'TATE. v.v, [ſuper ^ni feetus,
Latin.] To conceive after conception.

SUPERFETA'TION. ʃ. [ſuperfetation, Fr.]
One conceptic n following another, ſo that
both are in the womb together. Brown.

SU'PERFICE. ʃ. [ſuperfcs; ^u ſuperjicva.
Latin.] Outſide ; ſurface. Dryden.

SUPERFI'CIAL. a. [ſuperficiel, Yt. from
ſuperfiaei, Latin.]
1. Lying on the ſurface | not reaching below
the ſurface. Burnet, Berkley.
2. Shallow ; contrived to cover ſomething. Shakſp.eart,
3. Shallow ; not profound ; ſmatreting,
not Irar.ed. Dryden.

SUPER FICiA'LITY. ʃ. [froqi/;. r/?aW.]
'i'he quality of being ſuperficial. Brown.

SUPERFI'CIALLY. ad [from ſp^-futjl.]
1. 0.1 the ſurface ; not below the iurfacfi.
2. Without penetration ; without clo'e
heed. MI:on.
3. Without going deep ; without ſearching,Shakʃpeare.

SUPERFI'q.]LNESS. /, [iiorr. juf.rfciuL]

1. Shallowneſs ; pnſition on the ſurface.
2. S'i^ht knowledge ; falſe appearance.

SUPERFI'CIES. ʃ. [Latin.] Oiitſide ; ſurface
; ſuperfice. Hardvt,

SUPERFI'N'E. a. [ſuper and fn.] EIT^anently
tine. L'Eſtrange.

SUPERFLU'ITANCE. ʃ. [f,per andfutto,
Lst, ; The act of floating above. Botvn.

SUPERFLU'ITANT. a. [ſuperfuuam.
Lat.] Floating above, Hroicn,

SUPERFLUTFY. ʃ. [f:.pnfijUe, Fre-.ch.] M re than enough ; plenty beyond uſe or
neccflity. Shakʃpeare, Suckling.

SUFE'RFLUOUS. a. [fuptr ^m f,uo, Lat,\
Exuberant ; mure thdn enough ; unneccffafy. Hooker. R'fcorrnr.oa,

SUPE'RFLUOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſup rfu.
ous.] The ſtate of being ſuperfluous.

SU'PERFLUX. ʃ. That which is more than
h wanted. Shakʃpeare.

SUPERHU'MAN. a. [ſuper and humanus,
Latin.] Above the nature or power of man,

impregnation.] S'jperconception ; ſuperretation.

SUPERINCU'MBENT. ʃ. [fvper and /«-
cumbeniy Lat.] Lying on the top of ſomethingeTe.

To SUPERINDU'CE. v. a. [ſuper and rsducoj.
1. To bring in as an addition to ſomething
elſe, Locke.
2. To bring on as a thing not orlg'nally bc-
JongiBg to that on which it is brought. South.

SUPERINDU'CTION. ʃ. [from ///rr and
induse.] The act of ſupf-ri'-.ducin^. Scurh,

SUPERINJE'CTION. ʃ. [>/>.'r and ;r;a'?/-
pi.] An injection fuccceuing upon another.

SUPERINSTITU'TION. [ſuper and inp:u.
tion.] [In law.] One inrtitution upon
another. Bailey.

To SUPERINTE'ND. v. a. [ſuper and rn,
tend.] To overſee ; to overlook ; to take
care of others with authority. Bacon. Watts.

SUPERINTENDENCE. ʃ. /; [from ſupr

SUPERINTE'NDENCY. ʃ. and intend ; Superiour care ; the act of overſeeing with
authority. Grew.

SUPERINTE'NDENT. ʃ. [ſuper intendart,
Fr. from ſupcnntend ] One who overlooks
nthers authoritativfly. Stillingfleet.

SUPER lO'RITY. ʃ. Pre 'eminence { the
quality of being greater or higher than another
m any reipectf. Stillingfleet.

SU; E'RIOUR. a. [f.p'.rieur, Fr. f'Perior,
1. Higher; greater in dignity or excellence
i prelerable or prefcnca to another.

T«;/ r.
2. Upper} higher locally. Neir-.n.
3. f.C«

SUP g. Free from emotion or concern ; unconqueied.

SUPt'RIOUR. ʃ. One more excellent or
dignified than another, Addiſon.

SUPERLA'TION. ʃ. [ſuperlatio, Latn.]
Exaitation of any thing beyond truth or
proprifty. Ben. Johnſon.

SUPE'RLATIVE. a. [ſuperlativus, Ux.]
1. Implying or expreſſing the higheſt degree. Watts.
2. Riſing to the higheſt degree. Bacon, Granville, South.

SUPE'RLATIVELY. ad. [from {u^erla.
1. In a manner of ſpeech expreſſing the
higheſt degree: Bacon.
2. In the higheſt degree. South, Berkley.

SUPERLATIVENESS. ʃ. [from ſuperlative.'
l The lUte of being in the higheſt

SUPERLU'NAR. a. Helper and luna, Lat.]
Not ſublunary ; placed above the moon. Pope.

SUPE'RNAL. a. [ſupernus, Latin.]
1. Having an higher puſition ; locally
above us. Raleigh.
3. Relating to things above ; placed abnve ;
celeftial, Shakʃpeare.

SUPERNATANT. Oi [ſupermtans. Lat.]
Swimming above. Boyle.

SUPERNATA'TION. ʃ. [from ſupemato,
Lat ; The act of ſwimming on the top
of any thinp. Bacon.n.

SUPERNATURAL. a. [Juperzn^ natural.]
Being above the powers of nature. Milton.

SUPERNA'TURALLY. ad. [from Juperftatural,~\
In a manner above the courſe
or power of nature. South.

SUPERNUMERARY. a. [/«/er and ;;«-
merus, Lat.] Being above a ſtated, a neceſl'arY,
an uſual, or a round number. Holder.

SU'PERPLANT. ʃ. [ft^pcr and plant.] A
plant growing upon another plant. Bacon.

To SUFERPO'NDERATE. v. a. [fupcr
and ponderOf Lat.] To weigh over and
above. DiB,

SUPERPROPO'RTION. ʃ. [fupcr and/»roportioy
Lat.] Overplus of proportion. Digby.

SUPERPURGA'TION. ʃ. [/^/-erand pur.
gation.] More purgation than e.'iough.

SUPERREFLE'XION. ʃ. [/a/.^rand reflexion.]
Reflexion of an im«ge reflccled. Bacon.

SUPERSA'LIENCY. ſ. [Juper and falio,
Latin.] The act of leaping upon any thing. Brown.

To SUPERSCRI'BE. v. a. [fi^penndſcribo,
Latin.] To inſcribe upon the top or
tmſide, Aid'ſon.


SUPERSCRI'PTION. ʃ. [ſuper and ſcr/pthg
1. The act of ſuperſcribing.
2. That which is written on the top or
outſide. Suckling.

To SUPERSE'DB. v. a. [ſuper and fedeo.
Latin.] To make void or inefficacious by
ſuperiour power ; to ſet aſide. Berkley.

SUPERSE'DEAS. [In law.] Is a writ
which lieth in divers and fundry cafes ; ia
all which it ſignifies a command or requeſt
to ſtay or forbear the doing of that which '
in appearance of law were to be done,
were it not for the cauſe whereupon the:
writ is granted : for example, a man regularly
is to have ſurety of peace againſt him
of whom he will ſwear that he is afraid ;
and the juſtice required hereunto cannot
deny him : yet if the party be formerly
bound to the peace, in chancery or elſewhere,
this writ lieth to ſtay the juſtice
from doing that, which otherwiſe he might
not deny. Cowel, Carew.

SUPERSE'RVICEABLE. a. [fupcr and /.rvie
able.] Over officious. Shakʃpeare.

SUPERSTITION. p [ſuperjlitio, Lain.]
1. Unneceſl'ary fear or ſcrupies in religion ; religion without morality. Dryden.
2. Falfe religion ; reverence of beings not
proper objects of reverence, A^s.
3. Over- nicety ; exactneſs too ſcrupulous.

SUPERSTITIOUS. a. [ſuper/iitwfus, Lat.]
1. Addided to ſuperſtition ; full of idle
fancies or ſcrupies with regard to religion. Milton.
2. Over accurate ; ſcrupulou? beyond need.

