About The Joy of English

Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English
1756 – online edition

This online version of Johnson's Dictionary (1756) was put together by whichenglish.com and the author of The Joy of English.

It was produced by combining OCR and sophisticated GREP, in addition to pure, time-consuming search-and-replace grunt for formatting and clean-up. It is by no means a clean, perfect text reproduction (yet) but it is an ongoing project. The sheer volume of code behind these pages (137,000 lines of code) means that there is only so much one man can do. The overall integrity of the contents of the dictionary is here.

A few notes about this online version of the dictionary. First, it is not perfect. Most of the 47,000 headwords will be highlighted in bold and each definition in separate p-tags. Many did not succeed during conversion and the sheer volume of entries prohibits be from doing them all manually one by one. Second, not every word came out accurately in the OCR process and so many definitions will have garbled words and entries. Again, the volume here means that the time it would take to fix manually would be enormous. At present it is not just feasible for one person (me) to clean up. Third, not ALL of the entries ARE actually garbled. This is because the spelling of the 1700s was different from what we recognize today. The most notable difference here is the letter s, printed at the time as ſ because it is a long s. So, instead of appearing as sensual. Samuel Johnson's Dictionary rendered it as ſenſual. So these are not mistakes – it just takes a little getting your head round it.

Today's letter s was at the time of printing Johnson's Dictionary typically rendered ſ. So, sounds looks on these pages as ſounds, English looks like Engliſh. This is not mistake. Equally italic long s looks like Shakʃpeare in the word Shakespeare.

English long s

As you can see from these 18th-century chiselled gravestones, the f (left) and long s (right, between i and h) are distinctly different. So, please don't be offended if you see ſuck, it is merely 18th-century suck.


Anyway, I hope you enjoy browsing. Jesse.


This page last updated: 20 October 2014


G Has two ſounds, one called that of the hard G, becauſe it is formed by a preſſure ſomewhat hard of the forepart of the tongue againſt the upper gum. This ſound of G retains before a, o, u, l, r ; as gate, go, gull. The other ſound, called that of the ſoft G, reſembles that of a J, is commonly found before e, i ; as gem, gibbet.

GABARDINE. ſ. [gavardina, Italian.] A coarſe frock ; any mean dreſs. Shakſpeare.

To GA'BBLE. v. n. [gabbare, Italian.]
1. To make an inarticulate noiſe. Dryden.
2. To prate loudly without meaning. Hudibras.

GA'BBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Inarticulate noiſe like that of brute animals, Shakʃpeare.
2. Loud talk without meaning. Milton.

GA'BBLER. ʃ. [from gabble.] A prater; a chattering fellow.

GA'BEL. ʃ. [gabelle, Preach.] An exciſe ; a tax. Addiſon.

GABION. ʃ. [French.] A wicker baſket
which is filled with earth to make a fortification
or intrenchment. Knolles.

GABLE. ʃ. [gav^l, Wdih.] The doping
roof of a building. Mortimep,

GAD. ʃ. [ja's, Saxon.]
1. A wedge or ingot of ſteel. Moxon.
2. A flile or graver. Shakſp.art.

To GAD. v. n. [gadaiv, Welfli, to forſake.
; To ramble about without any
ſettled purpoſe. Eccluſ, Herbert.

GA'DDER. ʃ. [from gad.] A rambler ; one that runs much abroad without buſineſs. Eccluſ.

GA'DDINGLY. ad. [from gad.] In a
rambling manner.

GA'DFLY. ʃ. [gad and fly.] A fly that
when he ſtings the cattle makes them gad
or run madly about ; the brcefe. Bacon.

GAFF. ʃ. A harpoon or large hook.

GA'FFER. ʃ. fj'pepe, companion, Saxon.]
A word of reſpect new obſolete. Gay.

GATELES. ſ.I^japeluca)-, ſpears, Saxon.]
1. Artificial ſpurs upon cocks.
2. A ſteel contrivance to bend croſs-bows.

To GAG. v. a. [from gtighcl, Dutch.] To
ſtop the mouth. Pope. .

GAG. f. [from the verb.] Something put
into the mouth to hinder ſpeech or eating. Dryden.

CAGE. ʃ. [gage, French.] A pledge ; a
pawn ; a caution. Southern.

To GAGE. nj. a. [gager, French.]
1. To wager ; to depone as a wiager ; to
impawn, Knolles.
2. To meaſure ; to take the contents of
any ve(!'el of liquids. Shakʃpeare.

To GA'GGLE. v. a. [gagfn, Dutch.] To
make noiſe like a goaie. ^'^t

GAILY. W, [from ^sy.]

1. Airily; cheerfully.
a- Splendidly ;
purpouſly. Pu/><.

GAIN. ʃ. [from , French.]'
1. Profit advantage'.' Raleigh.
2. Intereſt ; lucrative views. Shakʃpeare.
3. Unlawful advantage. a Cor.
4. O-'erpius in a comparative computation,

To GAIN. v. CI. [gagrer, French.]


Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


1. To obtain as profit or advantage, Ezekiel.
2. To have the oyerplus in comparative
computation. Burnet.
3. To obtain ; to procure. Tithtfon,
4. To obtain increaſe of any thing allotted. Daniel.
5. To obtain whatever good or bad, yilli,
6. To win.
7. To draw into any intereſt or party- Philips.
8. To reach ^ to attain. f^'ader,
9. To Gain over. To draw to another
party or intereſt. Swift.

To GAIN. v. n,
1. To encroach ;, to come forward by degrees. Dryden.
2. To get ground ; to prevail againſt. Addiʃon.
3. To obtain infruence with. Gulliver's Travels.,

To GAIN. v. n. To grow rich ; to have

GAIN. a. [An old word.] Handy ; ready.

GA'INER. ʃ. [from gain.] One who rc:-
ceives profit or advantage. Denham.

GAI'NFUL. a. [gain and full.]
1. Advantageous ; profitable. South.
2. Lucrative ; productive of money. Dryden.

GA'INFULLY. ad. [from gainful.] Profitably
; advantageouſly.

GAMNFULNESS. ʃ. Lucrativeneſs.

GAINGIVING. ʃ. ['gaivj} and give.] The
fame as thankfgiving ; a giving againd.Shakʃpeare.

GA'INLESS. a. [from gain.] Unprofitable.

GAI'NLESSNESS. ʃ. [from gainleſs.] Unprofitableneſs. Decay of Piety.

GA'INLY. ad. [from gain.] Handily ; readily.

To GAINSAY. v. a. ['galr/ and fay.] To
contradict ; to oppoſe ; to controvei ; with. Hooker.

GA'INSAYER. ʃ. [from gainfay.] Opponent
; adverſary. Hooker.

'GAINST. prep, [for againſt.]

To GA'INSTAND. v. a. ygainfl and ſtard\
To withſtand. Sidney.

GA IRISH. a. [jeappian, to dreſs fine.
1. Gaudy ; ſhowy ; ſplendid ; Ene\. Milton.
2. Extravagantly gay ; ſlighty. South.

GA'IRISHNESS. ʃ. [from ga»'iſh.]
1. Finery ; flaunting gaudineſs,
2. Flighty or extravagant joy. Taylor.

GAIT. ʃ. [gat, Dutch.]
1. A way : as, gang your gait,Shakʃpeare.
2. March ; walk. Huhba'd''i Tale,
3. To e man.ucr and air of walking. Clarendon.

GALA'GE. ʃ. A ſhepherd's clog. Spenſer.

GALA'NGAL. ʃ. [galange, French.] A
medicinal root, of which there are two
ſpecies. The lefler galangal. The larger
galangal. They are both brought from
the Eaſt-Indies ; the ſmall kind from
China, and the larger from the iſland of
Java. Hill.

GALA'XY. ʃ. [j.ax«fi<t.] The milky way.

GA'LBANUM. ʃ. Galbanum is ſoft, like
wax, and ductile between the fingers
; of a yellowiſh or reddiſh colour : its ſmell
\ is ſtrong and diſogreeable ; its taſte acrid,
nauſeous and bitteriſh. It is of a middle
nature between a gum and a refin. Hill.

GALE. ʃ. f gibling, hafly, German.] A
wind not tempeſtuous, yet ſtronger than a
breeze. Milton.

GA'LEAS. ʃ. [gaieaffe, French.] A heavy
low-built veſſel, with both fails and oars. Addiſon.

GALEATED. a. [galeatus, Latin.]
1. Covered as with a helmet. Woodward.
2. [In botany.] Such plants as bear a
flower reſembling an helmet, as the monkſhood.

GALERI'CULATE. a. [from gakrui^ Lat.]
Covered as with a hat.

GA'LIOT. ʃ. [^galiotte^ French.] A little
galley or ſort of brigantine, built very ſlight
and fit for chafe. Knolles.

GALL. ʃ. [seaJa, Saxon.]
1. The bile ; an animal juice remarkable
for its ſuppoſed bitterneſs. Arbuth.nou
2. The part which contains the bile. Brown.
3. Any thing extremely bitter. Shakʃpeare.
4. Rancour ; malignity. Spenſer.
5. A ſlight hurt by fretting off the ſkin. Government of the Tongue.
6. Anger ; bitterneſs of mind. Prior.
7. [From ^a///7.] Galls or galnuts are a
kind of preternatural and accidental tumours,
produced on various trees ; but
thoſe of the oak only are uſed in medicine.
The general hiſtory of galls is this :
an infeſt of the fly kind, for the fafety of
her young, wounds the branches of the
ttees, and in the hole depnſites her egg :
the lacerated veſſels of the tree diſcharging
their contents, form a tumour or woody
caſe about the hole, where the egg is thus
defended from all mjuries. This tumour
alſo ſerves for the food of the tender maggot,
preduced from ijie egg of the fly,
which, as ſoon as it is perfect, and in its
winged ſtate, gnaws its way out, as appears
from the hole found in the gall ; and
where no hole is ſeen on its ſurface, the
maggot, or its remains, are fure to be
toued without breaking it. Hill, Ray.

To GALL. v. a. [gakr, French.]
1. To hurt by fretting the ſkm. Denham.
2. To impair ; to wear away, Ray.
3. To teaze ; to fret ; to vex, Tillotſon.
4. To harraſs ; to miſchicf. Sidney.

To GALL. v. n. To fret. Shakʃpeare.

GA'LLANT. a. [galant, French.]
1. Gay ; well dreflect
; ſhowy. Iſaiah.
2. Brave; highſpirited ; daring; magnanimous.
3. Fine ; noble ; ſpecious. Clarenden.
4. Inclined to courtſhip, TIumjort.

GA'LLANT. ʃ. [from the adjeffive.]
i, A gay, ſprightly, airy, ſplendid man. Knolles.
2. A whore mafter, who careflTes women t9
debauch them. Addiſon.
3. A wooer ; one who courts a woman fof

GA'LLANTLY. ad. [from galhnt.l
1. Gayly ; ſplendidly.
5. Bravely ; nobly ; generouſly. Swift.

GA'LLANTRY. ʃ. [galanterie, French.]
1. Splendour of appearance ; ſhow ; mag.
nificence. WalUr,
2. Bravery ; nobleneſs ; generoſity. Glanville.
3. A number of gallants. Shakʃpeare.
4. Courtſhip ; refined addreſs to women,
5. Vicious love ; lewdneſs; debauchery. Swift.

GA'LLERY. ʃ. [galerie, French.]
1. A kind of walk along the floor of a
houſe, into which the doors of the apartments
open. Sidney.
2. The feats in the playhouſe above the
pit, in which the meaner people fit. Pcfie.

GALLEY. ʃ. [galea, Italian.]
1. A veſſel driven with oars, much in uſe
in the Mediterranean, but found unable to
endute the agitation of the main ocean. Fairfax.
2. It is proverbially ronſidered as a place
of toilſome miſery, becauſe criminals are
condemned to row in them. South.

GA'LLEY-SLAVE. ʃ. [galky and fave.'.
A man condemned for ſome crime to rowr
in the gallie.; Bramhall,

GA'LLIARD. ʃ. [gaillard, French.]
1. A gay, buſk, lively man ; a fine fellow.
2. An aflive, nimble, ſpritely dance. Bacon.

GALLIARDISE. ʃ. [French.] Merriment
; exuberant gaiety. Brown.

GA'LLICISM. ʃ. [galliciſme, French, from
galiicus, Latin.] A mode of ſpetch peculiar
to the French language : ſuch as, he
flured in controverſy. Felton,

CA'LLIGASKINS. ʃ. [C4il>ga Galh-Vaf-

CQi.um. Skinner. 1 Large open hole. Philips.

GALLIMA'TIA. f. [galimath!as, French.]

To GA'MBOL. v. a. [gamhUkr, French.]
Nonſenſe ; talk without meaning. i. To dance ; to ſkip ; to fri/)c. Mitton.

GA'LLIMAU'FRY. ʃ. [galimjfree, Fr.]
2. To leap ; to ſtart. Shakſpeare.
1. A hoch-poch, oſ haſh of feveril fons GA'MBOL. ſ. [from the verb.]
of broken meat ; a medley. iipenf'er. 1 . A ſhip ; a hop ; a leap ſtr joy.
2. Any inconſiſtent or ridiculous medley. L'Eſtrange, Dryden. 2. A frolick ; a wild prank. Hudibras.
3. It is uſed by Shakʃpeare. ludicrouſly of a GA'MBREL. ſ. [from gamba.] The leg of woman. a hoife. , Grew.

GA'LLIPOT. ʃ. [gleye, Dutch, fiiining GAME. ſ. [^-awjo, a jell, Iſlandick.]
earth.] A pot painted and glazed. Bacon, Fenton.

CA'LLON. ʃ. [gelo, low Latin.] A liquid
meaſure of four quarts. Wiſem2an,

GALLOON. ʃ. [gahn, French.] A kind
of cloſe lace, made of gold or ſilverj or of
fi!k alone.

To GALLOP. To «. [galoſer, French.]
1. To move forward by leaps, ſo that all
the feet are oft' the ground at once. Donne.
2. To ride at the pace which is performed
by leaps. Sidney.
3. To move very fad. Shakʃpeare.

GA'LLOP. ʃ. The motion of a horfi; when
he runs at full ſpeed.

CALLOPER. ʃ. [from ^<J&/>.]
1. A horſe that gallops. Mortimer.
2. A man that rides fift.

GA'LLOWAY. ʃ. A horſe not more than
Sport of any kind. Shakʃpeare.
2. Jell, oppoſed to earneſt,, Spenſer.
3. Infolent merriment ; ſportive infult.
4. A ſingle match at play.
5. Advantage in play. Dryden.
6. Scheme purſued ; meaſures planned. Temple.
7. Field ſports ; as, the chafe. Waller.
8. Animals purſued in the field, Prior.
9. Solemn conteſts exhibited as ſpectacles
to the people. Denham.

To GAME. v n. [jaman, Saxon.
1. To play at any ſport.
2. To piay wantonly and extravagantly
tor monev. Locke.

GAMECOCK. y. [game and cock,'\ a cock
bivn to iif^ht, Locke.

GAMEEGG. ʃ. [game and egg.] An egg
from which fighting cocks are bred. Garth.
fourteen hands high, much uſed in.

the GA'MEKEEPER. ʃ. [gams and keep. '\ A
north. person who looks after game, and fees it is

To GALLOW. v. a. [^gae'pan, to fight, not deſtroyed.
Saxon.] To terrify ; to fright.

GA'MESOME. a. [from gawe.'^ Frolick-. Shakʃpeare, Sidney.

GA'LLOWOLASSES. ʃ. [t is worn then

GAMESOMENESS. ʃ. [horn gameſome. 1
likewiſe of footmen under their fliirts of Sportiveneſs ; merriment,
mail, th.- which rootmen they call ^.-/liw-

GA'MESOMELY. <2^, \_ from gameſome.l^ ghlfts: the which namedoth diſcover them Meirily.
ilfo to be ancient Engliſh ; for gallog!a fi^-

GA'MESTER. ʃ. [from game.]
ni'ies an Engliſh feryitor or yeomm. 'iper.J,

GALLOW. 1 r. prj,ealr3. Saxon.]

GALLOWS. ^ ' LA 6 .]
1. Beam laid over two polls, on which
malef-TTtors are hanged. Hayward.
2. A wretch that deſerves the gallows.Shakʃpeare.

GALLOWSFREE. a. [galhiviMi frie.]
Exemot by deitiny from being hani'.cd. Dryden.

GA'LLOWTREE. ʃ. [gallows and tree.]
The tree of teriouſ ; the tree of,execution.

GAMBA'OT. ʃ. Igamba. Talian, a leg.]

GAMBADE. ʃ. Spatrerdaihes. Dennts.

GA'MBLER. f. A knave,whoſe pyaflice it
1. One who is vitiouſly addicted to p'ay. Bacon.
2. One who is engaged at play. Bacon.
3. A merry frolickſome perſon.Shakʃpeare.
4. A proflitute. Shakʃpeare.

GA MMER. ʃ. The compellation of a woman
correſponding to gailer.

GAMMON. ʃ. [gamboiie^ Italian.]
1. The buttock of an hog falted and dWed. Dryden.
2. A kind of play with dice. [from ſon.

GA'MUT. ʃ. [gama, Italian.] The ſcale
of muſical notes. Donne.
'GAN, for began, from ''gin for begin. Spenſer.
is to invite the unwary to game and cheat To GANCH. i». a. [ganciare, Italian.] To them.

GA'MTODGE. ʃ. A concreted vegetable
iuice, partly of a gummy, partly of a re-
Vinous nature. It is heavy, of a bright
yellow colour, and ſcarce any finell. Hill,
drop from a high place upon honks by way
of puniſhment : a practice in Turkey.

GA'NDER. ʃ. [z^^-or^'', Saxon.] The
male of the gooſe. Mortimer.

To GANG. v. n. [gangen, D.auh.] To

go ; M walk : an old word not naw uſed,
except ludicrouſly. Sfierfer. Arbuthnot.
Gang. ſ. [from the verb.] A number
herding together} a troop ; a company ; a
tribe. Prior.

GA'NGHON. [French.] A kind of flower.

GA'NGLION. ʃ. [j/afj/Xi'sy.] A tumour in
the ter.din us and nervous pans, Harris.

GANGRENE. ʃ. [gangrene, Ft. gangrana,
Lat.] A mortification ; a ſtoppage of circulation
t ilr'wed by putrefaſſion. tFiſeman.

To GANGRENE. v. a. [gangrener , Fr.]
To corrupt to mortification, Dryden.

GA'GRENOUS. a. [ha-o gaogrene.] Mortified
; producing or betokening mortification,

GA'NGWAV. ʃ. [In a ſhip, the ſeveral
ways or paffjges .^rom one part of it to the

GA'NG'WEEK. y. [gang 3nAiveek.] Rogation

GANl-ELOrS. ʃ. [ganteio^e, Dutch.]

GA'NTLET. ^ A mil'fary puniſhment,
in whtcn the criininal running between the
tanks receives a laſh from eich man. Dryden.

GA'NZA. ʃ. [ganj.r. Sp .liſh, agoo(c.] A
kind of wild g')i-. Hudibras.

GAOL. ʃ. [gerl, Welſh.]
1. A priſon ; a
plact of cominement . i'hckſpeare,

GA'OLDELIVERY. ʃ. ^adwAddiſoer..
The iudlcisl p.oceſs, which ty c;)ndemnation
or acquillil of perſons confined evacuates
the priſon. Davies.

GA'OLER. ʃ. [from ^73/.] K-eper of a
prilji; ; he to whole care the pnlaners are
committed. Dryden.

GAP. y. [from f<;/.f.]
1. An opening in a broken fence. Tnjfer,
2. A bujch. Knolles.
3. Any pafldge. Dryden.
4. An avenue ; an open way, Spenſer.
5. A hole ; a deficie.^cy. More,
6. Any interſtice ; a vacuity, Swift.
7. An opening of the mouth in ſpeech during
the pronunciation of two ſucceffive
vowels. P'i>e.
8. To flop a G.AP, is to eſcape by ſome
mean ſhift: alluaing to hedges menupd
with dead buHies. Hivifr.

GAP-TOOTHED. a. [g^p and tcoth.]
Having interdicts between the teeth. Dryden.

To GAPE. 1^. ». [3?apan, Saxon.]
1. To open the mouth wide ; to yawn. Arbuthnot.
2. To open the mouth for food, asa young
bird. Dryden.
3. To deſire earneſtly ; to crave. Denham.
4. To open in filTures or holes. Shakʃpeare.
5. To open with a brewh. Dryden.

6. To open ; to have an hiatus. Dryden.
7. To make a noiſe with open throat. Roſcommon.
8. To flare with hope or expediation. Hudibras.
9. To flare with wonder. Dryden.
10. To ſta;c irreverently. y^.C

GA'PER. ʃ. [from gape.] ^ 1. One who opens has mouth.
2. One who /tares fooliftly. Careto,
3. One who longs or craves. Carew.

GAR. [In Saxon. lignihes a weapon : ſo Ead~
gar is a happy weapon. Gitjon.

To GAR. v. a.
[giera, Iſlandick.] To
cauſe ; to make. ^penkr.

GARB. ʃ. [garbe, French.] '^ .
1. Dreſs ; cloaths ; habit. Milton.
2. Faihion of dreſs. Denham.
3. Exteriour appearance. Shakʃpeare.

GA'RBAGE. ſ.]garbear, Soamſhj^The
bowels ; theoftal. Roicotnmci.

GARBEL. ʃ. A plank next the keel of a
^ ^P- Bailey.

GA'RBIDGE. ʃ. Corrupted from garbage.
^^ Mortimer.

GARBI3H. ʃ. CortMfXti from garbage. Mortimer.

To GA'RBLE. v. a. [g^rbellare, Italian.]
To firt; to part ; to ſeparate the good
from the bad, z,5,.^__

GA'RBLER. ʃ. [{lomgarbk.] He who ſeparates
one part from another. Swift.

GA'RBOIL. ʃ. [garbo-jiile, French.]
Diforcerj tumult ; uproar, Shakʃpeare.

GARD. ʃ. [p-arc/^, French.
; Wardſhip; care ; cuftt-dy.

GA RDEN. ʃ. [gardd, Welſh; ]ardiv, Fr.]
1. A piece of ground incloſed and cultivated,
planted with herbs or fruits. Bac.
2. A place particularly fruitful or delight-Shakʃpeare.
3. Garden is often uſed in compi;iition,
Qelongin^ to a garden.
garden WARE. ſ. The produce ofgardens. Mortimer.

To GA'RDEN. i>. n. [from the noun, To ; cultivate a garden. Ben. Johnson.

GARDENER. f. [from garden.] He thaC
attends or cultivates garLen;.
Ho-wel. Evefyrr,

GA'RDENING. ʃ. [from garden.] The
act of C'jltiwatiing or planning gardiins,

GARR. ʃ. Cojrie wool on the less of ſteep.

GARGARISM. ʃ. [ya,y^.::r,/o:.] ' A liquid
form of medicine to waſh the mouth
^^h. Bac art.

To GARGARIZE. v. a. [yaoy:,cil^. ; gar.
g-'rijer, French.] To wa'lh the mootJi
with medicated liquors. Holder.

GARGET. ʃ. A diftemper in cattle. Mortimer.

To GA'RGLE. v. a. [gargouHUr, French.!
1. To wiſh the throat wi'.h foaie liquor

Dot ſcffered imwiedsately to deſcenJ. Harvey.
2. To warble ; to filay in the throat.