SUPERSTITIOUSLY. ad. [from ſuperfii.
tious.] In a ſuperſtitious manner. Bacon.

To SUPERSTRAI'N. -j?. a. [ſuper and
firain.] To ſtrain beyond the juſt ſtretch,
B c$n.

To SUPERSTRU'CT. v. a. [ſuperfiruaus,
Latin.] To build upon any th g. Hammond.

SUPERSTRU'CTION. ʃ. [from ſupetſtr^a.]
An edifice raiſed on any thing. Dunham,

SUPERSTRU'CTIVE. a. [from ſuperfirua.]
Built upon ſomething eife. Hammond.

SUPERSTRU'CTURE. ʃ. [ſuper and ſtructure.]
That which is raiſed or built upon
ſomething elſe. Milton.

SUPERSUBSTA'NTIAL. a. [ſuper and
fuhji jntial.] More than ſubſtantial.

SUPERVACA'NEOUS. a. [ſupervacaneus,
Lat.] Supsriiuous ; needleſs ; unneceſfary
; ſerving to no purpoſe. Dia,

SUPERVACA'NEOUSLY. ad. [from the
adjective.] Needleſsly.

adjective.] Needlefſneſs.

To SUPERVE'NE. 1;. «. [ſupervenio, Lat.]
To come as an extraneous aadition.


SUPERVE'NIENT. a. [ſuperveniem, Lat.]
Added ; additional, Hammond.

SUPERVE'N nON. ʃ. [f/om ſupervine, ]
The a.5t < f Supervening.

To SUPERVI'SE. v. a. To overlook ; to
overſee ; to intend, Corgreve,

SUPERVISOR. f. [from fufxrvife, ] An
overſeer ; an inſpector. urates.

To SUPERVl'VE. v. a. [ſuper and i/.t/o,
Lat.] To overlive ; to outlive, Clarkc

SUPINA'TION. ʃ. [fupiKation,Ft.] The
act of lying with the face upward,

SUPINE. a. [f:.f>:nus, Lat.]
1. Lying witn the face upward. Dryden.
2. Leaning backwards with expofure to
the fun. Dryden.
3. Negligent ; careleſs ; indolent; droufy. Tatler, Woodward.

SU'PINE. ʃ. [fupinum, Lat.] In Grammar
a term ſignifying a particular kind of verbal

SUPI'NELY. ad. [from ſupine.]
1. With the face upward.
2. Droufily ; thoughtleſsly .j indolently.

SUPI'NENESS. ʃ. [from f:>pif>e.]
1. Pofture with the face upward.
2. Droufineſs ; careleflneſs ; indolence.

SUPI NITY. ʃ. [from ſuplre.]
1. Pofture «jf lying with the face upwards.
2. Careicffaeſs ; indolence ; thoughtleſſneſs. Brown.

SUPPEDA'NEOUS. [/;^^ and pes, Latin.]
Piaced under the feet. Brown.

SU'PPER. ʃ. [Jouper.YT. See Shakſp. ; The
laſt meal of the day ; the evening repaft. Shakʃpeare, Milton.

SU'PPERLESS. a. [from Jubper.^ Wanting
ſupper ; faſting at night. Pope. .

To SUPPLANT. v. a. [Jub and piantay
1. To trip up the heeh. Milton.
2. To diſplace by ſtratagem ; to turn cut. Sidney.
3. To diſplace; to Qverpower ; to force
away. Shakʃpeare.

SUI^PLA'NTER. ʃ. [from ſupplant.] One
that ſupplants ; one that di/places,

SUPPLE. a. [fouple, French.]
1. Pliant ; flexible. Milton.
2. Yielding ; folt ; not obſtinate. Dryden.
3. F.attering ; fawning; bending. Addiſ.
4. That which makes ſupple. Shakʃpeare.

To SUPPLE. v. a.
1. To make pliant ; tomakefoft ; to make
flexible. Arbuthnot.
2. To make compliant, Locke.

To SUPPLE. v. n. To grow ſoft ; to grow
pliant. Dryden.

SU't'PLEMENT. ʃ. [ſuſphmentum, Lat.] Addition to any thing by which its defects
are-iupplied, Kogert,


SUPPLEMENTAL. v. a. [from ſupph.

SUPPLEMENTARY. ʃ. ment.] Additional
; ſuch as may ſupply the place of what
is loft. Clarenden.

SU'PPLENESS. ʃ. [foupUjJ'e,Ft. ſtow. /up.
1. Plaintneſs ; flexibility ; readineſs to take
any form. Bacon.
2. Readineſs of compliance ; facility. Temple.

SU'PPLETORY. ʃ. That which is to fill
up deficiencies. Hammond.

SUPPLIANT. a. [//./)/)/;jnr, Fr.] Entreating
; hefceching ; precatory, Dryden.

SU'PPLIANT. ʃ. [from the adjeQivcJ Aa
humble petiti ner. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

SU'PPLICANT. ʃ. [from ſuſplicate.] One
that entreats or implores with great ſubmiſſion. Rogers.

To SU'PPLICATE. v. n. [fjpp'icoyL^U.
To implore ; to entreat ; to petition ſubmiſhveiy. Addiſ^n,

SUPPLICATION. ʃ. [from ſupplicate.]
1. Petition humbly delivered ; entreaty.Shakʃpeare.
2. Petitionary worſhip ; the adoration of a
ſuppliant or petitioner. Stillingfleet, Milton.

To SUPPLY'. To a. [Jupplel, Lat.]
1. To fill up as any deficiencies happen. Spenſer,'
2. To give ſomething wanted ; to yield ; to afford. Dryden.
3. To relieve. Shakʃpeare.
4. To ſerve inſtcad of. ff'a/Ier,
5. To give or bring, whether good or bad. Prior.
6. To fill any room made vacant. Dryden.
7. To accommodate ; to fumiſh. fP'otton,

SUPPLY'. ʃ. Relief of want ; cure ofdeficiencies.
2. Cor,

To SUPPO'RT. v. a. [ſupporter, French.]
f'pportare, Ital.]
1. To fuftaia ; to prop ; to bear up. Dryd.
2. To endure any thing painful without
being overcome. Milton.
3. To endure Dryden.
4. To fuſtain ; to keep from fainting. Milton:

SUPPO'RT. ʃ. [ſupport, French.]
1. A(X or power of fuſtaining. Locke.
2. Prop ; (uſtaining power.
3. Neceirarics of life.
4. Maintenance ; ſupply.

SUPPO'RTABLE. a. [f.pportalle, Fr.]
Tolerable ; to be endured. Pope.

SUPPO'RTABLENESS. ʃ. [from ſupporta.
bh.] The ſtate of being tolerable.

SUPPO'RTANCE. ʃ. [{tomſupport.]

SUPFORTA'TION. ʃ. Maintenance ; ſupport. Shakʃpeare, Bacon.

SUPPORTER. f. [from ſuppirt.]
1. One that ſupports. Locke.
Z, Prop ;

%, Prop , that by which any thing is home
up from falling. Camden.
3. Suſtainer ; comforter. South.
4. Maintainer ; defender. South.

SUPPO'SABLE. a. [from ſuſpoſe.] That
may be uippoſed. Hammond.

SUPPO'SAL. ʃ. [from f^^pfoje.] Poſition
without proof} imaginacion ; belief.Shakʃpeare.

To SUPPO'SE. v. a. [ſupponoy Latin.]
1. To lay down without proof ; to advance
by way of argument without maintaining
the pufitien. Locke.
2. To admit without proof, TtUotſon,
3. To imagine ; to believe without examination. Milton.
4. To require as prtvious to itſelf. Hale.

SU'PPOSE. ʃ. Suppoſition ; poſition without
proof ; unevidenced conceit. Dryden.

SUPPO'SER. ʃ. [from ſuppoſe.'^ One that
ſuppoſes, Shakʃpeare.

SUPPOSITION. ʃ. [ſuppoſition, French.]
Poſition laid down ; hypothefis ; imagiA
nation! yet unproved. Tilloifon,

SUPPQSITFnOUS. a. [ſuppofititiusy Lat.]
Not genuine ; put by a trick into the place
or characler belonging to another. Addiſon.

SUPPOilTI'i lOUSNESS. f. [from ſuppo-
Jitrtious.^ State of being counterfeit,

SUPPO'SITIVELY. ad. [from ſt^pnofe.]
Upon furipolltion. Hammond.

SU'PPO'SriORY. ʃ. [ſuppofitorium, Lat.]
A kind of ſolid clyiler. Arbuthnot.

To SU PPRESS. v. a. [fnpprejfuiy Latin.]
1. To cruſh ; to overpower; to overwhelm; to iubdue; to reduce from any
ſtate of activity or con'.motion. Davies.
2. To conceal ; not to tell ; not to reveal. Broome.
5. To keep in ; not to let out.Shakʃpeare.

SUPPRE'SSION. ʃ. [ſupprejfion^ Fr. Jupprejſto.
1. The act of ſuppreſſing,
2. Not publication. Pope. .

SUPPRE'SSOR. ʃ. [from fippreſs.] One
that ſupprelT'es, cruſhes, or conceals.

To SU'FPURATE. v. a. [from pus puris,
Lat,J To generate pus or matter. Arbuthnot.

To SU'PPURATE. v. v. To grow to pus.

SUPPURA'TION. ʃ. [from ſuppurate\]
1. The ripening or change or the matter
of a tumour into pus. Wiſeman.-
t. The matter ſuppurated. South.

SUPPURATIVE. a. [{lomft^ppurate.] Digefiive
; generating matter.

SUPFUTA'TION. ʃ. [fupfutation, French.]
Jupputo, Latin.] Reckoning ; account
; Cd culation ; computation. Wefi.

To SUPPl'TE. v. a. [hovt\ futputo, IfiK,.
To reckon ; to cakulats»
^ S U R

SUPRA. [Latin.] in compoſition, ſignlfics
abo've^ or before.

SUPRA LAPSARY. a. [fupraani lap-
Jus, Latin.] Antecedent 10 the fall of

SUPRAVU'LGAR. a. [fupra and vu'gar.]
Above the vulgar. Collier.

SUPRE'MACY. ʃ. [from ſupreme.] Higheſt
place ; higheſt authority ; ſtate of being ſupreme. Hooker, Rogers.

SUPRE'ME. a. [fupremus, Lat.]
1. Higheſt in dignity ; higheſt in authority. Hooker, Milton.
2. Higheſt: ; moſt excellent, Dryden.

SUPRE'MELY. ad. [from the adjective ;
In the higheſt degree. Pope. .

SUR. [fur, French.] In compoſition, means
upon or over and above,

SU'RADDITION. ʃ. [fur and addition.]
Something added to the name.Shakʃpeare.

SU'RAL. a. [from /«r<7, Latin.] Being iiS
the calf of the leg, Wiſeman.

SU'RANCE. ʃ. [from /«rf.] Warrant; ſecurity. Shakʃpeare.„

To SUREATE. v^ a, [-fo'batir, French.]
To bruiſe and batter the feet with travel ; to harraſs ; to fatigue. Clarenden.

SURBE'T. The participle paſſive oifurbeau. Spenſer.

To SURCE'ASE. v. a. [Jut and ce^er, Fr«
cejo, Lat.]
1. To be at an end ; to flop ; to ceaſe ; to be no longer in uſe. Donne.
2. To leave oft ; to pradlife no longer. Hooker.

SURCEA'SE. v. a. To ſtop ; to put to an
enS. Spenſer.

SURCEA'SE. ʃ. Ceffation; ſtop. Hooker.

SURCHA'RGE. ʃ. [ſurcharge, Fr. from the
verb.] Overburthen ; more than can be
well born. L'Eſtrange.

To SURCHARGE. v. a. [ſurcharger, Fr.]
To overload ; to overburthen. Knolles, Milton.

SURCHA'RGER. ʃ. [from jurcharge.] One
that ove! burthens.

SURCi'NGLE. ʃ. [fur and cingulum, Lat.]
1. A girth with which the burthen is
bound upon a horſe.
2. The girdle of a cafTock. Marvel,

SU'RCLE. ʃ. [yarc«/«j, Latin.] A ſhoot i
a twig; a ſucker. Brown.

SU'RCOAT. ſ. [/««o^ old French.] A
ſhort coat worn over the reſt of the dreſs. Camden, Dryden.

SURD. a. [furdus, Lat.]
r, Dcsf; wanting the lenfe of hearing,
2. Unheard ; not perceived by the ear.
3. Not exuveired by any term.

SURE. a. [fiure, French.]
Xi Certain ; unfauing ; infallible. Pſalmu
2. Cef

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2. Certainly d .rr.cd. Locke.
3. Confident ; uadoubirgj certainly knowing. Denham.
4. Saſe i firm ; certain ; paA doubt or
danger. lempU.
5. Firm ; flable ; not liable to failure. Roſcommon.
6. To ^« Sure. Certainly. Atterbury.

SURE- ad. [furtment, French.] Certainly; without doubt ; doubneſs. Shakʃpeare.

SUREFO'OTED. a. [/«r« and/wr.] Treading
firmly ; not ſtumbling. Herbert.

SU'RELY. ad. [from jure.]
1. Certainly ; undoubtedly ; without ddubr. South.
% Firmly ; without hazard.

SU'RENESS. ʃ. [from Jure.] Certainty. Woodward.

SU'RETISHIP. ʃ. [from ſurety.] The of.
ficc of a ſurety or bondiman 3 the act of
being bound for another. South.

SU'RETY. ʃ. [fura/, Fr.]
1. Certainty ; indubitableneſs. Gere/is,
2. Foundation of ilability ; ſupport. Milton.
3. Evidence ; ratification ; confirmacion.Shakʃpeare.
4. Security againſt loſs or damage ; ſecurity
for pajment. Shakʃpeare.
5. Hoſtage ; bondſman; one that gives ſecurity
for another, Herbert, Hammond.

SU'RFACE. ʃ. [/«rand/tfce, French.] Superficies
i outſide ; f'jperfice. Newton.

To SU'RFEIT. v. a. [from fur and/j/rf,
French.] To feed with meat or drink to
fatety and fi:kneſs. Shakʃpeare.

To SU'RFEIT. v. n. To be fed to fatiety
and ſickneſs. Luke, Clarenden.

SU'RFEIT. ʃ. [from the verb.] Sickneſs
or faaety cduſtd by overfulneſs. Shakʃpeare, Ben. Johnson. Otway.

SU'RFEITER. j. [from >//«f. ; One who
riits ; a gi-tton. Shakʃpeare.

SU'RFEITWATER. ʃ. [ſurfeit and iiater.]
Water that cures ſurfeits. Locke.

SURGE. ʃ. A ſweliing ſea ; wave rolling
above the general ſurface of the water. Sandys.

To SURGE. v. n [from furgo, Lat.] To
ſwell ; to riſe high. Spenſer. Milton.

SU'RGEON. ʃ. [Corrupted by convcrf^tion
from chirurgion.] One who cures by manual
oprtation. Taylor.

SU'RGEONRY. ʃ. [for chirurgery.] The

SU'RGERY. S a<^ of curing by manual
operation. Shakʃpeare.

SU'RGV. a. [from /urge,'] Riſing in billows. Pope. .

SURLILY. ad. [from /«r/y.] In a fujJy

SU RLINESS. ʃ. [from /«r//, ] Gloomy
jjioiofcneſs i lour anger, Dryden.

SU'RLING. ʃ. [from ſurly.] A four nforofe
fellow. Cam4in.

SU'RLY. a. [from j'uja, four Sa
Gloomily moroſe ; rough ; uacivil ; fou Dryden. Swift.

To SURMI'SE. v. a. [furm/f, French,
; To ſuſpe^ ; to image imperfectly ; to imagine
without certain knowledge.

HI^oier. I Tim;

SURMI'SE. ʃ. [furmife, French ] Imperfect
notion ; ſuſpicion. Hcpker. Milton.

To bURMO'UNT. v. a. [furrrortrr, Fr ;
1. To riſe above. Raleigh.
2. To conquer ; to overcome. Hayward.
3. To ſurpaſs ; to exceed. Milton„

SURMO'UNTABLE. a. [itQmJurm-.unt.]
C-ntjuerable ; ſuperable.

SU'RMULLET. ʃ. [mug.l, Lat.] A fort of
fiſh- » Ainsworth.

SU'RNAME. ʃ. [/arrc«, Fr.]
1. The name of the family; the name
which one has over and above the Chraiian
name. Knolei,
2. An appellation added to the original
n^me. Shakʃpeare.