GA'RBLE. ʃ. [from the verb.] A hquor
with which the throat is wa5ied.

GA'RGLION. ʃ. An exfudation of nervous
juice from a bruiſe. £Quincy.

GA'RGOL. ʃ. A diftemper in hogs. Mortimer.

GA'RLAND. ʃ. [garlande, Tietich.] A
wiejth of branches or flowers. Sidney.

CA'RLICK. ʃ. [jip, Saxon. a lance, and
kek,'^ A plant.

GARLICKEA'TER. ʃ. [garlick and eat.]
A mean fellow. Shakʃpeare.

GA'RMENT. ʃ. [guarmment, old French.]
Any thing by which the body is covered. Raleigh.

GA'RNER. ʃ. [grcrler, French.] A place
in which threihed grain is flored up. Dryden.

To GA'RNER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
ſtore as in garners. Shakʃpeare.

GA'RNET. ʃ. [garTiato, Italian.]' The
garnet is a gem of a middle degree of hardneſs,
between the faphire and the common
cryſtal. I: is found of various ſizes. Its
colour is ever of a ſtrong red. HiU,

To GAR'NISH. v. a. [garnir, French.]
1. To decorate with ornamental appendages. Sidney.
2. To embelliſh a diſh with ſomething
laid rouad it. Dryden.
3. To fit with fetters.

GA'RNISH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Ornameut ; decoration ; enibelliſhment.
2. Things firewed round a diſh.
7. [In gaols.] Frtters.

GARNISHMENT. ʃ. [from garnifr.] Or-
nament ; embeliiſhment. Wotton.

GA'RNITURE. ʃ. [ixuva garnip.-\ Furniture
; ornament. Granville.

GA ROUS. a. [from garum.'^ Reſembling
pitkle made of fiſh. Brown.

GARRAN. ʃ. [Evfe.] A ſmall horſe ; a
hobby. Tettiple.

GARRET. ʃ. [garite, the tower of a citaiiel,
I . A room on the higheil floor of the houſe. Swift.
2. Rotten wood. Bacon.

GARETE'ER. ʃ. [i'om garret. '\ An inhabitant
of a garret,

GA'RRISON. ʃ. [gartiifon, French.]
1. SolJiors placed in a fortified town or
caſtle to defend it. Sidney.
2. Fuitified place ſtjred with ſoldiers.
3. The Hate of being placed in a fortifica-
Ujin fuf iis defea'cc. Spenſer.

To GA'RRISON. v. a. To ſecure by fortreffes. Dryden.

GARRU'LITY. ʃ. [garruliias, Latin.]
1. Loquacity ; incontinence of tongue. Milton.
2. The quality of talking too much
; taikativeneſs. Ray.

GARRULOUS. a. [garrulm, Latin.]
Prattling ; talkative. [from fon,

GA'RTER. ʃ. [gardus, Welſh.]
1. A firing or ribband by which the flocking
is held upon the leg. Ray.
2. The mark of the ©rder of the garter,
the highefi order of Engliſh knighthood.Shakʃpeare.
3. The principal king at arms.

To GA'RTER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
bind with a garter. Wiſemar.

GARTH. ʃ. The bulk of the body meaſured
by the girdle.

GAS. ʃ. A ſpirit iiot capable of being coagulated. Harris.

GASCONA'DE. ʃ. [French.] A boaft ; 2
bravado. Swift.

To GASCONA'DE. v. n. [from the noun.]
To boaft
; to brag.

To GASH. v. a. [from bachcr, to cut.]
To cut deep ſo as to make a gaping wound.

GASH. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A deep and wide wound, Spenſer.
1. The mark of a wound. Arbuthnot.

GA'SKINS. ʃ. Wide hoſe ; wide breeches.Shakʃpeare.

To GASP. v. r. [from gape. Skinner.'.
1. To open the mouth wide to catch breath. Dryden.
2. To emit breath by opening the mouth
convulſively. Dryden.
3. To long for. Sfeiiaior,

GASP. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The act of opening the mouth to catch
2. The ſhort catch of breath in the laſt
agonies. Addiʃon.

To GAST. v. a. [from gap:, Saxon.] To
make aghaft ; to fright ; to ſhock.Shakʃpeare.

GA'STRICK. a. [from yarw^.] Bdonging
to the belly.

GASTRO'RAFHY. ʃ. [yar^'f and |awJa,.]
Sewing up any wcund of the belly.

GASTRO'TOMY. ʃ. [ya^n^ and tIto^ua.]
The act of cutting open the belly.
Cii T. The preterite of get. Exodut,

GATE. ʃ. fg=2C, Saxon.]
1. The door of a city, a caſtle, palace, or
large building, Shakʃpeare.
2. A frame of timber upon hinges to give a
palTage into inclcfed grounds. Shakʃpeare.
3. An avenue ; an opening. KnoiLfs,

GATEVEJN. ʃ. [hi vena porta. Bacon.

GATEWAY. ʃ. [gate and way.] A way
through gates of incloſed grounds.

To GA'THER. v. a. [sa'sejian, Saxon.]
1. To colkifl ; to bring into one place.
2. To pick up ; to glean ; to pluck.
3. To crop. Dryden.
4. To aſſemble. Bacon.
5. To heap up ; to accumulate. Proverbs.
6. To felect and take. Pſalms.
7. To ſweep together. Mattheiit,
8. To colled charitable contributions.
9. To bring into one body or intereſt. Iſaiah.
10. To draw together from a ſtate of diftufion ; to compreſs ; to contrail. Pope. .

II. To gain. Dryden.
11. To pucker needlework.
13. To colled: logically. Hooker.
14. To Gather Breath, To have reſpete
from any calamity, Spenſer.

To GA'THER. v. n.
1. To be condenfed ; to thicken. Dryden.
2. To grow laj-ger by the accretion of ſimilar
matter. Bacon.
3. To aſſemble. Eccluſ.
4. To generate pus or matter. Decay of Piety.

GA'THER. ʃ. [from the verb.] Pucker;
cloth drawn together in wrinkles. Hudibras.

GA'THERER. ʃ. [ham gather.]
1. One that gathers ; a colledor. Wotton.
2. One that gets in a crop of any kind.

GATHERING. ſ.[Utim gather.] Collection
of charitable contributions. I Cor.

GATTEN-TREE. See Cornelian-


CAUDE. ʃ. [gaude, French, a yellow
liower.] An ornament ; a fine thing,Shakʃpeare.

To GAUDE. «. ». [gaudeo, hiun.] To
exult ; to rejoice at any thing, Shakʃpeare.

GA'UDERY. ʃ. [from gaude.] Finery
; oftentatious luxury of dreſs. South.

GA'UDILY. ad. [from gaudy.] Showily.

GA'UDINESS. ʃ. Showineſs ; tinfel appearance.

GA'UDY. a. [from gaude.] Showy ;
Iplendid ; pompous ; oftentatiouſly fine. Milton.

GA'UDY. ʃ. [gaudium, Latin.] A feaſt
; a feitival. Cheyne.

GAVE. The preterite of ifiW. D^nne,

GA'VEL. ʃ. A provincial word for ground.

GA'VELKIND. ʃ. [In law.] Acuſtom
whereby the lands of the father are equally
divided a; bis death amongA ^11 his f>>n$.
Owd. Duvfs.

Johnson's Dictionary 1756 @ whichenglish.com


To GAUGE. v. a. [gauge, meaſuring rH.
1. To meaſure with reſpect to the contents
of a veſſel.
2. To meaſure with regard to any proportion.

GAUGE. f. [from the verb.] A meaſure i
a ſtandard. Moxon.

GAU'GER. ʃ. [from gauge.] One whoiie
buſineſs is to meaſure veffeJs or quantities.

GAUNT. a. [AsUgewant.] Thin ; (lender
; lean ; meagre. Shakʃpeare.

GAUNTLY. ad. [from gaunt.] Lcanly ;
flenderly ; meagerly.

GAUNTLET. ſ.{garJelet, French.] An
iron glove uſed for defence, and thrown
down in challenges. Geavcland.

GA'VOT. ʃ. [gai;otte, Frenth.] A kind
of dance. Arbuthnot.

GAUZE. ʃ. A kind of thin tranſparent ſilk. Arbuth.natu

GAWK. ʃ. [^eac, Saxon.]
1. A cuckow.
1. A fooliſh fellow,

GAWN. ʃ. [corrupted for gallon:] A ſmall

GA'WNTREE. ʃ. [Scottish.] A wooden
frame on which beer-caiks are ſet whea

GAY. a. [gay, French.]
1, Airy ; chearful ; merry ; frolick. Pope.
2. Fine ; ſhowy. Bar. vi, 9.

GAY. ʃ. [from th? adjective.] An ornament
; or embelliſhment. L'Eſtrange.

GAYETY. ʃ. [gayeie French.]
1. Chearfulneſs ; airineſs ; meriiment.
2. Ads of juvenile pleaſure. Denham.
3. Finery ; Shew. Shakʃpeare.

GA'YLY. ad. Merrily ; chearfully ; ſhowily.

GA'YNESS. ʃ. [from ga).] Cayety ; finery.

To GAZE. v. K. [aV«^^S-ai.] To look intently
and earneſtly; to look with eagerneſs.

GAZE. f. [from the verb.]
1. Intent regard ; look of eagerneſs or
wonder ; fixed look. Spenſer.
2. The objed gazed on. Miiteif,

GA'ZER. ʃ. [from gaze.] He that gazes
; one that looks mtectly with eagerneſs or
admiration, Spenſer.

GA'ZEFUL. a. [gaxie and fu'L] Looking
intrntly. Spenſer.

GA'ZEHOUND. ʃ. [gann and hound.] A
hound that purſues not by the ſcent, buC
by the eye. T-.ckell.

GA'ZETTE. ʃ. [gaxftta is a Venetian halſpenny,
the price of a news paper.] A
paper of news ; a paper of publick intelligence. Locke.

GAZETTE'ER. ʃ. [from gaxette.] A
writer of news.

GA'ZINGSTOCK. ʃ. [gaxe and flock.] A
pcrlon gazed at with ſcorn or abhorrence. Ray.

GAZO'N. ʃ. [French.] In fortification,
pieces of fre<h earth covered with grains,
cut in form d a wedge. Harris.

GEAR, /. [3} juan, to clothe.]
1. Furnittt/e ; accoutrements ; dreſs ; habit ; ornaments. Fairfax.
2. The traces by which hotfes or oxen
draw. Chapman.
3. Stuff.Shakʃpeare.

GE'SON. ^. Wonderful.

CEAT. ʃ. [corrupted from jf.'f.] The hole
through which the metal runs into the
mold. ^'-^'

GECK. ʃ. [seac, a cuckow.] A bubole
eaſily innpoled upon. Shakʃpeare.

To GECK. v. a. To chest.

GEE. Atterm uſed by waggoners to their
horſes when they would have them go

CLESE. The plural of gooſe.

GELABLE. a. [Uoxngelu, Latin.] What
may be congealed.

GE'LATINE. ʃ. . [gdatus, Latin.]

GELATINOLIS. S Formed into a gelly.

To GELD. ʃ. a. preter. geldedorgdt ; part.
pair, gelded of gelt, [gd'-er; German.]
1. To caſttate; to deprive of tfie power of
generation. Shakʃpeare.
2. To deprive of ai.;, elTentiaJ part. ^hak.
3. To deprive of any thing immodeft, or
tab'e to objection. Dryden.

GE'LUER. ʃ. [from gell.^ One that performs
the act of caſtration. Hudibras

GELDER ROSE. ʃ. [brought from GudderlarJA
A plant. .

GE'LDING. ʃ. [from gdd.] Any animal
caſtrated, particularly a horſe. Graunt.

GE'LID. a. [gdidus, Latin.] Exrremely

GELT'DITY. ʃ. [from gdid.] Ettreme cold.

GE'LIONESS. ʃ. [from ^'^ W.] Extreme cold.

GE'LLY. ʃ. [gdatus, Latin ] Any vilcous
body; viſcidiiyi glue; gluey ſubſtsnce. Dryden.

GELT. ʃ. [ffoi ^dd.] A C3(}rated anim
al ; gelding. Mortimer.

CELT. ʃ. Tiniel; giltfurtace. Spenſer.

GELT. part. pall, of gdd. Mwtimer.
GExM- / Ig^nma, Latin.]
1 A jewel ; a prijcious Hone of whatever
kind. Shakʃpeare.
2. The firſt bud. ' Dc^i^w.

To GEM. I'- ^ f^emwd', Latin.] To adorn,
a< with jewels or buds.

To GEM- v-n. [gemmo, Latin.] To put
form the firſt b,.ds. Mutvn.

GEMI'LLIL'ARIUS. a. Bearing twin.

To GE'MINATE. v. a. [gemino, Latin.]
To double.

GEMINATION. f. [from geminate.'} Repetition
; reduplication. Boyle.

GE'MINY. ʃ. Twins ; a pair; a brace.Shakʃpeare.

GE'MIS'OUS. a. [gmtnus, Latin.] Double. Brown.

GE'MMAR. a. [from gem,'} Pertaining to
gem:! or jewels. Brown.

GEMMEOUS. a. [gimmeus, Latin.]
1. Tending to gems. Woodward.
?. Reſembling gems.

GEMOTE. ʃ. The court of the hundred.

GENDER. ʃ. [grr.ui, Latin.]
1. A kind ; a fort, Shakʃpeare.
2. A ſex.
3. [In grammar.] A denomination given
to nouns, from their being joined with an
adjective in this or that termination.

To GE'NDER. v. a. [engendrer, French.]
1. To beget.
2. To produce ; to cauſe. z Titx.

To GE'NDER. v. r. To copulate ; «o
breed. Shakʃpeare.

GENEALO'GICAL. a. [from geneJogy.]
Pertainlne to deſcents or families.

GENEA'LOGIST. ʃ. [yiviaMyia ; genealogifie,
French.] He who traces defecnts.

GENEA'LOGY. ʃ. [ysvex and Xj';,®^.]
fliſtory of the ſucceſſion of families. Bur.

GE'NERABLE. a. [from genero, Latin.]
That may be produced or begotten.

GE'NERAL. a. [general, French.]
1. Comprehending many ſpecies or individuals
; not ſpeciat. Brooi7:e.
3. Lax in ſignification ; not reſtrained to
any ſpecial or particular import. Watts.
3. Not reſtrained by narrow or diſtinctive
limitations. Locke.
4. Relating to a whole dafs or body of
men. Whitgifte,
5. Publick ; compriſing the whole. Mtkon,
6. Not directed to any ſingle object. Spratt.
7. Extenfive, though not univerſal.
8. Common ; uſual. Shakʃpeare.

1. The whole; the totalify. Norm.
2. The pubJick. ; the intereſt of the whole.Shakʃpeare.
3. The vulgar. Shakʃpeare.
4. [General, Fr.] One that has the
corrmand over an army. /Udf^n.

GENERALI'SSIMO. ʃ. [generalij/irre, Fr.]
The ſupreme commander. Clarenden.

GENERA'LITY. ʃ. [generalite', French.]
1. The ſtate of being general. Hooker.
2. The main body ; the bulk. TiltotJon,

GE'NERALLY. ad. [from general;
1. Li general ; without ſpetification or ex-
CepCion. Bacon.
2. £xGEN
2. Ex'tenfively, though not unlveifally.
3. Commonly ; frequently.
4. Ill the maia ; without minute detail.

GENERALNESS. ʃ. [from general.] Wide
extent, though ſhort of univerſality ; frequency
; tomr»ionne(s. Sidney.

GE'NERALTY. ʃ. [from general.] The
whole ; the totality. Hale.

GE'NERANT. ʃ. [gereram, Latin.] Ti^.c
begetting or productive power. GlanvtUe.

To GE'NERATE. v. a. [gentro, Latin.]
1. To beget ; to propagate. Bacon.
2. To cauſe ; to produce. Milton.

generation, French.]
1. The act of begetting or producing. Bacon.
2. A family ; a race, Shakſpeare.
3. Progeny ; <./F>pring, Shakʃpeare.
4. A ii/igle luccellK-n. Raleigh.
5. An age. Hooker.

GENERATIVE. a. [generatif, French.]
1. Having the power of propagation. Brown.
2. Proliſick ; having the power of produdlion
; fruitful. Berkley.

GENERATOR. ʃ. [from genera, Latin.]
The power which begets, cauſes, or produces.

GENE'RICAL. ^ a. [generique, French.]

GENE'RICK. ^ That which comprehends
the genus, or diſtinguifties from an aher
genus. fVctts.

GENE'RICALLY. ad. [from generhk.]
With regard to the genus, though not the
ſpecies. J'P oodwcird.

GENERO'SITY. ʃ. [generoſite', French.]
The quality of being generous ; magnanimity
; liberality. Locke.

GE'NEROUS. a. [generoſus, Latin.]
1. Not of mean birth ; of good extraction,
2. Noble of mind ; magnanimous ; open
of heart. Pope.
3. Liberal ; munificent,
4. Strong ; vigorous. Boyle.

GE'NEROUSLY. aJ. [from generous]
1. Not meanly with ii-gard to biith.
2. M'fgnanimi'uſly ; noliiy. Dryden.
3. L't.er'lly^ munificently.

GEN'EROUSNESS. ʃ. [from generovi.]
The qualiry of being generous. Coliier.

CE'NESIS. ʃ. [yhi:ri; ; geneje, French.]
Generation ; the firſt book of A/<//o,
which treats of the production of the

GE'NET. ʃ. [French.] A ſmall well proportioned
Spaniſh hoile. Ray.

GENETHLI'ACAL. ir. [>-ei = ?/ I'^xc,-.] Per.
taining to nativities as calculated by alljjnnmers. Hooker.

GENETHLI'ACKS. ʃ. [from yin'j-Kr.]
The ſcicncr of calculating nativities, or
predj^ing the future'events of hie ;jgni ;hs
Ibr? predominant at the birth.

GENETHLIATICK. ʃ. [yivi^-Kn.] He
who calculates nativities. Drutr.mond.

GENEVA. ʃ. [genevre, French, a juniper
berry.] A diftiiled ſpirituous water,
made with no better an ingredient than
oil of turpentine, put into the (till, with a
little common fait, and the coaſeif ſpiric
they have, which is drawn eft' much below
proof ſtrength. Hill.

GE'NIAL. a. [g^nialis, Lstin.]
1. That which contributes to propagation. Dryden.
2. That gives chcarfulneſs or ſupports life. Milton.
3. Natural ; native. Brown.

GENIALLY. ad. [t'roin genial.]
1. By genius ; naturslly. Glaavilte,
2. Gayly ; cheerfully.

GENl'CULATED. a. [genicuLtuu Latin.]
Knotted ; jointed. Woodward.

GENICULATION. ʃ. [geniculatio,'LzX\n.]

GENIO. ʃ. A man of aparticulir turn of
mind. Tutkr.

GE'NITALS. ſ.Igenltalii, 'Lzun.] Parts
belonging to generation. Brown.

GENITING. ʃ. [A corruption of Janeton,
French.] An early apple gathered in June.

GE'NITIVE. a. [gtritITu:, Latin.] In
grammar, the name of a c.le, which,
among other relations, ſignifies one begotten,
as, the father of a Jon ; or one begetting,
as ſon of a father.

GE'NIUS. ʃ. [Latin; genie, French.]
1. The proteifting or ruling power of men,
places, or things. Milton.
2. A man endowed with ſuperiour faculties. Addiſon.
3. Mental power or faculties. Waller.
4. Diſpoſition of nature by which any one
is qualified for fume peculiar emplojment. Burnet.
<;. Nature ; diſpoſition. Burnet.

GENT. a. [gent, oij French.] Elegant ; ſoft
; gentle ;
polite. A word now dituſed. Fairfax.'

GENTEEL. a. [gentll, French.]
1, Poiite ; elegant in behaviour ; civil, Addiſcri.
2. Graceful in mien,

GEN'TEELY. ad. [f\Qm genteel]
1. Eeean'ly ; p<'lice'y. South.
2. Gracefully ; handſomely.

GENTE ELNESS. ʃ. [ham'genicel.]
1. Elegance ; gracefulneſs ;
pohtcneſs. Dryden.
2. Qualifies befitting a man of rank,

GENTIAN. ʃ. [gentiane, French.] Felwoitor
baldmrry. U'ij'eman,

GENTIANELLA. ʃ. A kind of blue colour.

GE'NTILE. ʃ. fi-^rfZ/M, Latin.] One of
an uncovtnanted nation ; one who knows
not the true God. Bacon.

GEN;TILESSE. f. [French.]
Complaifance; civility. Hudibras.

GENTILISM.' /; [gentilijme, Fr.] Heathenifm; paganifm. Stillinrfea,

GENTILI'TIOUS. a. [gentilittu!, Latin.]
1. Eftdemial ; peculiar to a natron. Brown.
2. Hereditary ; entailed on a family.

CF.NTI'LITY. ʃ. [gentilite', French.]
1. Good extraction ; dignity of birth.
?. Elegance of behaviour ]
inien ; nicety of taſte.
3. Gentry ; the claſs of perſons well born. Davies.
4. Paganifoi ; heathenifm. Hooker.

GE-'NTLIi. a. [geniſhs, Latin.]
1. Writ bom ; well deſcended ; ancient,
though not noble. Sidney.
2. Soft ; biand ; mild ; tame ; ini--ek ; peaceable, ¥jirfo:x,
3. Soothing ; paciſick.

1. A gentleman ; a man of biith,
2. A particular kind of worm. tVa'ton,

To GE'N'ILE. v. a. To make gentle.

GE'NTLEFOLK. ʃ. [gentU and folk.] Perſons
diſtinguiſhed by their birth from the

GE'NTLEMAN. ʃ. [getitUbomme, French.]
1. A man of birth ; a man of extraction,
tbtagh not noble. Sidney.
2. A n.ad laiied above the vulgar by his
character or port. Shakʃpeare.
3. Atterm of compUifa.nce. Addiſon.
4. The fervant that waits about the perſon
of a man of rank. Lamdiv,
5. It is uſed of any man however high.Shakʃpeare.

gentleman and

GENTLEMANLY. i I'kc. ; Becoming
» a m«iiof birtfi. Hiutft.

GE'NTLENESS. ʃ. [from g^-ntk.]
1. Dignity of birth ; gondneſsof extraction.
2. Softneſs of manners ; ſweetneſs of difyoſition
; meckneſs. Milton.
3. Kindneſs ; benevolence. Obſolete.

GE'NTLESHIP. ʃ. Carriage of a gem leman.

1. A woman of birth above the vulgar ; a
woman well deſcended. Bacon.
2. A woman who waits about the perſon
of one of high rank. Shakʃpeare.
3. A word of civility or irony. Dryden.

GENTLY. ad. [from gentle.)
1. Softly; metkly ; tendcily ; inoffeniively
; kindly. Locke.
2. Softly ; without violence,- Cnw,


GENTRY. f. [genilery^gettry, from gentle .]
1. Birth ; condition, Shakʃpeare.
2. Clafs of people abovethe vulgar. Sidney.
3. Atterm of civility real or ironicah Prior.
4. Civility ; complaifance. Shakʃpeare.

GENUFLE'CTION. ʃ. [genuſexion, Fr.]
The a.ft of bending the knee ; adoration
expreifed by bending the knee. Stillingfleet.

GENUINE. <J. [^^nwnai, Latin.] Not ſpui-
iou?. Til/otJ^n,

GE'NUINELY. ad. [from genuine.] Without
adulteration ; without foreign admixtures
; naturally. Boyle.