To SU'RNAME. v. a. [furKommer, Fr,
from the noun.] To name by an appellation
added to the original name. /iiiltor,

To SURPA'SS. v. a. [furpjtffer, F.ench. ; To excel
i to exceed ; to go beyood in excellence. Dryden.

SURPA'SSING. part. a. [from furpj/s.]
Excellent in an high degree. Ca/amy,

SU'RPLICE. ʃ. [/urpel,s,furp/is, Y:.ſuper.
pellicium, Lat.] The white garb which ch«
clergy wear in their afti of miniſtration.

SU'RPLUS. ʃ. [fur and />/«;, Fr.] SURPLU'SAGE ; A ſupernumerary part ;
overplus ; what remains when ulc is ſatisfied. Boyle.

SURPRI'>AL. 7 f r r .r r: u -,

SURPRI'SE. ʃ. ; U'^'M'' French.]
1. The act of taking unawaies ; the liatc
of being taken unawares. Wotton.
1. Sudden confuſion or perolfxity.

To SURPRi'iE. v. a. [f'rp'is, Fr.]
1. To take unawares ; to f^U upon unexpectedly.
B^n. JoLnfcn,
t. To afteniſh by ſomething wonderful.'

3. To confuſe or perplex by ſomething
fu«iden. hhltor,

SURPRI'SING. port. a. Wonderful ; ra.fing
ludjen wonder or. concern, Addiʃon.

SURPRI'SINGLY. ad. [frrrn f^rpri/ir,^.]
To a degree that raiſes wonder ; in a manner
that raiſes wonder. Ad.tion„

SU'RQUEDRY. ʃ. Overweening; pri c
i'pcr,,(r. D ;re,

SURREBUTTER. f. [In law.] A (ec.>nd
i6<:pDd rebutter ; anſwer to a rchuuer.
% £ SUA.

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SURREJOINDER. ʃ. [furnjolndre, Fr.]
l^ln law.] A ſecond defence of the plantiff's
action, oppoſite to the rejoinder of the defendant. Bailey.

To SURRE'NDER. v. a. [Jarrer.dre, oJd
1. To yield up ; to deliver up. Hooker.
2. To deliver up an eneirjy. Fairfax.

To SURRE'NDER. v. n. To yield ; to give
one's felf up, Glahvil^e,

SURRE'NDER. ʃ. r r, _ ,, „ „ . .

SURRE'NDRY. I ^' ^^'°^ '^' ''^'.
1. The act of yielding. Woodward.
%, The act of reſigning or giving up to
another. Clarendon.

SU'RRE'PTION. ʃ. [furreptus, Lat.] Surpriſe
; ſudden and unperceived invafion. Hammond.

SURREPTI'TIOUS;. a. [futr-ptitim, Lat.]
Done by ſtealth ; gotten or produced fraudulently, Brown.

SURREPTITIOUSLY. ad. [from furreptitious,']
By ſtealth ; fraudulently.
Govtrnment of the Tongue.

To SU'RRCGATE. v. a. [furrogo, Lat.]
To put in the place of another.

SU'RROGATE. ʃ. [ſwrcgatus, Latin.] A
deputy ; a delegate ; the deputy of an eccleſiaiiical

To SURROU'ND. v. a. [furrondir, Fr.] To environ ; to encompalfs ; to encloſe on
sll ſides. Milton.

SURSO'LID. [In algebra.] Ths fourth
multiplication or power of any number
whatever taken as the root.

SURTOU'T. ʃ. [French.] A large coat
worn over all the reſt. Prior.

To SURVE'NE. v. a. [furtenir, Fr.] To
ſupervene ; to come as an addition. Harv.

To SURVE'Y. v. a. [furvioir, old French.]
2. To overlook ; to have under the view. Milton, Denham.
2. To overſee as one in authority.
3. To view as examining, Dryden.

SURVEY'. ʃ. [from the verb.] View ;
proſpect. Milton, Denham, Dryden.

SURVEY'OR. ʃ. [from >ri;^>-.]
1. An overſecr ; one placed to ſuperintend
others. Bacon.
ft. A mesfurer of land, Abuthnst,

SURVEY'ORSHIP. ʃ. [from Jurveysr. ; The office of a furveyor.

To SURVI'EW. v. a. [fifv^oir, old Fr, ] To overlook ; to have in view. Spenſer.

To SURVI'VE. v. V. [ſuper'vi'vo, Latin.]
1. To live after the death of another. Denham.
2. To live after any thing. Spenſer, Dryden, Watts.
3. To remain-alive. Bcp;.

To SURVI'VE. v. a. To outlive.Shakʃpeare.
s u s

SURVI'VER. ʃ. [from furvive.] One who
outlives another. Denham, Swift.

SURVrVERSHIP. ʃ. [from /«ra^/i/«r.] The
ſtate of outliving another. Ayliffe.

SUSCEPTIBI'LITY. ʃ. [from ſuſceptibk.]
Quality' of admitting ; tendency to admit.

SUSCE'PTIBLE. a. Capable of admitting.

SUSCE'PTION. ʃ. [ſuſceptui, Latin.] Aft
of taking. Ayliffe.

SUSCE'PTIVE. a. [Jtomſuſceptui, Latin.]
Capable to admit. Watts.

SUSCrPIENCY. ʃ. [from fufcipient.] Reception
; admiſſion.

SUiCI'PIENT. ʃ. [fufcipiens, Utin.] One
who t'.kes ; one that admits or receives.

To SU'SCITATE. v. n. [fufcitir, French.]
juſeito, Lat.] To rouſe ; 'to excite. Brown.

SUSCITA'TION. ʃ. [fufcitationy Fr. from
fufciiate.] The act of roufing or exciting.

To SUSPE'CT. v. a. [jujpeaum, Lat.]
1. To imagine with a degree of fear and
jealouſy what is not known. Milton.
2. To imagine guilty without proof. Locke.
3. To hold uncertain. Addiſon.

To SUSPE'CT. v. n. To imagine guilt.Shakʃpeare.

SUSPE'CT. part. a. [ſuſpeB, Fr.] Doubtful. Glanville.

SUSPE'CT. ʃ. Suſpicion. Sidney. Suckling.

To SUSPE'ND. v. a. [ſuſpendre, ſttnch i
ſuſpendoy Latin.]
1. To hang ; to make to hang by any
thing. Donne.
2. To make to depend upon. Tiltomfon,
3. To interrupt ; to make to flop for a
time. Denham.
4. To delay ; to hinder from proceeding. Shakʃpeare, Fairfax.
5. To debar for a time from the execution
of an office or enjoyment of a revenue.; Sanderſon. Swift. I

SUSPE'NSE. ʃ. [ſuſpenfus, Lat.] ' '
1. Uncertainty ; delay of certainty or determination. Hooker, Locke.
2. Act of withholding the judgment. Locke.
3. Privation for a time y impediment for a time.
4. Stop in the midft of two oppoſites. Pope.

SUSPE'NSE. a. [ſuſperſus, Lat.]
1. Held from proceeding. Milton.
2. Held in doubt ; held in expectation. Milton.

SUSPE'NSION. ʃ. [ſuſpenJion, Fr. from/«/-
1. Act of making to hang on any thing,
ft. Act of making to depend on any things.

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3. Act of delaying. fVai'cr.
4. Act of withholding or balancing the
judgment. Grav.
5. Interruption ; temporary ceſſition. Clarendon.

SUSPE'NSORY. a. [ſuſperſone,?x. juſpenfui,
Lat.] Thai by which a thing
hangs. _ Ray.

SUSFI'CION. ʃ. [>/^'Wo, Lat.] The -a
of fulpeſting ; imaginauon of ſomethin? ill
without proof. Milton.

SUSPI'CIOUS. a. [ſuſpici^ui, Lat.]
1. Inclined to ſuſpect ; inclined to imagine
ill without proof. Swift.
2. Liable to ſuſpicion ; giving reaſon to
imagine ill. Hooker. B own,

SUSPI'CIOUSLY. ad. [from Juſpicious.]
r. With ſuſpicion.
2. So as to raiſe ſuſpicion. Sidney.

SUSPI'CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from ſuſſicious.]
Tending to ſuſpicion. Sidney.

SUSPIRA'TION. ʃ. [fuffira'io from Juſpiro,
; Sgh ; act of fetching the
breath deep, Mo-e.