GE'NUINENESS. ʃ. [from gent^ine.] Freedom
from any thing counterfeit ; freedom
from adulteration. Boyle.

GE'NUS. ʃ. [Latin.] In ſcience, a claſe of
being, comprehending under it many ſpecies
: as quadruped is a genus comprehending
under it almofl: all terreſtrial beaſts. Watts.

GEOCE'NTRICK. a. [^m andx^rpov.] Applied
to a planet or orb having the earth for
Its centre, or the ſame centre with the

GLOD/E'SIA. ſ. [yioo^anria.] That part
of geometry whith contains the doctrine
or part of meaſuring fujfaces, and finding
the contents of all plane frgures, Harris.

GE0Di5L'TICAL. ad. [from geodafia.] Relating
to the art of meaſuring ſurfaces.

GE'OGR.APHER. ſ. [yn -^ni j/pa'tfa.] One
who deſcribes the earth according to the
poſition of its different parts. Brown.

GEOGRATHICAL. a. [geograpbiqut,Yr.]
Relating to geoeraphv,

GEOGRA PHICALLY. ad. In a geographical
manner. Broemte.

GLO'GRAPHY. ſ.[,,?and j^pacfo;.] Know.
ledge of the earth.

GEO'LOGY. ſ.[j.S' and \Lyoz.] The doctrine
of the ea: th.

GE OMANCER. ſ. [yn and ^a'vTi?.] A
fortuneteller ; a carter of figures. Brown.

GE OMANCY. ſ. [yS and ,j.a.vrla.] The act
of foretelling by figures, y}y iffe.

GEOMA'NTICK. a. [from geomancy. ; Pirtaining to the art of calling figures. Dryden?,

GE'OMETER. ʃ. [yttafxi-Tfnq -.
French.] One ſkilled in geometry ; a geometrician.

GEOMETRAL. a. [geometral, French.]
Pertaining to geometry,

GEOMETRICAL. 7 ^ n ^ -,

GEOME TRICK. S ' [?'£»'.<.^'P'«»?-]
1. Pertaining to geometry. A'Icre,
2. Preſcribed or laid down by geometry,
3. Diſpoſed according to geometry. Greto,

GEOMETRICALLY. ad. [from gecmaiita/.]
Accgrding to the laws of geometry. Wilkins.

GEOMETRI'CIAN. ʃ. [ysi^ixirfr.;.] One
ſkilled in geoinetry. Brown.

To GEO'METRIZE. v. n. [^Ej^^slpi^.] To
a(ft according to the laws of geometry. Boyle.

CE'OMETRY. ʃ. [yiKiJ.?i^U.] The ſcience
of quantity, extenſion, or magnitude
abſtractedly conſidered. B-ay.

GEOPONICAL. a. [;^? and wo?.] Relating
to agriculture, Brown.

GEOPO NICKS. ſ. [yn and wof.] The
ſcience of cultivating the ground ; the
dotlrine of agriculture.

GEORGE. ʃ. [Georgiu!, Latin.]
1. A figure of St. George on horſeback
worn by the knights of the garter.Shakʃpeare.
2. A brown loaf. Dryden.

GE'ORGICK. ʃ. [ytxpymh ; gecrgiqwi,
Fr. ; Some part of the ſcience of huibandiy
put into a pleaſing dreſs, and ſet ofi
with all the beauiies and embelliſhments of
poetry. Addiſon.

CEO'R'GICK. a. Reiating to the doarine
of agriculture. Gay.

GEOTICK. a. Belonging to the earth.

GE'RENT. a. [gtreni, Lati.n.] Carrying ; bearing.

GERFALCON.' ʃ. A bird of prey, in
ſize between a vulture and a hawk. Bailey.

GE'RMAN. ʃ. [^t'rw^.M.French.] Brother ; one approaching to a brother in proximity
of blood. Sidney.

GE'RMAN. a. [germaxus, Latin ] Related.Shakʃpeare.

GE'RMANDER. ʃ. [germa7idre% French.]
A plant. Miller.

GE'RME. ʃ. [germen, Lit'in.^ A ſprout or
ſhoot. Bacon.

GF.'RMIN. ſ. [germen, Latin.] A ſtocting
or rprouting feed. Shakʃpeare.

To GE'RMINATE. v. n. [germino, Latin.]
To ſprout ; to ſhoot ; to bud ; to put
forth. Woodwari.

GERMINA'TION. ʃ. [germination, Fr.]
The act of ſprouting orihooting ; growth. Wotton, Berkley.

GE'RUND. ʃ. [gerundium, Latin.] In the
Latin grammar, a kind of verbal noun,
which governs cafes like a verb,

GEST. ʃ. [gejlum, Latin.]
1. A deed ; an action ; anatchievement.
2. Show ; repreſentation.
3. The roil or journal of the ſeveral days,
and ſtages prefixed, in the prcgrelſes of
kings. Brown.

GESTA'TION. ʃ. [geftatio, Latin.] The
adV of bearing the young in the womb. Brown, Ray.
To GESTrCULATE. v. n. [g^fticul.r, Lat.
gijiiculer^ Fr.] To flay ajiuck tncks ; u ibew poilurest

GESTICULATION. ʃ. [gcflia'htio, Lat.]
Antick tricks ; various poſtures.

GE'STURE. ʃ. [grftum, Latin.]
1. Action or poſture expreſſive of ſentiment. Sidney.
2. Movement of the body. j^diiifov,
To GE'STURE. v. a. [from the noun. J'To
accompany with action or poſture. Hooker.

To GET. v. a. pret. I got, anciently ga' ; part. paff. got, oſ gotten, [gexan, jetran, Saxon.]
1. To procure ; to obtain. Bxty'u,
2. To force ; to ſeize. Daniel

3. To win. Knolles.
4. To have poſſeflion of ; to hold. Herbert.
5. To beget upon a female. PValler.
6. To gam a profit. Locke.
7. To gain a ſuperiority or advantage.Shakʃpeare.
8. To earn ; to gain by labour. Abbot.
9. To receive as a price or reward. Locke.
10. To learn. Watts.
11. To prcc To to be. South.
12. To put into any llate. Guardian.
13. To prevail on ; to induce. Spectator.
14. To draw ; to hook. Addiſon.
15. To betake ; to remove. Knolles.
16. To remove by force or art. Boyle.
17. To put. Shakʃpeare.
18. To Get off. To ſells or <iiſpole of by
ſome expedient. Swift.

To GET. v.n.
1. To arrive at any ſtaſe or pofitire by degrees
with ſome kind of labour, efibrt,
or difficulty. Sidney.
2. To fall ; to come by accident. Tinier,
3. To find the way. Boyle.
4. To move ; to remove. KrcHes,
5. To have recourle to. Knolles.
6. To go ; to repair. Knolles.
7. To put one's felf in any ſtate. Clarendon.
8. To become by any act what one was
not before. Dryden.
9. To be a gainer ; to receive advantage,
10. To Get off. To eſcape. Bacon.
11. To Get ov(r. To conquer ; to ſuppreſs
5 to paſs without being flopped. Swift.
11. To Get up. To riſe from repoſe.
13. To Get up. To riſe from a feat.

GE'TTER. ʃ. [from get.]
1. One who procures or obtains.
2. One who begets on a femal?.Shakʃpeare.

GE'TTING. ʃ. [from get.l
1. Act of getting
; acqmhaon. Proverbs.
z, Gain ; profit,
G a. Bacon.


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GE'WGAW. ʃ. [j'jHp, Saxon.] A ſtowy rogues and gipfies ; words without mean,
trifle ; a toy ; a bauble. Mbot. ing. Swift.

CE'WGAW. a. Splendidly trifling ; ſhowy Gl'BBET. ſ. [gihet, French.]
without value. Law

GHA'-STFUL. a. [z^yz and pulle, Saxon.]
Drearv ; diſmal 'j mslanchly ; fit for
walking ſpirits. i^pfrjjer.

GHA'STLINESS. ʃ. [from ghaJJly.] Hpr.
rour of countenance ; reiembijnce of a
thoft ; pal.-ref-.

GHASTLY. a. Iz^yt, or gboj}, and. like.]
1. Likt a ghoſt ; having borrour in the
countenance. KrwUes.
2. Horrible ; ſhocking ; dreadful. Milton.

CHA'STNESS. ʃ. [from 5<rr, Saxon.]
Ghsfllineſs ; horrour of look. Shakʃpeare.

GHE'KKIN. ʃ. A pickled cnicumber. Skinner.

To GHESS. To w. To conjeftute.

GHOST. ʃ. fj^aj-t, Saxon.] 1. The foul of man, Sandys.
2. A ſpirit appearing after death. Dryden.
3. To give up the Ghost . To die; to
yield up the ſpirit into the bands of God.
-- Shakʃpeare.
4. The third perſon in the adorable Trinity,
called the Huly Ghoft
A gallows ; the poſt on which malefaſtors
are hanged, or on which their carcafes
are expoſed, Cliavelfind.
2. Any traverſe beams.
To Gl'BBET. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To hang or expoſe on a gibbet. Oldham.
2. To hang on any thing going tranſverſe,Shakʃpeare.

GIBBIER. ʃ. [French.] Game; wild
fowl. Addiſon.

GIBBCVSITY. ʃ. [gibboſite', Fr, from g,b.
hous.] Convexity ; prominence ; protuberance. Ray.

GI'BBOUS. a. [gibius, Latin.]
1. Convex ; protuberant ; 1 welling into
inequalities. Dryden.
1. Crookbacked. Brown.

GIBBOUSNESS. ʃ. [from g/Wsaj.] Convexity
; prominence. Berkley.

GIBCAT. ʃ. [^f^andcaf.] An old wornoot
cat, Shakʃpeare.

To GIBE. v. a. [gaher, old French.] To
Ineer ; to join cenforiouſneſs with contempt. Swift.

To GHOST. v. n. [from the noun.] To
yield up the ghoſt. Sidney.

To GHOST. v. a. To haunt with apparitions
oi departed men. Shakʃpeare.

GHOSTLINESS. ʃ. [U^jm ghoflly.] Spiritujl
teadency ; quality of having reference
chiefly to the foul.

GHOSTLY. a. [from ^i^^.]
1. Spirifal ; relating to the foul; not
carnal ; notſecular.
2. Having a character from religion ; ſpi-
ritual. Shakʃpeare.

CIA'LAUNJ. ʃ. [Italian.] Earth of a
bright p. Id colour, Woodward.
ClA'MBEUX. ſ. [jewbes, French, legs.]
Armour for legs ;
greaves. Spenſer.
Cl'ANT. ſ. [g^^'rt, French.] A man of
ous hintt,; to flout ; to feoff ; to ridicule ;
to treat with ſcorn ; to ſneer ; to taunt. Swift.

To GIBE. i/. a. To reproach by contemptu

GIBE. f. [from the verb.] Sneer; hintof
contempt by word or look ; feoff, SpeBa.

GIBER. ʃ. [from gibe.] A ſneerer ; a
fcoffer ; a taunter. Shakʃpeare. Ben. Johnſ.

GIBINGLY. ad. [from gt be.] Scornfully; contenriptuouſly. Shakʃpeare.

Gl'ELETS. ſ. The parts of a gouſe which
are cut off before it is roaſted. Dryden.

GIDDILY. ad. [from g:ddy.]
1. With the head ſeeming to turn round,
2. Inconſtantly ; unffeadily. Donne.
5. Careleſly ; heedleſly ; negligently.Shakʃpeare.
ſize above the ordinary rale of men ; a man GI'DDINESS. ſ. [from giddy.]
unnstur-lly l^rge. Raleigh.
Cl'ANlESS. ſ. [from giant.] A ſhe-giant.

GI'ANTLIKE.? a. [from giant and like.]
Cl'ANTLY. ʃ Gigsntick ; vait. South.
Cl'ANTbHri^. ʃ. [from giunt.] Qj^l'ty
or chudfler of a giant. Milton.

GI'BB5. ſ. Any old worn-out animal.Shakʃpeare.

To GIBBER. v. [from jabber.] To
{'jfak iii.uti;u'ately. Shakʃpeare.

GI'BBERI-j^i- /, [Dc.wedby Shnner Uom
yabc, French; to cheat Bjc as it was
iJririeiitiy v-nunn grbriſh, it is probably .derived
tfora ciiC chytacdl cant, and origijiahy
implied the jargon of Giber and hi«
tube.] C-in^ 3 ''le ffivate langune^e of
The ſtate of being giddy or vertiginous. Bacon.
2. Inconflancy ; unfteadineſs ; mutabjlity,
3. Quick rotation ; insbility to keep its
4. Frolick ; wantonneſs of life. Donne.

Gi'DDY. a. [gi'sij, Saxon.]
1. Vertiginous ; having in the head a
whirl, or ſenſation of circular motion.
2. Rotatory; whiſhng. Pope.
3. Iriconſtant ; mutable ; unAeady ; change.
till. Shakʃpeare.rf,
4. That which cauſes giddineſs. Prior.
5. Heedleſs ; thoughjlel's ; uncautious
; wild, RoiL>e.
6. To ttering; unfixed. Shakʃpeare.
7. Intoxicated ; elated to thoughtlel'neſs ; overcome by any overpowering inticement.Shakʃpeare.
Cl'DDYBRAINED. a. [giddy and brdtn.]
Careleſs ; thoughtleſs.

GIDDYHEADED. a. [giddy and head\
Without ſteadineſs or conllancy. Burton.

GI'DDYPACED. a. [giddy and pace. '\ Moving
without regularity. Shakʃpeare.

GI'ER-EAGLE. ſ. An eagle of a particular
kind, Leviticus.

GIFT. f. [from f;-.'^.]
1. A tiling given or beſtowed. Matshiw.
2. Tile act of giving. South.
3. Oblation ; oftering. To b. xiii.
4. A bribe. Deuteronomy.
5. Power; faculty. Shakʃpeare.

GI'FTED. a. [komgljt.]
1. Given ; beſtowed. Milton.
2. Endowed with extraordinary powers. Dryden.

GIG. ʃ.
1. Any thing that is whirled round in play. Locke.
2. [Gigia, Iſlandick.] A fiddle.

GI'GANTICK. a. [gigantes, Latin.] Suitable
to a giant ; big ; bulky ; enormous. Milton.

To GIGGLE. v. h. [gichgekn, Dutch.]
To laugh idly ; to tiitcr.

GIGGLER. ʃ. [from giggle.] A laugher
; a titterer. Herbert.

Gl'GLET. ſ. [se?^!, Saxon.] A wanton ; a lafcivtous girl. Shakʃpeare.

GIGQT. ʃ. [French.] The hip jcinr.

To GILD. v. a. pret. gilded, or gilt,
[gii&in, Saxon.]
1. To wafti over with gold. Spenſer.
2. To cover with any yellow matter.Shakʃpeare.
3. To adorn with luſtre. Pope. .
4. To brighten ; to illuminate. South.
5. To recommend by adventitious ornaments.Shakʃpeare.

GI'LDER. ſ. [from gild.]
1. One who lays gold on the ſurface of any
ether body. Bacon.
2. A coin, from one ſhilling ancj ſixpence.
To two ſhillirgs. Shakʃpeare.

GI'LDING. ʃ. [from gild.] Gold bid on
any ſurface by way of ornament. Bacon.

GILL. ʃ. [agulla, Spaniſh
; g^iii, Latin.]
1. The apertures at each lide of a fiſh's
head. Wjlton.
2. The flaps that hang below the beak of
a fowl. Bacon.
3. The fleſh under the chin. Bacon.
4. [Gilla, barbarous Latin.]. A meaſure
of liquids containing the fourth part of a
pint. Swift.
5. The appellation of a woman in ludicrous
language. Ben. Johnſon.
6. The name of a plant ; groundwy.
7. Malt liquor medicated v^i'h ground- jw-

Gl'LLHOUSE. ʃ. ig,Il,.nAh'.uſe.] Ahoujc
where gill is (AA. Pope

GI'LLYFLOWER. ʃ. corrupted from >Vfl'-'-
i'^er. Mortimer.

GILT. ʃ. [from gild, ] Golden ſhow y,
gold laid on the ſurface of any matter.Shakʃpeare.

GILT. The participle of Gilo, which
^^^-Pope. .

GI LTFIEAD. ʃ. [gilt and head.] A ſcahft.

GILT- TAIL. ʃ. [gilt A and tail.] A woim
fo called fron. his yellow tail,

GIM. a. [An old word.], Neot ; ſpruce.

Gl'MCRACK. ʃ. [Suppoſed by Skinner. tf> be ludicrouſly formed from gtn^ derived
from engine.] A ſlight or trivial mechanifm. Prior.

Gl'MLET. ʃ. [gileht, gmmbela, French ] A borer with a ſcrew at its point. Moxon.

GIMMAL. ʃ. [gimelht, Latin
; Some
little quaint devices of pieces of machirery.

GIMP. ʃ. A kind of ſilk twiſt or lace.

GIN. ʃ. [from engine.]
1. A trap; afnare. Sidney. B.Jshnfon.-
2. Any thing moved with ſcrews ; af, engine
of torture. Spenſer.
3. A pump worked by rotatory fails.
4. [Contrafled from Geneva, which
fee.] Theſperit drawn by diliiilation from
juniper berries..

GI NGER. ʃ. [xinz,ibcry Latin ; gingero.
Italian.] The root of ginger is of the tuberous
kind, knotty, crooked and irregular
; of a hot, acnd, and -pungent tade,
though aromatick, and of a very agreeable
fmell. /Jili.

GI'NGERBREAD. ʃ. [ginger and bread, ; A kind of farinaceous ſweetn;eat made o|
dough, like that of bread or bifcuit, ſweetened
with treads, and flivoured with gingc ;
and ſome other aromatick feed.?.
King^S Ciokery,

GI'NGERLY. ad. Cauiiouſly ; nicely. Shak.

Gi'NGERNESS. ʃ. Niceneſs ; tendcinds.

Gl'NGIVAL. a. [gingiva, Latin.] Be,
lorig:iig_to the gimis. Holder.

To GIN'GLE. v. n.
1. To u;ter a ſhap clattering noiſe. Pope. .
2. To nrake an affected found i.'» periods
cr ciJence.

To GINGLE. v. a. To fluke ſo that, a
ſharp ſhriii clattering noiſe ihuuid be made.

GI'NGLE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A ſhriil tLfounJing, noifr.
2. Aiieclation in the fouj-^d of periods.

GI'NGLYMOID. a. [yt>Xv^.t=,- and i-Joc]
Reſembling a ginglynius ; apprcathing to
a ginglyaius,


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GINGLYMUS. ʃ. [ginglime, French.] A
mutual indenting of two bones into each
othier's cavity, of which the elbow is an

GI'NNET. ʃ. [yi-.w^.] A nag ; a mule ; a
Regenerated breed,

GI NSENG. ʃ. [I ſuppoſe Chineſe.] A root
brought lately into Europe. It is of a very
agreeable aromatick ſmeil, th.ough not
very ſtrong. Its taſte is 3crid and aromatick,
and has ſomewhat bitter in it. We
have it from China ; and there is of it in
the ſame latitudes in America.

To GIP. v. a. To take out the guts of

GIPSY. ʃ. [Corrupted from Egyptian.]
1. A vagabond who pretends to forettl
futurity, commonly by palmeſtry or ph}-
s. A reproachful name for a da k complexion.Shakʃpeare.
3. A name of ſlight reproach to a woman. L'Eſtrange.

GIR^^SOLE. ʃ. [glra';d, French.]
1. The herb turnl'ol.
2. The opal ſtone.

To GIRD. J. a. pret. girded, or ght,
f7;yfi'i>inj Saxon.] 1. To bind round. z Mac.
2. To put on ſo aa to furround or bind.
3. To faflen by bindingo Milton.
4. To invert. SLak'^/jpean',
5. To ditfs ; to habit ; to clothe.
6. To cover round as a garment. /Ifiirot.
7. To reproach; to gibe. Shakʃpeare.
8. To furniſh; to equip. Mction.
9. To indoſe ; to incircle. Milton.

To GIRD. v. n. To break a ſcornful jeſt
; to gibe ; to ſneer. Shakʃpeare.

GIRD. ʃ. [from the verb.] A twitch ; a
pang. liHoifon. Gooir>-a.

GI'RDER. ʃ. [from gird.]
In archuecl;-
me, the largett piece of timber in a fljor,

GI'RDLE. ʃ. [syp'f'I, Saxon.]
1. Any thin^ orawn round the waift, and
tied or buckled.
2. Eiidofare ; circumference. Shakʃpeare.
3. The ſquatar ; the torrid zone. Bacon.

To Gl'RDLE. v. a. [from the noun.]
3. To gird ; to bind as with a girdle.Shakʃpeare.
2. To incloſe ; to inut in ; to environ.Shakʃpeare.

Gl'RDLEBELT. ʃ. [girdle and belt. ^ The
belt that incirclcs the wsift. Dryden.

Gl'RDLER. ʃ. [itotn girdk.] A maker of

CIRE. ʃ. [gyrus, Latin.] A circle dcfciibed
by any thing in nn-tion.

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GIRL. ʃ. [Idandick karlintia, a woman.] A young woman, or child. Shakʃpeare.

Gl'RLISH. a. [from ^iW.] Suiting a girl
; youthful. Carew.

Gl'RLISHLY. ad. [from girlip.] In a girliſh

To GIRN. v. n. Seems to be a corruption
of grin. Applied to a crabLe', captious,
or peeviſh perſon, -

GIRROCK. ʃ. Akindoffiſh.

GIRT. p. faff, [from To gird.] 5« Gl R D.

To GIRT. v. a. [from gird.] To gird
; to enconipaſs; to encircle. Thomfon.

GIRT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A band by which the faddle or burthen
is fixed upon the horſe, Milton.
1. A circular bandage. TVifanan.

GIRTH. f. [from gtrd.]
1. The band by which the faddle Is fixed
upon the horſe. i)Vn, 'Jehn^on.
2. The compaſs meaſured by the girdle. Addiʃon.

To GIRTH. v. -. To bind with a girth.

To GISE Ground, v, a. Is when the owner
of it does not feed it with his own ſtock,
but takes other cattle to gr.TZf. Bailey.

GI'SLE. Among the English Saxons, figmfics
a pledge-: thus, Fredgijis is a pledge of
peace, Gibwn,

GITri. ʃ. An herb called Guiney pepper.

To GIVE. v. a. preter. gave ; pait. palT,
given, [^ipan, Saxon.]
1. To bellow ; to confer without any
price or reward, Hckr,
e. To tranſmit from himftif to another
by hand, ſpeech, or writing: to deliver
; to impart ; to communicate. Bumc.
3. To put into one's polieiiion ; to conſign.
4. To pay as a price or reward, or in exchange. Shakʃpeare.
5. To yield ; not to withold. Bacon.
6. To quit ; to yield as due. Ecluf,
7. To confer ; to impart. Br,'mhall,
8. To expoſe. Dryden.
9. To grant ; to aHow. Atterbury.
iO. To yield ; not to deny, Roii.e.

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II. To yield without retilbiice,
12. To permit ; to commiſſion. Pope.
7.^. To enable ; to allow. Hooker.
I-i. To pay, Shakʃpeare.
ii). To utter ; to vent ; to pronounce.Shakʃpeare.
j6. To exhibit ; to expreſs. Hale.
17. To exi>ibJtas the product of a calculation.
38- To do any act of which the crriſequence
reaches others, Burnet.
19. To exhibit ; to ſend forth as odours
from any body, Bacor,
20. To addiſt ; to apply. Sidney. lemfie,
il. To IcflgW
; to yield up. Herbert.
2». To

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22. To conclude ; to ſuppoſe. Gurtb,
23. To Gi\'z away. To alienate from
one's felf. Sidney, Taylor.
24. To Give tack. To return ; to reſtore. Atterbury.
25. To Gi^^ forth. To publiſh ; to tell. Hayward.
26. To Give the hand. To yield preeminence,
as being ſubordinate or inferior.
27. To Give over. To leave ; to quit ;
to ceaſe. //eri r.
28. To Give oi/fr. To addiſt ; to attach
to, Sidney. G'-e-zu.
29. To OiVE over. To conclude l.oft.
30. To G IV z over. To abandon.
31. TipGivEoar. To proclaim ; to pub-
Jiſh ; to utter. Knolles.
32. To GivE out. To ſhow in falſe appearance.Shakʃpeare.
33. To Give j//. To reſign ; to quit
; to yield. Sidney.
34. To Give &^. To abandon. Stillingfleet.
35. To Give up. To deliver. Swift.

To GIVE. To ».
T, To ru(h ; to fall on ; to give the affault. Hooker.
2. To relent ; to grow moiſt ; tom'eltor
foften ; to thaw. Bacon.
3. To move. A French phtafe, Daniel.
4. To GivE;n. To go back; to give
way. Hayward.
^. To Give into. To adopt ; to embrace. Addiʃon.
6. To Give off. To ceaſe ; to forbear. Locke.
7. To Give O'ver, To ceaſe ; to aift no
more. Hooker.
8. To Give out. To publiſh ; to pmciaini.
9. 7'o Give o.v?. To ceaſe ; to yield.

HI'i bert.
10. To Give way. To yield ; not to
reſiſt ; to make room for. Collier.
d'VER. y. [horn give. ] One that gives ;
donor ; beſtowcr ; diftiiburer ; granter. Milton.

GIZZARD. ʃ. [gefur, French ; gigeria,
Latin. It IS ſometimes called ^/sz.rn.]
1. The ſtrong muſculous fromacn of a
fowl. More.
2. He frets lis gizzJrd, he harrafles his
imagination. Ihd irj%.

GLABRITy. ſ. [from glaier, Latin]
Smoothneſs ; baldroeſs.

GLACIAL. a. [gi.:c!a/.]FTznch ; g'jtia-
/a, Latin.] Icy; made of ice; twzzn.

To GLA'CIATE. t. n. [glj:ies, Latin.]
glucer, French.] To rum into ice.

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GLACIATION. ʃ. [from gladate.] The
ad of turning into ice; ice formed.
^'/- / £rcivn,

CfLACiS. I. [French.] In fortification, a
lloping bank. Harris.

GLAD. a. [sl^.^, Saxon ; glad, Daniſh.]
1. Cheerful ; gay ; in a ſtate of hilarity-
I Kingt.
2. Wearing a gay appearance; fertile;
bright; ſhowy, Ifai-ab,
3. Pleaſed ; elevated vi-ith joy. Proverbs.
4. Pkafing ; exhilarating. Sidney.
5. Ex-preſſing gladneſs. Pope. .

To GLAD. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
make gild ; to cheer ; to exhilarate.

To GLA'DDEN. v. a. [from glad.] T»
cheer ; to delight ; to make glad ; to exhilarate. Addiſon.

GLA'DDER. ʃ. [from glad.] One that
makes glad ; one that gladdens ; one that
exhilarates. Dryden.

GLADE. ʃ. [from glopan. Sax. hence
the Daniſh'W.] A lawn or opening in
a wood. Pope.

GLA'DEN. ʃ. [from glad:us, Lat-n, a

GLA DER. ^ ſword.] S.orograſs : a genera!
name of plants that riſe wi.h a broad
blade like fedge.

GLA'DFULNESS. ʃ. [glad and fulneſs.]

J/>y ; gj3dneſs. Sfenter.

GLADIA'TOR. ʃ. [Latin ; glidiateur, Fr ;
A ſwordplayer ; a prizefighter. Denham.

GLA'DLY. ad. [from glad.] Joyfully ;
with gayety ; with merriment.Shakʃpeare.

GLA'DNESS. ʃ. [from glad] Cheerfulneſs
; joy ; exultation. Dryden.

GLA'DiiOMfi. a. [from glad.]
1. Pleaſed ; gay ; delighted. Spenſer.
2. Caufingjoy; having an appearance of
gayPfy. Prior.

GLA'DSOMELY. ad. [from giad/om,
j[With gayety and delight.

GLA'bSOMENESS. ʃ. [from ghdſome.]
Gayery ; ſhowineſs ; delight.

GLA IRE. ʃ. [5'aep, Saxon. amber ; glur.
Daniſh, glaſs
1. The white of an egg. Peacham.
2. A kind of halbert.

To GLAiRE. 1-. a. [ghirer, French; from the noun.] To ſmcar with the white
of an egj. This word is Ihll uſed by the

GLANCE. ʃ. [ghrtz. German.]
1. A ludden moot of light or ſplendour.
2. A ſtrcke or dart of the beam of fight.
3. A fnatch of fight ; a quick view.


To GLANCE. -J. n. [from the noun.]
1. To i}i^>'jc a fu'Jdeji ra) ct ipleitdvar,

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2. To fly off in an obliqae direſhort.Shakʃpeare.
I 1. To ſtrike in an oblique direction.
. Pope. .
4. To view with a quick caſt of the e\e.
e. To cenAire by oblique hints. Shakſp.

To GLANCE. v. a. To move nimbly ; to
ſh( of obliquely. Shakʃpeare.

CLA'NCINGLY. ad. [from ghrce.] In an
oblique broken manner ; tranſiently. Hakewell.

GLAND. ʃ. [gl^', Latin ; f''^'^.
fr- ]
All the gU'^di of a human body are reduced
to two firts, viz. conglobate and
conglomerate. A conglobate gland is a
little ſmooth body, wrapt up in a fine
ft^in, by which it is ſeparated from all the
other parts, only admitting an artery and
nerve to paſs in, and giving way to a vein
and excretory canal to come out. A conglomerate
gland is cr-mpoſed of many little
conglobate ^/anJj, all tied together.

CLA'NDERS. ʃ. [from g'and.] Inahorſe,
is the running of corrupt matter from the

GLANDIFEROUS. a. [g'ans and fero,
Latin.] Bearing maft; beajing acorns. Mortimer.

g^andJi, Latin.] A
ſmall gland fei ving to the ſecretion of humours,

GLANDULOSITY. ʃ. [from glanJ^hus.]
A colleflion «t gUnds. Brown.

GLA'NDULOUS. a. [ghrJuhfus, Latin.]
Pertaining to the glands ; lubſiſting in the
glands. Brown.

To GLARE. ʃ. 1. [gla'ren, Dutch.]
1. To ſhine ſo as to dazzle the eyes. Fairfax.
2. To look with fierce piercing eyes.Shakʃpeare.
3. To (bine ofteotatiouſly. Fdtcn.

To GLARE. v. a. To ſhoot ſuch ſplendour
as the eye cannot bear. MiliQn,

CLARE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Overpowering luſtre ; Iplendour, ſuch
86 dazzles the eye. i^e/>e.
i, A fierce pieicing look. M:!tOH.

GLA'REOUS. a. ig.'jiict^x, Fr. g!artoJus,
Latin. from ^'n'rt.] C >nfi(ling of viſcous
tranſpaiciit matter, like the white of
an egg.

GLA'RING. a. Applied to any thing very
ſhocking: as, a £/.;rn^ crime.

GLASS. ʃ. [3iar. ^^^^''-]
, , r
1. An artificnl ſubitauce made by fuling
lilts and flint of lond together, with a vehement
fire. Peachaui.
2. A glaſs veflV] of any kind. Shakſp.>'r.-.
'/[A looking- gUuj a mlirour. Vrydm,

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4. An Hour Glass. A gla fs uſed in meaſuring
time by the flux of ſand. Shakſp.
5. A cup of glaſs uſed to drink in.
6. The quantity of wrine uſually contained
in a glaſs. Taylor.
7. A perſpective glaſs. Dryden.

GLASS. a. Vitreous ; made of glaſs. Shakʃpeare, Mortimer.

To GLASS. v. a.
1. To lee as in a glaſs ; to repreſent as in
a glaſs or mirrour. Sidney.
2. To caſe in glaſs. Shakʃpeare.
3. To cover with glaſs ; to glaze. Boyle.

GLA'SSFURNACE. ʃ. [glaſs and furnace.]
A furnace in which glaſs is made by liquefaction. Locke.

GLA'SSGAZING. a. [glaſs and gazing.]
Finical ; often contemplating himſelf in a
A whorfon, g'ajfgaxlng, ſuperſerviceable,
finical rogue. Shakʃpeare.

GLA'SSGRINDER. ʃ. [gloſs and gnnſer.]
One whoſe trade is to poliſh and grind
glifs. Boyle.

GLA'SSHOUSE. ʃ. [glaſs and loufc] A
houſe where glaſs is manufactured. Addiſon.

GLA'SSMAN. ʃ. [glaſs and man.] One
who ſellss glaſs, Swift.

GLA'SSMETAL. ʃ. [ghrfzaA metal.] Glafs
in fuſion. Bacon.

GLA'SSWORK. ʃ. [glaſs and tvork.] Manufactory
of glaſs. Bacon.

GLA'SSWORT. ʃ. A plant. MiJer.

GLA'SSY. a. [from glaſs.]
1. Made of glaſs ; vicreous. Bacon.
2. Reſembling glaſs, as in ſmoothneſs or
luſtre, or brittlenef;. Sandys.

GLASTONBURY Tbcrn. ſ. A ſpecies of

GLAUCO'MA. ʃ. [yXaiKi>ua ; glaucsme,
French ] A fault in the eye, which
changes the cryſtalline humour into a
greyiſh colour. ^vrcy.

GLAVE. ʃ. [glaive, French.] A broad
ſword ; a falcſſion. Fairfax.

To GLAVER. v.n. [g!a%'e,'^s\<h, flattery.]
To flatter ; to wheedle. L'Eſtrarge.

To GLAZE. v. a. [To g'afs, only accidentally
1. To furniſh with windows of glaſs. Ba,
2. To cover with glaſs, as potters do their
earthen ware.
3. To overlay with ſomething ſtiining and
pellucid. Grew.

GLA'ZIER. ʃ. [corrupted from ^/j/r<fr.] One
whole trade is to make glals windows. Gay.

GLEAD. ʃ. A buzzard hawk ; a kite.

GLEAM. ʃ. [5 homa, Saxon.] Sudden
Ihooc w lijihi
luſtre ; brightneſs. Spenſer, Milton.

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To G^EAM. v. n. [from theijpun.]
1. To ſhine with I'udden ctrufcation.
Them on.
2. To ſhine. Thomfon.

OLE'AMY. a. [from gleam.] Flashing ; darting ſudden corufcations of light, fo/f.

To GLEAN. v. a. [glamr, French.]
1. To gather what the gatherers of the
harveſt leave behind. Dryden.
2. To gather any thing thinly ſcatteied.Shakʃpeare.

GLEAN. ʃ. [from the verb.] Coliection
made laborioudy by flow degrees. Dryden.

GLE'ANER. ʃ. [from £-/^j«.]
1. One who gathers after the reapers.
2. One who gathers any thing ſlowly and
laboriouſly. Locke.

GLEANING. ʃ. [from gk^n.] The ad of
gleaning, or thing gleaned, Atterbury.

GLEBE. f. [gleba, Latin.]
1. Turf; foil ; ground. Dryden.
2. The land poſſefled as part of the revenue
of an Ecclefiaftical benefice. Sfelman.

GLE'BOUS. a. [from gleie.] Turfy.

GLE'BV. a. [from gleie.] Turfy. Prior.

GLEDE. ʃ. [slrtasli'oe, Saxon.] A kite. Deuteronomy.

GLEE. ʃ. [g'ljje, Saxon.] Joy ; merriment
; gayety. Gay.

GLEED. ʃ. [from jlopan, Saxon. to glow.]
A hot glowing coa).

GLE'EFUL. a. [g/ec and ʃ. ſ. '.] _ Gay ; merry ; cheerful. Shakʃpeare.

GLEEK. ʃ. [jlisse, Saxon.] M-.ſick ; or
muſicia'n. Shakʃpeare.

To GLEEK. -D, a. [jligman, in ^axon.]
To ſneer ; to gibe ; to droll upon.Shakʃpeare.

To GLEEN. v. i:. To Runt with heat or
poliſh. Prior.

GLEET. ʃ. [5li»an, Saxon.] A fanious
ooze ; a thin ichor run.-iing from a foie.

To GLEET. v. n. [from the noun.]
1. To drip or'oozi^ with a thin fanious liquor.
. ; Wrfttr.av.
2. To run -ſlowly. .

GLE'ETV;. a\ [from gleet
; Ichoty ; thin-

GLEN. ſ.{£/ta,»», Erfe,.] A valley ; a
dale. ( ~\i.'i; . .y Spenſer.

CLEW. ʃ. [^gluten, I^^tijl.] A' viſcous cement
made by difl'olving the ;ſkins of aninwls
in boiJmg. vVJterf, and drying the

GLIB. a. [ſtomyai'^.y Skinner.]
1. SmciDth ; llippery ; ſo tornned as to be
eaſily moved, Bifr.mt,
2. Smooth ; voluble. Shakʃpeare.

GLIB. ʃ. Thick cprled buJh of hair banging
down QVgr their eyes, Spenſer.

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To GLIB. v. a. [from the adjective.] To
caſtrate. Shakʃpeare.

^GLI'BLY. ad. [froni^W.] Smoothly ; volubiy.
Governmerit of the Tongue.

GLI'BNESS. ʃ. [from glib.] Smooc^ineſs ; flippeiineſs. Chapman.

To GLIDE. v. n. [5li1)in, Saxon.]
1. To flow gently and ſilently. Fairfjx,
2. To paſs gently and without tumult. Dryden.
3. To move ſwiftly and ſmoothly along.

GLIDE. f. [from the verb.] Lapfe; act
or manner of pafiiqg ſmoothly.Shakʃpeare.
.GLI'DER. ſ. [from ^W«.] One that glides. Spenſer.

GLIKE. ʃ. [5'i3. Saxon. SeeGLEEK.]
A ſneer ; a feoff. Shakʃpeare.

To GLI'MMER. v. a. [glimmer, Daniſh.]
1. To ſhine faintly. Shakʃpeare.
1. To be perceived itnperfectly ; to nppear
faintly. Wotton.

GLI'MMER. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Faint ſplendour ; weak light.
2. A kind of foflil. Woodward.

GLIMPSE. ʃ. [glimmm, Dutch.]
1. A weak faint light. Locke.
2. A quick flathing light. Milton.
3. Tianfitory luſtre. Dryden.
4. Short fleeting enjoyment. Prior.
5. A ſhort tranſitory view. Ii'ak-iuill,
6. The exhibitioi) of a faint reſembhnce.Shakʃpeare.

T« GLI'STEN. v.n. [glittan, German.]

To Ihine ; to ſparkle with light. Thomfo'i.

To GLISTER. v. 11. [^Ay;er.«, Dutch.] To
Ihine ; to be bright. Spenſer.

GLISTER. ʃ. See Clyster.

To GLI TTHR. v. a. [^linnian, Saxon.]
1. To ſhine ; to exhibit luſtre ; to greatn.
2. To be ſp'ecious ; to be ſtriking.
DiCuy of Piety.

GLITTER. ʃ. ' tffy«i tte ^'b.] Luſtre ; bright ſhow. CoHier.

GLITn-RAND'. Shining; ſparkling.

GLI r rERINGLY. ati. [.from ghecer.]
With ſhilling luſtre.

To GLOAR. v. a. [gloeren, Dutch.] To
ſquint ; to look alkew. Skinner.

To GLOAT. v. ti, ' To caſt .ſide-glances as
a timorous lover. ,. Rowe.

GLO'BARD. ʃ. [from gltw.] A glowworm,
fo-.- .

GLOSATED. a. [from Wii^^'.] Formed
in ſhape; of a globe ; ' ſpnerlcal ; ſph'eroidicsl.

GLOBE. ʃ. [globe, French; glcht, Latin.]
1. A fL.here ; 'a ball ;' a round body ) a
body of which every pait of the ſurface is
at the ſame diffance'from the centrs.
$ H X. The

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S. The terraqueous ball. Stepney.
3. A ſphere in which the various regions
of the earth are geographically »depi<^ed,
or in which the conſteiiations are laid
down according to their places in theſky. Creech.
4. A body of ſoldiers drawn into a circle. Milton.

GLOBE Jmaranlb, or ewrbjlirgjlowir. f.

GLOBE Dai[\'. ſ. A kind of flower.

GLOBE FiJJj'. ſ. A kind of orbicular fift.

GLOBE 7b!jlle. ſ. A plant. Mider.

CLOBO'SE. a. [gkboj'ui, Latin.] Spherical
; round, Milton.

GLOBOSITY. f. [from globoJe.] Sphencity
; ſphericalneſs. P^'^y-

GLO'BOUS. a. [ghtofus, Latin.] Spherical
; round. Milton.

GLOBULAR. a. [gkhilus, Latin.] In
ſcrm of a ſmall ſphere ; round ; ſpherical. Grew.

GLO'BULARIA. ʃ. [Lat. ghbulalre, Fr.]
A flofculous flower, conſiſting of many
florets. Miller.

GLO'BULE. ʃ. [gkhuk, ſt. globulus, Lat.]
Such a ſmall particle of matter as is of a
globular or ſpherical figuie, as the red particles
of >he blood. Netmon.

GLOBULOUS. a. [from gkbde.] Inform
of a ſmall ſphere ; round. Boyle.

To GLOMERATE. v. a. [glamero, Lat.]
1. To gather into a ball or Iphere.
t. A body formed into a ball. Bacon.

GLOMEROUS. a. [glmeroſus, Latin.]
Gathered into a ball or ſphere.

GLOOM. ʃ. [jlomanj, Saxon. twilight.]
1. Imperfect darkneſs} difmaineſs ; obſcurity
; defect of light. Milton.
1. Cloudmeſsot aſped ; heavineſs of mmd ; fullenneſs.

To GLOOM. v. «. [from the noun.]
1. To ſhine obſcurely, as the twilight.
1. To be cloudy ; to be dark.
3. To be melancholy ; to be fallen.

GLOOMILY. ad. [from gloomy.]
1. Obſcursly; dimly ; without perfect
Jjght ; diſmally.
2. Sullenly; with cloudy aſpect ; with
dark intentions ; not cheerfully. Dryden.

GLOO'MINESS. ʃ. [from gloomy.]
1. Want of light ; obſcurity ; imperfect
light ; difmaineſs.
2. Want of cheerfulneſs ; cloudineſs of
look. Colher.

GLOO'MY. a. [frt)m gloom.]
1. Obſcure; imperfectly illuminated ; aimoſt
dark. Dryden, Pope. .
2. Dark of complexion. Milton.
3. Sullen ; melancholy ; cloudy of look ;
heavy of heart,

GLO'RIED. d. [li^tDg!o'y^ Iltuſtrious; honourable. Milton.

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glonjjcation, ic
from glorify.] The' act of giving glory. Taylor.

To GLO'RIFY. v. a. [ghrlfier, French.]
1. To procure honour or praiſe to one. Daniel.
2. To pay honour or praiſe in worſhip. Hooker.
3. To praiſe ; to honour ; to extol. Spenſer.
4. To exalt to glory or dignity. Rem.

GLO'RIOUS. a. [gloricfus, Latin.]
1. Boaftful; proud ; naughty ; ottentatious. Bacon.
2. Noble ; illuſtrious ; excellent.

GLO'RIOUSLY. ad. [tiom glorious.] Nobly
5 ſlendidly ; illuſtriouſly. Pope. .

GLORY. ʃ. [gloria, Latin.]
1. Praiſe paid in aooration. Luke.
2. The felicity of heaven prepared for
thoſe that pleaſe God. Pſalms.
3. Honour ; praiſe; ſame; renown; celebrity. Sidney.
4. Splendour ; magnificence. Matthew.
5. Luſtre ; brightneſs. Pope. .
6. A circle of rays which furrounds the
heads of faints in picture. South.
7. Pride ; boaflfulneſs ; arrogance. TVtfd.
8. Generous pride. Sidney.

To GLO'RY. ʃ. «. [glorior, Latin.] To
boa ſt in ; to be proud of. Sidney.

To GLOSE. v. a. To flatter ; to coilogiie,

GLOSS. ʃ. [yXoUa-s-n ; gloſe, French.]
1. A ſcholium ; a comment. Davies.
2. An interpretation artfully ſpecious ; a
1-peciiius repreſentation. Hooker.
3. Superficial luſtre. Bacon, Chapman.

To GLOSS. v. n. [ghfer, Fr.]
1. To comment, Dryden.
2. To make fly remarks. Prior.

To GLOSS. v. a.
t. To explain by comment. Donne.
2. To palliate by ſpecious expoſition or repreſentation. Hooker.
3. To embelliſh with ſuperficial luſtre. Dryden.

GLO'SSARY. ʃ. [gloffarium, Latin.] A
dictionary of obſcure or antiquated words. Stillingfleet.

GLOSSA'TOR. ʃ. [ghffateur, French.] A
writer of glofl'es ; a commentator. Ayliffe.

GLO'SSER. ʃ. [glojfarius, Latin.]
1. A ſcholiaft ; a commentator.
2. A poliſher.

GLO'SSINESS. ʃ. [from gkjfy.] Smooth
poliſh ; ſuperficial luſtre. Boyle.

GLO'SSOGRAPHER. ʃ. [y^oSs-ra. and
y-aip-j].] A ſcholiaft ; a commentator.

GLOSSOGRAPHY. ʃ. [yj^xsrc-it and yja-
<pig.] The writing of commentaries.

GLO'SSY. a. [from gloſs.] Shining ; ſmoothly poliſhed.

© L U

GLOVE,/. [slope, Saxon.] Cover of the
hands. Drayton.

To GLOVE. v- a. [from the noun.] To
cover as with a glove. Cleaneland,

GLO'VER. ʃ. [from glove.'^ One whofe
trade is to make or ſells gloves.Shakʃpeare.

To GLOUT. v. 71. To pout ; to look
fallen. Chaftman,

To GLOW. ʃ. n. [^lopan, Saxon.]
1. To be heated ſo as to ſhine without
flame, Uakewiil,
2. To burn with vehement heat. South.
3. To fe«l heat of body. Addiʃon.
4. To exhibit a ſtrong bright colour. Milton.
5. To feel pailion of mind, or aflivity of
fancy. Prior.
6. To rage or burn as a palfion. Shaduttl.

To GLOW. v. a. To make hot ſo as to
fliine. Shakſpeare.

GLOW. f. [from the verb]
1. Shining heat.
2. Vehemence of paſſujn.
3. Brightneſsor vividneſs of colour.Shakʃpeare.

GLO'W-WORM. ʃ. [ghiu and ^torIT:.] A
ſmall creeping inieft with a luminous tail,

To GLOZE. 11. n. [jl^pan, Saxon.]
1. To flatter
; to wheedle ; to infinuate ; to fawn. South.
2. To comment. Shakʃpeare.