To SUSPI'RE. v. n. [ſuſpiro, Lat ]
1. To fight
to fetch the breath deep.
2. It ſeen.s in Shakʃpeare. to mean only,
to begin to breath..

To SUSTAIN. v. a. [\ujlim6. Lat, ]
1. To bear ; to prop ; to hold up. Mere,
2. To ſupport ; to keep from ſinking under
evil. Holder, Milton.
3. To maintain ; to keep. Djlvus.
4. To help ; to relieve ; to aſſiſt.Shakʃpeare.
5. To bear ; to endure. Milton.
6. To bear without yieldirg. Walier,
7. To fufſtr ; to bear as inrtided.Shakʃpeare.

SUSTAI'.VABLE. ad. f fou/ffnahle, Fr. trcm
fuſtain,'^ That may be fu gained.

SUSTA'INER. ʃ. [from f.Jiain.]
1. One that props ; one that ſupports.
2. One that fuffejsj a fuft'=re.'. Chapman.

SU'STENANCE. ʃ. [fcujienance, Fr.]
1. Support; maintenance. Addiſon.
2. Neceflarirs of life ; viduals. Temple.

SUSTENTAf ION. ſ. [from '«/? «r>, Lat.]
1. Support ; prefervation from fail:r;g. Boyle.
2. Support of li.^e ; uſe of viSuals.
3. Maintenance. f!a:on,

SUSURRATION. ʃ. [from fufurro, Lhiv.]
Whifoer ; ſoft murmor.

SU'TLER. ʃ. [foeie/cr, Dutch; fudler,
German.] A man that ſellss proviſions. Dryden.

SU'TURE. ʃ. [futura, LTiUn.]
1. A manner of fewing or ſtitching, particularly
wounds. Sharp.
Zt Suture IS a particular articulation.


SWAB. ʃ. [f-zcaU^ Swediſh.] A kind of
mop to clean floor..

To SWAB. v. a. [ppebban, Saxon.] To
clean with a mop. SheJvcci,

SWA'BBER. ʃ. [/zt'<3^^^r,Dutch.] Aſweeper
of the derk, Dennis.

To SWA'DDLE. v. a. [ſpchrn, Saxon.]
1. To ſw; the ; to bini in cloaths, generally
uſed of binding new-born children.
2. To beat ; to cudgel. Hudibms.

SWA'DDLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] Co.ths
bound found the l;ody. Addiʃon.

SWADDLINGBAND. ) ʃ. [f.-.m t-zvad.

; C.oath

SWA'DDLINGCLOUr. ʃ. wrapped round
a iie.v-born child. Shakʃpeare.

To SWAG. v. a. [(ijan, Saxon.] To ſink
down by its weight ; to lay heavy. Oiway.

To SWA'GGER. v. «. frpej^n, Sax ; To
bluftcr ; to bully ; to be turbulently and
tumul'uiully proud. Tilloffon. Co'lier.

SWA'GGERER. ʃ. [from f-caggfr.] A
blufterer ; a bully ; a to bulcnt noify fellow.Shakʃpeare.

SWA'GGV. a. [from J'wag^ Dependent
by i;s weight. Brown.

SWAIN. ʃ. [ypnn, Saxon and Runick.]
1. A ycong ujan. Spenſer.
2. A country fervant employed in huſbandry.Shakʃpeare.
3. A paſteral youth. Pope. .

SWAINMOTE. ʃ. A court touching mutters
of the foreſt, kept by the charter of
the foreſt thrice io the year. Cowel.

To SWALE. 1 v. a. [rp'lan, Saxon. to

To SWEAL. ʃ. kindle.] fowafle or blaze
aw-y ; to melt.

SWA'LLET. ʃ. Among the tin- miners,
Water breaking in upon the miners at their

SWA'LLOW. ʃ. [r-p.lep;,Saxon.] Aſmall
bird of p^flage, or, as ſome fay, a bird
that lies hid and ilee^s m the Winter.

To SWA'LLOW. v. a. [rpeljin, Saxon ;
fuelgrn, Dutch.]
1. To tike down the threat. Locke.
2. To receive without examination. Locke.
3. To engroſs; to appropriate. Popr,
4. To aoforb ; to take in ; to ſink in any
abyls; to engulph. Shakʃpeare.
5. To devour ; to deſtroy. Locke.
6. To be ioft in any thing ; to be given up.

SWA'LLOW. ʃ. [from the verb.] T!-.e
throK; voracity. South.

SWA'LLOWTAIL. ʃ. A ſpecies of willow. Bacon.

SWA'LLOWWORT. ʃ. A plmt.

SWAM. The preterite of /iy/'/n.

SWAMP. ʃ. [fivamp, Swediſh.] A marfli
; a boj; ; a hn,
6 E i SWA'MPy.


SWA'MPy. a. [from Jivainp.] Boggy ]
fenny. Thomfon.

SWAN. ſ. [ppan, Saxon ; fuan^ Diniſh ;
^ſwatn, Dutch. ; The ſwan is a large water-
fowi, that has a long and very ſtranght
neck, and is very white, excepting when
it is youDg Its legs and feet are black, as
js its bill, which is like that of a gooſe, but
ſomething rounder, and a little hooked at
the lower end of it. Swans uſe wings like
fails, which catch the wind, ſo that they
are driven along in the water. It was conſecrated
to Apollo ſhe god of muſick, be:-
cauſe it- wa fasd to fing mclodiouſly when
it was near expiring ; a tradition generally
received, but fabulous. Shakſp, Locke.

SWA'NSKIN. ʃ. [ſwan and/.«.] A kind
of fotc flannel

SWAi'. ai. Haftily ; with haſty violence :
as, he did it/wtf/.

To SWAP. v. a. To exchange.

SWARD. ʃ. [fzoan-i, Swediſh]
1. The Hiijl of Bacon.
2. The ſurface of the ground. ^. Philips.

SWARE. The preterite of ſwear.
fcWARM. ʃ. [j-j3ei>]i;n,Sax./wrrm, Dutch.]
1. A great body or numbtr of bees or other
frnall anituals Dryden.
1. A multitude ; a crowd, Shakʃpeare.

To SWARM. v. n.
[ſpenfiman, Saxon ;
fivrmtriy Dutch.]
1. To riſe as bees in a body, and quit the
hive. Dryden, Gay.
2. To appear in multitudes ; to croud ; to
throng. Milton.
3. To be crouded ; to be over-run ; to be
thronged. Howel.
4. To breed multitudes. Milton.

SWART. v. a. jivarts, Gothick ; ſpriai?,

SWARTH. ʃ. Saxon ; jioart, Dutch.]
1. Black ; (Jarkly brown i tawney. Spenſer.
2. In Milton ; gloomy ; malignant.

To SWART. v. a. [from the noun.] To
black'D ; to duſk Brown.

SWA'RTHILY. ad. [from f-zoartby.] Blackly
; duſkily ; tawnily.

SWA RTHINESS. ʃ. [from ſwarthy.]
Darknelj of complexion ; tawnineſs.

SWA'RTHY. a. [S.eSwART.] Da.k of
complexion ; black
; duflcy ; tawney. Roſcommon.

SWASH. ʃ. [A cantw r.].] A figure, whofe
circumference is not round, but oval ; and
whoſe moldings lie not at rght argles, but
oblique to the axis of the work. Moxon.

To SWASH. '. ». To make a great clatter
or nolle. Shakʃpeare.

SWASHER. ʃ. [from f-wajh.] One who
makes a ſhow of valour or force. Shakʃpeare.

SW.MCH. ʃ. A ſwathe. 7';/^fr.

SWAIH. f. W^ade, Dutch.]

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1. A line of graſs cut down by the
2. A continued quantity, Shakʃpeare.
3. A band ; a fillet, Addiſon.

To SWATHE. v. a. To bind as a child
with bands and rollers. Abhot, Prior.

To SWAY. v.a, [/(iwe^^u, German, to
1. To wave in the hand ; to rſtovc or weild
with facility. Spenſer.
2. To biafs ; to direct to either ſide.Shakʃpeare.
3. To govern ; to rule ; to overpower ; to
influence. Milton, Dryden.

To SWAY. v. n.
1. To hang heavy ; to be drawA by weight. Bacon.
2. To have weight ; to have influe«ce. Hooker.
3. To biear rule ; to govern. Milton.

SWAY. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The ſwing or ſweep of & weapon. Milton.
2. Any thing moving with bulk and power.Shakʃpeare.
3. Power ; rule ; dominion. Hooker.
4. Influence ; direction. Dryden.

To SWEAR. v. n. preter./wertf, or fivate ; part, paff.ſworn, [ſpcfiian, Sax.ywtf«rf»,
1. To obteſt ſome ſuperiour power; to
utter an oath, lickell,
2. To declare or promife upon oath. Peacham.
3. To give evidence upon oath. Shakſp.
4. To obteſt the great name profanely.

To SWEAR. v. a.
1. To put to an oath. Dryden.
2. To declare upon oath,
3. To obteſt by an oath. Shakʃpeare.

SWE'ARER. ʃ. [U®m ſwear.] A wretch
who obteſts the great name wantonly and
profanely. Herbert, Swift.

SWEAT. ʃ. [rpeai, Sax. ſweet, Dutch.]
1. The matter evacuated at the pores by
heat or labour. Boyle.
2. Labour ; toil ; drudgery. Denham.
3. Evaporation of moiſture. Mortimer.

To SWEAT. v. w. ſtttexiteſwetfſweatedi
participle paff, ſweaten.
1. To be moiſt on the body with heat or
labour. Shakʃpeare, Cowley.
2. To toil
; to labour ; to drudge. Waller.
3. To emit moiſture. Mortimer.

To SWEAT. v. a. To emit as ſweat. Dryden.

SWEATER. ʃ. [from /wfar.] One who

SWEA'TY. a. [frnm/wM/.]
2. Coveied with ſweat ; moiſt with ſweat«. Milton.
2. CcrnS
ft. Coniifting of ſweat. Swift.
3. Labortous
; toUſome. Prior.

To SWEEP. «;. a. [rp«pao, Saw>n.]
1. To diive away with a befom.
ft. To clean with a bcfotn. Luke.
3. To carry with pomp. Shakʃpeare.
4. To drive or carry off with cele. ity and
violence. Knolles. ſentcn,
5. To pal'e over with celerity and force.
6. To rub over. Dryden.
7. To rt'ike with long ſtroke. Pope. .

To SWEEP. v. n.
1. To paA with violence, tutnult, or ſwift
neſs. Shakʃpeare.
2. To paſs with pomp; to p<>fs with an
.qual motion. Shakʃpeare.
3. To move with a long reach. Dryden.

SWEEP. ʃ. [ftx)m the verb]
1. The act of ſweeping.
ft. The compaſs of any violent or continued
motion. Philips.
1. Vi.Jent deſtruction, Graunt,
4. Direction of any motion not reſtilinear.

SWEE'PINGS. ʃ. [itotaftveep.] That which
is ſwept away. Swift.

SWEE PNET. ʃ. [J'wcep and net.] A
net that takes in a great compaſs. Camden.

SWEE'PSTAKE. ʃ. [fiveeptM ſtake,\ A
man that wins all, Shakʃpeare.

SWEE'Py. a. [from fiveep.] Paffing wth
gfeat ſpetd and violence. Dryden.

SWEET. a. frpcte, Saxon ; foet, Dutch.]
1. Pleaſing to any ſenſe. Watts.
ft. Luftious to the taſte. Davrei.
3. Fragrant to the ſmell. TFahon. Gay.
4. Melodious to the ear, Waller.
5. Pleaſing to the eye, Shakʃpeare.
6. Not fait. Bacon.
7. Not four. Bacon.
8. Mild} ſoft; gentle. Milton, Waller.
9. Grateful ; pleaſing. Dryden.
to. Not ſtale ) not ſtinking : as, that meat
is ſwcet.

1. Sweetneſs ; fomtthing pleaſing. Ben. Johnson.
ft. A word of endearment. Shakʃpeare.
3. A perfunne. Dryden.

SWEE'TBREAD. ʃ. The pancreas of the
calf. Harvey, Swift.

SWEE'TBRIAR. ʃ. [fiveet and briar.] A
fragrant ihrob. Bacon.

SWEE'TBROOM. ʃ. An herb. ^mſw,

SWEE'TCICELY. ʃ. [Myrrbus.] A plant.


To SWEETEN. t». a. [from f^veet.]
1. To make ſweet. Swift.
ft. To make mild or kind. South.
3. To make leſs painful. u9ddiſon.
i^. To pall.ate ; to recoacile« L'Eſtr.

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5. To make grateful or pleaſing. Ben. Johnſon,
6. Twfoften; to make delicate. Dryden.

To SWEETEN. v. n. To grow ſweet. Bacon.

SWEE'TENER. ʃ. [Uoxr^ ſwteter.]
1. One that palliates} one that repreſents
things tenderly. Swift.
ft. That which contemperates acri.T.oTy.

SWEETHEART. ʃ. [ſweet and bean.^ A
|. ver or miſtreſs Shakſp. Cleavtland,

SWEE TING. ſ. [from fiveet.]
1. A ſweet luſcious apple, .^fcham,
2. A wurd of endearnfcnt. Shakʃpeare.

SWEE'Ii.-H. a. [from l-weet.] Somewhat
f^vect. F.cyer,

SWEETLY. fl^. [from ſweet.] L; a ſwcet
manner ; with ſweetneis. Swift.

SWEETMEAT. ʃ. [jiveet and meat.] Delicacies
made of fruits preſerved with ſugar. Locke.

SWEETNESS. ʃ. [from /w«^] The quality
f:f being ſweet in anj of its ſenſes.
Achom Roſcommon.

SWEETWILLIAM. ʃ. ' A plant. It is .
ſpecies of gilliflower,

SWEETWILLOW. ʃ. Gale or Dutch
myrtle. MtlUr,

To SWELL. v. n. participle paſt. fivollen,
[ppelian, Saxon.] fiuelUn, Dutch.]
1. To grow bigg'' r ; to grow turgid ; to
extend the parts. D jdn,
ft. To tumify by obſtruflion.
Ntbemiah. Dryden.
3. To be ejaſperated. Shakʃpeare.
4. To look big. Shakʃpeare.
5. To protuberate. Iſaiah.
6. To riſe into arrogance ; to be elated. Dryden.
7. To be inſlated with anger. Pſalms.
8. To grow upon the view. Shakʃpeare.

To SWELL. v. a.
1. To cauſe to riſe or encreaſe ; to make
tumid. Shakʃpeare.
1. To aggravate ; to heighten. Atterbury.
3. To raiſe to arrogance. Clarenden.

SWELL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Extenſion of
bulk. Dryden.

SWE'LLING. ʃ. [from /.W/.]
1. Morbid tumour.
ft. Protuberance ; prominence. Nraiton,
3. Effort for a vent. Taller,

To SWELT. v. n. To puff in ſweat. Spmf.

To SWELTER. v. n. To be paineJ with
heat. WJcon,

To SWEATER. v. a. To parch, or dry up
with heat. Berkley.

SWE'LTRY. a. [ixoTri ſwelter.] Sjffocating
with heat.

SWEPT. The participle and preterite of
^ T«

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To SWERD. v. n. To breed a green turf. Mortimer.

To SWERVE. v.n. [Jivervnt, Saxon and
1. To wander ; to rove, Dryden.
2. To deviate ; to depart from rule, cuſtom
or duty. Hooker. Common Prayer.
3. To pJy ; to bend. _ Milton.
4. To climb on a narrow body, Dryden, Swift, a. [jpipt, Saxon.]
1. Moving far in a ſhort time ; quick ; fleet
; ſpeedy ; nimble. Bacon, Ray. Dorfet,
2. Ready. Milton.

SWIFT. ʃ. [from the quickneſs of their
1. A bird like a ſwallow ; a martinet. Denham.
2. The current of a ſtrearn. Walton.

SWIFTLY. ad. [from fivi/t,'\ Fleetly; rapidly ; nimbly. Bacon, Prior.

SWIFTNESS. ʃ. [from fiuijt.] Speed;
nimbleneſs; rapidity ; quickneſs ; velocity
; celerity. Denham.

To SWIG. v.n. [/zw^tf, Iſlandick.] To
drink by large draughts.

To SWILL. v. a. frpiljan, Saxon.]
1. To diink luxuriouſly and groſsly,Shakʃpeare.
2. To waſh; to drench. Philips.
3. To inebriate. Dryden.

SWILL. ʃ. [from the verb.] Drink, luxuriouſly
poured down. Mortimer.