GLOZE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. Flattery ; infinuation. Shakʃpeare.
2. Specious ſhow ; gioſs. Sidney.

GLUE. ʃ. [glu, Fr.] A viſcsus body commonly
made by boiling the ſkins of animals
to a gelly ; a cement. Blackmore.

To GLUE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To join with a viſcous cement. Ecduf.
2. To hold together. Newton.
3. To join
; to unite ; to inviſcate.

GLU'EBOILER. ʃ. [glues and toil.] One
whoſe trade is to make ghie.

GLUER. ʃ. [from glue.] One who ce-
Iments with glue.

GLUM. a. [A low cant word.] Sullen ; ſtubbornly grave. Guardian.

To GLUT. v. a. ^engloutiry French ; glutio,
1. To ſwallow ; to devour, Milton.
2. To cloy ; to fill beyond ſuſſiciency. Bacon.
3. To feact or delight even to fatiety.
4. To overfill ; to load, Arbuthnot.
5. To ſaturate, Boyle.

GLUT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. That which is gorged or ſwallowed. Milton.
2. Plenty even to loathing and fatlery. Milton.
3. More than enough ; overmuch. Ben. Johnſon.
4. Any thing that fills up a pajfage. Woodward.

GLUTINOUS. a. [gLiineux, French.]
Gluey ; viſcous ; tenacious, Bacon.

GLU'TINOUSNESS. ʃ. [from glutincu,.]
Vifcofity ; tenacity. Qbeyne.

GLU'TTON. ʃ. [gloutcn, French.]
1. One who indulges himſelf too much in
eating. Prior.
z One eager of any thing to excef«.

To GLU'TTONISE. v. a. [from gluuon.]
To play the glutton.

GLUTTONOUS. a. Given to exceffive
feeding. Raleigh.
GLU'TTONOUSLY. ad. With the voracity
of a glutton.

GLU'TTONY. ʃ. [glutonnie, Fr.] Excefi
of eating ; luxury of the table. Arbuthnot.

GLU'Y. a. [from glue.] Vilcous ; tenacious
; glutinous.

GLTNN. ʃ. [Inſh.] A hollow between
two mountains. Spenſer.

To GNAR. ʃ. -:;. n. [jnypjian, Saxon]

To GNARL. ʃ. To growl ; to murmur ; to
fnarl, Spenſer.

GNA'RLED. a. Knotty. Shakʃpeare.

To GNASH. v. a. [knafchen, Dutch.] To
ſtrike together; to claſh. Dryden.

To GNASH. v. n.
1. To grind or collide the teeth. Mat,
2. To rage even to colhfion of the teeth. Milton.

GNAT. ʃ. [jnast, Saxon.]
1. A ſmall winged flinging infert.

2. Any thing proverbially ſmall. Mut.

GNATFLOWER. ʃ. [gnjt ^ni fir.vir.]
The bſctiower.

GNATSNAPPER. ʃ. [^Mfand fnap.] A
bird ſo called. Hjk,will.

To GNAW. v. a. rjn?san, Saxon.]
1. To eat by degrees ; to devour Sv flnv
correfiin. Dryden.
2. To bite in agony or rage. Shakʃpeare.
3. To wear away by biting. Sandys.
4. To fret ; to waſte ; to corrode.
5. To pick with the teeth. Dryden.

To GNAW. v. n. To exerciſe the teeth.Shakʃpeare.

GNAWER. ʃ. [from gna-rv] One that

GNO'MON. ʃ. [y,a»>«;v.] The hand or
pin of a dial. Ha'rtt. Brown.

GNO'MONICKS. ʃ. [yvrwu^n.] A ſcience
which teaches to nod the juit proportio.-
i of ſhadows Tor the conltrutlion of
all kinds of fun and moon dials.

To CO. v. n. pret. / went ^ I bavi gune,
[jan, Saxon.]
1. To walk ; to move flep by ſtep, Shai,
3. H 3
3. To
c o
2. To move ; not ſtano ſtill- Matthew.
3. To walk iol(-m!)iy. Hooker.
4. To walk leiiuiely, not run, SLak'jp.
5. To travel
; to journey a-foot. Milton.
6. To proceed ; to inake a pto^reſs, . Dryden.
7. To remove fron^ place to pla(;e, Shakʃpeare.
8. To depart from a place ; to move from
it place. - Co'ivley.
9. To move or paſs in any manner, o.r to
aTiy end. Hi^bert.
10. To paſs in company with others. Temple.
11. To proceed in any cpurſe of life^^ood
or bad. Ezekiel.
12. To proceed In mental operations.
13. To take any road. Deuteronomy.
14. To march in_a hoſtile or warlike manner. Shakʃpeare.
15. To change 'ſtate or opinion for better
or worfe. ' Knolles.
16. To apply, one's felf, Berkley.
17. To have recousfe to. I Cor.
18. To be about to do. Locke.
19. To ſhift
; to paſs life not quite well. Locke.
20. To decline ; to tend towards death or
'riiin, ' Shakʃpeare.
fii. To be in party or deſign. Dryden.
zx. To eſcape. a Mac.
23. To tend to any aft. Shakʃpeare.
24. To be uttered, Addiſon.
25. To be talked of; to be known. Addiſon.
26. To paſs ; to be received, Sidney.
27, To move by mechanjfm. Ottvoy,
28, To be in motion from whatever caule.Shakʃpeare.
29. To move in any direction.Shakʃpeare.
30. To flow
; to paſs ; to have a courſe. Dryden.
31. To have any tendency, Dryden.
3z. To be in a ſtate of compact or partnerſhip.

33. To be regulated by any method ; to
proceed upon principles. i>fra(l.
34. To be pregnant. Shakʃpeare.
35. To paſs ; not to remain, judges:
36. To paſs; not tt> be retained, Shakſp.
37. To be expended. Felton,
38. To be in order of time or place.
39. To reach or be extended to any degre. Locke.
40. To extend to conſequences. L'Eſtrange.
41. To reach by etl'eds, Wilkins.
42. To extend in meaning. Dryden.
43. To ſpread ; to be dilperfsd ; to reach
I'urther, Jaft,
44. To have influence ; to be of weight.
! Temple.
45. To be rated. one with another ; to be
conſidered with regard to greater or leſs
wprlh. Arbuthnot.
46. To contribute ; to conduce ; to concyr. Collier.
47. To fall out, or terminate ; to fucoeedi. Bacon.
48, .To be in any ſtate. 1 Chi

49. To proceed in'train or conſequence,Shakʃpeare.
50. To Go about. To attempt; to endeavour.
51. To Go ajide. To etr,; -t^ deviate from
the right.
52. To Go between. To interpoſe ; to
rpoderate between two. Shakʃpeare.
53. To Go by. To paſs away unnoticed,Shakʃpeare.
54. To Go by. To find or get the conclufion. Milton.
cc. To Go by. To obſsrve as a rule. Shakſp.
56. To Go doiuii'. To be ſwallowed ; to
be received, not rejected. Dryden.
57. To Co in arj out. Tado the buſineſs
of life. Pſalms.
58. To Go :'« and out. To be at libertv. John.
59. To Go off. To die ; to go out of life
; to deceaſe. Tatler.
60. To Go off. To depart from a poſt.Shakʃpeare.
61. To Go on. To make attack. Ben. Johnson.
62. To Go on. To proceed. Sidney.
63. To Go over. To revolt ; to betake
himſelf to another party. Swift.
64. To Go out. To go upon any expedition.Shakʃpeare.
65. To Go out. To be extinguiſhed. Bacon.
66. To Go through. To perform throughly
5 to execute. - Sidney.
67. To Go through. To furt«r; to undergo. Arbuthnot.'

GO-TO. interjiSi. Comp, come, take the
; right courſe, A ſcornful e.> .ortation. Spenſer'.

GO-BY. ʃ. Delufion ; artifice ; circumvention. Collier.

GO-CART. ʃ. f^o and can.] A machme
it\ which childien dre incloſed to teach
tf)em to walk. Prior.

GOAD. ʃ. [53.6. Saxon.] A pointed iniirument
with which oxep are driven forward. Pope.

To GOAD. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To prick or drive with a goad.
2. To incite ; to ſtimulate ; to inſtigate. Dryden.

GOAL. ʃ. [gaule, French.]
?. The

1. TKe landmark ſet up to bound a race.

2. The ſtarting port. Dryden.
3. The final purpoſe ; the end to which a
deſign tends. Pope. .

GOAR. ʃ. [goror, Welft.] Any edging
fcwed upon cloth.

GOAT. ʃ. [gat, Saxon.] A runninant animal
that leems a m;ddie Ipecies between
deer and ihecp. Peacham.

GO'ATBEARD. ʃ. [gnat and beard.] A
plant. MilUr.

GOA'TCHAFER. ʃ. A kind of beetle.

GOA'THERD. ʃ.I'lgatand hy;^'o, Saxon.]
One whoſe employment is to tend goats. Spenſer.

GOA'TMARJORAM. ʃ. Goatsbeard.

GOATS Rue. ſ. A plant.

GOATS-THORN. ʃ. A plant. Miller.

GOA'TISH. a. [from |;aa/.] Reſembling a
goat in rankneſs ; luit. Adore.

GOB. f. [gate, Fitnch.] A ſmall quantity.


GO'BBET. ʃ. [gobe, French.] A mouthful.
Saridys^s Tra-ueh.

To GO'BBET. v. a. To ſwaliow at a mouthfui. L'Eſtrange.

To GO'BBLE. v. a. [goler, French.] To
ſwailow haftily with tumult and noile. Prior.

GO'BBLER. ʃ. [from gobble.] One that
devours in hafte.

GO-BETWEEN. ʃ. [go and betzveen.] One
that tranſacts buſineſs by running between
two parties. Shakʃpeare.

GO'BLET. ʃ. [gobeht, French.] A bowl,
or cup. Denhani,

GO'BLIN. ʃ. [French ; gobeHna.]
1. An evil ſpirit ; a walking ſpirit ; a
frightful phantom. Locke.
2. A fairy ; an eJf, Shakʃpeare.

GOD. ʃ. [50-B, Saxon. which likewif. fig.
nifies good.]
1. The Supreme Being. John.
2. A falſe god ; an idol. Shakʃpeare.
3. Any perſon or thing deified or too much
honoured. Shakʃpeare.

To GOD. v. a. [from the noun.] To deify ;
to exalt to divine honours. iilak^ʃpeare.

GO'D-CHILD. ʃ. [poa'and child. [A Urm of
ſpiritual relation ; one for who.n one became
ſponfor at baptiſm, and promifed to
fee educated as a Chriſtiao.

GO'D-DAUGHTER. ʃ. [^r.^ and daughter.]
A girl for whom one becanie ſponfor in

GO'DDESS. ʃ. [from god.] A fem'sle divinity. Dryden.

GO'DDESS-LIKE. a. Reſembling a gpddeſs. Pope.

GO'D-FATHER. ʃ. [gvd mifather,'] The
ſponfor at '.he font. Baf^m.

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GO'DHEAD. ʃ. [from god.]
1. God&jpi deity
i divinity
; divine na-
2. A deity in perſon ; a god or goriHeſs.

GO'DLESS. rt. [from god.] WithouUenfc
of duty to God ; atheiftical ; wicked ; irreligious
i impious. HKhr. D>vden

GO'DLIKE. a. [god and hke.] Dwine y reiembling a divinity. Milton.

GO'DLING. y. [from god] A little divi-

GO DLIMESS. ʃ. [from godly.]
1. Piety to God.
2. General obſervation of all the duties
preſribed by religion. Hooker.

GGDI.Y. a. [from god.]
1. Pious towards God. Common Prayer.
2. Good ; ilghfeous ; rciigitus. Pſalm.

GO'DLY. ad. Piouſly ; rigiiteouſly.
_ Hooker.

GO'DLYHEAD. ʃ. [from ^,^.> ] Goodneſs
; righrsoufleſs. St-enſer,

GO'D-MOTHER. ʃ. [god and mother.] A
woman who has become ſponfor in bap-

GO DSHiP. ʃ. [from god.] The rank or
character of a god ; deity ; divinity. Prior.

GODSON. f. [godindfon.] One for whom
one has been ſponfor at the font. Shakʃpeare. CO DWARD. a. To Godvjard 13 toward

GO'DWIT. ʃ. [so>o, .^ood, and pita.] A
biid of particular dchcacy.' Cow'ey.

GO'DYELD. ʃ. ad. [corrupted from Gorf

GO'DYIELD ; pMeldnt firctcii:.]

GOEL. ʃ. [golcp, Saxon.] Yellow.

GO'ER. ʃ. [from go.]
1. One that goes ; a runner. Shakʃpeare.
2. A walk<:r ; one that has a gait or manner
of walking good or bad. J'/^otton.

To GO'GGLE. 1,. n. To look aſquint. Hudibras.

GO'GGLE-EYED. a. [pcegl rj-n, Saxon.
; iqui'-.r-eytd ; not looking llrait.

GO'ING. ʃ. [from ^o.]
1. The act of walking. Shakʃpeare.
2. Pregnancy.' Gre-ia.
3. Departure. Milton.

GOLA. ʃ. The ſame with Cymatium.

GOLD. ʃ. [gJo, Saxon : gohd, riches,
Welſh.] . .
1. Cold is thehsavi«-ft, to )pi,S5i|9ft,^4,enfe,
the.molf ſimple, the moſt duifl.Hc, ?.nd moſt
ft'ied of all bodies ; not to k^jftjar^d; cither
ey air. or fi.e, and ſeeming iniorrup(4>le.
It is ioluble by means of <ea .j^k ; ,bot i ;
iftjuted by no other fait. Gohin frfqiient.

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ly found native, and very rarely in a ſtate
t>f ore. Native ^(T.y is leldom found pure,
but has almoſt conſtantly fiiver with it.
GoU Au{t, or native ^oy, in (mall malTes,
is mixed among the land of rivets in many
p»rts of the world. Hill, Bacon.
2. Mnnev. Shakʃpeare.

GO'LDBEATER. ʃ. [gold and btat.] One
whoſe occupation is to beat or foliate gold. Boyle.

GCVLDBE ATER's Skin. ſ. The inteſt inutn
rectom of an ox, which goldbeaters lay be-
tween the leaves of their metal while they
beat it, whereby the nnembrane is reduced
thin, and made fit to apply to cut^ or Jmall
frefli wounds. S^iruy.

eO'LDBOUND. a. [goU ^ni Ijund.] ' Encompaſſed
with gold, Shakʃpeare.

CO'LDIiN. a. [ham gold .
1. Made of gold ; confiding of gi'd. Dryden.
1. Shis,ing ; bright ; ſpkndid ; rtſpiendent.
3. Yellow 3 of the colour of gold. Mortimer.
4. Excellent ; valuable. Dryden.
5. liappy ; reſembling the age of gold.Shakʃpeare.

CO'LDEN Saxifrage. ſ. [obryfopknium.]

GO LDENLY.. ad. [from golden.] Delightfully
; ſplendidly. Shakʃpeare.

GOLDFINCH. ʃ. [jol'tjfrinc, Saxon.] A
finging biid, called in Staffordſhire a ptoud. Taylor, Carew.

GCLDFINDER. ʃ. [goU and//i^.] One
who finds gold. Atterm ludicrouſly applied
to thoſe that empty Jakes. Swift.

GO'LDHAMMER-. ʃ. A kind of bird,

GOLDING. ʃ. A ſort of apple.

GO'LDNEY. ʃ. A ſort of fiſh.

GO'LDPLEASURE. ʃ. An herb.

GO'LDSIZE. ʃ. A glue of a golden colour.

GOLDSMITH,/. [301.0 and rmit, Saxon.]
1. One who manufactures gold.Shakʃpeare.
2. A banker ; one who keeps money for
others in his hands. Sn.vif:.

GO'LDYLOCKS. ʃ. [coma aurea, Latin.]
A plant. MilUr.

Gt^LL. ʃ. Hands ; paws. Sidney.

COME. ʃ. The black and oily greaſe of a
cart-wheel. Bailey.

CO'MPHOSIS. ʃ. A particular form of aiticulfltion.


[gondole, French.] A boat
much uſed in Venice ; a ſmall boat. Spenſer.

GONDOLI'ER. ʃ. [from gondola.] A boatman,Shakʃpeare.

GONE. ʃ.)<7rf. prefer, [from go.]
1. Advanced ; forward in pregreſs. Swift.

2. Ruined ; undone. Sh Aeſparc
3. Paft. Shakʃpeare.
4. Loft; departed. Haider.
5. Dead ; departed from life. Oidham.

GO'NFALON. ʃ. [govfav.o,Yxtnz\,.] An

GO'NFANON. ʃ. enſign 3 a (land^rd.

GONORRHOE'A. ʃ. [p^ov^and hw.] A
morbid running of venereal hurts. Woodward.

GOOD. a. comp. better^ ſupeil. btfi, [5<J&.
Saxon ; goed, Dutch.]
1. Having ſuch phyſical qualities as are expect
led or defiled. Dryden.
2. Proper ; fit ; convenient. Bacon.
Dncoriupted ; undamaged. Locke.
Wholſome ; falubrious. Prior.
Medicinal; falutary. Bacon.
P;eafant to the taſte. Bacon.
Complete ; full. Addiſon.
Uicful ; valuable. Collier.
Sound ; not falſe ; not fallatious. Atterbury.
10. Legal; valid; rightly claimed or held.

ir. Confirms.! ; atteſted ; valid. Smich,
Having the qualities deſired ; ſuſſicinol
too little, Clarendon.
Well (Qualified ; not deficient. Locke.
Skilful ; ready ; dexterous, South.
Happy ; proſperous. Pſalms.
Honourable,Pope. .
Cheerful ; gay. Pope to Swift.
Conſiderable ; not ſmall though not
very great, Bnon.
19. kiegant ; decent; delicate. With
breeding. Addiſon.
20. Real ; ferious ; earneſt, Shakʃpeare.
21. Having moral qualities, ſuch as are
wiſhed ; virtuous. Mutibe'us,
22. Kind ; ſoft ; benevolent. Sidney.
23. Favourable; loving, i Sam,
24. Companionable; ſociable ; roetry. Clarendon.
25. Hearty ; earneſt'; not dubious. Sidney.
26. In CooX) time. Not too fa IK CoUier,
27, InCooD loo:b. Really ; feriouſly,Shakʃpeare.
28. Good [To maki.] To keep; to
maintain ; not to give up ; not to abandon. Clarendon.
[To make.] To perform ; to
Waller. Smaindge.
\To rrtjke.] To ſupp'y. L'Eſtrange.

GOOD. ʃ.
1. That which phyſically contributes to.
happineſs ; the contrary to evil, Shakſp.
2. Proſpenty ; advancement. Ben. Johnſon.
3. Earneſt ; not jcft. L'Eſtrange.
4. Moral qualities, ſuch as are deſirable ;
virtue ; nghtepufHel's. Milton- South.


29, Good
30. Good

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GOOD. ad.
1. Well; not ill; not amiſs.
2. ^jGood. No worfe.

GOOD. interjection. Well ; right. Staieffr.

GOOD-CONDI HONED. ad. Withour iJl
quilicies or ſymptoms. Shji>f>.

GOOD-NOW. interjeſſion.
1. In good time; a low word. Shakſp.
2. A ſoft exci.Tmation of wonder. Dryden.

GO'ODLINESS. ʃ. [from .fW/y.] Beauty; grace ; elegance. Sidniy,

GO'ODLY. ʃ. [from ^W.]
1. Beautitul ; gracciul ; fine; ſplendld. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.t.
2. Bulky; ſwelling ; a ITectedly turgid. Dryden.
3. Happy ; deſireable ; gay. Spenſer.

GOO'DLY-. ad. Excelk-ntly. Spenſer.

GOO'DMAN. ʃ. [good and man.]
1. A ſlight appellation of civility. Shak.
z, A ruſtick term of compliment ; gaffer.Shakʃpeare.

GOODNESS. ʃ. [from good.] Defireable
(qualities either moral or phyſical. Hooker.

GOODS. ʃ. [from good.]
1. Moveables in a houſe. Shakʃpeare.
2. Wares ; freight ; merchandil'e. Raleigh.

GOO'DY. ʃ. [corrupted from |;o«i w;/^. ; A
low term of civilty uſed to mean perſons. Swift.

GOOSE. ʃ. ^Ivnlgeefc, [jop, Saxon.]
1. A large water-fowl proverbially noted
for fooliſhneſs. Peacham.
2. A Taylor's fr:<>othing iron. Shakʃpeare.

CO'OSEBERRY. ʃ. [gooſe and berry.] A
tree and fruit.

GOOSEFOOT. ʃ. [chcnr.podium.] Wild
orach. MilLr.

GO SEEGRASS. ʃ. Clivers ; an herb. Mortimer.

GO'RBELLY. ʃ. [from joji, dung, and
telly.] A big paunch ; a ſwelling belly.

GO'RBELLIED. a. [from gorleHy.] Fat; bigbeliJed. Shakʃpeare.

GORD. ʃ. An inſtrument of gaming.

GORE. ʃ. [sope, Saxon.]
1. BIood. Spenſer.
2. BIood clotted or congealed. Milton. Denh,
fiORR. v. a. [s-^bepian, Saxon.]
1. To rtab ; to pierce. &bakfʃpeare,
2. To pierce. brydin.

GORGE. ʃ. Sjorge, French.]
1. The '.hroat ; the ſwallow. Sidney.
2. That which is gorged or iwallowed. Spectator.

To GORGE. v. a. [gorger, French.]
1. To fill up to the throat ; to glut ; to
ſatiate. Addiſon.
2. To ſwa^ow ; as, the Jip has gorged
(be hool^ '


GO'RGEOUS. a. [gorgias, old French. Fine ;
glittering in various colours ; ſhowy.

GO'RGEOUSLY. ad. [from gorg^.ut. 1
Splendidly ; magnificently ; finely; ^^oaon,

GO'aGEOUSNESS. ſ. [from gorgeous, ;
Splendour ; magnificence ; ſhow.

GO'RGET. ʃ. [from gorge.] Thepie^ieof
armour that defends the throat. Shakʃpeare, Knolles. Hudib-a-s.

GO'aCON. ʃ. [yo^ycu.] A monfter witi ;
fnaky hairSj of which the fight turned .l»eholders
to flone ; any thing ugly or horrid. Dryden.

GO'RMAND. ʃ. [gourmand, French.] A
greedy eater.

To GO'RMANDIZE. v.n. [from gormand.]
To feed ravenouſly.

GO'RMANDIZER. ʃ. [from the verh.] A
voracious eater.

CORSE. ʃ. [sojif, Saxon.] Furz ; a thick
prickly ſhrub.

GORY. a. [from |;ijre.]
1. Covered with congealed blood. Spenſer.
2. BIoody ; murtherous ; fatal. Shakſp.

GO'SHAWK. ʃ. [soj-, gooſe. and p.f^c,
a hawk.] A hawk of a large kind. Fairfax.

GO'SLING. ʃ. [from goorfe.]
1. A young ^ooſe ; a gooſe not yet full
grown. Swift.
2. A cat's tail an nut-trees and pines.

GO'SPEL. ʃ. [5<''&fj' J'peJ> or God's or gooi
tidings ; wa-yytXiO't.]
1. God's woid; the holy book of the
Chriſtian revelation. Wa'ler.
2. Divinity ; theology.

To GO'SPEL. v. a. [from the noun.] To
fill with ſentiments of religion. Shakſp.