SWILLER. ʃ. [from /w»7/.] A luxurious

To SWIM. y. «. preterite ywawj, ſwom, er
Jioum. [ſpimman, Sax. jivemmeny Dutch.]
1. To float on the water ; not to ſink. Bacon.
2. To move progreffively in the water by
the motion of the limbs. Knolles.
3. To be conveyed by the ſtream. Dryden.
4. To glide along with a ſmooth or dizzy
motion. Smith.
5. To be dizzy ; to be vertiginous, Swift.
6. To be floated. Addiſon.
7. To have abundance of any quality ; to
flow. Milton.

To SWIM. v. a. To paſs by ſwimming. Dryden.

SWIMM. ʃ. [from th: verb.] The bladder
of firties by which they are ſupported in
the water. Grew.

SWI'MMER. ʃ. [from /w/«.]
1. One who f^'ims. Bacon.
2. The ſwimmer is fitnated in the forelegs
of a horſe, above the knee?, and upon the
inſide, and alraofl; upon the back parts of
the hind legs, a little below the ham : this
part is without hair, and reſembies a piece
of hard dry horn. Farrier''s DiB.

SWI'MMINGLY. ad. [from ſwimming..
Smoothly ; without oblirudtion. Arbuth.
s w o

SWINE. ʃ. from, Saxon ; Jivyn^ Dutch. A ; hog; a pig, Shakʃpeare, Pope. .

SWI'NEBREAD. ʃ. A kind of plant ;

SWI NEHERD. ʃ. [ppin and hy;i&, Sax.] A keeper of hogs. - Broome.

SWI'NEPIPE. ʃ. A bird of the thruſh kind.

To SWING. v. n. [romsau, Saxon.]
1. To wave to and fro hanging looſely. Boyle.
2. To fly backward and forward on a rope.

To SWING. v. a. jpreterkefivang, fzvung,
1. To make to play looſely on a ſtring.
2. To whirl round in the air. Bacon, Milton.
3. To wave looſely. Dryden.

SWING. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Motion of any thing hanging looſely. Locke.
2. A line on which any thing hangs looſe.
3. Influence or power of a body put in motion. Brown.
4. Courſe ; unrellrained liberty. Chapman.
5. Unreſtrained tendency. Glanv, South.

To SWINGE. v. a. [rom^an, Saxon.]
1. To whip ; to baltinadc; to puniſh. Swift.
2. To move as a lafli. Milton.

SWINGE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A ſway ; a
ſweep of any thing in motion. Waller.

SWI'NGEBUCKLER. ʃ. [fiuinge and buckler.
'\ A bully ; a man who pretends to feat!
of arms, Shakʃpeare.

SWl'NGER. ſ. [from /w;»^. ; He who
ſwings ; a hurlcr.

SWINGING. a. [ſtomſwinge.] Great ; huge. L'Eſtrange.

SWI'NGINGLY. ad. [from f-winging.]
Vaflly ; greatly. Swift.

To SWI'NGLE. ʃ. «. [from ſwing.]
1. To dangle ; to wave hanging,
2. To ſwing in pleaſure.

SWI'NISH. a. [from ſwine, ] Befitting
ſwiiiej reſembling ſwine ; groſs. Milton.

To SWINK. v. n. [romcan, Saxon.] To
labour ; to toil ; to drudge. Spenſer.

To SWINK. v. a. To overlabour. Milton.

SWINK. ʃ. [rpmc, Saxon.] Labour ;
toil ; drudgery. Spenſer.

SWITCH. ʃ. A ſmall flexible twig. Shakʃpeare, Addiſon.

To SWITCH. v. a. [from the Houn.] To
laſh ; to jerk. Chapman.

SWIVEL. ʃ. Something fixed in another
body ſo as to turn round in it.

1. A ſweeper of the deck. Dryden.
2. Four privileged cards that are only incidentally
uſed in betting at the game of
whifl. Swift.

SWO'LLEN. ʃ. The participle paflT. of ſwell.

SWOLN. I Spenſer.

SWOM. The preterite of /zw«. Dryden.

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To SWOON. v. n. [appunan, Saxon.] To
ſuffer a ſuſpenfiOQ of thought and fenration ; to faint. Bacon, Prior.

SWOON. ʃ. [from the verb.] A liputhymy ;
a fainting fit.

To SWOOP. v. a. [I ſuppoſe from the
1. To fall at once, as a hawk upcn his
prey. Dryden.
2. To prey upon ; to catch up. C/jr.v.

SWOOP. ʃ. [from the verb.] RiII of a bird
of prey upon his quarry. L'' Eſtrange.

To SWOP. v. a. To change ; to exchange
one thing for another. Dryden.

SWORD. ʃ. [rpccpb, Sit. f-zveerd, Dutch.]
1. A weapon uſed Cither in cutting or
thruſting ; the uſual weapon of fights hand
to hand. Broome.
2. Deſtruction by war. Deuter.
3. Vengeance of juſtice.
4. Emblem of authority. Hudibras.

SWO'RDED. a. [from jivord,^ Girt with
a ſword Milton.

SWO'RDER. ʃ. [from fiv^rd.] A cutthroat; a ſoldier. Shakʃpeare.

SWO'RDFISH. ʃ. A fiſh with a long ſharp
bone ifluing from his head. Spenſer.

SWO'RDGRASS. ʃ. A kind of fedge ; glader. Ainsworth.

SWO'RDKNOT. ʃ. [ſword and >i«or.] Ribband
tied to the hilt of the ſword. Pope. .

SWO'RDLAW. ʃ. Violence. Milton.

SWO ROMAN. ʃ. [ſword and man.] Soldier; fighting man. Shakʃpeare.

SWO'RDPLAYER. ʃ. [fzvord in6 play.]
Gladiator ; ttncer. Hakewell.

SWORE. The preterite of /w?ar. Milton.

SWORN. The participle paſſive of Juear.Shakʃpeare.

SWUM. Preterite and participle paſſive of
ſwim. Milton.

SWUNG. Preterite and participle paſſive of
/wing. Addiſo^n.

SYB. a. [Properly/^ ;
j-ib, Saxon.] Related
by blood. i>penſer,


SY'CAMORE.5-'- ^ Mortimer, Walton.

SY'COPHANT. ʃ. [crt;xo<f>«v7»,;.] A flatterer; a paraſite, Sidney. ScUlb,

To SY'COPHANT. v. n. [^:;xc<}>.vTia-.] To
play the fyc-phant. Gov. of the Tongue.

SYCOPHA'NTICK. a. [from f)CophSnt.]
Flattering ; parafitical.

To SY'COPHANTISE. v. v. [from fyco.
pbant.] To play the flatterer. Dif?.

SYLLA'BICAL. a. [U.m jyl/ab'e.] Relating
to fyilableB} conſiſtin? of ſyllables.

SYLLA'BICALLY. ad. [from ſyllabical.]
In a lyliabical manner.

SY'LLABICK. a. [ſyllaHjue, French ; from
ſyllable. ; Relating to ſyllables.

SY'LLABLE. ʃ. [cu}.-hx&i.]

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1. As much of a word as is uttered by the
help of one vowel or one articulatwn.
2. Any thing proverbially concife.Shakʃpeare.

To SY'LLABLE. v. a. [from the noun.]
To utter ; to pronounce; to articulate. Milton.

SY'LLABUB. ʃ. [Rightly Sillabub,
which fer. ; Mil.-i and acids. Beaumont,

SYLLABUS. ʃ. [o-yXXa^if.] Anabſtract ;
a compendium containing che heads of a

SY'LLOGISM. ʃ. [^i;XXojar/u5,'.] An argument
compoſed of three propulitions : as,
fvcry man thinkt ; Pder is a man ; therefore
Peter thinks.

SYLLOGI STICAL. ʃ. a. [^v\UyIT-yik. 1

SYLLOGI'STICK. i Retaining to a ſyllogiſm
; confining of a ſyllogiſm. Watts.

SYLLOGI'STICALLY. ad. [from yllogiftical.]
In the form of a ſyllogiſm. Locke.

To SY'LLOGIZE. v. n. [^uXXs^-i'^ajv.] To
reaſon by ſyllogiſm. Watts.

SY'LVAN. a. Woody; ſhady. Milton.

SY'LVAN. ʃ. [/yxfl/», French.] A wood
god, or faiyr. Pope. .

SYMBOL. ʃ. [ſymbole, French ; ri/>CoAoy.; 1. An abſtratt ; a compendium ; a comprehenſive
form. Baker.
2. A type ; thgt which comprehends in
its figure a repreſentation of ſomething elle. '. Brown, South, Addiʃon.

SYMBO'LICAL. a. [^i^^^^^x.x:;.] Repre-
fentative ; typical ; expiciſing by ſigns. Brown. Jijybr,

SYMBOLICALLY. ad. [from ſymboiical.l
Typically; by ripreſentation. Taylor.

SYMBOLIZATION. ʃ. The act of lymbolizing ;
repreſentation 3 reſemblance.

To SYMBOLI'ZE. v. v. [from ^mbcl ] To
have ſomething in common with another
by repreſentative qualities,
Baco'. Boyle. Howel. Mere. South.

To SYMBOLI'ZE. v. a. To make repreſentative
of ſomething. Brown.

SYMME'TRIAN. ʃ. [from ſymmetry.] 0.^e
eminently ſtudious of proportion. ::jdney.

SYMMF. TRICAL. a. [from fyn-.merry:-.
Proportionjte ; iitying parts well adapted
to each other.

SYMME'TR;sT. ʃ. [from fjmKetry.] One
very ſtudious or 'obſervant of proportion. Wotton.

SY'MMETRY. ʃ. [^uv and .uingsv.] Adap.
tation of parts to each other ; pr^'portion ; harmony; agreement of one part 14 another. Donne. Wall.r. Mere. Dryden.

SYMPATHE'TICAL. v. a. [ſympathai^^ue,

SYMPATHE'TICK. ʃ. French.] Having
mutual ſenſation ; being affeifled ty w hat
happens to the other. Roʃcommon.

SYMPATHETICALLY. ad. [hamſympa.
tbetick.] With Sympathy ; in conſequence
of ſympathy.

To SY'MPATHIZE. v. n. [ſympatifer, Fr.
from fytHpatby.] To feel with another ; to
feel in conſequence of what anorher feels ;
to feel mutually. Minon. Locke.

SY'MPATHY. ʃ. [avfx'mci^iia.] Fellowfeeling
; mutual ſenſibility ; the quality of
being affected by the affeſtion of another. South, Locke.

SYMPHO'NIOUS. a. [from ſymphony.] Harmonious
; agreeing in found, Milton.

SY'MPHONY. ʃ. [o-uvand <fft;vri.] Concert
of inſtruments ; harmony of mingled ſounds. Wotton, Dryden.

SY'MPHYSIS. ʃ. [avv and <^vx.] Sympbyfit
is meant of thoſe bones which in young
children are diſtinct, but after ſome years
unite and conſolidate into one bone. Wiſeman.

SYMPO'SIACK. a. [^y,uorcs-ia»Jf.] Relating
to merry makings. Arbuthnot.

SYMPTOM. ʃ. [avfXT/loofxa.]
1. Something that happens concurrently
with ſomething elſe, not as the original
cauſe, nor as the neceſfary effect.
2. A ſign ; a token. Swift.

SYMPTOMA'TICAL.7a. [from j(y>»/)'om.]

SYMPTOMA'TICK. ʃ. Happening concurrently,
oroccaſionally. Wiſeman.

SYMPTOMATICALLY. ad. [from ſymptomatical.]
In the nature of a ſymptom.

SYNAGO'GICAL. a. [from fynagogm..
Pertaining to a fynagogue.

SY'NAGOGUE. ʃ. [ervvayoyn.] An aſſembly
of the Jews to worſhip. Goſpel,

SYNALE'PHA. ʃ. [o-yvaXo«f.»i. A contraction
or exciſion of a ſyllable in a latin verſe,
by joining together two vowels in the (canning
or cutting off the ending vowel : as,
iir ego. Dryden.

SYNARTHRO'SIS. ʃ. [crvv and a^^iou^.]
A cloſe conjunction of two bones. P^ifem.

SYNGHONDRO'SIS. ʃ. [crwv and x«vJf<^.]
Synchondro/ii is an union by griftles of the
fternon to the ribs. Wiſeman.

SYNCHRO'NICAL. a. [avv and x&^-'\
Happening together at the ſame time. Boyle.

SY'NCHRONISWI. ʃ. [cCv and x&^']
Concurrence of events happening at the
fstme time. Hale.

SY'NCHRONOUS. a. [crCv and xi^^'^';
Hapoening at the ſame time.

SY'NCOPE. ʃ. [ffvy-AOTT^.]
1. Faintingfit. Wiſeman.
2. Contraction of a word by cutting off

SY'NCOPIST. ʃ. [from j(yn<ro^^.] Contractor
of words. Spectator.

To SYNDl'CATE. v. n. [cvv and tmn..

To judge ; to paſs judgment on; to c^rti
fiire. Hakewelh

SY'NDROME. ʃ. [<ruvJ.o/<nj\j Concunent
adVion ; concurrence, Granville.

SYNECDOCHE. ʃ. [crmx^ox«\J A figure
by which part is taken for the whole, or
the whole for part. Taylor.

SYNECDOCHICAL. a. [Jxorti jynecdoche.]
Expreſlect by a fynecdoche ; implying a fynecdochc. Boyle.t

SYNNEURO'SIS. ʃ. [a-Jv and v£i~jo».] The
connexion made by a ligament. tVi'em.

SY'NQD. ʃ. [^i;voJ®-.]
1. An aſſembly, particularly of eccUfi^f.
ticks. Shakʃpeare. Oeaveland,
2. Conjundlion of the heavenly b. dies,

1. Relating to a fynod ; tranſaf)ed in a fynod. Stillingfleet.
2. Reckoned from one conjunction with
the f>in to another. Locke.

SYNODICALLY. ad. [from fynodicaI] By
the authority of a fynod or publick aO'embly.

SYNO'NYMA. ʃ. [Lat. a-uvaJvu/ixoj.] Names
which ſignify the ſame thing.

To SYNO'NOMISE. v. a. [from ſymnyma.]
To expreſs the ſame thing in different words.

SYNONYMOUS. a. [^noHyw.-, French ; awai\vfjLoq.] Expreſſing the ſame thing by
different words, Berkley.

SYNO'NYMY. ʃ. [avmmi.U.] The quality
of expreſſing by different words the ſame

SYNO'PSIS. ʃ. [(rvn-{i<:.] A general view ;
all the parts brought under one view.

SYNO'PTICAL. a. [from fyaoffs.] Afford.
ing a view of many parts at nee. Evelyn.

SYNTA'CTICAL. a. [from Jyntaxii, Lat.]
1. Conjoined ; fitted to each other.
2. Relating to the conſtruttion of ſpeech.

SY'NTAX. 1 r r ' y t

SYNTA'XIS.J/ L'-^'^^'^e'^]
1. A fyftem
a number of things joinei
together. Granville.
2. That part of Grammar which teaches
the conſtruction of words. Swift.

SYNTHE'SIS. ʃ. [cryy^fa-if.] The act of
joining, oppoſed to analyju. Newtonit

SYNTHETICK. a. [cryv3£T«xof.] Conjoining
; compounding ; forming compoſition; Watts.

SY'PHON. ʃ. [cl<^a,v.] A tube ; a pipe. Mortimer.

SY'RINGE. ʃ. [(Tv^iyl ; A pipe through
which any liquor is ſquirted. R^y.

To SY'RINGE. v. a. [from the nopn.]
1. To ſpc'ut by a ſryinge. Wiſeman.
2. To waſh with a ſryingc<


SY'RIXGOTOMy. ſ. [^J.;ty^ and rhoua.]
The act or practice of cutting fiftulas or
hollow fores.

SYRTIS. f. [Latin.] A quick ſand ; a bog.

SY'STEM. ʃ. [^u^,/ua.]
1. Any c(m,-lcrxu re or combination of many
things ading tngethc;r.
2. A ſthemc which reduces many things
to regular dependence or co-operation.
3. A khtme which uni:es many things in
order. Bak<.r.


SVSTEMA'TICAL. a. [^rr'JA'^rJxoV.] Methodical ; writ! en or formed with regular
ſubordination if one part to another. Berkley

SVSTEMA'TICALLY. ad. In form of a
fyl^em, Boyle.

SYSTOLE. ʃ. [fjioh, Fr. cru^o^K.]
1. [la anatomy.] The contraction of the
heart. Ray.
2. In Grammar, the ſhortening of a long ſyllable.