GO'SPELLER. ʃ. [from goſpd.] Folfo.»f.
ers of Wicklif, who firit attempted a information
from popery, given them by the '
Papifts in reproach. Ho-we.

GOSSAMER. ʃ. [goffipittm, low hum. ;
The down of plants. Shakſpeare.

GO'SSIP. ʃ. [from jo't) and pyb, reUtioWj,
1. One who anſwers for the child in bap'
tifm. Davies.
2. A tippling companion. Shakʃpeare.
3. One who runs about tattling like women
at a lymg-in, Dryden.

To GOSSIP. i>. n. [from the noun.]
2. To char ; to prate; to be merry.
3. To be a pet- companion. Shakʃpeare.

GO'SSIPRED. ʃ. [g'^JJipry, from gojfip. ;
Gcjfipred or compaternity, by the canoa
law, is a ſpiritual affirity. Dav.eSt

CO STING. ʃ. An herb.

GOT. pret. [from the verb ^f/.] Dryden.

GOT. pirt. petjf. oſ git, KnnHn.


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GOTTEN. part. pnj. of get. Temſk.

GOUD. ʃ. Woad, a plant.

GOVE. v. n. To ir.ow ; to put La a govc,
goff, or mow. _

To GO'VERN. 1'- a. [gcuvemer, French.]
1. To rule as a chief magiſtrate. Spenſer.
Z, To regalate ; to influence ; to direct.
3. To manage ; to reſtrain. Shakʃpeare.
4. [In grammar.] To have force with
regard to fyntax : as, amc governs the accuſative
5. To pilot ; to regulate the motions of a

To GO'VERN. v. «. To keep ſuperiority. Dryden.

GO'VERNABLE. a. [from govern.] Submiffive
to authority ; ſubjecti to rule.

GOVERNANCE. ʃ. [from gowrn.]
1. GoTernment ; rule ; management.
I Mac. ix.
2. Control, as that of a guardian. Spenſer.
3. Behaviour; manners. Obſolete.

GO'VERNANTE. ʃ. [gowvemante, Fr.]
A lady who has the care of young girls of

GOVERNESS. ʃ. [gouverneJfi, old Fr.]
1. A female inverted with authority.Shakʃpeare.
2. A tutoreſs ; a woman that has the care
of young ladies. Clarendm.
3. A tutoreſs ; an inſtructreſs ; a diref'treſs.

GO'VERNMENT. ʃ. [^gmn-emmtr.t , Fr.]
1. Form of community with reſpect to the
diſpofuion of the ſuprenie authority. Temple.
2. An eftabliſhment of legal authority.
3. Adminiſtration of publick affairs. Waller.
4. Regularity of behaviour. Shakʃpeare.
5. Manageableneſs ; compliance; obſequiouſneſs.Shakʃpeare.
6. Management of the limbs or body. Spenſer.
7. [In grammar.] Influence with regard co

GO'VERNOUR. ʃ. [gouvemeur, French.]
1. One who has the ſupreme direction. Hooker.
2. One who is inveſted with ſupreme authority
in a ſtate. South.
n. One who rules any place with delegated
and temporary authority. Shakʃpeare.
4. A tutor ; one who has care of a young
man. Shakʃpeare.
5. Pilot; regulator; manager. James..

[French.] A chiffel Having a
luuhd edge. IlToxon.

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GO'URD. ʃ. A plant; a bottle.

GOU'RDINESS. ʃ. [from gourd.] A ſwelling
in a horſe's leg. Farrier's Did.

GOU'RNET. ʃ. A fiſh.

GOUT. ʃ. [goutte, French.]
1. The arthritis ; a periodical difeaſe attended
with great pain. Arbuthnot.
2. A drop, [goutte, French.] Shakʃpeare.

GOUT. ʃ. [French.] A taſte. Woodward.

GO'UTVvORT. ſ. [gout and wor/.] An

GOUTY. a. [from ^oof.]
1. A(?iititA or diſeaſed with the gout.
2. Relating to the gout,

GOWN. ʃ. [gonna, Italian.]
1. A long upper garment. Ahbot.
2. A woman's upper garment. Pope. .
3. The long habit of a man dedicated to
arts of peace, as divinity, medicine, law. Spenſer.
4. The dreſs of peace. Dryden.

GO'WNED. a. [from ^o7y«.] Dreſſedina
gown. Dryden.

GO'WNMAN. ʃ. [gown and man.] A man
devoted to the arcs of peace. Rozve.

To GRA'BBLE. v. n. To grope.

To GRA'BBLE. v. a. To lie proſtrate on
the ground.

GRACE. ʃ. [grace, French.]
1. Favour ; kindneſs. Sidney.
2. Favourable influence of God on the hunian
mind, Mwton. Common Prayer.
3. Virtue ; erTeft orCod's influence. Pope.
4. Pardon, Jlfil-on,
5. Favour conferred. Prior.
6. Privilege. , Dryden.
7. A goddeſs, by the heathens ſuppoied to
beflow beauty. Prior.
8. Behaviour, conſidered as decent or unbecoming. Temple.
9. Adventitious of artificial beauty. Dryden.
10. Natural excellence. Hooker.
11. Embelliſhment ; recommendation; beauty, Dryden.
12. Single beauty. Dryden.
13. Ornament ; flower; higheſt perfection.Shakʃpeare.
14. Virtue ; goodneſs. Shakʃpeare.
15. Virtue phyſical. Shakʃpeare.
16. The title of a duke ; formerly of the
king, meaning the ſame as pur goodneſs,
or your clemency. Bacon.
17. A ſhort prayer ſaid before and after
meat, Swift.

GRACE-CUP. ʃ. [grace and cup] The
cup or health drank after grace. Prior.

To GRACE. 1'. a.
1. To

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t. To adorn ; to dignify ; to embelliſh. Hooker.
2.To dignify or raiſe by an act of favour. Dryden.
3. To favour. Dryden.

GRA'CED. a. [from ^rfl«.]
1. Beautiful/; grdceful. Sidney.
1. Virtuous ; regular ; chaſte. Shakſp.

CRA'CEFUL. a. [from grace.] Beautirul
with dignity. Pope. .

GRA'CEFULLT. fl(/. [item grateful.] Elc
ganrjy ; with pleaſing digniiv. iSwift.

GRA'CEFULXEsS. ʃ. [from ^ra^^/u/.jElegancy
of manner ; dignity with beauty. Dryden.

GRA'CELESS. a. [from ^r^ff.] Without
grace ; wicked ; abandoned. UpenJ^r.

GRA'CES. ʃ. Good graces for favour is feldom
uſed in the ſingular. Hudibras.

GRA'CILE. a. [graalii, Latin.] Slender
; ſmall.

CRA'CILENT. a. [gracilentus, Latin.]Lean.

G:iACI'LITY>. ʃ. [gractlttas, Latin.] Slenderneſs.

GRA CIOUS. a. [gracieux, Fr.]
1. Merciful ; benevolent. South.
2. Favourable ; kind. 2 Ktngt,
3. Acceptable ; /avoured. Clarendojn,
4. Virtuous ; good. Shakʃpeare.
5. Excellent. Hooker.
6. Graceful ; becoming. Camden.

GRA'CIOUSLY. ad. [from graciou:.]
1. Kindly ; with kind condeſcenſion. Dryden.
2. In a pleaſing manner.

GRA'CIOUSNESS. ʃ. [from gracku:.]
1. Kind condeſcenſion. Clarenden.
2. Pleaſing manner.

GRADATION. ʃ. [gradation, French.]
1. Regular progref. from one degree to
another. L'Eſtrange.
2. Regular advance flep by flep.Shakʃpeare.
3. Order ; arrangement. Shakʃpeare.
4. Regular proceſs of argument. Houth,

CRA'DATORY. ʃ. [gradus, Latin.] Steps
from the cloifter into the church.

GRA'DIENT. a. [gradiem, Latin.] Walking.


GRA'DUAL. a. [graduel, French.] Proceeding
by degrees ; advancing flep by
ſtep. Milton, South.

GRA'DUAL. ʃ. [gradut, Latin.] An order
of ſteps. D'-ydsn,

GRADUA'LITY. ʃ. [from gradual] Regular
prugreilion. Brownt,

GRADUALLY. ad. [from g-adual.] By
degrees; in regular progreſſion. Newfon.

To GRA'DUATE. v. a. [graduer, Fr.]
1. To dignify with a degree in the univerſicy. Carew.
2. To mark with degrees. Denham.

3. To nife to a higher place in th? ſcafc
of metals. Boyts.
4. To heighten ; to improve, Brown.

GRA'DUAIE. ſa^ra^i/e', French.] A man
dignified with an acade.Tiical degree. Brown.

GRADUATION. ʃ. [gradt^aiior. Fr.]
1. R&gular progreſſion by ſuccellion of degrees.
2. The z(X of conferring academical degrees.

GRAFF. ʃ. [See Grave.] A ditch ; a
moat. C^nrendoni

GRAFF. ʃ. [greffe, French.] A ſmall

GRAFT. ʃ. branch inferted into the ſtock
of another tree, and nouriſhed by its fap,
but bearing its own fruit ; a young cyon. Raleigh, Pope. .

To GRAFF. 2 r /r L- k 1

' l&ff'' French.]
1. To inlert a cyon or branch of one tree
into the flock of another. Dryden.
2. To propagate by infertion or inoculation,
3. To infert into a place or body to which
it did not originally beL'ng. R.mans.
4. To fill with an adfcititiODS branch.Shakʃpeare.
5. To join one thing ſo as to receive ſupport
from another. Swift.

GRATFER. ʃ. [from graff, or graft.] One
who propagates fruit by grafting. Evelyn.

GRAIL. f. [from ^rre, French.] Small
particles of any kind. Spenſer.

GliAIN. ʃ. [^ra/n^, French ; g'avum, Lat.]
1. A ſingle feed of corn, Shakʃpeare.
2. Corn. Dryden.
3. The feed of any fruit.
4. Any minote particle ; any fiogle body,Shakʃpeare.
5. The ſmalleſt weight, of which in phyſick
twenty make a ſcruple, and in Troy
weight twenty- four make a peny weight ; a grain ſo named becauſe it is ſuppoſed of
equal weight with 3 grain of corn. Holder.
6. Any thing proverbially ſmall, Wifd,
7. Grain of yl/owance. Something indulged
or remitted. Watts.
8. The direction of the fibres of wood, or
other fibrous matter. Shakʃpeare.
9. The body of the wood. Dryden.
10. The body conſidered with reſpect to
the form or direction of the conſtituent
particles, Brown.
11. Died orftained ſubſtance. Spenſer.
12. Temper 3 diſpoſition ; inclination ;
humour. Hudtbrss,
13. The heart ; the bottom. Hayward.
14. The form of the ſurface with regard
to ro(ighneſs and ſmoothneſs. Newton.

GRA'INED. a. [from grain.] Rough ; made ieſs fijiooth, Shakʃpeare.

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GRAINS. ʃ. [without a ſingular.] The

CP.AKDE'VITY. ſ. [from granda'Vus.Lat.]
Great age ; length ut life. Diif.

GRANDE'VOUS. a. [grandavus, Latin.]
Long lived ; of great age. Z);iS.

GRA'NDEUR. ʃ. [French.]
1. State ; ſplendour of appearance ; magnificence. South.
2. Elevation of ſentiment or language.

GRA'NDFATHER. ʃ. [gravd ^^nifaiher.l
The father of my father or mother. Bacon.

GRANDI'FICK. a. [grandis and /ado,
Latin.] Making great. Di£i.

GRANDINOUS. a. [grando, Latin.] Full
of hail.

GRA'NDITY. ʃ. [from grandii, Latin.]
Greatneſs ; grandeur. Camden.
art which teaches the relations of words to
GRA'NDMOTHER,/. [grand and mother,'.
< ach other. Locke. The father's or mother's mother. ITim,
2. Propriety or juflneſs of ſpeech. Drji/.

GRA'NDSIRE. ſ. [grand and Jire.'.
3. The book that tieats of the various re- !
Grandfa.ther. Denham, Prior.
lations of words to one another,
2- Any anctfior, poetically. Pope. .

GRA'NDSON. ſ. [grand atA ſon.]

GRA'MMAR 6W.W. ſ.A ſchool in which The
the learned languages are grammatically ſon of a ſon or daughter. Swift.
hufts of malt e.]haufled in brewing Ben. Johnſon.

CRA'INY. a. [itqxa grain.]
1. Full of corn.
2. Full of giains or kernels.

GRAME'RCV. micr. [contradTed from ^'-fin; me mercy.]
An oblolete expreſſion of ſurpriſe.Shakʃpeare.

GRAMI'NEOUS. a. [gramineus, Latin.]

GRAMINIVOROUS. a. [gramen and voro,
t-itin.] Graff-eating. Shakſp.

.GRA'MMAR. ʃ. [grammaire, French.]
grammatica, Latin.
The I'cieiice of ſpeaking correflly ; the
taught. Lock

GRAMMA'RIAN. ʃ. [graAmaWitn, Fr.
from grammar.] One who teaches grammar
; a phi'ologer. Holder.

GRAMMA'TICAL. a. [grammatiijl, Fr.]
1. Belonging to grammar. Sidney.

IL. Taught by grammar. Dryden.

GRAMMA'TICALLY. ad. [from grammatical.]
According to the rales or ſcience of
grammar. Watts.

[Latin.] A
m.ean verbal pedant ; a low grammarian.

GRA'MPLE. ʃ. Acrabfiſh.

GRA'Mt'US. ʃ. A large fife of the cetaceous

GRA'N.ARY. ʃ. [granarium, Latin.] A
florehouſe for thrtlhed corn. A-ldifon.

GRA'NATE . ſ. [from granum, Lat.] A kind
of marble Id called, becauſe it is marked
with ſmall variegations like grains.

GRAND. a. [grar.d, French ; grandis,
1. Great ; illuſtrious ; high in power.
; Rc-leigh.
2. Great ; ſplendid ; magnificent. Young.
3. Noble; ſublime ; lofty; conceived or
exprpffed with great dignity.
4. It is I'.ftd to Cgnify aſcent or deſcent of

GRA'NDAM. ʃ. [grand and djtn or dame.]
1. Grandmother; my father's or moihsr's
mother. Shakʃpeare.
An old withered woman. Dryd.

GRANGE. ʃ. [gra'ge, French.] A farm
generally a faim with a houſe at a diſtancee
from neighbours. Ben. Johnſon.

GRA^NITE. ſ. [granit, Fr. from granum,
Lat.] A ſtone compoſed of ſeparate and
very large concretions, rudely compaf>ed
tBgethcr, The hard white granite with
black ffots, commonly called moor-ſtone,
forms a very firm, and though rude, yet
beautifully variegated mafs. Hard red granite,
variegated with black and white,
now called oriental granite, is valuable for
Its extreme hardneſs and beauty, and ca»
pable of a moſt elegant poliſh.
/////. Woodward.

GRANI'VOROUS. a. [granum and vorOt
Lat.] Eating grain. Arbuthnot.

GRA'NNAM. ʃ. [for grandam.] Grandmother. Gay.

To GRANT. v. a. [from gratia or grati'
1. To admit that which is not yet proved. Hooker.
1. To beſtow ſomething which cannt be
chimed of right. Pope. .

GRANT. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. The art of granting or bertowing.
2. The thing granted ; a gift ; a boon. Dryden.
3. [In law.] A gift in writing of ſuch a
thing as cannct aptly be palled or conveyed
by word only. Cowel.
4. Admiſſion of ſomething in diſpute. Dryden.

GRANDCHILD. ſ.[^raWand ci/W.]
ion or daughter of my ſon or daughter. Bacon.

GRA'NDAUGHTER. ſ.[grand and daugb.
ter ] The daughter of a ſon or daughter.

GRAND'EE. ʃ. [grand', French.) A man
ot great rank, power, or d^giity, fVnnn,
which may be granted. Ayj!.f'e

The GRA'NTABLE. a. [from g-a^tt.] That

GRANTEE. ʃ. [from grant.] He to whom
any f;raint is made. S-ii'iff.

GRA NTOR. ʃ. [fsow grant.] He by whun
a ^xaui is mads. AylijTe,

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GRA'NULARY. a. [from granu'e ^ Small
and compact ; reſembling a ſmall grain or
feed, Brown.

To GRA'NULATE. t. «. [granuler, Fi-.]
To be formed into ſmall grains. Sfratt.

To GRA'NULATE. v. a.
1. To break into ſmall mafles.
2. To raiſe into ſmall aſperities, Ray.

GRANULATION. j\ {grar,ulation, Fr.]
1. The a<S of pouring melted metal into
cold water, ſo as it may congeal into ſmall
grains. Gunpowder and ſome falts are
Lkewife ſaid to be granulated, from their
reſembUnce to grain. SQuincy.
2. The act of ſhooting or breaking in ſmall
maffes. Shakſp.

GRA'NULE. ʃ. [from grarum, Latin.] A
ſmall compaifl; part iile. Boyle.

GRA'NULOUS. a. [from gra'>uk.] Full
of little ^ra.nf,

GRAPE. f. [grappe, TrtncYi ; krappe,'Ont.]
The fruit i/f the vine, growing in clufters. Pope. .

GRA'PKICAL. a. [y^i.^00.] Well delinoted.

GRA'PHICALLY. ad. [from graphical.]
In. a plclurfcſque marmer ; with good de-
Icriptirn or delineation.

GRA'PNEL. ʃ. [grapin, French.]
1. A ſmall anchor belonging to a little
2. A grappli-g iron with which in fight
one ſhip (aftens on another.

To GRA'PPLE. v. a. [kroppein, German.]
1. To contend by feizJng each other. Milton.
2. To conteſt in cloſe fight, Dryden.

To GRA'PPLE. v.a.
1. To fatten ; to fix. Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſeize ; to lay faſt hold of.

GRA'PPLE. ſ.[from the verT).]
], Conteſt, in which the combatants ſeize
each other, Milton.
2. cloſe fight. Shakʃpeare.
3. Iron inſtniment by which one ſhip faſt.
ens on another. Dryden.

GRA PPLEMENT. ʃ. [from grapph.] cloſe
fight, Spenſer.

GRA'SHOPPER. ʃ. [graſs and hop.] A
ſmall infeſt that hops in the fummer graſs. Addiſon.

GRASIER. See Grazier.

To GRASP. v. a. [g'-ajpire, Italian.]
1. To hold in the hand ; to gripe. Sidney.
2. To ſeize ; to catch at. Clarenden.

To GRASP. v. n.
1. To catch ; to endeavour to ſeize. Swift.
2. To fl niggle ; to ſtrive.
5. To gripe ; to encroach. Dryden.

GRASP. ʃ. [from the verb.]

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1. The gripe or ſeizure of the hand. Milton.
2. P'afleſhon ; hold. Shakʃpeare.
3. Power of feizing. Clarenden.

GRA'SPER. ʃ. [from graſp.] One that

GRASS. ʃ. [5jiajp, Saxon.] The common
herbage of field on which cattle feed. Temple.

GRASS of ParnaJ/ui. ſ. [parnajia, Latin.
; A plant.

To GRASS. v. n. To breed graft, Tuſſer.

GRASS-PLOT. ʃ. fgrafi and plot.] A ſmall
level covered with ITiort grMs. Mortim^-r

GRASS-POLY. A ſpecies of WillowI


GRA'SSINESS. ʃ. [from grr>ffy.] The ſtate
of abounding in graſs,

GRA'S.'jY. a. [from graft.] Covered with
gf'ifs. Milton, Dryden.

GRATE. ʃ. ^crates, Latin.]
1. Partition made with bars placed ne.3r to
one another, Addiſon.
2. The range of bars within v^hich fires
are made. Spectator.

To GRATE. ʃ. a. [gratter,French.]
1. To rub or wear any thing b'y the attrition
of a rough body. Spenſer.
2. To offend by any thing harſh or vexatious. Swift.
3. To form a found by colliſion of aſperities. Milton.

To GRATE. V, r.
1. To rub ſo as to injure or olT'-nd,
2. To make a harſh noiſe. Hooker.

GRA'TEFUL. a. [gratus, Latin.]
1. Having a due ſenſe of benefits, Milton.
2. Pleaſing ; acceptable ; delightful ; delicious. Bacon.

GRATEFULLY. ad. [from grateful.]
1. With willingneſs to acknowledge and
repay benefits. Dryden.
2. In a pleaſing manner, Watts.

GRATEFULNESS. ʃ. [frotn grateful.]
1. Gratitude ; duty to benefactors. Herbert.
2. Quality of being acceptable ; pleaſanlneſs,

GRATE:^. ſ. [gratoir, Fr.] A kind of
coarſe file with which ſoft bodies are rubbed
to powder.

GRATIFICA'TION. ſ.[gretifcallo, Lat.]
1. The act of pleaſing. South.
2. Pleaſure ; delight, Rogers.
3. Reward ; recompence.

To GRA'TIFY. v. a. [gratifcor, Latin.]
1. To indulge ; to pleaſe by compliance. Dryden.
2. To delight ; to pleaſe, Addisſon.
3. To requite with a gratification.

GRATINGLY. ad. [from ^raf^.] Hatfli-
Iv : offenſively.
3. 1 z GRATIS,

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GRATIS. ad. [Latin.] For nothing;
a recompence. Arbuthnot.

GRA'VELES^. a. [from graw] Wth withoutout a tomb ; unbuned. libak-'ʃpeare,

GRATITUDE.;, [^rjnra./e, low Latin.]. South.
1. Duty to benefatters.
2. Defirs to return benefits

QRA'VELLY. a. [^'aW-i/x, Fr.] Full of Shakʃpeare.

GRATU'ITOUS. a. [gratuiius, Latin.]
1. Voluntary ; granted without claim or
merit. L'Eſtrange.
2. Aſſerted without proof. Rajl-

GRATUITOUSLY. ad. [from gruiiuitous.]
1. Without claim or merit.
2. Without proof. Cheyne.

GRATU'ITY. ʃ. [gratuite', Fr.] A preſent
or acknowledgment. Swift.

To GRA'TULATE. v. a. [gratulor, Lat.]
1. To congratulate ; to ſalute with declarations
of joy. Shakʃpeare.
2. To declare joy for. Ben. Johnſon.

GRATULA'TION. ʃ. [from gratulam,
gravel liar ; abounding with gravel.

GRA'VELY. t;J. [from ^r<ai/f]
1. Solemnly ; feriouſly ; fobeily without
lightneſs. Spectator.
1. Without gaudineſs or ſhow.

GRA'VENESS. ʃ. [from gr^ve.] Seriouſneſs
; foleninity and ſobriety. Dethain.

[gr'a-jeoUm, Lat.]
Strong ſcented.

GRA'VER. ʃ. [grjv.-ur. Fr.]
1. One whoſe buſincls is to inſcribe or
carve upon hard ſubſtancts ; one who to-
pies pictures upon wood or metal to be impreſſed
on paper, Dryden.
2. The Iliie or tool uſed in graving. Boyle.
Salutations made by expnfling GRAVl'DITY. ſ. [from fiJwWw, Latin.]. Hooker. Pregnancy. Arbuthnot.

GKaTULATORY. a. [from grattilate.] GRA'VING. ſ. [from grai)e.] Carved
Congratulatory, expreſſing congratulation. work. 2 Chro.

GRAVE. a. final fyliable in the names of

To GRA'VITATE. v. a. [from gravity
places, is from the Saxon ^paep, a grove Latin.] To tend to the center of attracor
cave. Gibſon. tion. Berkley.

GRAVE. ʃ. [ziisep, Saxon.] The place GRAVITA'TION. ſ. [from gravitate.]
in which the dead are repoſited. Milton. Act of tending to the centre. Pope. .

GRA'VE-CLOATHS. ʃ. [grave and doatbs ] GRA'VITY. ſ. [grawtai, Latin.]
The dreſs of the dead. Sperſet . John. 1. Weight ; heavineſs ; tendency to the

GRA'VE-STONE. ʃ. [grave and /tone.] centre. B'Otvrt.
The ſtone that is laid over the grave. 2. Atrociouſneſs ; weight of guilt. Hooker.
5. Seriouſneſs ; foleninity. Bacon.

GRAVY. ʃ. The ferous juice that runs
from fleſh not much dried by the fire.

GRAY. a. [jji^Sj Saxon ; gf'au, Daniſh.]
1. White with a mixture of black.
2. White or hoary with old age. tVatton,
3. Dark like the opening or cloſe of day. Camden.

GRAY. ʃ. A badger.

GRA'VBEARD. ſ.[gray &ai btard.]Ano\i
man. Shakʃpeare.

GRA'YLING. ʃ. The umber, a firti. Walton.

GRA'YNESS. ʃ. [from gray.] The (juality
of being gray.

To GRAZE. 1;. n. [from graft.]
1. To eat graſs ; to feed on graſs.Shakʃpeare.
2. To ſupply graſs. Bacon.
3. [From rajer, French.]To touch lightly. Shakʃpeare.rt,

To GRAZE. v.a.
1. To tend grazing cattle.
2. To itti upon.

GRAZIER. ʃ. [from graze.]
teedb cattle.

GREASE. ʃ. [groiJJ'e, French.]
1. The ſoft p4itof the fat. -Shakʃpeare.
2. [InShakʃpeare.

fo GRAVE. v. a. preter. graved; part.
pair, graven.
1. To infculp ; to carve in any hard ſubſtance. Prior.
2. To carve or form; Hebrews, Dryden.
3. [Yiom grave.] To -tntomb.Shakʃpeare.
4. To dean, caulk, and iheath a ſhip.
' Ainsworth.

To GRAVE. v. n. To write or delineaie
on hard ſubſtances. Exodus.

GRAVE. a. [grave, French.]
I, Solemn ; ferious ; ſober. More,
2. Of wtight ; nut futile ; credible. Grew.
3. Not ſhowy ; not tawdry,
4. N>it (iiarp of fuun ; ; riot acute. Holder.

GRA'VEL. ʃ. [gravtel, Dutch.]
1. Hard fond, Woodward.
2. [GiavtUe, French.] Sandy matter concreted
in the kidneys. Arbuthnot.

To GRA'VEL. v. a. [from the noun.]
- I. To pave or cover with gravel. Bacon.
2. To Uirk in the fjad, CamJn.
3. To pu-zzle ; to hop ; to put to a ſtand,
4. [In horſeman(hip.] To hurt the fout
with gravel coniine; by the ſhoe.
DJniel. Milton.
One who
Hon el.

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2. [In horſemanſhip.] A ſwelling and
gourdineſs of the legs, which generally
happens to a horſe after his journey.

To GkEASE. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To ſmear or anoint with greafc.
2. To bribe ; to corrupt with preſents. Dryden.

GRE'ASINEES. ʃ. [from greaje.] Oilineſs'; fatneſs. Boyle.

CRE'ASY. a. [ham greaſe.]
1. O'ly ; fat; uniluous. Shakʃpeare.
2. Smeared with greaſe, Mortimer.
3. Fat of body ; bulky, Shakʃpeare.

GREAT. ad.
[speat, S>xnn.]
1. L^'ge in bulk or number. Locke.
2. Having any quality in a high degree.
3. Conſiderable in extent or duration.
2. Sam.
4. Important \ weighty, Shakʃpeare.
5. Chief ;
principal. Shakʃpeare.
6. Of high rank ; of large power. Pope.
7. Illuflnous ; eminent. Jeremiah.
8. Grand of aſpetl ; of elevated mien. Dryden.
9. Noble ; magnanimous. Sidney.
10. Swelling; proud. Knolles.
11. Familiar; much acquainted. Bacon.
12. Pregnant; teeming. Mjy.
13. It is added in every flep of aſcending
ordcſcendingconfanguinity : as ^/-fj/ grand
fon is the ſon of my grandfon. Addiſon.
14. Haid ; difficult ; giievous. Taylor.

GREAT. ʃ. [from the adjective.] The
whole; the gioſs ; the whole in a lump. Raleigh.

CRE'ATBELLIED. a. [great and belly.
Piegnant; teeming. Wilktrs.

To GRE ATEN. v. a. [from great.] To
aggrandize ; to enlarge. Raleigh.

GREATHEA'RTED. a. [great and heart.]

HIgh ſpirited ; undejected. Clarenden.

GRE'ATLY. a. [from ^r^ar.]
1. In a great degree. RIilton.
2. Nobly ; illuſtriouſly. Dryden.
3. Migoanimouſly ; generouſly ; bravely. Addiʃon.

GRE'ATNESS. /, [from grea'.]
1. Largeneſs of quantity or number.
2. Comparative quantity, Locke.
3. H.gh degree of any quality. Rogtn,
4. High place; dignity; power; influence. Dryden, Swift.
5. Swelling pride ; affected Hate. Bacon.
6. Merit ; magnanimity ; nobleneſs of
mind. Milton.
; Grandeur; ſtne; magnificencs. tcp;.

CREAVE. ʃ. A grove. Spenſer.

GREAVES. f. [iwmgi eves, French.] Armour
for the legs. i Sa»i.

CRECISM. ʃ. [gracifn:us, Latin.] An
idiom of the Gret k language.

CREE. ʃ. Good wiil; lavour. Spenſer.


GREECE. ʃ. [corrupted from degrees.] A
fli^t of ſteps. isJ:akſpeare.

GREE'DILY. a. [from greedy.] Eagerly;
ravenouſly ; voraciouſly. Denham.

GRE'EDINESS. ʃ. [from greedy.] Ravenouſneſs; voracity; hunger; eagerneſsof
appetite or deſire. Denhdm.

GREEDY . a. [sjia'&iS- Sax.]
1. Ravenous 3 voracious; hungry. King Charles.
2. Eager ; vehemently deſirous. Fairfax.

GREEN. a. [grun, German ; groen, Dut.l
1. Having a colour formed by compounding
blue and yellow, Fi-pe,
2. PaJe; ſickly. Shakʃpeare.
3. Flouriſhiag ; frefli ; undecayed.
4. New ; freih : as, a green wound.Shakʃpeare.
5. Not dry. Hooker.
6. Not roaſted ; half raw. Want,
7. Unripe
; immature 1 young. Shakſp.

GREEN. ʃ. > » ./-
1. The green colour. Dryden.
2. A gralfy plain. Milton.
3. Leaves; branches; wreaths. Dryden.

To GREEN. v. a. [from the noun.] To
make green. [from foH.

GRE'ENBROOM. ʃ. This flirub grows
wild upon barren dry heaths. Miller.

GREE'NCLOTH. ʃ. A board or court of
jufllce held in the counting-houſe of the
king's houſliold, for the taking cognizance
of all matters of government and juſtice
within the king's court-royal. DIH. Bac.

GRE'ENEVED. a. [green and eye.] Having
eyes coloured with green. Shakʃpeare.

GREENFINCH. ſ.A kind of bird. Alort,

GRE'ENFINCH. ʃ. A kind of fiſh,

GRE'ENGAGE. ʃ. A ſpeciesof PIum.

GRE'ENHOUSE. ʃ. [green and houſe.] A
houſe in which tender plants are ſheltered. Evelyn.

GRE'ENISH. a. [from green.] Somewhat
g'een- Spenſer.

GREENLY. a. [from green.]
1. With a greeniſh colour.
2. Newly ; Ireſhly.
3. Jmmaturely.
4. Wanly ; timidly. Shakʃpeare.

GREENNESS. ʃ. [from green.]
1. The quality of being green ; viridity. Ben. Johnſon.
2. Immaturity ; unripeneſs. Sidney.
3. Freſhneſs; vigour. South.
4. Newneſs.

GREENSICKNESS. ʃ. [green and /ck.
'.vyj.] The difeaſe of maids, ſo called from
the palent-fs which it produces, Arbuthnot.

GRE'ENSWARD. ʃ. / [greem and f-n'ard.]

GREt.NSWORD. ʃ. The turf on which
giaff ^ro\As. Shakʃpeare, Swift.

GRE ENWEED. ʃ. [green and lucrd.] Djer ;


GRE'ENWOOOD. ʃ. [green and wood.] A
wood conſidered as it appears in'th'- Tpring
«r fiimmer. Dryden.

To GREET. v. a. [gratot, Latin ; ^jictJn,
1. To adrfreſs at meeting. Donne.
2. To addreſs in whatever manner.Shakʃpeare.
3. To filute in kindneſs or reſpect. Dryden.
4. To eongratii^ite. Spenſer.
5. To pay complinnents at a di'ljnce.Shakʃpeare.
6. To meet, as thoſe -do .who go to pay

CPno;ratulations. Pope. .

To GREET. v. n. To meet and fdlnte.Shakʃpeare.

GREE'TER. ʃ. [from the verb.
; He who

GRE'ETING. ʃ. [from ^f-ff?.] Salutation
at ineeting, or compliments at a diſtancee.Shakʃpeare.

GREEZE. ʃ. A flight of ſteps. Shakſp.

GRE'GAL. a. [gre:ie, grtgis, Latin.] Beior(£
ine to a flock. Dictionary,

GREGA'RIOUS. a. [gregarius, Latin.]
Going in flocks or herds. Kay,

GRE'MIAL. fl. [gremium, L'^lln.'l Pertaining
to the lap. DiBionary,

GRE'NADE. ʃ. A kittle bellow globe or
ball about two inches in diameter, which,
being filled with fine powder, as ſoon as
it j! kindled, flies into many ihaters,
much to the damage of all that ſtanH neir.

GRE'NADIER. ʃ. [g'etia/ikr, French, from
grenade.'} A tall f)Ot-foIdier, of whom
there is one company in every regiment. Gay.


CREUT. ʃ. A kind of fofTiIe body. Grew.

GREW. The preterite of grotu. Dryden.

GREY. a. f^r/j, French.] See GRAY.

GRE'YHOUND.;. [3J}i3p'>'-t>, Saxon.] A
tall fleet dog that chiifes in fight. Sidney.

1. A little pig. Gouldman,
2. A ^e'f or greez,e. Shakʃpeare.

To GRIDE. v. n. [^nidr«, Italian ] To
cut. Milton.

GRI'DELIN. a. A colour mixed of white
-uni red. Dryden.

GRIDIRON. ʃ. [grind, Iſlandick, a grate,
arid ;ro«.] A portable grate. Up Stalor.

GRIEF. ʃ. [inimgrie've.'.
1. Sorrow ; trouble foi ſomething paſt.
4. Grievance; harm. [Grief, French.]Shakʃpeare.

GRIEVANCE. ʃ. [hem grief.]
1. A fl ale III uneaſh eſs.
1. The cduſe 0; untal'ners. Swift.

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To GRIEVE. v. a. [grtver, French.] To
afflift; to hurt. Pſalms.

To GRIEVE. v. V. To be in pain for
ſomething pafl ; to mourn ; to ſorrow,
as for the death of friends. Shakʃpeare, Dryden.

GRIE'VINGLY. ad. [from gr,eve.] \n
Jorrow ; ſorrowfully. Shakʃpeare.

GRIE'VOUS. a. [gravit, Latin.]
1. Afflidive ; pamful ; hard to be born. Hooker.
2. Such as cauſes ſorrow. Watts.
3. Expreſſing a great degree of uneaſmcls.
4. Atrocious ; heavy. Shakʃpeare.
5. Sometimes uſed adverbially in low language. Shakʃpeare.

GRIEVOUSLY. ad. [from gnet'Oi^l;
r. Pjinfully ; with pain. Spenſer.
2. With dilcontent ; with ill will. Kti'llet.
3. CaJamitouſly ; miſersbly. Iioooker,
4. Vexatiouſly. Ray.

GRIE'VOUSNESS. ʃ. [from grievous.]
Sorrow ; pain. Iſaiah xxi.

GRI'FFIN. If [y^J\,.]

GRI'FFON. ʃ. A ſibled animal, ſaid to be
generated between the lion and eagle, and
to have the head and paws of the lion,
and the wines c^f the e.3gle. Peacham.

GRIG. ʃ. [i-^fi.- Bavarian, a little duck.]
1. A ſmall eel.
2. A merry creature. [Suppoſed from
Greek.] Sinfi.

To GRILL. v. fi. [grille, a grate, French.]
To broil on a gridiron,

GRI'LLADE. ʃ. [from grill.] To harraſs
; to hurt. Hvdiiras,

GRIM. a. [gjimma, Saxon]
1. Having a countenance of terrour ; horrible. Denham.
2. Ugly; ill. looking. Shakʃpeare.

GRI'MACE. ʃ. [French, from ^-/m.]
1. A diſtortion of the countenance froma
habit, atteſtation, or iafolence. South.
2. Air of afl-'edtation. Grantille.

GRIMA'LKIN. ʃ. [grit, French, and
malkin.] An old cat. Philips.

GRIME. ʃ. [from grim.] Dirt deeply
infinuated, Woodwiard.

To CRIME. v. a. [from the no'in.] To
dirt ; to fully deeply, Shakʃpeare.

GRI'MLY. ad. [from |-r/w.]
1. Horribly ; bideouſly, Shakʃpeare.
2. Sourly ; fullenly. Shakʃpeare.

CRI'MNESS. ʃ. [from grim.] Horror ;
frightfiilneſs of viiage.

To GRIN. T.n. [jpennian, Saxon.]
1. To ſet the-tecth together and withdraw
the lip?. Shakſpeare.
2. To fix the teeth as in anguiſh.Shakʃpeare.

CRINT. ʃ. [from the verb.] The art of
ckling t-he teeth. Wn/a^t,t.s.


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GRIN. ʃ. [jjpyn, sypsne, Saxon.] A
Inare ; a trap. Jiib.

To GRIND. v. a. prefer. I ground
\ part,
paflf, ground, [jpirib^.n, Saxon.
; 1. To reduce any thing to powacr by friction. Berkley.
2. To ſharpen or ſmooth, Htrbert.
3. To rub one againſt another. Bacon.
4. To harraſs ; Co opprds, ylddjln.

To GRIND. v. n. To perform the iii of
grinding ; to be moved as in grinduig. Milton. Reive.

GRINDER. ʃ. [from grinJ.'.
1. One that grinds.
2. The inſtrument of grinding. Sandys.
3. The back tooth. BiiLun.

GRI'NDLESTONE. ʃ/. [from grimi and

GRINDSTONE. S ſtone.] Thj ſtone
on which edged inſtruments are ſtarper.ed. Hammond.

GRI'NNER. ʃ. [from gnn.] He that
grins. Addiʃon.

GRI'NNINGLY. ad. [from ^r/».] With
a grinning laugh.

GRIP. ʃ. A ſmall ditch.

To GRIPE. v. a. [greipan, Gothick.]
1. To hold with the fingers doſed. Dryden.
2. [Gr;/>/)«r, French.] To catch eagerly ;
to ſeize. Shakʃpeare.
3. To cloſe ; to clutch. Pope. .
4. To pinch ; to prel's ; to ſqueeze. Dryden.

To GRIPE. v. It. To pinch the belly. Dryden.

GRIPE. ʃ. [from the verb.]
I Graſp ; hold ; ſeizure of the hand or
paw. Dryden.
2. Squeeze ; preſſure. Dryden.
3. Oppreſſion ; cruthing power, Shakſp.
4. Atfliſtion ; pinching diſtreſs. Ottvay,
5. [In the plural.] Belly-ach ; colick. Floyer.

GRI'PER. ʃ. [from gripe.] Opprt-llbr ;
ufurer. Burton.

GRI'i'INGLY. ad. [from griping.] With
pain in the guts. Bacon.

GRI'PLE. ʃ. A griping miſer. Spenſer.

GRI'SAMBES. ʃ. Uied by ALltjn tor

GU<I-E. ʃ. [A ſtep, or ſcale of fleps,Shakʃpeare.

GRI'SKIN. ʃ. [grrfgin, ronft nrt^t, liiſh.]
The vertebrae of a hog br iJed.

GRISLY. ad. [spiri, Saxon.] Dreadful
; horrible ; hideuu> ; Addiʃon.

GRIST. ʃ. [s.Mj-r, Saxon.]
1. Crn to be ground. TujJ'tr.
2. Supply ; proviſion. Swift.

GRISTLE. ʃ. [spi-tie, Saxon.] A cart^.'
; Ray.

GRI'STLY. a. [from g-iji::.] Cartilagi-
^;aous. Blackmore.

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GRIT. ʃ. [snyt-ca, Saxon.]
1. The Coarie part of meal.
2. Oits hulked, or coarfly ground.
3. Sind ; rough hard panicle:. Philips.
4. Grits are foffils found in ni:nutexn.<fles,
forming together a kind of powder; the
ſeveral particles of which are of no determi.
iate ſhape, but ſeeni the rudely broken
fragments of larger maITes ; not to Le
dilTolved or diſunited by water, but retaining
tiicir figure, and not cohering intt.
arr.sfa. J/,,'/.

GRrITINESS. ʃ. [from ^rrVf).] Sindinef. ;
the quaii-y of abounding in grit. Alortimer.

GRITTY. a. [from ^rrf] Full of hard
particles. Keivton,

GRI'ZELIN. a. [More properly gnddm.]

GRI'ZZLE. ʃ. [from gris, gray
; grtjail^e,
French. ; A mixture of white and blark ; gray. Shakʃpeare.

GRIZZLED. a. [from grizzie.] Interſperfed
with gray Dryden, Ainsworth.

GRI'ZZLY. a. [from gris, gray, French.!
Somewhat gray. Bacon.

To GROAN. v', n, [jpanan, Saxon.] To
breathe with a hoarſe noiſe, as in pain or
agony. Pope. .

GROAN. ʃ. [from the verh.]
1. Breath expired with noiſe and difficulty. Dryden.
«. An hoarſe dead found. Shakʃpeare.

GRO'ANFUL. a. [g'oan and /«//.] S-d ;
agonizing. Spenſer.

GROAT. ʃ. [greet, Dutch.]
1. A piece valued at four pence.
2. A proverbial name for a ſmall Aim. Swift.
3. Groats. Oats that have 'the hulls
taken oft. Ainsworth.

GROCER. ʃ. [from groſſ, a large quantity]
a man who buys and i'clls tea, ſugar and
plumbs and ſpices. Watts.

GROCERY. ʃ. [from gr»cer.] Grocers
ware. C urenJsH,

GRO'GERAM. ') ʃ. [gros grain, French.]

GROGIIAM. t- Stuff woven with a

GRi,/GRaN. 3 large woof and a rough
pile. Donne.

GROIN. ʃ. The part next the thigh. Dryden.

GRO'MWELL. ʃ. GromiU or gravmill.
A oianc. MiHer.

GROOM. ʃ. [grom Dutch.]
1. A boy . a Waiter; a fervant. Spenſer, Fairfax.
1. A young man. Fanfjx,
3. A man newly married. Dryden.

GKOOVE. j. [from grave.]
1. A Ocep cavern Or hollow. B'yh,
2. A ciunnel or huliow cut with a tool. Moxon.

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To GROOVE. v. a. [from the nouni]
To cut hollow. Gulliv'cr.

To GROI'E. v. n. [sji'P^. Saxon.] To
fepl where one cannot fee. Sandys.

To GROPE. v. a. To ſearch by feeling
in the dark. Swift.

GRO'PER. ʃ. [from grope.] One that
ſearches in the dark.

GROSS. a. [groi, French ; groJJ'o, Italian.]
1. Thick ; bulky. Baker.
2. Shameful ; unleemlv, Hooker.
3. Intellectually coarſe ;
palpable, impure ; unrefined. Smnindge,
4. Inelegant ; diſproportionate in bulk.
5. Thick ; not refined ; not pure. Bacon.
6. Stupid ; dull. Watts.
7. Coarſe ; rough ; oppoſite to delicate. Wotton.
S. Thick ; fat ; bulky.

GROSS. ʃ. [from the adjective.]
1. The main body ; the main force.
2. The bulk ; the whole not divided into
its ſeveral parts. Hooker.
4. The chief part ; the main mafs. Bacon.
5. The number of twelve dozen. Locke.

CROSSLY. ad. [from ^ro/i.]
1. Bulkily ; in bulky parts ; coaſely.
2. Without ſubtilty
; without art ; without
delicacy. Nenoton.

CROSSNESS. ʃ. [from groſi.]
1. Cjarfeneſs ; not ſubtilty ; thickneſs. Milton.
2. Inelegant fatneſs ; unwieldy corpulence.
3. Want of refinement ; want of delicacy. Dryden.

GROT. ʃ. [g'Otte, French ; grntta, Italian.]
A cave ; a cavern for coolneſs and pleaſure.

GROTE'SQUE. a. [groteſque, French.]
Diſtorted of figure ; unnatural. Pope. .

GRO'TTO. ʃ. [grotte, French.] A cavern
or cave made for coolneſs. PFoodward.

GROVE. ʃ. [from grave.] A walk covered
by trees meeting above. Granville.

To GROVEL. To r. [grujde, Mandick, flat
on the face.]
1. To lie prone ; to creep low on the
ground. Spenſer.
2. To be mean ; to be without dignity. Addiʃon.

GROUND. ʃ. [spurb, Saxon.]
1. The earth, conſidered as ſolid or as
low. Mdtoti,
2. The earth as diſtinguiſhed from air or
water. Dryden.
3. Land ; country. Hudibras.
4. Region ; territory. Milton.
5. Firm ; eſtate ; puflcflion, Dryden:.

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6. The floor or level of the place. Mntii
7. D egs ; lees; faeces. Shakſp.
8. The firſt: ſtratum of paint upon which
the figures are afterwards painted. Hakewell.
9. The fundamental ſubſtance ; that by
which the additional or accidental parts
are ſupported. Pope. .
10. Ih plain ſong ; the tune on whch
defcants are raiſed. Stat-Jpfaret
11. Firſt hint; firſt traces of an invention. Dryden.
12. The firſt principles of knowleftge. Milton.
13. The fundamental cauſe. Sidney, Atterbury.

I/]. The field or place af action. DanteL
15. The ſpace occupied by an army as
they fight, advance, or retire. Dryden.
16. The intervening ſpace between the
flyer and purſuer. Addiion.
17. The; ſtate in which one is with reſpect
to opponents or competitors. Atterbury.
iS. State of progreſs or receflloQ, Dryden.
19. The foil to ſet a thing off. Shakſp.

To GROUND. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To fix on the ground. Rambur,
2. To found as upon cauſe or principle. Hooker.
3. To ſettle in firſt principles or rudiments
of knowledge. Eph.

GROUND. The preterite and part. palF.
of grind.

GRO'UND-ASH. ʃ. A faplin of aſh taken
from the ground. Mortimer.

GROUND BAIT. ʃ. [from ground and
bait.] A bait made of barley or malt
boiled, thrown into the place where you
angle. fValtov.

GRO'UND FLOOR. ʃ. [ground mifloor..
The lower lloiy of a houſe.

GROUND-IVY. ʃ. Alehoof, or tunhoof.

GRO'UND OAK. ʃ. [ground and oak.
; A
faplin <i»k. Mortimer.

GROUND-PINE. ʃ. A plant. HiiL

GRO'UND PLATE. ʃ. [In architecture.]
The outermoſt pieces of timber lying on
or near the ground, and framed into one
another with mortifes and tennons. Mortimer.

1. The ground on which any building is
placed. Sidney.
2. The ichnography of a building.

GROUND-RENT. ʃ. Rent paid for the
privilege of building on another man's
ground. Ai luthnoe,

GROUND ROOM. ʃ. A room on the
lev! wiſh the ground. Tatler.

GROL'NDtiDLY. ad. [from grouvdid ]
UpOB lirm principles. Glanville.

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GRO'UNDLESS. ʃ. [dom gro'^fiJ.] Void
of reaſon. Free. Holder.

GRO'UNDLESSLY. ad. [from grounleji.]
Without reaſon ; without cauſ.;. Boyle.

GRO'UNDLIiSSNESS. ʃ. [from grouvdh'js.]
Want of juſt reaſon. lillomfon.

CRO'UMDLING. ʃ. [from grour.d.] A fiſh
which keeps at the bottom of the water
: one of the vulgar. Shakʃpeare.

CROUNDLY. ad. [from ground.] Upon
principles ; ſolidly. Ajcham,

GRO'UNDSEL. ʃ. [sfiun'o and pie, the
bad?, Saxon.] The timber next the
ground. Moxon.

GRO'UNDSEL. ʃ. [/^nw's, Latin.] A plant.

GROUNDWORK. ʃ. [grouvd and work.]
1. The ground ; the firſt (itatum. Dryden.
2. The firſt pare of an undertaking ; the
fundamentals. Milton.
3. Firfl principle ; original reaſon. Spenſer.

GROUP. ʃ. [grouppe, French.] A croud ; a cluftt-r ; a huddle. Swift.

To GROUI'. v. a. [groupper, French.] To
put into a croud ; to huddle together. Prior.

GROUSE. ſ. A kind of fowl ; a heaihcock. Swift.

GROUT,/ fjjiur, Saxon.]
1. Coarſe meal ; pollard, ^'g'
2. That which purges off. Dryden.
3. A kind of wild apple.

To GROW. v, n, preter. grew ; part, paff,
groifr. [jjiupan, Saxon.]
1. To vegetate ; to have vegetable motion.
2. To be produced by vegetation, yJl/iot,
3. To ſhoot in any particular form. Dryden.
4. To increaſe in flature. 2 Samuel.
5. To come to manhood from infancy. Locke.
6. To iſſue, as plants from a foil, Dryden.
7. To increaſe in bulk ; to become greater. Bacon.
8. To improve ; to make prcgreſs. Pope. .
9. To advance to any ſtate. Shakʃpeare.

JO. To come by degrees. Rogers.
li. To come forward ; to gather ground. Knolles.
72. To be changed from one ſtate to another. Dryden.
13. To proceed as from a cauſe. Hooker.
14. To accrue ; to be forthconriing. Shakʃpeare.
15. To adhere ; to flick together. Walton.
16. To ſwell : a ſea term. Raleigh.

GRO'WER. ʃ. [immgro'w.] An increaſer. Mortimer.

To GROWL. 1;. n. [grollen, Flemidi.]
1. To fnarl or murmur like an angry cur.
2. To murmur ; to grumble. Coy,

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grown:. The participle paſſive of gieiv. .
1. Advanced in gro>A.th.
2. Covered or filled by the growth of any
thing. ?roi:e,bs,
3. Arrived at full growth or flature. Locke.

GROWTH. ʃ. [from grow.]
1. Vegetation; vegetable life. Atterbury.
2. Product ; thing produced. MAton,
3. Increaſe in number, bulk, or frequency.
Un-.tle, \
4. Increaſe of flature ; advanced to maturity. Arbuthnot.
5. Improvement; advancement. Hooker.

GRO'WTHEAD. ʃ. / [from grot or great

GRO'WTNOL. ʃ head.]
1. A kind of fiſh. Ainsworth.
2. An idle lazy fellowi TuJJ'er,

To GRUB. v. a. [^graban, preter, grob, to
dig, Gothick.] To dig up ; to deſtroy by
digging. Dryden.

GRUB. ʃ. [from grubbing, or mining.]
1. A ſmall worm that eats holes in bodies.Shakʃpeare.
2. A ſhort thick man ; a dwarf. Carew.

To GRU'BBLE. v. a. [grubeien, German.]
To feel in the dark. Dryden.

GRU'BSTREET. ʃ. The name of a ſtreet
in London, much inhabled by writers of
ſmall hiſtories, dictionaries, and temporary
poetns; whence any mean production
is called grubſtreet. Gay.

To GRUDGE. v. a. [Gr-wgnach, Welſh.]
1. To envy ; to ſee any advantage of another
with dii'content. Sidney.
2. To give or take unvi^illingly, Addiſon.

To GRUDGE. v. n.
1. To murmur ; to repine. Hook,
2. To be unwilling ; to be reluftant. Raleigh.
3. To be envious, James..
4. To wiſh in ſecret. Dryden.
5. To give or have any uneaſy remains. Dryden.

GRUDGE. ʃ. [from the v.^rb.]
1. Old quarrel; inveterate malevolence. Sidney.
2. Anger ; ill-will, Swift.
3. Unwillingneſs to benefit.
4. Envy; odium; invidious cenſure. Ben. Johnſon.
5. Remorſe of conſcience.
6 Some little commotion, or forerunner
of a diſeaſe. Ainsworth.

GRUDGINGLY. ad. [from grudge.] Unwillingly
; malignantly. Dryden.

GRUEL. ʃ. [gJuelU, French.] Food made
by boiling oatmeal in wafer, Arbuthnot.

GRUFF. ʃ. [^ro/, Dutch.] Sourofaſped ;
harfli of manners. Addiſon.

GRUTFLY. ad. [from g'uff.] Harflily ; iuggedly. « Dryden.

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GRU'FFNESS. ʃ. [from gruff.] Ruggedneſs
of mien.

GRUM. a. [from grumble.] Sour ; fur!y.

To GRU'MBLE. v. n. [grmmilen, Dutch.]
1. To 1 miuinur with diſcontent. Prior.
2. To grnwl ; to fnarl. Dryden.
3. To make a hoatfe rattle, ' Rotoe,
Grumbler. ſ. [trom grumbh.] One
that g'-UT bles ; a mu mu er. Swift.

GRU'MBLING.y. [from grumble.] A murmuring
throuph diſconteni, Shakʃpeare.

[grtimeau, French; grumu!,
Latin.] A thatk viſcid conſiſtence of a Huid.

GRU'MLY. ad. [from ^ram.] SulIenly ; morofely.

GRU'MMEL. ʃ. [l'tbojpcrmum, Latin.] An
herb. Ainsworth.

GRU'MOUS. a. [from grume.] Th;ck ;
clotted. Arbuthnot.

GRUMOUSNESS. ʃ. [from g'tiwouu]
Thickncls of a coagulated liqunr.

GRU'NSEL. ʃ. [ufuaily gyoutidfil.] The
lower part of the building. Milian,

To GRUNT. ʃ. v. n. igrunnio, Latin.]

To GRUNTLE. ʃ. To mITrmur Lke a hog. Swift.

GRUNT. ʃ. [from the verb.] The noiſe
of a ling Dryden.

GRU'NTER. ʃ. [from grunt.]
1. He 'hat prunts.
2. AkinC'ffiſh. Ainſwonb.

GRU'NTLING. ʃ. [from ^r-a^r.j A young

To CRUTCH. t>. n. To envy ; to repine. Ben. Johnson.

GRUTCH. ʃ. [from the verb.] MJice ; ill-will. Hudibras.

GRY. ʃ. Any thing of little value. DiE:,

GUALA'CUM. ʃ. A phyſical wood. It
is atteniiont and aperient, and promotes
riif'harge by iweat and urine. Hill.

GU.^RANTE'E. ʃ. [gwarant, French.] A
power who undertakes to lee ſtipulations
perforrr.ed. South.

To GUA'RANTY. v. e. [guarantir,
; 1. To watch by way of defence and feeirrity,
2. To protefl ; to defend. Waller.
3. To preſerve by caution. Addiʃon.
4. To provide againſt; obje<^ ions.
Notes on Odyjfey
e. To adorn with lifts, lace.';, or oriiamental
borders. Shakʃpeare.

To GUARD. v. n. To be in a Oate of
caution or defence. Collier.

GUARD. ʃ. [garde, French.]
1. A man, or body of men^ whoſe buſineſs
is to watch. Milter,

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2. A ſtate of caution ; a ſtate of vigilarcs. Smalridge.
1. Limitation ; anticipation of objection. Atterbury.
4. An ornamental hem, lace, or border,
5. Part of the hilt of a ſwi.rd,

GUA'RDAGE. ʃ. [from guard.] State of
ward ſhip. Shakʃpeare.

GU'ARDER. ʃ. One who guards.

GUA'RDIAN.' ʃ. [gardien, French.]
1. One that has the care of an orphan. Arbuthnot.
2. One to whom the care and prefervation
of any thing is committed, Shakʃpeare.
3. A repofitory or florehouſe. Not uſed,Shakʃpeare.

GUARDIAN of the Spiritualties. He to
whom the ſpiritual juriſdiftmn of any dioci'fe
is committed, during the vacancy of
the fee. Cowel.

GUA'RDL'VN. a. Performing the ofScc of
a kind oroteſtor or ſuperintendant. Dryd.

GUA'RDIANSHIP. ʃ. [from guardian.]
The office of a guardian. h^Ejir.

GUA'RDLESS. a. [ham guard.] Without
defence. Waller.

GUA'RDSHiP. ʃ. [from guird.]
1. Care ; proteflion. Swift.
2. [Gi'ard and pip-] A king's ſhip to
guard the roafl.

GUA'IAVA.7 [. , , J,.;,

Apla:.t. Mtlkr,

GUBERNATION. ʃ. [gubernatio, Latin ] G .ernment ; fnperintendency. Watts.

GUDGEON. ʃ. [goujon, French.]
1. A ſmall tiſh found in brooks and rivers. Pope.
2. Something to be caught to a man's own
diſadvantage. Shakʃpeare.

GUE RDON. ʃ. [guerdon, French.] ' A reward
; a recompente. KnoVes,

To GUESS. v. n. [ghiffen, Dutch.]
1. To conjecture ; to judge without any
certain principles of judgment. Raleigh.
2. To Conjecture r'ghtly. Stillingfleet.

To GUESS. ʃ. a. To hit upon by,accident. Locke.

GUESS. ʃ. [from the verb.] Conjet'ture
; judgment without any poſitive or certain
ground?, Prior.

GUE'SSER. ʃ. [from |-K./j.] Conjefturer
; one whojudges without certain knowledge. Swift.

GUE'SSINGLY. ad. [^tom gurjfing.] Conjedurally
; uncertainly. Shakʃpeare.

GUEST. f. [sej^r, 5irr, Saxon.]'
1. One entertained in the houſe of anothor. Dryden.
2. A ſtranger ; one who comes newly to
ri-liae. Sidney.

GUE STCHAMBER. ʃ. Chamber of enter
tainmeat, Mark.

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To GU'GGLE. I/, n, [gorgoUare, Italian.]
To found as water running with intermil-
(ions out of a narrow veſſel.

GUl'DAGE. ʃ. [from guide.'^ The reward
given to a guide,

GUI'DANCE. ſ.{(lomguide.] Direction
; government. Rogers.

To GUIDE. v. a. [guider, French.]
1. To direct. South.
2. To govern by counfel ; to inſtrutt. Pſalms.
3. To regulate ; to ſuperintend. Decay of Piety.

GUIDE. ʃ. f^W. French.]
1. One who ditedls another in his way,
2. One who directs another in his condu6t. Waller.
3. Direaor ; regulator. Hooker.

GUl'DELESS. a. [ivoxn guide.] Without
a guide. Dryden.

GUI'DER. ʃ. [from guide.] Director ; regulator ; guide. 6cut.b.

GUIDON. ʃ. [French.] A ſtandardbearer ; a f^andard.

GUILD. ʃ. [jii'or'^ip, Saxon.] A ſociety ; a corpordtion ; a traremity. Coioel,

GUILE. ʃ. [^a/7/^, old French.] Deceitful
cunning ; infidious artifice. Milton.

GUI'LEFUL. a. [guile and full.]
1. Wily ; infidious ; miſchievouſly artful. Hooker, Dryden.
2. Treacherous ; ſecretly miſchievou-.Shakʃpeare.

GUI'LEFULLY. ad. [from guileful.] Infidiouſly
; treacherouſly. Milton.

GUI'LEFULNESS. ʃ. [from guileful.] Secret
treachery ; tricking cunning.

GUl'LELESS. a. [from gutle.] Without
deceit ; without infidiouſneſs.

GUl'LER. ʃ. [from gf'^'e.] One that betrays
into danger by infidious practices. Spenſer.

GUILT. ʃ. r^ilr, Saxon.]
1. The Hate of a man juiHy charged .with
a crime. Hammond.
2. A crime ; an offence. Shakʃpeare.

GUI'LTILY. ad. [from guilty.] Without
innocence. Shakʃpeare.

CUI'LTINESS. ʃ. [from guilty.] The
ſtate of being guilty ; confciouſneſs of
crime. Sidney.

GUl'LTLESS. a. [from guilt.] Innocent ;
free from crime. Pope.

GUl'LTLESSLY. ad. [from fMi/f/f/i.] Without
guiir ; innocently.

GUI'LTLESSNESS. ʃ. [from gui/rleſs.] Innocence
; freedom from crime. King Charles.

GUI'LTY. a. [plfij, Saxon.]
1. Jullly chargt:ab;e with a crime; not
inngcent. Shakʃpeare.

2. Wicked ; corrupt. Thomfoti.

GUI'NEA. ʃ. [from Guinea, 3 Country in
ylfrica abounding with g'jld.] A gtli
coin valued at one and twcnry ſhiliinps. Locke.

GUI'NEADROPPER. ʃ. One Who cheats
by dropping guineas. Gay.

GUl'NEAHEN t. a ſmall Indian hen.

GUINEAPEPPER. ʃ. [copfuum, Latin.]
A pl.^nr. Miller.

GUI NEAPIG. ʃ. A ſmall animal with a
pig's fnout.

GUISE. ʃ. [guiſe, French]
1. Msnner ; mien ; habit.
Fuirfjx. Mire,
2. Praajce3 cuſtom ; property. Ben. Johnson.
-^^ External appearance; dreſs. Temple.

GUITAR. ʃ. [ghitara,\\a.]\an.] Artrlnged
inſtrumenl^f muſick. Prior.

GULCH 7 f. [from gulo, Latin.] A

GULCHIN.^ little glutton. ::.kinncr.

GULES. a. [perhaps from^^i./^', the throat.]
red. Shakʃpeare.

GULF. ʃ. [golfo, Italian.]
1. A bay ; an opening nito land. Knolles.
2. An abyfs ; an unmealurable depch.
i'pen ''cr,
3. A whirlpool ; a focking eddy. Shakeʃ.
4. Any th!g inl'atuble. Shakʃpeare.

GULFY'. a. [from guf] Full of gulfs or
whirlpools. Pope. .

To GULL. v. a. [guil/er, to cheat.] To
trick ; to cheat ; to defraud. Dryden.

GULL. ʃ. [from the verb.]
1. A fea-bird.
2. A cheat ; a fraud ; a trick. Shakſp.
3. A ſtupid animal ; one eaſily cheated,
„t^ Kud:iras,

GU'LLdBrCHER. ʃ. S^gullzn^ catch.] A
cheat. Shakʃpeare.

GU'LLER. ʃ. [from ^«//.] A cheat ; an imptiſtor.

GU'LLERY. ʃ. [from ^aV.] Cheat; impo.
fl'iie. Ainsworth.

GU'LLET. ſ.{goulet, French.] The throat ; the mear-pipe. Denham.

To GU'LLY. v. n. To run with noiſe.

GU'LLYHOLE. ʃ. The hole where the
gutters empty themſelves in the ſubterraneous

GULO'SITY. ʃ. [from ^«.'c/«s, Lat.] Greedmef
« ; gluttony; voracity. Brcu'r.

To GULP. v. a. [golpen, Dutch.] To ſwallow
eagerly ; to luck down without intermiſſion. Gay.

GULP. f. [from the verb.] A.S much as can
be f.vallowed at once. Mote.

GUM. ʃ. [^guTUmi, Latin.]
1. A vegetable lubftance differing from a
refin, in being mjre viftid, and dill' King
in a<i'.5eous menſtruums. ^')icy. Dryden.
K a 2 [Doma. Dryden, Milton, Dryden.

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2. [Coma, Saxon.] The fleſhy covering
that contains the teeth. ' Swift.

To GUM. v. a. To cloſe with gum.

GU'MMINESS. ʃ. [from gummy.] The
ſtate of being gummy. Wiseman.

GUMMO'SITY. ʃ. [from gummoui.] The
nature of gum ; gummineſs. Foyer.

GUMMOUS. a. [from gum.] Of the nature
of gum. I'PWoodward.

GU'MMY. ci. [from ^«w.]
1. Conſiſting of gum} of the nature of
2. Productiveof gum.
3. Overgrown with gum.

GUN. ʃ. The general name for firearms ; the inſtrument from which ſhot is diſcharged
by fire. KiwUes, Granville,

GU'NNEL. ʃ. [corrupted ior guti-wah.]

GU'NNER. ʃ. [from |;an.] Cannonier ; he
whoſe employment is to ffianage the artillery
in a ſhip. Shakʃpeare.

GUNNERY. ʃ. [from ^a«wr.] The ſcience
of artillery.

GU'NFOWDER. ʃ. [gunMipoioder.] The
powder put into guns to be fired. Brown.

GU'NSHOT. ʃ. [gun^nAfiM.] The reach
or range of a gun. Dryden.

GU'NSHOT. a. Made by the ſhot of a
gun. Wiſeman.

GU'NSMITH. ʃ. [^««and/«)Vii.] A man
whoſe trade is to make guns. Mart,

GU'NSTICK. ʃ. [gun i^niijlick.] The rammer.
[gun and floci.] The
the barrel of the gun is. Mortimer.
[gun and fionc] TheShakʃpeare.

GUNNEL ofy a Shakſp.
That piece of timber which reaches on
either ſide of the /liip from the half- deck
to the forecaflle ; this is called the gunivale,
whether there be guns in the ſhip or
no. Harris.

GURGE. ʃ. [gurges, L^iUn.] Whirlpool ;
gulf. Ml/ton,

GURGION. ʃ. The coaſer part of the
meal, fifted from the bran.

To GURGLE. 1'. n. [gorgoliare, Italian.]
To fall or gu/li with noiſe, as water from
a bottle. Pop'-

GURNARD. ʃ. f. [gournol, French.] A

GU'RNET. 3 kind of fea-fiſh. Shakſp.

To GUSH. To n. [goficLn, Dutch.]
1. To fiow or ru(h out with violence ; rot to ſpring in a ſmall ſtream, but in a
large body. _. Thomfon.
2. To emit in a copious effluxion. Pope. .

GUSH. ʃ. [from the verb.] An emiſſion of
liquor in a large quantity at once. Harvey.

GU'SSET. ʃ. [gouffet, French.] Any thing
fewed on to cloth, in order to ſtxengthen it.

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wood to which fixed.

ſhot of cannon.


GUST. ʃ. [goujl, French ; gufius, Latin.]
1. Senle of rafting. Pope. .
1. Height of perception. Mil/on.
3. Love ; liking. Milton.
4. Turn of fancy ; intellectual ta/>e. Dryden.
5. [From gujlick, Idandick.] A fiiddeji
violent bla/l of wind, Shakſp, Addiſon.

GUSTABLE. ʃ. [gufio, Latin.]
1. To be taſted. Harvey.
2. Plealant to the taſte. Denhain.

GUSTATION. ʃ. [gufioyLmn.] Theadt
ofta/ting. Brown.

GU'STFUL. a. [guji indfulL] Taftefni ;
weli-taſted. Decay of Piety.

GU'STO. ʃ. [Italian.]
1. The reliſh of any thing; the power by
which any thing excites ſenſations in the
palate. Di'rham,
1. Intellectual taſte ; liking. Dryden.

CU'STY. a. [from guji.] Stormy ; tempefluaus.Shakʃpeare.

GUT. ʃ. [hate in, German.]
1. The long pipe reaching with many convolutions
from the ſtomach to the vent. Arbuthnot.
2. The /tomach ; the receptacle of food :
proverbially. Hudibras.
3. Gluttony; loveof gormandiſing.

To GUT. v. a. [from the noun.]
1. To eviſcerate ; to draw ; toexenterate.
2. To plunder of contents. Spectator.

GUTTATED. a. [from gutta, Latin. a
drop.] Beſprjnkled with drops ; bedropped.

GUTTER. ʃ. [from |^a//ar, a throat, Latin.]
A pa (Idge for water. Addiſon.

To GU'TTER. v. a. [from the noun.] To
cut in ſmall hollows. Sandys.

To GU'TTLE. v. a. [from gut.] To feed
luxuriouſly; to gormandife. A low word. Dryden.

To GU'TTLE. v. a. [from gut.] To ſwallow. L'Eſtrange..

GU'TTLER. ʃ. [from guttle.] A greedy

CUTTULOUS. a. [from guttuU, Latin.]
In the form of a ſmall drop. Bacon.

GUTTURAL. fl. [gutturalis,l.zx\n.] Pronounced
in the throat ; belonging to the
throat. Holder.

GU'TTURALNESS. ʃ. [from guttural.]
The quality of being guttural, Di^.

GU'TWORT. ʃ. [gut and wort.] An herb.

GUY. ʃ. [from guide.] A ropeuſed to lift
any thing into the /liip.

To GUZZLE. :'. n. [from gut, or gujl.]
To gormandife; to feed immoderately,

To GU'ZZLE. ʃ. a. To ſwallow with immoderate
end. Dryden.


GU'ZZLER. ʃ. [from guzzle.] A gop.
mandifer. Dryden.

GYBE. ʃ. [See GIBE.] A ſneer ; a taunt ;
a ſarcaſm. Shakʃpeare.

To GYBE. v. 71. To ſneer ; to taunt. Spenſer.

GYMNA'STICALLY. ad. [from gymna-
Jtick.'^ Athletically ; fitly for ſtrong exercife. Brown.

GYMNA'STICK. a^. [yu^varixo?.] Pertaining
to athletick exercifes. Arbuthnot.

GY'MNICK. a. lywjLViMQ.'^ Such as practiſe
the athletick or gymnaflick exercife?. Milton.

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GYMNOSPE'RMOUS. a. [yvij.^^ and
s-'wi^lj.u.'l Having the feeds naked.

GY'NECOCRASY. ʃ. [^.tvaoto^^aria.]
Pettycoat government ; female power.

GYRA'TION. ʃ. [gyro, Latin.] The act
of turning any thing about, Newton.

GYRE. ʃ. [gyrus, Latin.] A circle deft-
ribed by any thing going in an oibit. Spenſer. Savdys, Dryden.

GYVES. ʃ. [gcvyn, Welſh.] Fetters; chains for the legs. Ben. Johnson.

To GYVE. v. a. To fetter ; to rtiackle.Shakʃpeare.